[gradle] 54/81: Update package description

Kai-Chung Yan seamlik-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Jun 17 13:34:12 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

seamlik-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository gradle.

commit f8fe9c6209dd34a8b9c34b6044c125d475165fc5
Author: Kai-Chung Yan <seamlikok at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Jun 10 17:39:46 2015 +0800

    Update package description
 debian/changelog |   1 -
 debian/control   | 102 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 2 files changed, 67 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 507e33f..fbd8da3 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ gradle (1.12+dfsg-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
     - do_not_use_jdk5_guava.diff: Guava does not ship jdk5 variety
     - fix_DocGenerationException.diff:
     - jetty.diff: Replace some Jetty libraries with existing ones
-    - launcher.diff: Wildcards cause compilation error
     - rhino_rename.diff: Correct the name of rhino library
     - remove_test_depedencies.diff: Remove dependencies for building tests
     - servlet_api.diff: Use libservlet2.5-java
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index a7b82f4..0287405 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -102,6 +102,9 @@ Depends: ant (>= 1.8),
 Replaces: libgradle-core-java (<< 1.12)
+Recommends: findbugs,
+            scala
+Suggests: gradle-doc (>= ${binary:Version})
 Description: Groovy based build system
  Gradle is a build system written in Groovy. It uses Groovy
  also as the language for its build scripts. It has a powerful
@@ -145,8 +148,8 @@ Depends: ant,
 Breaks: libgradle-wrapper-java (<< 1.3~)
 Replaces: libgradle-wrapper-java (<< 1.3~),
           libgradle-plugins-java (<< 1.12)
-Recommends: gradle (= ${binary:Version})
-Suggests: gradle-doc (= ${binary:Version})
+Recommends: gradle (>= ${binary:Version})
+Suggests: gradle-doc (>= ${binary:Version})
 Description: Groovy based build system - Core library
  Gradle is a build system written in Groovy. It uses Groovy
  also as the language for its build scripts. It has a powerful
@@ -216,45 +219,74 @@ Description: Groovy based build system - All plugins
  gives you always the choice between the flexibility of Ant
  and the convenience of a build-by-convention behavior.
- This package contains the Gradle Plugins:
-  * announce plugin: enables you to publish messages on succeeded
-    tasks to your favourite platforms.
-    It supports Twitter, Ubuntu Notify, Snarl and Growl.
-  * ANTLR plugin that extends the Java plugin to add support for
-    generating parsers using ANTLR
-  * code-quality plugin that adds
-    tasks which perform code quality checks and generate reports from these
-    checks. The following tools are supported: CodeNarc and checkstyle
-  * ide plugins that provide integration with
-    common used IDEs like Eclipse and IDEA IntelliJ.
-  * jetty plugin that extends the
-    War plugin to add tasks which allow you to deploy your web application
-    to a Jetty web container embedded in the build.
-  * maven plugin. With Gradle you can deploy
-    to remote Maven repositories or install to your local Maven repository.
-    This includes all Maven metadata manipulation and works also for Maven
-    snapshots.
-  * osgi plugin: if the Java plugins is
-    applied, the OSGi plugin replaces the manifest object of the default jar
-    with an OsgiManifest object. The replaced manifest is merged into the new
-    one. The OSGi plugin makes heavy use of Peter Kriens BND tool
-  * scala plugin that extends the
-    Java Plugin to add support for Scala projects. It can deal with Scala-only
-    projects and with mixed Java/Scala projects. It can even deal with
-    Java-only projects. The Scala plugin supports joint compilation of Java and
-    Scala source. This means your project can contain Scala classes which use
-    Java classes, and vice versa.
-  * cpp plugin: C++ source compilation capabilities to a project.
-  * ear plugin: Adds support for building J2EE applications.
-  * javascript plugin: Adds the ability to check and minify Javascript files.
+ This package contains the following Gradle plugins:
+  * announce plugin: Publish messages to your favourite platforms, such as
+                     Twitter or Growl.
+  * antlr: Adds support for generating parsers using Antlr.
