[groovy2] 01/01: Imported Upstream version 2.4.3+dfsg
komal sukhani
komal-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Jun 24 20:04:16 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
komal-guest pushed a commit to annotated tag upstream/2.4.3+dfsg
in repository groovy2.
commit 8a16248d0b139fd23578f0bbb24721bfe77f5061
Author: komal <komaldsukhani at gmail.com>
Date: Thu Jun 25 01:21:30 2015 +0530
Imported Upstream version 2.4.3+dfsg
buildSrc/src/main/java/JavadocFixTool.java | 350 ------
.../stc/ClosureParamTypeInferenceSTCTest.groovy | 1222 --------------------
2 files changed, 1572 deletions(-)
diff --git a/buildSrc/src/main/java/JavadocFixTool.java b/buildSrc/src/main/java/JavadocFixTool.java
deleted file mode 100644
index a85a47b..0000000
--- a/buildSrc/src/main/java/JavadocFixTool.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,350 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
- * All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms.
- *
- * License Agreement
- *
- *
- * "Oracle" refers to Oracle America, Inc., for and on behalf of itself and its
- * subsidiaries and affiliates under common control. "We," "us," and "our"
- * refers to Oracle and any Program contributors. "You" and "your" refers to
- * the individual or entity that wishes to use the Program. "Program" refers to
- * the Java API Documentation Updater Tool, Copyright (c) 2013, Oracle America,
- * Inc., and updates or error corrections provided by Oracle or contributors.
- *
- * The Program will analyze directory information on your computer
- * system and may modify software components on such computer system. You
- * should only use the Program on computer systems that you maintain sufficient
- * rights to update software components.
- *
- * If your computer system is owned by a person or entity other than you,
- * you should check with such person or entity before using the Program.
- *
- * It is possible that you may lose some software functionality, and make
- * Java API Documentation pages unusable on your computer system after you use
- * the Program to update software components.
- *
- * License Rights and Obligations
- * We grant you a perpetual, nonexclusive, limited license to use, modify and
- * distribute the Program in binary and/or source code form, only for the
- * purpose of analyzing the directory structure of your computer system and
- * updating Java API Documentation files. If you distribute the Program, in
- * either or both binary or source form, including as modified by you, you
- * shall include this License Agreement ("Agreement") with your distribution.
- *
- * All rights not expressly granted above are hereby reserved. If you want to
- * use the Program for any purpose other than as permitted under this
- * Agreement, you must obtain a valid license permitting such use from Oracle.
- * Neither the name of Oracle nor the names of any Program contributors may be
- * used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
- * specific prior written permission.
- *
- * Ownership and Restrictions
- * We retain all ownership and intellectual property rights in the Program as
- * provided by us. You retain all ownership and intellectual property rights
- * in your modifications.
- *
- * Export
- * You agree to comply fully with export laws and regulations of the United
- * States and any other applicable export laws ("Export Laws") to assure that
- * neither the Program nor any direct products thereof are: (1) exported,
- * directly or indirectly, in violation of this Agreement or Export Laws; or
- * (2) used for any purposes prohibited by the Export Laws, including, without
- * limitation, nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons proliferation, or
- * development of missile technology.
- *
- * Disclaimer of Warranty and Limitation of Liability
- *
- *
- * Entire Agreement
- * You agree that this Agreement is the complete agreement for the Program, and
- * this Agreement supersedes all prior or contemporaneous agreements or
- * representations. If any term of this Agreement is found to be invalid or
- * unenforceable, the remaining provisions will remain effective. This
- * Agreement is governed by the substantive and procedural laws of California.
- * You and Oracle agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of, and venue
- * in, the courts of San Francisco or Santa Clara counties in California in
- * any dispute between you and Oracle arising out of or relating to this
- * Agreement.
- *
- * Last updated: 14 June 2013
- */
-import java.io.*;
- * Tool for finding and addressing files related to CVE-2013-1571.
- * See README file for details.
- */
-public class JavadocFixTool {
- // Usual suspects
- private static final String[] fileNames = {"index.html",
- "index.htm",
- "toc.html",
- "toc.htm"};
- // If we locate this function but not validURL - we are in trouble
- private final String patchString = "function loadFrames() {";
- // Main fix - should be inserted before the loadFrames() function alongside
- // the code that calls this function
- private static final String[] patchData =
- {" if (targetPage != \"\" && !validURL(targetPage))",
- " targetPage = \"undefined\";",
- " function validURL(url) {",
- " var pos = url.indexOf(\".html\");",
- " if (pos == -1 || pos != url.length - 5)",
- " return false;",
- " var allowNumber = false;",
- " var allowSep = false;",
- " var seenDot = false;",
- " for (var i = 0; i < url.length - 5; i++) {",
- " var ch = url.charAt(i);",
- " if ('a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' ||",
- " 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' ||",
- " ch == '$' ||",
- " ch == '_') {",
- " allowNumber = true;",
- " allowSep = true;",
- " } else if ('0' <= ch && ch <= '9'",
- " || ch == '-') {",
- " if (!allowNumber)",
- " return false;",
- " } else if (ch == '/' || ch == '.') {",
- " if (!allowSep)",
- " return false;",
- " allowNumber = false;",
- " allowSep = false;",
- " if (ch == '.')",
- " seenDot = true;",
- " if (ch == '/' && seenDot)",
- " return false;",
- " } else {",
- " return false;",
- " }",
- " }",
- " return true;",
- " }",
- " function loadFrames() {"};
- private final String quickFixString = "if (!(url.indexOf(\".html\") == url.length - 5))";
- private final String[] quickFix = {" var pos = url.indexOf(\".html\");",
- " if (pos == -1 || pos != url.length - 5)"};
- private static String readme = null;
- private static String version = "Java Documentation Updater Tool version 1.2 06/14/2013\n";
- private static boolean doPatch = true; // By default patch file
- private static boolean recursive = false; // By default only look in the folder in parameter
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- System.out.println(version);
- if (args.length < 1) {
- // No arguments - lazily initialize readme, print readme and usage
- initReadme();
- if (readme != null) {
- System.out.println(readme);
- }
- printUsage(System.out);
- return;
- }
- // Last argument should be a path to the document root
- String name = args[args.length-1];
- // Analyze the rest of parameters
- for (int i = 0 ; i < args.length -1; i++) {
- if ("-R".equalsIgnoreCase(args[i])) {
- recursive = true;
- } else if ("-C".equalsIgnoreCase(args[i])) {
- doPatch = false;
- } else {
- System.err.println("Unknown option passed: "+args[i]);
- printUsage(System.err);
- return;
- }
- }
- new JavadocFixTool().proceed(name);
- }
- /*
- * Print usage information into the provided PrintStream
- * @param out PrintStream to write usage information
- */
- public static void printUsage(PrintStream out) {
- out.println("Usage: java -jar JavadocPatchTool.jar [-R] [-C] <Path to Javadoc root>");
- out.println(" -R : Proceed recursively starting from given folder");
- out.println(" -C : Check only - program will find vulnerable files and print their full paths");
- }
- /*
- * Lazily initialize the readme document, reading it from README file inside the jar
- */
- public static void initReadme() {
- try {
- InputStream readmeStream = JavadocFixTool.class.getResourceAsStream("/README");
- if (readmeStream != null) {
- BufferedReader readmeReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(readmeStream));
- StringBuilder readmeBuilder = new StringBuilder();
- String s;
- while ((s = readmeReader.readLine()) != null) {
- readmeBuilder.append(s);
- readmeBuilder.append("\n");
- }
- readme = readmeBuilder.toString();
- }
- } catch (IOException ignore) {} // Ignore exception - readme not initialized
- }
- /*
- * Main procedure - proceed with the searching and/or fixing depending on
- * the command line parameters
- * @param name Path to the document root
- */
- public void proceed(String name) {
- try {
- File folder = new File(name);
- if (folder.exists() && folder.isDirectory() && folder.canRead()) {
- searchAndPatch(folder);
- } else {
- System.err.println("Invalid folder in parameter \""+name+"\"");
- printUsage(System.err);
- }
- } catch (Exception ignored) {} // Die silently
- }
- /*
- * Find all the files that match the list given in the fileNames array.
