[libjogl2-java] 29/58: Imported Debian patch 2.0-rc9-1~exp1
Tony Mancill
tmancill at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Sep 4 03:59:14 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
tmancill pushed a commit to branch master
in repository libjogl2-java.
commit 7520573eba2d7c46613dd55a1f5a2a9bc75510a2
Merge: 6209bf9 a79f0a1
Author: Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre at debian.org>
Date: Mon Jul 2 03:22:25 2012 +0200
Imported Debian patch 2.0-rc9-1~exp1
debian/ant.properties | 6 -
debian/changelog | 18 +-
debian/control | 6 +-
debian/patches/TARGET_PLATFORM_LIBS_2.diff | 16 +-
debian/patches/armv7build.diff | 15 -
debian/patches/disable_android.diff | 23 +-
debian/patches/s390x.diff | 24 +-
debian/patches/series | 3 +-
debian/patches/variousFixes.diff | 18 +-
make/build-common.xml | 43 +-
make/build-jogl.xml | 19 +-
make/build-newt.xml | 48 +-
make/build-test.xml | 100 +-
make/build.xml | 8 +-
make/config/jogl/gl-common-extensions.cfg | 1 -
make/config/jogl/gl-if-CustomJavaCode-gl.java | 3 +
make/config/jogl/gl-if-gl-ignores.cfg | 44 +-
make/config/jogl/gl-if-gl2_es2.cfg | 2 +
make/joglversion-test | 12 +
make/joglversion-test-android | 12 +
make/resources/android/AndroidManifest-jogl.xml | 8 +-
make/resources/android/AndroidManifest-test.xml | 7 +-
.../android/res-jogl/drawable-xhdpi/icon.png | Bin 0 -> 5742 bytes
make/resources/android/res-jogl/values/strings.xml | 4 +-
.../android/res-test/drawable-xhdpi/icon.png | Bin 0 -> 5742 bytes
make/scripts/adb-install-all-armv7.sh | 8 +-
make/scripts/adb-launch-main.sh | 32 +-
make/scripts/adb-uninstall-all.sh | 4 +-
make/scripts/cmpOld2New.sh | 4 +-
make/scripts/tests.sh | 55 +-
make/versions.xml | 2 +-
.../com/jogamp/graph/curve/OutlineShape.java | 1258 ++++++++++----------
src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/graph/font/Font.java | 7 +
.../classes/com/jogamp/graph/math/Quaternion.java | 764 ++++++------
.../classes/com/jogamp/graph/math/VectorUtil.java | 866 +++++++-------
src/jogl/classes/com/jogamp/opengl/FloatUtil.java | 75 +-
.../classes/com/jogamp/opengl/swt/GLCanvas.java | 1 -
.../classes/com/jogamp/opengl/util/GLBuffers.java | 2 +
.../com/jogamp/opengl/util/texture/Texture.java | 15 +-
.../jogamp/opengl/util/texture/TextureData.java | 2 +-
.../com/jogamp/opengl/util/texture/TextureIO.java | 30 +-
.../jogamp/opengl/util/texture/spi/PNGImage.java | 53 +-
.../classes/javax/media/opengl/GLAutoDrawable.java | 16 +-
src/jogl/classes/javax/media/opengl/GLContext.java | 10 -
.../classes/javax/media/opengl/GLRunnable.java | 25 +-
.../classes/javax/media/opengl/awt/GLCanvas.java | 12 +-
.../classes/javax/media/opengl/awt/GLJPanel.java | 3 -
.../jogamp/graph/curve/opengl/RegionFactory.java | 148 +--
.../graph/curve/opengl/RegionRendererImpl01.java | 186 +--
src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/font/FontInt.java | 8 +-
.../jogamp/graph/font/typecast/TypecastFont.java | 5 +
.../font/typecast/TypecastFontConstructor.java | 2 +-
.../jogamp/graph/font/typecast/TypecastGlyph.java | 2 +-
.../graph/font/typecast/TypecastRenderer.java | 442 +++----
src/jogl/classes/jogamp/graph/math/MathFloat.java | 90 +-
src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/GLContextImpl.java | 119 +-
src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/GLPbufferImpl.java | 1 -
src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/ProjectFloat.java | 10 +-
.../macosx/cgl/MacOSXCGLDrawableFactory.java | 1 -
.../jogamp/opengl/util/av/NullGLMediaPlayer.java | 2 +-
.../windows/wgl/WindowsWGLDrawableFactory.java | 1 -
.../opengl/x11/glx/X11GLXDrawableFactory.java | 1 -
.../jogamp/nativewindow/NWJNILibLoader.java | 2 +-
.../jogamp/nativewindow/jawt/JAWTJNILibLoader.java | 2 +-
src/newt/classes/com/jogamp/newt/NewtFactory.java | 11 +-
.../classes/com/jogamp/newt/opengl/GLWindow.java | 1 -
src/newt/classes/jogamp/newt/DisplayImpl.java | 3 +
src/newt/classes/jogamp/newt/NEWTJNILibLoader.java | 2 +-
src/newt/classes/jogamp/newt/ScreenImpl.java | 3 +
src/newt/classes/jogamp/newt/WindowImpl.java | 3 +
.../newt/driver/android/NewtVersionActivity.java | 65 +-
.../android/NewtVersionActivityLauncher.java | 21 +
.../jogamp/newt/driver/broadcom/egl/Display.java | 11 +-
.../jogamp/newt/driver/broadcom/egl/Screen.java | 3 +-
.../jogamp/newt/driver/broadcom/egl/Window.java | 8 +-
.../classes/jogamp/newt/driver/kd/KDDisplay.java | 14 +-
.../classes/jogamp/newt/driver/kd/KDScreen.java | 6 +-
.../classes/jogamp/newt/driver/kd/KDWindow.java | 10 +-
.../jogamp/opengl/test/android/LauncherUtil.java | 5 +-
.../test/android/NEWTGearsES2ActivityLauncher.java | 7 +-
.../test/android/NEWTRedSquareES2Activity.java | 17 +-
.../opengl/test/bugs/Bug427GLJPanelTest1.java | 144 +--
.../test/junit/graph/TestRegionRendererNEWT01.java | 417 ++++---
.../test/junit/graph/TestTextRendererNEWT00.java | 236 ++++
.../test/junit/graph/TestTextRendererNEWT01.java | 463 +++----
