[maven2] 48/87: Improve command line completion.

Emmanuel Bourg ebourg-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Feb 27 13:59:09 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

ebourg-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository maven2.

commit aca256436ce72a63c38ac2ffe285d20226989959
Author: Ludovic Claude <ludovic.claude at laposte.net>
Date:   Sat Jul 11 23:54:42 2009 +0000

    Improve command line completion.
 debian/bash_completion.d/maven2 | 744 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 debian/changelog                |   1 +
 2 files changed, 687 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/bash_completion.d/maven2 b/debian/bash_completion.d/maven2
index b1547ed..1b63e60 100644
--- a/debian/bash_completion.d/maven2
+++ b/debian/bash_completion.d/maven2
@@ -1,66 +1,694 @@
-	local cur prev opts
-	prev="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]}"
-	# phases for the default lifecycle
-	default_phases="validate 
-               initialize 
-               generate-sources 
-               process-sources 
-               generate-resources 
-               process-resources 
-               compile 
-               process-classes 
-               generate-test-sources 
-               process-test-sources 
-               generate-test-resources 
-               process-test-resources 
-               test-compile 
-               process-test-classes 
-               test 
-               package 
-               pre-integration-test 
-               integration-test 
-               post-integration-test 
-               verify 
-               install 
-               deploy"
-	# phases for the clean lifecycle
-	clean_phases="pre-clean
-		clean
-		post-clean"
-	# phases for the site lifecycle
-	site_phases="pre-site
-		site
-		post-site
-		site-deploy"
-	opts="--file --debug --batch-mode --lax-checksums --strict-checksums --check-plugin-updates --define --errors --fail-at-end --fail-fast --fail-never --help --non-recursive --no-plugin-registry --no-plugin-updates --offline --activate-profiles --quiet --reactor --settings --update-snapshots --update-plugins --version ${default_phases} ${clean_phases} ${site_phases}"
-	if [[ ${cur} == -* ]] ; then
-		COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${cur}) )
-		return 0
+# Programmable completion for the Maven mvn command under bash. Source
+# this file (or on some systems add it to ~/.bash_completion and start a new
+# shell) and bash's completion mechanism will know all about mvn's options!
+# Copyright (C) 2009, Ludovic Claude <ludovic.claude at laposte.net>
+# Base on git completion script, Copyright (C) 2006,2007 Shawn O. Pearce <spearce at spearce.org>
+# Distributed under the GNU General Public License, version 2.0.
+__mvnopts="--also-make --also-make-dependents --file --debug --batch-mode --lax-checksums --strict-checksums --check-plugin-updates --define 
+  --errors --encrypt-master-password --encrypt-password --fail-at-end --fail-fast --fail-never --help --non-recursive --no-plugin-registry 
+  --no-plugin-updates --offline --activate-profiles --projects --quiet --reactor --resume-from --settings --global-settings --update-snapshots 
+  --update-plugins --version --show-version"
