[bouncycastle] 01/03: CVE-2015-7940: fix invalid curve attack as described in

Markus Koschany apo-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Dec 10 23:19:45 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

apo-guest pushed a commit to branch jessie-security
in repository bouncycastle.

commit 70396011941d9d2083da8842acbb53f95abd7c58
Author: Markus Koschany <apo at debian.org>
Date:   Thu Dec 10 23:55:23 2015 +0100

    CVE-2015-7940: fix invalid curve attack as described in
    Closes: #802671
 debian/patches/CVE-2015-7940-1.patch | 512 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 debian/patches/CVE-2015-7940-2.patch |  82 ++++
 debian/patches/CVE-2015-7940-3.patch | 800 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 debian/patches/series                |   3 +
 4 files changed, 1397 insertions(+)

diff --git a/debian/patches/CVE-2015-7940-1.patch b/debian/patches/CVE-2015-7940-1.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70f866a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/CVE-2015-7940-1.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,512 @@
+From 5cb2f0578e6ec8f0d67e59d05d8c4704d8e05f83 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Peter Dettman <peter.dettman at bouncycastle.org>
+Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 19:23:34 +0700
+Subject: [PATCH] Add automatic EC point validation for decoded points and for
+ multiplier outputs.
+Origin: upstream, https://github.com/bcgit/bc-java/commit/5cb2f05
+Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/802671
+Backporting notes of Raphaël Hertzog:
+* core/src/main/java/org/bouncycastle/ in current git
+  was src/org/bouncycastle/ in 1.44
+(Markus Koschany):
+* DSTU4145PointEncoder.java does exist in 1.49. Applied the changes.
+* AbstractECMultiplier.java does not exist in 1.49 but changes to
+  AbstractECMultiplier.java mean that we must run
+  ECAlgorithms.validatePoint() on any result of the multiply() function of
+  any object implementing ECMultiplier. Done on:
+  - FpNafMultiplier.java
+  - ReferenceMultiplier.java
+  - WNafMultiplier.java
+  - WTauNafMultiplier.java
+* …/math/ec/custom/* were not present in 1.44. Dropped the corresponding
+  changes.
+* Remaining changes have been manually backported:
+  - ECPointTest.java: done
+  - ReferenceMultiplier.java: done, added validatePoint() call on result
+  - ECAlgorithms.java: done
+  - ECPoint.java: done
+    - Fp does not yet support getCompressionYTilde(), dropped from
+      AbstractFp
+    - F2m does not yet support checkCurveEquation()
+    - dropped constructors accepting 4 params (with "zs") as ECPoint()
+      does not support it, and dropped all code path that made use of this.zs
+      since it's not available, basically everything related to non-affine
+      coordinate system
+  - ECCurve.java:
+  (Markus Koschany):
+    - Hunk 1: validatePoint() partly backported as there is one createPoint() call
+      to replace.
+    - Hunk 2: no importPoint() (and no createPoint() usage found)
+    - Hunk 3: useless (no-op change)
+    - Hunk 4: useless (no-op change)
+    - Hunk 5: validation on generated point at end of function
+    - Hunk 6: done
+    - Hunk 7: done (auto-applied)
+    - Hunk 8/9: ECCurve is abstract and has no constructor, don't call
+      parent constructors in Fp constructors (which happens in code
+      from hunk 7 adding AbstractFp)
+    - Hunk 10: ECCurve.Fp does not have decompressPoint() in 1.44, so the whole
+      AbstractFp class was in fact useless, drop it and make Fp extends
+      ECCurve again.
+      End of hunk not applied, the AbstractF2m class is not needed as its
+      sole purpose is to factorize a call to buildField() that version
+      1.44 does not have.
+    - Hunk 11/12/13: Not applied as we don't introduce AbstractF2m.
+    - Hunk 14: yp is already initialized as null in 1.44.
+    - Hunk 15: decompressPoint() is really implemented differently... and
+      even has different parameters. Just add the final check for yp==null
+      and don't change the logic in the function.
+ .../bouncycastle/asn1/ua/DSTU4145PointEncoder.java | 18 ++--
+ src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/ECAlgorithms.java     | 47 ++++++++++-
+ src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/ECCurve.java          | 22 ++++-
+ src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/ECPoint.java          | 97 ++++++++++++++++++----
+ src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/FpNafMultiplier.java  |  2 +-
+ .../bouncycastle/math/ec/ReferenceMultiplier.java  | 21 +----
+ src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/WNafMultiplier.java   |  2 +-
+ .../bouncycastle/math/ec/WTauNafMultiplier.java    |  2 +-
+ .../org/bouncycastle/math/ec/test/ECPointTest.java | 31 +------
+ 9 files changed, 165 insertions(+), 77 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/org/bouncycastle/asn1/ua/DSTU4145PointEncoder.java b/src/org/bouncycastle/asn1/ua/DSTU4145PointEncoder.java
+index 0227d2a..103ed23 100644
+--- a/src/org/bouncycastle/asn1/ua/DSTU4145PointEncoder.java
++++ b/src/org/bouncycastle/asn1/ua/DSTU4145PointEncoder.java
+@@ -145,15 +145,19 @@ public abstract class DSTU4145PointEncoder
+             ECFieldElement beta = xp.add(curve.getA()).add(
+                 curve.getB().multiply(xp.square().invert()));
+             ECFieldElement z = solveQuadradicEquation(beta);
+-            if (z == null)
++            if (z != null)
+             {
+-                throw new RuntimeException("Invalid point compression");
++                if (!trace(z).equals(k))
++                {
++                    z = z.add(curve.fromBigInteger(ECConstants.ONE));
++                }
++                yp = xp.multiply(z);
+             }
+-            if (!trace(z).equals(k))
+-            {
+-                z = z.add(curve.fromBigInteger(ECConstants.ONE));
+-            }
+-            yp = xp.multiply(z);
++        }
++        if (yp == null)
++        {
++            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid point compression");
+         }
+         return new ECPoint.F2m(curve, xp, yp);
+diff --git a/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/ECAlgorithms.java b/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/ECAlgorithms.java
+index 78a7a8f..00cc2b5 100644
+--- a/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/ECAlgorithms.java
++++ b/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/ECAlgorithms.java
+@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ public class ECAlgorithms
+             }
+         }
+-        return implShamirsTrick(P, a, Q, b);
++        return ECAlgorithms.validatePoint(implShamirsTrick(P, a, Q, b));
+     }
+     /*
+@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ public class ECAlgorithms
+             throw new IllegalArgumentException("P and Q must be on same curve");
+         }
+-        return implShamirsTrick(P, k, Q, l);
++        return ECAlgorithms.validatePoint(implShamirsTrick(P, k, Q, l));
+     }
+     private static ECPoint implShamirsTrick(ECPoint P, BigInteger k,
+@@ -89,4 +89,47 @@ public class ECAlgorithms
+         return R;
+     }
++    /**
++     * Simple shift-and-add multiplication. Serves as reference implementation
++     * to verify (possibly faster) implementations, and for very small scalars.
++     *
++     * @param p
++     *            The point to multiply.
++     * @param k
++     *            The multiplier.
++     * @return The result of the point multiplication <code>kP</code>.
