[sikuli] tag X1.0-rc2 created (now 02e2682)

Gilles Filippini pini at alioth.debian.org
Sun Sep 29 11:59:12 UTC 2013

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

pini pushed a change to tag X1.0-rc2
in repository sikuli.

        at  02e2682   (commit)
This tag includes the following new commits:

       new  7365773   import all files except release/ from the old svn repository
       new  93d98c4   added KEY_CMD, KEY_WIN fixed the document of find()
       new  ef0a142   fixed Makefiles 1) move default rule to the right position; 2) add /usr/local/include/tesseract in native/Makefile.common
       new  30f0451   fixed Bug #511749 always generates .similar() using Locale.ENGLISH
       new  6c5bfd6   fixed possible memory leaks in the template-matcher speed up the matching engine
       new  3a8c6f8   fixed Bug #511748 disables capturing function while in the capture mode.
       new  59c15b7   let Makefile be compatiable for both Linux and Mac Mac: openApp(c) executes any command c Linux: applied the patch from gustavo at niemeyer.net to support openApp, switchApp, closeApp on Linux
       new  2de59f2   add LinuxUtil add new API: paste( [image pattern], text)
       new  2fcfe7c   add new API: hover(img) fixed that the command line tool can't run a script that has '.' in its filename.
       new  5a4a13a   supports Sikuli's executable file format: .skl    - add "Export executable" in File menu    - run .skl by double-clicking on it (Mac)
       new  33fe1c8   changed Java 6 requirement to Java 5 move from javax.swing.GroupLayout to 3rd-party's swing-layout updated Leopard's release
       new  8c80ba1   fixed jumpTo() if there's only one line add org.jdesktop.layout to all GroupLayout class in PreferencesWin fixed the testing of Mac 10.5/10.6 in Makefile
       new  199dc53   type() supports '\r'
       new  5759a73   add a new Jython class Key to support special keys:    TAB, ESC, F1~F15, UP, DOWN, RIGHT, LEFT, ENTER, BACKSPACE,    INSERT, DELETE, HOME, END, PAGE_UP, PAGE_DOWN
       new  e653a08   update doc for Jython APIs
       new  95678a3   fixed Makefile in sikuli-ide 0.9.7 release is ready (osx-10.6)
       new  db31df8   runs .skl from command line
       new  27c1b6e   sikuli-ide.sh: auto-cd to sikuli's directory
       new  f91d2d8   add Sikuli-IDE.bat to launch sikuli in command line slashify script path for ScriptRunner 0.9.7 release for windows
       new  1df1dfa   add .bat in Sikuli-IDE-win-*.zip release fixed Sikuli-IDE.bat for linking errors
       new  cb53777   fixed UnsatisfiedLinkError of VDict on win32
       new  b076866   fixed memory leak (Bug #511770)
       new  3e34810   [Linux] supports global screenshot & script stopping shortcuts (thanks to jxgrabkey!)
       new  e9e15a4   add test-scripts: linux-basic
       new  bf7b334   remove lib/sikuli-script.jar (all platforms can build this from scratch now.) add jxgrabkey
       new  112628e   use gnu make to build windows version instead of nmake
       new  44c157a   add test-script: win-basic
       new  c5918c2   fixed Bug #515406 - double "\" generated into Sikuli-IDE.bat add test_release in Makefile.win32
       new  7382fab   enable ANTI-ALIAS for text rendering (Bug #515592)
       new  d3c9b9c   add test-script for mac
       new  56f7731   Fixed Bug #516233 openApp() works exactly the same as switchApp() on Mac
       new  dfc91e7   paste() really supports unicode string now. usage: paste( unicode("some i18n string...") ). But u"..." doesn't work somehow.
       new  30129c4   vision major update
       new  892f3d0   fixed compile error: MacUtil.java fixed Bug #517243
       new  9ad6436   Fixed Bug #523660:    set default setThrowException to True    import FindFailed
       new  1a483f2   exception FindFailed now has more helpful information (line number, file name). Thanks to RaiMan's idea. (Question #101431)
       new  ecc49cd   fixed Bug #519916 (click modifiers don't work)
       new  529045b   fixed Bug #525267    type("%") gives UnknownFormatConversionException
       new  f7b3210   add a new API:    run(command) - runs a string command and returns its output.
       new  dd9513e   replace JFileChooser with awt.FileDialog
       new  c6596b0   extract class FileChooser. replace all file dialogs with our FileChooser.    related bug: Bug #517113, Bug #516375 (not sure how the awt FileDialog looks like on Windows, Linux.)
       new  f21bbb2   fixed Bug #523718: setAutoWaitTimeout(0) stops exception handling
       new  35152b6   fixed Bug #518491    type(): add a small delay between typing each char
       new  65d0aee   fixed the Makefile for the new vision engine
       new  fa71270   [win32] add /O2 to CL
       new  e569a9e   use JFileChooser instead of FileDialog on Windows and Linux. Remember the last visited folder.
       new  df4ed50   fixed Bug #515914 (crashed if VDict takes capture() as a key)
       new  e9d110e   fixed crash in Win32Util if /O2 enabled
       new  5d4c248   windows is ready for 0.9.9 release
       new  9ea81f3   enabled -O2 for Linux and Mac Linux is ready for release 0.9.9
       new  d33632e   convert the parameter of paste() to UTF-8 string automatically.
       new  e42f229   Mac is ready for release 0.9.9
       new  2092636   fixed problem with matching large patterns with text
       new  5ddd84b   add face data
       new  9115c0b   merged Tom's fixes on the vision engine
       new  47d6a5d   remove ^M in template-matcher.cc
       new  cc9f3b5   merge trunk(0.9.9) into branch 0.10
       new  556a476   5-screen.png
       new  6364144   add test cases for the vision engine
       new  751f2d6   merge (add 5-screen.png)
       new  9c3be00   move testdata to src/test/native
       new  66a61a5   finished TestAbove08
       new  cc8ee1d   finished all tests
       new  d433f4a   add TimingBlock
       new  f1e6257   speeds up remove-overlaps in TemplateMatcher::next()
       new  eb659bf   fixed write_images=false in template-matcher.cc
       new  b832258   rewrite native libs' Makefile
       new  b77c850   Java Finder wrapper done
       new  e7f7a2c   Java's Finder wrapper
       new  59338b3   Finder implements Iterator<Match>
       new  ad1f8ba   created scratch-sikuli.pptx
       new  9b96d4f   just a merge
       new  de4b0dd   ignore testdata/results
       new  8f3dd57   extract ScreenCapturer from SikuliScript.java
       new  c7124b1   Finder supports IplImage* for screen images and template images. introduce new core classes: Region, Screen. completed Region.find()
       new  bd72825   convert the result of Region.find() to global coordinates
       new  26a5444   completed Region.click() supports Pattern.targetOffset()
       new  2a64b90   test click a pattern with target-offset
       new  f4d3d8b   completed wait() and find() rename find_without_wait() to findNow() completed setAutoWaitTimeout(), setThrowException() add global setting class: Settings
       new  ec16aa7   completed rightClick, doubleClick, hover
       new  bba15d2   completed drag(), dropAt(), dragDrop() add a test case(DragListDemo) for dragDrop()
       new  b58dd9e   add JButtons demo for unit testing
       new  7814aa9   move to jython 2.5.1 add testing resources
       new  8db1f55   rename Jython module(python.edu.mit.csail.uid) to sikuli.
