[sikuli] 297/385: revised collect jars to show build failure
Gilles Filippini
pini at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Jun 29 19:26:25 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
pini pushed a commit to tag upstream/1.1.0_beta1
in repository sikuli.
commit bf51475520052538ffd69d83004c8519058b4e36
Author: Raimund Hocke <rmhdevelop at me.com>
Date: Tue Feb 25 08:55:26 2014 +0100
revised collect jars to show build failure
collectJars | 30 +++++++++++++++++++++++-------
1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
diff --git a/collectJars b/collectJars
index b804e69..f7bdda1 100755
--- a/collectJars
+++ b/collectJars
@@ -3,7 +3,9 @@ mversion=1.1
-echo ----------------- SikuliX collecting jars in $base
+echo -
+echo ---
+echo ----- SikuliX collecting jars in $base
@@ -16,20 +18,34 @@ mkdir $dist/Downloads
-echo --- version --- $version
-echo --- major version --- $mversion
+echo --- version $version
+echo --- major $mversion
echo --- version --- $version >>$log
echo --- major version --- $mversion >>$log
-echo ----------------- SourceBase $base >>$log
+echo ----- SourceBase $base >>$log
if [ "$1" != "2" -a "$1" != "3" ]; then
echo ----------------- running Maven clean install --- takes some time ...
mvn clean install >>$log
+ buildok=`grep -cim1 "BUILD FAILURE" $log`
+ if [ "$buildok" == "1" ]; then
+ echo -
+ echo --
+ echo ----
+ echo ------
+ echo -------- BUILD ERROR -----------
+ echo at least one module had problems
+ echo check the logfile
+ echo $log
+ echo correct the problems and run again
+ echo ----------------------------------
+ exit
+ fi
if [ "$1" != "3" ]; then
# ----------- Setup
- echo --- collecting jars
+ echo ----- collecting jars
echo --- collecting jars >>$log
cd $source >>$log
java -jar sikulixsetup-$version-plain.jar noSetup >>$log
@@ -38,13 +54,13 @@ if [ "$1" != "3" ]; then
# ----------- Setup
-echo --- copy Setup
+echo ----- copy Setup
echo --- copy Setup >>$log
cp $source/sikulixsetup*.jar $dist/sikulixsetup-$mversion.jar
ls -l $dist >>$log
# ----------- Jars
-echo --- copy Jars
+echo ----- copy Jars
echo --- copy Jars >>$log
cp $source/Downloads/* $dist/Downloads
ls -l $dist/Downloads >>$log
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