[sikuli] 345/385: Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/RaiMan/SikuliX-2014
Gilles Filippini
pini at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Jun 29 19:26:35 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
pini pushed a commit to tag upstream/1.1.0_beta1
in repository sikuli.
commit 67b7bff4f1e950641fe2f3454193e943bcaa5f0c
Merge: 3d4151f 7ecb56b
Author: Raimund Hocke <rmhdevelop at me.com>
Date: Fri Apr 4 10:46:40 2014 +0200
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/RaiMan/SikuliX-2014
.../libs/windows/libs32/1.1-MadeForSikuliX32W.txt | 1 +
.../META-INF/libs/windows/libs32/JIntellitype.dll | Bin 0 -> 30208 bytes
.../META-INF/libs/windows/libs32/VisionProxy.dll | Bin 0 -> 358926 bytes
.../META-INF/libs/windows/libs32/WinUtil.dll | Bin 0 -> 20992 bytes
.../META-INF/libs/windows/libs32/libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll | Bin 0 -> 116750 bytes
.../META-INF/libs/windows/libs32/libjpeg-9.dll | Bin 0 -> 330293 bytes
.../META-INF/libs/windows/libs32/liblept-3.dll | Bin 0 -> 1785785 bytes
.../libs/windows/libs32/libopencv_core248.dll | Bin 0 -> 2505863 bytes
.../libs/windows/libs32/libopencv_features2d248.dll | Bin 0 -> 866858 bytes
.../libs/windows/libs32/libopencv_flann248.dll | Bin 0 -> 657455 bytes
.../libs/windows/libs32/libopencv_highgui248.dll | Bin 0 -> 384575 bytes
.../libs/windows/libs32/libopencv_imgproc248.dll | Bin 0 -> 2389989 bytes
.../libs/windows/libs32/libopencv_java248.dll | Bin 0 -> 633183 bytes
.../META-INF/libs/windows/libs32/libpng15-15.dll | Bin 0 -> 290698 bytes
.../META-INF/libs/windows/libs32/libstdc++-6.dll | Bin 0 -> 969742 bytes
.../META-INF/libs/windows/libs32/libtesseract-3.dll | Bin 0 -> 2736506 bytes
.../META-INF/libs/windows/libs32/libtiff-5.dll | Bin 0 -> 603176 bytes
.../META-INF/libs/windows/libs32/libwinpthread-1.dll | Bin 0 -> 48640 bytes
.../resources/META-INF/libs/windows/libs32/libz.dll | Bin 0 -> 112654 bytes
.../resources/META-INF/libs/windows/libs32/zlib1.dll | Bin 0 -> 112654 bytes
.../META-INF/libs/windows/libs64/JIntellitype.dll | Bin 0 -> 468704 bytes
.../META-INF/libs/windows/libs64/libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll | Bin 0 -> 88576 bytes
.../META-INF/libs/windows/libs64/liblept-3.dll | Bin 0 -> 1598495 bytes
.../libs/windows/libs64/libopencv_core248.dll | Bin 0 -> 3288474 bytes
.../libs/windows/libs64/libopencv_features2d248.dll | Bin 0 -> 1062072 bytes
.../libs/windows/libs64/libopencv_flann248.dll | Bin 0 -> 809753 bytes
.../libs/windows/libs64/libopencv_highgui248.dll | Bin 0 -> 466330 bytes
.../libs/windows/libs64/libopencv_imgproc248.dll | Bin 0 -> 2928936 bytes
.../libs/windows/libs64/libopencv_java248.dll | Bin 0 -> 1066995 bytes
.../META-INF/libs/windows/libs64/libstdc++-6.dll | Bin 0 -> 1133568 bytes
.../META-INF/libs/windows/libs64/libtiff-5.dll | Bin 0 -> 630547 bytes
.../META-INF/libs/windows/libs64/libwinpthread-1.dll | Bin 0 -> 53760 bytes
.../resources/META-INF/libs/windows/libs64/libz.dll | Bin 0 -> 108032 bytes
.../resources/META-INF/libs/windows/libs64/zlib1.dll | Bin 0 -> 108032 bytes
README.md | 16 ++++++++--------
35 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-java/sikuli.git
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