[jabref] 30/459: remove ~ files

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Thu Sep 15 20:39:35 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

gregoa pushed a commit to branch master
in repository jabref.

commit c574c691ef831f59503aec78a118f8b8be6a0a58
Author: gregor herrmann <gregoa at debian.org>
Date:   Thu Aug 10 19:45:05 2006 +0000

    remove ~ files
 src/images/crystal_16/Icons.properties~   |   69 --
 src/java/net/sf/jabref/Globals.java~      | 1324 -----------------------------
 src/java/net/sf/jabref/SplashScreen.java~ |  110 ---
 3 files changed, 1503 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/images/crystal_16/Icons.properties~ b/src/images/crystal_16/Icons.properties~
deleted file mode 100644
index bc48561..0000000
--- a/src/images/crystal_16/Icons.properties~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/src/java/net/sf/jabref/Globals.java~ b/src/java/net/sf/jabref/Globals.java~
deleted file mode 100644
index 9dc3ac8..0000000
--- a/src/java/net/sf/jabref/Globals.java~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1324 +0,0 @@
-/* (C) 2003 Nizar N. Batada, Morten O. Alver
- All programs in this directory and
- subdirectories are published under the GNU General Public License as
- described below.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
- your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
- Further information about the GNU GPL is available at:
- http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.ja.html
- */
-package net.sf.jabref;
-import java.io.* ;
-import java.nio.charset.Charset;
-import java.util.* ;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.logging.* ;
-import java.util.logging.Filter ;
-import java.awt.* ;
-import javax.swing.* ;
-import net.sf.jabref.collab.* ;
-import net.sf.jabref.imports.* ;
-import net.sf.jabref.util.* ;
-import net.sf.jabref.journals.JournalAbbreviations;
-public class Globals {
-  public static int SHORTCUT_MASK,// = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask();
-      FUTURE_YEAR = 2050, // Needs to give a year definitely in the future. Used for guessing the
-                          // year field when parsing textual data.  :-)
-      STANDARD_EXPORT_COUNT = 5, // The number of standard export formats.
-      METADATA_LINE_LENGTH = 70; // The line length used to wrap metadata.
-  private static String resourcePrefix = "resource/JabRef",
-                        menuResourcePrefix = "resource/Menu",
-                        integrityResourcePrefix = "resource/IntegrityMessage";
-  private static final String buildInfos = "/resource/build.properties" ;
-  public static final String additionalFields = "/resource/fields/fields.xml" ;  // some extra field definitions
-  private static String logfile = "jabref.log";
-  public static ResourceBundle messages, menuTitles, intMessages ;
-  public static FileUpdateMonitor fileUpdateMonitor = new FileUpdateMonitor();
-    public static ImportFormatReader importFormatReader = new ImportFormatReader();
-  public static ErrorConsole errorConsole;
-   public static String VERSION,
-                       BUILD,
-                       BUILD_DATE ;
-  static
-  {
-    TBuildInfo bi = new TBuildInfo(buildInfos) ;
-    VERSION = bi.getBUILD_VERSION() ;
-    BUILD = bi.getBUILD_NUMBER() ;
-    BUILD_DATE = bi.getBUILD_DATE() ;
-      // TODO: Error console initialization here. When should it be used?
-      errorConsole = ErrorConsole.getInstance();
-  }
-  //public static ResourceBundle preferences = ResourceBundle.getBundle("resource/defaultPrefs");
-  public static Locale locale;
-  public static final String FILETYPE_PREFS_EXT = "_dir",
-      SELECTOR_META_PREFIX = "selector_",
-      LAYOUT_PREFIX = "/resource/layout/",
-      MAC = "Mac OS X",
-      DOI_LOOKUP_PREFIX = "http://dx.doi.org/",
-      NONE = "_non__",
-      FORMATTER_PACKAGE = "net.sf.jabref.export.layout.format.";
-  public static float duplicateThreshold = 0.75f;
-  private static Handler consoleHandler = new java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler();
-  public static String[] ENCODINGS,
-      ALL_ENCODINGS = //(String[]) Charset.availableCharsets().keySet().toArray(new String[]{});
-          new String[] {"ISO8859_1", "UTF8", "UTF-16", "ASCII",
-              "Cp1250", "Cp1251", "Cp1252", "Cp1253", "Cp1254", "Cp1257",
-              "JIS", "SJIS", "EUC-JP",      // Added Japanese encodings.
-              "Big5", "Big5_HKSCS", "GBK",
-              "ISO8859_2", "ISO8859_3", "ISO8859_4", "ISO8859_5", "ISO8859_6",
-              "ISO8859_7", "ISO8859_8", "ISO8859_9", "ISO8859_13", "ISO8859_15"};
-  // String array that maps from month number to month string label:
-  public static String[] MONTHS = new String[] {"jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "jun",
-          "jul", "aug", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dec"};
-  // Map that maps from month string labels to
-  public static Map MONTH_STRINGS = new HashMap();
-  static {
-      MONTH_STRINGS.put("jan", "January");
-      MONTH_STRINGS.put("feb", "February");
-      MONTH_STRINGS.put("mar", "March");
-      MONTH_STRINGS.put("apr", "April");
-      MONTH_STRINGS.put("may", "May");
-      MONTH_STRINGS.put("jun", "June");
-      MONTH_STRINGS.put("jul", "July");
-      MONTH_STRINGS.put("aug", "August");
-      MONTH_STRINGS.put("sep", "September");
-      MONTH_STRINGS.put("oct", "October");
-      MONTH_STRINGS.put("nov", "November");
-      MONTH_STRINGS.put("dec", "December");
-      // Build list of encodings, by filtering out all that are not supported
-      // on this system:
-      List encodings = new ArrayList();
-      for (int i=0; i<ALL_ENCODINGS.length; i++) {
-          if (Charset.isSupported(ALL_ENCODINGS[i]))
-            encodings.add(ALL_ENCODINGS[i]);
-      }
-      ENCODINGS = (String[])encodings.toArray(new String[0]);
-  }
-  public static GlobalFocusListener focusListener = new GlobalFocusListener();
-  public static JabRefPreferences prefs = null;
- public static HelpDialog helpDiag = null;
-  public static String osName = System.getProperty("os.name", "def");
-  public static boolean ON_MAC = (osName.equals(MAC)),
-      ON_WIN = osName.startsWith("Windows");
-  public static String[] SKIP_WORDS = {"a", "an", "the", "for", "on"};
-    public static SidePaneManager sidePaneManager;
-  public static final String NEWLINE = System.getProperty("line.separator");
-    public static final boolean UNIX_NEWLINE = NEWLINE.equals("\n"); // true if we have unix newlines.
-    public static final String BIBTEX_STRING = "__string";
-    // "Fieldname" to indicate that a field should be treated as a bibtex string. Used when writing database to file.