- * If file found attempt to patch it.
- * If global parameter recursive is set to true attempt to go into the enclosed subfolders
- * otherwise only patch said files in the folder directly pointed in parameter.
- */
- public void searchAndPatch(File folder) {
- if (folder == null || !folder.isDirectory() || folder.list() == null) {
- // Silently return
- return;
- }
- for (File file : folder.listFiles()) {
- if (file.isDirectory()) {
- if(recursive) {
- searchAndPatch(file);
- }
- continue;
- }
- String name = file.getName();
- for (String s : fileNames) {
- if (s.equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
- try {
- applyPatch(file, folder);
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- String filePath;
- try {
- filePath = file.getCanonicalPath();
- } catch (IOException ioe) {
- System.err.println("Can not resolve path to "+file.getName()+" in folder "+folder.getName());
- continue;
- }
- System.err.println("Patch failed on: "+filePath+" due to the "+ex);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Try to apply patch to the single file in the specific folder
- * If global parameter doPatch is false we should only print the location of the vulnerable html file
- * and return
- */
- public void applyPatch(File file, File currentFolder) throws Exception {
- FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
- BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fis));
- String line;
- String failedString = patchString;
- String[] patch = patchData;
- // Attempt to look if file is vulnerable
- for (int i = 0 ; i < 80 ; i++) { // Check first 80 lines - if there is no signature it is not our file
- line = br.readLine();
- if (line == null) {
- // File less than 80 lines long, no signature encountered
- return;
- }
- if (line.trim().equals("function validURL(url) {")) { // Already patched
- failedString = null;
- patch = null;
- continue;
- }
- if (line.trim().equals(quickFixString)) { // The patch had famous 2-letter bug, update it
- failedString = quickFixString;
- patch = quickFix;
- continue;
- }
- if (line.trim().equals("function loadFrames() {")) {
- fis.close(); // It should not interfere with the file renaming process
- if (failedString != null) {
- // Vulnerable file
- if (!doPatch) { // Report and return
- System.out.println("Vulnerable file found: "+file.getCanonicalPath());
- } else {
- replaceStringInFile(currentFolder, file, failedString, patch);
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Replace one line in the given file in the given folder with the lines given
- * @param folder Folder in which file should be created
- * @param file Original file to patch
- * @param template Trimmed String with the pattern we are have to find
- * @param replacement Array of String that has to be written in the place of first line matching the template
- */
- public void replaceStringInFile(File folder, File file, String template, String[] replacement)
- throws IOException {
- System.out.println("Patching file: "+file.getCanonicalPath());
- String name = file.getName();
- File origFile = new File(folder, name+".orig");
- file.renameTo(origFile);
- File temporaryFile = new File(folder, name+".tmp");
- if (temporaryFile.exists()) {
- temporaryFile.delete();
- }
- temporaryFile.createNewFile();
- String line;
- FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(origFile);
- PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(temporaryFile);
- BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fis));
- while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
- if (line.trim().equals(template)) {
- for (String s : replacement) {
- pw.println(s);
- }
- } else {
- pw.println(line);
- }
- }
- pw.flush();
- pw.close();
- if (!temporaryFile.renameTo(new File(folder, name))) {
- throw new IOException("Unable to rename file in folder "+folder.getName()+
- " from \""+temporaryFile.getName()+"\" into \""+name +
- "\n Original file saved as "+origFile.getName());
- }
- origFile.delete();
- }
diff --git a/src/test/groovy/transform/stc/ClosureParamTypeInferenceSTCTest.groovy b/src/test/groovy/transform/stc/ClosureParamTypeInferenceSTCTest.groovy
deleted file mode 100644
index 63bc0b4..0000000
--- a/src/test/groovy/transform/stc/ClosureParamTypeInferenceSTCTest.groovy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1222 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2003-2013 the original author or authors.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apaarraylisstringsicense");
- * you may not use this file except in comparraylistOfStringsicense.
- * Ystringshe License at
- *
- * arraylistOfStringse.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by apstrings in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package groovy.transform.stc
-import groovy.transform.NotYetImplemented
- * Unit tests for static type checking : closure parameter type inference.
