[scala-2.10] 138/166: Merge tag 'upstream/2.10.5'

Emmanuel Bourg ebourg-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Nov 15 12:43:45 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

ebourg-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository scala-2.10.

commit 8452e6192b1b876426452411504fe77b4134ec48
Merge: 1f51921 a22589a
Author: Emmanuel Bourg <ebourg at apache.org>
Date:   Fri Jun 5 23:46:45 2015 +0200

    Merge tag 'upstream/2.10.5'
    Upstream version 2.10.5

 bincompat-backward.whitelist.conf                  |     6 +
 bincompat-forward.whitelist.conf                   |    22 +
 build.number                                       |     2 +-
 scripts/common                                     |   153 +
 scripts/jobs/integrate/bootstrap                   |   150 +
 scripts/jobs/integrate/ide                         |    35 +
 scripts/jobs/validate/publish-core                 |    42 +
 scripts/jobs/validate/test                         |    17 +
 scripts/readproperties.awk                         |    39 +
 scripts/repositories-scala-release                 |     7 +
 .../scala/reflect/macros/runtime/Typers.scala      |    16 +-
 src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/ast/TreeInfo.scala    |    10 +
 .../scala/tools/nsc/ast/parser/MarkupParsers.scala |    11 +-
 .../scala/tools/nsc/ast/parser/Scanners.scala      |     4 +-
 .../scala/tools/nsc/doc/html/resource/lib/index.js |     2 +-
 .../tools/nsc/doc/html/resource/lib/jquery-ui.js   | 14742 ++++++++++++++++++-
 .../tools/nsc/doc/html/resource/lib/jquery.js      |  9442 +++++++++++-
 .../nsc/doc/html/resource/lib/modernizr.custom.js  |  1267 +-
 .../tools/nsc/doc/html/resource/lib/raphael-min.js |  5807 +++++++-
 .../nsc/doc/html/resource/lib/tools.tooltip.js     |   372 +-
 .../scala/tools/nsc/settings/ScalaSettings.scala   |     1 +
 .../nsc/symtab/classfile/ClassfileParser.scala     |    10 +-
 .../scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Macros.scala       |    33 +-
 .../scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Namers.scala       |     5 +-
 .../tools/nsc/typechecker/NamesDefaults.scala      |     6 +-
 .../scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/RefChecks.scala    |    35 +-
 .../scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala       |     2 +-
 .../scala/tools/reflect/ToolBoxFactory.scala       |   203 +-
 src/library/scala/concurrent/Promise.scala         |     7 +-
 src/library/scala/runtime/SeqCharSequence.scala    |     7 +-
 src/library/scala/util/matching/Regex.scala        |   477 +-
 .../util/parsing/combinator/RegexParsers.scala     |     4 +-
 .../util/parsing/combinator/SubSequence.scala      |    32 +
 .../scala/xml/parsing/MarkupParserCommon.scala     |     3 +-
 src/library/scala/xml/parsing/TokenTests.scala     |    56 +-
 src/library/scala/xml/pull/XMLEventReader.scala    |     9 +-
 .../scala/reflect/internal/AnnotationInfos.scala   |     2 +-
 src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/TreeInfo.scala  |     5 +
 src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Trees.scala     |    17 +-
 src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Types.scala     |    89 +-
 .../scala/reflect/runtime/JavaMirrors.scala        |    11 +-
 test/files/jvm/future-spec/PromiseTests.scala      |    77 +-
 test/files/jvm/t8689.check                         |     1 +
 test/files/jvm/t8689.scala                         |    13 +
 test/files/jvm/unittest_xml.scala                  |     4 +-
 test/files/neg/t3873.check                         |     4 +-
 test/files/neg/t3873.scala                         |     2 +-
 test/files/neg/t5923c.check                        |     4 +
 test/files/neg/t5923c/Macros_1.scala               |    39 +
 test/files/neg/t5923c/Test_2.scala                 |    12 +
 test/files/neg/t7756a.check                        |     7 +
 test/files/neg/t7756a.flags                        |     1 +
 test/files/neg/t7756a.scala                        |    11 +
 test/files/neg/t7756b.check                        |     4 +
 test/files/neg/t7756b.flags                        |     1 +
 test/files/neg/t7756b.scala                        |     5 +
 test/files/pos/t7753.scala                         |    36 +
 test/files/pos/t7756b.scala                        |    13 +
 test/files/pos/t8223.scala                         |    29 +
 test/files/pos/t8596.flags                         |     1 +
 test/files/pos/t8596.scala                         |     7 +
 test/files/presentation/t7915.check                |    20 +
 test/files/presentation/t7915/src/Foo.scala        |     4 +-
 test/files/run/macro-vampire-false-warning.check   |     2 +
 test/files/run/macro-vampire-false-warning.flags   |     1 +
 .../run/macro-vampire-false-warning/Macros_1.scala |    52 +
 .../run/macro-vampire-false-warning/Test_2.scala   |     6 +
 test/files/run/t4339.check                         |     3 +
 test/files/run/t4339.scala                         |    35 +
 .../run/{t5923a.check => t5923a-fundep.check}      |     0
 test/files/run/t5923a-fundep.flags                 |     1 +
 test/files/run/t5923a-fundep/Macros_1.scala        |    52 +
 .../run/{t5923a => t5923a-fundep}/Test_2.scala     |     0
 .../run/{t5923a.check => t5923a-nofundep.check}    |     0
 .../run/{t5923a => t5923a-nofundep}/Macros_1.scala |     0
 .../run/{t5923a => t5923a-nofundep}/Test_2.scala   |     0
 test/files/run/t5923c.check                        |     1 +
 test/files/run/t5923c.flags                        |     1 +
 test/files/run/t5923c/Macros_1.scala               |    39 +
 test/files/run/t5923c/Test_2.scala                 |    12 +
 test/files/run/t5923d.check                        |     0
 test/files/run/t5923d/Macros_1.scala               |     9 +
 test/files/run/t5923d/Test_2.scala                 |     7 +
 test/files/run/t7871.check                         |     1 +
 test/files/run/t7871/Macros_1.scala                |    43 +
 test/files/run/t7871/Test_2.scala                  |     6 +
 test/files/run/t8196.check                         |     3 +
 test/files/run/t8196.scala                         |    51 +
 test/files/run/t8442.check                         |     1 +
 test/files/run/t8442/A_1.java                      |     4 +
 test/files/run/t8442/B_1.java                      |     3 +
 test/files/run/t8442/C_2.scala                     |     5 +
 test/files/run/t8442/Test.scala                    |    29 +
 test/files/run/typecheck.check                     |     0
 test/files/run/typecheck/Macros_1.scala            |    17 +
 test/files/run/typecheck/Test_2.scala              |    15 +
 test/scaladoc/run/SI-8479.check                    |     1 +
 test/scaladoc/run/SI-8479.scala                    |    32 +
 test/scaladoc/run/t8314.check                      |     3 +
 test/scaladoc/run/t8314.scala                      |    16 +
 100 files changed, 33472 insertions(+), 434 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-java/scala-2.10.git

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