[jftp] branch master created (now 5e1236a)
Markus Koschany
apo at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Apr 2 22:50:20 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
apo pushed a change to branch master
in repository jftp.
at 5e1236a Update Vcs-fields.
This branch includes the following new commits:
new f08af0e * create a dir for jftp
new 77fdc2e * move jftp/debian to the right directory.
new 7f9348c * remove some of the built files
new 396f797 Fix watch file and set mergeWithUpstream
new 0903b17 Set orig-tar.sh as executable
new 0018eca * Add README.Debian-source to explain the repackaging.
new b61fcfe Add README.Debian-source to explain repackaging
new eff3d41 * debian/control: add java6 dependencies. * debian/orig-tar.sh: updated to remove non-free things * debian/copyright: Update for icons * debian/orig-tar.exclude: Add all non-freeness here
new 82d8e7b Update build-dependencies
new 42f3fba Fix dependencies and rules and remove jftp.jar
new cf36914 * Fix debian/copyright: include missing licenses and copyrights. * Add jftp.desktop.
new 8808ed1 * Add XS-Vcs-{Svn, Browser} headers in debian/control
new 6fdb377 * Add jftp.xpm and use it as icon in jftp.desktop.
new 1dfadb1 * debian/control: explicitely depend on sun-java6-jre (Closes: #446117) * debian/jftp.run: call /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/bin/java instead of java
new e4baf1f * debian/control: + Add Homepage field.
new bd76b62 * New upstream release. * debian/control: + Standards version is now 3.7.3 (No changes needed). + Change XS-Vcs-* to Vcs-*, as dpkg now supports them.
new 847915b * Switch to openjdk * Move package to main * Fix watch file * Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.0 * debian/jftp.run: use openjdk
new a823576 * Reupload with source * Remove jorbis and jogg dependency -- no longer used, thanks to Onkar Shinde (Closes: #504425) * Rename README.Debian-source to README.source * Switch to quilt for patches
new 6e53d5e New upstream release
new d1c08e4 * debian/watch: Fixed.
new d924df9 jftp (1.52-1) unstable; urgency=low
new e8f699a Removed unneeded Depends.
new 3324a41 * Team Upload * Regenerated a cleaner orig tarball using the get-orig-source target.
new 157fbd4 UNRELEASED
new dabdf8f * Regenerated a cleaner orig tarball (Closes: #577396) * Remove Webdav*.java source files from tarball * Add patches/webdav_disable.diff to remove all references to webdav in upstream source files * Switch to default-jdk * Use java-wrappers to find JAVA_HOME in debian/jftp.run * debian/rules: rename ANT_OPTS to ANT_ARGS * Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.4 * Fix debian/watch file
new 8644cf5 Add alternative dependency on openjdk-7-jre
new 0fadb24 Set dist to unstable
new 52a0f9d Wrap and sort
new d63bd56 Switch to debhelper level 9
new 7ca7600 Standards-Version updated to 3.9.5
new d0c0a26 Use canonical URLs for the Vcs-* fields
new 652acdb Depend on default-jre instead of openjdk-6-jre
new 8511398 Upload to unstable
new 2351d1a Remove Kumar Appaiah from uploaders.
new a59e2e5 Fix #770570 and #801001
new e891c34 Moved the package to Git
new 25a009b Add new debian dir
new 55796f1 Merge tag 'upstream/1.52+dfsg'
new e5dac1a Merge tag 'upstream/1.60+dfsg'
new 5e1236a Update Vcs-fields.
The 40 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-java/jftp.git
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