+__mvnparams="-Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dsurefire.useFile=false -Dmaven.surefire.debug -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE 
+  -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=5005,server=y,suspend=y -Dverbose -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true"
+__mvnpackaging="pom jar maven-plugin ejb war ear rar par"
+__mvnclassifiers="sources test-jar"
+# phases for the default lifecycle
+	 initialize 
+	 generate-sources 
+	 process-sources 
+	 generate-resources 
+	 process-resources 
+	 compile 
+	 process-classes 
+	 generate-test-sources 
+	 process-test-sources 
+	 generate-test-resources 
+	 process-test-resources 
+	 test-compile 
+	 process-test-classes 
+	 test 
+	 package 
+	 pre-integration-test 
+	 integration-test 
+	 post-integration-test 
+	 verify 
+	 install 
+	 deploy"
+# phases for the clean lifecycle
+	 clean
+	 post-clean"
+# phases for the site lifecycle
+	 site
+	 post-site
+	 site-deploy"
+__mvnphases="${__mvndefault_phases} ${__mvnclean_phases} ${__mvnsite_phases}"
+# core plugin targets
+	 clean:help
+	 compiler:compile
+	 compiler:testCompile
+	 compiler:help
+	 deploy:deploy
+	 deploy:deploy-file
+	 deploy:help
+	 install:install
+	 install:install-file
+	 install:help
+	 resources:resources
+	 resources:testResources
+	 resources:copy-resources
+	 resources:help
+	 site:site
+	 site:deploy
+	 site:run
+	 site:stage
+	 site:stage-deploy
+	 site:attach-descriptor
+	 site:jar
+	 site:help
+	 surefire:test
+	 surefire:help
+	 verifier:verify
+	 verifier:help"
+# packaging plugin targets
+	 ear:generate-application-xml
+	 ear:help
+	 jar:jar
+	 jar:test-jar
+	 jar:sign
+	 jar:sign-verify
+	 jar:help
+	 rar:rar
+	 rar:help
+	 war:war
+	 war:exploded
+	 war:inplace
+	 war:manifest
+	 war:help
+	 shade:shade
+	 shade:help"
+# reporting plugin targets
+	 changelog:dev-activity
+	 changelog:file-activity
+	 changelog:help
+	 changes:announcement-mail
+	 changes:announcement-generate
+	 changes:changes-report
+	 changes:jira-report
+	 changes:changes-validate
+	 changes:help
+	 checkstyle:checkstyle
+	 checkstyle:check
+	 checkstyle:help
+	 doap:generate
+	 doap:help
+	 docck:check
+	 docck:help
+	 javadoc:javadoc
+	 javadoc:test-javadoc
+	 javadoc:aggregate
+	 javadoc:test-aggregate
+	 javadoc:jar
+	 javadoc:test-jar
+	 javadoc:help
+	 jxr:jxr
+	 jxr:test-jxr
+	 jxr:help
+	 pmd:pmd
+	 pmd:cpd
+	 pmd:check
+	 pmd:cpd-check
+	 pmd:help
+	 project-info-reports:cim
+	 project-info-reports:dependencies
+	 project-info-reports:dependency-convergence
+	 project-info-reports:dependency-management
+	 project-info-reports:index
+	 project-info-reports:issue-tracking
+	 project-info-reports:license
+	 project-info-reports:mailing-list
+	 project-info-reports:plugin-management
+	 project-info-reports:project-team
+	 project-info-reports:scm
+	 project-info-reports:summary
+	 project-info-reports:help
+	 surefire-report:report
+	 surefire-report:report-only
+	 surefire-report:help"
+# tools plugin targets
+	 ant:clean
+	 ant:help
+	 antrun:run
+	 antrun:help
+	 archetype:create
+	 archetype:generate
+	 archetype:create-from-project
+	 archetype:crawl
+	 archetype:help
+	 assembly:assembly
+	 assembly:directory
+	 assembly:directory-single
+	 assembly:single
+	 assembly:help
+	 dependency:copy