-    public static void logger(String s) {
-    Logger.global.info(s);
-  }
-  public static void turnOffLogging() { // only log exceptions
-    Logger.global.setLevel(java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE);
-  }
-  // should be only called once
-  public static void turnOnConsoleLogging() {
-    Logger.global.addHandler(consoleHandler);
-  }
-  public static void turnOnFileLogging() {
-    Logger.global.setLevel(java.util.logging.Level.ALL);
-    java.util.logging.Handler handler;
-    handler = new ConsoleHandler();
-    /*try {
-      handler = new FileHandler(logfile); // this will overwrite
-    }
-    catch (IOException e) { //can't open log file so use console
-        e.printStackTrace();
-    } */
-    Logger.global.addHandler(handler);
-    handler.setFilter(new Filter() { // select what gets logged
-      public boolean isLoggable(LogRecord record) {
-        return true;
-      }
-    });
-  }
-  public static void setLanguage(String language, String country) {
-    locale = new Locale(language, country);
-    messages = ResourceBundle.getBundle(resourcePrefix, locale);
-    menuTitles = ResourceBundle.getBundle(menuResourcePrefix, locale);
-    intMessages = ResourceBundle.getBundle(integrityResourcePrefix, locale);
-    Locale.setDefault(locale);
-    javax.swing.JComponent.setDefaultLocale(locale);
-  }
-  public static JournalAbbreviations journalAbbrev;
-  public static String lang(String key, String[] params) {
-    String translation = null;
-    try {
-      if (Globals.messages != null) {
-        translation = Globals.messages.getString(key.replaceAll(" ", "_"));
-      }
-    }
-    catch (MissingResourceException ex) {
-      translation = key;
-      //Thread.dumpStack();  // For debugging
-      logger("Warning: could not get translation for \""
-                         + key + "\"");
-    }
-    if ((translation != null) && (translation.length() != 0)) {
-      translation = translation.replaceAll("_", " ");
-      StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
-      boolean b = false;
-      char c;
-      for (int i = 0; i < translation.length(); ++i) {
-          c = translation.charAt(i);
-          if (c == '%') {
-              b = true;
-          } else {
-              if (!b) {
-                  sb.append(c);
-              } else {
-                  b = false;
-                  try {
-                      int index = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(c));
-                      if (params != null && index >= 0 && index <= params.length)
-                          sb.append(params[index]);
-                  } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
-                      // append literally (for quoting) or insert special symbol
-                      switch (c) {
-                      case 'c': // colon
-                          sb.append(':');
-                          break;
-                      case 'e': // equal
-                          sb.append('=');
-                          break;
-                      default: // anything else, e.g. %
-                          sb.append(c);
-                      }
-                  }
-              }
-          }
-      }
-      return sb.toString();
-    }
-    return key;
-  }
-  public static String lang(String key) {
-      return lang(key, (String[])null);
-  }
-  public static String lang(String key, String s1) {
-      return lang(key, new String[]{s1});
-  }
-  public static String lang(String key, String s1, String s2) {
-      return lang(key, new String[]{s1, s2});
-  }
-  public static String lang(String key, String s1, String s2, String s3) {
-      return lang(key, new String[]{s1, s2, s3});
-  }
-  public static String menuTitle(String key) {
-    String translation = null;
-    try {
-      if (Globals.messages != null) {
-        translation = Globals.menuTitles.getString(key.replaceAll(" ", "_"));
-      }
-    }
-    catch (MissingResourceException ex) {
-      translation = key;
-      //System.err.println("Warning: could not get menu item translation for \""
-      //                   + key + "\"");
-    }
-    if ((translation != null) && (translation.length() != 0)) {
-      return translation.replaceAll("_", " ");
-    }
-    else {
-      return key;
-    }
-  }
-  public static String getIntegrityMessage(String key)
-  {
-    String translation = null;
-    try {
-      if (Globals.intMessages != null) {
-        translation = Globals.intMessages.getString(key);
-      }
-    }
-    catch (MissingResourceException ex) {
-      translation = key;
-//      System.err.println("Warning: could not get menu item translation for \""
-//                         + key + "\"");
-    }
-    if ((translation != null) && (translation.length() != 0)) {
-      return translation ;
-    }
-    else {
-      return key;
-    }
-  }
-  //============================================================
-  // Using the hashmap of entry types found in BibtexEntryType
-  //============================================================
-  public static BibtexEntryType getEntryType(String type) {
-    // decide which entryType object to return
-    Object o = BibtexEntryType.ALL_TYPES.get(type);
-    if (o != null) {
-      return (BibtexEntryType) o;
-    }
-    else {
-      return BibtexEntryType.OTHER;
-    }
-    /*
-      if(type.equals("article"))
-        return BibtexEntryType.ARTICLE;
-      else if(type.equals("book"))
-        return BibtexEntryType.BOOK;
-      else if(type.equals("inproceedings"))
-        return BibtexEntryType.INPROCEEDINGS;
-     */
-  }
-    /**
-     * This method provides the correct opening brace to use when writing a field
-     * to BibTeX format.
-     * @return A String containing the braces to use.
-     */
-    public static String getOpeningBrace() {
-        return "{";
-        /*
-            As of version 2.0, storing all fields with double braces is no longer supported, because
-            it causes problems with e.g. the author field.
-        if (prefs.getBoolean("autoDoubleBraces"))
-            return "{{";
-        else
-            return "{";
-        */
-    }
-    /**
-     * This method provides the correct closing brace to use when writing a field
-     * to BibTeX format.
-     * @return A String containing the braces to use.
-     */
-    public static String getClosingBrace() {
-        return "}";
-        /*
-            As of version 2.0, storing all fields with double braces is no longer supported, because
-            it causes problems with e.g. the author field.