.../test/junit/graph/TestTextRendererNEWT10.java | 168 +++
.../graph/demos/GPUTextRendererListenerBase01.java | 2 -
.../acore/TestFloatUtil01MatrixMatrixMultNOUI.java | 113 ++
.../jogl/acore/TestGLContextSurfaceLockNEWT.java | 220 ++++
.../test/junit/jogl/acore/TestGPUMemSec01NEWT.java | 4 +-
.../junit/jogl/acore/TestMapBufferRead01NEWT.java | 4 +-
.../junit/jogl/demos/TextureDraw01Accessor.java} | 80 +-
...ureSequence.java => TextureSequenceDemo01.java} | 8 +-
.../test/junit/jogl/demos/es1/OneTriangle.java | 156 +--
.../opengl/test/junit/jogl/demos/es2/GearsES2.java | 23 +-
.../test/junit/jogl/demos/es2/RedSquareES2.java | 17 -
.../jogl/demos/es2/TextureDraw01ES2Listener.java | 249 ++++
...TexCubeES2.java => TextureSequenceCubeES2.java} | 84 +-
.../test/junit/jogl/demos/es2/av/MovieCube.java | 6 +-
.../junit/jogl/demos/es2/shader/texture01_xxx.fp | 20 +
.../junit/jogl/demos/es2/shader/texture01_xxx.vp | 17 +
.../gl2/TextureDraw01GL2Listener.java} | 26 +-
.../test/junit/jogl/glsl/TestFBOMRTNEWT01.java | 4 +-
.../junit/jogl/glsl/TestGLSLShaderState01NEWT.java | 10 +-
.../junit/jogl/glsl/TestGLSLShaderState02NEWT.java | 7 +-
.../test/junit/jogl/glsl/TestGLSLSimple01NEWT.java | 1 -
.../test/junit/jogl/glsl/TestRulerNEWT01.java | 5 +-
.../TestTransformFeedbackVaryingsBug407NEWT.java | 4 +-
.../junit/jogl/glu/TestGluUnprojectFloatNOUI.java | 55 +-
.../test/junit/jogl/swt/TestSWTAWT01GLn.java | 390 +++---
.../jogl/swt/TestSWTEclipseGLCanvas01GLn.java | 388 +++---
.../jogl/swt/TestSWTJOGLGLCanvas01GLnAWT.java | 348 +++---
.../texture/TestGrayTextureFromFileAWTBug417.java | 150 ---
.../test/junit/jogl/util/TestPNGImage01NEWT.java | 2 +-
.../TestGLReadBufferUtilTextureIOWrite01NEWT.java | 2 +-
.../TestGLReadBufferUtilTextureIOWrite02NEWT.java | 2 +-
.../util/texture/TestPNGTextureFromFileAWT.java | 238 ++++
.../util/texture/TestPNGTextureFromFileNEWT.java | 173 +++
.../jogl/{ => util}/texture/TestTexture01AWT.java | 6 +-
.../util/texture/TestTextureSequence01AWT.java | 112 ++
.../util/texture/TestTextureSequence01NEWT.java | 97 ++
.../jogl/{ => util}/texture/grayscale_texture.png | Bin
.../opengl/test/junit/util/NEWTGLContext.java | 11 +-
.../jogamp/opengl/test/junit/util/UITestCase.java | 2 -
124 files changed, 5532 insertions(+), 3828 deletions(-)
diff --cc debian/ant.properties
index 30d135f,0000000..d73613e
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/ant.properties
+++ b/debian/ant.properties
@@@ -1,60 -1,0 +1,54 @@@
+# The host specific properties. The build will inform you of required
+# properties. This file must be copied into your home directory (pointed
+# to by the Java system property user.home) and the copy modified appropriately.
+# java.home.dir is usually inferred from the java.home variable.
+# If it appears the build is failing because of an inability to
+# find e.g. JAWT or JNI headers, override this to point to the
+# root directory of your JDK.
+# java.home.dir=C:/jdk1.4.2
+# If you are building on Windows and have the Microsoft Visual C++
+# compilers installed, you can choose an alternate compiler with which
+# to build the JOGL native code. Valid strings here are "vc6", "vc7",
+# "vc8", and "mingw".
+# If you are building on a Mac OS X system supporting
+# cross-compilation and want to generate fat (PPC and x86) binaries,
+# uncomment the property below
+# macosxfat=true
+# If you are building the Cg binding (by specifying -Djogl.cg=1 to the
+# Ant build) and have installed the Cg SDK in somewhere other than the
+# default location, modify the appropriate variable to point to the
+# absolute path of the lib directory
+windows.cg.lib=C:/Program Files/Nvidia Corporation/Cg/lib
+# The required antlr.jar property that is the full path to the antlr.jar
+# including the name of the jar
+# Windows
+# Linux
+# antlr.jar=/home/kbr/antlr-2.7.2/antlr.jar
+# Mac OS X
+# antlr.jar=/Users/kbr/antlr-2.7.2/antlr.jar
+# Solaris
+# antlr.jar=/export/kbr/ANTLR/antlr-2.7.2/antlr.jar
+# commented because cg lib is not available under Debian
+# jogl.cg=1
- # Ensure that source and target are 1.6
- # For backwards compat on Java 7
- target.sourcelevel=1.6
- target.targetlevel=1.6
- target.rt.jar=/usr/lib/jvm/default-java/jre/lib/rt.jar
diff --cc debian/changelog
index 6efda4f,0000000..df5eef0
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@@ -1,170 -1,0 +1,158 @@@
- libjogl2-java (2.0-rc8-3) unstable; urgency=low
++libjogl2-java (2.0-rc9-1~exp1) experimental; urgency=low
- * Bring back the Java team as maintainer (Closes: #702175)
- -- Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre at debian.org> Sun, 03 Mar 2013 20:36:59 +0100
- libjogl2-java (2.0-rc8-2) unstable; urgency=low
- [ Colin Watson ]
- * Remove more TARGET_PLATFORM_ROOT variables, this time for armv7.
- * Set source and target to 1.5 for OpenJDK 6 compatibility (LP: #1049719).
- [ Sylvestre Ledru ]
- * Sync from Ubuntu to avoid FTBFS (Closes: #692557)
- Please note that the current efforts are on the rc11.