+	 dependency:copy-dependencies
+	 dependency:unpack
+	 dependency:unpack-dependencies
+	 dependency:resolve
+	 dependency:list
+	 dependency:sources
+	 dependency:resolve-plugins
+	 dependency:go-offline
+	 dependency:purge-local-repository
+	 dependency:build-classpath
+	 dependency:analyze
+	 dependency:analyze-dep-mgt
+	 dependency:tree
+	 dependency:help
+	 enforcer:enforce
+	 enforcer:display-info
+	 enforcer:help
+	 gpg:sign
+	 gpg:sign-and-deploy-file
+	 gpg:help
+	 help:active-profiles
+	 help:all-profiles
+	 help:describe
+	 help:effective-pom
+	 help:effective-settings
+	 help:evaluate
+	 help:expressions
+	 help:system
+	 invoker:install
+	 invoker:run
+	 invoker:help
+	 one:convert
+	 one:deploy-maven-one-repository
+	 one:install-maven-one-repository
+	 one:maven-one-plugin
+	 one:help
+	 patch:apply
+	 patch:help
+	 pdf:pdf
+	 pdf:help
+	 plugin:descriptor
+	 plugin:report
+	 plugin:updateRegistry
+	 plugin:xdoc
+	 plugin:addPluginArtifactMetadata
+	 plugin:helpmojo
+	 plugin:help
+	 release:clean
+	 release:prepare
+	 release:rollback
+	 release:perform
+	 release:stage
+	 release:branch
+	 release:help
+	 reactor:resume
+	 reactor:make
+	 reactor:make-dependents
+	 reactor:make-scm-changes
+	 reactor:help
+	 remote-resources:bundle
+	 remote-resources:process
+	 remote-resources:help
+	 repository:bundle-create
+	 repository:bundle-pack
+	 repository:help
+	 scm:branch
+	 scm:validate
+	 scm:add
+	 scm:unedit
+	 scm:export
+	 scm:bootstrap
+	 scm:changelog
+	 scm:list
+	 scm:checkin
+	 scm:checkout
+	 scm:status
+	 scm:update
+	 scm:diff
+	 scm:update-subprojects
+	 scm:edit
+	 scm:tag
+	 scm:help
+	 source:aggregate
+	 source:jar
+	 source:test-jar
+	 source:jar-no-fork
+	 source:test-jar-no-fork
+	 source:help
+	 stage:copy
+	 stage:help"
+# IDE plugin targets
+	 eclipse:configure-workspace
+	 eclipse:eclipse
+	 eclipse:help
+	 eclipse:install-plugins
+	 eclipse:m2eclipse
+	 eclipse:make-artifacts
+	 eclipse:myeclipse
+	 eclipse:myeclipse-clean
+	 eclipse:rad
+	 eclipse:rad-clean
+	 eclipse:remove-cache
+	 eclipse:to-maven
+	 idea:clean
+	 idea:help
+	 idea:idea
+	 idea:module
+	 idea:project
+	 idea:workspace"
+	 plexus:app
+	 plexus:bundle-application
+	 plexus:bundle-runtime
+	 plexus:descriptor
+	 plexus:runtime
+	 plexus:service
+	 jetty:run-war
+	 jetty:run
+	 cargo:start
+	 cargo:stop
+	 dbunit:export
+	 dbunit:operation
+	 hibernate3:hbm2cfgxml
+	 hibernate3:hbm2ddl
+	 hibernate3:hbm2doc
+	 hibernate3:hbm2hbmxml
+	 hibernate3:hbm2java
+	 hibernate3:schema-export
+	 hibernate3:schema-update"
+__mvnall_plugin_and_goals="${__mvncore_plugins} ${__mvnpackaging_plugins} ${__mvnreporting_plugins} ${__mvntools_plugins} 
+  ${__mvnide_plugins} ${__mvnother_plugins}"
+__mvnplugins=$(echo ${__mvnall_plugin_and_goals} | sed -re 's/:[^ \t]+/:\n/g' | sort -u | sed 's/[\s\n]//g')
+__mvncomp_1 ()
+	local c IFS=' '$'\t'$'\n'
+	for c in $1; do
+		case "$c$2" in
+		--*=*) printf %s$'\n' "$c$2" ;;
+		*.)    printf %s$'\n' "$c$2" ;;
+		*)     printf %s$'\n' "$c$2 " ;;
+		esac
+	done
+__mvncomp ()
+	local genOpt=
+	if [ "$1" == "-nospace" ]; then
+		genOpt="true"
+		shift
+	fi
+	local cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"
+	if [ $# -gt 2 ]; then
+		cur="$3"
+	fi
+	case "$cur" in
+	-*=)
+		;;
+	*)
+		local IFS=$'\n'