-        if (prefs.getBoolean("autoDoubleBraces"))
-            return "}}";
-        else
-        */
-    }
-    /*    public static void setupKeyBindings(JabRefPreferences prefs) {
-    }*/
-    public static String[] getMultipleFiles(JFrame owner,
-                                          File directory, String extension,
-                                          boolean updateWorkingdirectory) {
-        OpenFileFilter off = null;
-        if (extension == null)
-          off = new OpenFileFilter();
-        else if (!extension.equals(NONE))
-          off = new OpenFileFilter(extension);
-        Object o = getNewFileImpl(owner, directory, extension, null, off,
-                JFileChooser.OPEN_DIALOG, updateWorkingdirectory, false, true);
-        String[] toReturn;
-        if (o instanceof String[])
-            toReturn = (String[])o;
-        else toReturn = new String[] {(String)o};
-        return toReturn;
-    }
-  public static String getNewFile(JFrame owner,
-                                  File directory, String extension,
-                                  int dialogType,
-                                  boolean updateWorkingDirectory) {
-    return getNewFile(owner, directory, extension, null, dialogType,
-                      updateWorkingDirectory, false);
-  }
-  public static String getNewFile(JFrame owner,
-                                  File directory, String extension,
-                                  String description,
-                                  int dialogType,
-                                  boolean updateWorkingDirectory) {
-    return getNewFile(owner, directory, extension, description, dialogType,
-                      updateWorkingDirectory, false);
-  }
-  public static String getNewDir(JFrame owner,
-                                 File directory, String extension,
-                                 int dialogType, boolean updateWorkingDirectory) {
-    return getNewFile(owner, directory, extension, null, dialogType,
-                      updateWorkingDirectory, true);
-  }
-  public static String getNewDir(JFrame owner,
-                                 File directory, String extension,
-                                 String description,
-                                 int dialogType, boolean updateWorkingDirectory) {
-    return getNewFile(owner, directory, extension, description, dialogType,
-                      updateWorkingDirectory, true);
-  }
-  private static String getNewFile(JFrame owner,
-                                   File directory, String extension,
-                                   String description,
-                                   int dialogType,
-                                   boolean updateWorkingDirectory,
-                                   boolean dirOnly) {
-    OpenFileFilter off = null;
-    if (extension == null)
-      off = new OpenFileFilter();
-    else if (!extension.equals(NONE))
-      off = new OpenFileFilter(extension);
-    return (String)getNewFileImpl(owner, directory, extension, description, off,
-            dialogType, updateWorkingDirectory, dirOnly, false);
-  }
-  private static Object getNewFileImpl(JFrame owner,
-                                       File directory, String extension,
-                                       String description,
-                                       OpenFileFilter off,
-                                       int dialogType,
-                                       boolean updateWorkingDirectory,
-                                       boolean dirOnly,
-                                       boolean multipleSelection) {
-      if (ON_MAC && prefs.getBoolean("useNativeFileDialogOnMac")) {
-          return getNewFileForMac(owner, directory, extension, dialogType,
-                updateWorkingDirectory, dirOnly, off);
-      }
-      JFileChooser fc = null;
-      try {
-          fc = new JabRefFileChooser(directory);
-      } catch (InternalError errl) {
-          // This try/catch clause was added because a user reported an
-          // InternalError getting thrown on WinNT, presumably because of a
-          // bug in JGoodies Windows PLAF. This clause can be removed if the
-          // bug is fixed, but for now we just resort to the native file
-          // dialog, using the same method as is always used on Mac:
-          return getNewFileForMac(owner, directory, extension, dialogType,
-                  updateWorkingDirectory, dirOnly, off);
-      }
-      if (dirOnly) {
-          fc.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY);
-      }
-      fc.setMultiSelectionEnabled(multipleSelection);
-      fc.addChoosableFileFilter(off);
-      fc.setDialogType(dialogType);
-      int dialogResult;
-      if (dialogType == JFileChooser.OPEN_DIALOG) {
-          dialogResult = fc.showOpenDialog(owner);
-      } else if (dialogType == JFileChooser.SAVE_DIALOG) {
-          dialogResult = fc.showSaveDialog(owner);
-      } else {
-          dialogResult = fc.showDialog(owner, description);
-      }
-      // the getSelectedFile method returns a valid fileselection
-      // (if something is selected) indepentently from dialog return status
-      if (dialogResult != JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
-          return null;
-      // okay button
-      File selectedFile = fc.getSelectedFile();
-      if (selectedFile == null) { // cancel
-          return null;
-      }
-      // If this is a save dialog, and the user has not chosen "All files" as filter
-      // we enforce the given extension. But only if extension is not null.
-      if ((extension != null) && (dialogType == JFileChooser.SAVE_DIALOG) && (fc.getFileFilter() == off) &&
-              !off.accept(selectedFile)) {
-          // add the first extension if there are multiple extensions
-          selectedFile = new File(selectedFile.getPath() + extension.split("[, ]+", 0)[0]);
-      }
-      if (updateWorkingDirectory) {
-          prefs.put("workingDirectory", selectedFile.getPath());
-      }
-      if (!multipleSelection)
-        return selectedFile.getAbsolutePath();
-      else {
-          File[] files = fc.getSelectedFiles();
-          String[] filenames = new String[files.length];
-          for (int i=0; i<files.length; i++)
-            filenames[i] = files[i].getAbsolutePath();
-          return filenames;
-      }
-  }
-  private static String getNewFileForMac(JFrame owner,
-                                         File directory, String extensions,
-                                         int dialogType,
-                                         boolean updateWorkingDirectory,
-                                         boolean dirOnly,
-                                         FilenameFilter filter) {
-    FileDialog fc = new FileDialog(owner);
-    //fc.setFilenameFilter(filter);
-    if (directory != null) {
-      fc.setDirectory(directory.getParent());
-    }
-    if (dialogType == JFileChooser.OPEN_DIALOG) {
-      fc.setMode(FileDialog.LOAD);
-    }
-    else {
-      fc.setMode(FileDialog.SAVE);
-    }
-    fc.setVisible(true); // fc.show(); -> deprecated since 1.5
-    if (fc.getFile() != null) {
-      Globals.prefs.put("workingDirectory", fc.getDirectory() + fc.getFile());
-      return fc.getDirectory() + fc.getFile();
-    }
-    else {
-      return null;
-    }
-  }
-  public static String SPECIAL_COMMAND_CHARS = "\"`^~'c";
-  public static HashMap HTML_CHARS = new HashMap(),
-          HTMLCHARS = new HashMap(),
-      XML_CHARS = new HashMap(),
-      ASCII2XML_CHARS = new HashMap(),
-      UNICODE_CHARS = new HashMap(),
-      RTFCHARS = new HashMap(),
-        URL_CHARS = new HashMap();
-  static {
-      //System.out.println(journalAbbrev.getAbbreviatedName("Journal of Fish Biology", true));
-      //System.out.println(journalAbbrev.getAbbreviatedName("Journal of Fish Biology", false));
-      //System.out.println(journalAbbrev.getFullName("Aquaculture Eng."));
-      /*for (Iterator i=journalAbbrev.fullNameIterator(); i.hasNext();) {
-          String s = (String)i.next();
-          System.out.println(journalAbbrev.getFullName(s)+" : "+journalAbbrev.getAbbreviatedName(s, true));
-      } */
-    // Start the thread that monitors file time stamps.
-    //Util.pr("Starting FileUpdateMonitor thread. Globals line 293.");
-    fileUpdateMonitor.start();
-    try {
-      SHORTCUT_MASK = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask();
-    } catch (Throwable t) {
-    }
-      // Special characters in URLs need to be replaced to ensure that the URL
-      // opens properly on all platforms:
-      URL_CHARS.put("<", "%3c");
-      URL_CHARS.put(">", "%3e");
-      URL_CHARS.put("(", "%28");
-      URL_CHARS.put(")", "%29");
-      URL_CHARS.put(" ", "%20");
-      URL_CHARS.put("&", "%26");
-      URL_CHARS.put("$", "%24");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("\"a", "ä");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("\"A", "Ä");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("\"e", "ë");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("\"E", "Ë");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("\"i", "ï");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("\"I", "Ï");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("\"o", "ö");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("\"O", "Ö");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("\"u", "ü");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("\"U", "Ü");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("`a", "à");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("`A", "À");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("`e", "è");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("`E", "È");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("`i", "ì");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("`I", "Ì");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("`o", "ò");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("`O", "Ò");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("`u", "ù");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("`U", "Ù");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("'e", "é");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("'E", "É");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("'i", "í");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("'I", "Í");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("'o", "ó");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("'O", "Ó");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("'u", "ú");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("'U", "Ú");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("'a", "á");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("'A", "Á");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("^a", "ô");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("^A", "Ô");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("^o", "ô");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("^O", "Ô");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("^u", "û");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("^U", "Û");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("^e", "ê");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("^E", "Ê");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("^i", "î");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("^I", "Î");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("~o", "õ");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("~O", "Õ");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("~n", "ñ");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("~N", "Ñ");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("~a", "ã");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("~A", "Ã");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("cc", "ç");
-//    HTMLCHARS.put("cC", "Ç");
-      // Following character definitions contributed by Ervin Kolenovic:
-      // HTML named entities from #192 - #255 (UNICODE Latin-1)
-       HTMLCHARS.put("`A", "À");    // #192
-       HTMLCHARS.put("'A", "Á");    // #193
-       HTMLCHARS.put("^A", "Â");     // #194
-       HTMLCHARS.put("~A", "Ã");    // #195
-       HTMLCHARS.put("\"A", "Ä");     // #196
-       HTMLCHARS.put("AA", "Å");     // #197
-       HTMLCHARS.put("AE", "Æ");     // #198
-       HTMLCHARS.put("cC", "Ç");    // #199
-       HTMLCHARS.put("`E", "È");    // #200
-       HTMLCHARS.put("'E", "É");    // #201
-       HTMLCHARS.put("^E", "Ê");     // #202
-       HTMLCHARS.put("\"E", "Ë");     // #203
-       HTMLCHARS.put("`I", "Ì");    // #204
-       HTMLCHARS.put("'I", "Í");    // #205
-       HTMLCHARS.put("^I", "Î");     // #206
-       HTMLCHARS.put("\"I", "Ï");     // #207
-       HTMLCHARS.put("DH", "Ð");       // #208
-       HTMLCHARS.put("~N", "Ñ");    // #209
-       HTMLCHARS.put("`O", "Ò");    // #210
-       HTMLCHARS.put("'O", "Ó");    // #211
-       HTMLCHARS.put("^O", "Ô");     // #212
-       HTMLCHARS.put("~O", "Õ");    // #213
-       HTMLCHARS.put("\"O", "Ö");     // #214
-       // According to ISO 8859-1 the "\times" symbol should be placed here (#215).
