[sikuli] 58/385: moved the bitness from file name to parameter

Gilles Filippini pini at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Jun 29 19:25:48 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

pini pushed a commit to tag upstream/1.1.0_beta1
in repository sikuli.

commit 98db308e1fba98e9c8abcdf39d44658c2e41eab1
Author: Raimund Hocke <rmhdevelop at me.com>
Date:   Sun Dec 29 12:46:13 2013 +0100

    moved the bitness from file name to parameter
 .../{runBuildNatives32.sh => runBuildNatives.sh}   |  8 +-
 Libs/build/linux/runBuildNatives64.sh              | 94 ----------------------
 Libs/build/mac/runBuildNatives.sh                  | 26 +++---
 3 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 111 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Libs/build/linux/runBuildNatives32.sh b/Libs/build/linux/runBuildNatives.sh
similarity index 91%
rename from Libs/build/linux/runBuildNatives32.sh
rename to Libs/build/linux/runBuildNatives.sh
index 63083f9..6f2bb64 100644
--- a/Libs/build/linux/runBuildNatives32.sh
+++ b/Libs/build/linux/runBuildNatives.sh
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-echo -----  Linux build workflow for native modules on a 32-Bit system
+echo -----  Linux build workflow for native modules on $1-bit systems
 # details see inside the respective scripts
 # trying to find the active JDK
@@ -78,9 +78,9 @@ export SWIGEXEC=__NOT_SET__
 # set some common folders in the SikuliX package structure
 # no need to change normally
-export DEVJAVA=../../src/main/java
-export DEVNATIVE=../../src/main/native
-export DEVLIBS=../../dist/sikulix-native-libs/linux/libs32
+export DEVJAVA=../../../Natives/src/main/java
+export DEVNATIVE=../../../Natives/src/main/native
+export DEVLIBS=../../src/main/resources/META-INF/libs/linux/libs$1
 # ------------------------- do what is needed
 if [ "$SWIGEXEC" == "__NOT_SET__" ]; then
diff --git a/Libs/build/linux/runBuildNatives64.sh b/Libs/build/linux/runBuildNatives64.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 63083f9..0000000
--- a/Libs/build/linux/runBuildNatives64.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-echo -----  Linux build workflow for native modules on a 32-Bit system
-# details see inside the respective scripts
-# trying to find the active JDK
-# this worked on Ubuntu 12
-for e in `whereis -b javac`; do
-if [ "$e" == "javac:" ]; then
-  continue
-  jvc=$e
-  break
-while [ "$jvc" != "" ]; do
-jvc=`readlink -n $jvc`
-if [ "$jvcx" != "" ]; then
-  JDK=`dirname $jvcx`
-  JDK=`dirname $JDK`
-# if JDK not found with the above eval
-# JDK=...insert path to JDK... and uncomment
-if [ -e $JDK/include ]; then
-  # folder(s) containing the header files
-  includeParm="-I$JDK/include -I$JDK/include/linux -I/usr/include -I/usr/local/include"
-  echo --- The active JDK seems to be in $JDK
-if [ "$includeParm" == "" ]; then
-  echo JDK could not be found - check and set path manually \(line 30\)
-if [ -e $LIBS/libopencv_core.so ]; then
-  libFolderO=$LIBS
-  libFolderT=$LIBS
-  echo --- OpenCV libs seem to be in $LIBS
-if [ "libFolderO" == "" -a -e $LIBS/libopencv_core.so ]; then
-  libFolderO=$LIBS
-  libFolderT=$LIBS
-  echo --- OpenCV libs seem to be in $LIBS
-if [ "libFolderO" == "" -a -e $LIBS/libopencv_core.so ]; then
-  libFolderO=$LIBS
-  libFolderT=$LIBS
-  echo --- OpenCV libs seem to be in $LIBS
-# if the openCV libs are not found with the above eval
-# folder containing the OpenCV libs
-# libFolderO=...insert path to folder... and uncomment
-# folder containing the Tesseract lib