++ * New upstream release
- -- Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre at debian.org> Sun, 03 Mar 2013 14:12:38 +0100
++ -- Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre at debian.org> Mon, 02 Jul 2012 03:22:25 +0200
+libjogl2-java (2.0-rc8-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Upload to unstable
+ * Support of armhf & s390x added.
+ -- Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre at debian.org> Wed, 13 Jun 2012 18:34:05 +0200
+libjogl2-java (2.0-rc8-1~exp2) experimental; urgency=low
+ * Force also the version of gluegen2 in the package themself
+ -- Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre at debian.org> Wed, 13 Jun 2012 13:54:44 +0200
+libjogl2-java (2.0-rc8-1~exp1) experimental; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release
+ * Set the exact version of the dependency between libjogl2-java
+ and libjogl2-jni
+ [ Miguel Landaeta ]
+ * Use public access URL in Vcs-Svn field. (Closes: #670283).
+ * Fix debian-control-has-unusual-field-spacing lintian warning.
+ -- Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre at debian.org> Wed, 23 May 2012 14:23:19 +0200
+libjogl2-java (2.0-rc5-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Really upload to unstable (oups)
+ -- Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre at debian.org> Tue, 13 Mar 2012 09:46:59 +0100
+libjogl2-java (2.0-rc5-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ * Upload in unstable
+ * Standards-Version updated to version 3.9.3
+ -- Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre at debian.org> Mon, 12 Mar 2012 20:23:07 +0100
+libjogl2-java (2.0-rc5-1~exp3) experimental; urgency=low
+ * Some sbuild still want to build the doc package. Enable it only for amd64
+ and x86. See build log of ia64 & powerpc of version 2.0-rc5-1~exp2
+ -- Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre at debian.org> Wed, 28 Dec 2011 13:59:28 +0100
+libjogl2-java (2.0-rc5-1~exp2) experimental; urgency=low
+ * Only build the doc once
+ * Disable some TARGET_PLATFORM_LIBS variables
+ -- Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre at debian.org> Tue, 27 Dec 2011 23:22:05 +0100
+libjogl2-java (2.0-rc5-1~exp1) experimental; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release
+ * watch + repack script added
+ -- Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre at debian.org> Mon, 26 Dec 2011 02:06:41 +0100
+libjogl2-java (2.0-rc3-7) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Drop patch sparc.diff since it is now managed into gluegen2
+ * Disable the build of the documentation for arch indep build
+ -- Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre at debian.org> Tue, 22 Nov 2011 00:42:13 +0100
+libjogl2-java (2.0-rc3-6) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Fix a problem under arm
+ -- Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre at debian.org> Sun, 20 Nov 2011 21:43:36 +0100
+libjogl2-java (2.0-rc3-5) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Example is now working (Closes: #634996)
+ * Fix the various FTBFS (Closes: #638431) (LP: #809743)
+ -- Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre at debian.org> Sun, 20 Nov 2011 21:43:29 +0100
+libjogl2-java (2.0-rc3-4) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Ant to build C code = a lot of uploads ... pfff
+ -- Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre at debian.org> Mon, 10 Oct 2011 12:13:14 +0200
+libjogl2-java (2.0-rc3-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Fix more FTBFS
+ -- Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre at debian.org> Sun, 09 Oct 2011 19:26:30 +0200
+libjogl2-java (2.0-rc3-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Fix various FTBFS:
+ - disable the android include
+ - build the documentation as indep package (to avoid the timeout)
+ - disable the git call
+ -- Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre at debian.org> Sat, 08 Oct 2011 11:39:42 +0200
+libjogl2-java (2.0-rc3-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release
+ * libjogl2-java, libjogl2-jni and libjogl2-java-doc added
+ (better match of the version 1)
+ * Massive cleanup of the package list. Upstream decided to simplify all the
+ jar packages.
+ See: http://bit.ly/qBNO7V
+ -- Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre at debian.org> Thu, 06 Oct 2011 15:53:38 +0200
+libjogl2-java (2.0-rc2-4) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Team upload.
+ * Update dependency libswt-gtk-3.6-java to libswt-gtk-3-java
+ (Closes: #635656)
+ -- tony mancill <tmancill at debian.org> Fri, 29 Jul 2011 22:15:33 -0700
+libjogl2-java (2.0-rc2-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Support of the other debian arch. Should fix the various FTBFS
+ (otherArchsoswin.diff)
+ * Update dependency libswt-gtk-3.5-java to libswt-gtk-3.6-java
+ (Closes: #629777)
+ -- Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre at debian.org> Tue, 21 Jun 2011 21:54:41 +0200
+libjogl2-java (2.0-rc2-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * cg-common.cfg.diff, build-java.diff, build.diff & defaultDebianPath.diff
+ removed (deprecated patches)
+ * libjogl2-core-java depended on libjogl2-core-jni which does not exist
+ -- Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre at debian.org> Sun, 08 May 2011 23:30:49 +0200
+libjogl2-java (2.0-rc2-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release
+ * Standards-Version updated to version 3.9.2
+ * needless-dependency-on-jre removed
+ * swt-debug.jar removed from the archive. Update the dep list.
+ -- Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre at debian.org> Sun, 17 Apr 2011 14:41:20 +0200
+libjogl2-java (2.0-rc1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release (Closes: #614819)
+ -- Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre at debian.org> Tue, 01 Mar 2011 14:12:56 +0100
diff --cc debian/control
index f859472,0000000..e08f804
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@@ -1,327 -1,0 +1,327 @@@
+Source: libjogl2-java
+Section: java
+Priority: optional
+Maintainer: Debian Java Maintainers <pkg-java-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+Uploaders: Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre at debian.org>
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), cdbs, quilt, default-jdk,
- libgluegen2-build-java (>= 2.0-rc8-1~), libgluegen2-rt-java (>= 2.0-rc8-1~),
- ant-optional, libgl1-mesa-dev, libglu1-mesa-dev, libxxf86vm-dev,
++ libgluegen2-build-java (>= 2.0-rc9-1~), libgluegen2-rt-java (>= 2.0-rc9-1~),
++ ant-optional, libgl1-mesa-dev, libglu1-mesa-dev, libxxf86vm-dev,
+ x11proto-xf86vidmode-dev, libxt-dev, junit4, libswt-gtk-3-java,
+ ant-contrib, ant-contrib-cpptasks, libxinerama-dev, libxrandr-dev,
+ ant (>= 1.8)
+Standards-Version: 3.9.3
+Homepage: http://jogamp.org/
+Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-java/trunk/libjogl2-java
+Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-java/trunk/libjogl2-java/
+Package: libjogl2-java
+Architecture: all
+Depends: ${misc:Depends},
- libgluegen2-rt-java (>= 2.0-rc8), libjogl2-jni (>= ${source:Version})
++ libgluegen2-rt-java (>= 2.0-rc9), libjogl2-jni (>= ${source:Version})
+Suggests: libjogl2-java-doc
+Description: Java bindings for OpenGL API
+ The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Bindings for
+ OpenGL (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D graphics
+ to applications written in Java. JOGL is not the official reference
+ implementation of the JSR, but an evolving workspace; snapshots are taken
+ from this workspace which become the official reference implementations of
+ the JSR.