       new  6a2c7f3   remove old jython module dirs
       new  d26a5a5   remove old jython module files
       new  bc9f4a1   initiate python interfaces of Region (wait() works) completed Screen in Python
       new  97d644c   completed Region.__enter and Region.__exit__ for "with Region:"    override global sikuli functions at the beginning in with-block,    and restore them back when the with-block ends
       new  8747799   extract Key, Region, Screen, and VDict to individual PYs auto expose default Screen's methods as global functions
       new  94f1f6e   add Location.offset()
       new  636264d   fixed Region.__enter() and Region.__exit() for multi-level with statements
       new  f3422ee   remove global setThrowException, setAutoWaitTimeout fixed & tested global capture()
       new  c5f9b8b   test all python functions in Makefile
       new  f358c67   add Region.lastMatch and Region.lastMatches
       new  75d4e31   completed Region.find
       new  d9bdbdb   completed Region.click() don't store ROI, center in Region anymore
       new  60b5e51   completed Region.findAll "with findAll()" will destroy the Finder automatically
       new  c9e0b50   add waitVanish add wait(time)
       new  dccf678   add test-wait.py
       new  a9c3788   completed Region.type() and its test case fixed findAll() -- returns null if nothing is found TimeBlock outputs to stderr instead of stdout
       new  fde9e68   add InputsFrame for test Region.type()
       new  074d31a   completed Region.type() in python
       new  1272086   completed Region.paste() add doubleClick(), rightClick() in Python
       new  259016e   dragDrop, drag, dropAt in python
       new  6941277   add left, right, above, below to Location
       new  e75dc36   remove old code in Sikuli.py add BundlePath, ShowActions in Settings
       new  0f8bd22   completed setBundlePath
       new  0865ef4   clean old code in SikuliScript.java disable TimingBlock fixed test-vdict
       new  0b09694   add capture() in class Screen Regions share the Robot in their own Screen
       new  fac84f0   move capture() into Screen
       new  dc9be8b   remove old .java files
       new  27bf028   completed showActions()
       new  659e714   add low-level mouse functions
       new  80beeb8   completed keyDown, keyUp
       new  880b2ed   add a test case for spatial operators
       new  3cda410   change the default range of nearby() to 50
       new  be59bbf   change Pattern to be immutable
       new  6aacf10   immutable Pattern.exact()
       new  f8597b5   add the skeleton of EventManager and SikuliEventObserver
       new  8433556   add a new JNI EventManagerProxy
       new  a0e22f1   completed observe() and addObserver()
       new  01a5c14   extract all SikuliEvent classes add a test case for the observer
       new  199710b   completed python interface for observer
       new  2d15460   add GridLayoutDemo (for test)
       new  064f92f   extract class Button
       new  c4f807b   add test case for observer
       new  1084f09   completed observeInBackground() and stopObserving()
       new  df1ef87   fixed background & secs for observe()
       new  74b37ed   rename observe(secs) to observe(time)
       new  de23c86   translates local coordinates in observed events to global coordinates
       new  0b698ad   cosolidate Region.init()
       new  7b86b46   rename stopObserving() to stopObserver()
       new  07751ad   support BundlePath in EventManager fixed ScriptRunner
       new  f2b06f9   fixed headers for 0.10
       new  db74df6   support Region in SikuliIDE fixed keyword highlighting for 0.10
       new  09def5e   RegionButton supports multi-screen remove tmp image in RegionButton
       new  c5705ff   supports deindentation
       new  db31498   SikuliIDE supports auto-indent
       new  94672fe   supports tab width
       new  4f13d49   fixed InsertBreakAction() for ImageButtons
       new  dedd09b   fixed auto-indent if one presses one at the beginning of an indented line
       new  6f70575   put region into SikuliEvents
       new  4723d33   add Region.exists()
       new  4ae215e   fixed multi-screen support in python
       new  b11ae7f   fixed Screen.capture() in multi-screen environment
       new  8ed6ef1   fixed mouseMove in multi-screen environments (java.awt.Robot's bug? Only the primary Robot can do mouseMove..)
       new  00acc69   use CapturePrompt in RegionButton
       new  e262b17   right-click cancels CapturePrompt CaptureButton uses CapturePrompt now
       new  22418c1   remove ScreenOverlay
       new  1c4636c   change the style of CapturePrompt
       new  29c2b7e   change color
       new  c813cec   convertHTML gets the singleton of PythonInterpreter from SikuliIDE
       new  8ce41cb   use AutoWaitTimeout if no timeout is given to wait, waitVanish, exists
       new  71ad0c6   Python's wait, waitVanish, exists use the AutoWaitTimeout set in Java
       new  4f656b4   add Constants.py, and FOREVER observe() supports time and background at the same time fixed AutoWaitTimeout in the python layer
       new  35c75e1   fix cursor position in SikuliIDE
       new  b2f7ab2   add UnionScreen
       new  49b81b7   put thumbnail's height into UserPreferences
       new  ec5d92a   fixed PatternWindow make Match comparable
       new  a8cc2cc   use ScriptRunner to run scripts supports sys.argv in Sikuli scripts
       new  48f3a8c   add a command toolbar
       new  de131b6   add a camera icon in command buttons
       new  4e11455   completed the command toolbar
       new  4cb90b2   extract CaptureButton, ImageButton, RegionButton ButtonGenCommand moves the cursor to the position of the param
       new  96593c7   add Env extract OS from Env
       new  08058d9   add test-env
       new  32ec876   add Screen.showRegion expose the Finder interface
       new  afe6136   add version in IDE title
       new  0a7b8c7   redirect python's output to ConsolePane
       new  4314534   remove binary files in target/Sikuli-IDE.app fixed canceling a CapturePrompt
       new  2165eee   restore code pane's focus after capturing
       new  56354ab   add a menu item in View to toggle the command list
       new  643ada2   fixed canceling selectRegion() and capture()
       new  fb03c62   add syntax highlighting for new functions
       new  57ed13b   redirect PythonInterpreter's output to stdout's PrintStream
       new  3e03cef   setShowActions works for hover() always show IDE when breaking a running script better messages for *click actions
       new  f7403b8   wait(IMG,0) and exists(IMG,0) does search at least once
       new  e71465b   show target in Match.toString()
       new  6d04c6c   fixed run with show actions
       new  53154ae   add Run menu
       new  d345801   add "run and show actions", "stop" into RunMenu show capture hotkey in the CaptureButton's tooltip
       new  dbf4cbf   clear the .sikuli bundle after saving
       new  da93c19   run .skl on mac without showing SikuliIDE fixed SikuliIDE Singleton
       new  1aeac76   better toString() for Region and Screen
       new  9367ca1   set max heap size to 1024 in Sikuli-IDE.app
       new  7153aba   fixed CapturePrompt when w or h == 0
       new  e898669   fixed Region.setRect()
       new  fe779f3   more keywords and constant highlighting add exit()
       new  a6890ba   supports exit code
       new  27e0b30   re-run initialization when running a script
       new  935e456   fixed dirty handling in SikuliPane
       new  4e62af9   set Window.documentModified on Mac
       new  dc0e77f   fixed Bug #514302 (show the unsaved warning dialog if window is closing)
       new  f4f79d8   add LineNumberView back
       new  3f06bea   fixed click on an image that can't be found
       new  19855da   add x86_64 support
       new  9b96449   remove dylibs in Sikuli-IDE.app
       new  8a5306e   change default screen to SCREEN
       new  a8cacfd   VDict throws FileNotFoundException if the given image file can't be found.
