[libitext-java] branch master created (now 554e8f7)
Emmanuel Bourg
ebourg-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jul 28 22:46:29 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
ebourg-guest pushed a change to branch master
in repository libitext-java.
at 554e8f7 Upload to unstable
This branch includes the following new commits:
new d3d577a Initial commit
new e9f8fc4 New upstream
new 4f1702f RELEASE_1_02b-4
new 22206c9 set mergeWithUpstream=1
new 2206cea * Build package with Kaffe to be able to move the package to main. * Converted rules to cdb
new 666dca4 Make changelog more verbose
new eed9a67 * debian/rules,debian/control: Depending on libservlet2.3-java
new bb4f6e8 New upstream version
new c14c74b New Uploader
new af8f7be * New debian/rules file * patched PdfGraphics2d.java, removed com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.* dependencies * Removed debian/README.Debian and debian/patches/01libitext-java-addbuildscript.patch * fixed paths on ant/.ant.properties
new 88007b4 * fixed debian/copyright(lintian was complaining)
new 3f2c051
new dfaa2a0 libitext-java (1.4.5-2) unstable; urgency=low
new dfb285f libitext-java (1.4.5-3) unstable; urgency=low
new b6bcd0d Start preparations for new upstream release 2.1.2u
new 89b5b35 Removed patches
new 0f9094e Reworked debian/rules: Added DEB_ANT_BUILDFILE, Removed ANT_ARGS and API_VERSION, use DEB_UPSTREAM_VERSION instead
new e85ff4d Corrected path for iText.jar
new 07d0b6c Use dh_link instead of ln -s
new 456737c Really remove API_VERSION
new 5147fc7 Also build libitext-rtf-java and libitext-rups-java packages
new 920c318 Updated changelog for r6535
new 19b5f81 Added myself to Uploaders
new a5dae72 Added Homepage
new 15f5337 Added debian/watch
new 6946218 Version internal dependency
new 209e97c Bumped Standards-Version from 3.7.2 to 3.8.0
new be2ece6 use debhelper 5
new d224d4a Only use Build-Depends, do not depend on libservlet2.3-java, ecj
new cca6c78 Close new-upstream-available bug
new ff2e799 first attempt at short and long descriptions for new binary packages
new 36e0d63 libitext-rups-java depends on java-virtual-machine
new 251806c Latest upstream is 2.1.3
new e777396 Fixed version matching
new 6f20cbc * (Build-)depend on default-jre/-jdk.
new 4141877 * add missing Build-Depends * fix other build issues
new e74b998 add more Build-Depends but we need to package libpdfrenderer-java
new 2b86c44 * Add missing Build-Depends. * Add myself to Uploaders.
new beeaf14 * Add copyright statement to debian/copyright. * Some lintian fixes.
new b899d89 Add more copyright and license information to debian/copyright.
new c2d4024 add list of authors to debian/copyright
new ee4aa90 release
new 46f5245 New upstream release
new 9376f66 libitext-java (2.1.5-1) unstable; urgency=low
new 986d298 libitext-java (2.1.7-1) unstable; urgency=low
new 8448b2d libitext-java (2.1.7-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
new 8f131be Prepare 2.1.7-2
new 315fadc [ Miguel Landaeta ] * Team upload. * Add Build-Depends on gcj-native-helper. * Remove Michael Koch from Uploaders list. Thanks for your work on this package. (Closes: #654069).
new fdb447a set distro to unstable for team upload
new f2e5f61 Add libbcprov-java dep and fix classpath
new 2738efa Add missing class-path and use javahelper to find depends
new 788eed6 Set dist to unstable
new 25e8cde Added a patch to compile against Bouncy Castle 1.47 or later
new 0a11e6c Added a description to the patch
new acd3445 * debian/watch: Changed to match only the 2.x releases
new 074dd84 prepare for upload to unstable
new 2ca9523 Use canonical URLs for the Vcs-* fields
new 64cb236 Patched to compile against Bouncy Castle 1.49
new 8e85584 Providing Maven artifacts (Closes #729010). Updating the standards version to 3.9.5. Adding a dependency on maven-repo-helper Wrap and sort Build-Depends.
new 1604068 Fixed the Closes declaration in changelog.
new b861dd2 Standards-Version updated to 3.9.6
new 23b7fae Fixed the dependencies in the pom (Closes: #771198)
new 4d79652 Upload to unstable
new cc737a1 Release 2.1.7-10
new 65bf2c9 Moved the package to Git
new 765d051 Standards-Version updated to 3.9.8
new 34744b9 Removed the libitext-java-gcj package
new fa3215e Merge tag 'upstream/2.1.7'
new 1b21087 Install the Maven artifacts for libitext-rtf-java and libitext-rups-java
new 6225274 Simplified debian/rules
new a7a08d8 More debian/rules simplifications with external debian/*.classpath files
new 16d3f9c Build with the DH sequencer instead of CDBS
new 4276ba0 Renamed the bouncycastle 1.51 patch
new ec2b0c9 Added the modifications made by TIBCO Software for JasperReports >= 6.2
new 7ed6cc1 Wrap and sort
new 554e8f7 Upload to unstable
The 76 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-java/libitext-java.git
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