++     */
++    public static ECPoint referenceMultiply(ECPoint p, BigInteger k)
++    {
++        BigInteger x = k.abs();
++        ECPoint q = p.getCurve().getInfinity();
++        int t = x.bitLength();
++        if (t > 0)
++        {
++            if (x.testBit(0))
++            {
++                q = p;
++            }
++            for (int i = 1; i < t; i++)
++            {
++                p = p.twice();
++                if (x.testBit(i))
++                {
++                    q = q.add(p);
++                }
++            }
++        }
++        return k.signum() < 0 ? q.negate() : q;
++    }
++    public static ECPoint validatePoint(ECPoint p)
++    {
++        if (!p.isValid())
++        {
++            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid point");
++        }
++        return p;
++    }
+ }
+diff --git a/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/ECCurve.java b/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/ECCurve.java
+index 58281af..016642e 100644
+--- a/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/ECCurve.java
++++ b/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/ECCurve.java
+@@ -30,6 +30,16 @@ public abstract class ECCurve
+     protected abstract ECPoint decompressPoint(int yTilde, BigInteger X1);
++    public ECPoint validatePoint(BigInteger x, BigInteger y, boolean withCompression)
++    {
++        ECPoint p = createPoint(x, y, withCompression);
++        if (!p.isValid())
++        {
++            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid point coordinates");
++        }
++        return p;
++    }
+     /**
+      * Decode a point on this curve from its ASN.1 encoding. The different
+      * encodings are taken account of, including point compression for
+@@ -79,13 +89,18 @@ public abstract class ECCurve
+             BigInteger X1 = fromArray(encoded, 1, expectedLength);
+             BigInteger Y1 = fromArray(encoded, 1 + expectedLength, expectedLength);
+-            p = createPoint(X1, Y1, false);
++            p = validatePoint(X1, Y1, false);
+             break;
+         }
+         default:
+             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid point encoding 0x" + Integer.toString(encoded[0], 16));
+         }
++        if (encoded[0] != 0x00 && p.isInfinity())
++        {
++            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid infinity encoding");
++        }
+         return p;
+     }
+@@ -504,6 +519,11 @@ public abstract class ECCurve
+                 yp = xp.multiply(z);
+             }
++            if (yp == null)
++            {
++                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid point compression");
++            }
+             return new ECPoint.F2m(this, xp, yp, true);
+         }
+diff --git a/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/ECPoint.java b/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/ECPoint.java
+index cbc5aaf..0c8c1cc 100644
+--- a/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/ECPoint.java
++++ b/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/ECPoint.java
+@@ -27,7 +27,9 @@ public abstract class ECPoint
+         this.x = x;
+         this.y = y;
+     }
++    protected abstract boolean satisfiesCurveEquation();
+     public ECCurve getCurve()
+     {
+         return curve;
+@@ -53,6 +55,33 @@ public abstract class ECPoint
+         return withCompression;
+     }
++    public boolean isValid()
++    {
++        if (isInfinity())
++        {
++            return true;
++        }
++        // TODO Sanity-check the field elements
++        ECCurve curve = getCurve();
++        if (curve != null)
++        {
++            if (!satisfiesCurveEquation())
++            {
++                return false;
++            }
++            BigInteger h = curve.getH();
++            if (h != null && ECAlgorithms.referenceMultiply(this, h).isInfinity())
++            {
++                return false;
++            }
++        }
++        return true;
++    }
+     public boolean equals(
+         Object  other)
+     {
+@@ -157,10 +186,38 @@ public abstract class ECPoint
+         return this.multiplier.multiply(this, k, preCompInfo);
+     }
++    public static abstract class AbstractFp extends ECPoint
++    {
++        protected AbstractFp(ECCurve curve, ECFieldElement x, ECFieldElement y)
++        {
++            super(curve, x, y);
++        }
++        protected boolean satisfiesCurveEquation()
++        {
++            ECFieldElement X = this.x, Y = this.y, A = curve.getA(), B = curve.getB();
++            ECFieldElement lhs = Y.square();
++            ECFieldElement rhs = X.square().add(A).multiply(X).add(B);
++            return lhs.equals(rhs);
++        }
++        public ECPoint subtract(ECPoint b)
++        {
++            if (b.isInfinity())
++            {
++                return this;
++            }
++            // Add -b
++            return add(b.negate());
++        }
++    }
+     /**
+      * Elliptic curve points over Fp
+      */
+-    public static class Fp extends ECPoint
++    public static class Fp extends AbstractFp
+     {
+         /**
+@@ -176,7 +233,7 @@ public abstract class ECPoint
+         }
+         /**
+-         * Create a point that encodes with or without point compresion.
++         * Create a point that encodes with or without point compression.
+          * 
+          * @param curve the curve to use
+          * @param x affine x co-ordinate
+@@ -302,18 +359,6 @@ public abstract class ECPoint
+             return new ECPoint.Fp(curve, x3, y3, this.withCompression);
+         }
+-        // D.3.2 pg 102 (see Note:)
+-        public ECPoint subtract(ECPoint b)
+-        {
+-            if (b.isInfinity())
+-            {
+-                return this;
+-            }
+-            // Add -b
+-            return add(b.negate());
+-        }
+         public ECPoint negate()
+         {
+             return new ECPoint.Fp(curve, this.x, this.y.negate(), this.withCompression);
+@@ -331,10 +376,30 @@ public abstract class ECPoint
+         }
+     }
++    public static abstract class AbstractF2m extends ECPoint
++    {
++        protected AbstractF2m(ECCurve curve, ECFieldElement x, ECFieldElement y)
++        {
++            super(curve, x, y);
++        }
++        protected boolean satisfiesCurveEquation()
++        {
++            ECCurve curve = getCurve();
++            ECFieldElement X = this.x, A = curve.getA(), B = curve.getB();
++            ECFieldElement Y = this.y;
++            ECFieldElement lhs = Y.add(X).multiply(Y);
++            ECFieldElement rhs = X.add(A).multiply(X.square()).add(B);
++            return lhs.equals(rhs);
++        }
++    }
+     /**
+      * Elliptic curve points over F2m
+      */
+-    public static class F2m extends ECPoint
++    public static class F2m extends AbstractF2m
+     {
+         /**
+          * @param curve base curve
+diff --git a/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/FpNafMultiplier.java b/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/FpNafMultiplier.java
+index 35e601d..a882f34 100644
+--- a/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/FpNafMultiplier.java
++++ b/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/FpNafMultiplier.java
+@@ -34,6 +34,6 @@ class FpNafMultiplier implements ECMultiplier
+             }
+         }
+-        return R;
++        return ECAlgorithms.validatePoint(R);
+     }
+ }
+diff --git a/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/ReferenceMultiplier.java b/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/ReferenceMultiplier.java
+index c1dd548..38879d7 100644
+--- a/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/ReferenceMultiplier.java
++++ b/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/ReferenceMultiplier.java
+@@ -4,27 +4,8 @@ import java.math.BigInteger;
+ class ReferenceMultiplier implements ECMultiplier
+ {
+-    /**
+-     * Simple shift-and-add multiplication. Serves as reference implementation
+-     * to verify (possibly faster) implementations in
+-     * {@link org.bouncycastle.math.ec.ECPoint ECPoint}.
+-     * 
+-     * @param p The point to multiply.
+-     * @param k The factor by which to multiply.
+-     * @return The result of the point multiplication <code>k * p</code>.
+-     */
+     public ECPoint multiply(ECPoint p, BigInteger k, PreCompInfo preCompInfo)
+     {
+-        ECPoint q = p.getCurve().getInfinity();
+-        int t = k.bitLength();
+-        for (int i = 0; i < t; i++)
+-        {
+-            if (k.testBit(i))
+-            {
+-                q = q.add(p);
+-            }
+-            p = p.twice();
+-        }
+-        return q;
++	return ECAlgorithms.validatePoint(ECAlgorithms.referenceMultiply(p, k));
+     }
+ }
+diff --git a/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/WNafMultiplier.java b/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/WNafMultiplier.java
+index 10c8ed2..c182fee 100644
+--- a/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/WNafMultiplier.java
++++ b/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/WNafMultiplier.java
+@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ class WNafMultiplier implements ECMultiplier
+         wnafPreCompInfo.setPreComp(preComp);
+         wnafPreCompInfo.setTwiceP(twiceP);
+         p.setPreCompInfo(wnafPreCompInfo);
+-        return q;
++        return ECAlgorithms.validatePoint(q);
+     }
+ }
+diff --git a/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/WTauNafMultiplier.java b/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/WTauNafMultiplier.java
+index 2353979..d1578e7 100644
+--- a/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/WTauNafMultiplier.java
++++ b/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/WTauNafMultiplier.java
+@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class WTauNafMultiplier implements ECMultiplier
+         ZTauElement rho = Tnaf.partModReduction(k, m, a, s, mu, (byte)10);
+-        return multiplyWTnaf(p, rho, preCompInfo, a, mu);
++        return ECAlgorithms.validatePoint(multiplyWTnaf(p, rho, preCompInfo, a, mu));
+     }
+     /**
+diff --git a/test/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/test/ECPointTest.java b/test/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/test/ECPointTest.java
+index e488c63..7eb1460 100644
+--- a/test/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/test/ECPointTest.java
++++ b/test/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/test/ECPointTest.java
+@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x9.X9ECParameters;
+ import org.bouncycastle.math.ec.ECCurve;
+ import org.bouncycastle.math.ec.ECFieldElement;
+ import org.bouncycastle.math.ec.ECPoint;
++import org.bouncycastle.math.ec.ECAlgorithms;
+ /**
+  * Test class for {@link org.bouncycastle.math.ec.ECPoint ECPoint}. All
+@@ -263,32 +264,6 @@ public class ECPointTest extends TestCase
+     }
+     /**
+-     * Simple shift-and-add multiplication. Serves as reference implementation
+-     * to verify (possibly faster) implementations in
+-     * {@link org.bouncycastle.math.ec.ECPoint ECPoint}.
+-     * 
+-     * @param p
+-     *            The point to multiply.
+-     * @param k
+-     *            The multiplier.
+-     * @return The result of the point multiplication <code>kP</code>.