       new  8c045e1   fixed VDict.keys()
       new  8f62eeb   fixed cursor movement in the IDE
       new  44cda6c   add more highlighting keywords remove drag, dropAt from the command toolbar
       new  cce1ea6   add a message parameter in CapturePrompt.prompt()
       new  fef1488   add CapturePrompt.prompt(msg, delay)
       new  70ac545   add message in prompt
       new  30d1ed1   change lastMatch and lastMatches to getLastMatch() and getLastMatches()
       new  70b64c6   fixed spatial operators
       new  65c1233   Match shows target=center if no target is given add test-spatial and test-vdict
       new  c2d4915   fix LineNumberView when open files directly on Mac
       new  bfc5688   ScriptRunner runs all args (Thanks the patch from cies.breijs at gmail.com
       new  5cf9f95   add error icon in LineNumberView
       new  59cfb89   resizable PatternWindow
       new  2722e2a   add SimilaritySlider
       new  63526de   show the similiarty value in a tooltip popup
       new  e4a5713   initial TargetOffsetPanel
       new  f4ae5d7   PatternWindow: put controls into ScreenshotPane
       new  38f3a6d   extract SimilaritySlider out of PatternWindow
       new  751f967   extract ScreenshotPane and TargetOffsetPane
       new  ec9f48d   fixed TargetOffsetPane
       new  a1a06fa   completed TargetOffsetPane
       new  76d9fe5   show target offset without a match ImageButton: sync target offset with TargetOffsetPane
       new  e868c11   fixed corner case for TargetOffsetPane
       new  f5aa3c4   fixed duplicated instance of SikuliIDE
       new  bd357a7   add Pattern.getFilename()
       new  af6064e   add a helper function for sorting a list of matches: byDistanceTo(Match)
       new  08c01e6   supported i18n add message files: en_US, zh_TW
       new  1475b15   internationalize PreferencesWin
       new  dc170be   zh_TW message updated
       new  4e912c8   add .pot and .po for launchpad's translation
       new  787bb78   update the header of IDE.pot
       new  66d8902   add German translation for IDE
       new  7ed3fce   add "make po2prop" for converting .po files
       new  a5ea513   translate more UIs
       new  29d5162   fixed dirty flag for loading a files removed some debug messages
       new  3380cb9   updated zh_TW messages
       new  a58d925   add getBundlePath()
       new  e83aa0d   draw targetOffset as a cross on ImageButton
       new  7b928d1   add command descrptions
       new  03f9861   move command descriptions into i18n properties
       new  18936fc   update IDE.pot
       new  83deadb   add update checker
       new  9cbdb8b   updated zh_TW and de messages
       new  83a99d9   add Env.getClipboard()
       new  5a4eab9   fixed findErrorSource() in SikuliIDE
       new  95dc6dc   TargetOffsetPane is zoomable using mouse wheel
       new  bcbb3d5   add more items in Help Menu
       new  df2ceb4   longer dismiss delay for tooltips
       new  b685af6   add msgCapturePrompt for translation
       new  b68bfe9   fixed move cursor down at the end of a document disable auto completion for find()
       new  4a0b4e8   update zh_TW messages
       new  8147bf2   add more syntax highlighting
       new  6cf7631   Clipboard supports DataFlavor.stringFlavor ScriptRunner sets file encoding to utf-8
       new  0d779b5   fixed color model for in-memory image matching
       new  1743cf0   fix Makefiles on win32
       new  499b415   fixed native layer for windows
       new  31a2655   put in capture-small.png
       new  231a83e   win32 updated
       new  53390f0   fixed cursor movement on windows
       new  8398415   fixed NativeLayerForMac
       new  3b01ded   add build-win32.txt
       new  f425693   double buffer CapturePrompt for windows
       new  e1c5f8e   remove old opencv 2.0 dlls
       new  50e74ec   merge
       new  372356e   fixed capture for multi-screens
       new  0ccd920   fixed UnionScreen.capture() for all possible mutli-screen arrangements
       new  dda42f9   fixed zoom level in TargetOffsetPane
       new  d34469d   remove red highlighting line for errors
       new  a8f1e43   Match shows target=center if so
       new  4b19281   fixed Makefile for Linux
       new  41361da   fixed for Linux
       new  db5604b   add libJXGrabKey-{32,64}.so
       new  4743ac7   64bit linux supported
       new  7d2c7df   change the format of release filenames
       new  9c12c45   add build-linux.txt
       new  9a4bcbb   add build-mac.txt
       new  efbc339   syntax highlighting: getClipboard
       new  e54ba6e   fixed loading args on windows change the format of win32 release file names
       new  0d1db72   update Sikuli-IDE.bat
       new  2b89b7a   add java path for 64bit windows in .bat
       new  e339c80   add win32 building script
       new  e9b2b36   installer config file
       new  799b4dc   fixed Bug #572726: wrong key pressing and releasing sequence in type()
       new  200b042   draw screen frame if multi-screen is used
       new  5330f63   add global capture() and selectRegion()
       new  86902c1   fixed screen offset of CapturePrompt in a multi-screen env
       new  2bbca0d   fixed ScreenshotPane and TargetOffsetPane for multi-screens
       new  05eea07   win32 update
       new  586e466   merged
       new  bf15e0c   fixed KEY_META on windows
       new  257b704   add libJXGrabKey*.so back
       new  661a040   pyramid based template matching, opencv c++ syntax
       new  609395d   merged changes from vgod
       new  47f6fbd   fixed Tom's commit
       new  1eb652b   revert back to the old cv algorithm
       new  65e8c2b   remove ocr-matcher
       new  e3baab7   center the message in capture prompt
       new  0257f5f   The prompting message of capture() and selectRegion() can be set now
       new  82b2142   syntax highlighting for WIN
       new  673f7da   fixed capture(msg)
       new  ba7ace3   observer supports similarity
       new  737e125   update zh_TW and de translations
       new  6ddc9d2   fixed Tom's changes on win32
       new  4afb79e   fixed Bug #574249: use en_US interface if no locale files are found.