+ .
+ JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 1.3 - 3.0, 3.1 - 3.3,
+ >= 4.0, ES 1.x and ES 2.x specification as well as nearly all vendor
+ extensions. It integrates with the AWT and Swing widget sets, as well with
+ custom windowing toolkits using the NativeWindow API. It is part of a
+ suite of open-source technologies initiated by the Game Technology Group at
+ Sun Microsystems.
+Package: libjogl2-jni
+Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}
+Architecture: any
+Description: Java bindings for OpenGL API (JNI lib)
+ The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Bindings for
+ OpenGL (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D graphics
+ to applications written in Java. JOGL is not the official reference
+ implementation of the JSR, but an evolving workspace; snapshots are taken
+ from this workspace which become the official reference implementations of
+ the JSR. JOGL is part of a suite of open-source technologies initiated by
+ the Game Technology Group at Sun Microsystems.
+ .
+ JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 2.0 specification as
+ well as nearly all vendor extensions, and integrates with the AWT and Swing
+ widget sets.
+# Package: libjogl2-core-newt-java
+# Architecture: all
+# Depends: ${misc:Depends},
+# libjogl2-core-java
+# Description: Java bindings for OpenGL API
+# The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Bindings for
+# OpenGL (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D graphics
+# to applications written in Java. JOGL is not the official reference
+# implementation of the JSR, but an evolving workspace; snapshots are taken
+# from this workspace which become the official reference implementations of
+# the JSR.
+# .
+# JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 1.3 - 3.0, 3.1 - 3.3,
+# >= 4.0, ES 1.x and ES 2.x specification as well as nearly all vendor
+# extensions. It integrates with the AWT and Swing widget sets, as well with
+# custom windowing toolkits using the NativeWindow API. It is part of a
+# suite of open-source technologies initiated by the Game Technology Group at
+# Sun Microsystems.
+# Package: libjogl2-core-newt-jni
+# Architecture: any
+# Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends},
+# libjogl2-core-java
+# Description: Java bindings for OpenGL API (JNI lib)
+# The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Bindings for
+# OpenGL (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D graphics
+# to applications written in Java. JOGL is not the official reference
+# implementation of the JSR, but an evolving workspace; snapshots are taken
+# from this workspace which become the official reference implementations of
+# the JSR. JOGL is part of a suite of open-source technologies initiated by
+# the Game Technology Group at Sun Microsystems.
+# .
+# JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 2.0 specification as
+# well as nearly all vendor extensions, and integrates with the AWT and Swing
+# widget sets.
+# Package: libjogl2-platform-java
+# Architecture: all
+# Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libjogl2-core-java
+# Description: Java bindings for OpenGL API
+# The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Bindings for
+# OpenGL (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D graphics
+# to applications written in Java. JOGL is not the official reference
+# implementation of the JSR, but an evolving workspace; snapshots are taken
+# from this workspace which become the official reference implementations of
+# the JSR.
+# .
+# JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 1.3 - 3.0, 3.1 - 3.3,
+# >= 4.0, ES 1.x and ES 2.x specification as well as nearly all vendor
+# extensions. It integrates with the AWT and Swing widget sets, as well with
+# custom windowing toolkits using the NativeWindow API. It is part of a
+# suite of open-source technologies initiated by the Game Technology Group at
+# Sun Microsystems.
+# Package: libjogl2-platform-jni
+# Architecture: any
+# Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libjogl2-core-java, ${shlibs:Depends}
+# Description: Java bindings for OpenGL API (JNI lib)
+# The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Bindings for
+# OpenGL (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D graphics
+# to applications written in Java. JOGL is not the official reference
+# implementation of the JSR, but an evolving workspace; snapshots are taken
+# from this workspace which become the official reference implementations of
+# the JSR. JOGL is part of a suite of open-source technologies initiated by
+# the Game Technology Group at Sun Microsystems.
+# .
+# JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 2.0 specification as
+# well as nearly all vendor extensions, and integrates with the AWT and Swing
+# widget sets.
+# Package: libjogl2-platform-newt-java
+# Architecture: all
+# Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libjogl2-core-newt-java
+# Description: Java bindings for OpenGL API
+# The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Bindings for
+# OpenGL (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D graphics
+# to applications written in Java. JOGL is not the official reference
+# implementation of the JSR, but an evolving workspace; snapshots are taken
+# from this workspace which become the official reference implementations of
+# the JSR.
+# .
+# JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 1.3 - 3.0, 3.1 - 3.3,
+# >= 4.0, ES 1.x and ES 2.x specification as well as nearly all vendor
+# extensions. It integrates with the AWT and Swing widget sets, as well with
+# custom windowing toolkits using the NativeWindow API. It is part of a
+# suite of open-source technologies initiated by the Game Technology Group at
+# Sun Microsystems.
+# # nativewindow.core.jar nativewindow.os.x11.jar jogl.core.jar jogl.os.x11.jar
+# # newt.core.jar newt.os.x11.jar newt.ogl.jar jogl.util.jar jogl.os.x11.jar
+# # jogl.gldesktop.jar jogl.gldesktop.dbg.jar
+# Package: libjogl2-desktop-java
+# Architecture: all
+# Suggests: libjogl2-java-doc
+# Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libjogl2-core-java, libjogl2-platform-java,
+# libjogl2-platform-newt-java
+# Description: Java bindings for Desktop OpenGL API (main package)
+# The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Bindings for
+# OpenGL (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D graphics
+# to applications written in Java. JOGL is not the official reference
+# implementation of the JSR, but an evolving workspace; snapshots are taken
+# from this workspace which become the official reference implementations of
+# the JSR.