+-     */
+-    private ECPoint multiply(ECPoint p, BigInteger k)
+-    {
+-        ECPoint q = p.getCurve().getInfinity();
+-        int t = k.bitLength();
+-        for (int i = 0; i < t; i++)
+-        {
+-            if (k.testBit(i))
+-            {
+-                q = q.add(p);
+-            }
+-            p = p.twice();
+-        }
+-        return q;
+-    }
+-    /**
+      * Checks, if the point multiplication algorithm of the given point yields
+      * the same result as point multiplication done by the reference
+      * implementation given in <code>multiply()</code>. This method chooses a
+@@ -303,7 +278,7 @@ public class ECPointTest extends TestCase
+     private void implTestMultiply(ECPoint p, int numBits)
+     {
+         BigInteger k = new BigInteger(numBits, secRand);
+-        ECPoint ref = multiply(p, k);
++        ECPoint ref = org.bouncycastle.math.ec.ECAlgorithms.referenceMultiply(p, k);
+         ECPoint q = p.multiply(k);
+         assertEquals("ECPoint.multiply is incorrect", ref, q);
+     }
+@@ -327,7 +302,7 @@ public class ECPointTest extends TestCase
+         do
+         {
+-            ECPoint ref = multiply(p, k);
++            ECPoint ref = org.bouncycastle.math.ec.ECAlgorithms.referenceMultiply(p, k);
+             ECPoint q = p.multiply(k);
+             assertEquals("ECPoint.multiply is incorrect", ref, q);
+             k = k.add(BigInteger.ONE);
diff --git a/debian/patches/CVE-2015-7940-2.patch b/debian/patches/CVE-2015-7940-2.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e954565
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/CVE-2015-7940-2.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+From e25e94a046a6934819133886439984e2fecb2b04 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Peter Dettman <peter.dettman at bouncycastle.org>
+Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 14:46:07 +0700
+Subject: [PATCH] Add cofactor validation after point decompression
+Origin: upstream, https://github.com/bcgit/bc-java/commit/e25e94a
+Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/802671
+Backporting notes of Raphaël Hertzog:
+* ECCurve.java:
+  - Hunk 1: decompressPoint() does not exist on ECCurve.Fp, dropped.
+  - Hunk 2: drop variable rename, keep only final p.satisfiesCofactor() check
+  Replaced getCofactor() with getH() since the former does not exist yet.
+  But getH() was only available on F2m, added a default implementation
+  returning null to ECCurve (this is what happens with newer versions
+  when you create an Fp curve without specifying the cofactor).
+* ECPoint.java: done, noted that satisfiesCofactor() adds a supplementary
+  check compared to version 1.44 (h.equals(ECConstants.ONE))
+ src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/ECCurve.java | 14 +++++++++++++-
+ src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/ECPoint.java |  9 +++++++--
+ 2 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/ECCurve.java b/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/ECCurve.java
+index 016642e..4442413 100644
+--- a/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/ECCurve.java
++++ b/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/ECCurve.java
+@@ -111,6 +111,12 @@ public abstract class ECCurve
+         return new BigInteger(1, mag);
+     }
++    public BigInteger getH()
++    {
++	// ECCurve without cofactor by default, overriden by subclasses
++	return null;
++    }
+     /**
+      * Elliptic curve over Fp
+      */
+@@ -524,7 +530,13 @@ public abstract class ECCurve
+                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid point compression");
+             }
+-            return new ECPoint.F2m(this, xp, yp, true);
++            ECPoint p = new ECPoint.F2m(this, xp, yp);
++            if (!p.satisfiesCofactor())
++            {
++                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid point");
++            }
++            return p;
+         }
+         /**
+diff --git a/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/ECPoint.java b/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/ECPoint.java
+index 0c8c1cc..4dfa690 100644
+--- a/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/ECPoint.java
++++ b/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/ECPoint.java
+@@ -28,6 +28,12 @@ public abstract class ECPoint
+         this.y = y;
+     }
++    protected boolean satisfiesCofactor()
++    {
++        BigInteger h = curve.getH();
++        return h == null || h.equals(ECConstants.ONE) || !ECAlgorithms.referenceMultiply(this, h).isInfinity();
++    }
+     protected abstract boolean satisfiesCurveEquation();
+     public ECCurve getCurve()
+@@ -72,8 +78,7 @@ public abstract class ECPoint
+                 return false;
+             }
+-            BigInteger h = curve.getH();
+-            if (h != null && ECAlgorithms.referenceMultiply(this, h).isInfinity())
++            if (!satisfiesCofactor())
+             {
+                 return false;
+             }
diff --git a/debian/patches/CVE-2015-7940-3.patch b/debian/patches/CVE-2015-7940-3.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5782777
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/CVE-2015-7940-3.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,800 @@
+Implement further updates suggested by Petter Dettman after review
+of the first two patches. His intructions were the following:
+> I think the treatment of the cofactor (h, getH()) for
+> ECCurve.Fp needs more attention. The current validity checks for ECPoint
+> rely on there being a cofactor provided to check against, but as updated
+> by this patch, all ECCurve.Fp simply return null from getH().
+> Specifying the cofactor for all the "built-in" curves was preparatory
+> work that these validation commits relied on so in their current state
+> the patches effectively skip an important check for most of the built-in
+> Fp curves, which probably defeats the purpose.
+> The "h == null" in ECPoint.satisfiesCofactor is not ideal even in the
+> current code, but it's tolerable if all the built-in curves actually do
+> specify a cofactor.
+> I would recommend that you add the ECCurve.Fp constructor that allows to
+> specify cofactor (and order if you like), then change all the curve
+> registry classes:
+>     ECGOST3410NamedCurves
+>     SECNamedCurves
+>     TeleTrusTNamedCurves
+>     X962NamedCurves
+> so that they use the new constructor. Then change ECCurve.java so that
+> the cofactor (and order - can keep calling them h, n in the code) are
+> actually stored in the base class and returned correctly for ECCurve.Fp.
+> All the values you need are of course available in the latest code.
+> Unfortunately there's quite a lot of them, but the changes should be
+> fairly mechanical.
+ .../asn1/cryptopro/ECGOST3410NamedCurves.java      |  21 +++-
+ src/org/bouncycastle/asn1/sec/SECNamedCurves.java  |  30 ++---
+ .../asn1/teletrust/TeleTrusTNamedCurves.java       | 126 ++++++++++++++-------
+ src/org/bouncycastle/asn1/x9/X962NamedCurves.java  |  63 +++++++----
+ src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/ECCurve.java          |  31 +++++
+ 5 files changed, 188 insertions(+), 83 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/org/bouncycastle/asn1/cryptopro/ECGOST3410NamedCurves.java b/src/org/bouncycastle/asn1/cryptopro/ECGOST3410NamedCurves.java
+index e203505..d6449cb 100644
+--- a/src/org/bouncycastle/asn1/cryptopro/ECGOST3410NamedCurves.java
++++ b/src/org/bouncycastle/asn1/cryptopro/ECGOST3410NamedCurves.java
+@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import java.util.Hashtable;
+ import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1ObjectIdentifier;
+ import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.ECDomainParameters;
++import org.bouncycastle.math.ec.ECConstants;
+ import org.bouncycastle.math.ec.ECCurve;
+ import org.bouncycastle.math.ec.ECFieldElement;
+ import org.bouncycastle.math.ec.ECPoint;
+@@ -27,7 +28,9 @@ public class ECGOST3410NamedCurves
+         ECCurve.Fp curve = new ECCurve.Fp(
+             mod_p, // p
+             new BigInteger("115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639316"), // a
+-            new BigInteger("166")); // b
++            new BigInteger("166"), // b
++            mod_q,
++            ECConstants.ONE);
+         ECDomainParameters ecParams = new ECDomainParameters(
+             curve,
+@@ -44,7 +47,9 @@ public class ECGOST3410NamedCurves
+         curve = new ECCurve.Fp(
+                 mod_p, // p
+                 new BigInteger("115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639316"),
