[plm] 09/13: Kill all parts of scala since the debian package lags behind

Martin Quinson mquinson at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Nov 1 07:28:06 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

mquinson pushed a commit to branch debian
in repository plm.

commit 44bf2b2493d0efb771c36f93423990d487eb590c
Author: Martin Quinson <martin.quinson at loria.fr>
Date:   Fri Oct 24 21:00:05 2014 +0200

    Kill all parts of scala since the debian package lags behind
    That's a pity, but there is nothing I can do right now
 debian/patches/no-github | 209 +++++++++++++
 debian/patches/no-scala  | 747 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 debian/patches/series    |   1 +
 3 files changed, 938 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/patches/no-github b/debian/patches/no-github
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acde146
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/no-github
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+ src/plm/core/ui/FeedbackDialog.java |  161 ------------------------------------
+ src/plm/core/ui/MainFrame.java      |   13 --
+ 2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 173 deletions(-)
+Index: b/src/plm/core/ui/FeedbackDialog.java
+--- a/src/plm/core/ui/FeedbackDialog.java
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
+-package plm.core.ui;
+-import java.awt.BorderLayout;
+-import java.awt.Color;
+-import java.awt.Dimension;
+-import java.awt.Label;
+-import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
+-import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
+-import java.io.IOException;
+-import javax.swing.JButton;
+-import javax.swing.JDialog;
+-import javax.swing.JEditorPane;
+-import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
+-import javax.swing.JPanel;
+-import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
+-import javax.swing.JTextField;
+-import javax.swing.ScrollPaneConstants;
+-import org.eclipse.egit.github.core.Issue;
+-import org.eclipse.egit.github.core.client.GitHubClient;
+-import org.eclipse.egit.github.core.service.IssueService;
+-import org.xnap.commons.i18n.I18n;
+-import org.xnap.commons.i18n.I18nFactory;
+-import plm.core.model.Game;
+-import plm.core.model.lesson.Exercise;
+-import plm.core.model.lesson.Exercise.WorldKind;
+-import plm.core.model.tracking.GitUtils;
+-import plm.universe.World;
+-public class FeedbackDialog extends JDialog {
+-	private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;
+-	private static FeedbackDialog instance = null;
+-	public I18n i18n = I18nFactory.getI18n(getClass(), "org.plm.i18n.Messages", getLocale(), I18nFactory.FALLBACK);
+-	final JEditorPane feedback = new JEditorPane();
+-	final JTextField title = new JTextField();
+-	public static FeedbackDialog getInstance() {
+-		if (FeedbackDialog.instance == null) {
+-			FeedbackDialog.instance = new FeedbackDialog();
+-		}
+-		StringBuffer worldInfo = new StringBuffer();
+-		for (World w:((Exercise)Game.getInstance().getCurrentLesson().getCurrentExercise()).getWorlds(WorldKind.ANSWER)) {
+-			String s = w.getDebugInfo();
+-			if (s != "") 
+-				worldInfo.append("World: "+s+"\n");
+-		}
+-		FeedbackDialog.instance.feedback.setText(FeedbackDialog.instance.i18n.tr(
+-				  "Please write your suggestion here, with all necessary details\n"
+-				+ "(if possible in English or French).\n\n"
+-				+ "When you find a typo or a sentence that is hard to understand, \n"
+-				+ "it really helps to suggest a new wording.\n\n"
+-				+ "If you encounter a technical bug, please tell us what you did,\n"
+-				+ "which outcome you were expecting and what happened instead.\n\n"
+-				+ "  but DO NEVER DISCLOSE A PASSWORD to a bug tracker. Never."
+-				+ "\n\n--------------------[ Technical Information ]--------------------\n"
+-				+ "(This can help us fixing your problem, please don't erase)\n"
+-				) /* The rest is not translated */
+-				+ "\nLesson: "+Game.getInstance().getCurrentLesson().getId() + "\n"
+-				+ "Exercise: "+Game.getInstance().getCurrentLesson().getCurrentExercise().getId() + "\n"
+-				+ worldInfo.toString()
+-				+ "Programming Language: "+Game.getProgrammingLanguage().getLang() + "\n"
+-				+ "Locale: "+Game.getInstance().getLocale().getDisplayName() + "\n"
+-				+ "Java version: " + System.getProperty("java.version") + " (VM: " + System.getProperty("java.vm.name") + "; version: " + System.getProperty("java.vm.version") + ")" + "\n"
+-				+ "OS: " + System.getProperty("os.name") + " (version: " + System.getProperty("os.version") + "; arch: " + System.getProperty("os.arch") + ")" + "\n"
+-				+ "PLM version: " + Game.getProperty("plm.major.version", "internal", false) + " (" + Game.getProperty("plm.minor.version", "internal", false) + ")" + "\n"
+-				+ "Public user ID: PLM"+GitUtils.sha1(Game.getInstance().getUsers().getCurrentUser().getUserUUIDasString())+ "\n");
+-		FeedbackDialog.instance.title.setText(FeedbackDialog.instance.i18n.tr("Please describe the problem in a few words"));
+-		FeedbackDialog.instance.pack();
+-		return FeedbackDialog.instance;
+-	}
+-	private FeedbackDialog() {
+-		super(MainFrame.getInstance(), "Report your feedback", false);
+-		this.setTitle(i18n.tr("Report your feedback"));
+-		initComponent();
+-	}
+-	public void initComponent() {
+-		setLayout(new BorderLayout());
+-		JPanel headerToolbar = new JPanel();
+-		headerToolbar.add(new Label(i18n.tr("Issue title:")));
+-		headerToolbar.add(title);
+-		add(headerToolbar, BorderLayout.NORTH);
+-		feedback.setBackground(Color.white);
+-		feedback.setOpaque(true);
+-		feedback.setEditable(true);
+-		JScrollPane jsp = new JScrollPane(feedback);
+-		jsp.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER);
+-		jsp.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED);
+-		add(jsp, BorderLayout.CENTER);
+-		feedback.setContentType("text/plain");
+-		final JButton cancelBtn = new JButton(i18n.tr("Cancel"));
+-		cancelBtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
+-			@Override
+-			public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
+-				int dialogResult = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(cancelBtn,
+-																 i18n.tr("Do you really want to cancel your feedback and lose any edit?"),
+-																 i18n.tr("are you sure?"),
+-																 JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);
+-				if (dialogResult == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {
