[java-package] annotated tag debian/0.54 created (now cbf1edc)

Tony Mancill tmancill at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Mar 26 05:21:27 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tmancill pushed a change to annotated tag debian/0.54
in repository java-package.

        at  cbf1edc   (tag)
   tagging  370fc3cf078159b9655606faf347f6e4e4dc7a32 (commit)
 tagged by  tony mancill
        on  Tue Mar 25 22:20:58 2014 -0700

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
java-package Debian release 0.54
Version: GnuPG v1


Cédric Pineau (24):
      Empty root commit
      Initial rework of (svn) java-package 0.42
      Increase priorities of java7 (> java6 ones)
      Support of .jinfo for udpate-java-alternatives tool
      Support use without installation through J2SE_PACKAGE_LIBDIR=./lib ./make-jpkg <java-binary>
      TODO update
      Update to man page : example, explicit [FILE] parameter meaning, update-java-alernatives in see also section
      Add typical usage to README.debian file
      Explicit make-jpkg archive file parameter
      Display usage info on install, docs polish
      correction wrong cut/paste
      correction to jre min size (packaging blocks if expanded binary size is less than expected_min_size)
      mozilla-javaplugin.so and firefox-javaplugin.so alternative, version update
      Add java6-{runtime|sdk|...} to the provides line in generated packages Closes: #684993
      Drop installation debconf note Closes: #685082
      Correct handling of amd64 in roacle-jdk6.1->4 and improve error message when used with unknown archives
      Prevent update-alternatives errors on missing feature on earlier jdk (javaws, libnpjp2.so, ..)
      Remove restriction (update >= 10) on jre/jdk6 support
      Add java5-{runtime|sdk|...} to the provides line in generated packages
      Change installation directory to be jdk|jre-relase.update-vendor-arch
      Add LP tickets references to changelog entries
      Suppress debconf dependency and call
      Applying patch to fix plugin directories. Closes #686216
      Lintian and BTS cleanup

Emmanuel Bourg (44):
      Replaced references to "Java 2" by "Java SE"
      Replaced j2re and j2sdk by jre and jdk in the name of the generated packages
      Fixed the references to "Oracle Microsystems" and other brand inconsistencies
      Changed the name of the generated package to oracle-java6-jdk
      Changed the installation directory of the documentation to /usr/share/doc/oracle-javaV-doc
      Improved the detection of the JRE/JDK version (supports 2 digits Java 7 updates) Changed the version of the generated package from 1.6.0+update30 to 6.30
      Replaced tabs with spaces
      Renamed the script files (j2sdk->jdk, j2re->jre, j2se->javase)
      Use the upstream versioning scheme (i.e 7u13 instead of 7.13) to match the convention used by the new openjdk packages
      Provide the java<version>-sdk dependencies to match the openjdk package
      Provide the java<version-1>-runtime and java<version-2>-runtime dependencies
      Removed the unused provided dependencies (j2sdk<version>, j2re<version>)
      debian/control: Use canonical URLs for the Vcs-* fields
      Removed an extra space reported by lintian
      debian/copyright: Switched to the Machine-readable format 1.0
      Switched to the 3.0 (native) package format
      Updated the manpages to reflect the latest naming changes
      Changelog update
      Added support for early access releases (Closes: #721136)
      Wrap the error message when no matching packaging method is found on two lines
      Added support for GA releases
      Added support for FCS releases
      Updated the package description
      Fixed the version for the early access releases
      Removed 'Replaces: ${j2se_package}debian' from the generated control file
      Adjusted the disk space required to unpack the Java 8 documentation
      Added support for early access documentations
      Updated the manpages for Java 8
      Updated debhelper level to 7
      Updated debian/README.Debian
      Removed the recommended dependency on libstdc++5 from the generated control file
      Fixed a typo in Michael Koch's name
      Removed the recommended dependency on libgtk1.2 from the generated control file
      Removed the recommended dependency on libx11-6 and libasound2 from the generated control file
      Removed the references to "Java 2" from the description of the generated JRE package
      Changed the short description of the generate packages to match the official name
      Excluded the fxavcodecplugin libraries used by JavaFX from the dependency calculation performed by dh_shlibdeps to avoid errors (Closes: #687075)
      Ignore the archives in the current directory
      Modified the final message to better see the install command
      Added support for ARM VFP/hard-float JDK releases
      Standards-Version updated to 3.9.5
      Removed the suggested dependency on openjdk-6-jre
      Added more command line tool alternatives
      Switch to debhelper level 9

Gabriele Giacone (1):
      Add {mozilla,firefox}-javaplugin.so for update-java-alternatives.

Sylvestre Ledru (11):
      Recommand the free jvm
      Respect the pkg-java policy + add some more information
      They are no longer maintaining it
      Useless comment
      Drop some old information
      Update the description
      * Long description removed
      * Add support of ARM upstream binary by James Page and Matthias Vill.
      ack of the nmu and prepare the new release
      Change the installation path from /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-6.38-oracle-x64 or /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-7.10-oracle-x64 to /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-6-oracle-x64 and /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-7-oracle-x64 Thanks to Constantin Makshin for the patch (Closes: #696227)


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-java/java-package.git

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