[prismatic-plumbing-clojure] 01/03: Add generated Clojure code

Apollon Oikonomopoulos apoikos at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Aug 4 21:05:37 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

apoikos pushed a commit to branch master
in repository prismatic-plumbing-clojure.

commit 16b3df3f8683c02d9f58035ca8856070bfa76082
Author: Apollon Oikonomopoulos <apoikos at debian.org>
Date:   Fri Aug 4 16:46:33 2017 -0400

    Add generated Clojure code
 src/plumbing/core.clj        | 489 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/plumbing/fnk/pfnk.clj    |  58 +++++
 src/plumbing/fnk/schema.clj  | 244 +++++++++++++++++++++
 src/plumbing/graph.clj       | 341 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/plumbing/graph_async.clj |  85 ++++++++
 src/plumbing/map.clj         | 233 +++++++++++++++++++++
 6 files changed, 1450 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/plumbing/core.clj b/src/plumbing/core.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f026e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plumbing/core.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
+(ns plumbing.core
+  "Utility belt for Clojure in the wild"
+  (:refer-clojure :exclude [update])
+  (:require
+   [schema.utils :as schema-utils]
+         [schema.macros :as schema-macros]
+   [plumbing.fnk.schema :as schema :include-macros true]
+         [plumbing.fnk.impl :as fnk-impl]))
+      (set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
+(def ^:private +none+
+  "A sentinel value representing missing portions of the input data."
+  ::missing)
+;;; Maps
+(defmacro for-map
+  "Like 'for' for building maps. Same bindings except the body should have a
+  key-expression and value-expression. If a key is repeated, the last
+  value (according to \"for\" semantics) will be retained.
+  (= (for-map [i (range 2) j (range 2)] [i j] (even? (+ i j)))
+     {[0 0] true, [0 1] false, [1 0] false, [1 1] true})
+  An optional symbol can be passed as a first argument, which will be
+  bound to the transient map containing the entries produced so far."
+  ([seq-exprs key-expr val-expr]
+     `(for-map ~(gensym "m") ~seq-exprs ~key-expr ~val-expr))
+  ([m-sym seq-exprs key-expr val-expr]
+     `(let [m-atom# (atom (transient {}))]
+        (doseq ~seq-exprs
+          (let [~m-sym @m-atom#]
+            (reset! m-atom# (assoc! ~m-sym ~key-expr ~val-expr))))
+        (persistent! @m-atom#))))
+(defmacro -unless-update
+  "Execute and yield body only if Clojure version preceeds introduction
+  of 'update' into core namespace."
+  [body]
+  `(schema-macros/if-cljs
+    ~body
+    ~(when (pos? (compare
+                  [1 7 0]
+                  (mapv #(get *clojure-version* %)
+                        [:major :minor :incremental])))
+       body)))
+ (defn update
+   "Updates the value in map m at k with the function f.
+    Like update-in, but for updating a single top-level key.
+    Any additional args will be passed to f after the value.
+    WARNING As of Clojure 1.7 this function exists in clojure.core and
+    will not be exported by this namespace."
+   ([m k f] (assoc m k (f (get m k))))
+   ([m k f x1] (assoc m k (f (get m k) x1)))
+   ([m k f x1 x2] (assoc m k (f (get m k) x1 x2)))
+   ([m k f x1 x2 & xs] (assoc m k (apply f (get m k) x1 x2 xs)))))
+(defn map-vals
+  "Build map k -> (f v) for [k v] in map, preserving the initial type"
+  [f m]
+  (cond
+   (sorted? m)
+   (reduce-kv (fn [out-m k v] (assoc out-m k (f v))) (sorted-map) m)
+   (map? m)
+   (persistent! (reduce-kv (fn [out-m k v] (assoc! out-m k (f v))) (transient {}) m))
+   :else
+   (for-map [[k v] m] k (f v))))
+(defn map-keys
+  "Build map (f k) -> v for [k v] in map m"
+  [f m]
+  (if (map? m)
+    (persistent! (reduce-kv (fn [out-m k v] (assoc! out-m (f k) v)) (transient {}) m))
+    (for-map [[k v] m] (f k) v)))
+(defn map-from-keys
+  "Build map k -> (f k) for keys in ks"
+  [f ks]
+  (for-map [k ks] k (f k)))
+(defn map-from-vals
+  "Build map (f v) -> v for vals in vs"
+  [f vs]
+  (for-map [v vs] (f v) v))
+(defn dissoc-in
+  "Dissociate this keyseq from m, removing any empty maps created as a result
+   (including at the top-level)."
+  [m [k & ks]]
+  (when m
+    (if-let [res (and ks (dissoc-in (get m k) ks))]
+      (assoc m k res)
+      (let [res (dissoc m k)]
+        (when-not (empty? res)
+          res)))))
