[sikuli] 235/385: purged Rukuli, moved sikulix.rb to Lib folder in Basics, so it is auto exported in case of sikulixapi.jar

Gilles Filippini pini at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Jun 29 19:26:18 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

pini pushed a commit to tag upstream/1.1.0_beta1
in repository sikuli.

commit 072a1a055ba78b0494ac8d060b307cedeaf816be
Author: Raimund Hocke <rmhdevelop at me.com>
Date:   Thu Feb 20 07:19:43 2014 +0100

    purged Rukuli, moved sikulix.rb to Lib folder in Basics, so it is auto exported in case of sikulixapi.jar
 .../src/main/resources/Lib/sikuli}/sikulix.rb      |   0
 .../org/sikuli/scriptrunner/JRubyScriptRunner.java |   2 +-
 JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli.rb                 |  10 -
 JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/app.rb             |  33 ---
 JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/clickable.rb       | 278 ---------------------
 JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/config.rb          |  67 -----
 JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/exception.rb       |  14 --
 JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/key_code.rb        |  21 --
 JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/platform.rb        |  12 -
 JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/region.rb          |  88 -------
 JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/screen.rb          |  20 --
 JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/searchable.rb      | 134 ----------
 JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/typeable.rb        |  32 ---
 JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/version.rb         |   3 -
 14 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 713 deletions(-)

diff --git a/JRuby/src/main/resources/sikulix.rb b/Basics/src/main/resources/Lib/sikuli/sikulix.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from JRuby/src/main/resources/sikulix.rb
rename to Basics/src/main/resources/Lib/sikuli/sikulix.rb
diff --git a/JRuby/src/main/java/org/sikuli/scriptrunner/JRubyScriptRunner.java b/JRuby/src/main/java/org/sikuli/scriptrunner/JRubyScriptRunner.java
index 3c791d5..957d0ea 100755
--- a/JRuby/src/main/java/org/sikuli/scriptrunner/JRubyScriptRunner.java
+++ b/JRuby/src/main/java/org/sikuli/scriptrunner/JRubyScriptRunner.java
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ public class JRubyScriptRunner implements IScriptRunner {
 	private final static String SCRIPT_HEADER
 					= "# coding: utf-8\n"
-					+ "require 'sikulix'\n"
+					+ "require 'Lib/sikulix'\n"
 					+ "include SikuliX4Ruby\n";
 	private static ArrayList<String> codeBefore = null;
diff --git a/JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli.rb b/JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index e0dbf97..0000000
--- a/JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-require "rukuli/platform"
-#require Rukuli::Platform.sikulix_path
-require "rukuli/version"
-require "rukuli/app"
-require "rukuli/exception"
-require "rukuli/region"
-require "rukuli/screen"
-require "rukuli/key_code"
-require "rukuli/config"
diff --git a/JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/app.rb b/JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/app.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index d45b268..0000000
--- a/JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/app.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-# An App object represents a running app on the system.
-module Rukuli
-  class App
-    # Public: creates a new App instance
-    #
-    # app_name - String name of the app
-    #
-    # Examples
-    #
-    #   App.new("TextEdit")
-    #
-    # Returns the newly initialized App
-    def initialize(app_name)
-      @java_obj = org.sikuli.script::App.new(app_name)
-    end
-    # Public: brings the App to focus
-    #
-    # Returns nothing
-    def focus
-      @java_obj.focus()
-    end
-    # Public: the Region instance representing the app's window
-    #
-    # Returns the newly initialized Region
-    def window
-      Region.new(@java_obj.window())
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/clickable.rb b/JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/clickable.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 72c7d0e..0000000
--- a/JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/clickable.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,278 +0,0 @@
-# The Clickable module defines interaction with the mouse. It is included in
-# the Region class.
