[scala] annotated tag debian/2.11.6-1 deleted (was 2585440)
Emmanuel Bourg
ebourg-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Jul 29 23:17:18 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
ebourg-guest pushed a change to annotated tag debian/2.11.6-1
in repository scala.
*** WARNING: tag debian/2.11.6-1 was deleted! ***
tag was 2585440
This change permanently discards the following revisions:
discards 3f98dd3 Upload to unstable
discards ed9d83f Install the scaladoc of the reflection API
discards fb88dba Install the documentation under /usr/share/doc/scala-2.11
discards a120faa Added a /usr/share/scala link pointing to the default version
discards 7a734aa Added symlinks in /usr/share/java with the major Scala version (e.g. scala-library-2.11.jar)
discards 1744d3f Added a 'scala' alternative
discards b922942 Install the manpages under /usr/share/scala-2.11/man
discards c1cab3b Install the files under /usr/share/scala-2.11
discards 9f0b7ce Build depend on scala (>= 2.11)
discards 97a1a06 Added new dependencies on scala-xml and scala-parser-combinators Refreshed 0008-disable-lib-fetching.patch
discards 330ebde Install the Maven artifacts for scala-actors and scala-reflect
discards 8aaee4d Ignore the test dependencies
discards f788083 Ignore the Lintian warnings about raphael-min.js
discards 0eb4a48 Refreshed debian/copyright
discards f277f4b Require a Java 7+ runtime
discards 43a0342 Removed the JRE dependency of scala-library
discards 0a56f76 Refreshed the patches
discards 98fee11 Removed 0001-Define-system-locations.patch (obsolete)
discards b5e87f4 Build the documentation
discards 85606f5 Updated the path of the files installed
discards bc4808a Removed 0005-java7-compilation.patch (fixed upstream)
discards 18624df Imported Upstream version 2.11.6
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-java/scala.git
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