       new  2cf070e   fixed using unicode string as a parameter of capture() and selectRegion()
       new  4800af7   set heap size in Linux's sikuli-ide.sh remove tesseract in Makefiles
       new  1aafde9   set heap size in Sikuli-IDE.bat
       new  eaabcf2   auto roll back to en_US if the current locale can't be found.
       new  1c830cd   merged Linux changes
       new  f2658a5   waitVanish searches at least once
       new  fa49d33   fixed for OS X 10.5
       new  9d56e56   merge changes from os x 10.5
       new  444f937   update l4j-conf
       new  f51d695   merge changes from mac
       new  8d092dd   add a new sample script: resize-app
       new  43663aa   fixed unit testing panel
       new  345eee7   merged
       new  5a3c227   fixed Bug #577610  capture(region) gives (partly) black images
       new  03b3509   update examples
       new  31ba68a   fixed Bug #577220 exit() Function gives Runtime Error from Command Line
       new  fd682d7   move to the new opencv 2.0 engine
       new  979e51a   update set-ip.sikuli
       new  13ba897   expose Screen's methods to sikuli.Sikuli instead of __main__
       new  9af96fe   fixed vanish event fixed score's scale
       new  7a3f5e9   wait() uses new find(), not find_all()
       new  029a615   update test cases
       new  0493b76   add an option to turn off auto-update
       new  536a217   update language template
       new  f35dfdf   add edit menu, edit/cut
       new  becbb70   add copy, paste, select all
       new  d0edd33   refactor EditAction
       new  8cbd667   add indent, unindent
       new  5f76a92   update pot
       new  816cae4   rollback to old vision engine in trunk
       new  b667ebe   test the new engine in the X1 branch
       new  cc78b68   fixed a bug when the source is smaller than the target (pyramid-template-matcher)
       new  622305b   add command line options to SikuliIDE
       new  dde3efc   add commons-cli-1.2.jar
       new  050be8d   fixed Bug #575585 : memory leak
       new  17b9c28   add CommandArgs.java
       new  42a16a9   change the version 0.10.1
       new  a58f9e3   change the version 0.10.1
       new  0578325   buffered matches
       new  de8eebf   init import of ocr + WordFinder
       new  337ff1e   fixed crashes on win32 change default heap size to 64M, and max heap size to 512M
       new  8561d59   change default and max heap size
       new  a9bb607   change default and max heap size
       new  146a0cc   support old style argument for running .skl
       new  b6b9751   ocr for xp example
       new  96cd27e   add EventManager.dispose() fixed memory leak when creating a Region
       new  d904289   add MANIFEST-win32
       new  deab0fd   mkdir target/lib
       new  7eaaab1   add debug into cflags
       new  6c35912   change capture hotkey to ctrl-shift-2
       new  c13fccd   wordfinder init integration
       new  7e53ec4   fix Sikuli-IDE.bat
       new  6a3bd40   fixed parsing error if using non-digits in Pattern.similar, .targetOffset
       new  0707d1f   update Makefile.vdict.win32
       new  8b25d60   run scripts using a new PythonInterpreter everytime
       new  03deb91   support multiple py files in a .sikuli
       new  1e483a9   merged
       new  aab4101   add more languages: Danish, Korean, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Ukrainian
       new  f68b03d   add more languages (properties)
       new  c5dbbe5   change hotkey to switch tabs: ctrl-tab, ctrl-shift-tab
       new  c63b3ed   darker the unselected tabs add new hotkeys for switching between tabs (mac style): cmd+shift+[, cmd+shift+]
       new  75a7a19   change the color of darker tabs
       new  5e10912   find phrase, text in dark background supported
       new  7100f8e   set max heap size to 512M add sikuli-ide.sh in Sikuli-IDE.app
       new  939975b   0.10.1 released change the latest version to 0.10.2
       new  7ae3068   fixed Korean IDE i18n resources
       new  17b4efe   add a patch to fix the Korean resource file in 0.10.1
       new  6bd7735   applied Timothy Fridey's patch for bug #594959 and bug #526818.
       new  1e8076c   update make javadoc
       new  d4cb4ff   fixed Bug #599484 dragDrop steals left mouse button permanently
       new  476eb2f   fixed Bug #575585 Memory leak crashes scripts running or waiting long Thanks for niknah's patch.
       new  c4b6910   fixed Bug #599528 delay before capture setting not honored by auto capture
       new  12cf6e0   fixed Bug #597853 A sikuli script's exit code doesn't correspond with script success
       new  047191b   fixed Bug #610122 Failing silently when sikuli-ide.sh cannot find script, or if script ends with "/"
       new  da295dc   add an option '-s' to output runtime errors to stderr instead of popping up a message box.
       new  48097b7   fixed a memory leak in findAllNow() Thanks niknah's patch.
       new  0b85603   fixed Bug #512476 "the path to sikuli scripts can't contain non-roman characters" on Mac OS X. (This patch still doesn't fix this bug on Windows XP.) Sets bundle path in Java directly instead of calling setBundlePath() before running a sikuli script. VDict.py doesn't handle bundle path anymore. It also reads Settings.BundlePath in the Java layer. Thanks for niknah's idea.
       new  58419b0   fixed Bug #514616 run unit testing scripts from command line
       new  3272b06   extract runUnitTest() from SikuliIDE
       new  804e60e   fixed the default width of unit test panel
       new  f972caf   fixed Bug #595741 image button displayed on top of code WinXP tabbed width calculation is still buggy, but is way better than the old one.
       new  3dd1c39   fixed Bug #595741 on Windows XP
       new  2dde59e   copy opencv's dll in sikuli-script's native Makefile.win32
       new  ba9fe52   fixed "--test" not shown in the command line help --test also accepts .sikuli/
       new  e8a8c3e   auto-detect x86 java in Sikuli-IDE.bat fixed unsatisfied linking error (Sikuli-IDE.exe) on 64bit Windows
       new  4454798   fixed Bug #586699 use Brian Creation's patch for Sikuli-IDE.bat
       new  2b559ef   0.10.2 released. move to version 0.10.3
       new  f4f388d   fixed win32's Sikuli-IDE.bat to run in the command line mode.
       new  1bdb1a9   fixed sikuli-ide/src/main/native/Makefile
       new  f316a50   fixed observer's color format problem. (Bug #604514) Thank niknah's patch.
       new  32b89da   fixed EventManager's getSimilarity Thank niknah's patch.