+-					dispose();
+-				}
+-			}
+-		});
+-		final JButton sendBtn = new JButton(i18n.tr("Send feedback"));
+-		sendBtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
+-			GitHubClient client = new GitHubClient();
+-			@Override
+-			public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
+-				client.setOAuth2Token(Game.getProperty("plm.github.oauth"));
+-				Issue issue = new Issue();
+-				issue.setTitle(title.getText());
+-				issue.setBody(feedback.getText());
+-				IssueService issueService = new IssueService(client);
+-				try {
+-					Issue i = issueService.createIssue(Game.getProperty("plm.github.owner"), Game.getProperty("plm.github.repo"), issue);
+-					JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(sendBtn, i18n.tr(
+-							  "Thank you for your remark, we will do our best to integrate it.\n"
+-							+ "Follow our progress at {0}.",i.getHtmlUrl()), i18n.tr("Thanks for your suggestion"), JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
+-					dispose();
+-				} catch (IOException ex) {
+-					StringBuffer ctn = new StringBuffer(ex.getLocalizedMessage() + "\n");
+-					for (StackTraceElement elm : ex.getStackTrace()) {
+-						ctn.append(elm.toString()).append("\n");
+-					}
+-					JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(cancelBtn,
+-												  ctn.toString(),
+-												  i18n.tr("Error while uploading your feedback"),
+-												  JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
+-					ex.printStackTrace();
+-				}
+-			}
+-		});
+-		JPanel toolbar = new JPanel();
+-		toolbar.add(cancelBtn);
+-		toolbar.add(sendBtn);
+-		add(toolbar, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
+-		setDefaultCloseOperation(JDialog.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE);
+-		pack();
+-		setMinimumSize(new Dimension(200, 600));
+-		setPreferredSize(new Dimension(500, 800));
+-		setResizable(true);
+-		setLocationRelativeTo(getParent());
+-	}
+Index: b/src/plm/core/ui/MainFrame.java
+--- a/src/plm/core/ui/MainFrame.java
++++ b/src/plm/core/ui/MainFrame.java
+@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ public class MainFrame extends JFrame im
+     private JMenu menuLanguage, menuLangHuman, menuLangProg;
+     private JMenu menuHelp;
+-    private JMenuItem miHelpFeedback, miHelpLesson,miHelpWorld,miHelpAbout;
++    private JMenuItem miHelpLesson,miHelpWorld,miHelpAbout;
+ 	private LoggerPanel outputArea;
+ 	private MissionEditorTabs met;
+@@ -388,16 +388,6 @@ public class MainFrame extends JFrame im
+ 		menuHelp = new JMenu(i18n.tr("Help"));
+ 		menuHelp.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_H);
+ 		menuBar.add(menuHelp);
+-		miHelpFeedback = new JMenuItem(new AbstractGameAction(g, i18n.tr("Provide feedback")) {
+-			private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
+-			public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
+-				FeedbackDialog.getInstance().setVisible(true);
+-			}			
+-		});
+-		miHelpFeedback.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE, ActionEvent.CTRL_MASK));
+-		menuHelp.add(miHelpFeedback);
+ 		miHelpLesson = new JMenuItem(new AbstractGameAction(g, i18n.tr("About this lesson")) {
+ 			private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
+@@ -760,7 +750,6 @@ public class MainFrame extends JFrame im
+ 		menuLangProg.setText(i18n.tr("Computer"));
+ 		menuHelp.setText(i18n.tr("Help"));
+-		miHelpFeedback.setText(i18n.tr("Provide feedback"));
+ 		miHelpLesson.setText(i18n.tr("About this lesson"));
+ 		miHelpWorld.setText(i18n.tr("About this world"));
+ 		if (miHelpAbout != null)
diff --git a/debian/patches/no-scala b/debian/patches/no-scala
index d553738..2affd88 100644
--- a/debian/patches/no-scala
+++ b/debian/patches/no-scala
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
- src/lessons/lander/Main.fr.html                                                |   23 -
- src/lessons/lander/Main.html                                                   |   21 -
+ src/lessons/lander/Main.fr.html                                                |   23 
+ src/lessons/lander/Main.html                                                   |   21 
  src/lessons/lander/Main.scala                                                  |   14 
- src/lessons/lander/icon.svg                                                    |  104 -----
- src/lessons/lander/lvl1_lander_101/Lander101.fr.html                           |   49 --
+ src/lessons/lander/icon.svg                                                    |  104 ----
+ src/lessons/lander/lvl1_lander_101/Lander101.fr.html                           |   49 -
  src/lessons/lander/lvl1_lander_101/Lander101.html                              |   41 -
- src/lessons/lander/lvl1_lander_101/Lander101.it.html                           |   45 --
- src/lessons/lander/lvl1_lander_101/Lander101.pt_BR.html                        |   45 --
+ src/lessons/lander/lvl1_lander_101/Lander101.it.html                           |   45 -
+ src/lessons/lander/lvl1_lander_101/Lander101.pt_BR.html                        |   45 -
  src/lessons/lander/lvl1_lander_101/Lander101.scala                             |   17 
  src/lessons/lander/lvl1_lander_101/Lander101Entity.java                        |   14 
  src/lessons/lander/lvl1_lander_101/Lander101Entity.py                          |   13 
@@ -15,30 +15,41 @@
  src/lessons/lander/lvl2_locate_landing_zone/LocateLandingZone.html             |   34 -
  src/lessons/lander/lvl2_locate_landing_zone/LocateLandingZone.scala            |   19 
  src/lessons/lander/lvl2_locate_landing_zone/LocateLandingZoneEntity.java       |   57 --
- src/lessons/lander/lvl2_locate_landing_zone/LocateLandingZoneEntity.py         |   43 --
+ src/lessons/lander/lvl2_locate_landing_zone/LocateLandingZoneEntity.py         |   43 -
  src/lessons/lander/lvl2_locate_landing_zone/ScalaLocateLandingZoneEntity.scala |   54 --
  src/lessons/lander/lvl3_fly_the_lander/FlyTheLander.fr.html                    |   41 -
  src/lessons/lander/lvl3_fly_the_lander/FlyTheLander.html                       |   33 -
  src/lessons/lander/lvl3_fly_the_lander/FlyTheLander.pt_BR.html                 |   37 -
  src/lessons/lander/lvl3_fly_the_lander/FlyTheLander.scala                      |   20 
- src/lessons/lander/lvl3_fly_the_lander/FlyTheLanderEntity.java                 |   48 --
- src/lessons/lander/lvl3_fly_the_lander/FlyTheLanderEntity.py                   |   45 --