-       // Omitting this, because it is a mathematical symbol.
-       HTMLCHARS.put("O", "&OSlash;");     // #216
-       HTMLCHARS.put("`U", "Ù");    // #217
-       HTMLCHARS.put("'U", "Ú");    // #218
-       HTMLCHARS.put("^U", "Û");     // #219
-       HTMLCHARS.put("\"U", "Ü");     // #220
-       HTMLCHARS.put("'Y", "Ý");    // #221
-       HTMLCHARS.put("TH", "Þ");     // #222
-       HTMLCHARS.put("ss", "ß");     // #223
-       HTMLCHARS.put("`a", "à");    // #224
-       HTMLCHARS.put("'a", "á");    // #225
-       HTMLCHARS.put("^a", "â");     // #226
-       HTMLCHARS.put("~a", "ã");    // #227
-       HTMLCHARS.put("\"a", "ä");     // #228
-       HTMLCHARS.put("aa", "å");     // #229
-       HTMLCHARS.put("ae", "æ");     // #230
-       HTMLCHARS.put("cc", "ç");    // #231
-       HTMLCHARS.put("`e", "è");    // #232
-       HTMLCHARS.put("'e", "é");    // #233
-       HTMLCHARS.put("^e", "ê");     // #234
-       HTMLCHARS.put("\"e", "ë");     // #235
-       HTMLCHARS.put("`i", "ì");    // #236
-       HTMLCHARS.put("'i", "í");    // #237
-       HTMLCHARS.put("^i", "î");     // #238
-       HTMLCHARS.put("\"i", "ï");     // #239
-       HTMLCHARS.put("dh", "ð");       // #240
-       HTMLCHARS.put("~n", "ñ");    // #241
-       HTMLCHARS.put("`o", "ò");    // #242
-       HTMLCHARS.put("'o", "ó");    // #243
-       HTMLCHARS.put("^o", "ô");     // #244
-       HTMLCHARS.put("~o", "õ");    // #245
-       HTMLCHARS.put("\"o", "ö");     // #246
-       // According to ISO 8859-1 the "\div" symbol should be placed here (#247).
-       // Omitting this, because it is a mathematical symbol.
-       HTMLCHARS.put("o", "ø");     // #248
-       HTMLCHARS.put("`u", "ù");    // #249
-       HTMLCHARS.put("'u", "ú");    // #250
-       HTMLCHARS.put("^u", "û");     // #251
-       HTMLCHARS.put("\"u", "ü");     // #252
-       HTMLCHARS.put("'y", "ý");    // #253
-       HTMLCHARS.put("th", "þ");     // #254
-       HTMLCHARS.put("\"y", "ÿ");     // #255
-       // HTML special characters without names (UNICODE Latin Extended-A), indicated by UNICODE number
-       HTMLCHARS.put("=A", "Ā");      // "Amacr"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("=a", "ā");      // "amacr"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("uA", "Ă");      // "Abreve"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("ua", "ă");      // "abreve"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("kA", "Ą");      // "Aogon"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("ka", "ą");      // "aogon"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("'C", "Ć");      // "Cacute"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("'c", "ć");      // "cacute"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("^C", "Ĉ");      // "Ccirc"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("^c", "ĉ");      // "ccirc"
-       HTMLCHARS.put(".C", "Ċ");      // "Cdot"
-       HTMLCHARS.put(".c", "ċ");      // "cdot"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("vC", "Č");      // "Ccaron"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("vc", "č");      // "ccaron"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("vD", "Ď");      // "Dcaron"
-       // Symbol #271 (d�) has no special Latex command
-       HTMLCHARS.put("DJ", "Đ");      // "Dstrok"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("dj", "đ");      // "dstrok"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("=E", "Ē");      // "Emacr"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("=e", "ē");      // "emacr"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("uE", "Ĕ");      // "Ebreve"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("ue", "ĕ");      // "ebreve"
-       HTMLCHARS.put(".E", "Ė");      // "Edot"
-       HTMLCHARS.put(".e", "ė");      // "edot"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("kE", "Ę");      // "Eogon"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("ke", "ę");      // "eogon"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("vE", "Ě");      // "Ecaron"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("ve", "ě");      // "ecaron"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("^G", "Ĝ");      // "Gcirc"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("^g", "ĝ");      // "gcirc"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("uG", "Ğ");      // "Gbreve"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("ug", "ğ");      // "gbreve"
-       HTMLCHARS.put(".G", "Ġ");      // "Gdot"
-       HTMLCHARS.put(".g", "ġ");      // "gdot"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("cG", "Ģ");      // "Gcedil"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("'g", "ģ");      // "gacute"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("^H", "Ĥ");      // "Hcirc"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("^h", "ĥ");      // "hcirc"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("Hstrok", "Ħ");  // "Hstrok"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("hstrok", "ħ");  // "hstrok"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("~I", "Ĩ");      // "Itilde"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("~i", "ĩ");      // "itilde"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("=I", "Ī");      // "Imacr"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("=i", "ī");      // "imacr"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("uI", "Ĭ");      // "Ibreve"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("ui", "ĭ");      // "ibreve"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("kI", "Į");      // "Iogon"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("ki", "į");      // "iogon"
-       HTMLCHARS.put(".I", "İ");      // "Idot"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("i", "ı");       // "inodot"
-       // Symbol #306 (IJ) has no special Latex command
-       // Symbol #307 (ij) has no special Latex command
-       HTMLCHARS.put("^J", "Ĵ");      // "Jcirc"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("^j", "ĵ");      // "jcirc"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("cK", "Ķ");      // "Kcedil"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("ck", "ķ");      // "kcedil"
-       // Symbol #312 (k) has no special Latex command
-       HTMLCHARS.put("'L", "Ĺ");      // "Lacute"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("'l", "ĺ");      // "lacute"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("cL", "Ļ");      // "Lcedil"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("cl", "ļ");      // "lcedil"
-       // Symbol #317 (L�) has no special Latex command
-       // Symbol #318 (l�) has no special Latex command
-       HTMLCHARS.put("Lmidot", "Ŀ");      // "Lmidot"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("lmidot", "ŀ");      // "lmidot"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("L", "Ł");      // "Lstrok"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("l", "ł");      // "lstrok"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("'N", "Ń");      // "Nacute"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("'n", "ń");      // "nacute"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("cN", "Ņ");      // "Ncedil"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("cn", "ņ");      // "ncedil"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("vN", "Ň");      // "Ncaron"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("vn", "ň");      // "ncaron"