-module Rukuli
-  module Clickable
-    # Public: Performs a single click on an image match or point (x, y)
-    #
-    # args - String representing filename of image to find and click
-    # args - Fixnum, Fixnum representing x and y coordinates within
-    # a Region (0,0) is the top left
-    #
-    # Examples
-    #
-    #   region.click('smile.png')
-    #   region.click(123, 432)
-    #
-    # Returns nothing
-    def click(*args)
-      case args.length
-        when 1 then click_image(args[0])
-        when 2 then click_point(args[0], args[1])
-        else raise ArgumentError
-      end
-    end
-    # Public: Performs a double click on an image match or point (x, y)
-    #
-    # args - String representing filename of image to find and click
-    # args - Fixnum, Fixnum representing x and y coordinates within
-    # a Region (0,0) is the top left
-    #
-    # Examples
-    #
-    #   region.double_click('smile.png')
-    #   region.double_click(123, 432)
-    #
-    # Returns nothing
-    def double_click(*args)
-      case args.length
-        when 1 then click_image(args[0], true)
-        when 2 then click_point(args[0], args[1], true)
-        else raise ArgumentError
-      end
-    end
-    # Public: Performs a click and hold on an image match or point (x, y)
-    #
-    # args - String representing filename of image to find and click
-    # args - Fixnum, Fixnum representing x and y coordinates within
-    # a Region (0,0) is the top left
-    # seconds - Fixnum representing the number of seconds to hold down
-    # before releasing
-    #
-    # Examples
-    #
-    #   region.click_and_hold('smile.png', 2)
-    #   region.click_and_hold(123, 432, 2)
-    #
-    # Returns nothing
-    def click_and_hold(seconds = 1, *args)
-      case args.length
-        when 1 then click_image_and_hold(args[0], seconds)
-        when 2 then click_point_and_hold(args[0], args[1], seconds)
-        else raise ArgumentError
-      end
-    end
-    # Public: Performs a mouse down, drag, and mouse up
-    #
-    # start_x - Fixnum representing the x of the mouse down
-    # start_y - Fixnum representing the y of the mouse down
-    # end_x   - Fixnum representing the x of the mouse up
-    # end_y   - Fixnum representing the y of the mouse up
-    #
-    # Examples
-    #
-    #   region.drag_drop(20, 12, 23, 44)
-    #
-    # Returns nothing
-    def drag_drop(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y)
-      @java_obj.dragDrop(
-        offset_location(start_x, start_y),
-        offset_location(end_x, end_y)
-      )
-    end
-    # Public: Simulates turning of the mouse wheel up
-    #
-    # steps - Fixnum representing the number of steps to turn the mouse wheel
-    #
-    # Examples
-    #
-    #   region.wheel_up(10)
-    #
-    # Returns nothing
-    def wheel_up(steps = 1)
-      @java_obj.wheel(-1, steps)
-    end
-    # Public: Simulates turning of the mouse wheel down
-    #
-    # steps - Fixnum representing the number of steps to turn the mouse wheel
-    #
-    # Examples
-    #
-    #   region.wheel_down(10)
-    #
-    # Returns nothing
-    def wheel_down(steps = 1)
-      @java_obj.wheel(1, steps)
-    end
-    # Public: Performs a hover on an image match or point (x, y)
-    #
-    # args - String representing filename of image to find and hover
-    # args - Fixnum, Fixnum representing x and y coordinates within
-    # a Region (0,0) is the top left
-    #
-    # Examples
-    #
-    #   region.hover('smile.png')
-    #   region.hover(123, 432)
-    #
-    # Returns nothing
-    def hover(*args)
-      case args.length
-        when 1 then hover_image(args[0])
-        when 2 then hover_point(args[0], args[1])
-        else raise ArgumentError
-      end
-    end
-    private
-    # Private: turns the mouse wheel
-    #
-    # direction - Fixnum represeting direction to turn wheel
-    # steps - the number of steps to turn the mouse wheel
-    #
-    # Returns nothing
-    def wheel(direction, steps)
-      @java_obj.wheel(direction, steps)
-    end
-    # Private: clicks on a matched Region based on an image based search
-    #
-    # filename - A String representation of the filename of the region to
-    # match against
-    # seconds  - The length in seconds to hold the mouse
-    #
-    # Returns nothing
-    #
-    # Throws Rukuli::FileNotFound if the file could not be found on the system
-    # Throws Rukuli::ImageNotMatched if no matches are found within the region
-    def click_image_and_hold(filename, seconds)
-      begin
-        pattern = org.sikuli.script::Pattern.new(filename).similar(0.9)
-        @java_obj.hover(pattern)