+ src/lessons/lander/lvl3_fly_the_lander/FlyTheLanderEntity.java                 |   48 -
+ src/lessons/lander/lvl3_fly_the_lander/FlyTheLanderEntity.py                   |   45 -
  src/lessons/lander/lvl3_fly_the_lander/ScalaFlyTheLanderEntity.scala           |   53 --
  src/lessons/lander/short_desc.fr.html                                          |    9 
  src/lessons/lander/short_desc.html                                             |    7 
  src/lessons/lander/universe/Configurations.scala                               |   77 ---
- src/lessons/lander/universe/DelegatingLanderWorld.fr.html                      |   48 --
- src/lessons/lander/universe/DelegatingLanderWorld.html                         |   44 --
- src/lessons/lander/universe/DelegatingLanderWorld.java                         |   71 ---
- src/lessons/lander/universe/DelegatingLanderWorld.pt_BR.html                   |   43 --
- src/lessons/lander/universe/Geometry.scala                                     |   47 --
+ src/lessons/lander/universe/DelegatingLanderWorld.fr.html                      |   48 -
+ src/lessons/lander/universe/DelegatingLanderWorld.html                         |   44 -
+ src/lessons/lander/universe/DelegatingLanderWorld.java                         |   71 --
+ src/lessons/lander/universe/DelegatingLanderWorld.pt_BR.html                   |   43 -
+ src/lessons/lander/universe/Geometry.scala                                     |   47 -
  src/lessons/lander/universe/LanderEntity.scala                                 |   59 --
- src/lessons/lander/universe/LanderWorld.scala                                  |  148 -------
- src/lessons/lander/universe/LanderWorldView.scala                              |  207 ----------
+ src/lessons/lander/universe/LanderWorld.scala                                  |  148 -----
+ src/lessons/lander/universe/LanderWorldView.scala                              |  207 --------
+ src/plm/core/lang/JVMCompiledLang.java                                         |    9 
+ src/plm/core/lang/LangScala.java                                               |  247 ----------
+ src/plm/core/model/Game.java                                                   |   51 --
+ src/plm/core/model/lesson/ExerciseTemplated.java                               |    4 
+ src/plm/core/model/lesson/ExerciseTemplatingEntity.java                        |   19 
  src/plm/core/ui/ChooseLessonDialog.java                                        |    2 
- src/plm/test/ExoTest.java                                                      |    2 
- src/plm/test/LessonTest.java                                                   |    2 
- 39 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 1689 deletions(-)
+ src/plm/core/ui/JavaEditorPanel.java                                           |    2 
+ src/plm/core/ui/editor/MissionEditor.java                                      |    6 
+ src/plm/test/ExoTest.java                                                      |   13 
+ src/plm/test/LessonTest.java                                                   |   10 
+ src/plm/test/simple/test/AllSimpleExerciseTests.java                           |    2 
+ src/plm/test/simple/test/ScalaSimpleExerciseTest.java                          |   52 --
+ src/plm/universe/bat/BatExercise.java                                          |    2 
+ src/plm/universe/bat/BatTest.java                                              |   16 
+ 50 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 2104 deletions(-)
 Index: b/src/lessons/lander/universe/Configurations.scala
@@ -1936,6 +1947,31 @@ Index: b/src/plm/test/ExoTest.java
+@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ public class ExoTest {
+ 			// For compiled languages, we mutate to the compiled entity. 
+ 			// For script languages, we mutate to the correction entity.
+ 			StudentOrCorrection what = StudentOrCorrection.CORRECTION;
+-			if (lang == Game.JAVA || lang == Game.SCALA || lang == Game.C)
++			if (lang == Game.JAVA || lang == Game.C)
+ 				what = StudentOrCorrection.STUDENT;
+ 			exo.mutateEntities(WorldKind.CURRENT, what);
+@@ -157,14 +157,7 @@ public class ExoTest {
+ 	public void testJavaEntity() {
+ 		testCorrectionEntity(Game.JAVA);
+ 	}
+-	@Test(timeout=30000) // The compiler sometimes takes time to kick in 
+-	public void testScalaEntity() {
+-		if (!exo.getProgLanguages().contains(Game.SCALA)) 
+-			fail("Exercise "+exo.getId()+" does not support scala");
+-		testCorrectionEntity(Game.SCALA);
+-	}
+ //	@Test(timeout=30000) // The compiler sometimes takes time to kick in 
+ 	public void testCEntity() {
+ 		if (!exo.getProgLanguages().contains(Game.C)) 
 Index: b/src/plm/test/LessonTest.java
 --- a/src/plm/test/LessonTest.java
@@ -1949,3 +1985,676 @@ Index: b/src/plm/test/LessonTest.java
  	private String lessonName;
+@@ -82,13 +82,7 @@ public class LessonTest {
+ 		Lesson lesson = loadLesson(Game.JAVA);
+ 		assertTrue("An error arose while loading lesson "+lesson.getName()+"...", lesson.getLoadingOutcomeState() == LoadingOutcome.SUCCESS);
+ 	}
+-	@Test
+-	public void testScalaLesson() throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException {
+-		Lesson lesson = loadLesson(Game.SCALA);
+-		assertTrue("An error arose while loading lesson "+lesson.getName()+"...", lesson.getLoadingOutcomeState() == LoadingOutcome.SUCCESS);
+-	}
+ 	@Test
+ 	public void testPythonLesson() throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException {
+ 		Lesson lesson = loadLesson(Game.PYTHON);
+Index: b/src/plm/core/lang/LangScala.java
+--- a/src/plm/core/lang/LangScala.java
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
+-package plm.core.lang;
+-import java.util.HashMap;
+-import java.util.LinkedList;
+-import java.util.List;
+-import java.util.Map;
+-import java.util.Vector;
+-import plm.core.PLMCompilerException;
+-import plm.core.model.Game;
+-import plm.core.model.LogWriter;
+-import plm.core.model.lesson.ExecutionProgress;
+-import plm.core.model.lesson.Exercise;
+-import plm.core.model.lesson.Exercise.StudentOrCorrection;
+-import plm.core.ui.ResourcesCache;
+-import plm.universe.Entity;
+-import scala.Option;
+-import scala.collection.JavaConverters;
+-import scala.reflect.internal.util.BatchSourceFile;
+-import scala.reflect.internal.util.Position;
+-import scala.reflect.internal.util.SourceFile;
+-import scala.reflect.io.VirtualDirectory;
+-import scala.reflect.io.VirtualFile;
+-import scala.tools.nsc.Global;
+-import scala.tools.nsc.Global.Run;
