[sweethome3d-furniture] 04/04: d/copyright: add blendswap entry and CC0 license.

Gabriele Giacone gg0-guest at alioth.debian.org
Sat Sep 7 14:27:46 UTC 2013

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

gg0-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository sweethome3d-furniture.

commit b7983105aa54c72a6c03b9d62ef8af4a3e13723a
Author: Gabriele Giacone <1o5g4r8o at gmail.com>
Date:   Sat Sep 7 02:40:15 2013 +0200

    d/copyright: add blendswap entry and CC0 license.
 debian/copyright |  672 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 672 insertions(+)

diff --git a/debian/copyright b/debian/copyright
index 5e7ea83..2183e9c 100644
--- a/debian/copyright
+++ b/debian/copyright
@@ -14,6 +14,566 @@ Files: Scopia/*
 Copyright: 2010-2012, Scopia Visual Interfaces Systems, s.l. <http://www.scopia.es>
 License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/L_shaped_sofa/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, numroud
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/armchair/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, absfrm
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/bed1/*
+Copyright: 2010-2013, anonymous
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/bed2/*
+Copyright: 2010-2013, anonymous
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/bedWithTexture/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, numroud
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/bedsideTable2/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, numroud
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/bookcase/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, michtek
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/butter/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, BMF
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/caballito/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, sangio
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/caffe_final/*
+Copyright: 2013, Reduno
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/cartoon_biplane/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, robo3dguy
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/cissors_swap/*
+Copyright: 2011-2013, celticluis
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/comb/*
+Copyright: 2011-2013, JonFreer
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/cosmeticsPot/*
+Copyright: 2013, bocko
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/deckChair/*
+Copyright: 2013, BigMouse
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/deer/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, sizzler
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/desklamp/*
+Copyright: 2013, ColdShiverGames
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/doubleOven/*
+Copyright: 2010-2013, martanda
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/flacon/*
+Copyright: 2013, Tappi
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/flowerBox/*
+Copyright: 2011-2013, MattMump
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/headphones/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, Alaskaman
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/housePuzzle/*
+Copyright: 2011-2013, snu
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/iphone/*
+Copyright: 2013, bheema
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/kitchenaid/*
+Copyright: 2013, swmo
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/knifeStandSwap/*
+Copyright: 2013, PrinterKiller
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/led_tv/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, numroud
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/mamadeira/*
+Copyright: 2013, valdps
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/mano_cooktop/*
+Copyright: 2010-2013, mano
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/mofx_mailbox/*
+Copyright: 2010-2013, mofx
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/oakChair/*
+Copyright: 2013, Doug C
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/oakTable/*
+Copyright: 2013, Doug C
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/oven/*
+Copyright: 2010-2013, martanda
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/pallet/*
+Copyright: 2013, shivraj
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/pianoAQueue/*
+Copyright: 2013, Dante
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/plasticChair/*
+Copyright: 2013, exL
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/plasticCup/*
+Copyright: 2013, chemsciguy
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/poolTable/*
+Copyright: 2013, jeffie
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/radiator/*
+Copyright: 2010-2013, Knyghtfall13x
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/radiator1/*
+Copyright: 2010-2013, redsymbzone
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/radiator2/*
+Copyright: 2010-2013, redsymbzone
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/relaxChair/*
+Copyright: 2011-2013, semhustej
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/ruler/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, Doujon
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/shelves/*
+Copyright: 2011-2013, jclevet.net
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/shower/*
+Copyright: 2013, wfg5001
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/showerDoor/*
+Copyright: 2013, wfg5001
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/silla2/*
+Copyright: 2011-2013, starkblend
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/sofa/*
+Copyright: 2013, mitch37
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/speaker2/*
+Copyright: 2013, numroud
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/speaker3/*
+Copyright: 2013, numroud
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/stool/*
+Copyright: 2010-2013, redsymbzone
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/tableFan/*
+Copyright: 2013, shivraj
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/tableWithTablecloth/*
+Copyright: 2013, sizzler
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/table_football/*
+Copyright: 2013, Jeff2207
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/technicalTable1/*
+Copyright: 2010-2013, redsymbzone
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/technicalTable2/*
+Copyright: 2010-2013, redsymbzone
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/teddyBear/*
+Copyright: 2010-2013, manitislate
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/televisionCabinet/*