+-                new BigInteger("166"));
++                new BigInteger("166"),
++                mod_q,
++                ECConstants.ONE);
+         ecParams = new ECDomainParameters(
+                 curve,
+@@ -61,7 +66,9 @@ public class ECGOST3410NamedCurves
+         curve = new ECCurve.Fp(
+             mod_p, // p
+             new BigInteger("57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564823190"), // a
+-            new BigInteger("28091019353058090096996979000309560759124368558014865957655842872397301267595")); // b
++            new BigInteger("28091019353058090096996979000309560759124368558014865957655842872397301267595"), // b
++            mod_q,
++            ECConstants.ONE);
+         ecParams = new ECDomainParameters(
+             curve,
+@@ -78,7 +85,9 @@ public class ECGOST3410NamedCurves
+         curve = new ECCurve.Fp(
+                 mod_p, // p
+                 new BigInteger("70390085352083305199547718019018437841079516630045180471284346843705633502616"),
+-                new BigInteger("32858"));
++                new BigInteger("32858"),
++                mod_q,
++                ECConstants.ONE);
+         ecParams = new ECDomainParameters(
+                 curve,
+@@ -94,7 +103,9 @@ public class ECGOST3410NamedCurves
+         curve = new ECCurve.Fp(
+             mod_p, // p
+             new BigInteger("70390085352083305199547718019018437841079516630045180471284346843705633502616"), // a
+-            new BigInteger("32858")); // b
++            new BigInteger("32858"), // b
++            mod_q,
++            ECConstants.ONE);
+         ecParams = new ECDomainParameters(
+             curve,
+diff --git a/src/org/bouncycastle/asn1/sec/SECNamedCurves.java b/src/org/bouncycastle/asn1/sec/SECNamedCurves.java
+index 44c811b..fe20c56 100644
+--- a/src/org/bouncycastle/asn1/sec/SECNamedCurves.java
++++ b/src/org/bouncycastle/asn1/sec/SECNamedCurves.java
+@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ public class SECNamedCurves
+             BigInteger n = fromHex("DB7C2ABF62E35E7628DFAC6561C5");
+             BigInteger h = BigInteger.valueOf(1);
+-            ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(p, a, b);
++            ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(p, a, b, n, h);
+             //ECPoint G = curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("02"
+             //+ "09487239995A5EE76B55F9C2F098"));
+             ECPoint G = curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("04"
+@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ public class SECNamedCurves
+             BigInteger n = fromHex("36DF0AAFD8B8D7597CA10520D04B");
+             BigInteger h = BigInteger.valueOf(4);
+-            ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(p, a, b);
++            ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(p, a, b, n, h);
+             //ECPoint G = curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("03"
+             //+ "4BA30AB5E892B4E1649DD0928643"));
+             ECPoint G = curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("04"
+@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ public class SECNamedCurves
+             BigInteger n = fromHex("FFFFFFFE0000000075A30D1B9038A115");
+             BigInteger h = BigInteger.valueOf(1);
+-            ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(p, a, b);
++            ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(p, a, b, n, h);
+             //ECPoint G = curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("03"
+             //+ "161FF7528B899B2D0C28607CA52C5B86"));
+             ECPoint G = curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("04"
+@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ public class SECNamedCurves
+             BigInteger n = fromHex("3FFFFFFF7FFFFFFFBE0024720613B5A3");
+             BigInteger h = BigInteger.valueOf(4);
+-            ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(p, a, b);
++            ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(p, a, b, n, h);
+             //ECPoint G = curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("02"
+             //+ "7B6AA5D85E572983E6FB32A7CDEBC140"));
+             ECPoint G = curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("04"
+@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ public class SECNamedCurves
+             BigInteger n = fromHex("0100000000000000000001B8FA16DFAB9ACA16B6B3");
+             BigInteger h = BigInteger.valueOf(1);
+-            ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(p, a, b);
++            ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(p, a, b, n, h);
+ //            ECPoint G = curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("02"
+ //                + "3B4C382CE37AA192A4019E763036F4F5DD4D7EBB"));
+             ECPoint G = curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("04"
+@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ public class SECNamedCurves
+             BigInteger n = fromHex("0100000000000000000001F4C8F927AED3CA752257");
+             BigInteger h = BigInteger.valueOf(1);
+-            ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(p, a, b);
++            ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(p, a, b, n, h);
+             //ECPoint G = curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("02"
+                 //+ "4A96B5688EF573284664698968C38BB913CBFC82"));
+             ECPoint G = curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("04"
+@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ public class SECNamedCurves
+             BigInteger n = fromHex("0100000000000000000000351EE786A818F3A1A16B");
+             BigInteger h = BigInteger.valueOf(1);
+-            ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(p, a, b);
++            ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(p, a, b, n, h);
+             //ECPoint G = curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("02"
+             //+ "52DCB034293A117E1F4FF11B30F7199D3144CE6D"));
+             ECPoint G = curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("04"
+@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ public class SECNamedCurves
+             BigInteger n = fromHex("FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE26F2FC170F69466A74DEFD8D");
+             BigInteger h = BigInteger.valueOf(1);
+-            ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(p, a, b);
++            ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(p, a, b, n, h);
+             //ECPoint G = curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("03"
+             //+ "DB4FF10EC057E9AE26B07D0280B7F4341DA5D1B1EAE06C7D"));
+             ECPoint G = curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("04"
+@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ public class SECNamedCurves
+             BigInteger n = fromHex("FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF99DEF836146BC9B1B4D22831");
+             BigInteger h = BigInteger.valueOf(1);
+-            ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(p, a, b);
++            ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(p, a, b, n, h);
+             //ECPoint G = curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("03"
+             //+ "188DA80EB03090F67CBF20EB43A18800F4FF0AFD82FF1012"));
+             ECPoint G = curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("04"
+@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ public class SECNamedCurves
+             BigInteger n = fromHex("010000000000000000000000000001DCE8D2EC6184CAF0A971769FB1F7");
+             BigInteger h = BigInteger.valueOf(1);
+-            ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(p, a, b);
++            ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(p, a, b, n, h);
+             //ECPoint G = curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("03"
+             //+ "A1455B334DF099DF30FC28A169A467E9E47075A90F7E650EB6B7A45C"));
+             ECPoint G = curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("04"
+@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ public class SECNamedCurves
+             BigInteger n = fromHex("FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF16A2E0B8F03E13DD29455C5C2A3D");
+             BigInteger h = BigInteger.valueOf(1);
+-            ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(p, a, b);
++            ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(p, a, b, n, h);