- *
- * @author Cedric Champeau
- */
-class ClosureParamTypeInferenceSTCTest extends StaticTypeCheckingTestCase {
- void testInferenceForDGM_CollectUsingExplicitIt() {
- assertScript '''
- ['a','b'].collect { it -> it.toUpperCase() }
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_CollectUsingExplicitItAndIncorrectType() {
- shouldFailWithMessages '''
- ['a','b'].collect { Date it -> it.toUpperCase() }
- ''', 'Expected parameter of type java.lang.String but got java.util.Date'
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_CollectUsingImplicitIt() {
- assertScript '''
- ['a','b'].collect { it.toUpperCase() }
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_eachUsingExplicitIt() {
- assertScript '''
- ['a','b'].each { it -> it.toUpperCase() }
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_eachUsingImplicitIt() {
- assertScript '''
- ['a','b'].each { it.toUpperCase() }
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_CollectUsingImplicitItAndLUB() {
- assertScript '''
- assert [1234, 3.14].collect { it.intValue() } == [1234,3]
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_countUsingFirstSignature() {
- assertScript '''
- def src = [a: 1, b:2, c:3]
- assert src.count { k,v -> v>1 } == 2
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_countUsingSecondSignature() {
- assertScript '''
- def src = [a: 1, b:2, c:3]
- assert src.count { e -> e.value>1 } == 2
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_countUsingSecondSignatureAndImplicitIt() {
- assertScript '''
- def src = [a: 1, b:2, c:3]
- assert src.count { it.value>1 } == 2
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_collectManyUsingFirstSignature() {
- assertScript '''
-def map = [bread:3, milk:5, butter:2]
-def result = map.collectMany{ k, v -> k.startsWith('b') ? k.toList() : [] }
-assert result == ['b', 'r', 'e', 'a', 'd', 'b', 'u', 't', 't', 'e', 'r']
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_collectManyUsingSecondSignature() {
- assertScript '''
-def map = [bread:3, milk:5, butter:2]
-def result = map.collectMany{ e -> e.key.startsWith('b') ? e.key.toList() : [] }
-assert result == ['b', 'r', 'e', 'a', 'd', 'b', 'u', 't', 't', 'e', 'r']
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_collectManyUsingSecondSignatureAndImplicitIt() {
- assertScript '''
-def map = [bread:3, milk:5, butter:2]
-def result = map.collectMany{ it.key.startsWith('b') ? it.key.toList() : [] }
-assert result == ['b', 'r', 'e', 'a', 'd', 'b', 'u', 't', 't', 'e', 'r']
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_Collect2() {
- assertScript '''
-def items = []
-['a','b','c'].collect(items) { it.toUpperCase() }
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_CollectMap() {
- assertScript '''
- assert [a: 'foo',b:'bar'].collect { k,v -> k+v } == ['afoo','bbar']
- assert [a: 'foo',b:'bar'].collect { e -> e.key+e.value } == ['afoo','bbar']
- assert [a: 'foo',b:'bar'].collect { it.key+it.value } == ['afoo','bbar']
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_CollectMapWithCollection() {
- assertScript '''
- assert [a: 'foo',b:'bar'].collect([]) { k,v -> k+v } == ['afoo','bbar']
- assert [a: 'foo',b:'bar'].collect([]) { e -> e.key+e.value } == ['afoo','bbar']
- assert [a: 'foo',b:'bar'].collect([]) { it.key+it.value } == ['afoo','bbar']
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_collectEntries() {
- assertScript '''
- assert ['a','b','c'].collectEntries { [it, it.toUpperCase() ]} == [a:'A',b:'B',c:'C']
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_collectEntriesWithCollector() {
- assertScript '''
- assert ['a','b','c'].collectEntries([:]) { [it, it.toUpperCase() ]} == [a:'A',b:'B',c:'C']
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_collectEntriesIterator() {
- assertScript '''
- assert ['a','b','c'].iterator().collectEntries { [it, it.toUpperCase() ]} == [a:'A',b:'B',c:'C']
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_collectEntriesIteratorWithCollector() {
- assertScript '''
- assert ['a','b','c'].iterator().collectEntries([:]) { [it, it.toUpperCase() ]} == [a:'A',b:'B',c:'C']
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_collectEntriesOnMap() {
- assertScript '''
- assert [a:'a',b:'b',c:'c'].collectEntries { k,v -> [k+k, v.toUpperCase() ]} == [aa:'A',bb:'B',cc:'C']
- assert [a:'a',b:'b',c:'c'].collectEntries { e -> [e.key+e.key, e.value.toUpperCase() ]} == [aa:'A',bb:'B',cc:'C']
- assert [a:'a',b:'b',c:'c'].collectEntries { [it.key+it.key, it.value.toUpperCase() ]} == [aa:'A',bb:'B',cc:'C']
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_collectEntriesOnMapWithCollector() {
- assertScript '''
- assert [a:'a',b:'b',c:'c'].collectEntries([:]) { k,v -> [k+k, v.toUpperCase() ]} == [aa:'A',bb:'B',cc:'C']
- assert [a:'a',b:'b',c:'c'].collectEntries([:]) { e -> [e.key+e.key, e.value.toUpperCase() ]} == [aa:'A',bb:'B',cc:'C']
- assert [a:'a',b:'b',c:'c'].collectEntries([:]) { [it.key+it.key, it.value.toUpperCase() ]} == [aa:'A',bb:'B',cc:'C']
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_collectEntriesOnArray() {
- assertScript '''
- String[] array = ['a','b','c']
- assert array.collectEntries { [it, it.toUpperCase() ]} == [a:'A',b:'B',c:'C']
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_collectEntriesOnArrayWithCollector() {
- assertScript '''
- String[] array = ['a','b','c']
- assert array.collectEntries([:]) { [it, it.toUpperCase() ]} == [a:'A',b:'B',c:'C']
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_collectManyOnIterable() {
- assertScript '''
- assert (0..5).collectMany { [it, 2*it ]} == [0,0,1,2,2,4,3,6,4,8,5,10]
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_collectManyOnIterator() {
- assertScript '''
- assert (0..5).iterator().collectMany { [it, 2*it ]} == [0,0,1,2,2,4,3,6,4,8,5,10]
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_collectManyOnIterableWithCollector() {
- assertScript '''
- assert (0..5).collectMany([]) { [it, 2*it ]} == [0,0,1,2,2,4,3,6,4,8,5,10]
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_collectManyOnMap() {
- assertScript '''
- assert [a:0,b:1,c:2].collectMany { k,v -> [v, 2*v ]} == [0,0,1,2,2,4]
- assert [a:0,b:1,c:2].collectMany { e -> [e.value, 2*e.value ]} == [0,0,1,2,2,4]
- assert [a:0,b:1,c:2].collectMany { [it.value, 2*it.value ]} == [0,0,1,2,2,4]
