[resteasy] annotated tag upstream/3.0.12 created (now 63b1df5)
Emmanuel Bourg
ebourg-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Apr 17 13:25:50 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
ebourg-guest pushed a change to annotated tag upstream/3.0.12
in repository resteasy.
at 63b1df5 (tag)
tagging ace287da8cb5616e57d92194d1ed8ab40f89f164 (commit)
tagged by Emmanuel Bourg
on Sat Apr 16 22:57:21 2016 +0200
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 3.0.12
Adam Walsh (1):
ServerResponse not setting entityClass
Alban Seurat (1):
Update RestEasyHttpRequestDecoder.java
Aleksei Ogarkov (2):
Addition of HttpUrlConnection engine for resteasy-client
Added some comments and code cleanup
Anthony Whitford (8):
RESTEASY-980 Corrected scm element in pom to reference Git (not Subversion).
Change the default scope for junit to be test scope.
Change the default scope for junit to be test scope.
Servlet API should be Provided scope.
REASTEASY-180 Plugin declaration cleanup.
servlet-api dependency was declared twice
RESTEASY-982 Moved the signed.txt files under target.
Upgraded SLF4J and tweaked dependencies.
Bill Burke (635):
remove IML
version bump, jaxrs-2.0 api update
Merge pull request #1 from patriot1burke/master
jaxrs-2.0 files
Merge pull request #2 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #3 from liweinan/jbpapp7766
Merge pull request #4 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #7 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #9 from jharting/RESTEASY-644
Merge pull request #12 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #15 from ronsigal/master
Merge pull request #16 from ronsigal/master
Merge pull request #18 from liweinan/AS7-3051
646 upgrade jettison
merge new spec apis
more client
Merge pull request #19 from patriot1burke/master
edr2 changs + async tests
Merge pull request #20 from patriot1burke/master
filter impl start - fixes merged from Branch_2_3
Merge pull request #24 from patriot1burke/master
more client
jira 658
Merge pull request #26 from patriot1burke/master
jira 511
Merge pull request #28 from patriot1burke/master
jira 656
Merge pull request #30 from patriot1burke/master
jira 657 complete
Merge pull request #32 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #33 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #21 from liweinan/RESTEASY-645
threadlocal needs overrided methods
Merge pull request #37 from dserodio/patch-1
Merge pull request #36 from JohnGlassmyer/master
Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy
spec api update
Merge pull request #41 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #42 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #40 from ronsigal/master
Merge pull request #44 from liweinan/jbpapp-7871-revised2
turn off validation and sun.http support
Merge pull request #53 from patriot1burke/master
sun.http and jaxb fixes
docbook for sun.http
distribution for sun.http
Merge pull request #55 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #58 from patriot1burke/master
Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy
Merge pull request #60 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #62 from patriot1burke/master
685 690
Merge pull request #64 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #65 from patriot1burke/master
bug in httpserver adapter
Merge pull request #68 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #70 from patriot1burke/master
RESTEASY-555 again
Merge pull request #71 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #73 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #76 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #78 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #83 from normanmaurer/master
Merge pull request #86 from KurtStam/master
as7 examples
Merge pull request #89 from patriot1burke/master
as7 module
Merge pull request #92 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #94 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #96 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #98 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #84 from hierynomus/resteasy-701
Merge pull request #101 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #102 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #103 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #105 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #107 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #109 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #111 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #114 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #116 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #118 from patriot1burke/master
netty docs
Merge pull request #121 from patriot1burke/master
upgrade jaxrs api
Merge pull request #122 from patriot1burke/master
jaxrs 2 client edr3
Merge remote branch 'upstream/master'
Merge pull request #123 from patriot1burke/master
interceptor/filters phase 1
Merge pull request #124 from patriot1burke/master
client filters
Merge pull request #125 from patriot1burke/master
client 2.0
Merge pull request #126 from patriot1burke/master
initial async http support
Merge pull request #128 from patriot1burke/master
merge spec head
more async tests
Merge pull request #129 from patriot1burke/master
remove InvocationException
prematch filters
Merge pull request #130 from patriot1burke/master
prematch and spring refactor
Merge pull request #132 from patriot1burke/master
more func
Merge pull request #134 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #137 from patriot1burke/master
client exceptions
Merge pull request #138 from patriot1burke/master
optimize imports
client extensions
refactor out ServerResponse
Merge pull request #135 from azonli/patch-1
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:resteasy/Resteasy
netty fixes
Merge pull request #139 from patriot1burke/master
response builder finishing up
Merge pull request #140 from patriot1burke/master
parent factory
client configuration implementation
close properly
response refactor
response refactor
client cache
cache filters
latest jaxrs-2.0
Merge pull request #143 from patriot1burke/master
injectory factory refactor
dynamic feature support
Merge pull request #147 from patriot1burke/master
gzip upgrade
gzip client2 support
Merge pull request #148 from patriot1burke/master
convert crypto to 2.0
Merge pull request #149 from patriot1burke/master
server cache upgrade
BeanParam WebTarget fixes
Merge pull request #151 from patriot1burke/master
client exception handling
Merge pull request #145 from ronsigal/master
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:resteasy/Resteasy
fix Ron
Merge pull request #154 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #153 from ronsigal/RESTEASY-736
Merge pull request #156 from liweinan/RESTEASY-731,727-TRUNK
skeleton key
skeleton key and proxy fixes
Merge pull request #161 from patriot1burke/master
signed token
Merge pull request #164 from patriot1burke/master
more skeleton key
update from spec
Merge pull request #167 from patriot1burke/master
netty pipeline ordering
Merge pull request #159 from zyc/master
Merge pull request #157 from EricWittmann/resteasy-761
Merge pull request #169 from patriot1burke/master
change to 403 Forbidden for authorization
opt imports and crypto
Merge pull request #170 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #162 from hmorch/master
Merge pull request #176 from ronsigal/master
Merge pull request #175 from mmatloka/RESTEASY-774
Merge pull request #181 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #180 from ronsigal/master
multipart - 1
multipart - 1
multipart - 1
Merge pull request #183 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #187 from liweinan/RESTEASY-775,776-trunk
remove validation exceptions
jaxrs api update
Merge pull request #188 from patriot1burke/master
thread problems fixed
test migration
test migration
Merge pull request #190 from patriot1burke/master
test migration - proxy path params fix
test migration
Merge pull request #191 from patriot1burke/master
test migrations
generictype fix
Merge pull request #192 from patriot1burke/master
test migrations
Merge pull request #195 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #193 from ronsigal/master
Merge pull request #199 from liweinan/RESTEASY-782-trunk
build fixes
Merge pull request #202 from patriot1burke/master
build fixes
Merge pull request #204 from patriot1burke/master
demo migrations
jboss modules
docbook updates, deprecate some classes
Merge pull request #206 from patriot1burke/master
simple client example
Merge pull request #207 from patriot1burke/master
more examples
Merge pull request #208 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #209 from patriot1burke/master
bump version
Merge pull request #214 from mwanji/update_guice_to_3.0
Merge pull request #213 from liweinan/RESTEASY-789,trunk
Merge pull request #210 from liweinan/RESTEASY-795-trunk
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
Merge pull request #215 from patriot1burke/master
rollback jaxb+jackson
Merge pull request #218 from patriot1burke/master
directory refactoring
Merge pull request #219 from mwanji/apply_name_binding
skeleton key
more skeleton key
token service
infinispan store
client builder
Merge pull request #226 from patriot1burke/master
oauth login
oauth jaxrs testing
Merge pull request #229 from patriot1burke/master
testing skeleton
Merge pull request #230 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #227 from hmorch/master
Merge pull request #225 from hcapitaine/guiceModules
Merge pull request #224 from liweinan/RESTEASY-805,806,807,Trunk
Merge pull request #221 from liweinan/RESTEASY-794,trunk
Merge pull request #231 from patriot1burke/master
skeleton key as7
Merge pull request #232 from patriot1burke/master
oauth client grant example
newcookie fix, skeleton key cookie path fix
valve implementation
security domain oauth
local valve
oauth client test
logout functionality
third-party reg oauth
bug fixes
state cookie, roles
Merge pull request #235 from patriot1burke/master
client grant interface
BasicAuth filter
verify redirect_uri
fix getnames
fix examples
Merge pull request #236 from ronsigal/master
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
rename dirs
examples doc
Merge pull request #239 from patriot1burke/master
oauth2 docs
disable arquillian tests
Merge pull request #240 from patriot1burke/master
privatise RestasyClient constructors
Merge pull request #241 from patriot1burke/master
module changes
Merge pull request #242 from patriot1burke/master
update to latest spec
Merge pull request #243 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #233 from rareddy/RESTEASY-812
jaxrs 2.0 exception handling compliance
Merge pull request #245 from patriot1burke/master
latest jaxrs 2.0 spec updates
Merge pull request #244 from stuartwdouglas/master
Merge pull request #247 from normanmaurer/master
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
Merge pull request #248 from patriot1burke/master
bump poms
Merge pull request #250 from patriot1burke/master