+		COMPREPLY=($(compgen -P "$2" \
+			-W "$(__mvncomp_1 "$1" "$4")" \
+			-- "$cur"))
+		;;
+	esac
+__mvnlist_projects ()
+	local poms=$(find . -name pom.xml -print)
+	echo $poms | while read -d ' ' POM; do
+		local DIR=$(dirname "$POM")
+		if [[ "$DIR" != "." ]]; then
+			echo "${DIR#./}"
+		fi
+	done
+__mvnlist_goals ()
+	local plugin=$1
+	local pfx=""
+	if [[ "$2" ]]; then
+		pfx=$2
+	echo ${__mvnall_plugin_and_goals} | tr ' ' '\n' | grep "$plugin" | sed "s/.*:/${pfx}/g"
+__mvnlist_poms ()
+	for x in `find -type f -name pom.xml -or -name *.pom` ; do echo ${x#./} ; done
+__mvnlist_prefix ()
+	local pfx=$1 IFS=' '$'\t'$'\n'
+	shift
+	local list=$@
+	for c in $list; do
+		echo "$pfx$c"
+	done
+__mvnprefix_equals ()
+	local cur=$1
+	local pfx=""
+	case "$COMP_WORDBREAKS" in
+	*=*) : great ;;
+	*)   pfx="${cur%%=*}=" ;;
+	esac
+	echo $pfx
+__mvnprefix_colon ()
+	local cur=$1
+	local pfx=""
+	case "$COMP_WORDBREAKS" in
+	*:*) : great ;;
+	*)   pfx="${cur%%:*}:" ;;
+	esac
+	echo $pfx
+__mvnprefix_comma ()
+	local cur=$1
+	local pfx=""
+	case "$COMP_WORDBREAKS" in
+	*,*) : great ;;
+	*)   pfx="${cur%%,*}," ;;
+	esac
+	echo $pfx
+__mvnplugin_help ()
+	local plugin=$1
+	local cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"
+	cur="${cur#-D}"
+	case "${cur}" in
+	goal=*)
+		__mvncomp "$(__mvnlist_goals $plugin)" "$(__mvnprefix_equals $cur)" "${cur#*=}"
+		;;
+	*)
+		__mvncomp "detail lineLength= indentSize= $(__mvnlist_goals $plugin 'goal=')" "-D" "${cur}"
+		;;
+	esac
+__mvnhelp_describe ()
+	local cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"
+	cur="${cur#-D}"
+	case "${cur}" in
+	cmd=*:*)
+		local plugin="${cur#*=}"
+		plugin="${plugin%%:*}:"
+		__mvncomp "$(__mvnlist_goals $plugin)" "$(__mvnprefix_colon $cur)" "${cur#*:}"
+		;;
+	cmd=*)
+		__mvncomp "${__mvnphases} ${__mvnall_plugin_and_goals}" "$(__mvnprefix_equals $cur)" "${cur#*=}"
+		;;
+	plugin=*)
+		__mvncomp "org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-" "$(__mvnprefix_equals $cur)" "${cur#*=}"
+		;;
+	groupId=*)
+		__mvncomp "org.apache.maven.plugins" "$(__mvnprefix_equals $cur)" "${cur#*=}"
+		;;
+	artifactId=*)
+		__mvncomp "" "$(__mvnprefix_equals $cur)" "${cur#*=}"
+		;;
+	*)
+		# present several cmd= options to block full completion and insertion of a space
+		__mvncomp "detail cmd=press cmd=tab plugin= groupId= artifactId=" "-D" "${cur}"
+		;;
+	esac
+__mvndeploy_deploy ()
+	local cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"
+	cur="${cur#-D}"
+	__mvncomp "altDeploymentRepository= skip=true updateReleaseInfo=true" "-D" "${cur}"
+__mvndeploy_deploy_file ()
+	local cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"
+	cur="${cur#-D}"
+	case "${cur}" in
+	file=*)
+		COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -f -P "$(__mvnprefix_equals $cur)" -- "${cur#*=}" ) )
+		;;
+	pomFile=*)
+		__mvncomp "$(__mvnlist_poms)" "$(__mvnprefix_equals $cur)" "${cur#*=}"
+		;;
+	packaging=*)
+		__mvncomp "${__mvnpackaging}" "$(__mvnprefix_equals $cur)" "${cur#*=}"
+		;;
+	*)
+		local options="artifactId= classifier= description= file=press file=tab generatePom=false groupId= pomFile=press pomFile=tab repositoryId= 
+		  repositoryLayout=legacy uniqueVersion=false url= version="
+		options="$options $(__mvnlist_prefix 'packaging=' ${__mvnpackaging} )"