-        @java_obj.mouseDown(java.awt.event.InputEvent::BUTTON1_MASK)
-        sleep(seconds.to_i)
-        @java_obj.mouseUp(0)
-      rescue NativeException => e
-        raise_exception e, filename
-      end
-    end
-    # Private: clicks on a point within the region
-    #
-    # filename - A String representation of the filename of the region to
-    # match against
-    #
-    # Returns nothing
-    #
-    # Throws Rukuli::FileNotFound if the file could not be found on the system
-    # Throws Rukuli::ImageNotMatched if no matches are found within the region
-    def click_point_and_hold(x, y, seconds)
-      begin
-        @java_obj.hover(location(x, y))
-        @java_obj.mouseDown(java.awt.event.InputEvent::BUTTON1_MASK)
-        sleep(seconds.to_i)
-        @java_obj.mouseUp(0)
-      rescue NativeException => e
-        raise_exception e, filename
-      end
-    end
-    # Private: clicks on a matched Region based on an image based search
-    #
-    # filename - A String representation of the filename of the region to
-    # match against
-    # is_double - (optional) Boolean determining if should be a double click
-    #
-    # Returns nothing
-    #
-    # Throws Rukuli::FileNotFound if the file could not be found on the system
-    # Throws Rukuli::ImageNotMatched if no matches are found within the region
-    def click_image(filename, is_double = false, and_hold = false)
-      begin
-        if is_double
-          @java_obj.doubleClick(filename, 0)
-        else
-          @java_obj.click(filename, 0)
-        end
-      rescue NativeException => e
-        raise_exception e, filename
-      end
-    end
-    # Private: clicks on a point relative to a Region's top left corner
-    #
-    # x         - a Fixnum representing the x component of the point to click
-    # y         - a Fixnum representing the y component of the point to click
-    # is_double - (optional) Boolean determining if should be a double click
-    #
-    # Returns nothing
-    #
-    # Throws Rukuli::FileNotFound if the file could not be found on the system
-    # Throws Rukuli::ImageNotMatched if no matches are found within the region
-    def click_point(x, y, is_double = false)
-      if is_double
-        @java_obj.doubleClick(offset_location(x, y))
-      else
-        @java_obj.click(offset_location(x, y))
-      end
-    end
-    # Private: hovers on a matched Region based on an image based search
-    #
-    # filename - A String representation of the filename of the region to
-    # match against
-    #
-    # Returns nothing
-    #
-    # Throws Rukuli::FileNotFound if the file could not be found on the system
-    # Throws Rukuli::ImageNotMatched if no matches are found within the region
-    def hover_image(filename)
-      begin
-        @java_obj.hover(filename)
-      rescue NativeException => e
-        raise_exception e, filename
-      end
-    end
-    # Private: hovers on a point relative to a Region's top left corner
-    #
-    # x         - a Fixnum representing the x component of the point to hover
-    # y         - a Fixnum representing the y component of the point to hover
-    #
-    # Returns nothing
-    #
-    # Throws Rukuli::FileNotFound if the file could not be found on the system
-    # Throws Rukuli::ImageNotMatched if no matches are found within the region
-    def hover_point(x, y)
-      @java_obj.hover(offset_location(x, y))
-    end
-    # Private: create a new instance of Location
-    #
-    # x         - a Fixnum representing the x component of the point to hover
-    # y         - a Fixnum representing the y component of the point to hover
-    #
-    # Return location class instance
-    def location(x, y)
-      org.sikuli.script::Location.new(x, y)
-    end
-    # Private: location with offset
-    #
-    # x         - a Fixnum representing the x component of the point to hover
-    # y         - a Fixnum representing the y component of the point to hover
-    #
-    # Return new location
-    def offset_location(x, y)
-      location(x, y).offset(x(), y())
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/config.rb b/JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/config.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 16e6cdc..0000000
--- a/JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/config.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-# Config variables for the Sikuli driver
-module Rukuli
-  class Config
-    class << self
-      # Public: the Boolean representing whether or not to perform a 1 second
-      # highlight when an image is matched through Searchable#find,
-      # Searchable#find_all. Defaults to false.