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_collectManyOnMapWithCollector() {
- assertScript '''
- assert [a:0,b:1,c:2].collectMany([]) { k,v -> [v, 2*v ]} == [0,0,1,2,2,4]
- assert [a:0,b:1,c:2].collectMany([]) { e -> [e.value, 2*e.value ]} == [0,0,1,2,2,4]
- assert [a:0,b:1,c:2].collectMany([]) { [it.value, 2*it.value ]} == [0,0,1,2,2,4]
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_collectManyOnArray() {
- assertScript '''
- Integer[] arr = (0..5) as Integer[]
- assert arr.collectMany { [it, 2*it ]} == [0,0,1,2,2,4,3,6,4,8,5,10]
- }
- void testInferenceOnNonExtensionMethod() {
- assertScript '''import groovy.transform.stc.ClosureParams
- import groovy.transform.stc.FirstParam
- public <T> T foo(T arg, @ClosureParams(FirstParam) Closure c) { c.call(arg) }
- assert foo('a') { it.toUpperCase() } == 'A'
- }
- void testFromStringWithSimpleType() {
- assertScript '''import groovy.transform.stc.FromString
-import groovy.transform.stc.ClosureParams
-void foo(@ClosureParams(value=FromString,options="java.lang.String") Closure cl) { cl.call('foo') }
-foo { String str -> println str.toUpperCase()}
- shouldFailWithMessages '''import groovy.transform.stc.FromString
-import groovy.transform.stc.ClosureParams
-void foo(@ClosureParams(value=FromString,options="java.lang.String") Closure cl) { cl.call('foo') }
-foo { Date str -> println str}
-''', 'Expected parameter of type java.lang.String but got java.util.Date'
- }
- void testFromStringWithGenericType() {
- assertScript '''import groovy.transform.stc.FromString
-import groovy.transform.stc.ClosureParams
-void foo(@ClosureParams(value=FromString,options="java.util.List<java.lang.String>") Closure cl) { cl.call(['foo']) }
-foo { List<String> str -> str.each { println it.toUpperCase() } }
- shouldFailWithMessages '''import groovy.transform.stc.FromString
-import groovy.transform.stc.ClosureParams
-void foo(@ClosureParams(value=FromString,options="java.util.List<java.lang.String>") Closure cl) { cl.call(['foo']) }
-foo { List<Date> d -> d.each { println it } }
-''', 'Expected parameter of type java.util.List <java.lang.String> but got java.util.List <Date>'
- }
- void testFromStringWithDirectGenericPlaceholder() {
- assertScript '''import groovy.transform.stc.FromString
-import groovy.transform.stc.ClosureParams
-public <T> void foo(T t, @ClosureParams(value=FromString,options="T") Closure cl) { cl.call(t) }
-foo('hey') { println it.toUpperCase() }
- }
- void testFromStringWithGenericPlaceholder() {
- assertScript '''import groovy.transform.stc.FromString
-import groovy.transform.stc.ClosureParams
-public <T> void foo(T t, @ClosureParams(value=FromString,options="java.util.List<T>") Closure cl) { cl.call([t,t]) }
-foo('hey') { List<String> str -> str.each { println it.toUpperCase() } }
- }
- void testFromStringWithGenericPlaceholderFromClass() {
- assertScript '''import groovy.transform.stc.FromString
-import groovy.transform.stc.ClosureParams
- class Foo<T> {
- public void foo(@ClosureParams(value=FromString,options="java.util.List<T>") Closure cl) { cl.call(['hey','ya']) }
- }
- def foo = new Foo<String>()
- foo.foo { List<String> str -> str.each { println it.toUpperCase() } }
- }
- void testFromStringWithGenericPlaceholderFromClassWithTwoGenerics() {
- assertScript '''import groovy.transform.stc.FromString
-import groovy.transform.stc.ClosureParams
- class Foo<T,U> {
- public void foo(@ClosureParams(value=FromString,options="java.util.List<U>") Closure cl) { cl.call(['hey','ya']) }
- }
- def foo = new Foo<Integer,String>()
- foo.foo { List<String> str -> str.each { println it.toUpperCase() } }
- }
- void testFromStringWithGenericPlaceholderFromClassWithTwoGenericsAndNoExplicitSignature() {
- assertScript '''import groovy.transform.stc.FromString
-import groovy.transform.stc.ClosureParams
- class Foo<T,U> {
- public void foo(@ClosureParams(value=FromString,options="java.util.List<U>") Closure cl) { cl.call(['hey','ya']) }
- }
- def foo = new Foo<Integer,String>()
- foo.foo { it.each { println it.toUpperCase() } }
- }
- void testFromStringWithGenericPlaceholderFromClassWithTwoGenericsAndNoExplicitSignatureAndNoFQN() {
- assertScript '''import groovy.transform.stc.FromString
-import groovy.transform.stc.ClosureParams
- class Foo<T,U> {
- public void foo(@ClosureParams(value=FromString,options="List<U>") Closure cl) { cl.call(['hey','ya']) }
- }
- def foo = new Foo<Integer,String>()
- foo.foo { it.each { println it.toUpperCase() } }
- }
- void testFromStringWithGenericPlaceholderFromClassWithTwoGenericsAndNoExplicitSignatureAndNoFQNAndReferenceToSameUnitClass() {
- assertScript '''import groovy.transform.stc.FromString
-import groovy.transform.stc.ClosureParams
- class Foo {
- void bar() {
- println 'Haha!'
- }
- }
- class Tor<D,U> {
- public void foo(@ClosureParams(value=FromString,options="List<U>") Closure cl) { cl.call([new Foo(), new Foo()]) }
- }
- def tor = new Tor<Integer,Foo>()
- tor.foo { it.each { it.bar() } }
- }
- void testFromStringWithGenericPlaceholderFromClassWithTwoGenericsAndNoExplicitSignatureAndNoFQNAndReferenceToSameUnitClassAndTwoArgs() {
- assertScript '''import groovy.transform.stc.FromString
-import groovy.transform.stc.ClosureParams
- class Foo {
- void bar() {
- println 'Haha!'
- }
- }
- class Tor<D,U> {
- public void foo(@ClosureParams(value=FromString,options=["D,List<U>"]) Closure cl) { cl.call(3, [new Foo(), new Foo()]) }
- }
- def tor = new Tor<Integer,Foo>()
- tor.foo { r, e -> r.times { e.each { it.bar() } } }
- }
- void testFromStringWithGenericPlaceholderFromClassWithTwoGenericsAndPolymorphicSignature() {
- assertScript '''import groovy.transform.stc.FromString
-import groovy.transform.stc.ClosureParams
- class Foo {
- void bar() {
- println 'Haha!'
- }
- }
- class Tor<D,U> {
- public void foo(@ClosureParams(value=FromString,options=["D,List<U>", "D"]) Closure cl) {
- if (cl.maximumNumberOfParameters==2) {
- cl.call(3, [new Foo(), new Foo()])
- } else {
- cl.call(3)
- }
- }
- }
- def tor = new Tor<Integer,Foo>()
- tor.foo { r, e -> r.times { e.each { it.bar() } } }
- tor.foo { it.times { println 'polymorphic' } }
- }
- void testStringGroovyMethodsFindMethodWithVargs() {
- assertScript '''
- "75001 Paris".find(/(\\d{5}\\s(\\w+))/) { all, zip, city -> println all.toUpperCase() }
- assertScript '''
- "75001 Paris".find(/(\\d{5}\\s(\\w+))/) { String all, String zip, String city -> println all.toUpperCase() }