+-import scala.tools.nsc.Settings;
+-import scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.AbstractFileClassLoader;
+-import scala.tools.nsc.reporters.AbstractReporter;
+-public class LangScala extends JVMCompiledLang {
+-	ScalaCompiler compiler = new ScalaCompiler();
+-	public LangScala() {
+-		super("Scala","scala",ResourcesCache.getIcon("img/lang_scala.png"));
+-	}
+-	@Override
+-	public void compileExo(Exercise exo, LogWriter out, StudentOrCorrection whatToCompile) 
+-			throws PLMCompilerException {
+-		/* Make sure each run generate a new package to avoid that the loader cache prevent the reloading of the newly generated class */
+-		packageNameSuffix++;
+-		runtimePatterns.put("\\$package", 
+-				"package "+packageName()+";import java.awt.Color;");
+-		List<plm.core.model.session.SourceFile> sfs = exo.getSourceFilesList(this);
+-		if (sfs == null || sfs.isEmpty()) {
+-			String msg = exo.getName()+": No source to compile";
+-			System.err.println(msg);
+-			PLMCompilerException e = new PLMCompilerException(msg, null, null);
+-			exo.lastResult = ExecutionProgress.newCompilationError(e.getMessage());				
+-			throw e;
+-		}
+-		try {
+-			compiler.reset();
+-			for (plm.core.model.session.SourceFile sf : sfs) {
+-				compiler.compile(className(sf.getName()), sf.getCompilableContent(runtimePatterns,whatToCompile), sf.getOffset());
+-			}
+-		} catch (PLMCompilerException e) {
+-			System.err.println(Game.i18n.tr("Compilation error:"));
+-			System.err.println(e.getMessage());
+-			exo.lastResult = ExecutionProgress.newCompilationError(e.getMessage());
+-			throw e;
+-		}
+-	}
+-	/** Converts {@code "foo.bar.baz"} to {@code "foo.bar.Scalabaz"}. */
+-	@Override
+-	public String nameOfCorrectionEntity(Exercise exo){
+-		String path = super.nameOfCorrectionEntity(exo);
+-		String[] components = path.split("\\.");
+-		StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
+-		int last = components.length - 1;
+-		for (int i = 0; i < last; i++) {
+-			result.append(components[i] + ".");
+-		}
+-		result.append("Scala" + components[last]);
+-		return result.toString();
+-	}
+-	@Override
+-	protected Entity mutateEntity(String newClassName)
+-			throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException,
+-			ClassNotFoundException {
+-		return (Entity) compiler.findClass(className(newClassName)).newInstance();
+-	}
+-/** In memory compiler of scala code. 
+- *  This is highly inspired of https://github.com/twitter/util/blob/master/util-eval/src/main/scala/com/twitter/util/Eval.scala */
+-class ScalaCompiler {
+-	private PLMReporter reporter;
+-	private Settings settings;
+-	private Map<String, Class<?>> cache = new HashMap<String, Class<?>>();
+-	private Global global;
+-	private VirtualDirectory target;
+-	private ClassLoader classLoader = new AbstractFileClassLoader(target, this.getClass().getClassLoader());
+-	public ScalaCompiler() {
+-		super();
+-		settings = new Settings();
+-		settings.nowarnings().tryToSetFromPropertyValue("true"); // warnings seem to be exceptions, and we don't want them to mess with us
+-		Option<VirtualDirectory> noAncestor = scala.Option$.MODULE$.apply(null);
+-		target = new VirtualDirectory("(memory)", noAncestor);
+-		settings.outputDirs().setSingleOutput(target);
+-		settings.usejavacp().tryToSetFromPropertyValue("true");
+-		//settings.usemanifestcp().tryToSetFromPropertyValue("true");
+-		reporter = new PLMReporter(settings);
+-		global = new Global(settings,reporter);
+-	}
+-	public void reset() {
+-		reporter.reset();
+-		reporter.setOffset(0);
+-		target.clear();
+-		cache = new HashMap<String, Class<?>>();
+-		classLoader = new AbstractFileClassLoader(target, this.getClass().getClassLoader());
+-	}
+-	public void compile(String name,String content,int offset) throws PLMCompilerException {
+-		if (Game.getInstance().isDebugEnabled()) 
+-			System.out.println("Compiline souce "+name+" to scala (offset:"+offset+"):\n"+content);
+-		Run compiler = global.new Run();
+-		List<SourceFile> sources = new LinkedList<SourceFile>();
+-		sources.add(new BatchSourceFile(new VirtualFile(name) , content.toCharArray()));
+-		reporter.setOffset(offset);
+-		compiler.compileSources(JavaConverters.asScalaBufferConverter(sources).asScala().toList());
+-		if (Game.getInstance().isDebugEnabled() && reporter.hasErrors())
+-			System.out.println("Here is the scala source code of "+name+" (offset:"+offset+"): "+content);
+-		reporter.throwExceptionOnNeed();
+-	}
+-	public Class<?> findClass(String className) {
+-		synchronized (this) {
+-			if (!cache.containsKey(className)) {
+-				Class<?> res;
+-				try {
+-					res = classLoader.loadClass(className);
+-				} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
+-					res = null;
+-				}
+-				cache.put(className, res);
+-			}
+-			return cache.get(className);			
+-		}
+-	}
+-	class PLMReporter extends AbstractReporter {
+-		final static int INFO = 0;
+-		final static int WARNING = 1;
+-		final static int ERROR = 2;
+-		int offset=0;
+-		Vector<String> messages = new Vector<String>();
+-		Settings settings;
+-		public PLMReporter(Settings s) {
+-			settings = s;
+-		}
+-		public void setOffset(int _offset) {
+-			this.offset = _offset;
+-		}
+-		@Override
+-		public Settings settings() {
+-			return settings;
+-		}
+-		@Override
+-		public void displayPrompt() { 
+-			/* Don't do that, pal. */ 
+-		}
+-		@Override
+-		public void display(Position pos, String message, Severity _severity) {
+-			String severityName = _severity.toString(); 
+-			String label = "";
+-			int severity = -1;
+-			if (severityName.equals("INFO") || severityName.equals("scala.tools.nsc.reporters.Reporter$Severity at 0"))
+-				severity = INFO;
+-			if (severityName.equals("WARNING") || severityName.equals("scala.tools.nsc.reporters.Reporter$Severity at 1")) {
+-				severity = WARNING;
+-				label= "warning: ";
+-			}
+-			if (severityName.equals("ERROR") || severityName.equals("scala.tools.nsc.reporters.Reporter$Severity at 2")) {
+-				severity = ERROR;
+-				label = "error: ";
+-			}
+-			if (severity == -1)
+-				throw new RuntimeException("Got an unknown severity: "+severityName+". Please adapt the PLM to this new version of scala (or whatever).");
+-			if (severity == INFO && !Game.getInstance().isDebugEnabled()) 
+-				return;
+-			int lineNum = -1;
+-			try {
+-				lineNum = pos.line() - offset;
+-			} catch (Throwable t) {
+-				// That's fine if the line number is not defined.