bump to beta-4
Merge pull request #251 from patriot1burke/master
async fixes
jdk7 support
Merge pull request #258 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #256 from liweinan/BZ916799,trunk
Merge pull request #252 from ronsigal/master
Merge pull request #255 from liweinan/RESTEASY-795,trunk,redo
fixing latest breakages
Merge pull request #259 from patriot1burke/master
latest spec
Merge pull request #260 from patriot1burke/master
sslcontext for clientbuilder
Merge pull request #263 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #262 from ronsigal/master
spec update
Merge pull request #266 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #265 from BluePyth/netty-upgrade
Merge pull request #267 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #268 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #269 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #271 from rektide/bugfix-queryparam-value-with-equals-truncated
Merge pull request #276 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #270 from rektide/guice-contextdestroyed-notice
Merge pull request #275 from ronsigal/master
Merge pull request #277 from BluePyth/netty-upgrade2
Merge pull request #273 from KurtStam/master
jaxrs bump
Merge pull request #279 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #280 from patriot1burke/master
bump pom version
Merge pull request #281 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #283 from sduskis/master
mavenized as8 integration and testing
programmatic API and generics support
programmatic property
programmatic example
Merge pull request #285 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #282 from gbervik/master
version, and disable jsonp
Merge pull request #286 from patriot1burke/master
more generics
Merge pull request #287 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #288 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #289 from patriot1burke/master
client close check
fixes from tck
tck fixes
bump pom version
Merge pull request #290 from patriot1burke/master
more tck fixes
Merge pull request #291 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #292 from patriot1burke/master
uribuilder cleanup
link fixes
media type fixes
response fixes
Merge pull request #293 from patriot1burke/master
tck fixes
Merge pull request #296 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #294 from Alkpone/master
tck fixes
fixes 3
cookie stuff
more tck fixes
Merge pull request #298 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #297 from liweinan/RESTEASY-873
variant fixes
response fixes
matched uri fixes
Merge pull request #299 from patriot1burke/master
path param fixes and locator fixes
exception mapper fix
matching algorithm fixes from tck
many fixes
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
Merge pull request #301 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #300 from stuartwdouglas/master
find reader/writer after interception
name bound
default status codes
content-type null scenarios
huge matchign algorithm refactor
massive matching refactor2
default response media type
Merge pull request #304 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #303 from mihxil/master
Merge pull request #302 from saulo2/master
provider fixes
Merge pull request #305 from patriot1burke/master
fix contracts and priorities on registration
more contract fixes
entity annotations, has entity, head fixes
Merge pull request #306 from patriot1burke/master
version bump
Merge pull request #307 from patriot1burke/master
exception mapper test
Merge pull request #308 from patriot1burke/master
status override test
form param fixes
Merge pull request #311 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #310 from mwanji/configure_guice_via_injector
isRegistered() fix
Merge pull request #312 from patriot1burke/master
form fixes, MBR/MBW constraintedto
Merge pull request #315 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #314 from liweinan/RESTEASY-877
Merge pull request #313 from mwanji/guice_request_scope
tck fixes and oauth2 fixes
Merge pull request #318 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #317 from ronsigal/master
enable test-all-jaxb
Merge pull request #319 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #316 from mwanji/configure_guice_via_injector
Merge pull request #320 from badassviking/master
classloading issues, oauth2 classloading fixes
Merge pull request #321 from patriot1burke/master
fix bad pull request
Merge pull request #323 from patriot1burke/master
last tck fixes
Merge pull request #324 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #322 from mwanji/configure_guice_via_injector
JSAPI fixes
Merge pull request #325 from patriot1burke/master
wider matching
Merge pull request #326 from patriot1burke/master
content-range support
Merge pull request #327 from patriot1burke/master
expires date fix
Merge pull request #328 from patriot1burke/master
deferred output, inputstream provider fix, docbook fixes
Merge pull request #329 from patriot1burke/master
arquillian fix
Merge pull request #330 from patriot1burke/master
bump pom version
Merge pull request #331 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #332 from ronsigal/master
Merge pull request #333 from patriot1burke/master
delete test
delete db
validation refactoring
Merge pull request #334 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #335 from patriot1burke/master
bug fixes
Merge pull request #337 from patriot1burke/master
version bump
Merge pull request #338 from wbowling/content-range
Merge pull request #340 from szdeak/master
Merge pull request #342 from Arvoreen/master
Merge pull request #343 from alexogar/master
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
async fixes
async fixes
Merge pull request #345 from patriot1burke/master
add netty to bom
add to bom
Merge pull request #348 from patriot1burke/master
url connection fixes
Merge pull request #350 from patriot1burke/master
validator fixes
Merge pull request #351 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #353 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #354 from ronsigal/master
version bump
async fixes
Merge pull request #358 from patriot1burke/master
async tests
Merge pull request #359 from patriot1burke/master
more tests
Merge pull request #360 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #357 from esarbanis/RESTEASY-881
Merge pull request #355 from ronsigal/master
Merge pull request #356 from esarbanis/master
Merge pull request #361 from liweinan/jsr250
Merge pull request #362 from krisskross/netty4
json web encryption support
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
fix typo on PR
bump pom.xml
Merge pull request #364 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #366 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #363 from liweinan/hibernate-jpa-2.0-api
Merge pull request #365 from krisskross/netty4
servlet container intializer
oreilly2 and maven-compiler-plugin update
Merge pull request #369 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #368 from liweinan/upgrade-jboss-el-to-CR6
Merge pull request #371 from ronsigal/master
Merge pull request #370 from krisskross/master
link jaxb fix, oreilly examples update
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
Merge pull request #375 from patriot1burke/master
make JaxbLink.setUri private
fix matching bug
Merge pull request #377 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #374 from esarbanis/RESTEASY-763
Merge pull request #376 from ronsigal/master
oreilly examples
Merge pull request #381 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #378 from juergenzimmermann/internalionalized_validation
Merge pull request #380 from ronsigal/master
orielly example changes
oreilly examples
Merge pull request #383 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #382 from esarbanis/RESTEASY-830
937, 939
Merge pull request #384 from patriot1burke/master
document JOSE and ServletContainerInitializer
Merge pull request #385 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #386 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #389 from esarbanis/RESTEASY-948
Merge pull request #391 from juergenzimmermann/bom_with_resteasy-validator-provider-11
Merge pull request #393 from tbroyer/RESTEASY-961
Merge pull request #394 from szymex/master
Merge pull request #395 from stuartwdouglas/validator-string-index
Merge pull request #396 from stuartwdouglas/entity-tag-quoting
cookie fix, json-p support
Merge pull request #398 from patriot1burke/master
doc/dist for json-p provider
Merge pull request #399 from patriot1burke/master
jackson2 missing module dep
@Deprecate StringConverter
async exception handling
Merge pull request #401 from patriot1burke/master
close response on exception
Merge pull request #403 from patriot1burke/master
client builder options
Merge pull request #406 from patriot1burke/master
allowed fix
Merge pull request #407 from patriot1burke/master
matching test
Merge pull request #408 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #409 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #413 from ronsigal/master
Merge pull request #414 from lfrancke/patch-1
Merge pull request #411 from awhitford/RESTEASY-982-Fix
Merge pull request #410 from awhitford/RESTEASY-980
Merge pull request #412 from awhitford/RESTEASY-180
serializable JWT
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
Merge pull request #415 from patriot1burke/master
weld fix
weld fix
Merge pull request #418 from patriot1burke/master
Merge pull request #416 from liweinan/resteasy-bom-proj-ver
cdi fix
Merge pull request #419 from patriot1burke/master
ClientBuilderfix, and client.close() cleanup
workbook pom fix
Merge pull request #420 from patriot1burke/master
jetty version bump
add source generation
Merge pull request #421 from ronsigal/master
Merge pull request #428 from mkouba/RESTEASY-991
Merge pull request #424 from leewin12/master
Merge pull request #427 from johnament/RESTEASY-997
Merge pull request #429 from kariem/RESTEASY-999
version bump, fix guice
Merge pull request #430 from patriot1burke/master
response buffer config
jetty plugin bump
Merge pull request #431 from patriot1burke/master
client proxy request entity annotations
Merge pull request #432 from patriot1burke/master
netty4 fixes
Merge pull request #433 from patriot1burke/master
Cleverson Sacramento (1):
Giving the chance to override the connection creation
Daniel Serodio (1):
Fix typo in logging message in ResteasyHandlerMapping
Eduard Martinescu (1):
Fix for https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RESTEASY-864
Efthymios Sarmpanis (TRASYS) (1):
Fixed condition for response filter iteration.
Emmanuel Bourg (1):
Imported Upstream version 3.0.12
Eric Wittmann (1):
Include the any-other-jaxb-object class in the JAXB context for marshalling Atom Feeds.
Gunnar Morling (1):
RESTEASY-854 Updating to HV 5.0.1.Final
Harold Capitaine (1):
Allow inheritance of the listener so inherited classes will be able to add modules initialized by their own way, for example with parameters in constructor.