       new  dbfe6ea   clean up before merge
       new  688d123   merge from 0.10 branch
       new  957aa04   add CMakeLists.txt and basic Java rules
       new  9fab5e6   fixed merge errors in finder.cc
       new  c21e167   add CMakeLists.txt in sikuli-script/
       new  7809501   add CMakeLists for native libs
       new  6374585   support x86_64 and i386
       new  12f6d6f   generate jni headers in CMakeLists
       new  111176c   jni headers depend on java sources
       new  0e5532e   CMakeLists packages sikuli-script.jar
       new  58cc6d5   add tests with the JAR file
       new  2d5ae7d   correct the dependency of native libs
       new  528117d   add CMakeLists.txt for sikuli-ide
       new  6ec5535   creating Sikuli-IDE.app for Mac
       new  8bc95ef   add update-ver in CMakeLists
       new  b675efe   migrate to the new vision engine + tesseract-ocr
       new  0e49aa9   use SWIG to generate JNI interfaces for VisionProxy
       new  a14f374   Finder migrates to new Vision engine!
       new  105a4a9   add several cmake modules put tesseract-ocr's universal binary patch in build-mac.txt
       new  be153ba   add createMat for byte[] to cv::Mat conversion
       new  7a76bb1   fixed color conversion (use 4 channels now)
       new  5725fb6   add EventManager and VDictProxy back fixed JniLoader:  extract tmplib/ to system's tmp dir.  always overwrite tmplib.
       new  48fa732   check if file exists in both java and c++ layers
       new  a9747ef   add setROI() to finder.cpp
       new  dbab2ec   fixed showActions test
       new  01da939   updated paths in /CMakeLists.txt fixed TargetOffsetPane
       new  98d1c7b   JNI loader: only overwrite extraced libs in tmplib "make app" completed.
       new  b252da4   add ocr support for basic functions
       new  ee605e1   add TextRecognizer add Region.text() to get the text in a region
       new  41f1f74   add ResourceExtractor auto extract tessdata into a temp dir
       new  8077fe6   add VisionProxy.setDebug disable VisualLogger by default  - VisualLogger can be enabled by VisionProxy.setDebug(DebugCategories.OCR,1)
       new  ca8582b   use CPack to packge release files    - OS X: generate a DMG file
       new  601d24f   add a new readme file
       new  ac238d3   supports Linux
       new  9f5e36e   fixed JNI Loader in linux
       new  284e8ff   merge
       new  f9af5e2   fixed fullscreen/window mode switch failure on Linux fixed CMakeLists for Linux
       new  c145831   add the flag to enable/disable sikuli ide console window on Linux
       new  1e24125   generalize the cmake files to Mac and Linux
       new  259a1c7   include readme.txt and copyright.txt in release packages
       new  de296b6   sikuli-script builds on Windows now.
       new  a714922   add Win32Util back
       new  0807f32   win32 package
       new  9322c71   package win32 and opencv dlls
       new  e2c7204   win32 packge works.
       new  c88d02e   update the exe wrapper
       new  b38b962   update readme and build instructions
       new  055f780   fixed build on mac
       new  1bb88f2   fixed tessdata-list
       new  c13b204   merged
       new  b5268d3   fixed the env variable setting for tesseract
       new  3f39760   fixed opencv lib dir on Windows
       new  f5c6240   don't throw exception in resource extractor
       new  0fa5d72   support an environment variable and system property: SIKULI_IMAGE_PATH
       new  a2638f9   supports import sikuli modules now.
       new  f941580   remove debug message in tessocr
       new  fd3f559   Image Pattern can be a URL now. SIKULI_IMAGE_PATH can have URLs in it.
       new  a80a998   add App class
       new  6f19f70   add native overlay windows on Mac
       new  860131d   supports App.window(), App.focusedWindow() on Mac
       new  ff4e72d   fixed the openApp failure on Mac
       new  820ee9e   remove old openApp code
       new  4efc3b6   supports import package.module
       new  cfd13e8   App("app") doesn't open the app automatically needs to use App("app").open() or App.open("app")
       new  8af6a1b   add a constructor of ImageLocator to accept bundle paths ImageLocator is not a singleton anymore
       new  b2e097b   IDE uses ImageLocator to locate images.
       new  86e0b54   images can be renamed.
       new  6572056   add auto complete combo auto name screenshots using text from the OCR engine
       new  8803104   add screen shot naming preferences  - timestamp, text in image, manual
       new  bd24c8d   confirm to overwrite the renamed file
       new  cc858c9   fixed resources dependency cancel the capture if the user cancel the naming dialog
       new  f12b105   update readme.txt
       new  f0e5c41   bring the CapturePrompt to top with Cocoa API (on Mac). - no flash, no full-screen exclusive mode.
       new  d9229df   fixed a crash in App.focusedWindow() if no window has the focus.
       new  ea3282d   extract Animator class (linear interpolation)
       new  1950bf5   new API:  - Region.highlight()  toggles highlighting of the region. (non-block call)  - Region.highlight(secs)  highlight the region for the given secs. (block call)
       new  1f91005   updated Region.highlight log messages
       new  3fc14dd   animated ScreenHighlighter.showTarget()
       new  b07640b   ScreenHighlighter - highlight targets as flickering circles add PulseAnimator
       new  b52382f   extract TimeValueFunction add 3 easing functions  - LinearInterpolation  - QuarticEase  - StopExtention
       new  cdcf64a   default exit code 0 fixed border size of ScreenHighlighter
       new  7d59884   close all ScreenHighlighter in exit()
       new  fc126e1   roll back to time stamp naming if no text in the image
       new  8a5346d   fixed CapturePrompt on non Mac systems fixed the CMakeLists of sikuli-script's native lib
       new  fd3e456   add smooth mouse move the moving time can be changed in Settings.MoveMouseDelay
       new  63c3097   default smooth mouse move time = 0.5s make sure the smooth mouse move time to at least 1s in the demonstration mode
       new  b5f384c   change "run and show actions" to "run in slow motion"
       new  ae930d3   change Settings.ShowActionDelay to Settings.SlowMotionDelay
       new  ac40b5a   update build documents
       new  fad1187   fixed build-win32.txt
       new  2743f39   add 4 languages: Bulgarian, French, Dutch, Polish updated IDE.pot (adding new UI)
       new  6e5ceba   merged
       new  a4d746e   removed old makefiles
       new  c153fcc   add update-prop.sh
       new  17202bf   add the properties for the new languages
       new  a1a3b2c   ScreenHighlighter supports Windows.
       new  e295371   extract TransparentWindow
       new  bcc683c   add TransparentWindow
       new  dcb8fb7   Region.window() supports Windows.
       new  1e0aec5   App.focusedWindow() supports Windows
       new  948d33c   X 1.0 alpha 5 add update-version in makefile
       new  12c32f2   merged changes from windows
       new  8586e10   add more keyword highlighting add PreferencesWin's width
       new  cfe844f   don't repeat the OCR filename in the renaming drop down twice.