+# .
+# JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 1.3 - 3.0, 3.1 - 3.3,
+# >= 4.0, ES 1.x and ES 2.x specification as well as nearly all vendor
+# extensions. It integrates with the AWT and Swing widget sets, as well with
+# custom windowing toolkits using the NativeWindow API. It is part of a
+# suite of open-source technologies initiated by the Game Technology Group at
+# Sun Microsystems.
+# Package: libjogl2-desktop-jni
+# Architecture: any
+# Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}
+# Description: Java bindings for Desktop OpenGL API (JNI lib)
+# The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Bindings for
+# OpenGL (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D graphics
+# to applications written in Java. JOGL is not the official reference
+# implementation of the JSR, but an evolving workspace; snapshots are taken
+# from this workspace which become the official reference implementations of
+# the JSR. JOGL is part of a suite of open-source technologies initiated by
+# the Game Technology Group at Sun Microsystems.
+# .
+# JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 2.0 specification as
+# well as nearly all vendor extensions, and integrates with the AWT and Swing
+# widget sets.
+# # nativewindow.core.jar nativewindow.os.x11.jar jogl.core.jar jogl.os.x11.jar
+# # newt.core.jar newt.os.x11.jar newt.ogl.jar jogl.util.jar jogl.os.x11.jar
+# # jogl.gl2es12.jar jogl.gles1.dbg.jar jogl.gles2.dbg.jar
+# # jogl.util.fixedfuncemu.jar
+# # Package: libjogl2-desktop-gl2es12-java
+# # Architecture: all
+# # Suggests: libjogl2-java-doc
+# # Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libjogl2-core-java, libjogl2-platform-java,
+# # libjogl2-platform-newt-java, libjogl2-toolkits
+# # Description: Java bindings for desktop ES1/ES2 emulation OpenGL API
+# # The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Bindings for
+# # OpenGL (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D graphics
+# # to applications written in Java. JOGL is not the official reference
+# # implementation of the JSR, but an evolving workspace; snapshots are taken
+# # from this workspace which become the official reference implementations of
+# # the JSR. JOGL is part of a suite of open-source technologies initiated by
+# # the Game Technology Group at Sun Microsystems.
+# # .
+# # JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 2.0 specification as
+# # well as nearly all vendor extensions, and integrates with the AWT and Swing
+# # widget sets.
+# # Package: libjogl2-desktop-gl2es12-jni
+# # Architecture: any
+# # Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}
+# # Description: Java bindings for desktop ES1/ES2 emulation OpenGL API (JNI lib)
+# # The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Bindings for
+# # OpenGL (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D graphics
+# # to applications written in Java. JOGL is not the official reference
+# # implementation of the JSR, but an evolving workspace; snapshots are taken
+# # from this workspace which become the official reference implementations of
+# # the JSR. JOGL is part of a suite of open-source technologies initiated by
+# # the Game Technology Group at Sun Microsystems.
+# # .
+# # JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 2.0 specification as
+# # well as nearly all vendor extensions, and integrates with the AWT and Swing
+# # widget sets.
+# # .
+# # This package includes the architecture specific java native interface.
+# Package: libjogl2-awt-java
+# Architecture: all
+# Depends: ${misc:Depends}
+# Description: Java bindings for AWT OpenGL API
+# The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Bindings for
+# OpenGL (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D graphics
+# to applications written in Java. JOGL is not the official reference
+# implementation of the JSR, but an evolving workspace; snapshots are taken
+# from this workspace which become the official reference implementations of
+# the JSR. JOGL is part of a suite of open-source technologies initiated by
+# the Game Technology Group at Sun Microsystems.
+# .
+# JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 2.0 specification as
+# well as nearly all vendor extensions, and integrates with the AWT and Swing
+# widget sets.
+# Package: libjogl2-awt-jni
+# Architecture: any
+# Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}
+# Description: Java bindings for AWT OpenGL API (JNI lib)
+# The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Bindings for
+# OpenGL (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D graphics
+# to applications written in Java. JOGL is not the official reference
+# implementation of the JSR, but an evolving workspace; snapshots are taken
+# from this workspace which become the official reference implementations of
+# the JSR. JOGL is part of a suite of open-source technologies initiated by
+# the Game Technology Group at Sun Microsystems.
+# .
+# JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 2.0 specification as
+# well as nearly all vendor extensions, and integrates with the AWT and Swing
+# widget sets.
+# Package: libjogl2-awt-newt-java
+# Architecture: all
+# Depends: ${misc:Depends}
+# Description: Java bindings for AWT NEWT OpenGL API
+# The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Bindings for
+# OpenGL (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D graphics
+# to applications written in Java. JOGL is not the official reference
+# implementation of the JSR, but an evolving workspace; snapshots are taken
+# from this workspace which become the official reference implementations of
+# the JSR. JOGL is part of a suite of open-source technologies initiated by
+# the Game Technology Group at Sun Microsystems.
+# .
+# JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 2.0 specification as
+# well as nearly all vendor extensions, and integrates with the AWT and Swing
+# widget sets.
+# Package: libjogl2-glu-java
+# Architecture: all
+# Depends: ${misc:Depends}
+# Description: Java bindings for GLU OpenGL API
+# The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Bindings for
+# OpenGL (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D graphics
+# to applications written in Java. JOGL is not the official reference
+# implementation of the JSR, but an evolving workspace; snapshots are taken
+# from this workspace which become the official reference implementations of
+# the JSR. JOGL is part of a suite of open-source technologies initiated by
+# the Game Technology Group at Sun Microsystems.
+# .
+# JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 2.0 specification as
+# well as nearly all vendor extensions, and integrates with the AWT and Swing
+# widget sets.
+Package: libjogl2-java-doc
+Architecture: all
+Section: doc
+Depends: ${misc:Depends}
+Description: Documentation for the Java bindings for OpenGL
+ The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Bindings for
+ OpenGL (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D graphics
+ to applications written in Java. JOGL is not the official reference
+ implementation of the JSR, but an evolving workspace; snapshots are taken
+ from this workspace which become the official reference implementations of
+ the JSR.
+ .
+ JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 2.0 specification as
+ well as nearly all vendor extensions, and integrates with the AWT and Swing
+ widget sets.
+ .
+ This package includes the API documentation for JOGL package.
