[SCM] GeoGebra: Dynamic mathematics software for education branch, master, updated. upstream/

Giovanni Mascellani mascellani at poisson.phc.unipi.it
Fri May 24 20:58:51 UTC 2013

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 291ba832e3305699285a73b31113749ee8a824b1
Author: Giovanni Mascellani <mascellani at poisson.phc.unipi.it>
Date:   Fri May 24 22:55:29 2013 +0200

    Start fixing get_orig_source.sh for new upstream repository style.
    Other work is probably still required.

diff --git a/debian/get_orig_source.sh b/debian/get_orig_source.sh
index 7021dec..d93e642 100755
--- a/debian/get_orig_source.sh
+++ b/debian/get_orig_source.sh
@@ -23,36 +23,42 @@ if [ "x$ONLYFILTER" == "x" ] ; then
-	if [ "x$REVISION" == "x" ] ; then
-		svn export "http://dev.geogebra.org/svn/$SVNDIR" "$DESTDIR"
-	else
-		svn export -r "$REVISION" "http://dev.geogebra.org/svn/$SVNDIR" "$DESTDIR"
+	if [ "x$REVISION" != "x" ] ; then
+	mkdir "$DESTDIR"
+	svn export $REVISION "http://dev.geogebra.org/svn/$SVNDIR/common" "$DESTDIR/common"
+	svn export $REVISION "http://dev.geogebra.org/svn/$SVNDIR/desktop" "$DESTDIR/desktop"
 	# Uncompress the previous tarball
 	tar xzfv "$DESTTGZ" -C `dirname "$DESTDIR"`
 # Remove embedded copies of other software
-rm -vfr "$DESTDIR/org"
-rm -vfr "$DESTDIR/edu/jas"
-rm -vfr "$DESTDIR/edu/mas"
-echo find "$DESTDIR/edu/uci" -type f $(echo $JUNG_FILES | tr ' ' '\n' | sed 's:^:-a ! -wholename '\''*/:;s:$:'\'':') -delete | sh
+rm -vfr "$DESTDIR/desktop/org"
+rm -vfr "$DESTDIR/desktop/com"
+rm -vfr "$DESTDIR/common/src/org"
+rm -vfr "$DESTDIR/common/src/com"
+rm -vfr "$DESTDIR/common/src/geogebra/jts"
+rm -vfr "$DESTDIR/common/src/geogebra/jre"
+rm -vfr "$DESTDIR/common/src/geogebra/webapache"
+#rm -vfr "$DESTDIR/edu/jas"
+#rm -vfr "$DESTDIR/edu/mas"
+echo find "$DESTDIR/common/src/geogebra/jung/edu/uci" -type f $(echo $JUNG_FILES | tr ' ' '\n' | sed 's:^:-a ! -wholename '\''*/:;s:$:'\'':') -delete | sh
 # tabber.js is minimized and must be downloaded in its original form
-rm -vf "$DESTDIR/geogebra/export/tabber.js"
-wget -O "$DESTDIR/geogebra/export/tabber.js" "http://www.barelyfitz.com/projects/tabber/tabber.js"
+rm -vf "$DESTDIR/desktop/geogebra/export/tabber.js"
+wget -O "$DESTDIR/desktop/geogebra/export/tabber.js" "http://www.barelyfitz.com/projects/tabber/tabber.js"
 # Remove other unecessary files
-rm -vfr "$DESTDIR/installer"
-rm -vfr "$DESTDIR/webstart"
-rm -vfr "$DESTDIR/scripts"
-rm -vfr "$DESTDIR/javacc"
+rm -vfr "$DESTDIR/desktop/installer"
+rm -vfr "$DESTDIR/desktop/webstart"
+rm -vfr "$DESTDIR/desktop/scripts"
 # Remove all upstream JARs, DLLs, SOs and JNILIBs
-for ext in jar dll so jnilib ; do
-	find "$DESTDIR" -iname '*'."$ext" -print0 | xargs -0 rm -vf
+#for ext in jar dll so jnilib ; do
+#	find "$DESTDIR" -iname '*'."$ext" -print0 | xargs -0 rm -vf
 # Remove empty directories (that tend to confuse git)
 find "$DESTDIR" -type d -empty -delete

GeoGebra: Dynamic mathematics software for education

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