[scala-2.10] branch master created (now 6aaf6d6)
Emmanuel Bourg
ebourg-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Nov 15 12:43:20 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
ebourg-guest pushed a change to branch master
in repository scala-2.10.
at 6aaf6d6 Build depend on scala-2.10
This branch includes the following new commits:
new 42ce298 Initial import of the debian directory
new 244de0d Add Vcs-* flags in debian/control
new c1a24fe Imported Debian patch 2.7.2-2
new eaaf2d7 Remove not used file
new e1a1725 Re-commiting files changed by last upload
new 4a313a1 Bump standards version and add Vcs-* flags
new 0af84e0 Deleting unnecessary files
new b40e95f Merging changes from upstream
new be43263 Updated for 2.7.3 release
new 05a40c0 Set Maintainer to "Debian Scala Maintainers" mailing-list and Min as Uploader.
new d71f5d4 Use default-jdk-builddep as a build dependency, Closes: #483412
new ba27022 Add gbp.conf : default configuration for git-buildpackage
new edc1584 Change dependencies and build-dependencies
new 1c4f98b Correct the changelog message
new c49bb8e Imported Debian patch 2.7.3-1
new 81c7e3a Add homepage field in debian/control
new e8026d7 Changelog update
new 238bdbf binary-arch target was missing
new 1b312a9 Changelog update
new 24a195c Listing a real package as an alternative for the virtual package java-virtual-machine
new bdd6e4b Prepare for upload
new a672965 Remove useless file
new 62ee223 Switch arch back to all
new b67ebf7 Providing java-virtual-machine, Closes: #464552
new e022739 Shorten debian/rules
new e1ffc85 Add as a dependency, thanks Lintian
new 34a46c2 Add a watch file
new 316e8ce Changelog update
new 164a2fc Triggering doc-base when installing doc
new 460ad0a changelog update
new 29a4e38 Bump standards version to 3.8.1
new 29b89c3 Merge commit 'upstream/2.7.4'
new d4dbd12 Scala depend on the last version of scala-library
new 6f00e2b Merge branch 'upstream'
new a548d92 remove dfsg from version in watch file
new c13a7a3 changelog update
new ed1660c Remove Lex Spoon from uploaders (retired), closes: #527957.
new a8f5d8b Shorten debian/rules… using new features of debhelper
new 0975bf3 Merge commit 'upstream/2.7.5.dfsg'
new c9453ee Releasing to unstable
new 3a66c21 Update gbp.conf
new beeecdc Do not compress script.js
new 75a92b9 Use my Debian address.
new 5900ba5 Build-depend on debhelper 7.0.50 since we use overrides.
new 01bf3bc Also filter committed pristine-tar
new df1e394 Merge commit 'upstream/2.7.7.dfsg'
new 132a0c1 New upstream release (Closes: #551454)
new e21f232 Fix scaladoc script (LP: #521093)
new e559650 Fix scalac script (use $CLASSPATH variable), (LP: #544481)
new 8a0d34d Adjust the JRE/JVM depends (Closes: ##573384)
new 2a02f0e Also fix scaladoc script
new 03f5c20 Update gbp.conf before importing 2.8.1's sources
new 0595a1a Imported Upstream version 2.8.1.dfsg
new 893b467 Wrap lines in debian/control
new 5e440b9 New upstream release (LP: #717745).
new 6f39617 Use upstream build system
new f24b7ca Don't compress .scala files
new cf54d13 Remove README{,.Debian}: they used to contain useless and outdated informations.
new b9395d6 Added a dependency on libjline-java for Scala.
new 52cd7c3 Add libmaven-ant-tasks-java, ant-contrib and ant-optional in Build-Depends.
new 009e6d8 Switch to source format 3.0 (quilt).
new 02fb884 Add patch 0001-Use-system-ant-contrib.jar.patch
new 2bd0a65 Update debian/copyright for 2.8.1.
new d75e325 This upload will also fix #589110 et #603529
new 7360b46 Minor tweak in debian/changelog
new 714bab5 Bump standards version to 3.9.1
new 18500c7 Imported Upstream version 2.9.0.dfsg
new 63882df Merge commit 'upstream/'
new f2f5a82 New upstream release (Closes: #631429) (LP: #782013).
new e4829f8 Remove copyright information about docs/android-examples.
new 4717c99 Fix spelling error in changelog.
new 0afbd49 Lintian recommends to refer to /u/s/common-licenses/GPL.
new 5397aa8 Updated debian/copyright for Scala
new f96311d Update changelog
new e5a9644 dummy commit
new dcb581d Use Scala's provided JLine 2, instead of libjline-java.
new 1f6d6ae Make scala-doc depends on libjs-jquery{,ui}.
new 28d1e31 Fix package description to make lintian happy.
new d8b2d4c Let scala suggest scala-doc (Closes: #632820).
new 36c7e1f Added myself to Uploaders.
new 2f35355 Bumped Standards-Version from 3.9.1 to 3.9.2.
