[jajuk] annotated tag debian/1.10.9+dfsg2-1 created (now 0a711a0)

Markus Koschany apo at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Apr 11 17:13:12 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

apo pushed a change to annotated tag debian/1.10.9+dfsg2-1
in repository jajuk.

        at  0a711a0   (tag)
   tagging  50e801b69733d56d1bb9df97d7242e6a6d9d22b3 (commit)
  replaces  upstream/1.10.9+dfsg2
 tagged by  Markus Koschany
        on  Mon Apr 11 19:12:13 2016 +0200

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Debian release 1.10.9+dfsg2-1
Version: GnuPG v1


Andrew Ross (2):
      Build against newer libsimple-validation-java
      Close ftbfs bug

Damien Raude-Morvan (25):
      Rename README.Debian-source to README.source
      * New upstream bugfix release
      - Snapshot from 1.8 maintenance branch (r5414).
      * New upstream bugfix release
      * New snapshot from 1.8 maintenance branch (r5662).
      * New snapshot from 1.8 maintenance branch (r5725):
      * In accordance with upstream recommendation, revert to 1.8.4 tag
      New release candidate: 1.9 RC4
      * New release candidate: 1.9 RC5.
      New release candidate: 1.9 RC9.
      New upstream -final- release: 1.9 "Killer Queen".
      New upstream release.
      * New upstream release.
      * d/control: Depends on librhino-java instead of rhino.
      New upstream release.
      Target unstable
      New upstream release.
      New upstream release.
      * d/patches/02_lastfm_fix_0_1_0.diff: Fix build with latest lastfm
      * Fix "FTBFS: JAVA_HOME not defined correctly.", in debian/rules:
      * New upstream release.
      * Transition package to default java implementation (Closes: #683540):

Emmanuel Bourg (10):
      Use canonical URLs for the Vcs-* fields
      Switch to debhelper level 9
      Fixed the Vcs-Svn URL
      Use XZ compression for the upstream tarball
      Switched the dependency on mplayer to mplayer2
      Patched the build script to recognize Java 8
      Upload to unstable
      Replace the build date in Const.java with the date of the last entry in debian/changelog (Closes: #776297)
      Standards-Version updated to 3.9.6
      Upload to unstable

Felix Natter (20):
      Merge tag 'upstream/1.10.9+dfsg1'
      add copyright and watch for 1.10.9
      new patches for 1.10.9
      use Files-Excluded: instead of orig-tar.*
      update other debian/* for 1.10.9
      add patch for replacing JAJUK_VERSION[_DATE]
      update changelog for 1.10.9
      install the 64x64 image to /usr/share/pixmaps
      exclude nsisant-1.3.jar, add DropDownButton.java license
      Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://git.debian.org/git/pkg-java/jajuk
      update README.source
      be more descriptive in changelog
      use default-java as JAVA_HOME
      exclude files with unknown license
      Merge tag 'upstream/1.10.9+dfsg2'
      update changelog for 1.10.9+dfsg2
      add patch from jajuk develop branch to rewplace scrollablepopupmenu/* and JScrollingText.java
      add BSD-4-clause license, fix copyright, update changelog, use standards-version 3.9.8
      add missing patch description
      add license information for MenuScroller.java

Markus Koschany (5):
      Replace TAB with Spaces.
      Remove trailing whitespace.
      Install jajuk icon to hicolor directory.
      jajuk.desktop: Fix validation warnings.
      Standards-Version is 3.9.8.

Michael Koch (1):
      fix watch file to handle upstream SVN tags correctly

Miguel Landaeta (1):
      [ Miguel Landaeta ]

Tony Mancill (2):
      bump standards version to 3.9.5; prepare for upload
      incorporate NMU patch for 1:1.9.6-9.1

Torsten Werner (1):

Varun Hiremath (35):
      * Initial inject of Jajuk
      * Add one more patch to fix the playlist issue.
      * Update build.xml to set build time stamp and version.
      * Move the package to pkg-java svn.
      * Add liblaf-widget-java and liblaf-plugin-java to Depends
      * New upstream release
      * Add changes made in the last commit to changelog.
      * Some more updates and new upstream release
      * New upstream release
      * New upstream release
      * New upstream release
      * Fix the debian/watch file (Closes: #456481)
      * debian/jajuk.sh: Set java.library.path to /usr/lib/jni/
      * Add patches/AquaLnFPopupLocationFix.diff for the missing class in the
      * Add patches/qdwizard-2.0.diff for changes in the new version of
      * New upstream release
      + Update cobra.diff patch
      * New upstream release
      * Release
      * New upstream release
      * release
      * Add patches/swingx.diff for changes in the new version of swingx
      * New upstream release
      * New upstream release
      * New upstream release
      * Add patches/swingx.diff for changes in the new version of swingx
      * New upstream release
      * Accept changes made by Damien Raude-Morvan (Closes: #522131)
      * Development version from trunk
      * New bugfix release from upstream
      * Add missing description to patches.
      * New upstream SVN snapshot (r5005).
      New upstream release 1.8 Breathless (r5030).
      * New upstream release
      * New release candidate -- 1.9 Killer Queen

tony mancill (2):
      Moved the package to Git
      interim changelog


This annotated tag includes the following new commits:

       new  e985e18   Install jajuk icon to hicolor directory.
       new  fd8ed1f   jajuk.desktop: Fix validation warnings.
       new  50e801b   Standards-Version is 3.9.8.

The 3 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-java/jajuk.git

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