John D. Ament (1):
RESTEASY-997 Added support for CDI util class.
John Glassmyer (1):
Jozef Hartinger (1):
Juergen Zimmermann (2):
RESTEASY-911 internaionalized messages for bean validation
RESTEASY-944 bom with resteasy-validator-provider-11
Kariem Hussein (2):
RESTEASY-999 test case to simulate a problem with arbitrary binding order
RESTEASY-999 defer registration of resource factories until after all providers have been registered
Kristoffer Sjogren (5):
Netty 4 server adapter
Corrections from netty4 review by Norman
Changed request handler to SimpleChannelInboundHandler
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into netty4
AsyncResponse support for netty 4 server adapter
Kurt Stam (3):
RESTEASY-704, adding support for Extension Elements
RESTEASY-845 support setting the hostname
merging upstream
Lars Francke (1):
Update RESTEasy_Client_Framework.xml
Martin Kouba (1):
RESTEASY-991 CDI integration - make use of @WithAnnotations (CDI 1.1)
Michiel Meeuwissen (2):
Fix for RESTEASY-822
removed tabs
Norman Maurer (2):
Correctly instance the encoder and decoder
Fix NPE which accours if you call stop on a not started server
Romain Sertelon (2):
Updates Netty to 3.6.3.Final
Upgrades Netty to latests stable release
Ron Sigal (103):
RESTEASY-647: Porting fix from Branch_2_3.
RESTEASY-647: Porting changes from Branch_2_3.
Merge remote branch 'main/master'
RESTEASY-632: Porting changes from Branch_2_3.
Merge branch 'main_master'
RESTEASY-647: Porting recent JAXB changes from Branch_2_3.
RESTEASY-659: Ported recent FastinfoSet changes from Branch_2_3.
RESTEASY-668: Ported jettison changes from Branch_2_3.
RESTEASY-647: Made serlvet-api available in compile stage.
Merge branch 'main_master'
RESTEASY-694: Adding validation per JAX-RS spec.
RESTEASY-694: Adding validation per JAX-RS spec (left out
RESTEASY-694: Adding javax.ws.rs.ViolationException.
RESTEASY-694: SerializableProvider.getSize() should return -1.
Fixed javadoc: RESTEASY-734->RESTEASY-737.
RESTEASY-729: Added encoding for '/' in matrix parameters.
RESTEASY-741: InputStreamProvider.writeTo() now closes the InputStream
RESTEASY-741: Put InputStream.close() in a finally block.
RESTEASY-736: Added jetty and as7 tests.
RESTEASY-736: Added arquillian/pom.xml and changed arquillian/RESTEASY-736-as71/pom.xml to use as7-dist-async 1.1.
RESTEASY-633: Added a client exception mapper facility.
RESTEASY-722: Code changes, unit test, documentationi,
RESTEASY-723: Code to insert a charset, unit tests, and documentation.
RESTEASY-747: Code to handle proxy subresource locators and unit tests.
RESTEASY-735: Extended TJWSServletContainer to pick up media type
RESTEASY-735: Commented out @Test annotations in
RESTEASY-735: Uncommented @Test annotations and commented out test
RESTEASY-736, RESTEASY-751: Added arquillian directory with RESTEASY-736
Updating to https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy.
Updating to https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy.git
Updating to https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy.git
Updating to https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy.git
Upgrading to https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy.git
Upgrading to https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy.git
Upgrading to https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy.git
Upgrading to https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy.git
Upgrading to https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy.git
Upgrading to https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy.git
Upgrading to https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy.git
Upgrading to https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy.git
Upgrading to https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy.git
Upgrading to https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy.git
Upgrading to https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy.git
Upgrading to https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy.git
Upgrading to https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy.git
Upgrading to https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy.git
Upgrading to https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy.git
Upgrading to https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy.git
Upgrade to https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy.git
Upgrade to https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy.git
Upgrade to https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy.git
Upgrading to https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy.git
Upgrading to https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy.git
Upgrading to https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy.git
Upgrading to https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy.git
RESTEASY-729: Added encoding for '/' in matrix parameters.
RESTEASY-729: Adding unit tests.
RESTEASY-737: Switched encoded and decoded segments.
RESTEASY-723: Accidentally omitted Multipart module.
Upgrading to https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy.git
Upgrading to https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy.git
Upgrading to https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy.git
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy
RESTEASY-736: Removing junk file r0.
RESTEASY-750: Added clover plugin.
RESTEASY-750: Added clover plugin.
RESTEASY-756: MatrixParamMarshaller handles collections of matrix
Syncing with https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy.git.
Syncing with https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy.git.
Syncing with https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy.git.
Syncing with https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy.git.
Syncing with https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy.git.
Syncing with https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy.git.
RESTEASY-736: Removed RESTEASY-736-jetty from module list.
RESTEASY-760: Added RESTEASY-760-jetty test.
RESTEASY-751: Added arquillian to module list.
RESTEASY-751: Fixed syntax error in pom module list.
Syncing with https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy.git.
RESTEASY-736: Servlet3AsyncHttpRequest sets timeout only if it's > -1.
RESTEASY-723: 1) Added unit tests
RESTEASY-736: Added @Ignore to testDefaultAsynchTimeout(), which fails
Resteasy/CDI/EJB/AS 7 test suite.
AS7/CDI/EJB test suite
AS7/CDI/EJB test suite
RESTEASY-816: Emptied src/main/resources.
Merge https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy
RESTEASY-816: Removed validation providers from
RESTEASY-816: Added to main package-info.java.
RESTEASY-816: Pom went missing, restoring it.
RESTEASY-816: resteasy-cdi-ejb-test uses current version of Resteasy.
Merge branch 'client-tests'
RESTEASY-879: Adding compatible support for Bean Validation 1.0 and 1.1
RESTEASY-694: Saving working version before pulling changes to master
Merge github.com:resteasy/Resteasy into master_validation_2
Validation update
Merge github.com:resteasy/Resteasy into master_validation_3
RESTEASY-694, RESTEASY-879: Removed garbage file
RESTEASY-694, RESTEASY-879: 1) Added test for LazyValidatoryFactory; 2)
Updating resteasy-cdi-ejb-test to adjust to some internal refactoring.
RESTEASY-694, RESTEASY-879: 1) Refactored validation packages; 2)
Saulo (1):
filename support
Stuart Douglas (4):
AS7-6041 Do not add a scope to decorators
Upgrade to Hibernate Validator 5.0.0.Final
Prevent string index out of range error when initializing the validator
Add quotes around entity tags as per HTTP 1.1 RFC
Szymon (1):
added support for injecting guice injector and if exists then uses it to create child injector; scans all parent injectors
Thomas Broyer (1):
RESTEASY-961 Fix Cookie header parsing to handle multi-cookie header values
Weinan Li (26):
add testcase for RESTEASY-747
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy
remove MultipleInterfaceProxyTest.java because it doesn't belongs to this commit
more tests
fix a bug in trunk
RESTEASY-794 for trunk
RESTEASY-795 for trunk
Use JAX-RS 2.0 client api instead of httpclient in jsapi-testing
modify SmokeTestResource to accomodate the JAX-RS 2.0 path matching algorithm
using jboss-annotations-api_1.1_spec instead of jsr250-api
use hibernate-jpa-2.0-api instead of persistence-api
Upgrade el to 1.0_02.CR6
managed version
William Bowling (1):
Range and Content-Range headers must start with "bytes"
agalad (1):
Fixed occasional failures in TJWSServletServerTest.testFile(), TestStats.testRegistryStats(), ClientCacheTest.testProxy() tests
akiraly (19):
RESTEASY-233 RESTEASY-210 Multipart provider refactored to use apache-mime4j for parsing. Doing so will enable resteasy to store large requests on disk instead in memory.
Fixing some bugs with the help of FindBugs.
Adding XOP provider to consume/produce incoming/outgoing XOP packages packages as multipart/related with the help of the XopWithMultipartRelated annotation and the JAXB extension mechanism.
Added missing o.j.r.plugins.providers.multipart.XopWithMultipartRelatedReader and o.j.r.plugins.providers.multipart.XopWithMultipartRelatedWriter to the optional register block. Even it is now in a commented block it should be there.
Added o.j.r.plugins.providers.multipart.XopWithMultipartRelatedReader and o.j.r.plugins.providers.multipart.XopWithMultipartRelatedWriter to javax.ws.rs.ext.Providers file. Reenabled XOP test.
In multipart provider a DataSource implementation is corrected to always return a new InputStream instance when calling getInputStream().
multipart provider: Converting the charset name in mime header to the Java canonical one before using it.
multipart provider: removed "public" keywords from MultipartRelatedInput interface.
multipart provider: added documentation about multipart/related and @XopWithMultipartRelated functionality to docbook.
Updating slf4j from 1.5.7 to 1.5.8.