+-			}
+-			String name = pos.source().path();
+-			int lastDot = name.lastIndexOf('.');
+-			if (lastDot != -1)
+-				name = name.substring(lastDot+1);
+-			String msg = name+(lineNum == -1? "": ":"+lineNum) +": "+label+message;
+-			// Append the line content and a position marker, if possible
+-			if (pos != null && pos.isDefined()) {
+-				msg += "\n"+pos.inUltimateSource(pos.source()).lineContent()+"\n";
+-				for (int i=0;i<pos.column()-1;i++)
+-					msg += " ";
+-				msg += "^";
+-			}
+-			messages.add(msg);
+-		}
+-		public void throwExceptionOnNeed() throws PLMCompilerException {
+-			if (hasErrors()) {
+-				StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
+-				for (String s : messages)
+-					sb.append(s);
+-				throw new PLMCompilerException(sb.toString(), null, null);
+-			}
+-		}
+-		@Override
+-		public void reset() {
+-			super.reset();
+-			messages.removeAllElements();
+-		}
+-		/* These methods are mandated by scala 2.11, but I dunno what to do with it, so ignore that for now */
+-		public int count(Object o) {
+-			return 0;
+-		}
+-		public void resetCount(Object o) {}
+-		public void info0(Position arg0, String arg1, Object arg2, boolean arg3) {
+-			// TODO Auto-generated method stub
+-		}
+-	}
+\ No newline at end of file
+Index: b/src/plm/core/model/Game.java
+--- a/src/plm/core/model/Game.java
++++ b/src/plm/core/model/Game.java
+@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ import plm.core.lang.LangJava;
+ import plm.core.lang.LangLightbot;
+ import plm.core.lang.LangPython;
+ import plm.core.lang.LangRuby;
+-import plm.core.lang.LangScala;
+ import plm.core.lang.ProgrammingLanguage;
+ import plm.core.model.lesson.Exercise;
+ import plm.core.model.lesson.Exercise.WorldKind;
+@@ -99,14 +98,13 @@ public class Game implements IWorldView
+ 	public static final ProgrammingLanguage JAVA =       new LangJava();
+ 	public static final ProgrammingLanguage PYTHON =     new LangPython();
+-	public static final ProgrammingLanguage SCALA =      new LangScala();
+ 	public static final ProgrammingLanguage C =          new LangC();
+ 	//public static final ProgrammingLanguage JAVASCRIPT = new ProgrammingLanguage("JavaScript","js",ResourcesCache.getIcon("img/lang_javascript.png"));
+ 	public static final ProgrammingLanguage RUBY =       new LangRuby();
+ 	public static final ProgrammingLanguage LIGHTBOT =   new LangLightbot();
+ 	public static final ProgrammingLanguage[] programmingLanguages = new ProgrammingLanguage[] {
+-		JAVA, PYTHON, SCALA, RUBY, LIGHTBOT, C // TODO: re-add JAVASCRIPT to this list once it works at least a bit
++		JAVA, PYTHON, RUBY, LIGHTBOT, C // TODO: re-add JAVASCRIPT to this list once it works at least a bit
+ 	}; 
+ 	private ProgrammingLanguage programmingLanguage = JAVA;
+@@ -164,10 +162,6 @@ public class Game implements IWorldView
+ 		i18n = I18nFactory.getI18n(getClass(),"org.plm.i18n.Messages",FileUtils.getLocale(), I18nFactory.FALLBACK);
+ 		loadProperties();
+-		if (checkScala())
+-			System.err.println(i18n.tr("Scala is usable on your machine. Congratulations."));
+-		else
+-			System.err.println(i18n.tr("Please install Scala version 2.10 or higher to use it in the PLM."));
+ 		if (checkPython())
+ 			System.err.println(i18n.tr("Jython is usable on your machine. Congratulations."));
+ 		else
+@@ -180,17 +174,13 @@ public class Game implements IWorldView
+ 		String defaultProgrammingLanguage = Game.getProperty(PROP_PROGRAMING_LANGUAGE,Game.JAVA.getLang(),true);
+ 		if (!defaultProgrammingLanguage.equalsIgnoreCase(Game.JAVA.getLang()) &&
+ 				!defaultProgrammingLanguage.equalsIgnoreCase(Game.PYTHON.getLang()) &&
+-				!defaultProgrammingLanguage.equalsIgnoreCase(Game.SCALA.getLang()) && 
+ 				!defaultProgrammingLanguage.equalsIgnoreCase(Game.C.getLang())) 
+ 			System.err.println(i18n.tr("Warning, the default programming language is neither ''Java'' nor ''python'' or ''Scala'' or ''C'' but {0}.\n"+
+ 					"   This language will be used to setup the worlds, possibly leading to severe issues for the exercises that don''t expect it.\n" +
+ 					"   It is safer to change the current language, and restart the PLM before proceeding.\n"+
+ 					"   Alternatively, the property {1} can be changed in your configuration file ({2}/plm.properties)",defaultProgrammingLanguage,PROP_PROGRAMING_LANGUAGE, getSavingLocation()));
+-		if (defaultProgrammingLanguage.equalsIgnoreCase(Game.SCALA.getLang()) && !canScala) {
+-			System.err.println(i18n.tr("The default programming language is Scala, but your scala installation is not usable. Switching to Java instead.\n"));
+-			setProgramingLanguage(JAVA);
+-		} else if (defaultProgrammingLanguage.equalsIgnoreCase(Game.PYTHON.getLang()) && !canPython) {
++	        if (defaultProgrammingLanguage.equalsIgnoreCase(Game.PYTHON.getLang()) && !canPython) {
+ 			System.err.println(i18n.tr("The default programming language is python, but your python installation is not usable. Switching to Java instead.\n"));