+Copyright: 2013, niebieski
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/tetrapak/*
+Copyright: 2013, tastykle3d
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/textMarker/*
+Copyright: 2011-2013, mothome
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/toiletBrush/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, numroud
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/toiletPaperDispenser/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, numroud
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/toiletsUnit/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, numroud
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/towel2/*
+Copyright: 2013, wfg5001
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/towel3/*
+Copyright: 2013, wfg5001
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/umbrella/*
+Copyright: 2013, BigMouse
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/verticalShelves/*
+Copyright: 2011-2013, jclevet.net
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/wardrobeWithSlidingDoors/*
+Copyright: 2013, ashaihullin
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/washbasin/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, numroud
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/whiteBoard/*
+Copyright: 2010-2013, redsymbzone
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-0/blendswap-cc-0/yogurtBottle/*
+Copyright: 2013, tastykle3d
+License: CC0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/arbolito/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, hermescn
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/backpack/*
+Copyright: 2010-2013, Jo.3D
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/bath_jay_hardy/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, Jay-Artist
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/bathroomRadiator/*
+Copyright: 2011-2013, nikitron
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/bedsideTable/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, SirOccor
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/beer_bottle/*
+Copyright: 2013, poifox
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/biurko3/*
+Copyright: 2013, hilux
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/boiler/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, Jay-Artist
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/book/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, Jay-Artist
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/bunkBed/*
+Copyright: 2013, NabHlEsCK,
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/cafe_set_mota_chair/*
+Copyright: 2013, voodoc
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/cafe_set_mota_table/*
+Copyright: 2013, voodoc
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/cafe_set_tonon_chair/*
+Copyright: 2013, voodoc
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/cafe_set_tonon_table/*
+Copyright: 2013, voodoc
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/carrito-de-madera/*
+Copyright: 2013, oldtimer
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/chairWithCushion/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, Jay-Artist
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/chair_deck/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, north.star
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/childChair/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, Radio_hate
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/choppingBoard/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, Jay-Artist
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/clock/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, krabz
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/coffeeTable/*
+Copyright: 2011-2013, nikitron
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/coffee_cup/*
+Copyright: 2013, dzerbs
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/cornerSofa/*
+Copyright: 2011-2013, nikitron
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/ella_chair_f/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, sizzler
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/fork/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, Jay-Artist
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/gift/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, tadine
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/glass/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, Jay-Artist
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/green_stool/*
+Copyright: 2013, dalenryder
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/hangingLight/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, Jay-Artist
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/hood/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, Jay-Artist
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/juniorBed/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, SirOccor,
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/kitchenDrawersCabinet/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, Jay-Artist
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/kitchenGlassDoorCabinet/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, Jay-Artist and Emmanuel Puybaret / eTeks
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/kitchenIsland/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, Jay-Artist
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/kitchenKnife/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, Jay-Artist
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/kitchenLowerCabinet/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, Jay-Artist
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/kitchenSink/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, Jay-Artist
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/kitchenSmallLowerCabinet/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, Jay-Artist
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/kitchenSmallUpperCabinet/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, Jay-Artist
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/kitchenTools/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, Jay-Artist
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/kitchenUpperCabinet/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, Jay-Artist
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/kitchenblender/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, PrinterKiller