-# libFolderT=...insert path to folder... and uncomment
-if [ "libFolderO" == "" ]; then
-  echo --- OpenCV libs could not be found - check and set paths manually \(line 63 and 65\)
-# --------- Please check/adapt the following settings ------------
-# SWIG: See the dev docs to find out wether you need to run the SWIG step
-# if you want to run the SWIG step: where is your SWIG executable?
-# example: /usr/bin/swig 
-# leave the setting as is, to not run the SWIG step
-export SWIGEXEC=__NOT_SET__
-# any specifics should be resolved in runSwigforVision.sh
-# set some common folders in the SikuliX package structure
-# no need to change normally
-export DEVJAVA=../../src/main/java
-export DEVNATIVE=../../src/main/native
-export DEVLIBS=../../dist/sikulix-native-libs/linux/libs32
-# ------------------------- do what is needed
-if [ "$SWIGEXEC" == "__NOT_SET__" ]; then
-  echo -----  SWIG step intentionally not run since SWIGEXEC is __NOT_SET__
-  echo -----  the already SWIG-generated bundled sources will be used
-  echo -----  use SWIG to create Java interface sources and native wrapper for VisionProxy
-  . runSwigForVision.sh
-echo -----  build libVisionProxy.so 
-. runBuildVisionProxy.sh
diff --git a/Libs/build/mac/runBuildNatives.sh b/Libs/build/mac/runBuildNatives.sh
index d9427ff..c257b0a 100644
--- a/Libs/build/mac/runBuildNatives.sh
+++ b/Libs/build/mac/runBuildNatives.sh
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
-echo -----  Mac build workflow for native modules
+echo -----  Mac build workflow for native modules for $1-Bit
 # details see inside the respective scripts
 # set some common folders
 export JBASICS=../../../Basics/src/main/java
 export DEVJAVA=../../../Natives/src/main/java
 export DEVNATIVE=../../../Natives/src/main/native
-export DEVLIBS=../../src/main/resources/META-INF/libs/mac/libs64
+export DEVLIBS=../../src/main/resources/META-INF/libs/mac/libs$1
 echo ----- create JNI header for MacUtil
-. runJNISetupForMacUtil.sh
+#. runJNISetupForMacUtil.sh
 echo ----- build libMacUtil.dylib
-. runBuildMacUtil.sh
+#. runBuildMacUtil.sh
 echo ----- create JNI header for MacHotkeyManager
-. runJNISetupForMacHotkeyManager.sh
+#. runJNISetupForMacHotkeyManager.sh
 echo -----  build libMacHotkeyManager.dylib 
-. runBuildMacHotkeyManager.sh
+#. runBuildMacHotkeyManager.sh
 echo -----  use SWIG to create Java interface sources and native wrapper for VisionProxy
-. runSwigForVision.sh
+#. runSwigForVision.sh
 echo -----  build libVisionProxy.dylib 
 . runBuildVisionProxy.sh
@@ -29,12 +29,12 @@ echo -----  build libVisionProxy.dylib
 echo -----  switch external refs to point to @loader_path/
 # so the dependencies are loaded fom same folder as the Sikuli libs
 # not needed currently ./changeForAllToLoaderPath.sh $DEVLIBS libMacUtil.dylib
-. changeForAllToLoaderPath.sh $DEVLIBS libMacHotkeyManager.dylib
-. changeForAllToLoaderPath.sh $DEVLIBS libVisionProxy.dylib
+#. changeForAllToLoaderPath.sh $DEVLIBS libMacHotkeyManager.dylib
+#cd $OLDPWD
+#. changeForAllToLoaderPath.sh $DEVLIBS libVisionProxy.dylib
+#cd $OLDPWD
 echo -----  change the external refs for OpenCV libs to major version string for @loader_path to work
 # this is a hack, that has to be checked for necessary changes 
-. changeForVisionToLoaderPathSpecial.sh $DEVLIBS 2.4.6 2.4
\ No newline at end of file
+#. changeForVisionToLoaderPathSpecial.sh $DEVLIBS 2.4.6 2.4
+#cd $OLDPWD
\ No newline at end of file

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-java/sikuli.git

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