+ 			setProgramingLanguage(JAVA);
+ 		} else if (defaultProgrammingLanguage.equalsIgnoreCase(Game.C.getLang()) && !canC) {
+@@ -231,35 +221,7 @@ public class Game implements IWorldView
+ 	@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
+ 	private boolean checkScala() {
+-		String[] resources = new String[] {"/scala/tools/nsc/Interpreter", "/scala/ScalaObject", "/scala/reflect/io/AbstractFile"};
+-		String[] hints     = new String[] {"scala-compiler.jar",           "scala-library.jar",  "scala-reflect.jar"};
+-		for (int i=0;i<resources.length;i++) {
+-			scalaError = canResolve(resources[i],hints[i]);
+-			if (!scalaError.isEmpty()) {
+-				System.err.println(scalaError);
+-				return canScala;
+-			}
+-		}
+-		String version = null;
+-		try {
+-			Class props = Class.forName("scala.util.Properties");
+-			Method meth = props.getMethod("versionString", new Class[] {});
+-			version = (String) meth.invoke(props);
+-		} catch (Exception e) {
+-			scalaError = i18n.tr("Error {0} while retrieving the Scala version: {1}", e.getClass().getName() ,e.getLocalizedMessage());
+-			System.err.println( scalaError );
+-			return canScala;
+-		}
+-		if (version.contains("version 2.10") || version.contains("version 2.11")) {
+-			canScala = true;
+-			return canScala;
+-		} else {
+-			scalaError = i18n.tr("Scala is too ancient. Found {0} while I need 2.10 or higher.",version);
+-			System.err.println(scalaError);
+-			return canScala;
+-		}
++	        return false;
+ 	}
+ 	public boolean canPython = false;
+@@ -972,11 +934,6 @@ public class Game implements IWorldView
+ 		if (isValidProgLanguage(newLanguage)) {
+ 			//System.out.println("Switch programming language to "+newLanguage);
+-			if (newLanguage.equals(Game.SCALA) && !canScala) {
+-				JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, i18n.tr("Please install Scala version 2.10 or higher to use it in the PLM.\n\n")+scalaError ,
+-						i18n.tr("Scala is missing"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); 
+-				return;
+-			}
+ 			if (newLanguage.equals(Game.PYTHON) && !canPython) {
+ 				JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, i18n.tr("Please install jython and its dependencies to use the python programming language in the PLM.\n\n")+pythonError,
+ 						i18n.tr("Python is missing"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); 
+@@ -999,7 +956,7 @@ public class Game implements IWorldView
+ 			}
+ 			this.programmingLanguage = newLanguage;
+ 			fireProgLangChange(newLanguage);
+-			if (newLanguage.equals(Game.JAVA) || newLanguage.equals(Game.PYTHON) || newLanguage.equals(Game.SCALA) || newLanguage.equals(Game.C)) // Only save it if it's stable enough
++			if (newLanguage.equals(Game.JAVA) || newLanguage.equals(Game.PYTHON) || newLanguage.equals(Game.C)) // Only save it if it's stable enough
+ 				setProperty(PROP_PROGRAMING_LANGUAGE, newLanguage.getLang());
+ 			return;
+ 		}
+Index: b/src/plm/core/model/lesson/ExerciseTemplated.java
+--- a/src/plm/core/model/lesson/ExerciseTemplated.java
++++ b/src/plm/core/model/lesson/ExerciseTemplated.java
+@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ public abstract class ExerciseTemplated
+ 		String initialContent = templateHead.toString() + templateTail.toString();
+ 		String skelContent;
+ 		String headContent;
+-		if (lang == Game.PYTHON || lang == Game.SCALA || lang == Game.C) { 
++		if (lang == Game.PYTHON || lang == Game.C) { 
+ 			skelContent = skel.toString();
+ 			headContent = head.toString();
+ 		} else {
+@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ public abstract class ExerciseTemplated
+ 						System.out.println("Found suitable templating entity "+lang.nameOfCorrectionEntity(this)+" in "+lang);
+ 				} catch (NoSuchEntityException e) {
+-					if (lang.equals(Game.PYTHON) || lang.equals(Game.SCALA) || lang.equals(Game.JAVA)) 
++					if (lang.equals(Game.PYTHON) || lang.equals(Game.JAVA)) 
+ 						System.out.println("No templating entity found: "+e);
+ 					if (getProgLanguages().contains(lang)) 
+Index: b/src/plm/universe/bat/BatTest.java
+--- a/src/plm/universe/bat/BatTest.java
++++ b/src/plm/universe/bat/BatTest.java
+@@ -165,9 +165,7 @@ public class BatTest {
+ 	}
+ 	private void displayParameter(Object o, StringBuffer sb, ProgrammingLanguage pl) {
+ 		if (o == null) {
+-			if (pl == Game.SCALA)
+-				sb.append("Nil");
+-			else if (pl == Game.PYTHON)
++			if (pl == Game.PYTHON)
+ 				sb.append("None");
+ 			else
+ 				sb.append("null");
+@@ -175,8 +173,6 @@ public class BatTest {
+ 		} else if (o instanceof String[]) {
+ 			if (pl.equals(Game.JAVA)) {
+ 				sb.append("{");
+-			} else if (pl.equals(Game.SCALA)) {
+-				sb.append("Array(");
+ 			} else if (pl.equals(Game.PYTHON)) { 
+ 				sb.append("[");
+ 			} else {
+@@ -191,8 +187,6 @@ public class BatTest {
+ 			sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length()-1);