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/knife/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, Jay-Artist
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/largePan/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, Jay-Artist
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/largeStove/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, Jay-Artist
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/leaf_chair/*
+Copyright: 2013, voodoc
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/lipStick/*
+Copyright: 2013, bjo.bernis
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/luckyBamboo/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, renderbob
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/microwave/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, Jay-Artist
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/mobile/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, SONGKRO
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/piano/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, LVlittering
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/poolLounge/*
+Copyright: 2013, LarryStephenRobb
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/radio/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, Jay-Artist
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/rubix2/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, farcgs
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/sef-kasa/*
+Copyright: 2013, bocko
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/simpleDesk/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, SirOccor
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/spoon/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, Jay-Artist
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/suit/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, rosenth
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/table/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, Jay-Artist
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/table_tennis/*
+Copyright: 2013, bheema
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/thermometer/*
+Copyright: 2013, DennisH2010
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/toilets_unit_jay_hardy/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, Jay-Artist
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/towel/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, Jay-Artist
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/wallDoubleSocket/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, Jay-Artist
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/wallSocket/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, Jay-Artist
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/wardrobe/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, SirOccor
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/washbasin_jay_hardy/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, Jay-Artist
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/washing_machine/*
+Copyright: 2011-2013, Cattail
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/wheelchair/*
+Copyright: 2013, bgamage
+License: CC-BY-3.0
+Files: BlendSwap-CC-BY/blendswap-cc-by/wire-coathanger/*
+Copyright: 2012-2013, loopo
+License: CC-BY-3.0
 Files: debian/*
 Copyright: 2012, Gabriele Giacone <1o5g4r8o at gmail.com>
 License: CC-BY-3.0
@@ -579,3 +1139,115 @@ License: CC-BY-3.0
  does not form part of this License.
  Creative Commons may be contacted at http://creativecommons.org/. 
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+ revocation, rescission, cancellation, termination, or any other legal or
+ equitable action to disrupt the quiet enjoyment of the Work by the public as
+ contemplated by Affirmer's express Statement of Purpose.
+ .
+ 3. Public License Fallback. Should any part of the Waiver for any reason be
+ judged legally invalid or ineffective under applicable law, then the Waiver
+ shall be preserved to the maximum extent permitted taking into account
+ Affirmer's express Statement of Purpose. In addition, to the extent the Waiver
+ is so judged Affirmer hereby grants to each affected person a royalty-free, non
+ transferable, non sublicensable, non exclusive, irrevocable and unconditional
+ license to exercise Affirmer's Copyright and Related Rights in the Work (i) in
+ all territories worldwide, (ii) for the maximum duration provided by applicable
+ law or treaty (including future time extensions), (iii) in any current or future
+ medium and for any number of copies, and (iv) for any purpose whatsoever,
+ including without limitation commercial, advertising or promotional purposes
+ (the "License"). The License shall be deemed effective as of the date CC0 was
+ applied by Affirmer to the Work. Should any part of the License for any reason
+ be judged legally invalid or ineffective under applicable law, such partial
+ invalidity or ineffectiveness shall not invalidate the remainder of the License,
+ and in such case Affirmer hereby affirms that he or she will not (i) exercise
+ any of his or her remaining Copyright and Related Rights in the Work or (ii)
+ assert any associated claims and causes of action with respect to the Work, in
+ either case contrary to Affirmer's express Statement of Purpose.
+ .
+ 4. Limitations and Disclaimers.
+ .
+     No trademark or patent rights held by Affirmer are waived, abandoned,
+ surrendered, licensed or otherwise affected by this document.
+     Affirmer offers the Work as-is and makes no representations or warranties of
+ any kind concerning the Work, express, implied, statutory or otherwise,
+ including without limitation warranties of title, merchantability, fitness for a
+ particular purpose, non infringement, or the absence of latent or other defects,
+ accuracy, or the present or absence of errors, whether or not discoverable, all
+ to the greatest extent permissible under applicable law.
+     Affirmer disclaims responsibility for clearing rights of other persons that
+ may apply to the Work or any use thereof, including without limitation any
+ person's Copyright and Related Rights in the Work. Further, Affirmer disclaims
+ responsibility for obtaining any necessary consents, permissions or other rights
+ required for any use of the Work.
+     Affirmer understands and acknowledges that Creative Commons is not a party
+ to this document and has no duty or obligation with respect to this CC0 or use
+ of the Work.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-java/sweethome3d-furniture.git

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