       new  65ee810   fixed OSUtil for Linux
       new  525ec24   don't extract the same JNI libs more than once fixed crash on Linux
       new  ef7c8a3   fixed JNI crash on Linux (Don't use -O2/-O3 for SWIG generated code.)
       new  385a2ef   add a warning message for Region.highlight on Linux.
       new  1648f4d   upgrade jintellitype 1.3.2 to 1.3.6 fixed Bug #594529 Screenshot hotkey uses first char of key description instead of key supports region.window(n) on Windows
       new  131dd2f   fixed Bug #606405  multi-screen actions when the primary screen is not at (0,0)
       new  d910119   fixed Bug #684815 delay must be 0 to 60000ms
       new  a293466   fixed Bug #630412 check update only suggets newer version
       new  c451498   fixed Bug #625068 temp python file not cleared up
       new  636369a   fixed Bug #687559 --args works with --test now fixed unit test runner to support the with statement
       new  085cc79   fixed Bug #599955 openApp on Linux starts app in background by default.
       new  d8ffe34   add Key.PRINTSCREEN
       new  02dd0fc   new API: Region.wheel([PSRML], direction=[WHEEL_UP|WHEEL_DOWN], steps)
       new  b394bbb   fixed Bug #595283 Sikuli IDE "Save" Operation Overwrites Existing Files Without Warning Thanks niknah's patch.
       new  b7256fa   fixed Bug #608736 Key class supports all numpad keys, SCROLL_LOCK, PAUSE, CAPS_LOCK
       new  012cad8   change package edu.mit.csail.uid -> org.sikuli.script
       new  dc3def9   change package edu.mit.csail.uid to org.sikuli.ide
       new  09faf0c   remove old package directories
       new  ed0122c   change MIT to sikuli.org in copyright
       new  b108f2e   new API: addImagePath(path), removeImagePath(path), getImagePath()
       new  27bd7fd   check if the AX API enabled on Mac
       new  d58fa27   update App class  - open doesn't throw AppNotFound, but returns None when the app can't be found.  - focus return an App instance
       new  3b2a585   update App class for Windows - PID based focus and close
       new  e204308   add PID based switchApp and closeApp in OSUtil App class uses PID (if available) for all platforms
       new  0e4ae8e   renamed callback functions in Win32Util
       new  36de0cd   fixed MacUtil for the new OSUtil interface
       new  d4f6d28   don't append '.' into sys.path everytime in import
       new  7764d36   change version to X-1.0 rc1
       new  bad82b2   fixed NativeLayerForWindows add more keyword highlightings update package name in Sikuli-IDE.exe
       new  0965a0c   update win32 MANIFEST (upgrade to JIntelliType 1.3.6) fixed the bug that ScreenshotPane only shows the best match
       new  2023b2a   fixed vision.cpp to restrict to 100 default limit of matches
       new  74a0e69   revert common.cmake update l4j-conf
       new  0469fb2   NEW API: load() - loads a JAR module
       new  59e32c0   fixes for Linux
       new  66322a1   update lang resources
       new  4fa8414   update lang properties
       new  6672cca   merged
       new  1fa8cc2   fixed image path separator for Windows
       new  e17d397   merged
       new  27c9742   fixed IDE not showing images with a single-char filename. not overwrite existing files when using auto OCR naming.
       new  727af43   add new po and properties files
       new  69ca989   fixed color matching error in finder.cpp
       new  9de3974   close highlighters even if exception occurs clean up python interpreter
       new  91607c3   update the link to the complete guide add a help item to ask for translation
       new  c8a7ad6   merged and fixed Tom's color matching patch
       new  7907d3a   disable OCR debug images
       new  1758b8f   fixed Bug #693570 Save As: Overwrite existing .sikuli corrupts existing Image
       new  afafa49   merged
       new  b07d958   change readme and copyright to the dos format release X1.0 rc1 (Windows)
       new  b6b9ccc   init sphinx doc
       new  ad0a380   add makefile for sphinx doc
       new  7a9e699   added sikulicode directive
       new  5cb448a   added finder, keys, pattern
       new  738f4b7   added READEME for docs
       new  89a3429   add uncheckall goodbyetrash tutorials
       new  3f1b0bd   added "sliders" tutorial
       new  1ea2221   added desktop surveillance tutorial
       new  af83895   added tutorial "resizing"
       new  c76b03d   change the package name in Sikuli-IDE.app
       new  0609a94   update docs conf and theme
       new  71ebbe0   sikulidirectives makes a dir recursively
       new  1ca48a1   add icon update css
       new  2871c27   add more sections
       new  2e46947   testfile Raiman
       new  3e069bf   migrate "How to use Sikuli Script in your JAVA programs"
       new  b73b350   merged
       new  7d08f67   testfile RaiMan removed again
       new  84bb331   migrate system design doc
       new  388d00e   add changes
       new  a4ca753   separate toc
       new  6706af4   merged
       new  fafbc53   added tutorial "checkone"
       new  453d697   add contributing
       new  d62cd20   merged
       new  beef673   restructure the index
       new  cd9a608   fixed changes.rst
       new  527c0eb   add "make doc" in sikuli-script for building javadoc
       new  2e5da3c   update the path to javadoc
       new  32ae879   add "how to run sikuli from command line"
       new  55b94c9   index page optimized and links revised
       new  d7ff861   add new platform directives move java-dev to faq
       new  8feba25   clean up index and empty FAQ
       new  76825f6   add link to papers
       new  77b1880   add i18n folder
       new  e7270c2   add "How to get involved"
       new  0b29c47   add unit testing documentation
       new  1149325   FAQ shows with depth 1 in TOC
       new  e17751b   add sikuli.org link in the header
       new  087db9b   add bug-tracker.png
       new  9323dc1   change the title of unit-test.rst
       new  7637b83   add google analytics tracker into doc
       new  19a9e03   region optimized, added getXYWH
       new  3f4c8d9   changes optimized, eliminated doc build warnings
       new  8b85310   faq/command-line optimized, eliminated doc build warnings
       new  6d2b561   faq/java-dev eliminated doc build warnings
       new  3fa776b   devs/system-design eliminated doc build warnings
       new  b68482b   region click example back
       new  d53f0d6   globals optimized
       new  e7c4f60   links back to What is new ...