+		__mvncomp "$options" "-D" "${cur}"
+		;;
+	esac
+__mvnarchetype_generate ()
+	local cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"
+	cur="${cur#-D}"
+	__mvncomp "archetypeArtifactId= archetypeCatalog= archetypeGroupId= archetypeRepository= archetypeVersion= basedir= goals= interactiveMode=" 
+		"-D" "${cur}"
+__mvndependency_x_dependencies ()
+	local cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"
+	cur="${cur#-D}"
+	case "${cur}" in
+	classifier=*)
+		__mvncomp "${__mvnclassifiers}" "$(__mvnprefix_equals $cur)" "${cur#*=}"
+		;;	
+	*)
+		__mvncomp "$(__mvnlist_prefix 'classifier=' ${__mvnclassifiers})" "-D" "${cur}"
+		;;
+	esac
+__mvndependency_resolve ()
+	local cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"
+	cur="${cur#-D}"
+	case "${cur}" in
+	classifier=*)
+		__mvncomp "${__mvnclassifiers}" "$(__mvnprefix_equals $cur)" "${cur#*=}"
+		;;	
+	*)
+		__mvncomp "$(__mvnlist_prefix 'classifier=' ${__mvnclassifiers}) excludeArtifactIds= excludeClassifiers= excludeGroupIds=
+			excludeScope= excludeTransitive=true excludeTypes= includeArtifactIds= includeClassifiers= includeGroupIds= includeScope= 
+			includeTypes= markersDirectory= outputAbsoluteArtifactFilename= outputFile= outputScope=false overWriteIfNewer=false
+			overWriteReleases=true overWriteSnapshots=true silent=true type=" 
+			"-D" "${cur}"
+		;;
+	esac
+__mvndependency_purge_local_repository ()
+	local fuzziness="file version artifactId groupId"
+	local cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"
+	cur="${cur#-D}"
+	case "${cur}" in
+	resolutionFuzziness=*)
+		__mvncomp "${fuzziness}" "$(__mvnprefix_equals $cur)" "${cur#*=}"
+		;;	
+	*)
+		__mvncomp "actTransitively=false exclude= reResolve=false verbose=true
+			$(__mvnlist_prefix 'resolutionFuzziness=' ${fuzziness})" 
+			"-D" "${cur}"
+		;;
+	esac
+__mvndependency_analyze ()
+	local cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"
+	cur="${cur#-D}"
+	__mvncomp "ignoreNonCompile=true outputXML=true scriptableFlag= scriptableOutput=true verbose=true" "-D" "${cur}"
-	case "${prev}" in
-		"--file")
-			local pom_files=$(for x in `find -type f -name pom.xml` ; do echo ${x} ; done)
-			COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${pom_files}" -- ${cur} ))
-			return 0
+__mvndependency_analyze_dep_mgt ()
+	local cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"
+	cur="${cur#-D}"
+	__mvncomp "ignoreDirect=false" "-D" "${cur}"
+__mvndependency_tree ()
+	local tokens="whitespace standard extended"
+	local cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"
+	cur="${cur#-D}"
+	case "${cur}" in
+	tokens=*)
+		__mvncomp "${tokens}" "$(__mvnprefix_equals $cur)" "${cur#*=}"
+		;;	
+	*)
+		__mvncomp "excludes= includes= outputFile= scope= verbose=true
+			$(__mvnlist_prefix 'tokens=' ${tokens})" 
+			"-D" "${cur}"
+		;;
+	esac
+__mvnrelease_prepare ()
+	local cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"
+	cur="${cur#-D}"
+	__mvncomp "username= dryRun=true" "-D" "${cur}"
+__mvnscm_checkin ()
+	local versionType="branch tag revision"
+	local cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"
+	cur="${cur#-D}"
+	case "${cur}" in
+	scmVersionType=*)
+		__mvncomp "${versionType}" "$(__mvnprefix_equals $cur)" "${cur#*=}"
+		;;	
+	*)
