[sikuli] annotated tag debian/1.1.0_beta4-1 created (now e4ae728)

Gilles Filippini pini at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Oct 26 22:21:54 GMT 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

pini pushed a change to annotated tag debian/1.1.0_beta4-1
in repository sikuli.

        at  e4ae728   (tag)
   tagging  c8f222e50532a94852432a5e2d776b4a0358d6e9 (commit)
  replaces  debian/1.1.0_beta3-1
 tagged by  Gilles Filippini
        on  Sun Oct 26 23:13:26 2014 +0100

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
sikulix Debian release 1.1.0~beta4-1

Gilles Filippini (10):
      Merge tag '1.1.0-Beta4' into upstream
      Merge branch 'upstream'
      Update d/README.source regarding removed parts
      Adapt patches to the new source tree
      Update poms files
      First attempt at packaging release 1.1.0~beta4-1
      Drop embedded MS Excel processing python modules
      Merge branch 'upstream'
      Acknoledge MS Excel python modules removal from upstream
      Standards-Version: 3.9.6 - Upload to experimental

Mike Johnson (3):
      Added a method to get the number of active VNC connections
      Changed System printlns to Sikuli Debug instead so there would be
      Made a change that should allow for the number of VNCScreens in the

Raimund Hocke (238):
      switched to Beta4: complete restructuring and renaming (sikulix…) and switching groupid to com.sikulix (preps for upload to MavenCentral)
      Update README.md
      Update README.md
      Update README.md
      Update README.md
      Update README.md
      Update README.md
      minore fixes due to new structure/naming
      minor fixes due to new structure/naming, added Keys, Device
      … and again
      nightly build info
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/RaiMan/SikuliX-2014
      switched version numbering to Maven release/snapshot
      fixed: more on naming/structure change
      unattended collectjars for Jenkins
      more on supporting new version/naming concept
      nightly build
      the pom for MavenCebtral
      might help to get seploy running
      for deploy to MavenCentral
      for deploy to MavenCentral
      for deploy to MavenCentral
      for deploy to MavenCentral
      allow to run tests on headless machines (skipping tests that cannot run on headless)
      switching to release version Beta4
      to support using sikulixapi from MavenCentral
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/RaiMan/SikuliX-2014
      back to SNAPSHOT
      switching to release version Beta4
      Maven resource filtering corrupts the libraries
      Update README.md
      Update README.md
      Update README.md
      Update README.md
      fixed: problem with setup caused by naming change
      for MavenCentral: prepare signing the stuff
      more on deployment
      fixed some more problems resulting from new naming concept
      switched of all yellow splash screens at script run for now
      first step to divide the Libs jar into system specific jars
      the jar containing all Libs for download is -0
      API jar need not be downloaded anymore, contained in setup
      one more class name problem
      more on API not-download
      sikulixapi silently terminates if double clicked or executed.
      jars -0 (Libs) and -2 (API) not needed currently
      the new libs structure for deploy
      nightly build info
      New StuffContainer, to save stuff currently not in the build, but should be saved
      code from Manish: optimise images before doing OCR
      Contribution from Michael Johnson: Sikuli over VNC
      Create READ.MEStuff
      Rename READ.MEStuff to READ.ME
      Rename READ.ME to README.md
      Update README.md
      added a an example how to use the artifacts from OSSRH in a Maven project
      Create README.md
      Update README.md
      Update README.md
      module Libs obsolete
      Update README.md
      Update README.md
      slimmed pom
      added Mike's VNC example
      revised native libs export: when running sikulixapi.jar, the libs folder is exported to the jars parent folder in any case, even if located in MavenRepo (good for running on Jenkins)
      Update README.md
      switched TestRun back to using SNAPSHOT
      nightly build info
      module Libs obsolete
      more complex restructuring to reduce the modules needed, towards MavenCentral
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/RaiMan/SikuliX-2014
      added VNC solution from Michael Johnson (package edu.unh.iol.dlc in sikulixapi)
      main in SikuliScript does not make sense anymore, scripts have to be run with sikulix
      working on collectjars
      finished collect jars including Jenkins run
      Eclipse stuff
      switch off testing for now
      nightly info
      revised the build helpers
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/RaiMan/SikuliX-2014
      fix not working renaming
      Mouse should forget lastPos on reset
      compare of pathnames should be done with a normalizing function
      revising image handling
      Merge pull request #49 from mjohnson1/master
      revised library handling (init only done once, specials for Windows are all done before first load, switched test library to VisionProxy)
      maven.test.skip now set/unset in Netbeans
      IDE: fixed the menu View and Tools problems
      IDE: get a speaking message on not available Extensionmanager
      made the Resourceloader a normal class again (no need to be a service)
      Merge pull request #50 from mjohnson1/master
      testrun: explicitly use snapshot
      testrun: docs and logs on Windows
      to be consequent
      started: use Jython.cleanup() in situations, where the running thread terminates with an uncaught exception and makes IDE hang
      revised setup logging
      when using sikulixapi: libs folders anywhere should be ignored in all cases.
      need to switch to git global ignore case = false
      the system suffix is lowercase
      added a feature to get debug output to stdout, even if it is redirected to the IDE message area
      switched off redirection for JRuby for now, makes problems when starting IDE from command line (under evaluation)
      nightly info
      brought back an assembly build for the JRuby addons rspec+
      fixed problems with Scriptrunner support (missing interpreter at IDE startup, repeated redirect of stdout/err)
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/RaiMan/SikuliX-2014
      brought back the JRuby rspec+ assemblies (not finished)
      fixed some more problems with redirection of stout/err