+  * application: Adds tasks for running and bundling a Java project as a
+                 command-line application.
+  * assembler: Adds native assembly language capabilities to a project.
+  * build-announcements: Sends local announcements to your desktop about
+                         interesting events in the build lifecycle.
+  * build-dashboard: Generates build dashboard report.
+  * build-init: Adds support for initializing a new Gradle build. Handles
+                converting a Maven build to a Gradle build.
+  * c: Adds C source compilation capabilities to a project.
+  * checkstyle: Performs quality checks on your project's Java source files
+                using Checkstyle and generates reports from these checks.
+  * codenarc: Performs quality checks on your project's Groovy source files
+              using CodeNarc and generates reports from these checks.
+  * cpp: Adds C++ source compilation capabilities to a project.
+  * cunit: Adds support for running CUnit tests.
+  * distribution: Adds support for building ZIP and TAR distributions.
+  * ear: Adds support for building J2EE applications.
+  * eclipse: Generates files that are used by Eclipse IDE, thus making it
+            possible to import the project into Eclipse.
+  * eclipse-wtp: Does the same as the eclipse plugin plus generates eclipse WTP
+                 (Web Tools Platform) configuration files. After importing to
+                 eclipse your war/ear projects should be configured to work with
+                 WTP.
+  * findbugs: Performs quality checks on your project's Java source files using
+              FindBugs and generates reports from these checks.
+  * groovy: Adds support for building Groovy projects.
+  * idea: Generates files that are used by Intellij IDEA IDE, thus making it
+          possible to import the project into IDEA.
+  * ivy-publish: This plugin provides a new DSL to support publishing artifacts
+                 to Ivy repositories, which improves on the existing DSL.
+  * jacoco: Provides integration with the JaCoCo code coverage library for Java.
+  * java: Adds Java compilation, testing and bundling capabilities to a project.
+  * java-library-distribution: Adds support for building ZIP and TAR
+                               distributions for a Java library.
+  * jdepend: Performs quality checks on your project's source files using
+             JDepend and generates reports from these checks.
+  * jetty: Deploys your web application to a Jetty web container embedded in the
+           build.
+  * maven: Adds support for publishing artifacts to Maven repositories.
+  * maven-publish: This plugin provides a new DSL to support publishing
+                   artifacts to Maven repositories, which improves on the
+                   existing DSL.
+  * objective-c: Adds Objective-C source compilation capabilities to a project.
+  * objective-cpp: Adds Objective-C++ source compilation capabilities to a
+                   project.
+  * osgi: Adds support for building OSGi bundles.
+  * pmd: Performs quality checks on your project's Java source files using PMD
+         and generates reports from these checks.
+  * project-report: Generates reports containing useful information about your
+                    Gradle build.
+  * scala: Adds support for building Scala projects.
+  * signing: Adds the ability to digitally sign built files and artifacts.
   * signing plugin: Adds the ability to digitally sign built files and
+  * visual-studio: Adds integration with Visual Studio.
+  * war: Adds support for assembling web application WAR files.
+  * windows-resources: Adds support for including Windows resources in native
+                       binaries.
+  * wrapper: Adds a Wrapper task for generating Gradle wrapper files.
 Package: gradle-doc
 Architecture: all
 Section: doc
 Depends: ${misc:Depends}
-Recommends: libgradle-core-java (= ${binary:Version})
 Suggests: default-jdk-doc, groovy-doc
 Description: Documentation for gradle
  Documentation for the Gradle core library.
@@ -266,4 +298,4 @@ Description: Documentation for gradle
  gives you always the choice between the flexibility of Ant
  and the convenience of a build-by-convention behavior.
- This package contains the Gradle Core API javadocs.
+ This package contains the Gradle API Javadoc and Groovydoc.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-java/gradle.git

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