[sikuli] annotated tag debian/1.1.0_beta2-1 created (now 9e9c0ab)

Gilles Filippini pini at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Sep 11 17:43:59 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

pini pushed a change to annotated tag debian/1.1.0_beta2-1
in repository sikuli.

        at  9e9c0ab   (tag)
   tagging  233876501d7741271ce37efe9047a47517b40440 (commit)
  replaces  debian/1.1.0_beta1-1
 tagged by  Gilles Filippini
        on  Thu Sep 11 19:38:39 2014 +0200

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
sikulix Debian release 1.1.0~beta2-1

Gilles Filippini (8):
      Fix epoch for default-jdk versioned dependency
      Merge tag '1.1.0-Beta2' into upstream
      Merge branch 'upstream'
      Init changelog for 1.1.0~beta2
      Refresh patches
      Fix patch drop-useless-resources.patch
      Improve d/changelog entry
      Upload release 1.1.0~beta2-1 to experimental

Ivan (1):
      define Location.new(args) as Location(args)

Raimund Hocke (79):
      Update README.md
      Update README.md
      fixed a library reference problem
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/RaiMan/SikuliX-2014
      new png version on Mac
      png: version 15 still needed
      new build date
      fixed bug 1319005: findText and find(text) are forking again
      Replaced the OpenCV java support (running with Java 1.6+) and a fully self contained OpenCV native lib.
      show we are using OpenCV 2.4.8
      This is the workflow I use to build the OpenCV Interface classes and the native library stripped down to what SikuliX needs
      Update README.md
      minor cosmetics
      minor cosmetics
      fix to avoid crash in Tesseract, when loading traindata
      added information about used Java version
      revised the build scripts for the native libs on Mac
      new build timestamp
      Update README.md
      to collect the jars on Jenkins after having run Maven for project on Jenkins
      Merge pull request #31 from rssdev10/master
      Update README.md
      Merge pull request #32 from rssdev10/master
      IDE: moved check for running twice behind switch to SikuliScript (case scriptrun from commandline)
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/RaiMan/SikuliX-2014
      docs added
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/RaiMan/SikuliX-2014
      revised Region.write() and it's javadoc
      Merge pull request #33 from rssdev10/master
      ignore more compile/link intermediate
      a commandfile to run swig for VisionProxy on Windows (result is the same as on Mac/Linux)
      Merge pull request #34 from rssdev10/master
      Merge pull request #36 from rssdev10/master
      Windows native build: now using MinGW installation from http://win-builds.org/ (easier switching between 32-Bit and 64-Bit)
      Windows 32-Bit VisionProxy.dll crash (unsatisfied link error): the problem seems to be fixed (linking with -Wl,--kill-at)
      adding ignored files from last commit
      new build date
      fixed out-of-bounds crash during error eval when running from command line (thanks to github user fpmchu)
      Update README.md
      Merge pull request #37 from rssdev10/master
      fixed: convertSrcToHtml should be skipped, if Jython is not available
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/RaiMan/SikuliX-2014
      fixed: IDE: NPE on termination when running from command line
      fixed bug 1330348: running Java: ImagePath is set to working directory if no path is set before first image search
      to avoid possible NPE in special situations (mouse moved to invalid location)
      revised handling of isOtherScreen
      multi monitor: switched the mouse move to only use the unbound Robot() - other features still use the Robot(graphicsDevice) (clicking not yet tested)
      moved the handling of capture and stop hotkey to HotkeyManager to prepare a more general usability (run on command line, using callbacks)
      Mouse class revised
      RobotDesktop: competed the usage of the global mouseRobot
      Added method to get the current mouse position as alternative to Region.mouseAt
      Added more debug  information at screen  startup
      some refactoring
      need to check, what AWT Robot to use in multi monitor environments
      Merge pull request #38 from rssdev10/master
      multi-monitor problems: further revised the respective classes
      added reset() to renew the multimonitor configuration inline - added constant ALL representing a ScreenUnion of all available monitors, that should be useable like a Screen/Region
      added: Screen.all() makes a ScreenUnion of all monitors, on Python level ALL is predefined and can be used as ALL.function() like a Screen/Region
      fixed: catch possible AWT exception
      further reduced error verbosity at script load and creating image thumbnails
      fixed the possible loss of images at save (images in comments, images given with path)
      added Tamil I18n resource file. not yet implemented in IDE
      added/revised: version handling, to support nightly builds on Jenkins
      needed for Jenkins, to get the debug output to console
      fixed a problem (at least for Beta versions) for consistent versions
      more on support for nightly builds
      Merge pull request #39 from rssdev10/master
      more on support for nightly builds
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/RaiMan/SikuliX-2014
      more on support for nightly builds
      changelog for Beta2

rssdev10 (12):
      Ruby: added generation of methods like class constructors
      Ruby: sikulix.rb style enhancements
      lib win32: fix WinUtil.dll building for win32
      lib linux: optimized building script for linux
      Ruby: sikulix.rb added translation of constants to methods for classes: Key, KeyModifier. Example: Key.CTRL instead of Key::CTRL
      Ruby: sikulix.rb Changed 'undotted method' processing. Now all methods are generated. Previous method_missing is under comment.
      Ruby: sikulix.rb fixed generation of constructor-like methods
      Ruby: sikulix.rb: fix method generation for both forms of access: SikuliX4Ruby.method(...) and include SikuliXRuby; popup(...)
      Ruby: sikulix.rb small refactoring
      RubyScript: added termination of ScriptingContainer.
      Merge pull request #1 from dilcom/patch-1
      Basics: fixed IDE termination on trying to open a non sikuli directory or an incorrect sikuli project


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-java/sikuli.git

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