+Package: libjogl2-toolkits
+Architecture: all
+Section: doc
+Depends: ${misc:Depends}
+Description: Toolkits to play with JOGL2
+ The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Bindings for
+ OpenGL (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware-supported 3D graphics
+ to applications written in Java. JOGL is not the official reference
+ implementation of the JSR, but an evolving workspace; snapshots are taken
+ from this workspace which become the official reference implementations of
+ the JSR.
+ .
+ JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 1.3 - 3.0, 3.1 - 3.3,
+ >= 4.0, ES 1.x and ES 2.x specification as well as nearly all vendor
+ extensions. It integrates with the AWT and Swing widget sets, as well with
+ custom windowing toolkits using the NativeWindow API. It is part of a
+ suite of open-source technologies initiated by the Game Technology Group at
+ Sun Microsystems.
+ .
+ This package includes JOGL toolkits.
diff --cc debian/patches/TARGET_PLATFORM_LIBS_2.diff
index 94a7551,0000000..e03535a
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/patches/TARGET_PLATFORM_LIBS_2.diff
+++ b/debian/patches/TARGET_PLATFORM_LIBS_2.diff
@@@ -1,26 -1,0 +1,26 @@@
- Index: jogl-v2.0-rc8/make/build-jogl.xml
++Index: jogl-v2.0-rc9/make/build-jogl.xml
- --- jogl-v2.0-rc8.orig/make/build-jogl.xml 2012-05-02 03:28:29.000000000 +0200
- +++ jogl-v2.0-rc8/make/build-jogl.xml 2012-05-15 13:53:13.000000000 +0200
- @@ -1155,7 +1155,7 @@
++--- jogl-v2.0-rc9.orig/make/build-jogl.xml 2012-06-19 05:23:28.000000000 +0200
+++++ jogl-v2.0-rc9/make/build-jogl.xml 2012-07-02 03:26:25.434527540 +0200
++@@ -1148,7 +1148,7 @@
+ </linker>
+ <linker id="linker.cfg.linux.armv7.jogl.x11" extends="linker.cfg.linux.armv7">
+- <syslibset dir="${env.TARGET_PLATFORM_ROOT}/usr/lib" libs="X11"/>
++ <syslibset libs="X11"/>
+ </linker>
+ <linker id="linker.cfg.android.jogl" extends="linker.cfg.android">
- Index: jogl-v2.0-rc8/make/build-newt.xml
++Index: jogl-v2.0-rc9/make/build-newt.xml
- --- jogl-v2.0-rc8.orig/make/build-newt.xml 2012-05-15 13:48:52.000000000 +0200
- +++ jogl-v2.0-rc8/make/build-newt.xml 2012-05-15 13:52:55.000000000 +0200
- @@ -279,7 +279,7 @@
++--- jogl-v2.0-rc9.orig/make/build-newt.xml 2012-07-02 03:25:32.350528723 +0200
+++++ jogl-v2.0-rc9/make/build-newt.xml 2012-07-02 03:26:25.434527540 +0200
++@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@
+ </linker>
+ <linker id="linker.cfg.android.newt" extends="linker.cfg.android">
+- <syslibset dir="${env.TARGET_PLATFORM_ROOT}/usr/lib" libs="android" />
++ <syslibset libs="android" />
+ </linker>
+ <linker id="linker.cfg.solaris.newt.x11" extends="linker.cfg.solaris">
diff --cc debian/patches/disable_android.diff
index d9bf185,0000000..953d8a9
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/patches/disable_android.diff
+++ b/debian/patches/disable_android.diff
@@@ -1,34 -1,0 +1,25 @@@
- Index: jogl-v2.0-rc8/make/build-newt.xml
++Index: jogl-v2.0-rc9/make/build-newt.xml
- --- jogl-v2.0-rc8.orig/make/build-newt.xml 2012-05-02 03:28:29.000000000 +0200
- +++ jogl-v2.0-rc8/make/build-newt.xml 2012-05-15 13:48:52.000000000 +0200
++--- jogl-v2.0-rc9.orig/make/build-newt.xml 2012-06-19 05:23:28.000000000 +0200
+++++ jogl-v2.0-rc9/make/build-newt.xml 2012-07-02 03:25:32.350528723 +0200
+@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
+ <isset property="setup.noOpenGL"/>
+ </condition>
+- <property name="java.excludes.all" value="${java.excludes.awt}, ${java.excludes.opengl}" />
++ <property name="java.excludes.all" value="${java.excludes.awt}, ${java.excludes.opengl} jogamp/newt/driver/android/**" />
+ <echo message="java.excludes.all: ${java.excludes.all}" />
+ </target>
- @@ -644,7 +644,7 @@
- <javah destdir="${src.generated.c}/X11" classpath="${javah.classpath}" class="jogamp.newt.driver.x11.X11Window" />
- <javah destdir="${src.generated.c}/X11" classpath="${javah.classpath}" class="jogamp.newt.driver.x11.X11Screen" />
- <javah destdir="${src.generated.c}/X11" classpath="${javah.classpath}" class="jogamp.newt.driver.x11.X11Display" />
- - <javah destdir="${src.generated.c}/Android" classpath="${javah.classpath}:${android.jar}" class="jogamp.newt.driver.android.AndroidWindow" />
- +<!-- <javah destdir="${src.generated.c}/Android" classpath="${javah.classpath}:${android.jar}" class="jogamp.newt.driver.android.AndroidWindow" />-->
- </target>
- <target name="c.build.newt.windowlib" unless="setup.nonatives">
- Index: jogl-v2.0-rc8/make/build-test.xml
++Index: jogl-v2.0-rc9/make/build-test.xml
- --- jogl-v2.0-rc8.orig/make/build-test.xml 2012-05-02 03:28:29.000000000 +0200
- +++ jogl-v2.0-rc8/make/build-test.xml 2012-05-15 13:49:47.000000000 +0200
- @@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
++--- jogl-v2.0-rc9.orig/make/build-test.xml 2012-06-19 05:23:28.000000000 +0200
+++++ jogl-v2.0-rc9/make/build-test.xml 2012-07-02 03:25:32.350528723 +0200
++@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@
+ <javac destdir="${classes}"
+ fork="yes"
+ includeAntRuntime="false"
++ excludes="${java.excludes.all}"