-      attr_accessor :highlight_on_find
-      # Public: the absolute file path where Sikuli will look for images when
-      # a just a filename is passed to a search or click method
-      #
-      # Returns the String representation of the path
-      def image_path
-        java.lang.System.getProperty("SIKULI_IMAGE_PATH")
-      end
-      # Public: the setter for the absolute file path where Sikuli will search
-      # for images with given a filename as an image
-      #
-      # Examples
-      #
-      #  Rukuli::Config.image_path = "/Users/andreanastacio/rukuli/images/"
-      #
-      # Returns nothing
-      def image_path=(path)
-        java.lang.System.setProperty("SIKULI_IMAGE_PATH", path)
-      end
-      # Public: turns stdout logging on and off for the Sikuli java classes.
-      # Defaults to true.
-      #
-      # Examples
-      #
-      #  Rukuli::Config.logging = false
-      #
-      # Returns nothing
-      def logging=(boolean)
-        return unless [TrueClass, FalseClass].include? boolean.class
-        org.sikuli.basics::Settings.InfoLogs   = boolean
-        org.sikuli.basics::Settings.ActionLogs = boolean
-        org.sikuli.basics::Settings.DebugLogs  = boolean
-      end
-      # Public: convienence method for grouping the setting of config
-      # variables
-      #
-      # Examples
-      #
-      #   Rukuli::Config.run do |config|
-      #     config.logging = true
-      #     config.image_path = "/User/andreanastacio/images"
-      #     config.highlight_on_find = true
-      #   end
-      #
-      # Returns nothing
-      def run(*args)
-        if block_given?
-          yield self
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/exception.rb b/JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/exception.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index c6e1524..0000000
--- a/JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/exception.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# Exception classes for Sikuli image searching and matching
-module Rukuli
-  # Thrown when Sikuli is unable to find a match within the region for the
-  # file given.
-  #
-  class ImageNotFound < StandardError; end
-  # Thrown when a filename is given that is not found on disk in the image
-  # path. Image path can be configured using Rukuli::Config.image_path
-  #
-  class FileDoesNotExist < StandardError; end
diff --git a/JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/key_code.rb b/JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/key_code.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index e882ca9..0000000
--- a/JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/key_code.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-require 'java'
-java_import 'org.sikuli.script.Key'
-java_import 'org.sikuli.script.KeyModifier'
-# These constants represent keyboard codes for interacting with the keyboard.
-# Keyboard interaction is defined in the Rukuli::Typeable module.
-module Rukuli
-  KEY_CMD   = KeyModifier::META
-  KEY_SHIFT = KeyModifier::SHIFT
-  KEY_CTRL  = KeyModifier::CTRL
-  KEY_ALT   = KeyModifier::ALT
-  LEFT_ARROW    = Key::LEFT
-  UP_ARROW      = Key::UP
-  DOWN_ARROW    = Key::DOWN
diff --git a/JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/platform.rb b/JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/platform.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 7a33055..0000000
--- a/JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/platform.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-module Rukuli
-  class Platform
-    def self.sikulix_path
-      path = "#{ENV['SIKULIX_HOME']}"
-      if ENV['SIKULIX_HOME'].nil?
-        raise LoadError, "Failed to load 'sikuli-java.jar'\nMake sure SIKULIX_HOME is set!"
-      end
-      path
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/region.rb b/JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/region.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index f84df94..0000000
--- a/JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/region.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-# A Region represents a rectangle on screen. Regions are the main point of
-# interaction for Sikuli actions. Regions can receive actions from the mouse,
-# keyboard, and image search.