Spring module: added ProxyFactory implementation to make REST client proxy generation even more easy.
docbook: Added documentation to client chapter about spring module's org.jboss.resteasy.client.spring.RestClientProxyFactoryBean.
multipart provider: Fixing warnings found by FindBugs.
multipart provider: fixing RESTEASY-280, generating/parsing rfc-compliant Content-IDs and cid-s in multipart related and xop messages.
multipart provider: in xop fixing a strange jaxb encoding problem when default file encoding is not UTF-8 but we were specifying UTF-8.
multipart provider: fixing findbugs warnings. Some refactoring in XopWithMultipartRelatedJAXBProvider to move anonymous classes to nested static classes.
multipart docbook: RESTEASY-282 and RESTEASY-283.
datasource provider: RESTEASY-284: enhancing DataSourceProvider to use temporary files for big input storing instead of buffering everything into memory.
multipart provider: RESTEASY-203 and RESTEASY-305. Added option to overwrite default "Content-Type" header field fallback value if it is missing. By MIME rfc it is "text/plain; charset=us-ascii" but now it is possible to overwrite it dynamicly, per request with a custom PreProcessInterceptor implementation.
algesten (21):
fixes for eclipse unused variables and deprecation warnings
NumberFormatException and bad list values causes 404 instead of 400. This goes for both path, header and request arguments
fix for two NPE cases with regards to subresources. RESTEASY-58 and 59
fixed pom.xml versions
fix for rethrowing WebApplicationException so that both MessageBodyReader.readFrom() and MessageBodyWriter.writeTo can throw the explicit response code. RESTEASY-63
fix for silly maven test
AsynchronousDispatcher was not compiling
replaced tab characters with 2 spaces
Optional providers are loaded dynamically if we detect the existence of library dependencies
worked through dependencies
fixed name
added dependent jars as non-optional in .war and resolved a duplicate stax-api problem
reverted change where numeric matches causes 404. They now cause 400 again to be compatible with other jax-rs implementations
added YamlProvider with tests
added try-catch in writeTo
straightened out jyaml dependency
fixed unused import warnings and a generics warning
additional test for sub-sub-resource
tidied test
made warning message for not injecting in subresources
fixed warning silliness
azonli (1):
fixed npe when stopping netty-jaxrs-server
brackxm (62):
fix build
ignore build artifacts
RESTEASY-152 fix
RESTEASY-153 fix
fix build
remove duplicate dependency
test: StringConverter with defaults
RESTEASY-160 fix for simple super case
RESTEASY-160 testcase (commented)
ignore build artifacts
RESTEASY-160 fix workaround
RESTEASY-160 revert implementation, keep tests
add FormParam test
fix build
ignore build artifacts
form param integration test
docbook fix
fix documentation
add source plugin to lifecycle (verify)
ignore build artifacts
fix bug
fix query param encoding
RESTEASY-218 fix
RESTEASY-219 fix
ignore build artifacts
RESTEASY-220 test case (commented)
RESTEASY-220 fix
RESTEASY-248 resteasy-maven-import
ignore build artifacts
ignore IDEA artifacts
RESTEASY-249 basic guice integration
RESTEASY-249 guice - provider (instance)
RESTEASY-249 guice - add to root
RESTEASY-249 guice - builder providers
RESTEASY-249 guice - method context injection test
RESTEASY-248 documentation
RESTEASY-249 guice - extend ResteasyBootstrap
RESTEASY-249 guice - hello example
RESTEASY-249 guice - documentation - fix typo
RESTEASY-249 guice - documentation - use RESTEasy iso Resteasy
RESTEASY-249 guice - documentation - maven
ignore IDEA artifacts
RESTEASY-318 upgrade to guice 2.0
LinkHeader add methods
fix build
guice - jax-rs field injection
guice - injectable ClientExecutor
bump version (SNAPSHOT)
ignore build artifacts
add tjws to bom
ignore build artifacts
checksum files for resteasy-jaxrs-all-2.0-beta-2.pom
fix license
fix typo
RESTEASY-476 upgrade to HttpClient 4.0.3
ignore build artifacts
ignore intellij artifacts
RESTEASY-582 failing (disabled) integration test
RESTEASY-582 fix integration test
RESTEASY-582 non-numeric media type quality value integration test
eglynn (6):
Fix & units for [RESTEASY-420] Field-level context injection broken for Spring-loaded resources
Fix for [RESTEASY-424] PostProcessInterceptor isn't traversed when resource throws WebApplicationException
Fix and unit test for [RESTEASY-426] Failure to match subresource target for one HTTP verb but not another
Test for [RESTEASY-427] @Produces not used to determine response content-type when corresponding request leaves Accept header unset
Tweak to fix [RESTEASY-426] to include methods inherited from super-interfaces when searching for JAX-RS annotation on sub-resource interfaces.
Fix and unit test for [RESTEASY-470] PostProcessInterceptor isn't traversed for 204 No Content response
esarbanis (5):
Added jackson-module-jaxb-annotations v2.2.1 dependency for the JBoss modules generation.
RESTEASY-763 proxy settings not considered within resteasy client
RESTEASY-830 Upgrade spring dependency to mitigate security issues in spring
greg (1):
Make keep-alive configurable
hierynomus (1):
RESTEASY-701: DecoratorMatcher now checks whether DecoratorProcessor can handle the type
hmorch (4):
RESTEASY-342: Enable JSONP support with Jackson JSON processor.
RESTEASY-342: New version supports all JSON provider. Using JAX-RS 2.0 WriterInterceptor
RESTEASY-342: Unit tests for jsonp support.
RESTEASY-342: Documentation about jsonp support.
jozefhartinger (41):
RESTEASY-364 Initial commit of resteasy-cdi module.
RESTEASY-369 Fixed JAX-RS injection into Application subclasses
Testcase for RESTEASY-370
Reverted changes from r965
Switched to JUnit in resteasy-cdi.
Switched to JUnit in resteasy-cdi.
RESTEASY-354 added ability to set InjectorFactory via context parameter
RESTEASY-364 Added testing application for RESTEasy-CDI
RESTEASY-364 moved context param to web-fragment.xml
RESTEASY-364 check for bug in resin
minor refactoring
RESTEASY-388 extended Providers SPI
Make lookupBeanManager() method protected.
RESTEASY-392 allow resteasy-cdi to run on GAE
RESTEASY-364 Docs for resteasy-cdi.
Minor change in Seam docs.
Testcase for RESTEASY-412
Proper scoping of dependencies.
Fixed JAX-RS injection in sub-resources. Refactoring.
More tests
Make use of BeanManager utility methods.
RESTEASY-440 Use ConstructorInjector to instantiate a @Form class
Support recursive exception unwrapping
RESTEASY-450 Do not automatically change CDI scope for Session Beans
RESTEASY-458 Fixed JAX-RS property injection for non-cdi beans in cdi environment.
RESTEASY-460 fix provider discovery of proxied instances
RESTEASY-460 fix provider discovery of proxied instances
Migrated logging messages to RESTEasy logging
RESTEASY-471 Fixed support for new versions of weld-servlet.
RESTEASY-472 Removed runtime dependency on javax.ejb annotations. Thanks to Paul Bakker
svn:ignore eclipse files
remove eclipse files
Remove resteasy-cdi tests. These tests have been moved to http://svn.jboss.org/repos/jbossas/trunk/resteasy-int/test/cdi-test-2
Encoding set to ISO-8859-1 in the eagledns project.
Testcase for RESTEASY-588
justinedelson (8):
RESTEASY-171 adding TestPortProvider class and refactoring unit test suite
RESTEASY-170 correcting package name
adding test for RESTEASY-172
applying patch for RESTEASY-169
adding testcase for RESTEASY-169
Adding media type property editor and an extension-based type mapping test
switching from @BeforeClass/@AfterClass to @Before/@After, but this only makes the test breakage more visible
switching forkMode to always
leandroferro (12):
New AcceptParameterHttpPreprocessor enables content negotiation through query parameter
Added javadoc
Initial import.
Project that allow integration with the hibernate validator to validate service parameters.
SPI for validation integration - the real implementation is in the resteasy-hibernatevalidator-provider, what allows us to integrate with others validation frameworks
Invokes the validation in the resource bean and method
wrong location - will move inside providers
Initial import.
moving from the wrong location
including resteasy-hibernatevalidator-provider as a module
Documentation of param media mapping feature and validation integration
New entry for Validation integration
lincolnthree (2):
* ClientErrorInterceptor API
Added ClientErrorInterceptor docs
liweinan (25):
Fix JBPAPP-4284
- Update TwitterClient to use Apache HttpClient 4.x instead of 3.1
- Fix JBPAPP-4283
fix a typo in document
declare jaxb-impl as provided
declare jettison dependency scope as provided: https://jira.jboss.org/browse/JBPAPP-4286
fix broken dependencies
fix all the dependencies problems caused by declaring 'jaxb-impl' and 'jettison' as 'provided'
duplicate junit removed
Include the dependencies of jettison and jaxb-impl.