- shouldFailWithMessages '''
- "75001 Paris".find(/(\\d{5}\\s(\\w+))/) { String all, Date zip, String city -> println all.toUpperCase() }
-''', 'Expected parameter of type java.lang.String but got java.util.Date'
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_countIterableOrIterator() {
- assertScript '''
- assert ['Groovy','Java'].count { it.length() > 4 } == 1
- '''
- assertScript '''
- assert ['Groovy','Java'].iterator().count { it.length() > 4 } == 1
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_countMap() {
- assertScript '''
- assert [G:'Groovy',J:'Java'].count { k,v -> v.length() > 4 } == 1
- assert [G:'Groovy',J:'Java'].count { e -> e.value.length() > 4 } == 1
- assert [G:'Groovy',J:'Java'].count { it.value.length() > 4 } == 1
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_countArray() {
- assertScript '''
- String[] array = ['Groovy','Java']
- assert array.count { it.length() > 4 } == 1
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_countBy() {
- assertScript '''
- assert ['Groovy','yvoorG'].countBy { it.length() } == [6:2]
- '''
- assertScript '''
- assert ['Groovy','yvoorG'].iterator().countBy { it.length() } == [6:2]
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_countByArray() {
- assertScript '''
- String[] array = ['Groovy','yvoorG']
- assert array.countBy { it.length() } == [6:2]
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_countByMap() {
- assertScript '''
- assert [langs:['Groovy','Java']].countBy { k,v -> k.length() } == [5:1]
- assert [langs:['Groovy','Java']].countBy { e -> e.key.length() } == [5:1]
- assert [langs:['Groovy','Java']].countBy { it.key.length() } == [5:1]
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_downto() {
- assertScript '''
- BigDecimal sum = 0
- 10.0.downto(0) {
- sum += 2*it
- }
- assert sum == 110
- '''
- assertScript '''
- BigInteger sum = 0
- 10G.downto(0) {
- sum += 2*it
- }
- assert sum == 110
- '''
- assertScript '''
- double sum = 0
- 10d.downto(0) {
- sum += 2*it
- }
- assert sum == 110
- '''
- assertScript '''
- Double sum = 0
- new Double(10).downto(0) {
- sum += 2*it
- }
- assert sum == 110
- '''
- assertScript '''
- float sum = 0
- 10f.downto(0) {
- sum += 2*it
- }
- assert sum == 110
- '''
- assertScript '''
- Float sum = 0
- new Float(10).downto(0) {
- sum += 2*it
- }
- assert sum == 110
- '''
- assertScript '''
- long sum = 0
- 10L.downto(0) {
- sum += 2*it
- }
- assert sum == 110
- '''
- assertScript '''
- Long sum = 0
- new Long(10).downto(0) {
- sum += 2*it
- }
- assert sum == 110
- '''
- assertScript '''
- def sum = 0
- new Byte((byte)10).downto(0) {
- sum += 2*it
- }
- assert sum == 110
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_upto() {
- assertScript '''
- BigDecimal sum = 0
- 0.0.upto(10) {
- sum += 2*it
- }
- assert sum == 110
- '''
- assertScript '''
- BigInteger sum = 0
- 0G.upto(10) {
- sum += 2*it
- }
- assert sum == 110
- '''
- assertScript '''
- double sum = 0
- 0d.upto(10) {
- sum += 2*it
- }
- assert sum == 110
- '''
- assertScript '''
- Double sum = 0
- new Double(0).upto(10) {
- sum += 2*it
- }
- assert sum == 110
- '''
- assertScript '''
- float sum = 0
- 0f.upto(10) {
- sum += 2*it
- }
- assert sum == 110
- '''
- assertScript '''
- Float sum = 0
- new Float(0).upto(10) {
- sum += 2*it
- }
- assert sum == 110
- '''
- assertScript '''
- long sum = 0
- 0L.upto(10) {
- sum += 2*it
- }
- assert sum == 110
- '''
- assertScript '''
- Long sum = 0
- new Long(0).upto(10) {
- sum += 2*it
- }
- assert sum == 110
- '''
- assertScript '''
- def sum = 0
- new Byte((byte)0).upto(10) {
- sum += 2*it
- }
- assert sum == 110
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_dropWhileOnIterable() {
- assertScript '''
- assert (0..10).dropWhile { it<5 } == (5..10)
- assert (0..10).dropWhile { int i -> i<5 } == (5..10)
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_dropWhileOnList() {
- assertScript '''
- assert [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10].dropWhile { it<5 } == [5,6,7,8,9,10]
- assert [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10].dropWhile { int i -> i<5 } == [5,6,7,8,9,10]
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_dropWhileOnIterator() {
- assertScript '''
- assert [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10].iterator().dropWhile { it<5 } as List == [5,6,7,8,9,10]
- assert [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10].iterator().dropWhile { int i -> i<5 } as List == [5,6,7,8,9,10]
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_dropWhileOnArray() {
- assertScript '''
- Integer[] array = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
- assert array.iterator().dropWhile { it<5 } as List == [5,6,7,8,9,10]
- assert array.iterator().dropWhile { int i -> i<5 } as List == [5,6,7,8,9,10]
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_eachByte() {
- assertScript '''
- byte[] array = new byte[0]
- array.eachByte { byte b -> b.intValue() }
- array.eachByte { it.intValue() }
- '''
- assertScript '''
- Byte[] array = new Byte[0]
- array.eachByte { Byte b -> b.intValue() }
- array.eachByte { it.intValue() }
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForEachWithIndexOnMap() {
- assertScript '''
- [a:'A',bb:'B',ccc:'C'].eachWithIndex { k,v,i -> assert k.toUpperCase() == v*(1+i) }
- [a:'A',bb:'B',ccc:'C'].eachWithIndex { e,i -> assert e.key.toUpperCase() == e.value*(1+i) }
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForEachWithIndexOnIterable() {
- assertScript '''
- ['1','2','3'].eachWithIndex { e,i -> assert e.toUpperCase() == String.valueOf(1+i) }
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForEachWithIndexOnIterator() {
- assertScript '''
- ['1','2','3'].iterator().eachWithIndex { e,i -> assert e.toUpperCase() == String.valueOf(1+i) }
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_everyOnMap() {
- assertScript '''
- assert [a:'A',b:'B',cc:'CC'].every { String k, String v -> k == v.toLowerCase() }
- assert [a:'A',b:'B',cc:'CC'].every { k, v -> k == v.toLowerCase() }
- assert [a:'A',b:'B',cc:'CC'].every { e -> e.key == e.value.toLowerCase() }
- assert [a:'A',b:'B',cc:'CC'].every { it.key == it.value.toLowerCase() }
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_everyOnIterable() {
- assertScript '''
- assert ['foo','bar','baz'].every { String it -> it.length() == 3 }