-       // Symbol #329 (�n) has no special Latex command
-       HTMLCHARS.put("NG", "Ŋ");      // "ENG"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("ng", "ŋ");      // "eng"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("=O", "Ō");      // "Omacr"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("=o", "ō");      // "omacr"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("uO", "Ŏ");      // "Obreve"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("uo", "ŏ");      // "obreve"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("HO", "Ő");      // "Odblac"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("Ho", "ő");      // "odblac"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("OE", "Œ");      // "OElig"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("oe", "œ");      // "oelig"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("'R", "Ŕ");      // "Racute"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("'r", "ŕ");      // "racute"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("cR", "Ŗ");      // "Rcedil"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("cr", "ŗ");      // "rcedil"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("vR", "Ř");      // "Rcaron"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("vr", "ř");      // "rcaron"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("'S", "Ś");      // "Sacute"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("'s", "ś");      // "sacute"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("^S", "Ŝ");      // "Scirc"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("^s", "ŝ");      // "scirc"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("cS", "Ş");      // "Scedil"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("cs", "ş");      // "scedil"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("vS", "Š");      // "Scaron"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("vs", "š");      // "scaron"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("cT", "Ţ");      // "Tcedil"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("ct", "ţ");      // "tcedil"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("vT", "Ť");      // "Tcaron"
-       // Symbol #357 (t�) has no special Latex command
-       HTMLCHARS.put("Tstrok", "Ŧ");  // "Tstrok"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("tstrok", "ŧ");  // "tstrok"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("~U", "Ũ");      // "Utilde"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("~u", "ũ");      // "utilde"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("=U", "Ū");      // "Umacr"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("=u", "ū");      // "umacr"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("uU", "Ŭ");      // "Ubreve"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("uu", "ŭ");      // "ubreve"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("rU", "Ů");      // "Uring"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("ru", "ů");      // "uring"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("HU", "Ű");      // "Odblac"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("Hu", "ű");      // "odblac"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("kU", "Ų");      // "Uogon"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("ku", "ų");      // "uogon"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("^W", "Ŵ");      // "Wcirc"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("^w", "ŵ");      // "wcirc"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("^Y", "Ŷ");      // "Ycirc"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("^y", "ŷ");      // "ycirc"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("\"Y", "Ÿ");     // "Yuml"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("'Z", "Ź");      // "Zacute"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("'z", "ź");      // "zacute"
-       HTMLCHARS.put(".Z", "Ż");      // "Zdot"
-       HTMLCHARS.put(".z", "ż");      // "zdot"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("vZ", "Ž");      // "Zcaron"
-       HTMLCHARS.put("vz", "ž");      // "zcaron"
-       // Symbol #383 (f) has no special Latex command
-    XML_CHARS.put("\\{\\\\\\\"\\{a\\}\\}", "&#x00E4;");
-    XML_CHARS.put("\\{\\\\\\\"\\{A\\}\\}", "&#x00C4;");
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-    XML_CHARS.put("\\{\\\\\\`O\\}", "&#x00D2;");
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-    XML_CHARS.put("\\{\\\\\\`U\\}", "&#x00D9;");
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-    XML_CHARS.put("\\{\\\\\\'E\\}", "&#x00C9;");
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-    XML_CHARS.put("\\{\\\\\\^O\\}", "&#x00D4;");
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-    XML_CHARS.put("\\{\\\\\\^U\\}", "&#x00D9;");
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-    XML_CHARS.put("\\{\\\\\\~A\\}", "&#x00C3;");
-    ASCII2XML_CHARS.put("<", "<");
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-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u00C3", "A");
-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u00C4", "A");
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-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u00C6", "Ae");
-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u00C7", "C");
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-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u00C9", "E");
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-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u00CD", "I");
-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u00CE", "I");
-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u00CF", "I");
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-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u00D2", "O");
-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u00D3", "O");
-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u00D4", "O");
-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u00D5", "O");
-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u00D6", "Oe");
-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u00D8", "Oe");
-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u00D9", "U");
-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u00DA", "U");
-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u00DB", "U");
-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u00DC", "Ue"); // U umlaut ..
-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u00DD", "Y");
-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u00DF", "ss");
-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u00E0", "a");
-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u00E1", "a");
-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u00E2", "a");
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-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u00EA", "e");
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-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u00EE", "i");
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-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u00F2", "o");
-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u00F3", "o");
-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u00F4", "o");
-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u00F5", "o");
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-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u00F8", "oe");