+		__mvncomp "username= message= passphrase= password= scmVersion= $(__mvnlist_prefix 'scmVersionType=' ${versionType})" "-D" "${cur}"
+		;;
+	esac
+_mvn ()
+	local i prev c=1 cmd option optionArg=0
+	while [ $c -lt $COMP_CWORD ]; do
+		prev=$i
+		i="${COMP_WORDS[c]}"
+		c=$((++c))
+		optionArg=0
+		# skip option argument
+		if [[ $prev == @(${__mvnoptsWithArg}) ]]; then
+			optionArg=1
+			continue;
+		fi
+		case "$i" in
+		--version|--help) return ;;
+		-*) option="$i" ;;
+		*)  cmd="$i"; break ;;
+		esac
+	done
+	if [[ ! $cmd && $option && ($optionArg == 0) ]]; then
+		case "$option" in
+		--file)
+			__mvncomp "$(__mvnlist_poms)"
-		${default_phases})
+		--define)
+			__mvncomp "maven.test.skip=true"
-		*)
+		--resume-from)
+			__mvncomp "$(__mvnlist_projects)"
-	esac
+		--projects)
+			local cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"
+			case "${cur}" in
+			*,*)
+				__mvncomp "$(__mvnlist_projects)" "$(__mvnprefix_comma $cur)" "${cur#*,}"
+				;;
+			*)	__mvncomp "$(__mvnlist_projects)"
+				;;
+			esac
+			;;
+		--settings|--global-settings)
+			COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -f -- $cur ) )
+			;;
+		--*) 
+			;;
+		esac
+		return
+	fi
+	if [ -z "$cmd" ]; then
+		local cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"
+		case "${cur}" in
+		-D*=*) COMPREPLY=() ;;
+		-*)    __mvncomp "${__mvnopts} ${__mvnparams}" ;;
+		--*)   __mvncomp "${__mvnopts}" ;;
+		*:*)
+			local plugin="${cur%%:*}:"
+			__mvncomp "$(__mvnlist_goals $plugin)" "$(__mvnprefix_colon $cur)" "${cur#*:}"
+			;;
+		*)     __mvncomp "${__mvnphases} ${__mvnall_plugin_and_goals}" ;;
+		esac
+		return
+	fi
-	COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${cur}))
-	return 0
+	case "$cmd" in
+	*:help) 
+		local plugin="${cmd%%:*}:"
+		__mvnplugin_help $plugin 
+		;;
+	help:describe) 			__mvnhelp_describe ;;
+	deploy:deploy)			__mvndeploy_deploy ;;	
+	deploy:deploy-file)		__mvndeploy_deploy_file ;;	
+	archetype:generate)		__mvnarchetype_generate ;;	
+	dependency:copy-dependencies)	__mvndependency_x_dependencies ;;	
+	dependency:unpack-dependencies)	__mvndependency_x_dependencies ;;	
+	dependency:resolve)		__mvndependency_resolve ;;
+	dependency:resolve-plugins)	__mvndependency_resolve ;;
+	dependency:source)		__mvndependency_resolve ;;
+	dependency:go-offline)		__mvndependency_resolve ;;
+	dependency:purge-local-repository) __mvndependency_purge_local_repository ;;
+	dependency:analyze)		__mvndependency_analyze ;;
+	dependency:analyze-dep-mgt)	__mvndependency_analyze_dep_mgt ;;
+	release:prepare)		__mvnrelease_prepare ;;
+	scm:checkin)			__mvnscm_checkin ;;
+	*)
+		;;
+	esac
-complete -F _mvn mvn m2
+complete -o default -o nospace -F _mvn mvn mvnDebug
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 2c9e665..aab00dc 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ maven2 (2.2.0-1) experimental; urgency=low
     libmaven-jar-plugin-java, libmaven-resources-plugin-java, 
     libmaven-shade-plugin-java and add a Recommends on those libraries.
   * Remove debian/META-INF as this information is now generated by the build.
+  * Improve command line completion.
  -- Ludovic Claude <ludovic.claude at laposte.net>  Mon, 02 Mar 2009 15:04:20 +0000

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-java/maven2.git

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