RESTEASY-442,JBPAPP-4995 - TwitterClient needs to be updated to use OAuth
Fix the similar issue reported in JBPAPP-4658
Add JBoss integration notes in example/resteasy-springMVC
Add an example to show people how to use resteasy js-api
remove asm and cglib dependencies for resteasy-spring
Update poms to make the project maven3 compatible. Now the project can be built successfully using maven3.x
Fix a typo in line 47:
fix maven3 building problem
fix complier encoding problem
marklittle (1):
mmatloka (1):
[RESTEASY-774] User guide relates to MediaType.MULTIPART_RELATED which does not exist
moandji.ezana (6):
Update Guice maven dependency to 3.0
Interceptors marked with an @NameBinding will only be applied to Resource methods with the same @NameBinding
GuiceInjectorResteasyBootstrapServletContextListener allows user to pass
Added request scope to Guice module.
Moved custom Guice Injector creation to
norman (27):
Add .gitignore to exclude eclipse files
Add resteasy-netty module
Upgrade to latest netty version
Cleanup imports
Move Encoding of NettyHttpResponse to extra class
Decouple encoder, decoder and core handler
Share handlers if possible
Use an ExecutionHandler by default but allow to disable it. Also allow to configure the io worker count
release bootstrap resources on stop
Make sure reset does only rest the headers
Add missing decoder
Some cleanup and rename of a class
Add some javadocs
Let NettyHttpResponse behave like the other implementations
Add @Override annotations
Add support for HTTPS
Add support for HTTPS
Fix decoding
Correctly handler errors and also make sure we add the correct headers
Move ExecutionHandler creation into ChannelPipelineFactory
Faster handling of different protocols
Code styling
Allow to configure the max size of a request
obrand69 (3):
Added spring hibernate application that deals with contacts
Added client module and fixed an error in the main pom
Added client update in txt file and module in pom
patriot1burke (759):
just seeing if I can use SVN
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@34 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
* added jsr311-api so we can fool with it
compile jsr311 api
jsr311 impl with initial unit test
more testing and fixes
more testing and fixes
support resource locators
support resource locators
support resource locators
automated testing
client framework code.
client framework code.
client framework code.
client framework code.
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@48 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@49 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
client framework code.
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@51 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
client framework code.
moved to scannotation.sf.net
client framework code.
client framework code.
Update to latest 0.5
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@57 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@58 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
reformat to JBoss code style
Response and Cookie support
Test Suite refactoring
PathSegment injection, deeper testing of locators
multimatrix test
content negotiation
content negotiation
content negotiation
portable deployment tests into container
portable deployment tests into container
test with jboss
test with jboss
test with jboss
better provider matching and registery
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@78 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
Cookie testing
WebApplicationException testing
WebApplicationException testing
Spring integration
move Registry to SPI package
move Registry to SPI package
move Registry to SPI package
move Registry to SPI package
ejb testing
ejb testing
location() support
byte array provider
byte array provider
byte array provider
fix damn stupid shit maven crap
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@103 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@104 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@105 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@106 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
initial commit
add content negotiation on registration
add Topics
add Topics
add Topics
Update to latest trunk JSR311 apis
Some variant support
Rest of variant support
Massive refactoring to support different HTTP containers. Added GrizzlyServlet and GrizzlyComet adaptors.
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@120 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
Updated to latest 0.7 api from spec
Support field/constructor injection.
Support field/constructor injection.
Added support for StreamingOutput as well as Form encoding. Refactored addMessageBody* so that it sorts based on generic type if the content-type is */*.
support for form urlencoded
Further refactorings
Further SPI cleanup, more to come
Finished SPI cleanup
Embedded Server
Got maven build working :)
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@134 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
fix some bugs
fix some bugs
remove "*" processing in @Path, it will conflict with other jax-rs standard features
Support for dynamic locators
Support for dynamic locators
UriInfo encoding methods support
@Path.limited() support
wildcard "*" functionality was removed so had to remove test for it in jboss integration testing.
bug fix
beta4 update
Add embeddable security support
Added @RolesAllowed, etc. security support
Update to public draft API
Support for language/media extensions
Support for ApplicationConfig and text configuration of those properties
Complex PathParam support like:
encoding support
encoding support
md5 hashing for poms
CacheControl parsing
CacheControl parsing
Ancestor methods
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@166 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
Remove System.out.println
Stupid bug
JSON Support
NO_CONTENT on empty response
support ExceptionMapper and turning off of builtin @Provider classes
Pluggable JAXBContexts, finding @Provider classes
minor changes
Remove System.out.println
minor changes
Remove System.out.println
upgrade version
Reformat code
Reformat code
reformat code
rework tests so it can work in Intellij IDE
Created Mock framework, removed forked MockHttpServletRequest/Response stuff
more work on asynch
package rename
package rename
package rename fixes...more refactorings for Asynch stuff.
more asynch wip
more asynch wip
case insensitive header searching
pom fixes
maven fixes and start of interceptors and caching impl
Update to 0.9, refactored @FormValues
Upgrade to 0.10
clean up old code
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@289 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
no more e.printStackTrace()
resteasy 109
resteasy 109
resteasy 109
Refactored internal API and SPI so that exceptions bubble up to the disaptcher. Dispatcher is now responsible for all exception handling and marshalling of Response.
ResourceMethod interceptor support. Refactored security into an interceptor
ResourceMethod interceptor support. Refactored security into an interceptor
Default OPTIONS behavior. Send Allow header with METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED
GenericEntity support
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@299 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@300 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
ContextResolver support
Upgraded to 0.11 of API
Set, SortedSet support
Set, SortedSet support
move client code around to different packages
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@309 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
JAXB and JAXB/JSON rework. Added annotation support among other refactorings.
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@312 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
fix replaceMatrixParam bug as well as test replace* methods
fix replaceMatrixParam bug as well as test replace* methods
get jboss-integration-tests running again
bump maven version
update spring example
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@320 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
get it compiling
add spring example to distribution
add spring example to distribution
add spring example to distribution
rework poms
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@326 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@327 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@328 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
Support "xxx/+*xxx" matching in @Produces/Consumes for provider matching. This means the jaxb provider is annotations with @Produces("application/*+xml") and will match Accept: application/atom+xml
upgrade jettision to 1.0.1
Jettison Mapped is now the default JSON/JAXB format. Fixed anumber of bugs in JSON code and removed "ignoredElements" as Jettision doesn't even work with it!!!
Jettison Mapped is now the default JSON/JAXB format. Fixed anumber of bugs in JSON code and removed "ignoredElements" as Jettision doesn't even work with it!!!
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@333 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@334 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@335 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@336 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@337 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
cleanup bootstrap/initialization
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@339 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
fix prefix bug
fix prefix bug
fix JAXB baseclase bugs and eating of errors
update to 1.0-beta-7
update to 1.0-beta-8
Async http work
Async http work
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@352 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
@Cache and @NoCache support
Multipart Support
Multipart Support
Multipart Support
Multipart Support
Multipart Support
Multipart Support
Abdera doco
Massive JAXB refactoring
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@398 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@401 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
fix spring module
Document Atom
Bug fixes
Bug fixes
move multipart and yaml into their own modules
Resteasy 144
pull jaxb providers into their own module
pull jaxb providers into their own module
Async and distribution cleanup
Async and distribution cleanup
Add collection of JAXB support
Add collection of JAXB support
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@420 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@421 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@422 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
Spring improvements/fixes
Fix problem with FormParameters
ClientResponse improvements
ClientResponse improvements
ClientResponse improvements
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@441 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@442 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
update examples
update examples
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@451 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@452 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
Tomcat does not set getParameters() with a PUT request, only POST, so @FormParam was not working
don't set Content-Length to -1
don't set Content-Length to -1
be aware of charset in media type
better logging, added RuntimeDelegate resource for finding it
TCK fixes
TCK fixes
Inheritance Fixes found from TCK
NO_CONTENT should be sent for null entity or void http method responses
NO_CONTENT should be sent for null entity or void http method responses
UriBuilder fixes
Remove MessageBodyWorkers, it does not exist in the spec and has been replaced by Providers
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@498 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
remove ResteasyProviderFactory.initializeInstance()
add FileProvider to RegisterBuiltin
implemented classloader/deployment sensitivity
more testing of {id:\d+} path
context-root test
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@537 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
fix examples
update doco
update doco
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@543 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@544 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
Bump version
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@559 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
bump version
Client Framework reword 1st phase
Client-side, GZIP, Cacheing, and interceptor support
register builtins only once. more delegates for threadlocalproviderfactory, have client framework grab "real" delegate if threadlocal is used.