       new  76687e6   index and toc synched
       new  1ad677c   screen optimized
       new  de2de28   toc further harmonized
       new  d293eb3   match optimized
       new  020d0f5   pattern, finder optimized
       new  276492d   add Settings.MinSimilarity in doc
       new  f25ca99   fixed TimingBlock to support all platforms add profiling code in Finder
       new  6fd4ef3   fixed a typo
       new  47d1bc5   add stub documentation for extensions
       new  97afb53   initial implementation of extension manager (IDE)
       new  b3214c6   add extmanager java code
       new  fccd53b   Image Search Path optimized and indexed
       new  97b6598   add extension related stuff to makefiles and manifest
       new  830ca0d   replace tab with 3 spaces
       new  00f2873   sikulidrectives - fixed tab spaces - added line numbers
       new  d4722e7   added images for sikuli-guide doc
       new  5ed18b9   fixed typos in sikuli-guide/index.rst removed debug prints from sikulidirectives.py
       new  1e082cb   add style to document images
       new  c9604be   supports extensions in sikuli-script and IDE
       new  91749db   load() searches for the jar file in sikuli data path and then in bundle path
       new  7ea72dd   merged
       new  11f629b   sikuli-script/src/main/java/org/sikuli/script/Finder.java - init TextRecognizer on first call to find(not-a-image-string)
       new  f539352   init import of sikuli-guide extension
       new  a8f9d25   init commit of sikuli-extension code
       new  eabfe01   makefile
       new  ff50245   merged
       new  37df409   automatically load(ext.jar) in import ext
       new  8ddaeb7   merged
       new  5629a0e   set Sikuli's data path on Mac to ~/Library/Application Support/Sikuli.
       new  e66133a   beautify line number in sikuli-code remove sikuliext in the examples of sikuli-guide
       new  1a690f3   rewrite appear & vanish observer in java
       new  ca39cc3   docs/source/extensions/sikuli-guide/index.rst 	- added an example for "next" confirmation box 	- added function references section
       new  7c91c20   implemented guide.nextStep()
       new  004d6f5   made Env.getOSUtil public because ScreenAnnotator uses it
       new  c73d62c   merged
       new  4399bee   reimplement change observer in java
       new  2a96cad   merged
       new  8d1c561   added missing images for sikuli-guide docs
       new  69cea72   add the missing pngs
       new  ce3d8d8   moved swig generated native java classes from    org.sikuli.script --> org.sikuli.script.natives modified import statements of affected classes modified Finder.java to use the new FindInput interface
       new  e40f0c6   merged
       new  716746c   fixed import statements in EventManager.java (org.sikuli.script.natives)
       new  3de5615   updated doc to introduce SikuliEvent class and new onChange usage
       new  dc6b168   mouveMouseDelay standard is 0.5 secs
       new  79485cf   merged. revert tessocr.cpp
       new  67e588c   add flags to enable/disable visual logger and OCR debug messages.
       new  a4d23d1   New Developer API:    add Region.getRegionFromPSRM(PSRM target) for extensions (e.g. guide) that    need to smartly get the region from a target.
       new  4a2c3cd   NEW API:    Region.getTopLeft() returns the top-left location.    Region.getTopRight() returns the top-right location.    Region.getBottomLeft() returns the bottom-left location.    Region.getBottomRight() returns the bottom-right location.
       new  c06d5cf   NEW API  Region.moveTo(location)  Region.morphTo(region)
       new  fb90ff8   globals optimized - App, Settings
       new  c0b3e6e   SikuliEvent optimized
       new  72d2e0e   merged
       new  2a8731c   make getLocationFromPSRML public
       new  b1c1721   change @executable_path/../Frameworks/ to @loader_path/ for Mac's dynamic libs.
       new  b5047b5   native loader searches two more directories:   /Applications/Sikuli-IDE.app/Contents/Frameworks (absolute path)   ENV["SIKULI_HOME"] + "/libs"
       new  cff7fdd   Add an option to display an interactive dialog unpon find failures. In this dialog, users can choose to Retry, Skip, or Abort.
       new  aef6142   example optimized
       new  353e39c   - Implemented FindFailedDialog for all find related functions - Allowed FindFailedDialog box to stay on top. - Refactored Region.java by introducing a Repeatable class to contain the    logic for timeout/repeat that is shared by find, findAll, wait, waitAll,    exist and vanish.
       new  befc447   faq/java-dev native libs
       new  7677f14   key optimized
       new  46b0b57   Some cosmetic fixes
       new  f86345d   merged
       new  05e95b9   add the missing opencv.hpp back
       new  937a45c   add cmake_minimum_required
       new  8fea46a   extract FindFailedResponse.java add a test case for FindFailedResponse
       new  18f6fea   fixed wait() find() should call wait() if autoWaitTimeout is set
       new  a80812f   clean up RepeatableVanish
       new  1142942   region added new get<Corner>, moveTo, morphTo
       new  ba7f375   update contributing in docs
       new  874b655   merged
       new  4595a90   add new menu Edit/Find
       new  6f169a5   appied the patch from Arnaud Gelas <arnaud_gelas at hms.harvard.edu>
       new  d7f0e2e   change version to rc2
       new  79b177b   add lib: swingx add a search field in IDE's toolbar
       new  3d6d8e9   prepared region for new FindFailed concept, todo Exception FindFailed
       new  fc3051a   change setDefaultFindFailedResponse to setFindFailedResponse
       new  2c6e5e4   merged
       new  127c14b   setFindFailedResponse added, todo PROMPT description
       new  11e8db2   setFindFailedResponse added, todo PROMPT description
       new  07cd677   basic forward search(no wrap, highlight with caret)
       new  3f6a625   find next/prev completed.
       new  3af70c1   hide location exception in find
       new  ee88f6b   merged
       new  e990c21   use native style
       new  37cb182   reimplement the main layout with JXMultiSplitPane and JXCollapsiblePane
       new  14091d7   remove old layout code
       new  9fa7411   change command list buttons to hyperlink styles. add command categories in the interface resources
       new  840e24c   region intro optimized
       new  d184417   fixed observe crash
       new  ad39b98   use new Mac-style ToolbarButton
       new  7175465   merged
       new  14c68b3   new style of main tabbed pane
       new  b58fb6b   align tab background
       new  38b8b0b   add tab background images
       new  387c0fd   crop error and failure images
       new  bb0c814   add new run icons
       new  9400cc4   add BevelDividerPainter disable toggle command list temporarily.