+             //ECPoint G = curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("02"
+             //+ "B70E0CBD6BB4BF7F321390B94A03C1D356C21122343280D6115C1D21"));
+             ECPoint G = curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("04"
+@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ public class SECNamedCurves
+             BigInteger n = fromHex("FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEBAAEDCE6AF48A03BBFD25E8CD0364141");
+             BigInteger h = BigInteger.valueOf(1);
+-            ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(p, a, b);
++            ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(p, a, b, n, h);
+             //ECPoint G = curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("02"
+             //+ "79BE667EF9DCBBAC55A06295CE870B07029BFCDB2DCE28D959F2815B16F81798"));
+             ECPoint G = curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("04"
+@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ public class SECNamedCurves
+             BigInteger n = fromHex("FFFFFFFF00000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFBCE6FAADA7179E84F3B9CAC2FC632551");
+             BigInteger h = BigInteger.valueOf(1);
+-            ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(p, a, b);
++            ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(p, a, b, n, h);
+             //ECPoint G = curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("03"
+             //+ "6B17D1F2E12C4247F8BCE6E563A440F277037D812DEB33A0F4A13945D898C296"));
+             ECPoint G = curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("04"
+@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ public class SECNamedCurves
+             BigInteger h = BigInteger.valueOf(1);
+-            ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(p, a, b);
++            ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(p, a, b, n, h);
+             //ECPoint G = curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("03"
+             //+ "AA87CA22BE8B05378EB1C71EF320AD746E1D3B628BA79B9859F741E082542A385502F25DBF55296C3A545E3872760AB7"));
+             ECPoint G = curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("04"
+@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ public class SECNamedCurves
+             BigInteger h = BigInteger.valueOf(1);
+-            ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(p, a, b);
++            ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(p, a, b, n, h);
+             //ECPoint G = curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("02"
+             //+ "00C6858E06B70404E9CD9E3ECB662395B4429C648139053FB521F828AF606B4D3DBAA14B5E77EFE75928FE1DC127A2FFA8DE3348B3C1856A429BF97E7E31C2E5BD66"));
+             ECPoint G = curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("04"
+diff --git a/src/org/bouncycastle/asn1/teletrust/TeleTrusTNamedCurves.java b/src/org/bouncycastle/asn1/teletrust/TeleTrusTNamedCurves.java
+index 17f0491..0eea748 100644
+--- a/src/org/bouncycastle/asn1/teletrust/TeleTrusTNamedCurves.java
++++ b/src/org/bouncycastle/asn1/teletrust/TeleTrusTNamedCurves.java
+@@ -21,16 +21,19 @@ public class TeleTrusTNamedCurves
+     {
+         protected X9ECParameters createParameters()
+         {
++            BigInteger n = new BigInteger("E95E4A5F737059DC60DF5991D45029409E60FC09", 16);
++            BigInteger h = new BigInteger("01", 16);
+             ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(
+                 new BigInteger("E95E4A5F737059DC60DFC7AD95B3D8139515620F", 16), // q
+                 new BigInteger("340E7BE2A280EB74E2BE61BADA745D97E8F7C300", 16), // a
+-                new BigInteger("1E589A8595423412134FAA2DBDEC95C8D8675E58", 16)); // b
++                new BigInteger("1E589A8595423412134FAA2DBDEC95C8D8675E58", 16), // b
++                n, h);
+             return new X9ECParameters(
+                 curve,
+                 curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("04BED5AF16EA3F6A4F62938C4631EB5AF7BDBCDBC31667CB477A1A8EC338F94741669C976316DA6321")), // G
+-                new BigInteger("E95E4A5F737059DC60DF5991D45029409E60FC09", 16), //n
+-                new BigInteger("01", 16)); // h
++                n, h);
+         }
+     };
+@@ -38,17 +41,20 @@ public class TeleTrusTNamedCurves
+     {
+         protected X9ECParameters createParameters()
+         {
++            BigInteger n = new BigInteger("E95E4A5F737059DC60DF5991D45029409E60FC09", 16);
++            BigInteger h = new BigInteger("01", 16);
+             ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(
+                 //   new BigInteger("24DBFF5DEC9B986BBFE5295A29BFBAE45E0F5D0B", 16), // Z
+                 new BigInteger("E95E4A5F737059DC60DFC7AD95B3D8139515620F", 16), // q
+                 new BigInteger("E95E4A5F737059DC60DFC7AD95B3D8139515620C", 16), // a'
+-                new BigInteger("7A556B6DAE535B7B51ED2C4D7DAA7A0B5C55F380", 16)); // b'
++                new BigInteger("7A556B6DAE535B7B51ED2C4D7DAA7A0B5C55F380", 16), // b'
++                n, h);
+             return new X9ECParameters(
+                 curve,
+                 curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("04B199B13B9B34EFC1397E64BAEB05ACC265FF2378ADD6718B7C7C1961F0991B842443772152C9E0AD")), // G
+-                new BigInteger("E95E4A5F737059DC60DF5991D45029409E60FC09", 16), //n
+-                new BigInteger("01", 16)); // h
++                n, h);
+         }
+     };
+@@ -56,16 +62,19 @@ public class TeleTrusTNamedCurves
+     {
+         protected X9ECParameters createParameters()
+         {
++            BigInteger n = new BigInteger("C302F41D932A36CDA7A3462F9E9E916B5BE8F1029AC4ACC1", 16);
++            BigInteger h = new BigInteger("01", 16);
+             ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(
+                 new BigInteger("C302F41D932A36CDA7A3463093D18DB78FCE476DE1A86297", 16), // q
+                 new BigInteger("6A91174076B1E0E19C39C031FE8685C1CAE040E5C69A28EF", 16), // a
+-                new BigInteger("469A28EF7C28CCA3DC721D044F4496BCCA7EF4146FBF25C9", 16)); // b
++                new BigInteger("469A28EF7C28CCA3DC721D044F4496BCCA7EF4146FBF25C9", 16), // b
++                n, h);
+             return new X9ECParameters(
+                 curve,
+                 curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("04C0A0647EAAB6A48753B033C56CB0F0900A2F5C4853375FD614B690866ABD5BB88B5F4828C1490002E6773FA2FA299B8F")), // G
+-                new BigInteger("C302F41D932A36CDA7A3462F9E9E916B5BE8F1029AC4ACC1", 16), //n
+-                new BigInteger("01", 16)); // h
++                n, h);
+         }
+     };
+@@ -73,17 +82,20 @@ public class TeleTrusTNamedCurves
+     {
+         protected X9ECParameters createParameters()
+         {
++            BigInteger n = new BigInteger("C302F41D932A36CDA7A3462F9E9E916B5BE8F1029AC4ACC1", 16);
++            BigInteger h = new BigInteger("01", 16);
+             ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(
+                 //new BigInteger("1B6F5CC8DB4DC7AF19458A9CB80DC2295E5EB9C3732104CB") //Z
+                 new BigInteger("C302F41D932A36CDA7A3463093D18DB78FCE476DE1A86297", 16), // q
+                 new BigInteger("C302F41D932A36CDA7A3463093D18DB78FCE476DE1A86294", 16), // a'
+-                new BigInteger("13D56FFAEC78681E68F9DEB43B35BEC2FB68542E27897B79", 16)); // b'
++                new BigInteger("13D56FFAEC78681E68F9DEB43B35BEC2FB68542E27897B79", 16), // b'
++                n, h);
+             return new X9ECParameters(
+                 curve,
+                 curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("043AE9E58C82F63C30282E1FE7BBF43FA72C446AF6F4618129097E2C5667C2223A902AB5CA449D0084B7E5B3DE7CCC01C9")), // G'
+-                new BigInteger("C302F41D932A36CDA7A3462F9E9E916B5BE8F1029AC4ACC1", 16), //n
+-                new BigInteger("01", 16)); // h
++                n, h);
+         }
+     };
+@@ -91,165 +103,195 @@ public class TeleTrusTNamedCurves
+     {
+         protected X9ECParameters createParameters()
+         {
++            BigInteger n = new BigInteger("D7C134AA264366862A18302575D0FB98D116BC4B6DDEBCA3A5A7939F", 16);
++            BigInteger h = new BigInteger("01", 16);
+             ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(
+                 new BigInteger("D7C134AA264366862A18302575D1D787B09F075797DA89F57EC8C0FF", 16), // q
+                 new BigInteger("68A5E62CA9CE6C1C299803A6C1530B514E182AD8B0042A59CAD29F43", 16), // a