-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u00F9", "u");
-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u00FA", "u");
-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u00FB", "u");
-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u00FC", "ue"); // u umlaut...
-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u00FD", "y");
-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u00FF", "y");
-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u0100", "A");
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-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u010D", "c");
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-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u011D", "g");
-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u011E", "G");
-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u011F", "g");
-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u0120", "G");
-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u0121", "g");
-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u0122", "G");
-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u0123", "g");
-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u0124", "H");
-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u0125", "h");
-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u0127", "h");
-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u0128", "I");
-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u0129", "i");
-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u012A", "I");
-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u012B", "i");
-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u012C", "I");
-    UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u012D", "i");
-    //UNICODE_CHARS.put("\u0100", "");
-    RTFCHARS.put("`a", "\\'e0");
-    RTFCHARS.put("`e", "\\'e8");
-    RTFCHARS.put("`i", "\\'ec");
-    RTFCHARS.put("`o", "\\'f2");
-    RTFCHARS.put("`u", "\\'f9");
-    RTFCHARS.put("?a", "\\'e1");
-    RTFCHARS.put("?e", "\\'e9");
-    RTFCHARS.put("?i", "\\'ed");
-    RTFCHARS.put("?o", "\\'f3");
-    RTFCHARS.put("?u", "\\'fa");
-    RTFCHARS.put("^a", "\\'e2");
-    RTFCHARS.put("^e", "\\'ea");
-    RTFCHARS.put("^i", "\\'ee");
-    RTFCHARS.put("^o", "\\'f4");
-    RTFCHARS.put("^u", "\\'fa");
-    RTFCHARS.put("\"a", "\\'e4");
-    RTFCHARS.put("\"e", "\\'eb");
-    RTFCHARS.put("\"i", "\\'ef");
-    RTFCHARS.put("\"o", "\\'f6");
-    RTFCHARS.put("\"u", "\\uc0\\u252");
-    RTFCHARS.put("~n", "\\'f1");
-    RTFCHARS.put("`A", "\\'c0");
-    RTFCHARS.put("`E", "\\'c8");
-    RTFCHARS.put("`I", "\\'cc");
-    RTFCHARS.put("`O", "\\'d2");
-    RTFCHARS.put("`U", "\\'d9");
-    RTFCHARS.put("?A", "\\'c1");
-    RTFCHARS.put("?E", "\\'c9");
-    RTFCHARS.put("?I", "\\'cd");
-    RTFCHARS.put("?O", "\\'d3");
-    RTFCHARS.put("?U", "\\'da");
-    RTFCHARS.put("^A", "\\'c2");
-    RTFCHARS.put("^E", "\\'ca");
-    RTFCHARS.put("^I", "\\'ce");
-    RTFCHARS.put("^O", "\\'d4");
-    RTFCHARS.put("^U", "\\'db");
-    RTFCHARS.put("\"A", "\\'c4");
-    RTFCHARS.put("\"E", "\\'cb");
-    RTFCHARS.put("\"I", "\\'cf");
-    RTFCHARS.put("\"O", "\\'d6");
-    RTFCHARS.put("\"U", "\\'dc");
-    // Use UNICODE characters for RTF-Chars which can not be found in the standard codepage
-    //  RTFCHARS.put("`A", "\\uc0\\u192");     // "Agrave" exists in standard codepage  
-      RTFCHARS.put("'A", "\\uc0\\u193");     // "Aacute"
-//  RTFCHARS.put("^A", "\\uc0\\u194");     // "Acirc"  exists in standard codepage
-      RTFCHARS.put("~A", "\\uc0\\u195");     // "Atilde"
-//  RTFCHARS.put("\"A", "\\uc0\\u196");    // "Auml"   exists in standard codepage
-      RTFCHARS.put("AA", "\\uc0\\u197");     // "Aring"
-      RTFCHARS.put("AE", "\\uc0\\u198");     // "AElig"
-      RTFCHARS.put("cC", "\\uc0\\u199");     // "Ccedil"
-//  RTFCHARS.put("`E", "\\uc0\\u200");     // "Egrave" exists in standard codepage
-      RTFCHARS.put("'E", "\\uc0\\u201");     // "Eacute"
-//  RTFCHARS.put("^E", "\\uc0\\u202");     // "Ecirc"  exists in standard codepage
-//  RTFCHARS.put("\"E", "\\uc0\\u203");    // "Euml"   exists in standard codepage
-//  RTFCHARS.put("`I", "\\uc0\\u204");     // "Igrave" exists in standard codepage
-      RTFCHARS.put("'I", "\\uc0\\u205");     // "Iacute"
-//  RTFCHARS.put("^I", "\\uc0\\u206");     // "Icirc"  exists in standard codepage
-//  RTFCHARS.put("\"I", "\\uc0\\u207");    // "Iuml"   exists in standard codepage
-      RTFCHARS.put("DH", "\\uc0\\u208");     // "ETH"
-      RTFCHARS.put("~N", "\\uc0\\u209");     // "Ntilde"
-//  RTFCHARS.put("`O", "\\uc0\\u210");     // "Ograve" exists in standard codepage
-      RTFCHARS.put("'O", "\\uc0\\u211");     // "Oacute"
-//  RTFCHARS.put("^O", "\\uc0\\u212");     // "Ocirc"  exists in standard codepage
-      RTFCHARS.put("~O", "\\uc0\\u213");     // "Otilde"
-//  RTFCHARS.put("\"O", "\\uc0\\u214");    // "Ouml"   exists in standard codepage
-      // According to ISO 8859-1 the "\times" symbol should be placed here (#215).
-      // Omitting this, because it is a mathematical symbol.
-      RTFCHARS.put("O", "\\uc0\\u216");      // "OSlash"
-//  RTFCHARS.put("`U", "\\uc0\\u217");     // "Ugrave"  exists in standard codepage
-      RTFCHARS.put("'U", "\\uc0\\u218");     // "Uacute"
-//  RTFCHARS.put("^U", "\\uc0\\u219");     // "Ucirc"   exists in standard codepage
-//  RTFCHARS.put("\"U", "\\uc0\\u220");    // "Uuml"    exists in standard codepage
-      RTFCHARS.put("'Y", "\\uc0\\u221");     // "Yacute"
-      RTFCHARS.put("TH", "\\uc0\\u222");     // "THORN"
-      RTFCHARS.put("ss", "\\uc0\\u223");     // "szlig"
-//  RTFCHARS.put("`a", "\\uc0\\u224");     // "agrave"  exists in standard codepage
-      RTFCHARS.put("'a", "\\uc0\\u225");     // "aacute"
-//  RTFCHARS.put("^a", "\\uc0\\u226");     // "acirc"   exists in standard codepage
-      RTFCHARS.put("~a", "\\uc0\\u227");     // "atilde"
-//  RTFCHARS.put("\"a", "\\uc0\\u228");    // "auml"    exists in standard codepage
-      RTFCHARS.put("aa", "\\uc0\\u229");     // "aring"
-      RTFCHARS.put("ae", "\\uc0\\u230");     // "aelig"
-      RTFCHARS.put("cc", "\\uc0\\u231");     // "ccedil"
-//  RTFCHARS.put("`e", "\\uc0\\u232");     // "egrave"  exists in standard codepage
-      RTFCHARS.put("'e", "\\uc0\\u233");     // "eacute"
-//  RTFCHARS.put("^e", "\\uc0\\u234");     // "ecirc"   exists in standard codepage
-//  RTFCHARS.put("\"e", "\\uc0\\u235");    // "euml"    exists in standard codepage
-//  RTFCHARS.put("`i", "\\uc0\\u236");     // "igrave"  exists in standard codepage
-      RTFCHARS.put("'i", "\\uc0\\u237");     // "iacute"
-//  RTFCHARS.put("^i", "\\uc0\\u238");     // "icirc"   exists in standard codepage
-//  RTFCHARS.put("\"i", "\\uc0\\u239");    // "iuml"    exists in standard codepage
-      RTFCHARS.put("dh", "\\uc0\\u240");     // "eth"
-//  RTFCHARS.put("~n", "\\uc0\\u241");     // "ntilde"  exists in standard codepage
-//  RTFCHARS.put("`o", "\\uc0\\u242");     // "ograve"  exists in standard codepage
-      RTFCHARS.put("'o", "\\uc0\\u243");     // "oacute"
-//  RTFCHARS.put("^o", "\\uc0\\u244");     // "ocirc"   exists in standard codepage
-      RTFCHARS.put("~o", "\\uc0\\u245");     // "otilde"
-//  RTFCHARS.put("\"o", "\\uc0\\u246");    // "ouml"    exists in standard codepage
-      // According to ISO 8859-1 the "\div" symbol should be placed here (#247).
-      // Omitting this, because it is a mathematical symbol.
