[sikuli] 216/385: integrate Roman's fixes from today
Gilles Filippini
pini at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Jun 29 19:26:15 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
pini pushed a commit to tag upstream/1.1.0_beta1
in repository sikuli.
commit 3278198f285fbc940b8ae03a93ea47b831643150
Author: Raimund Hocke <rmhdevelop at me.com>
Date: Sun Feb 16 15:48:22 2014 +0100
integrate Roman's fixes from today
API/pom.xml | 2 +-
IDE/src/main/java/org/sikuli/ide/SikuliIDE.java | 6 +-
.../org/sikuli/scriptrunner/JRubyScriptRunner.java | 50 ++----
JRuby/src/main/resources/sikulix.rb | 181 +++++++++++++--------
4 files changed, 137 insertions(+), 102 deletions(-)
diff --git a/API/pom.xml b/API/pom.xml
index 9041505..dcee6ff 100755
--- a/API/pom.xml
+++ b/API/pom.xml
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
- <artifactId>SikuliX-OpenCV</artifactId>
+ <artifactId>OpenCV4SikuliX</artifactId>
diff --git a/IDE/src/main/java/org/sikuli/ide/SikuliIDE.java b/IDE/src/main/java/org/sikuli/ide/SikuliIDE.java
index 8412f62..6587494 100755
--- a/IDE/src/main/java/org/sikuli/ide/SikuliIDE.java
+++ b/IDE/src/main/java/org/sikuli/ide/SikuliIDE.java
@@ -280,9 +280,8 @@ public class SikuliIDE extends JFrame {
//<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="IDE setup and general">
- private SikuliIDE(String[] args) {
+ private SikuliIDE() {
super("Sikuli IDE");
- initSikuliIDE(args);
private void initSikuliIDE(String[] args) {
@@ -381,7 +380,8 @@ public class SikuliIDE extends JFrame {
public static synchronized SikuliIDE getInstance(String args[]) {
if (_instance == null) {
- _instance = new SikuliIDE(args);
+ _instance = new SikuliIDE();
+ _instance.initSikuliIDE(args);
//TODO restore selected tab
diff --git a/JRuby/src/main/java/org/sikuli/scriptrunner/JRubyScriptRunner.java b/JRuby/src/main/java/org/sikuli/scriptrunner/JRubyScriptRunner.java
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 4d13de1..3bf9633
--- a/JRuby/src/main/java/org/sikuli/scriptrunner/JRubyScriptRunner.java
+++ b/JRuby/src/main/java/org/sikuli/scriptrunner/JRubyScriptRunner.java
@@ -63,9 +63,7 @@ public class JRubyScriptRunner implements IScriptRunner {
private final static String SCRIPT_HEADER
= "# coding: utf-8\n"
+ "require 'sikulix'\n"
- + "include SikuliX4Ruby\n"
- + "SikuliX4Ruby::image_path = SIKULI_IMAGE_PATH + '/'\n"
- + "SikuliX4Ruby::logging = true\n";
+ + "include SikuliX4Ruby\n";
private static ArrayList<String> codeBefore = null;
private static ArrayList<String> codeAfter = null;
@@ -93,20 +91,6 @@ public class JRubyScriptRunner implements IScriptRunner {
public void init(String[] args) {
//TODO classpath and other path handlings
sikuliLibPath = new File(SikuliX.getJarPath(), "Lib").getAbsolutePath();
- if (!SikuliX.isRunningFromJar()
- || !sikuliLibPath.contains("sikuli-ide")
- || !sikuliLibPath.contains("sikuli-script")) {
- if (System.getProperty("ruby.path") == null) {
- System.setProperty("ruby.path", sikuliLibPath);
- log(lvl, "init: python.path hack: \n" + System.getProperty("ruby.path"));
- } else {
- String currentPath = System.getProperty("ruby.path");
- if (!FileManager.pathEquals(currentPath, sikuliLibPath)) {
- log(-1, "init: Not running from jar and Ruby path not empty: Sikuli might not work!\n"
- + "Current python.path: " + currentPath);
- }
- }
- }
@@ -453,22 +437,22 @@ public class JRubyScriptRunner implements IScriptRunner {
if (syspaths.length > 0 && syspaths[0].toUpperCase().equals(COMPILE_ONLY)) {
- List<String> jypath = interpreter.getLoadPaths();
- if (!FileManager.pathEquals((String) jypath.get(0), sikuliLibPath)) {
+ List<String> path = interpreter.getLoadPaths();
+ if (!FileManager.pathEquals((String) path.get(0), sikuliLibPath)) {
log(lvl, "executeScriptHeader: adding SikuliX Lib path to sys.path\n" + sikuliLibPath);
- int jypathLength = jypath.size();
- String[] jypathNew = new String[jypathLength + 1];
- jypathNew[0] = sikuliLibPath;
- for (int i = 0; i < jypathLength; i++) {