-require "rukuli/clickable"
-require "rukuli/typeable"
-require "rukuli/searchable"
-module Rukuli
-  class Region
-    include Clickable
-    include Typeable
-    include Searchable
-    # Public: creates a new Region object
-    #
-    # args - Array representing x (left bound), y (top), width, height
-    #        4 Fixnums left, top, width, height
-    #        An instance of an org.sikuli.script::Region
-    #
-    #   Examples
-    #
-    #     Region.new([10, 10, 200, 300])
-    #     Region.new(10, 10, 200, 300)
-    #     Region.new(another_region)
-    #
-    # Returns the newly initialized object
-    def initialize(*args)
-      @java_obj = org.sikuli.script::Region.new(*args)
-    end
-    # Public: highlight the region with a ~ 5 pixel red border
-    #
-    # seconds - Fixnum length of time to show border
-    #
-    # Returns nothing
-    def highlight(seconds = 1)
-      @java_obj.java_send(:highlight, [Java::int], seconds)
-    end
-    # Public: the x component of the top, left corner of the Region
-    def x
-      @java_obj.x()
-    end
-    # Public: the y component of the top, left corner of the Region
-    def y
-      @java_obj.y()
-    end
-    # Public: the width in pixels of the Region
-    def width
-      @java_obj.w()
-    end
-    # Public: the height in pixels of the Region
-    def height
-      @java_obj.h()
-    end
-    # Public: provide access to all region methods provided by the SikuliScript API
-    # See http://sikuli.org/doc/java/edu/mit/csail/uid/Region.html
-    def method_missing method_name, *args, &block
-      @java_obj.send method_name, *args, &block
-    end
-    private
-    # Private: interpret a java NativeException and raises a more descriptive
-    # exception
-    #
-    # exception - The original java exception thrown by the sikuli java_obj
-    # filename  - A string representing the filename to include in the
-    # exception message
-    #
-    # Returns nothing
-    def raise_exception(exception, filename)
-      message = exception.message
-      if message.start_with? "java.lang."
-        raise exception.message
-      elsif message.start_with? "org.sikuli.script.FindFailed"
-        raise Rukuli::FileDoesNotExist, "The file '#{filename}' does not exist."
-      else
-        raise Rukuli::ImageNotFound, "The image '#{filename}' did not match in this region."
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/screen.rb b/JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/screen.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index a783800..0000000
--- a/JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/screen.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# A Screen object defines a special type of Rukuli::Region that represents
-# the entire screen.
-# TODO: Test the Screen object with multiple monitors attached.
-module Rukuli
-  class Screen < Region
-    # Public: creates a new Screen object
-    #
-    # Examples
-    #
-    #   screen = Rukuli::Screen.new
-    #
-    # Returns the newly initialized Screen object
-    def initialize
-      @java_obj = org.sikuli.script::Screen.new()
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/searchable.rb b/JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/searchable.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 11254fc..0000000
--- a/JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/searchable.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-# The Rukuli::Searchable module is the heart of Sikuli. It defines the
-# wrapper around Sikuli's on screen image searching and matching capability
-# It is implemented by the Region class.
-module Rukuli
-  module Searchable
-    # Public: search for an image within a Region
-    #
-    # filename   - A String representation of the filename to match against
-    # similarity - A Float between 0 and 1 representing the threshold for
-    # matching an image. Passing 1 corresponds to a 100% pixel for pixel
-    # match. Defaults to 0.9 (90% match)
-    #
-    # Examples
-    #
-    #   region.find('needle.png')
-    #   region.find('needle.png', 0.5)
-    #
-    # Returns an instance of Region representing the best match
-    #
-    # Throws Rukuli::FileNotFound if the file could not be found on the system
-    # Throws Rukuli::ImageNotMatched if no matches are found within the region
-    def find(filename, similarity = 0.9)
-      begin
-        pattern = build_pattern(filename, similarity)
-        match = Region.new(@java_obj.find(pattern))
-        match.highlight if Rukuli::Config.highlight_on_find
-        match
-      rescue NativeException => e
-        raise_exception e, filename
-      end
-    end
-    # Public: search for an image within a region (does not raise ImageNotFound exceptions)
-    #
-    # filename   - A String representation of the filename to match against
-    # similarity - A Float between 0 and 1 representing the threshold for
-    # matching an image. Passing 1 corresponds to a 100% pixel for pixel