new a925b27 Merge commit 'upstream/2.9.1.dfsg'
new 4df6c37 Import a new upstream release (Closes: #639960)
new 5ccbebf Fix scala-doc in sid (Closes: #636870)
new e58ed83 Take JAVA_HOME into account if it is set.
new 024fc49 Fixed type in changelog.
new 17266ba Use upstream's command scripts (Closes: #631771).
new cbaa166 Added missing Copyright fields and a License paragraph.
new 80b0b22 Add ant files to build jline
new d35a8ce Install to maven repo Closes: 652024
new ffd70cf Change definition of BUNDLE_VERSION in debian/rules
new 4b58209 Fix version number in scala-library.pom.xml
new d856a3f Build and install JLine
new 343ccf1 Cosmetic change
new c56ccbf Fix missing-build-dependency-for-dh-addon
new 4bf9604 Install scalacheck.jar and scala-partest.jar
new 60074d8 Convert patch to 'dom' format
new 72c2df6 Update patches
new 9dfd884 Remove old cruft
new 6c63846 Add needed dependencies for scala's jline.jar
new f1e1282 Update changelog
new 173b445 Mention it in scala-library's long description.
new e8aacb1 Release to unstable
new bd08d48 Do not link to scala-library.jar in scala package (Closes: #654549).
new 1cf398f Add jansi.jar to Scala's TOOL_CLASSPATH.
new fb86763 Updated debian/copyright to version 1.0.
new 3082b0d Bump standards version from 3.9.2 to 3.9.3.
new cce9f13 Updated debian/watch to match the new names of the source tarballs.
new b3e0745 Added reference to Launchpad bug.
new 0ed9ef2 Merge tag 'upstream/2.9.2+dfsg'
new b0166ff Update changelog.
new 78d109a Also use +dfsg in debian/watch.
new 6eee12a Release to unstable
new ba47585 Add files from the 2.9.2+dfsg-2 upload
new fd0ceb0 Remove myself from Uploaders
new f587000 Merge tag 'upstream/2.10.1+dfsg'
new f812495 Merge tag 'upstream/2.10.2+dfsg'
new 81f447c Merge tag 'upstream/2.10.3+dfsg'
new 72010bf Merge tag 'upstream/2.10.4+dfsg'
new d8f49c5 New upstream release (Closes: #744278).
new e179e42 Update patches
new 3c80ce6 Update the clean target
new c5e4b51 Update paths of elements to install
new 3ab75d9 Update watch file
new 1a5fac9 Update changelog
new 371f20f test fastdist-opt
new 5e8b6fb debian/watch: Fixed the versions matched (x.y.z instead of x.y.z..z)
new 1aec747 debian/rules: Added the missing get-orig-source target (Closes: #724704)
new 7b2eb36 Use canonical URLs for the Vcs-* fields
new 255c8ec Standards-Version updated to 3.9.6
new bb49190 Switch to debhelper level 9
new c5fb6fd Ignore the pax-exam dependencies used by the tests
new 828c040 No longer build scala-partest.jar
new 92ace5d Patched the build to avoid downloading libraries from the Internet
new e4ad55c Package adopted by the Java Team (Closes: #754935)
new 6c12966 Replaced the minified JavaScript files with unobfuscated ones
new 1f51921 Removed the +dfsg suffix
new 8452e61 Merge tag 'upstream/2.10.5'
new 7f0c00c Improved the clean target
new 326752f Upload to unstable
new 88e2381 Really adopt the package
new 3874810 Renamed the package to scala-2.10
new 5c662d6 Fixed the build failure with BND 2.1.0
new 6877ca0 Force the build with Java 8
new 25cbb58 Removed the JRE dependency of scala-library
new d9e3e44 Require a Java 7+ runtime
new 90c732b Ignore the Lintian warnings about raphael-min.js
new c02b52e Switch to debhelper level 10
new 4d22b14 Standards-Version updated to 3.9.8
new 7b2286d Improved the description for scala-library and scala-doc
new f6f7ffe Replaced the Git date/hash in the osgi version with 'unknown'
new f5e0596 Fixed the GitHub links in the API documentation
new 734b93d Set the home directory when building to fix a build failure with pbuilder >= 0.220
new 8f39ae2 Changed the generic version of the Maven artifacts to 2.10.x
new 82ef1da Moved the documentation to /usr/share/doc/scala-doc-2.10
new ef38a36 Renamed the versionless jar files in /usr/share/java to scala*-2.10.jar
new 06caaf0 Install the files under /usr/share/scala-2.10
new c68dfa8 Install the manpages under /usr/share/scala-2.10/man
new 177701b Added a 'scala' alternative
new a64dbf9 public-domain paragraphs must be unique
new b6c192e Install the Maven artifacts for scala-actors, scala-reflect, scala-swing and jline
new 0df481e Removed 0001-Define-system-locations.patch (obsolete)
new 6ce1d33 Removed 0002-Use-system-ant-contrib.jar.patch
new 590e243 Refreshed debian/copyright
new 8f7a00e Define localRepository explicitly
new 6aaf6d6 Build depend on scala-2.10
The 166 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-java/scala-2.10.git
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