+-                new BigInteger("2580F63CCFE44138870713B1A92369E33E2135D266DBB372386C400B", 16)); // b
++                new BigInteger("2580F63CCFE44138870713B1A92369E33E2135D266DBB372386C400B", 16), // b
++                n, h);
+             return new X9ECParameters(
+                 curve,
+                 curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("040D9029AD2C7E5CF4340823B2A87DC68C9E4CE3174C1E6EFDEE12C07D58AA56F772C0726F24C6B89E4ECDAC24354B9E99CAA3F6D3761402CD")), // G
+-                new BigInteger("D7C134AA264366862A18302575D0FB98D116BC4B6DDEBCA3A5A7939F", 16), //n
+-                new BigInteger("01", 16)); // n
++                n, h);
+         }
+     };
+     static X9ECParametersHolder brainpoolP224t1 = new X9ECParametersHolder()
+     {
+         protected X9ECParameters createParameters()
+         {
++            BigInteger n = new BigInteger("D7C134AA264366862A18302575D0FB98D116BC4B6DDEBCA3A5A7939F", 16);
++            BigInteger h = new BigInteger("01", 16);
+             ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(
+                 //new BigInteger("2DF271E14427A346910CF7A2E6CFA7B3F484E5C2CCE1C8B730E28B3F") //Z
+                 new BigInteger("D7C134AA264366862A18302575D1D787B09F075797DA89F57EC8C0FF", 16), // q
+                 new BigInteger("D7C134AA264366862A18302575D1D787B09F075797DA89F57EC8C0FC", 16), // a'
+-                new BigInteger("4B337D934104CD7BEF271BF60CED1ED20DA14C08B3BB64F18A60888D", 16)); // b'
++                new BigInteger("4B337D934104CD7BEF271BF60CED1ED20DA14C08B3BB64F18A60888D", 16), // b'
++                n, h);
+             return new X9ECParameters(
+                 curve,
+                 curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("046AB1E344CE25FF3896424E7FFE14762ECB49F8928AC0C76029B4D5800374E9F5143E568CD23F3F4D7C0D4B1E41C8CC0D1C6ABD5F1A46DB4C")), // G'
+-                new BigInteger("D7C134AA264366862A18302575D0FB98D116BC4B6DDEBCA3A5A7939F", 16), //n
+-                new BigInteger("01", 16)); // h
++                n, h);
+         }
+     };
+     static X9ECParametersHolder brainpoolP256r1 = new X9ECParametersHolder()
+     {
+         protected X9ECParameters createParameters()
+         {
++            BigInteger n = new BigInteger("A9FB57DBA1EEA9BC3E660A909D838D718C397AA3B561A6F7901E0E82974856A7", 16);
++            BigInteger h = new BigInteger("01", 16);
+             ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(
+                 new BigInteger("A9FB57DBA1EEA9BC3E660A909D838D726E3BF623D52620282013481D1F6E5377", 16), // q
+                 new BigInteger("7D5A0975FC2C3057EEF67530417AFFE7FB8055C126DC5C6CE94A4B44F330B5D9", 16), // a
+-                new BigInteger("26DC5C6CE94A4B44F330B5D9BBD77CBF958416295CF7E1CE6BCCDC18FF8C07B6", 16)); // b
++                new BigInteger("26DC5C6CE94A4B44F330B5D9BBD77CBF958416295CF7E1CE6BCCDC18FF8C07B6", 16), // b
++                n, h);
+             return new X9ECParameters(
+                 curve,
+                 curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("048BD2AEB9CB7E57CB2C4B482FFC81B7AFB9DE27E1E3BD23C23A4453BD9ACE3262547EF835C3DAC4FD97F8461A14611DC9C27745132DED8E545C1D54C72F046997")), // G
+-                new BigInteger("A9FB57DBA1EEA9BC3E660A909D838D718C397AA3B561A6F7901E0E82974856A7", 16), //n
+-                new BigInteger("01", 16)); // h
++                n, h);
+         }
+     };
+     static X9ECParametersHolder brainpoolP256t1 = new X9ECParametersHolder()
+     {
+         protected X9ECParameters createParameters()
+         {
++            BigInteger n = new BigInteger("A9FB57DBA1EEA9BC3E660A909D838D718C397AA3B561A6F7901E0E82974856A7", 16);
++            BigInteger h = new BigInteger("01", 16);
+             ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(
+                 //new BigInteger("3E2D4BD9597B58639AE7AA669CAB9837CF5CF20A2C852D10F655668DFC150EF0") //Z
+                 new BigInteger("A9FB57DBA1EEA9BC3E660A909D838D726E3BF623D52620282013481D1F6E5377", 16), // q
+                 new BigInteger("A9FB57DBA1EEA9BC3E660A909D838D726E3BF623D52620282013481D1F6E5374", 16), // a'
+-                new BigInteger("662C61C430D84EA4FE66A7733D0B76B7BF93EBC4AF2F49256AE58101FEE92B04", 16)); // b'
++                new BigInteger("662C61C430D84EA4FE66A7733D0B76B7BF93EBC4AF2F49256AE58101FEE92B04", 16), // b'
++                n, h);
+             return new X9ECParameters(
+                 curve,
+                 curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("04A3E8EB3CC1CFE7B7732213B23A656149AFA142C47AAFBC2B79A191562E1305F42D996C823439C56D7F7B22E14644417E69BCB6DE39D027001DABE8F35B25C9BE")), // G'
+-                new BigInteger("A9FB57DBA1EEA9BC3E660A909D838D718C397AA3B561A6F7901E0E82974856A7", 16), //n
+-                new BigInteger("01", 16)); // h
++                n, h);
+         }
+     };
+     static X9ECParametersHolder brainpoolP320r1 = new X9ECParametersHolder()
+     {
+         protected X9ECParameters createParameters()
+         {
++            BigInteger n = new BigInteger("D35E472036BC4FB7E13C785ED201E065F98FCFA5B68F12A32D482EC7EE8658E98691555B44C59311", 16);
++            BigInteger h = new BigInteger("01", 16);
+             ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(
+                 new BigInteger("D35E472036BC4FB7E13C785ED201E065F98FCFA6F6F40DEF4F92B9EC7893EC28FCD412B1F1B32E27", 16), // q
+                 new BigInteger("3EE30B568FBAB0F883CCEBD46D3F3BB8A2A73513F5EB79DA66190EB085FFA9F492F375A97D860EB4", 16), // a
+-                new BigInteger("520883949DFDBC42D3AD198640688A6FE13F41349554B49ACC31DCCD884539816F5EB4AC8FB1F1A6", 16)); // b
++                new BigInteger("520883949DFDBC42D3AD198640688A6FE13F41349554B49ACC31DCCD884539816F5EB4AC8FB1F1A6", 16), // b
++                n, h);
+             return new X9ECParameters(
+                 curve,
+                 curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("0443BD7E9AFB53D8B85289BCC48EE5BFE6F20137D10A087EB6E7871E2A10A599C710AF8D0D39E2061114FDD05545EC1CC8AB4093247F77275E0743FFED117182EAA9C77877AAAC6AC7D35245D1692E8EE1")), // G
+-                new BigInteger("D35E472036BC4FB7E13C785ED201E065F98FCFA5B68F12A32D482EC7EE8658E98691555B44C59311", 16), //n
+-                new BigInteger("01", 16)); // h
++                n, h);
+         }
+     };
+     static X9ECParametersHolder brainpoolP320t1 = new X9ECParametersHolder()
+     {
+         protected X9ECParameters createParameters()
+         {
++            BigInteger n = new BigInteger("D35E472036BC4FB7E13C785ED201E065F98FCFA5B68F12A32D482EC7EE8658E98691555B44C59311", 16);
++            BigInteger h = new BigInteger("01", 16);
+             ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(
+                 //new BigInteger("15F75CAF668077F7E85B42EB01F0A81FF56ECD6191D55CB82B7D861458A18FEFC3E5AB7496F3C7B1") //Z
+                 new BigInteger("D35E472036BC4FB7E13C785ED201E065F98FCFA6F6F40DEF4F92B9EC7893EC28FCD412B1F1B32E27", 16), // q
+                 new BigInteger("D35E472036BC4FB7E13C785ED201E065F98FCFA6F6F40DEF4F92B9EC7893EC28FCD412B1F1B32E24", 16), // a'
+-                new BigInteger("A7F561E038EB1ED560B3D147DB782013064C19F27ED27C6780AAF77FB8A547CEB5B4FEF422340353", 16)); // b'
++                new BigInteger("A7F561E038EB1ED560B3D147DB782013064C19F27ED27C6780AAF77FB8A547CEB5B4FEF422340353", 16), // b'
++                n, h);
+             return new X9ECParameters(
+                 curve,
+                 curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("04925BE9FB01AFC6FB4D3E7D4990010F813408AB106C4F09CB7EE07868CC136FFF3357F624A21BED5263BA3A7A27483EBF6671DBEF7ABB30EBEE084E58A0B077AD42A5A0989D1EE71B1B9BC0455FB0D2C3")), // G'
+-                new BigInteger("D35E472036BC4FB7E13C785ED201E065F98FCFA5B68F12A32D482EC7EE8658E98691555B44C59311", 16), //n
+-                new BigInteger("01", 16)); // h
++                n, h);
+         }
+     };
+     static X9ECParametersHolder brainpoolP384r1 = new X9ECParametersHolder()
+     {
+         protected X9ECParameters createParameters()
+         {
++            BigInteger n = new BigInteger("8CB91E82A3386D280F5D6F7E50E641DF152F7109ED5456B31F166E6CAC0425A7CF3AB6AF6B7FC3103B883202E9046565", 16);
++            BigInteger h = new BigInteger("01", 16);
+             ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(
+                 new BigInteger("8CB91E82A3386D280F5D6F7E50E641DF152F7109ED5456B412B1DA197FB71123ACD3A729901D1A71874700133107EC53", 16), // q
+                 new BigInteger("7BC382C63D8C150C3C72080ACE05AFA0C2BEA28E4FB22787139165EFBA91F90F8AA5814A503AD4EB04A8C7DD22CE2826", 16), // a