+ 			if (pl.equals(Game.JAVA)) {
+ 				sb.append("}");
+-			} else if (pl.equals(Game.SCALA)) {
+-				sb.append(")");
+ 			} else if (pl.equals(Game.PYTHON)) { 
+ 				sb.append("]");
+ 			} else {
+@@ -204,8 +198,6 @@ public class BatTest {
+ 			if (pl.equals(Game.JAVA)) {
+ 				sb.append("{");
+-			} else if (pl.equals(Game.SCALA)) {
+-				sb.append("Array(");
+ 			} else if (pl.equals(Game.PYTHON)) { // Python
+ 				sb.append("[");
+ 			} else {
+@@ -231,8 +223,6 @@ public class BatTest {
+ 			}
+ 			if (pl.equals(Game.JAVA)) {
+ 				sb.append("}");
+-			} else if (pl.equals(Game.SCALA)) {
+-				sb.append(")");
+ 			} else if (pl.equals(Game.PYTHON)) { 
+ 				sb.append("]");
+ 			} else {
+@@ -240,7 +230,7 @@ public class BatTest {
+ 			}
+ 		} else if (o instanceof Boolean) {
+ 			Boolean b = (Boolean) o;
+-			if (pl.equals(Game.JAVA) || pl.equals(Game.SCALA)) {
++			if (pl.equals(Game.JAVA)) {
+ 				sb.append(b ? "true":"false");
+ 			} else if (pl.equals(Game.PYTHON)) { 
+ 				sb.append(b ? "True" : "False");
+@@ -296,8 +286,6 @@ public class BatTest {
+ 			displayParameter(o, sb, Game.getProgrammingLanguage());
+ 			return sb.toString();
+ 		} else {
+-			if (Game.getProgrammingLanguage() == Game.SCALA)
+-				return "Nil";
+ 			if (Game.getProgrammingLanguage() == Game.PYTHON)
+ 				return "None";
+ 			return "null";
+Index: b/src/plm/test/simple/test/ScalaSimpleExerciseTest.java
+--- a/src/plm/test/simple/test/ScalaSimpleExerciseTest.java
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
+-package plm.test.simple.test;
+-import plm.core.model.Game;
+-public class ScalaSimpleExerciseTest extends JVMCompiledSimpleExerciseTest {
+-	public ScalaSimpleExerciseTest() {
+-		super(Game.SCALA);
+-	}
+-	@Override
+-	public String generateSyntaxErrorCode() {
+-		return "zqkdçajdé\"\"";
+-	}
+-	@Override
+-	public String generateVariableErrorCode() {
+-		return "toto += 1;\n";
+-	}
+-	@Override
+-	public String generateNullPointerErrorCode() {
+-		return "override def run() {\n"
+-				+ "  var s:String = null;\n"
+-				+ "  println(s.length());\n"
+-				+ "}";
+-	}
+-	@Override
+-	public String generateOutOfBoundsErrorCode() {
+-		return "override def run() {\n"
+-				+ "  var t:Array[Int] = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10);\n"
+-				+ "  println(t(42));\n"
+-				+ "}";
+-	}
+-	@Override
+-	public String generateWrongCode() {
+-		return "override def run() {\n"
+-				+ "  world.asInstanceOf[SimpleWorld].setObjectif(false);\n"
+-				+ "}";
+-	}
+-	@Override
+-	public String generateSolutionFollowedByError() {
+-		return "override def run() {\n"
+-				+ "  world.asInstanceOf[SimpleWorld].setObjectif(true);\n"
+-				+ "  var t:Array[Int] = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10);\n"
+-				+ "  println(t(42));\n"
+-				+ "}";
+-	}
+Index: b/src/plm/core/lang/JVMCompiledLang.java
+--- a/src/plm/core/lang/JVMCompiledLang.java
++++ b/src/plm/core/lang/JVMCompiledLang.java
+@@ -48,15 +48,6 @@ public abstract class JVMCompiledLang ex
+ 					ent = (Entity)getClass().getClassLoader().loadClass(newClassName).newInstance(); 
+ 				} catch (Exception e2) {
+ 					if (whatToMutate == StudentOrCorrection.STUDENT) {
+-						if (Game.getProgrammingLanguage() == Game.SCALA)
+-							throw new PLMCompilerException(Game.i18n.tr(
+-									  "Your entity failed to start. Did you forgot to put your code within a method?\n\n"
+-									+ "This problem often arises when the exercise expects you to put all the code within a \n"
+-									+ "method e.g. run(), but you put some statements (e.g. forward()) outside of any method.\n\n"
+-									+ "The easiest solution to sort it out is to copy all your code (Ctrl-A Ctrl-C), use the \n"
+-									+ "'Exercise/Revert' menu to reset the template, and paste (Ctrl-V) your code within the\n"
+-									+ "provided method."));
+-						else
+ 							throw new PLMCompilerException(Game.i18n.tr("Your entity failed to start. Your constructor seems to be broken, but I have no clue."));
+ 					} else {
+ 						throw new PLMEntityNotFound("Cannot find an entity of name "+className(newClassName)+" or "+newClassName+". Broken lesson.", e2);
+Index: b/src/plm/core/model/lesson/ExerciseTemplatingEntity.java
+--- a/src/plm/core/model/lesson/ExerciseTemplatingEntity.java
++++ b/src/plm/core/model/lesson/ExerciseTemplatingEntity.java
+@@ -83,19 +83,7 @@ public abstract class ExerciseTemplating
+ 		javaFile.setCorrection("$package "+template+" @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public void run(BatTest t) {\n"+javaFile.getTemplate()+"}\n"+javaFile.getCorrection()+" }");
+ 		javaFile.setTemplate  ("$package "+template+" @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") public void run(BatTest t) {  "+javaFile.getTemplate()+"}    $body }");
+ 		//System.out.println("New template: "+sf.getTemplate());
+-		if (getProgLanguages().contains(Game.SCALA)) {