multipart fixes
multipart fixes and setting annotations correctly in ClientInvoker
interceptor refactoring
interceptor refactoring, caching
interceptor refactoring, caching
interceptor refactoring, caching
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@586 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@587 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@588 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@589 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@590 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
RESTEASY-208, 214
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@595 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@596 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@597 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@598 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@599 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@600 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@602 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@608 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@609 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
Reworked Wrapped. Added WrappedMap too. Still need to document
Reworked Wrapped. Added WrappedMap too. Still need to document
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@639 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@640 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@651 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@652 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
docbook update
exception hierarchy
exception hierarchy
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@659 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
Rework Json-Jaxb collection and map support
Rework Json-Jaxb collection and map support
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@662 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@663 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
bump version
bump version
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@693 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
move to property-based JAXB so we can override getters/setters
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@701 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@702 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
builtin registry for each jar with MEAT-INF/services/javax.ws.rs.ext.Providers
Jackson support
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@723 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@724 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
update poms to ignore commons logging and use the sls4j bridge
guice and seam doco
guice and seam doco
ClientRequest improvements
quality factor test
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@731 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@737 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
interceptor precedence
pom cleanup
interceptor documentation
interceptor documentation
distribution and examples
Bump turnk version
Deprecate some things
O'reily workbook start
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@758 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@759 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
fix cookie bug
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@765 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@766 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@769 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@770 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@771 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@772 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@773 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@774 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@776 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@782 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@784 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@788 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@790 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@791 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@799 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
274 and 263
274 and 263
Configuration from Servlet instead of Listener
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@810 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@811 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@812 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@813 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@815 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@816 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@817 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@818 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@819 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@820 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@821 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@822 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
bump rev
bump rev
bump rev
link header
link header
link header
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@833 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@835 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
Recalc interceptor chains on interceptor registration
Update link stuff
abstract link header creation just in case we want to change it
chat app and updates to star messaging to support it
push support
queue poll support
log error instead of NPE when @PathParam not found
Exception changes
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@856 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@857 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@858 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@859 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@860 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@861 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@866 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
fix poms
bump pom version
Catch parsing errors and throw them as Bad Request
Catch parsing errors and throw them as Bad Request
Bump jackson
bug fix
bug fix
bug fix
bug fix
bug fix
bug fix
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@885 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@891 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@892 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
Added filter implementation
Added filter implementation
Add more switched for EJB/JBoss integration
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@911 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@913 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@914 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
inmemory tests, speedup of MediaTypeMap
improvements to client api for location and links and overall productivity
improvements to client api for location and links and overall productivity
improvements to client api for location and links and overall productivity
workflow prototype
.idea cleanup
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@960 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@961 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
bug fixes
bug fixes
update to JAX-rs 1.1 apis
bugs found in TCK testing
Application injection
bug fix
more encoding fixes
update to hornetq 2.0.ga
draft 6 topics
draft 6 queues
draft 6
draft 6
Make CaseInsensitiveMap serializable
push topic
null out static fields
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1040 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
upgrade jackson
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1051 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1052 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
RESTEASY-387, 395
CDI support
2.0-beta-3 release
2.0-beta-3 release
bump to 2.0-RC1
bump pom
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1084 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
change to acknowledge-next
more tests
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1088 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1089 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1090 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1091 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1093 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1094 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1095 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1096 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
add ServletContext to default context objects
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1098 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1099 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
add ServletContext to default context objects
create queue/topic interface
add DocumentProvider
add DocumentProvider
create queue/topic interface
create queue/topic interface
move BindingRegistry
add DocumentProvider
guice patch for stages
spring 3
spring 3
fixes for async servlet 3.0 support
2.0-RC1 release
2.0-RC1 release
2.0-RC1 release
Bump version
move BindingRegistry
2.0.GA release
2.0.GA release
bump pom to snapshot
move BindingRegistry
move BindingRegistry
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1134 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1136 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1139 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1140 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
ad pom
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1142 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1143 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1153 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1154 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1155 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
make push a directory instead of one big file.
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1157 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1158 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
Provide "clientId" with subscription creation for reconnecting clients
Provide "clientId" with subscription creation for reconnecting clients
push improvements
push improvements
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1165 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1166 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1167 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1168 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1169 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1170 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1171 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1172 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1173 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1175 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1176 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
revert JAXB to required, not provided as Some JDK 1.6 versions do not have NamespacePrefixMapper
update assemblies for filtering, create src assembly
update assemblies for filtering, create src assembly
stupid idiots keep mucking up the repository
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1184 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
bump pom version
removed slf4j dependency and created resteasy logging delegate.
selector support
update artifact
cache entity for a ClientResponseFailure
cache entity for a ClientResponseFailure
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1269 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
change threadlocal logic
bug fixes updates
upgrade to jackson 1.6.3
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1279 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
resteasy 489
resteasy 474
deadlock condition, priority/expiration params
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1295 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
bump version
stupid idiot me
stupid idiot me
stupid idiot me
update to not use undeployed pom.xml
added digital signature framework
resteasy-510 test
resteasy-510 test
resteasy-435 test
resteasy-435 test
resteasy-435 test
more signature stuff
signing docbook
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1318 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1319 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
bugs and signature
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1322 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1323 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
version bump
bump version
async job shutdown
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1328 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1329 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
doseta work
doseta work
doseta changes
more doseta work
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1340 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
more doseta work
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1342 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1343 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
more bugs
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1350 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1351 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1352 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1353 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1354 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1355 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
bump version to 2.2-RC-1
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1357 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1358 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1359 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1360 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1363 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1364 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1366 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
bump version and test concurrent jaxb calls
eagle-dns optional
gzip bug
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1387 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1392 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
2.3 bump and doseta changes
doseta refactor
move stuff around
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1399 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1400 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
smime and doseta refactoring
smime example
pom javadoc config improvements
fix bug
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1424 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
smime support
add migration info
upgrade jackson
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1436 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1440 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1444 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1445 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
one more set provicer
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1447 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
put EmbeddedContainer start/stop in try/finally block
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1545 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1546 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1547 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
remove all repository references and use repository.jboss.org
583 and remove all hc3 references
bump and better JAXB provider mapping
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1572 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
bump version
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@1578 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
prabhatjha (2):
change the dependency from jyaml to snakyaml
updating doc with snakeyaml info
pslavicek (2):
(RESTEASY-328) Updated README.txt and removed hidden files
(RESTEASY-329) Fixed instructions in README.txt - use 8080 port
quies_net (5):
Content negotiation base.
Content negotiation base.
Apply new content negotiation.
Ignore maven target directory.
XML encoding test.
rareddy (1):
RESTEASY-812: fixing the proper escaping for character $
rektide (3):
Run @PostConstruct methods on modules after initializing injector and @PreDestroy on ServletContextListener.contextDestroyed.
Bugfix: QueryParam values are no longer truncated as soon as a = appears in them.
Style conformance.
rmcdonough (97):
Initial commit
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@6 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
Added Seam 1.2 and Sojo 0.4
removed - no longer required
New handle to serialze JSON represenations
Can now be applie to fields
New annotations for conneg
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@13 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
Site Updates
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@15 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@16 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@19 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
Moved to resteasy-common
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@22 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@23 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@24 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@25 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
new WebResourceScanner
corrected an issue bulding the Method Mapping
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@28 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
Share project 'annotation-scanner' into 'https://resteasy.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/resteasy'
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@32 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
Added ingore files
Initial commit of a MimeMultipart provider
Test data for some unit tests
New provider implmenentations
added new providers
modified the MessageBodyKey constructor so that it can also work with generic abstract super class
new unit test classes to cover the entity providers
added java mail as a dependency. Also added surefire reports to capture unit test success rate
added svn:ignore properties for the following types: .classpath. .project, .settings, target, target-eclipse
move Junit back to 4.1 because the Assert.assertEquals() method doesn't behave the same way under 4.4
test data for the IIOImageProvider tests
new IIOImageProvider classes
added new methods to support IIOImageProvider
adds IIOImageProvider
swapped expected with actual on line 237 (they were backwards)
updated to inlcude more project information
updated to inlcude more project information as well as additional reports
initial commit of example applictaions
Added code formatting templates for eclipse and JBoss checkstyle rules
added jboss_checks.xml to the checkstyle report configuration
modified the JavaDoc @exception check
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@211 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
package rename for task RESTEASY-65
updated pom.xml
updated pom.xml
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@216 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@217 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@218 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@219 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@220 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
updated pom.xml
updated pom.xml
updated pom.xml
updated pom.xml
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@225 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@226 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
added ignore property
added Eclipse-specific files to the svn:ingore properties
added Eclipse-specific files to the svn:ingore properties
added Eclipse-specific files to the svn:ingore properties
added Eclipse-specific files to the svn:ingore properties
added Eclipse-specific files to the svn:ingore properties
added Eclipse-specific files to the svn:ingore properties
refactored common code into ProviderHelper and cleaned up some code
added annotation to configure ImageWriterParams from within a Resource
added logging categories and SLF4J logging to some classes using System.out
new utility classes
added svn:ignore property for .checkstyle
updated example code
updated example code
removed old package name
Added Fastinfoset provider
initial commit of code to implement RESTEASY-85
updated JAXB Providers
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@279 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@280 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@281 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
new commit of example app code
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@283 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
updated svn:ignore properties
initial commit
JAXB provider changes
added sjsxp dependency
[maven-release-plugin] prepare branch RESTEAST_JAXRS_1_1
[maven-release-plugin] prepare branch RESTEASY_JAXRS_1_1
fixed branch issue
[maven-release-plugin] prepare branch RESTEASY_JAXRS_1_1
[maven-release-plugin] prepare branch RESTEASY_JAXRS_1_1
corrected scm paths
changed sun.reflect.generics.reflectiveObjects.NotImplementedException to RuntimeException
ron_sigal (88):
RESTEASY-516: Now defaults to ApacheHttpClient4Executor.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses ApacheHttpClient4Executor.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses HttpClient (4.x); RESTEASY-619: can be configured with an HttpContext.