+-                new BigInteger("4A8C7DD22CE28268B39B55416F0447C2FB77DE107DCD2A62E880EA53EEB62D57CB4390295DBC9943AB78696FA504C11", 16)); // b
++                new BigInteger("4A8C7DD22CE28268B39B55416F0447C2FB77DE107DCD2A62E880EA53EEB62D57CB4390295DBC9943AB78696FA504C11", 16), // b
++                n, h);
+             return new X9ECParameters(
+                 curve,
+                 curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("041D1C64F068CF45FFA2A63A81B7C13F6B8847A3E77EF14FE3DB7FCAFE0CBD10E8E826E03436D646AAEF87B2E247D4AF1E8ABE1D7520F9C2A45CB1EB8E95CFD55262B70B29FEEC5864E19C054FF99129280E4646217791811142820341263C5315")), // G
+-                new BigInteger("8CB91E82A3386D280F5D6F7E50E641DF152F7109ED5456B31F166E6CAC0425A7CF3AB6AF6B7FC3103B883202E9046565", 16), //n
+-                new BigInteger("01", 16)); // h
++                n, h);
+         }
+     };
+     static X9ECParametersHolder brainpoolP384t1 = new X9ECParametersHolder()
+     {
+         protected X9ECParameters createParameters()
+         {
++            BigInteger n = new BigInteger("8CB91E82A3386D280F5D6F7E50E641DF152F7109ED5456B31F166E6CAC0425A7CF3AB6AF6B7FC3103B883202E9046565", 16);
++            BigInteger h = new BigInteger("01", 16);
+             ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(
+                 //new BigInteger("41DFE8DD399331F7166A66076734A89CD0D2BCDB7D068E44E1F378F41ECBAE97D2D63DBC87BCCDDCCC5DA39E8589291C") //Z
+                 new BigInteger("8CB91E82A3386D280F5D6F7E50E641DF152F7109ED5456B412B1DA197FB71123ACD3A729901D1A71874700133107EC53", 16), // q
+                 new BigInteger("8CB91E82A3386D280F5D6F7E50E641DF152F7109ED5456B412B1DA197FB71123ACD3A729901D1A71874700133107EC50", 16), // a'
+-                new BigInteger("7F519EADA7BDA81BD826DBA647910F8C4B9346ED8CCDC64E4B1ABD11756DCE1D2074AA263B88805CED70355A33B471EE", 16)); // b'
++                new BigInteger("7F519EADA7BDA81BD826DBA647910F8C4B9346ED8CCDC64E4B1ABD11756DCE1D2074AA263B88805CED70355A33B471EE", 16), // b'
++                n, h);
+             return new X9ECParameters(
+                 curve,
+                 curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("0418DE98B02DB9A306F2AFCD7235F72A819B80AB12EBD653172476FECD462AABFFC4FF191B946A5F54D8D0AA2F418808CC25AB056962D30651A114AFD2755AD336747F93475B7A1FCA3B88F2B6A208CCFE469408584DC2B2912675BF5B9E582928")), // G'
+-                new BigInteger("8CB91E82A3386D280F5D6F7E50E641DF152F7109ED5456B31F166E6CAC0425A7CF3AB6AF6B7FC3103B883202E9046565", 16), //n
+-                new BigInteger("01", 16)); // h
++                n, h);
+         }
+     };
+     static X9ECParametersHolder brainpoolP512r1 = new X9ECParametersHolder()
+     {
+         protected X9ECParameters createParameters()
+         {
++            BigInteger n = new BigInteger("AADD9DB8DBE9C48B3FD4E6AE33C9FC07CB308DB3B3C9D20ED6639CCA70330870553E5C414CA92619418661197FAC10471DB1D381085DDADDB58796829CA90069", 16);
++            BigInteger h = new BigInteger("01", 16);
+             ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(
+                 new BigInteger("AADD9DB8DBE9C48B3FD4E6AE33C9FC07CB308DB3B3C9D20ED6639CCA703308717D4D9B009BC66842AECDA12AE6A380E62881FF2F2D82C68528AA6056583A48F3", 16), // q
+                 new BigInteger("7830A3318B603B89E2327145AC234CC594CBDD8D3DF91610A83441CAEA9863BC2DED5D5AA8253AA10A2EF1C98B9AC8B57F1117A72BF2C7B9E7C1AC4D77FC94CA", 16), // a
+-                new BigInteger("3DF91610A83441CAEA9863BC2DED5D5AA8253AA10A2EF1C98B9AC8B57F1117A72BF2C7B9E7C1AC4D77FC94CADC083E67984050B75EBAE5DD2809BD638016F723", 16)); // b
++                new BigInteger("3DF91610A83441CAEA9863BC2DED5D5AA8253AA10A2EF1C98B9AC8B57F1117A72BF2C7B9E7C1AC4D77FC94CADC083E67984050B75EBAE5DD2809BD638016F723", 16), // b
++                n, h);
+             return new X9ECParameters(
+                 curve,
+                 curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("0481AEE4BDD82ED9645A21322E9C4C6A9385ED9F70B5D916C1B43B62EEF4D0098EFF3B1F78E2D0D48D50D1687B93B97D5F7C6D5047406A5E688B352209BCB9F8227DDE385D566332ECC0EABFA9CF7822FDF209F70024A57B1AA000C55B881F8111B2DCDE494A5F485E5BCA4BD88A2763AED1CA2B2FA8F0540678CD1E0F3AD80892")), // G
+-                new BigInteger("AADD9DB8DBE9C48B3FD4E6AE33C9FC07CB308DB3B3C9D20ED6639CCA70330870553E5C414CA92619418661197FAC10471DB1D381085DDADDB58796829CA90069", 16), //n
+-                new BigInteger("01", 16)); // h
++                n, h);
+         }
+     };
+     static X9ECParametersHolder brainpoolP512t1 = new X9ECParametersHolder()
+     {
+         protected X9ECParameters createParameters()
+         {
++            BigInteger n = new BigInteger("AADD9DB8DBE9C48B3FD4E6AE33C9FC07CB308DB3B3C9D20ED6639CCA70330870553E5C414CA92619418661197FAC10471DB1D381085DDADDB58796829CA90069", 16);
++            BigInteger h = new BigInteger("01", 16);
+             ECCurve curve = new ECCurve.Fp(
+                 //new BigInteger("12EE58E6764838B69782136F0F2D3BA06E27695716054092E60A80BEDB212B64E585D90BCE13761F85C3F1D2A64E3BE8FEA2220F01EBA5EEB0F35DBD29D922AB") //Z
+                 new BigInteger("AADD9DB8DBE9C48B3FD4E6AE33C9FC07CB308DB3B3C9D20ED6639CCA703308717D4D9B009BC66842AECDA12AE6A380E62881FF2F2D82C68528AA6056583A48F3", 16), // q
+                 new BigInteger("AADD9DB8DBE9C48B3FD4E6AE33C9FC07CB308DB3B3C9D20ED6639CCA703308717D4D9B009BC66842AECDA12AE6A380E62881FF2F2D82C68528AA6056583A48F0", 16), // a'
+-                new BigInteger("7CBBBCF9441CFAB76E1890E46884EAE321F70C0BCB4981527897504BEC3E36A62BCDFA2304976540F6450085F2DAE145C22553B465763689180EA2571867423E", 16)); // b'
++                new BigInteger("7CBBBCF9441CFAB76E1890E46884EAE321F70C0BCB4981527897504BEC3E36A62BCDFA2304976540F6450085F2DAE145C22553B465763689180EA2571867423E", 16), // b'
++                n, h);
+             return new X9ECParameters(
+                 curve,
+                 curve.decodePoint(Hex.decode("04640ECE5C12788717B9C1BA06CBC2A6FEBA85842458C56DDE9DB1758D39C0313D82BA51735CDB3EA499AA77A7D6943A64F7A3F25FE26F06B51BAA2696FA9035DA5B534BD595F5AF0FA2C892376C84ACE1BB4E3019B71634C01131159CAE03CEE9D9932184BEEF216BD71DF2DADF86A627306ECFF96DBB8BACE198B61E00F8B332")), // G'
+-                new BigInteger("AADD9DB8DBE9C48B3FD4E6AE33C9FC07CB308DB3B3C9D20ED6639CCA70330870553E5C414CA92619418661197FAC10471DB1D381085DDADDB58796829CA90069", 16), //n
+-                new BigInteger("01", 16)); // h
++                n, h);
+         }
+     };
+diff --git a/src/org/bouncycastle/asn1/x9/X962NamedCurves.java b/src/org/bouncycastle/asn1/x9/X962NamedCurves.java
+index 764017e..25312fe 100644
+--- a/src/org/bouncycastle/asn1/x9/X962NamedCurves.java
++++ b/src/org/bouncycastle/asn1/x9/X962NamedCurves.java
+@@ -19,17 +19,20 @@ public class X962NamedCurves
+     {
+         protected X9ECParameters createParameters()
+         {
++            BigInteger n = new BigInteger("ffffffffffffffffffffffff99def836146bc9b1b4d22831", 16);
++            BigInteger h = BigInteger.valueOf(1);
+             ECCurve cFp192v1 = new ECCurve.Fp(
+                 new BigInteger("6277101735386680763835789423207666416083908700390324961279"),
+                 new BigInteger("fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffefffffffffffffffc", 16),
+-                new BigInteger("64210519e59c80e70fa7e9ab72243049feb8deecc146b9b1", 16));
++                new BigInteger("64210519e59c80e70fa7e9ab72243049feb8deecc146b9b1", 16),
++                n, h);
+             return new X9ECParameters(
+                 cFp192v1,
+                 cFp192v1.decodePoint(
+                     Hex.decode("03188da80eb03090f67cbf20eb43a18800f4ff0afd82ff1012")),
+-                new BigInteger("ffffffffffffffffffffffff99def836146bc9b1b4d22831", 16),
+-                BigInteger.valueOf(1),
++                n, h,
+                 Hex.decode("3045AE6FC8422f64ED579528D38120EAE12196D5"));
+         }
+     };
+@@ -38,17 +41,20 @@ public class X962NamedCurves
+     {
+         protected X9ECParameters createParameters()
+         {
++            BigInteger n = new BigInteger("fffffffffffffffffffffffe5fb1a724dc80418648d8dd31", 16);
++            BigInteger h = BigInteger.valueOf(1);
+             ECCurve cFp192v2 = new ECCurve.Fp(
+                 new BigInteger("6277101735386680763835789423207666416083908700390324961279"),
+                 new BigInteger("fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffefffffffffffffffc", 16),
+-                new BigInteger("cc22d6dfb95c6b25e49c0d6364a4e5980c393aa21668d953", 16));
++                new BigInteger("cc22d6dfb95c6b25e49c0d6364a4e5980c393aa21668d953", 16),