+ memoryMaximumSize="${javac.memorymax}"
+ encoding="UTF-8"
+ source="${target.sourcelevel}"
diff --cc debian/patches/s390x.diff
index 717d17d,0000000..8e09370
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/patches/s390x.diff
+++ b/debian/patches/s390x.diff
@@@ -1,80 -1,0 +1,80 @@@
- Index: libjogl2-java-2.0-rc8/make/build-jogl.xml
++Index: jogl-v2.0-rc9/make/build-jogl.xml
- --- libjogl2-java-2.0-rc8.orig/make/build-jogl.xml 2012-06-13 18:24:37.000000000 +0200
- +++ libjogl2-java-2.0-rc8/make/build-jogl.xml 2012-06-13 18:28:51.000000000 +0200
- @@ -1285,13 +1285,19 @@
++--- jogl-v2.0-rc9.orig/make/build-jogl.xml 2012-07-02 03:26:25.434527540 +0200
+++++ jogl-v2.0-rc9/make/build-jogl.xml 2012-07-02 03:26:31.382527406 +0200
++@@ -1278,13 +1278,19 @@
+ <property name="linker.cfg.id.os" value="linker.cfg.linux.jogl.x11" />
+ </target>
++ <target name="c.configure.linux.s390x" if="isLinuxs390x">
++ <echo message="Linux.S390x" />
++ <property name="compiler.cfg.id" value="compiler.cfg.linux" />
++ <property name="linker.cfg.id.os" value="linker.cfg.linux.jogl.x11" />
++ </target>
+ <target name="c.configure.linux.sparc" if="isLinuxSparc">
+ <echo message="Linux.SPARC" />
+ <property name="compiler.cfg.id" value="compiler.cfg.linux" />
+ <property name="linker.cfg.id.os" value="linker.cfg.linux.jogl.x11" />
+ </target>
+- <target name="c.configure.linux" depends="c.configure.linux.armv7,c.configure.linux.x86,c.configure.linux.amd64,c.configure.linux.ia64,c.configure.linux.hppa,c.configure.linux.mips,c.configure.linux.mipsel,c.configure.linux.ppc,c.configure.linux.s390,c.configure.linux.sparc,c.configure.x11" if="isLinux" />
++ <target name="c.configure.linux" depends="c.configure.linux.armv7,c.configure.linux.x86,c.configure.linux.amd64,c.configure.linux.ia64,c.configure.linux.hppa,c.configure.linux.mips,c.configure.linux.mipsel,c.configure.linux.ppc,c.configure.linux.s390,c.configure.linux.s390x,c.configure.linux.sparc,c.configure.x11" if="isLinux" />
+ <target name="c.configure.android" if="isAndroid">
+ <echo message="Android" />
- Index: libjogl2-java-2.0-rc8/make/build-nativewindow.xml
++Index: jogl-v2.0-rc9/make/build-nativewindow.xml
- --- libjogl2-java-2.0-rc8.orig/make/build-nativewindow.xml 2012-06-13 18:25:52.000000000 +0200
- +++ libjogl2-java-2.0-rc8/make/build-nativewindow.xml 2012-06-13 18:27:24.000000000 +0200
++--- jogl-v2.0-rc9.orig/make/build-nativewindow.xml 2012-07-02 03:26:30.550527425 +0200
+++++ jogl-v2.0-rc9/make/build-nativewindow.xml 2012-07-02 03:26:31.382527406 +0200
+@@ -529,13 +529,19 @@
+ <property name="linker.cfg.id.oswin" value="linker.cfg.linux.nativewindow.x11" />
+ </target>
++ <target name="c.configure.linux.s390x" if="isLinuxs390x">
++ <echo message="Linux.S390x" />
++ <property name="compiler.cfg.id" value="compiler.cfg.linux" />
++ <property name="linker.cfg.id.oswin" value="linker.cfg.linux.nativewindow.x11" />
++ </target>
+ <target name="c.configure.linux.sparc" if="isLinuxSparc">
+ <echo message="Linux.SPARC" />
+ <property name="compiler.cfg.id" value="compiler.cfg.linux" />
+ <property name="linker.cfg.id.oswin" value="linker.cfg.linux.nativewindow.x11" />
+ </target>
+- <target name="c.configure.linux" depends="c.configure.linux.armv7,c.configure.linux.x86,c.configure.linux.amd64,c.configure.linux.ia64,c.configure.linux.hppa,c.configure.linux.mips,c.configure.linux.mipsel,c.configure.linux.ppc,c.configure.linux.s390,c.configure.linux.sparc,c.configure.x11" if="isLinux" />
++ <target name="c.configure.linux" depends="c.configure.linux.armv7,c.configure.linux.x86,c.configure.linux.amd64,c.configure.linux.ia64,c.configure.linux.hppa,c.configure.linux.mips,c.configure.linux.mipsel,c.configure.linux.ppc,c.configure.linux.s390,c.configure.linux.s390x,c.configure.linux.sparc,c.configure.x11" if="isLinux" />
+ <target name="c.configure.android" if="isAndroid">
+ <echo message="Android" />
- Index: libjogl2-java-2.0-rc8/make/build-newt.xml
++Index: jogl-v2.0-rc9/make/build-newt.xml
- --- libjogl2-java-2.0-rc8.orig/make/build-newt.xml 2012-06-13 18:24:37.000000000 +0200
- +++ libjogl2-java-2.0-rc8/make/build-newt.xml 2012-06-13 18:28:33.000000000 +0200
- @@ -423,6 +423,16 @@
++--- jogl-v2.0-rc9.orig/make/build-newt.xml 2012-07-02 03:26:25.434527540 +0200
+++++ jogl-v2.0-rc9/make/build-newt.xml 2012-07-02 03:26:31.386527406 +0200
++@@ -436,6 +436,16 @@
+ <echo message="linker.cfg.id.oswin ${linker.cfg.id.oswin}" />
+ </target>
++ <target name="c.configure.linux.s390x" if="isLinuxs390x">
++ <echo message="Linux.S390x" />
++ <property name="compiler.cfg.id" value="compiler.cfg.linux" />
++ <condition property="linker.cfg.id.oswin" value="linker.cfg.linux.newt.x11"
++ else="linker.cfg.linux">
++ <isset property="isX11" />
++ </condition>
++ <echo message="linker.cfg.id.oswin ${linker.cfg.id.oswin}" />
++ </target>
+ <target name="c.configure.linux.sparc" if="isLinuxSparc">
+ <echo message="Linux.sparc" />
+ <property name="compiler.cfg.id" value="compiler.cfg.linux" />
- @@ -439,7 +449,7 @@
++@@ -452,7 +462,7 @@