-    # match. Defaults to 0.9 (90% match)
-    #
-    # Examples
-    #
-    #   region.find!('needle.png')
-    #   region.find!('needle.png', 0.5)
-    #
-    # Returns the match or nil if no match is found
-    def find!(filename, similarity = 0.9)
-      begin
-        find(filename, similarity)
-      rescue Rukuli::ImageNotFound => e
-        nil
-      end
-    end
-    # Public: search for an image within a Region and return all matches
-    #
-    # TODO: Sort return results so they are always returned in the same order
-    # (top left to bottom right)
-    #
-    # filename   - A String representation of the filename to match against
-    # similarity - A Float between 0 and 1 representing the threshold for
-    # matching an image. Passing 1 corresponds to a 100% pixel for pixel
-    # match. Defaults to 0.9 (90% match)
-    #
-    # Examples
-    #
-    #   region.find_all('needle.png')
-    #   region.find_all('needle.png', 0.5)
-    #
-    # Returns an array of Region objects that match the given file and
-    # threshold
-    #
-    # Throws Rukuli::FileNotFound if the file could not be found on the system
-    # Throws Rukuli::ImageNotMatched if no matches are found within the region
-    def find_all(filename, similarity = 0.9)
-      begin
-        pattern = build_pattern(filename, similarity)
-        matches = @java_obj.findAll(pattern)
-        regions = matches.collect do |r|
-          match = Region.new(r)
-          match.highlight if Rukuli::Config.highlight_on_find
-          match
-        end
-        regions
-      rescue NativeException => e
-        raise_exception e, filename
-      end
-    end
-    # Public: wait for a match to appear within a region
-    #
-    # filename   - A String representation of the filename to match against
-    # time       - A Fixnum representing the amount of time to wait defaults
-    # to 2 seconds
-    # similarity - A Float between 0 and 1 representing the threshold for
-    # matching an image. Passing 1 corresponds to a 100% pixel for pixel
-    # match. Defaults to 0.9 (90% match)
-    #
-    # Examples
-    #
-    #    region.wait('needle.png') # wait for needle.png to appear for up to 1 second
-    #    region.wait('needle.png', 10) # wait for needle.png to appear for 10 seconds
-    #
-    # Returns nothing
-    #
-    # Throws Rukuli::FileNotFound if the file could not be found on the system
-    # Throws Rukuli::ImageNotMatched if no matches are found within the region
-    def wait(filename, time = 2, similarity = 0.9)
-      begin
-        pattern = build_pattern(filename, similarity)
-        match = Region.new(@java_obj.wait(pattern, time))
-        match.highlight if Rukuli::Config.highlight_on_find
-        match
-      rescue NativeException => e
-        raise_exception e, filename
-      end
-    end
-    private
-    # Private: builds a java Pattern to check
-    #
-    # filename   - A String representation of the filename to match against
-    # similarity - A Float between 0 and 1 representing the threshold for
-    # matching an image. Passing 1 corresponds to a 100% pixel for pixel
-    # match. Defaults to 0.9 (90% match)
-    #
-    # Returns a org.sikuli.script::Pattern object to match against
-    def build_pattern(filename, similarity)
-      org.sikuli.script::Pattern.new(filename).similar(similarity)
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/typeable.rb b/JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/typeable.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 02b7e6e..0000000
--- a/JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/typeable.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# Defines interactions with the keyboard. Implemented in the Region class.
-module Rukuli
-  module Typeable
-    # Public: Types text as if it was being typed on the keyboard with an
-    # optional key modifier
-    #
-    # text - String representing text to be typed on keyboard
-    # modifier - (optional) Sikilu constant (defined in key_code.rb)
-    # representing key to hold while typing text
-    #
-    # Examples
-    #
-    #   region.type("Hello World")
-    #   region.type("s", Rukuli::KEY_CMD) # saves a file
-    #
-    # Returns nothing
-    def type(text, modifier = 0)
-      @java_obj.type(nil, text, modifier)
-    end
-    # Public: Types text then presses the return/enter key on the keyboard
-    #
-    # text - String
-    #
-    # Returns nothing
-    def enter(text)
-      @java_obj.type(text + Sikuli::KEY_RETURN)
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/version.rb b/JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/version.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 17b5ca4..0000000
--- a/JRuby/src/main/resources/rukuli/version.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-module Rukuli
-  VERSION = "1.0.0"

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-java/sikuli.git

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