- log(lvl + 1, "executeScriptHeader: before: %d: %s", i, jypath.get(i));
- jypathNew[i + 1] = (String) jypath.get(i);
+ int pathLength = path.size();
+ String[] pathNew = new String[pathLength + 1];
+ pathNew[0] = sikuliLibPath;
+ for (int i = 0; i < pathLength; i++) {
+ log(lvl + 1, "executeScriptHeader: before: %d: %s", i, path.get(i));
+ pathNew[i + 1] = (String) path.get(i);
- for (int i = 0; i < jypathLength; i++) {
- jypath.set(i, jypathNew[i]);
+ for (int i = 0; i < pathLength; i++) {
+ path.set(i, pathNew[i]);
- jypath.add(jypathNew[jypathNew.length - 1]);
- for (int i = 0; i < jypathNew.length; i++) {
- log(lvl + 1, "executeScriptHeader: after: %d: %s", i, jypath.get(i));
+ path.add(pathNew[pathNew.length - 1]);
+ for (int i = 0; i < pathNew.length; i++) {
+ log(lvl + 1, "executeScriptHeader: after: %d: %s", i, path.get(i));
if (savedpathlen == 0) {
@@ -479,12 +463,12 @@ public class JRubyScriptRunner implements IScriptRunner {
log(lvl + 1, "executeScriptHeader: at entry: path:");
- for (Object p : interpreter.getLoadPaths()) {
- log(lvl + 1, p.toString());
+ for (String p : interpreter.getLoadPaths()) {
+ log(lvl + 1, p);
log(lvl + 1, "executeScriptHeader: at entry: --- end ---");
for (String syspath : syspaths) {
- jypath.add(FileManager.slashify(syspath, false));
+ path.add(FileManager.slashify(syspath, false));
diff --git a/JRuby/src/main/resources/sikulix.rb b/JRuby/src/main/resources/sikulix.rb
index 37fc033..65a618b 100755
--- a/JRuby/src/main/resources/sikulix.rb
+++ b/JRuby/src/main/resources/sikulix.rb
@@ -1,93 +1,144 @@
-# SikuliX
+# SikuliX for Ruby
require 'java'
+# Classes and methods for using SikuliX
module SikuliX4Ruby
java_import org.sikuli.basics.SikuliX
java_import org.sikuli.script.Screen
java_import org.sikuli.script.Region
- java_import org.sikuli.script.compare.DistanceComparator
+ java_import org.sikuli.script.ScreenUnion
java_import org.sikuli.script.Observer
+ java_import org.sikuli.script.ObserverCallBack
- $SIKULI_SCREEN = Screen.new
+ java_import org.sikuli.script.Constants
+ java_import org.sikuli.script.Finder
+ java_import org.sikuli.script.Button
+ java_import org.sikuli.basics.OS
- [SikuliX, $SIKULI_SCREEN].inject({}) do |h, obj|
- p obj
- h.merge!(obj.methods.inject({}){|h, name| h.merge!(name => obj.method(name))})
- end
+ java_import org.sikuli.script.Match
+ java_import org.sikuli.script.Pattern
+ java_import org.sikuli.script.Location
- def method_missing name, *args
- ret = nil
- puts "method not exists: #{name} - trying SikuliX"
- begin
- puts "using: #{args}"
- if method = UNDOTTED_METHODS[name] then
- puts "SikuliX has: #{name}"
- ret = method.call *args
- Object.send(:define_method, name){ |*args| method.call *args }
- return ret
- else
- raise "Problem (#{e}) with SikuliX.#{m} (#{args})"
- end
- rescue Exception => e
- raise "Problem (#{e}) with SikuliX.#{m} (#{args})"
- end
- end
+ java_import org.sikuli.script.ImagePath
+ java_import org.sikuli.script.App
+ java_import org.sikuli.script.Key
+ java_import org.sikuli.script.KeyModifier
+ java_import org.sikuli.script.Mouse
- class Region
- def on_vanish target, &block
- onVanish target, block
- end
- end
+ java_import org.sikuli.basics.Settings
+ java_import org.sikuli.basics.ExtensionManager
- # Public: the setter for the absolute file path where Sikuli will search
- # for images with given a filename as an image
- #
- # Examples
- #
- # Rukuli::Config.image_path = "/Users/andreanastacio/rukuli/images/"
- #
- # Returns nothing
- def image_path=(path)
- java.lang.System.setProperty("SIKULI_IMAGE_PATH", path)
+ java_import org.sikuli.script.compare.DistanceComparator
+ java_import org.sikuli.script.compare.VerticalComparator
+ java_import org.sikuli.script.compare.HorizontalComparator
+ java_import org.sikuli.basics.SikuliScript
+ java_import org.sikuli.basics.Debug
+ # Debug print
+ def log str
+ puts str if (org.sikuli.basics::Settings.DebugLogs == true)
- # Public: turns stdout logging on and off for the Sikuli java classes.