- assert ['foo','bar','baz'].every { it -> it.length() == 3 }
- assert ['foo','bar','baz'].every { it.length() == 3 }
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_everyOnIterator() {
- assertScript '''
- assert ['foo','bar','baz'].iterator().every { String it -> it.length() == 3 }
- assert ['foo','bar','baz'].iterator().every { it -> it.length() == 3 }
- assert ['foo','bar','baz'].iterator().every { it.length() == 3 }
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_findOnCollection() {
- assertScript '''
- assert ['a','bbb','ccc'].find { String it -> it.length() == 3 } == 'bbb'
- assert ['a','bbb','ccc'].find { it -> it.length() == 3 } == 'bbb'
- assert ['a','bbb','ccc'].find { it.length() == 3 } == 'bbb'
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_findOnArray() {
- assertScript '''
- String[] arraylistOfStrings = ['a','bbb','ccc']
- assert arraylistOfStrings.find { String it -> it.length() == 3 } == 'bbb'
- assert arraylistOfStrings.find { it -> it.length() == 3 } == 'bbb'
- assert arraylistOfStrings.find { it.length() == 3 } == 'bbb'
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_findOnMap() {
- assertScript '''
- assert [a:2,b:4,c:6].find { String k, int v -> k.toUpperCase()=='C' && 2*v==12 } instanceof Map.Entry
- assert [a:2,b:4,c:6].find { k, v -> k.toUpperCase()=='C' && 2*v==12 } instanceof Map.Entry
- assert [a:2,b:4,c:6].find { e -> e.key.toUpperCase()=='C' && 2*e.value==12 } instanceof Map.Entry
- assert [a:2,b:4,c:6].find { it.key.toUpperCase()=='C' && 2*it.value==12 } instanceof Map.Entry
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_findAllOnCollection() {
- assertScript '''
- assert ['a','bbb','ccc'].findAll { String it -> it.length() == 3 } == ['bbb','ccc']
- assert ['a','bbb','ccc'].findAll { it -> it.length() == 3 } == ['bbb','ccc']
- assert ['a','bbb','ccc'].findAll { it.length() == 3 } == ['bbb','ccc']
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_findAllOnArray() {
- assertScript '''
- String[] arraylistOfStrings = ['a','bbb','ccc']
- assert arraylistOfStrings.findAll { String it -> it.length() == 3 } == ['bbb','ccc']
- assert arraylistOfStrings.findAll { it -> it.length() == 3 } == ['bbb','ccc']
- assert arraylistOfStrings.findAll { it.length() == 3 } == ['bbb','ccc']
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_findAllOnMap() {
- assertScript '''
- assert [a:2,b:4,c:6].findAll { String k, int v -> k.toUpperCase()=='C' && 2*v==12 } == [c:6]
- assert [a:2,b:4,c:6].findAll { k, v -> k.toUpperCase()=='C' && 2*v==12 } == [c:6]
- assert [a:2,b:4,c:6].findAll { e -> e.key.toUpperCase()=='C' && 2*e.value==12 } == [c:6]
- assert [a:2,b:4,c:6].findAll { it.key.toUpperCase()=='C' && 2*it.value==12 } == [c:6]
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_findResultOnCollection() {
- assertScript '''
- assert ['barbar','barbaz','foo'].findResult { it.length() == 3?it.toUpperCase():null } == 'FOO'
- assert ['barbar','barbaz','foo'].findResult { String it -> it.length() == 3?it.toUpperCase():null } == 'FOO'
- assert ['barbar','barbaz','foo'].findResult { it -> it.length() == 3?it.toUpperCase():null } == 'FOO'
- assert ['barbar','barbaz','foo'].findResult(-1) { it.length() == 4?it.toUpperCase():null } == -1
- assert ['barbar','barbaz','foo'].findResult(-1) { String it -> it.length() == 4?it.toUpperCase():null } == -1
- assert ['barbar','barbaz','foo'].findResult(-1) { it -> it.length() == 4?it.toUpperCase():null } == -1
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_findResultOnIterable() {
- assertScript '''
- assert (0..10).findResult { it== 3?2*it:null } == 6
- assert (0..10).findResult { int it -> it==3?2*it:null } == 6
- assert (0..10).findResult { it -> it==3?2*it:null } == 6
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_findResultOnMap() {
- assertScript '''
- assert [a:1, b:2, c:3].findResult { String k, int v -> "${k.toUpperCase()}$v"=='C3'?2*v:null } == 6
- assert [a:1, b:2, c:3].findResult { k, v -> "${k.toUpperCase()}$v"=='C3'?2*v:null } == 6
- assert [a:1, b:2, c:3].findResult { e -> "${e.key.toUpperCase()}$e.value"=='C3'?2*e.value:null } == 6
- assert [a:1, b:2, c:3].findResult { "${it.key.toUpperCase()}$it.value"=='C3'?2*it.value:null } == 6
- assert [a:1, b:2, c:3].findResult('a') { String k, int v -> "${k.toUpperCase()}$v"=='C4'?2*v:null } == 'a'
- assert [a:1, b:2, c:3].findResult('a') { k, v -> "${k.toUpperCase()}$v"=='C4'?2*v:null } == 'a'
- assert [a:1, b:2, c:3].findResult('a') { e -> "${e.key.toUpperCase()}$e.value"=='C4'?2*e.value:null } == 'a'
- assert [a:1, b:2, c:3].findResult('a') { "${it.key.toUpperCase()}$it.value"=='C4'?2*it.value:null } == 'a'
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_findResultsOnIterable() {
- assertScript '''
- assert (0..10).findResults { it<3?2*it:null } == [0,2,4]
- assert (0..10).findResults { int it -> it<3?2*it:null } == [0,2,4]
- assert (0..10).findResults { it -> it<3?2*it:null } == [0,2,4]
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_findResultsOnMap() {
- assertScript '''
- assert [a:1, b:2, c:3].findResults { String k, int v -> "${k.toUpperCase()}$v"=='C3'?2*v:null } == [6]
- assert [a:1, b:2, c:3].findResults { k, v -> "${k.toUpperCase()}$v"=='C3'?2*v:null } == [6]
- assert [a:1, b:2, c:3].findResults { e -> "${e.key.toUpperCase()}$e.value"=='C3'?2*e.value:null } == [6]
- assert [a:1, b:2, c:3].findResults { "${it.key.toUpperCase()}$it.value"=='C3'?2*it.value:null } == [6]
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_groupByIterable() {
- assertScript '''
- assert ['a','bb','cc','d','eee'].groupBy { it.length() } == [1:['a','d'],2:['bb','cc'],3:['eee']]
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_groupByArray() {
- assertScript '''
- String[] array = ['a','bb','cc','d','eee']
- assert array.groupBy { it.length() } == [1:['a','d'],2:['bb','cc'],3:['eee']]
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_groupByMap() {
- assertScript '''
- assert [a:'1',b:'2',c:'C'].groupBy { e -> e.key.toUpperCase()==e.value?1:0 } == [0:[a:'1',b:'2'], 1:[c:'C']]
- assert [a:'1',b:'2',c:'C'].groupBy { k, v -> k.toUpperCase()==v?1:0 } == [0:[a:'1',b:'2'], 1:[c:'C']]
- assert [a:'1',b:'2',c:'C'].groupBy { it.key.toUpperCase()==it.value?1:0 } == [0:[a:'1',b:'2'], 1:[c:'C']]
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_groupEntriesBy() {