       new  3f46362   add basic UNDO/REDO for the editor
       new  8ac771c   supports compound undo/redo
       new  767c5b1   fixed compile error in last revision
       new  a9fea22   fixed Bug #700281 X 1.0rc1 IDE Preview: produces Pattern().exact().similar(1.00)
       new  3a42e24   let CaptureButton and RegionButton show IDE after capture
       new  825fdfc   fixed getLastMatch() with exists()
       new  2008570   CaptureButton uses native UI in the editor pane
       new  bdd8489   fixed import error if bundle path is empty
       new  da1a931   use dark track on the tabbedpane
       new  eb3c20c   extensions/guide brought to current state and optimized
       new  17bee34   fixed the bad location exception in undo manager
       new  f046f90   fixed the exception when no tabs
       new  74beee3   merged
       new  b4ed15e   region spatial operators corrected
       new  6d059d3   region spatial operators correction corrected
       new  ff1607e   region spatial operators correction corrected one more time LOL
       new  9bf6da5   fixed the problem that French error messages are not displayed. update language files
       new  df3c4a6   merged
       new  2e5aeb1   implemented interactive elements for sikuli guide - addDialog - addClickTarget
       new  8a506ee   implemented sikuli action listener
       new  d6a16f2   two examples of using Sikuli Action Listeners
       new  4d78b17   new toolbar icons
       new  016a8f5   add shadow to toolbar icons
       new  ba76f7b   merged
       new  3fed4a0   Location, Key minor changes
       new  095dfbc   fixed compile error on windows
       new  61e0611   add right margin to the toolbar
       new  9dcf5b7   add environment variable SIKULI_HOME to the Windows installer add JRE\bin to %PATH% automatically in the Windows installer
       new  978f855   remove the border of command buttons on windows
       new  036c6ec   add Sikuli-IDE-w.bat for 64bit Windows set the default shortcut on windows to Sikuli-IDE-w.bat
       new  c0398fe   merged
       new  4dca2ac   fixed bug 707207 X 1.0rc1: IDE: crash when importing image using insert image button
       new  c5b8138   fixed that canceling the region button causes the IDE invisible
       new  e96c5d3   update insert image icon
       new  6e90e61   add interactive mode (-i) to sikuli-script
       new  988f976   add "make run" for sikuli-script to run it in the interactive mode
       new  2781f1f   fixed resizing problem in the main editor panel  - use JXCollapsedPane for the command list
       new  058c560   region drag/dropAt minor correction
       new  5f8d5a5   load sikuli modules in the interactive mode automatically
       new  f6f3a6c   sikuli guide: add the ability to draw circles
       new  3fa5e0d   change default font to Courier
       new  33899fc   add CMakeLists for extensions
       new  985a6f9   merged
       new  a5fec01   fixed native loader  - load libs from %SIKULI_HOME%libs
       new  dc5e86a   NEW API:    boolean Env.isLockOn(Key.CAPS_LOCK|Key.NUM_LOCK|Key.SCROLL_LOCK)       returns the state of the given lock key.
       new  7f998f0   set focus to the editor after IDE is initialized.
       new  a538492   fixed Bug #710746 the constructor of Location() accepts float, too.
       new  30c28b4   fixed Bug #700931  - no more exit messages.
       new  2358b3c   add margins to the console pane on windows
       new  9c81917   resize insert-image-icon
       new  fa018ed   merged
       new  553ecc5   change selection color on windows
       new  e3f9709   NEW API: Env.getSikuliVersion() returns the current version of Sikuli
       new  1c95225   turn off verbose make messages by default (enable it with make VERBOSE=1) change "make run" to "make run-script" for sikuli-script
       new  8c7dae2   merged
       new  c6bf08f   use EmphasizedLabelUI in the status bar
       new  b90754b   use JSplitPane instead of JXMultiSplitPane for the main panes in the IDE
       new  993d293   change the style of the caret position in the status bar
       new  8f7e6b7   ConsolePane shows messages in HTML. The style of different classes of messages can be customized through user preferences (CONSOLE_CSS).
       new  2a44427   set styles for error, log, info, debug, and normal messages.
       new  03d8d7d   use default monospaced font on windows use monospace font for the command list
       new  6c1b7fd   use system's line separator to separate logs in the console pane
       new  af01f2f   docs globals added getSikuliVersion()
       new  332409b   docs globals key added isLockOn()
       new  61a67be   update UI for linux
       new  57fbd2a   add some Linux hacks to resolve the problem of disappearing selections the text in search field is selected when the search field gets focus.
       new  0ea38e6   add text margins for the search field
       new  f52f43f   allow extension manager to read version numbers
       new  2936b6b     sikuli-ide/src/main/java/org/sikuli/ide/extmanager/ExtensionItem.java
       new  ca062eb   allow extension manager to store version number of each extension installed locally allow extension manager to replace an already installed extension with a new one
       new  7f81fd6   each extension item in the UI can have three status: not installed, installed, and out-of-date display the installed version and also which version to install or update to in the command button
       new  c63e83d   box detection algorithm using hough transform
       new  0254a83   merged
       new  959a8ec   simplified the python api fixed the width of the text box to max-width = 300
       new  060942b   display text 5 pixels below the found pattern
       new  3ce38ec   update sikuli guide documentation according to the new API add sphinx directive to include youtube videos
       new  3accd0d   fixed some typos
       new  1326cef   add a link to a 3rd-party article:  "How-To: Sikuli and Robot Framework Integration"
       new  f8751de   add opencv.hpp back
       new  de53055   ExtensionManager supports install JARs with a version
       new  dff1ed4   change guide version to 1.1
       new  aa373a8   remove the dark red background of exntension items
       new  45562c2   change the size of the youtube video of sikuli-guide
       new  1328715   changed default timeout of sikuli guide show from 3 seconds to 10 seconds fixed showNow not showing dialog and clickable problem
       new  9045350   sikuli-guide 1.2
       new  7498122   extract the i18n resoures for extmanager
       new  852a77f   change the order of searching the JAR in load()  1. absolute path > 2. bundle > 3. user's extension path
       new  35e4627   load() returns True even the jar is loaded.
       new  8da2fa1   guide clickable, extension inf, load() added
       new  aae0186   docs extensions minor
       new  438789b   docs region FindFaild PROMPT
       new  73a0b8e   add another 3rd-party article link
       new  cc88ec1   Applied Edu's patch for Bug #702625  - x 1.0rc1: Linux: Fedora 14: Capture crashes Sikuli - workaround
       new  eac9a5b   merged
       new  46ebed0   update docs about the general info of extensions
       new  96f84ff   fixed Bug #694298  - no need to use full-screen mode for CapturePrompt now
       new  07ebc98   merged
       new  1719ebe   docs region offset added
       new  c2d51f8   docs extensions minor changes
       new  45f4939   sikuli guide now works properly on windows
       new  1e749e8   update guide to 1.3
       new  d97e477   hide unimportant debug messages replace all System.*.print with Debug.log/error/history
       new  4b8998a   replace all System.*.print with Debug.*
       new  562bb22   fix Bug #704441: typo of the Text Recognizer inited message.
       new  1e0a288   fixed extension update on windows
       new  c98d392   update documentation's shortcut on windows
       new  5ad95a2   hide debug messages in extmanager
       new  191f472   clean windows hotkey messages
       new  97770ad   clean up linux messages
       new  fe38a84   import language files
       new  00eb840   add sikuli-guide icon adjust the margin of extension icons
       new  69cead3   docs new-in-... updated, Actionlogs... added
       new  35e661d   docs region getRegionFromPSRM, getLocationFromPSRML added
       new  0351581   selectRegion clarified
       new  aa1986a   docs sikuli-script from command line + option -i
       new  ac1ba9a   new-in-... links, unit test save hint
       new  888160c   renamed ScreenAnnotator to SikuliGuide cleaned up the code moved test code to a separate unit test file
       new  6962b94   hide MacUtil messages
       new  871918b   applied patch from Sylvestre Ledru fixed Bug #701062.
       new  02e2682   merged

The 814 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-java/sikuli.git

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