RESTEASY-516: No longer adds content-length header to avoid problems with HttpClient (4.x).
RESTEASY-516: Now works with HttpClient (4.x).
RESTEASY-516: New utility class useful to unit tests that use HttpClient (4.x).
RESTEASY-516: Now uses HttpClient (4.x) and ApacheHttpClient4Executor.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses RESTEasy client framework.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses RESTEasy client framework.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses RESTEasy client framework; RESTEASY-622: added "Test" to end of name.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses RESTEasy client framework.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses RESTEasy client framework.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses RESTEasy client framework; RESTEASY-622: added "Test" to end of name.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses RESTEasy client framework.
RESTEASY-516: Upgraded HttpClient (4.x) to version 4.1.2.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses RESTEasy client framework.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses RESTEasy client framework.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses RESTEasy client framework.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses RESTEasy client framework.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses RESTEasy client framework.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses RESTEasy client framework and ApacheHttpClient4Executor.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses RESTEasy client framework.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses RESTEasy client framework.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses RESTEasy client framework.
RESTEASY-516: Commented out test for transient field.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses RESTEasy client framework; fixed some tests that were commented out; added a test.
RESTEASY-516: Changed OrderType to Order to fix previously commented tests.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses RESTEasy client framework.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses RESTEasy client framework.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses RESTEasy client framework.
RESTEASY-622: added "Test" to end of name.
RESTEASY-516: Called ClientResponse.releaseConnection() in a couple of places.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses RESTEasy client framework.
RESTEASY-516: Called ClientResponse.releaseConnection() in a couple of places.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses RESTEasy client framework.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses RESTEasy client framework; RESTEASY-622: added "Test" to end of name.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses RESTEasy client framework.
RESTEASY-622: added "Test" to end of name.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses RESTEasy client framework.
RESTEASY-516: Spun off a test from ClientErrorTest.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses RESTEasy client framework (except for one test).
RESTEASY-516: Now uses RESTEasy client framework.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses RESTEasy client framework; RESTEASY-622: added "Test" to end of name.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses RESTEasy client framework.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses RESTEasy client framework; expanded testProxy().
RESTEASY-622: Added "Test" to end of name.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses HttpClient (4.x).
RESTEASY-516: Now uses RESTEasy client framework.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses RESTEasy client framework.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses RESTEasy client framework.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses RESTEasy client framework.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses HttpClient (4.x).
RESTEASY-516: Now uses RESTEasy client framework.
RESTEASY-516: Updated file to newer transformation.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses HttpClient (4.x) and ApacheHttpClient4Executor.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses HttpClient (4.x) and ApacheHttpClient4Executor.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses HttpClient (4.x) and ApacheHttpClient4Executor.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses HttpClient (4.x).
RESTEASY-516: Now uses HttpClient (4.x) and ApacheHttpClient4Executor.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses HttpClient (4.x) and ApacheHttpClient4Executor.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses RESTEasy client framework.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses RESTEasy client framework; added ClientResponse.releaseConnection() to earlier uses of client framework.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses RESTEasy client framework.
RESTEASY-516: Now uses RESTEasy client framework.
RESTEASY-516: Added ClientResponse.releaseConnection() in several places.
RESTEASY-516: Added ClientResponse.releaseConnection() in several places.
RESTEASY-516: Commented out use of content-length header..
RESTEASY-516: Trivial change to get new jenkins run.
RESTEASY-516: Trivial change to get new jenkins run.
RESTEASY-516: New file to get new jenkins run.
RESTEASY-602: ServerConnection.writeHeaders() checks for existence of body before adding "transfer-encoding: chunked".
RESTEASY-602: New unit tests.
RESTEASY-602: Removed unused import.
RESTEASY-516: Added org.jboss.resteasy.test.experiment to svnignore.
RESTEASY-621: Added close().
RESTEASY-621: ApacheHttpClient4Executor creates its own DefaultHttpClient.
RESTEASY-621: Added close() and finalize(), which shutdown HttpClient's connection manager if HttpClient was not created externally.
RESTEASY-621: Added close() and finalize(), which shutdown HttpClient's connection manager if HttpClient was not created externally.
RESTEASY-621: Added empty close().
RESTEASY-621: New unit tests.
RESTEASY-621: ApacheHttpClient4Executor creates its own DefaultHttpClient.
RESTEASY-623: Eliminated createPerRequestInstance parameter from setDefaultExecutorClass().
RESTEASY-623: New unit test.
RESTEASY-621: Vacuous change to start new jenkins run.
RESTEASY-621: Vacuous change to start new jenkins run.
RESTEASY-621: Vacuous change to start new jenkins run.
RESTEASY-623: Added note about shared client executor.
RESTEASY-621: Added discussion about the transport layer.
rsigal (33):
Syncing with https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy
RESTEASY-767: Added arquillian test RESTEASY-767-jetty. No code changes
RESTEASY-802: Renamed GetRestful.getSubResourceClass() to
RESTEASY-800: Added RESTEASY-800-AS71 to arquillian.
RESTEASY-800: Added RESTEASY-800-AS71 to arquillian/pom.xml
RESTEASY-802: Reinstated original GetRestful.getSubResourceClass().
RESTEASY-820: Added test case.
RESTEASY-694, RESTEASY-879: Validation corrections.
RESTEASY-694, RESTEASY-879: Validation bug fixes, use validation.xml,
RESTEASY-900: Return text representation of validation violations.
Merge https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy
Updated validation documentation.
RESTEASY-869: Minor syntactic changes.
Merge https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy into xxe
RESTEASY-869: Updated javadoc.
RESTEASY-699: Remove file r0.
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master_RESTEASY_699'
RESTEASY-699: Correct typo in MediaTypeHeaderDelegate.
RESTEASY-916: Adding XML and JSON formats for validation violation
RESTEASY-916: XML and JSON for resteasy-hibernatevalidator-provider
RESTEASY-916: Updated validation chapter in Resteasy documentation.
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:resteasy/Resteasy into xxe
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master_839'
RESTEASY-984: ConstraintTypeUtil1[0,1] no longer traverses @Valid
RESTEASY-984: Uncommented a test.
RESTEASY-984: Fixed TestValidation.testGraph().
RESTEASY-911: 1) Eliminating jdk 1.7 dependency and 2) removing search
RESTEASY-952: Changed ResourceBuilder, added InheritedContextTest.
sberyozk (34):
Updating oauth dependency
Minor updates to oauth war test to make it easier to deployit in JBoss or other standalone containers
Updates to example and war tests artifacts for them be more ordered in Eclipse
Adding OAuth demo
Adding missing Readme.txt for the OAuth demo
Converting OAuthConsumer into class
Prototyping OAuth 2-leg support
[RESTEASY:414] : adding initial demo
Updating OAuth demos with role-based access
Moving OAuth-specific code out of the MessagingService
Minor updates to the MessagingService
Adding a subscriber-receiver to the OAuth push messaging demo
Initial support for OAuth permissions
Prototyping the support for consumer requesting specific permissions
Changing the role name for the user resource
Updating the end user 'presentation' form in the base oauth demo
adding jsp page for the oauth demo
Few minor modifications to make a browser based login work better with OAuth
Fixing typo in OAuthServlet
Fixing oauth demo to work well with both browser and machine clients
Adding oauth-push-messaging-sso demo
Prototyping OAuth demo depending on Tomcat authenticator - work in progress
Making 8080 a default port for the oauth-authenticator demo
Removing a dependency on the resteasy oauth module from the EndUser client code
Updating the servlet api dependency scope to compile in the oauth demo
Updating the dependencies for the oauth sso demo for it to work in JBoss
Moving some code from OAuthFilter to OAuthUtils so that Tomcat Authenticator can reuse it
Minor improvents across all OAuth demos
Moving the permissions to roles conversion into OAuth providers
Moving all the oauth demos into oauth-examples folder
Adding a common OAuthDBProvider
Removing eclipse settings
Removing duplicate OAuthProvider from the OAuth authenticator demo
Removing unused OAuthDBProvider from resteasy-oauth
sduskis (159):
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@365 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@366 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
small refactoring for Spring MVC TJWS integration
added TJWS Spring MVC integration for easier testing
updated Spring version
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@380 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
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git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@382 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
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git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@478 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
fixing the name Solomon in the comment
Refactoring SynchronousDispatcher to allow for more reusability in the Spring MVC framework
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@481 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@482 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@483 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@484 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@485 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@486 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
Replacing Thread.sleep with wait=1000 parameter
adding the examples to the build process, so that all example tests are built as part of the normal build process
Making examples a formal part of the build process, so that examples don't accidentally break.
using values from HttpHeaderNames instead of plain strings
moving around the SuppresssWarnings annotation
renamed finalName to resteasy-spring, so that jar files don't have spaces
removing un-nedded directories
minor refactoring for easier debugging
More defensive testing in getBestMatch
adding SuppressWarnings
Internal refactorings so that the Spring code can use more centralized code.