++                n, h);
+             return new X9ECParameters(
+                 cFp192v2,
+                 cFp192v2.decodePoint(
+                     Hex.decode("03eea2bae7e1497842f2de7769cfe9c989c072ad696f48034a")),
+-                new BigInteger("fffffffffffffffffffffffe5fb1a724dc80418648d8dd31", 16),
+-                BigInteger.valueOf(1),
++                n, h,
+                 Hex.decode("31a92ee2029fd10d901b113e990710f0d21ac6b6"));
+         }
+     };
+@@ -57,17 +63,20 @@ public class X962NamedCurves
+     {
+         protected X9ECParameters createParameters()
+         {
++            BigInteger n = new BigInteger("ffffffffffffffffffffffff7a62d031c83f4294f640ec13", 16);
++            BigInteger h = BigInteger.valueOf(1);
+             ECCurve cFp192v3 = new ECCurve.Fp(
+                 new BigInteger("6277101735386680763835789423207666416083908700390324961279"),
+                 new BigInteger("fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffefffffffffffffffc", 16),
+-                new BigInteger("22123dc2395a05caa7423daeccc94760a7d462256bd56916", 16));
++                new BigInteger("22123dc2395a05caa7423daeccc94760a7d462256bd56916", 16),
++                n, h);
+             return new X9ECParameters(
+                 cFp192v3,
+                 cFp192v3.decodePoint(
+                     Hex.decode("027d29778100c65a1da1783716588dce2b8b4aee8e228f1896")),
+-                new BigInteger("ffffffffffffffffffffffff7a62d031c83f4294f640ec13", 16),
+-                BigInteger.valueOf(1),
++                n, h,
+                 Hex.decode("c469684435deb378c4b65ca9591e2a5763059a2e"));
+         }
+     };
+@@ -76,17 +85,20 @@ public class X962NamedCurves
+     {
+         protected X9ECParameters createParameters()
+         {
++            BigInteger n = new BigInteger("7fffffffffffffffffffffff7fffff9e5e9a9f5d9071fbd1522688909d0b", 16);
++            BigInteger h = BigInteger.valueOf(1);
+             ECCurve cFp239v1 = new ECCurve.Fp(
+                 new BigInteger("883423532389192164791648750360308885314476597252960362792450860609699839"),
+                 new BigInteger("7fffffffffffffffffffffff7fffffffffff8000000000007ffffffffffc", 16),
+-                new BigInteger("6b016c3bdcf18941d0d654921475ca71a9db2fb27d1d37796185c2942c0a", 16));
++                new BigInteger("6b016c3bdcf18941d0d654921475ca71a9db2fb27d1d37796185c2942c0a", 16),
++                n, h);
+             return new X9ECParameters(
+                 cFp239v1,
+                 cFp239v1.decodePoint(
+                     Hex.decode("020ffa963cdca8816ccc33b8642bedf905c3d358573d3f27fbbd3b3cb9aaaf")),
+-                new BigInteger("7fffffffffffffffffffffff7fffff9e5e9a9f5d9071fbd1522688909d0b", 16),
+-                BigInteger.valueOf(1),
++                n, h,
+                 Hex.decode("e43bb460f0b80cc0c0b075798e948060f8321b7d"));
+         }
+     };
+@@ -95,17 +107,20 @@ public class X962NamedCurves
+     {
+         protected X9ECParameters createParameters()
+         {
++            BigInteger n = new BigInteger("7fffffffffffffffffffffff800000cfa7e8594377d414c03821bc582063", 16);
++            BigInteger h = BigInteger.valueOf(1);
+             ECCurve cFp239v2 = new ECCurve.Fp(
+                 new BigInteger("883423532389192164791648750360308885314476597252960362792450860609699839"),
+                 new BigInteger("7fffffffffffffffffffffff7fffffffffff8000000000007ffffffffffc", 16),
+-                new BigInteger("617fab6832576cbbfed50d99f0249c3fee58b94ba0038c7ae84c8c832f2c", 16));
++                new BigInteger("617fab6832576cbbfed50d99f0249c3fee58b94ba0038c7ae84c8c832f2c", 16),
++                n, h);
+             return new X9ECParameters(
+                 cFp239v2,
+                 cFp239v2.decodePoint(
+                     Hex.decode("0238af09d98727705120c921bb5e9e26296a3cdcf2f35757a0eafd87b830e7")),
+-                new BigInteger("7fffffffffffffffffffffff800000cfa7e8594377d414c03821bc582063", 16),
+-                BigInteger.valueOf(1),
++                n, h,
+                 Hex.decode("e8b4011604095303ca3b8099982be09fcb9ae616"));
+         }
+     };
+@@ -114,17 +129,20 @@ public class X962NamedCurves
+     {
+         protected X9ECParameters createParameters()
+         {
++            BigInteger n = new BigInteger("7fffffffffffffffffffffff7fffff975deb41b3a6057c3c432146526551", 16);
++            BigInteger h = BigInteger.valueOf(1);
+             ECCurve cFp239v3 = new ECCurve.Fp(
+                 new BigInteger("883423532389192164791648750360308885314476597252960362792450860609699839"),
+                 new BigInteger("7fffffffffffffffffffffff7fffffffffff8000000000007ffffffffffc", 16),
+-                new BigInteger("255705fa2a306654b1f4cb03d6a750a30c250102d4988717d9ba15ab6d3e", 16));
++                new BigInteger("255705fa2a306654b1f4cb03d6a750a30c250102d4988717d9ba15ab6d3e", 16),
++                n, h);
+             return new X9ECParameters(
+                 cFp239v3,
+                 cFp239v3.decodePoint(
+                     Hex.decode("036768ae8e18bb92cfcf005c949aa2c6d94853d0e660bbf854b1c9505fe95a")),
+-                new BigInteger("7fffffffffffffffffffffff7fffff975deb41b3a6057c3c432146526551", 16),
+-                BigInteger.valueOf(1),
++                n, h,
+                 Hex.decode("7d7374168ffe3471b60a857686a19475d3bfa2ff"));
+         }
+     };
+@@ -133,17 +151,20 @@ public class X962NamedCurves
+     {
+         protected X9ECParameters createParameters()
+         {
++            BigInteger n = new BigInteger("ffffffff00000000ffffffffffffffffbce6faada7179e84f3b9cac2fc632551", 16);
++            BigInteger h = BigInteger.valueOf(1);
+             ECCurve cFp256v1 = new ECCurve.Fp(
+                 new BigInteger("115792089210356248762697446949407573530086143415290314195533631308867097853951"),
+                 new BigInteger("ffffffff00000001000000000000000000000000fffffffffffffffffffffffc", 16),
+-                new BigInteger("5ac635d8aa3a93e7b3ebbd55769886bc651d06b0cc53b0f63bce3c3e27d2604b", 16));
++                new BigInteger("5ac635d8aa3a93e7b3ebbd55769886bc651d06b0cc53b0f63bce3c3e27d2604b", 16),
++                n, h);
+             return new X9ECParameters(
+                 cFp256v1,
+                 cFp256v1.decodePoint(
+                     Hex.decode("036b17d1f2e12c4247f8bce6e563a440f277037d812deb33a0f4a13945d898c296")),
+-                new BigInteger("ffffffff00000000ffffffffffffffffbce6faada7179e84f3b9cac2fc632551", 16),
+-                BigInteger.valueOf(1),
++                n, h,
+                 Hex.decode("c49d360886e704936a6678e1139d26b7819f7e90"));
+         }
+     };
+diff --git a/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/ECCurve.java b/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/ECCurve.java
+index 4442413..74b71a3 100644
+--- a/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/ECCurve.java
++++ b/src/org/bouncycastle/math/ec/ECCurve.java
+@@ -125,6 +125,16 @@ public abstract class ECCurve
+         BigInteger q;
+         ECPoint.Fp infinity;
++        /**
++         * The order of the base point of the curve.
++         */
++        private BigInteger n;  // can't be final - JDK 1.1
++        /**
++         * The cofactor of the curve.
++         */
++        private BigInteger h;  // can't be final - JDK 1.1
+         public Fp(BigInteger q, BigInteger a, BigInteger b)
+         {
+             this.q = q;
+@@ -133,6 +143,17 @@ public abstract class ECCurve
+             this.infinity = new ECPoint.Fp(this, null, null);
+         }
++        public Fp(BigInteger q, BigInteger a, BigInteger b, BigInteger n, BigInteger h)
++        {
++            this.q = q;
++            this.a = fromBigInteger(a);
++            this.b = fromBigInteger(b);
++            this.infinity = new ECPoint.Fp(this, null, null);
++            this.n = n;
++            this.h = h;
++        }
+         public BigInteger getQ()
+         {
+             return q;
+@@ -208,6 +229,16 @@ public abstract class ECCurve
+         {
+             return a.hashCode() ^ b.hashCode() ^ q.hashCode();
+         }
++        public BigInteger getN()
++        {
++            return n;
++        }
++        public BigInteger getH()
++        {
++            return h;
++        }
+     }
+     /**
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index b6fda65..ffa8357 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -1,2 +1,5 @@

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-java/bouncycastle.git

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