- assertScript '''
- def result = [a:1,b:2,c:3,d:4,e:5,f:6].groupEntriesBy { k,v -> v % 2 }
- result = [a:1,b:2,c:3,d:4,e:5,f:6].groupEntriesBy { it.value % 2 }
- result = [a:1,b:2,c:3,d:4,e:5,f:6].groupEntriesBy { e -> e.value % 2 }
- assert result[0]*.key == ["b", "d", "f"]
- assert result[1]*.value == [1, 3, 5]
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_injectOnCollectionWithInitialValue() {
- assertScript '''
- assert ['a','bb','ccc'].inject(0) { acc, str -> acc += str.length(); acc } == 6
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_injectOnArrayWithInitialValue() {
- assertScript '''
- String[] array = ['a','bb','ccc']
- assert array.inject(0) { acc, str -> acc += str.length(); acc } == 6
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_injectOnIteratorWithInitialValue() {
- assertScript '''
- assert ['a','bb','ccc'].iterator().inject(0) { acc, str -> acc += str.length(); acc } == 6
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_injectOnCollection() {
- assertScript '''
- assert ['a','bb','ccc'].inject { acc, str -> acc += str.toUpperCase(); acc } == 'aBBCCC'
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_injectOnArray() {
- assertScript '''
- String[] array = ['a','bb','ccc']
- assert array.inject { acc, str -> acc += str.toUpperCase(); acc } == 'aBBCCC'
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_injectOnCollectionWithInitialValueDirect() {
- assertScript '''import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.DefaultGroovyMethods as DGM
- assert DGM.inject(['a','bb','ccc'],0) { acc, str -> acc += str.length(); acc } == 6
- '''
- }
- void testInferenceForDGM_injectOnCollectionDirect() {
- assertScript '''import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.DefaultGroovyMethods as DGM
- assert DGM.inject(['a','bb','ccc']) { acc, str -> acc += str.toUpperCase(); acc } == 'aBBCCC'
- '''
- }
- void testDGM_injectOnMap() {
- assertScript '''
- assert [a:1,b:2].inject(0) { acc, entry -> acc += entry.value; acc} == 3
- assert [a:1,b:2].inject(0) { acc, k, v -> acc += v; acc} == 3
- '''
- }
- void testDGM_max() {
- assertScript '''
- assert ['a','abc', 'defg','hi'].max { it.length() } == 'defg'
- assert ['a','abc', 'defg','hi'].iterator().max { it.length() } == 'defg'
- assert (['a','abc', 'defg','hi'] as String[]).max { it.length() } == 'defg'
- '''
- }
- void testDGM_maxOnMap() {
- assertScript '''
- def result = [a:'a',b:'abc', c:'defg',d:'hi'].max { a,b -> a.value.length() <=> b.value.length() }
- assert result.key == 'c'
- assert result.value == 'defg'
- '''
- assertScript '''
- def result = [a:'a',b:'abc', c:'defg',d:'hi'].max { Map.Entry<String,String> a, Map.Entry<String,String> b -> a.value.length() <=> b.value.length() }
- assert result.key == 'c'
- assert result.value == 'defg'
- '''
- assertScript '''
- def result = [a:'a',b:'abc', c:'defg',d:'hi'].max { e -> e.value.length() }
- assert result.key == 'c'
- assert result.value == 'defg'
- '''
- assertScript '''
- def result = [a:'a',b:'abc', c:'defg',d:'hi'].max { it.value.length() }
- assert result.key == 'c'
- assert result.value == 'defg'
- '''
- }
- void testDGM_min() {
- assertScript '''
- assert ['a','abc', 'defg','hi'].min { it.length() } == 'a'
- assert ['a','abc', 'defg','hi'].iterator().min { it.length() } == 'a'
- assert (['a','abc', 'defg','hi'] as String[]).min { it.length() } == 'a'
- '''
- }
- void testDGM_maxOnMin() {
- assertScript '''
- def result = [a:'a',b:'abc', c:'defg',d:'hi'].min { a,b -> a.value.length() <=> b.value.length() }
- assert result.key == 'a'
- assert result.value == 'a'
- '''
- assertScript '''
- def result = [a:'a',b:'abc', c:'defg',d:'hi'].min { Map.Entry<String,String> a, Map.Entry<String,String> b -> a.value.length() <=> b.value.length() }
- assert result.key == 'a'
- assert result.value == 'a'
- '''
- assertScript '''
- def result = [a:'a',b:'abc', c:'defg',d:'hi'].min { e -> e.value.length() }
- assert result.key == 'a'
- assert result.value == 'a'
- '''
- assertScript '''
- def result = [a:'a',b:'abc', c:'defg',d:'hi'].min { it.value.length() }
- assert result.key == 'a'
- assert result.value == 'a'
- '''
- }
- void testDGM_removeAllOnCollection() {
- assertScript '''
- def list = ['abc','a','groovy','java']
- list.removeAll { it.length() <4 }
- assert list == ['groovy','java']
- '''
- }
- void testDGM_retainAllOnCollection() {
- assertScript '''
- def list = ['abc','a','groovy','java']
- list.retainAll { it.length()>3 }
- assert list == ['groovy','java']
- '''
- }
- void testReverseEachOnList() {
- assertScript '''
- ['a','b'].reverseEach { println it.toUpperCase() }
- '''
- }
- void testReverseEachOnArray() {
- assertScript '''
- (['a','b'] as String[]).reverseEach { println it.toUpperCase() }
- '''
- }
- void testReverseEachOnMap() {
- assertScript '''
- [a:1,b:2].reverseEach { k,v -> println ((k.toUpperCase())*v) }
- [a:1,b:2].reverseEach { e -> println ((e.key.toUpperCase())*e.value) }
- [a:1,b:2].reverseEach { println ((it.key.toUpperCase())*it.value) }
- '''
- }
- void testDGM_sortOnCollection() {
- assertScript '''
- assert ["hi","hey","hello"] == ["hello","hi","hey"].sort { a,b -> a.length() <=> b.length() }
- assert ["hi","hey","hello"] == ["hello","hi","hey"].sort { str -> str.length() }
- assert ["hi","hey","hello"] == ["hello","hi","hey"].sort { it.length() }
- '''
- }
- void testDGM_sortOnArray() {
- assertScript '''
- String[] array = ["hello","hi","hey"]
- assert ["hi","hey","hello"] == array.sort { a,b -> a.length() <=> b.length() }
- assert ["hi","hey","hello"] == array.sort { str -> str.length() }
- assert ["hi","hey","hello"] == array.sort { it.length() }
- '''
- }
- void testDGM_sortOnIterator() {
- assertScript '''
- assert ["hi","hey","hello"] == ["hello","hi","hey"].iterator().sort { a,b -> a.length() <=> b.length() }.collect()
- assert ["hi","hey","hello"] == ["hello","hi","hey"].iterator().sort { str -> str.length() }.collect()
- assert ["hi","hey","hello"] == ["hello","hi","hey"].iterator().sort { it.length() }.collect()
- '''
- }
- void testDGM_sortOnIterable() {
- assertScript '''
- def foo(Iterable<String> iterable) {
- assert ["hi","hey","hello"] == iterable.sort { a,b -> a.length() <=> b.length() }
- assert ["hi","hey","hello"] == iterable.sort { str -> str.length() }
- assert ["hi","hey","hello"] == iterable.sort { it.length() }