Spring MVC controllers can now use ResteasyView
The Client API now supports Response as a valid return type.
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@512 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
temporarily removing examples from build
Fixing problem with matching regex patterns that have a '\' in them. There are internal regex replacements as part of the registration process that need "\" to be escaped (i.e. replaced with "\\") so that the default Java regex replacements don't remove the "\" from regex that's stored internally.
Allowing Response return type from RESTEasy clients. ClientResponse now extends Response. ClientResponseType extended to allow an EntityTypeFactory
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@523 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
Adding Flickr and Twitter example clients
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@612 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@613 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
added caching, better user experience
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@615 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@616 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@617 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@618 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@619 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@620 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@621 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
fixed RESTEASY-197 - ContextLoaderListener doesn't resolve property placeholder in Spring Beans
remove duplicate ? in URL when using a uriTemplate that already has a ?
removed bad update
Allow pre-defined URIs to be used as identifiers in proxied RESTEasy clients, in addition to existion @PathParam/@QueryParam..
added SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
Allow pre-defined URIs to be used as identifiers in proxied RESTEasy clients, in addition to existion @PathParam/@QueryParam..
Made CaseInsensitiveMap Serializable, for use with Client-side cache
List<ClientExecutionInterceptor> instead of ClientExecutionInterceptor[]
ClientInvoker: now extends ClientInterceptorRepositoryImpl for interceptor management
ClientRequestFactory - new way to create proxied clients and ad-hoc requests
minor fix for Jackson JSON provider
allow a ClientInvokerModifier to modify all ClientInvokers in a ClientProxy
added a comment
added registerInterceptor to ClientInterceptoryRegistry
ClientInvoker followRedirects
various ClientRequest enhancements
updated RESTEasy twitter client
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@646 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
refactoring of BrowserCache for serializing caches
w3c dom Document MessageBodyReader/Writer @Provider. Not adding to default providers, yet.
Allowing null interceptors list in MessageBodyReaderContextImpl to mean "no interceptors"
StringBuilder instead of StringBuffer for intra-method String building
Added URLConnection ClientExecutor, plus refactoring of the ClientRequest/Response interaction with ClientExecutor.
adding getProperty + getPort to TJWSEmbeddedJaxrsServer
Adding test for URLConnectionClientExecutor, but commenting it out. It works in Eclipse + JDK 1.6, but not in maven JRE 1.5.
added createClientRequest that takes in a factory
added an invoke with a "target" parameter on ResourceInvoker. Both implementations already implement it
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@675 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
Allowing null interceptors in MessageBodyWriterContextImpl
InputStreamProvider: isWritable if => InputStream.class.isAssignableFrom(type) (instead of equals)
InputStream change tests
ReaderUtility, WriterUtility:
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@681 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@682 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@684 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@685 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
Object to URI conversion
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@688 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
git-svn-id: file:///Users/billburke/jboss/resteasy/resteasy-git/svn-server-sync/resteasy/trunk@689 2b1ed4c4-5db3-0410-90e4-80a7a6204c25
Update to the Flickr Client example
InternalDispatcher, ObjectToURI update, HttpRequestPreprocessor - move .<extension> logic out && allow other types of preprocessing
Updating Flickr interceptor import declarations to latest package structure
Addition for InMemoryClientExecutor... will help with performance as well MultivaluedMapImpl.addMultiple
minor changes to InMemoryClientExecutor
added the ability to set static directories on the TJWS server
additional tests for MediaTypeCaseSensitivyTest
replacing StringBuffer with StringBuilder in HeaderParameterParser
Small performance fixes for CaseInsensitiveMap
lazily creating Maps and Lists in UriInfoImpl for performance
added an addAll method for MultivaluedMapImpl for performance reasons
Added resteasy-oatuh dependency to resteasy-jsapi/pom.xml because of compilation errors
RESTEASY-353 - applied main & test patches
Update to JSAPI. Starting the process of separating MVC concerns for future use
Small changes to AcceptTest (StringBuilder, using MediaType.** instead of new MediaType())
Small fix for RegisterBuiltin for ClassNotFound situations
Small fix for HttHeaderImpl.setAcceptLanguages when it's called with a null value
small performance fix for SynchronuosDispatcher. Call map.put instead of pushContext for multiple calls
Allowing users to override the InjectorFactory used so that they can customize the behavior of runtime annotation processing for things like @PathParam, @QueryParam, @Form & etc.
SpringBeanProcessor now registers @Providers before Resources
applied the patches from RESTEASY-356. This allows RESTEasy to use Javassist proxied resources.
static import of FindAnnotation.findAnnotation and @Deprecated on "old" static method in InjectorFactoryImpl
Allow for custom ValueInjectorFactory via the @Provider annotation
ResourceMethod: extracted common ServerResponse.setXXXX() methods into a prepareResponse method.
RESTEASY-357 commit - RESTEasy should be able to use type parameter values for (de)marshalling parameters/entity body -- see test/java/org/jboss/resteasy/test/resource/generic/StudentCrudResource.java
Initial commit of resteasy-html. It's not as robust functionality-wise as HTMLEasy, but it's a good start. For now, this requires a specialized servlet that defers opening response.getOutputStream unless there's a need for it by a writer.
Intial commit of restasy client "rich result"
A few refactorings and commenting in preparation for fully loaded ResponseObjects
updates to client API 2.0. Added the ability to follow link headers in a clean way (possible the road to HATEOAS)
removed unused import
Adding a test that showcases how set up a custom InjectorFactory that uses traditional httpServletRequest.getProperty()
Added a test that will show case how to inject request scoped beans into RESTEasy resource methods with some customization of the RESTEasy environment
fix to prove that the @ClassicParam works for both query and post parameters
format fixing for RequesetScoedBeanTest and an additional "assertTrue"
Warning cleanup
updates to resteasy-spring:
fixing an issue in SpringBeanProcessor that caused some users to experience problems with injected proeprties
szdeak (3):
Timeout error cases distinguished (with status code 503, "server is
Asynch dispatch timeout cases distinguished (with status code 503) from
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/szdeak/Resteasy
unfromage (27):
Added svn:ignore for maven build dirs
Removed RESTEasy version mention, and link to other section since I don't know how to do it :(
Bumped version to 1.3.RC1-SNAPSHOT
RESTEASY-358: Add JavaScript client API
Removed bogus dep on oauth and unused imports
Removed unused oauth dep and put some schemas in
Fixed a few typos thanks to the secret unit tests ;)
Fixed String.equals() erroneous calls.
Finally can commit the JSAPI integration tests :)
RESTEASY-311: Client proxy sends @Context parameters instead of ignoring them
RESTEASY-311: Client proxy sends @Context parameters instead of ignoring them
RESTEASY-380: Add Atom links to entity resources
SVN ignored the target dir
Added @ResourceID and @ResourceIDs, and support for JPA's @Id for resource ID lookup
Added doc for the links module
Added persistence lib for the links module
Fixed Exception for methods with no @Path param
RESTEASY-405: Unnecessary dependecy on EJB in RESTEasy links
RESTEASY-406: NPE in RESTEasy links when looking for @LinkELProvider in class with no package-info.java
RESTEASY-407: ELException not caught in RESTEasy links
RESTEASY-406: NPE in RESTEasy links when looking for @LinkELProvider in class with no package-info.java
Fix for RESTEASY-436: Support application/*+json in Ajax Client
RESTEASY-452: Support resource locators in AJAX client
RESTEASY-454: AJAX Client: support url encoding
RESTEASY-452: Support resource locators in AJAX client
RESTEASY-452: Forgot to update this test, sorry.
yarrumretep (11):
Implementation of RESTEASY-589 with test case
Implementation of RESTEASY-597 - added ProxyBuilder with all configuration options.
Fix for RESTEASY-596 - inheritance of jax-rs annotations now more closely matches the spec.
Fix for RESTEASY-596 - inheritance of jax-rs annotations now more closely matches the spec. SubResourceLocator passes classloader on as well.
Fix for RESTEASY-596 - inheritance of jax-rs annotations now more closely matches the spec. SubResourceLocator passes classloader on as well.
RESTEASY-611 - test & fix
crufty annotations removed
Implementation & tests for RESTEASY-610
Fix for RESTEASY-612
Implementation of RESTEASY-615
late creation of default values in proxy builder - more flexible use when not including default jars for apache http4.
No new revisions were added by this update.
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