      added: Sikuli's messages info, action, debug and error can now be redirected to a private logger instance.
      fixed: module Libxxx suffixes must be lowercase
      testing new debug redirect features
      added tests for Debug redirect
      finalized the Sikuli log message redirect, can be run now with Sikuli's message prefixes omitted
      the Jruby add ons are only built on Jenkins (not with a project clean install). JRubyAddOns and IDEFatJRuby must be run manually if needed in that order after clean install on the project)
      again removed the inline build of a runnable IDE with complete JRuby support (yields 45 MB and contains JRuby twice)
      nightly info
      revising setup
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/RaiMan/SikuliX-2014
      Merge pull request #53 from rssdev10/master
      sikulix.rb now only in JRubyGem, API build will copy to API package
      changed SikuliX4Ruby to Sikulix
      revising setup
      Merge pull request #55 from rssdev10/master
      still revising setup
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/RaiMan/SikuliX-2014
      switched gem to and uploaded to rubygems
      Update README.md
      Update README.md
      Update README.md
      finished revision of setup, can now be run in the project for debugging
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/RaiMan/SikuliX-2014
      nightly info
      added exec plugin so mvn exec:exec can be used in APIFat to run setup (files will be in Setup/target)
      trying to make logger redirection available in Jython (switch off for JRuby for now)
      added the callback feature to python runner, so it can be used for logging redirect in Jython scripting. JRuby needs still to be implemented.
      nightly info
      fixed: Jython logging redirect
      logging redirect: fixed some problems with Debug.user() and Debug.log()
      nightly info
      fixed: normal debug log did not work any longer
      fixed: did not work on Windows any more in some special cases
      fixed: a problem with URL's on Windows containing %xx
      started to switch all file access to URLs
      intermediate - compiling with errors
      more on Image/ImagePath using URLs --- not stable yet
      more on Image/ImagePath using URLs --- not stable yet
      more on Image/ImagePath using URLs --- nearly finished
      fixed a problem with cleaning bundle from not used images
      started adding an open recent menu
      nightly info
      fixed: crash if type() contains % character
      Debug log convenience feature (poor man's assertTrue)
      revised: setup: final testing now the same for all (API, Jython, JRuby): Finder functionality is tested.
      intermediate - compiling with errors
      added: methods to switch from Pattern to Image with Pattern aspects and vice-versa
      switched to using the new Image/Pattern coexistence
      revised: setup final test now tests the core features with respective debug log
      nightly info
      more on open recent menu - Settings.experimental to switch it on and off
      Update README.md
      more on open recent menu
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/RaiMan/SikuliX-2014
      Update README.md
      revised the special log call
      TestRun content changed
      started to bundle all script running stuff in org.sikuli.scriptrunner
      revised the logger callback feature due to the script runner changes
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/RaiMan/SikuliX-2014
      moved more IDE-only related stuff to the IDE package
      moved setup to separate package
      more for last commit
      moved code to other packages
      moved code to other packages
      revised pons to reflect moved code
      revisions to reflect moved code
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/RaiMan/SikuliX-2014
      more restructuring
      Temporary Fix: Mac OS X 10.10: switch off search feature in IDE, to avoid crash at startup
      intermediate --- not running (Java 8 com.apple.eawt problem)
      fixed: compile problem on Mac with Java 8 (com.apple.eawt usage implemented with reflection and proxy)
      fixed: setup and collectors now working again
      preps for nightly builds relaunch
      brought back the final testing with setup --- JRuby not working yet
      fixed some problems after moving ScriptRunner
      preps for restarting nightly build
      intermediate: revising the script running feature (-r accepts more than one script, simplified run(script) to be used in scripts, ...)
      reverted the movement - has to be revised later
      some adaptions, to let it work with revised ScriptRunner
      more optimization for Scriptrunning
      more optimization for Scriptrunning
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/RaiMan/SikuliX-2014
      fixed: jar URL creation on Windows
      intermediate --- does not work --- have to switch machine
      intermediate --- changing machine --- nearly back to life
      intermediate --- does not work --- have to switch machine
      revised: when reprising after switching showThumbnails, no longer a temp file is used, but a string as intermediate storage
      minor fix after having eliminated unnecessary temp file usages
      completely revised the editor tab context menu
      nightly build info
      started feature: remote script running server
      nightly build info
      added: Match method to return the wait/search time of the last success
      update copyright
      again copyright
      fix for OSSRH deploy
      added: to provide api docs and sources as jars on nightly
      stupid mistake
      fixed: script should run even if not changed (no tempfile created anymore)
      started: optimize image handling --- might crash
      linux supplemental contained in setup jar to better support build
      to let the javadoc creation work without errors
      finished: optimised image handling (switching bundle path and caches)
      fixed: a problem with temp file creation, when path is missing
      fixed: accidentally used a method only available in Java 8
      changed: base version should be 1.1.0 for deploy poms (dynamically changed before build and deploy)
      nightly info

mjohnson1 (1):
      Merge pull request #1 from RaiMan/master

rssdev10 (3):
      RubyScript: 'undotted' methods now isolated from subclasses
      RubyGem: updated sikulix.rb
      RubyGem: fix an incorrect date in gemspec


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-java/sikuli.git

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