-      RTFCHARS.put("o", "\\uc0\\u248");       // "oslash"
-//  RTFCHARS.put("`u", "\\uc0\\u249");      // "ugrave"  exists in standard codepage
-      RTFCHARS.put("'u", "\\uc0\\u250");      // "uacute"
-//  RTFCHARS.put("^u", "\\uc0\\u251");      // "ucirc"   exists in standard codepage
-//  RTFCHARS.put("\"u", "\\uc0\\u252");     // "uuml"    exists in standard codepage
-      RTFCHARS.put("'y", "\\uc0\\u253");      // "yacute"
-      RTFCHARS.put("th", "\\uc0\\u254");      // "thorn"
-      RTFCHARS.put("\"y", "\\uc0\\u255");     // "yuml"
-      RTFCHARS.put("=A", "\\uc0\\u256");      // "Amacr"
-      RTFCHARS.put("=a", "\\uc0\\u257");      // "amacr"
-      RTFCHARS.put("uA", "\\uc0\\u258");      // "Abreve"
-      RTFCHARS.put("ua", "\\uc0\\u259");      // "abreve"
-      RTFCHARS.put("kA", "\\uc0\\u260");      // "Aogon"
-      RTFCHARS.put("ka", "\\uc0\\u261");      // "aogon"
-      RTFCHARS.put("'C", "\\uc0\\u262");      // "Cacute"
-      RTFCHARS.put("'c", "\\uc0\\u263");      // "cacute"
-      RTFCHARS.put("^C", "\\uc0\\u264");      // "Ccirc"
-      RTFCHARS.put("^c", "\\uc0\\u265");      // "ccirc"
-      RTFCHARS.put(".C", "\\uc0\\u266");      // "Cdot"
-      RTFCHARS.put(".c", "\\uc0\\u267");      // "cdot"
-      RTFCHARS.put("vC", "\\uc0\\u268");      // "Ccaron"
-      RTFCHARS.put("vc", "\\uc0\\u269");      // "ccaron"
-      RTFCHARS.put("vD", "\\uc0\\u270");      // "Dcaron"
-      // Symbol #271 (d�) has no special Latex command
-      RTFCHARS.put("DJ", "\\uc0\\u272");      // "Dstrok"
-      RTFCHARS.put("dj", "\\uc0\\u273");      // "dstrok"
-      RTFCHARS.put("=E", "\\uc0\\u274");      // "Emacr"
-      RTFCHARS.put("=e", "\\uc0\\u275");      // "emacr"
-      RTFCHARS.put("uE", "\\uc0\\u276");      // "Ebreve"
-      RTFCHARS.put("ue", "\\uc0\\u277");      // "ebreve"
-      RTFCHARS.put(".E", "\\uc0\\u278");      // "Edot"
-      RTFCHARS.put(".e", "\\uc0\\u279");      // "edot"
-      RTFCHARS.put("kE", "\\uc0\\u280");      // "Eogon"
-      RTFCHARS.put("ke", "\\uc0\\u281");      // "eogon"
-      RTFCHARS.put("vE", "\\uc0\\u282");      // "Ecaron"
-      RTFCHARS.put("ve", "\\uc0\\u283");      // "ecaron"
-      RTFCHARS.put("^G", "\\uc0\\u284");      // "Gcirc"
-      RTFCHARS.put("^g", "\\uc0\\u285");      // "gcirc"
-      RTFCHARS.put("uG", "\\uc0\\u286");      // "Gbreve"
-      RTFCHARS.put("ug", "\\uc0\\u287");      // "gbreve"
-      RTFCHARS.put(".G", "\\uc0\\u288");      // "Gdot"
-      RTFCHARS.put(".g", "\\uc0\\u289");      // "gdot"
-      RTFCHARS.put("cG", "\\uc0\\u290");      // "Gcedil"
-      RTFCHARS.put("'g", "\\uc0\\u291");      // "gacute"
-      RTFCHARS.put("^H", "\\uc0\\u292");      // "Hcirc"
-      RTFCHARS.put("^h", "\\uc0\\u293");      // "hcirc"
-      RTFCHARS.put("Hstrok", "\\uc0\\u294");  // "Hstrok"
-      RTFCHARS.put("hstrok", "\\uc0\\u295");  // "hstrok"
-      RTFCHARS.put("~I", "\\uc0\\u296");      // "Itilde"
-      RTFCHARS.put("~i", "\\uc0\\u297");      // "itilde"
-      RTFCHARS.put("=I", "\\uc0\\u298");      // "Imacr"
-      RTFCHARS.put("=i", "\\uc0\\u299");      // "imacr"
-      RTFCHARS.put("uI", "\\uc0\\u300");      // "Ibreve"
-      RTFCHARS.put("ui", "\\uc0\\u301");      // "ibreve"
-      RTFCHARS.put("kI", "\\uc0\\u302");      // "Iogon"
-      RTFCHARS.put("ki", "\\uc0\\u303");      // "iogon"
-      RTFCHARS.put(".I", "\\uc0\\u304");      // "Idot"
-      RTFCHARS.put("i", "\\uc0\\u305");       // "inodot"
-      // Symbol #306 (IJ) has no special Latex command
-      // Symbol #307 (ij) has no special Latex command
-      RTFCHARS.put("^J", "\\uc0\\u308");      // "Jcirc"
-      RTFCHARS.put("^j", "\\uc0\\u309");      // "jcirc"
-      RTFCHARS.put("cK", "\\uc0\\u310");      // "Kcedil"
-      RTFCHARS.put("ck", "\\uc0\\u311");      // "kcedil"
-      // Symbol #312 (k) has no special Latex command
-      RTFCHARS.put("'L", "\\uc0\\u313");      // "Lacute"
-      RTFCHARS.put("'l", "\\uc0\\u314");      // "lacute"
-      RTFCHARS.put("cL", "\\uc0\\u315");      // "Lcedil"
-      RTFCHARS.put("cl", "\\uc0\\u316");      // "lcedil"
-      // Symbol #317 (L�) has no special Latex command
-      // Symbol #318 (l�) has no special Latex command
-      RTFCHARS.put("Lmidot", "\\uc0\\u319");  // "Lmidot"
-      RTFCHARS.put("lmidot", "\\uc0\\u320");  // "lmidot"
-      RTFCHARS.put("L", "\\uc0\\u321");      // "Lstrok"
-      RTFCHARS.put("l", "\\uc0\\u322");      // "lstrok"
-      RTFCHARS.put("'N", "\\uc0\\u323");      // "Nacute"
-      RTFCHARS.put("'n", "\\uc0\\u324");      // "nacute"
-      RTFCHARS.put("cN", "\\uc0\\u325");      // "Ncedil"
-      RTFCHARS.put("cn", "\\uc0\\u326");      // "ncedil"
-      RTFCHARS.put("vN", "\\uc0\\u327");      // "Ncaron"
-      RTFCHARS.put("vn", "\\uc0\\u328");      // "ncaron"
-      // Symbol #329 (�n) has no special Latex command
-      RTFCHARS.put("NG", "\\uc0\\u330");      // "ENG"
-      RTFCHARS.put("ng", "\\uc0\\u331");      // "eng"
-      RTFCHARS.put("=O", "\\uc0\\u332");      // "Omacr"
-      RTFCHARS.put("=o", "\\uc0\\u333");      // "omacr"
-      RTFCHARS.put("uO", "\\uc0\\u334");      // "Obreve"
-      RTFCHARS.put("uo", "\\uc0\\u335");      // "obreve"
-      RTFCHARS.put("HO", "\\uc0\\u336");      // "Odblac"
-      RTFCHARS.put("Ho", "\\uc0\\u337");      // "odblac"
-      RTFCHARS.put("OE", "\\uc0\\u338");      // "OElig"
-      RTFCHARS.put("oe", "\\uc0\\u339");      // "oelig"
-      RTFCHARS.put("'R", "\\uc0\\u340");      // "Racute"
-      RTFCHARS.put("'r", "\\uc0\\u341");      // "racute"
-      RTFCHARS.put("cR", "\\uc0\\u342");      // "Rcedil"
-      RTFCHARS.put("cr", "\\uc0\\u343");      // "rcedil"
-      RTFCHARS.put("vR", "\\uc0\\u344");      // "Rcaron"
-      RTFCHARS.put("vr", "\\uc0\\u345");      // "rcaron"
-      RTFCHARS.put("'S", "\\uc0\\u346");      // "Sacute"
-      RTFCHARS.put("'s", "\\uc0\\u347");      // "sacute"
-      RTFCHARS.put("^S", "\\uc0\\u348");      // "Scirc"
-      RTFCHARS.put("^s", "\\uc0\\u349");      // "scirc"
-      RTFCHARS.put("cS", "\\uc0\\u350");      // "Scedil"
-      RTFCHARS.put("cs", "\\uc0\\u351");      // "scedil"
-      RTFCHARS.put("vS", "\\uc0\\u352");      // "Scaron"
-      RTFCHARS.put("vs", "\\uc0\\u353");      // "scaron"
-      RTFCHARS.put("cT", "\\uc0\\u354");      // "Tcedil"
-      RTFCHARS.put("ct", "\\uc0\\u355");      // "tcedil"
-      RTFCHARS.put("vT", "\\uc0\\u356");      // "Tcaron"
-      // Symbol #357 (t�) has no special Latex command
-      RTFCHARS.put("Tstrok", "\\uc0\\u358");  // "Tstrok"