- # Defaults to true.
- # Examples
+ # This method generates a wrapper for Java Native exception processing
+ # in native java methods. It allows to detect a line number in script
+ # that opened in IDE where the exception was appearing.
- # Rukuli::Config.logging = false
- #
- # Returns nothing
- def logging=(boolean)
- return unless [TrueClass, FalseClass].include? boolean.class
- org.sikuli.basics::Settings.InfoLogs = boolean
- org.sikuli.basics::Settings.ActionLogs = boolean
- org.sikuli.basics::Settings.DebugLogs = boolean
+ # obj - class for the wrapping
+ # methods_array - array of method names as Symbols
+ def self.native_exception_protect( obj, methods_array )
+ methods_array.each do |name|
+ m = obj.instance_method (name)
+ obj.class_exec do
+ alias_method ('java_' + name.to_s).to_sym, name
+ define_method(name) do |*args|
+ begin
+ # java specific call for unbound methods
+ m.bind(self).call *args
+ rescue NativeException => e;
+ raise StandardError.new(e.message);
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
-=begin Rukuli variant
+ # Redefinition of native org.sikuli.script.Region class
+ class Region
+ # Service class for all callbacks processing
+ class RObserverCallBack < ObserverCallBack
+ def initialize(block); super(); @block=block; end;
+ %w(appeared vanished changed).each do |name|
+ define_method(name) do |e|
+ (@block.arity != 0) ? @block.call(e) : @block.call
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ alias_method :java_onAppear, :onAppear
+ alias_method :java_onVanish, :onVanish
+ alias_method :java_onChange, :onChange
+ # Redefinition of the java method for Ruby specific
+ def onAppear target, &block
+ java_onAppear(target, RObserverCallBack.new(block))
+ end
+ # Redefinition of the java method for Ruby specific
+ def onVanish target, &block
+ java_onVanish(target, RObserverCallBack.new(block))
+ end
-require_relative 'rukuli'
-include Rukuli
+ # Redefinition of the java method for Ruby specific
+ def onChange &block
+ java_onChange(RObserverCallBack.new(block))
+ end
-$screen = Screen.new
+ #alias_method :java_findAll, :findAll
+ #def findAll *args
+ # begin
+ # java_findAll *args
+ # rescue NativeException => e; raise e.message; end
+ #end
+ end
-clickable = [:click, :double_click, :click_and_hold, :drag_drop,
- :hover, :wheel_down, :wheel_up ]
+ # Wrap following java-methods by an exception processor
+ native_exception_protect Region,
+ [:find, :findAll, :wait, :waitVanish, :exists,
+ :click, :doubleClick, :rightClick, :hover, :dragDrop,
+ :type, :paste]
-typeable = [:enter, :type]
+ # default screen object for "undotted" methods
+ $SIKULI_SCREEN = Screen.new
-searchable = [:find, :find!, :find_all, :wait]
+ # generate hash of (method name => method) for all possible "undotted" methods
+ [$SIKULI_SCREEN, SikuliX].inject({}) do |h, obj|
+ h.merge!(obj.methods.inject({}){|h, name| h.merge!(name => obj.method(name))})
+ end
-(clickable + typeable + searchable).each do |name|
- method = $screen.method (name)
- Object.send(:define_method, name){ |*args| method.call *args }
+# This method allow to call "undotted" methods that belong to
+# Region/Screen or SikuliX classes.
+def self.method_missing name, *args, &block
+ begin
+ log "method not exists: #{name} - trying SikuliX\n"
+ if method = SikuliX4Ruby::UNDOTTED_METHODS[name] then
+ log "SikuliX has: #{name}\n"
+ ret = method.call *args, &block
+ # Dynamic methods that throw a native Java-exception,
+ # hide a line number in the scriptfile!
+ #Object.send(:define_method, name){ |*args| method.call *args }
+ return ret
+ else
+ raise "Non SikuliX method: #{name} (#{args})"
+ end
+ rescue Exception => e
+ raise "Problem (#{e})\nwith SikuliX.#{name} (#{args})"
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
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