+ <property name="linker.cfg.id.oswin" value="linker.cfg.linux.newt.x11" />
+ </target>
+- <target name="c.configure.linux" depends="c.configure.linux.x86,c.configure.linux.amd64,c.configure.linux.armv7,c.configure.linux.hppa,c.configure.linux.mips,c.configure.linux.mipsel,c.configure.linux.ppc,c.configure.linux.s390,c.configure.linux.sparc,c.configure.linux.ia64,c.configure.x11" if="isLinux"/>
++ <target name="c.configure.linux" depends="c.configure.linux.x86,c.configure.linux.amd64,c.configure.linux.armv7,c.configure.linux.hppa,c.configure.linux.mips,c.configure.linux.mipsel,c.configure.linux.ppc,c.configure.linux.s390,c.configure.linux.s390x,c.configure.linux.sparc,c.configure.linux.ia64,c.configure.x11" if="isLinux"/>
+ <target name="c.configure.android" if="isAndroid">
+ <echo message="Android" />
diff --cc debian/patches/series
index 66dbb9a,0000000..71ac3bf
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@@ -1,16 -1,0 +1,15 @@@
- disable_android_3.diff
- armv7build.diff
diff --cc debian/patches/variousFixes.diff
index 06af080,0000000..9c154c9
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/patches/variousFixes.diff
+++ b/debian/patches/variousFixes.diff
@@@ -1,63 -1,0 +1,63 @@@
- Index: jogl-v2.0-rc8/make/build-common.xml
++Index: jogl-v2.0-rc9/make/build-common.xml
- --- jogl-v2.0-rc8.orig/make/build-common.xml 2012-05-15 13:53:25.000000000 +0200
- +++ jogl-v2.0-rc8/make/build-common.xml 2012-05-15 13:53:27.000000000 +0200
++--- jogl-v2.0-rc9.orig/make/build-common.xml 2012-06-19 05:23:28.000000000 +0200
+++++ jogl-v2.0-rc9/make/build-common.xml 2012-07-02 03:25:02.878529381 +0200
+@@ -13,13 +13,13 @@
+ </fail>
+ <!-- Pull in GlueGen cpptasks build file -->
+- <property name="gluegen.root" value="../../gluegen" />
++ <property name="gluegen.root" value="/usr/share/gluegen2/" />
+ <import file="${gluegen.root}/make/gluegen-cpptasks.xml" />
+ <import file="${gluegen.root}/make/jogamp-archivetasks.xml" />
+ <import file="${gluegen.root}/make/jogamp-androidtasks.xml" />
+ <import file="${gluegen.root}/make/jogamp-env.xml" />
+- <property name="ant-contrib.jar" value="${gluegen.root}/make/lib/ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar" />
++ <property name="ant-contrib.jar" value="/usr/share/java/ant-contrib.jar" />
+ <condition property="rootrel.build" value="build">
+ <not>
+@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@
+ <property name="gluegen.build.xml" value="${gluegen.make}/build.xml" />
+ <property name="build.gluegen" value="${gluegen.root}/${rootrel.build}" />
+ <property name="obj.gluegen" value="${build.gluegen}/obj"/>
+- <property name="gluegen.jar" value="${build.gluegen}/gluegen.jar" />
++ <property name="gluegen.jar" value="/usr/share/java/gluegen2.jar" />
+ <property name="ant.jar" value="${ant.home}/lib/ant.jar" />
+ <property name="ant-junit.jar" value="${ant.home}/lib/ant-junit.jar" />
+@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@
+ </path>
+ <!-- JavaSE combinations -->
+- <property name="gluegen-rt.jar" value="${build.gluegen}/gluegen-rt.jar" />
++ <property name="gluegen-rt.jar" value="/usr/share/java/gluegen2-rt.jar" />
++ <property name="gluegen-rt-android.jar" value="${build.gluegen}/gluegen-rt-android.jar" />
+ <property name="jogl.test.jar" value="${jar}/jogl.test.jar"/>
- <property name="jogl.test.apk" value="${jar}/jogl.test.apk"/>
- @@ -531,7 +531,10 @@
++ <property name="jogl.test-android.jar" value="${jar}/jogl.test-android.jar"/>
++@@ -552,7 +552,10 @@
+ <!-- Run the GlueGen build to ensure that the GlueGen ANT task
+ - has been built. -->
+- <ant antfile="${gluegen.build.xml}" dir="${gluegen.make}" target="base.compile" inheritAll="false"/>
++ <ant antfile="${gluegen.build.xml}" dir="${gluegen.make}" target="base.compile" inheritAll="false">
++ <property name="build" value="${basedir}/../"/>
++ <property name="test.dir" value="${basedir}/../test"/>
++ </ant>
+ </target>
- Index: jogl-v2.0-rc8/make/build.xml
++Index: jogl-v2.0-rc9/make/build.xml
- --- jogl-v2.0-rc8.orig/make/build.xml 2012-05-15 13:53:25.000000000 +0200
- +++ jogl-v2.0-rc8/make/build.xml 2012-05-15 13:53:27.000000000 +0200
++--- jogl-v2.0-rc9.orig/make/build.xml 2012-06-19 05:23:28.000000000 +0200
+++++ jogl-v2.0-rc9/make/build.xml 2012-07-02 03:24:29.006530137 +0200
+@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@
+ </target>
+ <target name="tag.build" depends="init">
+- <copy file="${build.gluegen}/artifact.properties" todir="${build}" overwrite="true"/>
++ <copy file="/usr/share/gluegen2/artifact.properties" todir="${build}" overwrite="true"/>
+ <echo message='jogl.build.number=${jogl.build.number}${line.separator}' file="${build}/artifact.properties" append="true"/>
+ <echo message='jogl.build.id=${jogl.build.id}${line.separator}' file="${build}/artifact.properties" append="true"/>
+ <echo message='jogl.build.branch=${jogl.build.branch}${line.separator}' file="${build}/artifact.properties" append="true"/>
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-java/libjogl2-java.git
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