-      RTFCHARS.put("tstrok", "\\uc0\\u359");  // "tstrok"
-      RTFCHARS.put("~U", "\\uc0\\u360");      // "Utilde"
-      RTFCHARS.put("~u", "\\uc0\\u361");      // "utilde"
-      RTFCHARS.put("=U", "\\uc0\\u362");      // "Umacr"
-      RTFCHARS.put("=u", "\\uc0\\u363");      // "umacr"
-      RTFCHARS.put("uU", "\\uc0\\u364");      // "Ubreve"
-      RTFCHARS.put("uu", "\\uc0\\u365");      // "ubreve"
-      RTFCHARS.put("rU", "\\uc0\\u366");      // "Uring"
-      RTFCHARS.put("ru", "\\uc0\\u367");      // "uring"
-      RTFCHARS.put("HU", "\\uc0\\u368");      // "Odblac"
-      RTFCHARS.put("Hu", "\\uc0\\u369");      // "odblac"
-      RTFCHARS.put("kU", "\\uc0\\u370");      // "Uogon"
-      RTFCHARS.put("ku", "\\uc0\\u371");      // "uogon"
-      RTFCHARS.put("^W", "\\uc0\\u372");      // "Wcirc"
-      RTFCHARS.put("^w", "\\uc0\\u373");      // "wcirc"
-      RTFCHARS.put("^Y", "\\uc0\\u374");      // "Ycirc"
-      RTFCHARS.put("^y", "\\uc0\\u375");      // "ycirc"
-      RTFCHARS.put("\"Y", "\\uc0\\u376");     // "Yuml"
-      RTFCHARS.put("'Z", "\\uc0\\u377");      // "Zacute"
-      RTFCHARS.put("'z", "\\uc0\\u378");      // "zacute"
-      RTFCHARS.put(".Z", "\\uc0\\u379");      // "Zdot"
-      RTFCHARS.put(".z", "\\uc0\\u380");      // "zdot"
-      RTFCHARS.put("vZ", "\\uc0\\u381");      // "Zcaron"
-      RTFCHARS.put("vz", "\\uc0\\u382");      // "zcaron"
-      // Symbol #383 (f) has no special Latex command
-    //XML_CHARS.put("\\u00E1", "&#x00E1;");
-  }
-    public static void initializeJournalNames() {
-        journalAbbrev = new JournalAbbreviations();//"/resource/journalList.txt");
-        // Read external lists, if any (in reverse order, so the upper lists override the lower):
-        String[] lists = prefs.getStringArray("externalJournalLists");
-        if ((lists != null) && (lists.length > 0)) {
-            for (int i=lists.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
-                try {
-                    journalAbbrev.readJournalList(new File(lists[i]));
-                } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
-                    // The file couldn't be found... should we tell anyone?
-                    Globals.logger(e.getMessage());
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // Read personal list, if set up:
-        if (prefs.get("personalJournalList") != null) {
-            try {
-                journalAbbrev.readJournalList(new File(prefs.get("personalJournalList")));
-            } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
-                Globals.logger("Personal journal list file '"+prefs.get("personalJournalList")+
-                    "' not found.");
-            }
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/src/java/net/sf/jabref/SplashScreen.java~ b/src/java/net/sf/jabref/SplashScreen.java~
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f5b6da..0000000
--- a/src/java/net/sf/jabref/SplashScreen.java~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-package net.sf.jabref;
-//import javax.swing.*;
-import java.awt.*;
-import java.awt.event.*;
-import java.net.URL;
- * <p>Title: </p>
- * <p>Description: </p>
- * <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2003</p>
- * <p>Company: </p>
- * @author not attributable
- * @version 1.0
- */
-public class SplashScreen extends Window {
-    private Image splashImage;
-    private boolean paintCalled = false;
-    public SplashScreen(Frame owner) {
-        super(owner);
-        URL imageURL = SplashScreen.class.getResource("/images/splash-2.1beta.png");
-        splashImage = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(imageURL);
-        // Load the image
-        MediaTracker mt = new MediaTracker(this);
-        mt.addImage(splashImage,0);
-        try {
-            mt.waitForID(0);
-        } catch(InterruptedException ie) {}
-        // Center the window on the screen.
-        int imgWidth = splashImage.getWidth(this);
-        int imgHeight = splashImage.getHeight(this);  
-        setSize(imgWidth, imgHeight);
-        Dimension screenDim = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
-        setLocation(
-            (screenDim.width - imgWidth) / 2,
-            (screenDim.height - imgHeight) / 2
-        );
-    }
-    /**
-     * Updates the display area of the window.
-     */
-    public void update(Graphics g) {
-        // Note: Since the paint method is going to draw an
-        // image that covers the complete area of the component we
-        // do not fill the component with its background color
-        // here. This avoids flickering.
-        g.setColor(getForeground());
-        paint(g);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Paints the image on the window.
-     */
-    public void paint(Graphics g) {
-        g.drawImage(splashImage, 0, 0, this);
-        // Notify method splash that the window
-        // has been painted.
-        if (! paintCalled) {
-            paintCalled = true;
-            synchronized (this) { notifyAll(); }
-        }
-    }
-      /**
-     * Constructs and displays a SplashWindow.<p>
-     * This method is useful for startup splashs.
-     * Dispose the returned frame to get rid of the splash window.<p>
-     *
-     * @param splashImage The image to be displayed.
-     * @return Returns the frame that owns the SplashWindow.
-     */
-    public static Frame splash() {
-        Frame f = new Frame();
-        SplashScreen w = new SplashScreen(f);
-        // Show the window.
-        w.setVisible(true);
-        w.toFront();
-        // Note: To make sure the user gets a chance to see the
-        // splash window we wait until its paint method has been
-        // called at least once by the AWT event dispatcher thread.
-        // sebwills adds: However, just in case the paint method never gets called
-        // (e.g. if the splashscreen is completely obscured by an 'always on top'
-        // window of some other application), we time-out after 5 seconds.
-        if (! EventQueue.isDispatchThread()) {
-            synchronized (w) {
-                if (! w.paintCalled) {
-                    try { 
-                        w.wait(5000);
-                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {}
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        return f;
-    }

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-java/jabref.git

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