+-			SourceFile scalaFile = sourceFiles.get(Game.SCALA).get(0);
+-			String header = "$package\n"
+-					+ "import plm.universe.bat.{BatEntity,BatWorld,BatTest}; \n"
+-					+ "import plm.universe.World; \n"
+-					+ "import scala.collection.JavaConverters._;\n"
+-					+ "class "+entName+" extends BatEntity { ";
+-			scalaFile.setCorrection(header+scalaFile.getCorrection()+" }");
+-			scalaFile.setTemplate  (header+scalaFile.getTemplate()  +" }");
+-		}
+ 		computeAnswer();
+ 		setSetup(true);
+ 	}
+@@ -114,8 +102,6 @@ public abstract class ExerciseTemplating
+ 	protected void templateScala(String entName, String[] types, String initialCode, String correction) {
+ 		if (isSetup())
+ 			throw new RuntimeException("The exercise "+getName()+" is already setup, too late to add a programming language template.");
+-		if (this.getProgLanguages().contains(Game.SCALA))
+-			throw new RuntimeException("The exercise "+getName()+" has two Scala templates. Please fix this bug.");
+ 		StringBuffer skeleton = new StringBuffer(" val res = ");
+ 		skeleton.append(entName);
+@@ -146,9 +132,6 @@ public abstract class ExerciseTemplating
+ 		skeleton.append("  case e:java.lang.ClassCastException => t.setResult(res)\n"); // primitive types cannot be converted to java, but I don't care (and cannot test whether res is a primitive type)
+ 		skeleton.append("}\n");
+-		newSource(Game.SCALA, entName, initialCode, "\n   override def run(t: BatTest) {\n"+skeleton+"\n   }\n$body",14,
+-				                                    "\n   override def run(t: BatTest) {\n"+skeleton+"\n   }\n"+initialCode+correction);
+-		addProgLanguage(Game.SCALA);
+ 	}
+ 	public boolean isSetup() {
+ 		return isSetup;
+Index: b/src/plm/core/ui/editor/MissionEditor.java
+--- a/src/plm/core/ui/editor/MissionEditor.java
++++ b/src/plm/core/ui/editor/MissionEditor.java
+@@ -110,7 +110,6 @@ public class MissionEditor extends JFram
+ 		selectorAll.setSelected(true);
+ 		final JCheckBox selectorC = new JCheckBox("C");
+ 		final JCheckBox selectorJava = new JCheckBox("Java");
+-		final JCheckBox selectorScala = new JCheckBox("Scala");
+ 		final JCheckBox selectorPython = new JCheckBox("Python");
+ 		final ItemListener il = new ItemListener() {
+@@ -129,9 +128,6 @@ public class MissionEditor extends JFram
+ 					if(selectorJava.isSelected()){
+ 						l.add(Game.JAVA);
+ 					}
+-					if(selectorScala.isSelected()){
+-						l.add(Game.SCALA);
+-					}
+ 					if(selectorPython.isSelected()){
+ 						l.add(Game.PYTHON);
+ 					}
+@@ -162,7 +158,6 @@ public class MissionEditor extends JFram
+ 		selectorAll.addItemListener(il);
+ 		selectorC.addItemListener(il);
+ 		selectorJava.addItemListener(il);
+-		selectorScala.addItemListener(il);
+ 		selectorPython.addItemListener(il);
+ 		editor = new JEditorPane();
+@@ -183,7 +178,6 @@ public class MissionEditor extends JFram
+ 		box.add(selectorAll);
+ 		box.add(selectorC);
+ 		box.add(selectorJava);
+-		box.add(selectorScala);
+ 		box.add(selectorPython);
+ 		rightDisplay.add(box, BorderLayout.NORTH);
+Index: b/src/plm/core/ui/JavaEditorPanel.java
+--- a/src/plm/core/ui/JavaEditorPanel.java
++++ b/src/plm/core/ui/JavaEditorPanel.java
+@@ -31,8 +31,6 @@ public class JavaEditorPanel extends RTe
+             codeEditor.setSyntaxEditingStyle(SyntaxConstants.SYNTAX_STYLE_JAVA);
+         } else if (lang.equals(Game.PYTHON)) {
+             codeEditor.setSyntaxEditingStyle(SyntaxConstants.SYNTAX_STYLE_PYTHON);
+-        } else if (lang.equals(Game.SCALA)) {
+-            codeEditor.setSyntaxEditingStyle(SyntaxConstants.SYNTAX_STYLE_SCALA);
+         } else if (lang.equals(Game.C)) {
+             codeEditor.setSyntaxEditingStyle(SyntaxConstants.SYNTAX_STYLE_C);
+         } else {
+Index: b/src/plm/universe/bat/BatExercise.java
+--- a/src/plm/universe/bat/BatExercise.java
++++ b/src/plm/universe/bat/BatExercise.java
+@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ public abstract class BatExercise extend
+ 		}
+ 		for (ProgrammingLanguage pl : getProgLanguages()) {
+-			if (!pl.equals(Game.JAVA) && !pl.equals(Game.SCALA)) 
++			if (!pl.equals(Game.JAVA))
+ 				worlds.get(0).getEntity(0).setScript(pl, corrections.get(pl));
+ 		}
+Index: b/src/plm/test/simple/test/AllSimpleExerciseTests.java
+--- a/src/plm/test/simple/test/AllSimpleExerciseTests.java
++++ b/src/plm/test/simple/test/AllSimpleExerciseTests.java
+@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import org.junit.runners.Suite;
+ import org.junit.runners.Suite.SuiteClasses;
+ @RunWith(Suite.class)
+- at SuiteClasses({ JavaSimpleExerciseTest.class, ScalaSimpleExerciseTest.class, PythonSimpleExerciseTest.class })
++ at SuiteClasses({ JavaSimpleExerciseTest.class, PythonSimpleExerciseTest.class })
+ public class AllSimpleExerciseTests {
+ }
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index 91eca40..96ea746 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-java/plm.git

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