- }
- foo(["hello","hi","hey"])
- '''
- }
- void testDGM_sortOnMap() {
- assertScript '''
- def map = [a:5, b:3, c:6, d:4].sort { a, b -> a.value <=> b.value }
- assert map == [b:3, d:4, a:5, c:6]
- '''
- assertScript '''
- def map = [a:5, b:3, c:6, d:4].sort { a -> a.value }
- assert map == [b:3, d:4, a:5, c:6]
- '''
- assertScript '''
- def map = [a:5, b:3, c:6, d:4].sort { it.value }
- assert map == [b:3, d:4, a:5, c:6]
- '''
- }
- void testDGM_slitOnCollection() {
- assertScript '''
- assert [[2,4],[1,3]] == [1,2,3,4].split { it % 2 == 0 }
- '''
- }
- void testDGM_takeWhileOnIterable() {
- assertScript '''
- class AbcIterable implements Iterable<String> {
- Iterator<String> iterator() { "abc".iterator() }
- }
- def abc = new AbcIterable()
- assert abc.takeWhile{ it < 'b' } == ['a']
- assert abc.takeWhile{ it <= 'b' } == ['a', 'b']
- }
- void testDGM_takeWhileOnIterator() {
- assertScript '''
- class AbcIterable implements Iterable<String> {
- Iterator<String> iterator() { "abc".iterator() }
- }
- def abc = new AbcIterable()
- assert abc.iterator().takeWhile{ it < 'b' }.collect() == ['a']
- assert abc.iterator().takeWhile{ it <= 'b' }.collect() == ['a', 'b']
- }
- void testDGM_takeWhileOnList() {
- assertScript '''
- def abc = ['a','b','c']
- assert abc.iterator().takeWhile{ it < 'b' }.collect() == ['a']
- assert abc.iterator().takeWhile{ it <= 'b' }.collect() == ['a', 'b']'''
- }
- void testDGM_takeWhileOnArray() {
- assertScript '''
- String[] abc = ['a','b','c']
- assert abc.iterator().takeWhile{ it < 'b' }.collect() == ['a']
- assert abc.iterator().takeWhile{ it <= 'b' }.collect() == ['a', 'b']'''
- }
- void testDGM_takeWhileOnMap() {
- assertScript '''
- def shopping = [milk:1, bread:2, chocolate:3]
- assert shopping.takeWhile{ it.key.size() < 6 } == [milk:1, bread:2]
- assert shopping.takeWhile{ it.value % 2 } == [milk:1]
- assert shopping.takeWhile{ k, v -> k.size() + v <= 7 } == [milk:1, bread:2]'''
- }
- void testDGM_times() {
- assertScript '''
- String foo(int x) { "x"*x }
- 10.times {
- println foo(it)
- }
- '''
- }
- void testDGM_unique() {
- assertScript '''
- def orig = [1, 3, 4, 5]
- def uniq = orig.unique(false) { it % 2 }
- assert orig == [1, 3, 4, 5]
- assert uniq == [1, 4]'''
- assertScript '''def orig = [2, 3, 3, 4]
- def uniq = orig.unique(false) { a, b -> a <=> b }
- assert orig == [2, 3, 3, 4]
- assert uniq == [2, 3, 4]'''
- }
- void testDGM_uniqueOnCollection() {
- assertScript '''
- def orig = [1, 3, 4, 5]
- def uniq = orig.unique { it % 2 }
- assert uniq == [1, 4]'''
- assertScript '''def orig = [2, 3, 3, 4]
- def uniq = orig.unique { a, b -> a <=> b }
- assert uniq == [2, 3, 4]'''
- }
- void testDGM_uniqueOnIterator() {
- assertScript '''
- def orig = [1, 3, 4, 5].iterator()
- def uniq = orig.unique { it % 2 }.collect()
- assert uniq == [1, 4]'''
- assertScript '''def orig = [2, 3, 3, 4].iterator()
- def uniq = orig.unique { a, b -> a <=> b }.collect()
- assert uniq == [2, 3, 4]'''
- }
- void testDGM_anyOnMap() {
- assertScript '''
- assert [a:10, b:1].any { k,v -> k.length() == v }
- assert [a:10, b:1].any { e -> e.key.length() == e.value }
- assert [a:10, b:1].any {it.key.length() == it.value }
- '''
- }
- void testDGM_anyOnIterable() {
- assertScript '''
- assert ['abc','de','f'].any { it.length() == 2 }
- '''
- }
- void testDGM_anyOnIterator() {
- assertScript '''
- assert ['abc','de','f'].iterator().any { it.length() == 2 }
- '''
- }
- void testDGM_mapWithDefault() {
- assertScript '''
- def map = [a:'A'].withDefault { it.toUpperCase() }
- assert map.b=='B'
- '''
- }
- void testFromStringInSameSourceUnit() {
- assertScript '''import groovy.transform.stc.ClosureParams
-import groovy.transform.stc.FromString
-public <T> void doSomething(T val, @ClosureParams(value=FromString, options="T") Closure cl) {
- cl(val)
-doSomething('foo') {
- println it.toUpperCase()
-doSomething(new Date()) {
- println it.time
- }
- void testInferenceWithSAMTypeCoercion() {
- assertScript '''import java.util.concurrent.Callable
-interface Action<T> {
- void execute(T thing)
-class Wrapper<T> {
- private final T thing
- Wrapper(T thing) {
- this.thing = thing
- }
- void contravariantTake(Action<? super T> action) {
- action.execute(thing)
- }
- void invariantTake(Action<T> action) {
- action.execute(thing)
- }
-static <T> Wrapper<T> wrap(Callable<T> callable) {
- new Wrapper(callable.call())
-static Integer dub(Integer integer) {
- integer * 2
-wrap {
- 1
-} contravariantTake {
- dub(it) // fails static compile, 'it' is not known to be Integer
-wrap {
- 1
-} invariantTake {
- dub(it) // passes static compile, 'it' is known to be Integer
- }
- void testGroovy6602() {
- shouldFailWithMessages '''import groovy.transform.stc.ClosureParams
-import groovy.transform.stc.FromString
-void foo(@ClosureParams(value = FromString, options = "java.lang.Number")
- Closure cl) {
- cl.call(4.5)
-foo { Integer i -> println i }
-''', 'Expected parameter of type java.lang.Number but got java.lang.Integer'
- }
- void testGroovy6729() {
- assertScript '''import groovy.transform.stc.ClosureParams
-import groovy.transform.stc.FirstParam
- static <T> List<T> callee01(List<T>self, @ClosureParams(FirstParam.FirstGenericType) Closure c) {
- self.each {
- c.call(it)
- }
- return self
- }
- callee01(["a","b","c"]) { a ->
- println(a.toUpperCase()) // [Static type checking] - Cannot find matching method java.lang.Object#toUpperCase(). Please check if the declared type is right and if the method exists.
- }
- '''
- }
- void testGroovy6735() {
- assertScript '''
-def extractInfo(String s) {
- def squareNums = s.findAll(/\\d+/) { String num -> num.toInteger() }.collect{ Integer num -> num ** 2 }
- def wordSizePlusNum = s.findAll(/\\s*(\\w+)\\s*(\\d+)/) { _, String word, String num -> word.size() + num.toInteger() }
- def numPlusWordSize = s.findAll(/\\s*(\\w+)\\s*(\\d+)/) { _, word, num -> num.toInteger() + word.size() }
- [squareNums, wordSizePlusNum, numPlusWordSize]
-assert extractInfo(" ab 12 cdef 34 jhg ") == [[144, 1156], [14, 38], [14, 38]]
- assertScript '''
-def method() {
- assert "foobarbaz".findAll('b(a)([rz])') { full, a, b -> assert "BA"=="B" + a.toUpperCase() }.size() == 2
- assert "foobarbaz".findAll('ba') { String found -> assert "BA" == found.toUpperCase() }.size() == 2
- }
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