+(defn ^:deprecated keywordize-map
+  "DEPRECATED.  prefer clojure.walk/keywordize-keys.
+   Recursively convert maps in m (including itself)
+   to have keyword keys instead of string"
+  [x]
+  (cond
+   (map? x)
+   (for-map [[k v] x]
+     (if (string? k) (keyword k) k) (keywordize-map v))
+   (seq? x)
+   (map keywordize-map x)
+   (vector? x)
+   (mapv keywordize-map x)
+   :else
+   x))
+(defmacro lazy-get
+  "Like get but lazy about default"
+  [m k d]
+  `(if-let [pair# (find ~m ~k)]
+     (val pair#)
+     ~d))
+(defn safe-get
+  "Like get but throw an exception if not found"
+  [m k]
+  (lazy-get
+   m k
+   (schema/assert-iae false "Key %s not found in %s" k
+                      (binding [*print-length* 200]
+                        (print-str (mapv key m))))))
+(defn safe-get-in
+  "Like get-in but throws exception if not found"
+  [m ks]
+  (if (seq ks)
+    (recur (safe-get m (first ks)) (next ks))
+    m))
+(defn assoc-when
+  "Like assoc but only assocs when value is truthy"
+  [m & kvs]
+  (assert (even? (count kvs)))
+  (into (or m {})
+        (for [[k v] (partition 2 kvs)
+              :when v]
+          [k v])))
+(defn update-in-when
+  "Like update-in but returns m unchanged if key-seq is not present."
+  [m key-seq f & args]
+  (let [found (get-in m key-seq +none+)]
+    (if-not (identical? +none+ found)
+      (assoc-in m key-seq (apply f found args))
+      m)))
+(defn grouped-map
+  "Like group-by, but accepts a map-fn that is applied to values before
+   collected."
+  [key-fn map-fn coll]
+  (persistent!
+   (reduce
+    (fn [ret x]
+      (let [k (key-fn x)]
+        (assoc! ret k (conj (get ret k []) (map-fn x)))))
+    (transient {}) coll)))
+;;; Seqs
+(defn aconcat
+  "Like (apply concat s) but lazier (and shorter) "
+  [s]
+  (lazy-cat (first s) (when-let [n (next s)] (aconcat n))))
+(defn unchunk
+  "Takes a seqable and returns a lazy sequence that
+   is maximally lazy and doesn't realize elements due to either
+   chunking or apply.
+   Useful when you don't want chunking, for instance,
+   (first awesome-website? (map slurp +a-bunch-of-urls+))
+   may slurp up to 31 unneed webpages, wherease
+   (first awesome-website? (map slurp (unchunk +a-bunch-of-urls+)))
+   is guaranteed to stop slurping after the first awesome website.
+  Taken from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3407876/how-do-i-avoid-clojures-chunking-behavior-for-lazy-seqs-that-i-want-to-short-ci"
+  [s]
+  (when (seq s)
+    (cons (first s)
+          (lazy-seq (unchunk (rest s))))))
+(defn sum
+  "Return sum of (f x) for each x in xs"
+  ([f xs] (reduce + (map f xs)))
+  ([xs] (reduce + xs)))
+(defn singleton
+  "returns (first xs) when xs has only 1 element"
+  [xs]
+  (when-let [xs (seq xs)]
+    (when-not (next xs)
+      (first xs))))
+(defn indexed
+  "Returns [idx x] for x in seqable s"
+  [s]
+  (map-indexed vector s))
+(defn positions
+  "Returns indices idx of sequence s where (f (nth s idx))"
+  [f s]
+  (keep-indexed (fn [i x] (when (f x) i)) s))
+(defn frequencies-fast
+  "Like clojure.core/frequencies, but faster.
+   Uses Java's equal/hash, so may produce incorrect results if
+   given values that are = but not .equal"
+  [xs]
+  (let [res (java.util.HashMap.)]
+    (doseq [x xs]
+      (.put res x (unchecked-inc (int (or (.get res x) 0)))))
+    (into {} res)))
+(defn distinct-fast
+  "Like clojure.core/distinct, but faster.
+   Uses Java's equal/hash, so may produce incorrect results if
+   given values that are = but not .equal"
+  [xs]
+  (let [s (java.util.HashSet.)]
+    (filter #(when-not (.contains s %) (.add s %) true) xs)))
+(defn distinct-by
+  "Returns elements of xs which return unique
+   values according to f. If multiple elements of xs return the same
+   value under f, the first is returned"
+  [f xs]
+  (let [s (atom #{})]
+    (for [x xs
+          :let [id (f x)]
+          :when (not (contains? @s id))]
+      (do (swap! s conj id)
+          x))))
+(defn distinct-id
+  "Like distinct but uses reference rather than value identity, very clojurey"
+  [xs]
+  (let [s (java.util.IdentityHashMap.)]
+    (doseq [x xs]
+      (.put s x true))
+    (iterator-seq (.iterator (.keySet s)))))
+(defn interleave-all
+  "Analogy: partition:partition-all :: interleave:interleave-all"
+  [& colls]
+  (lazy-seq
+   ((fn helper [seqs]
+      (when (seq seqs)
+        (concat (map first seqs)
+                (lazy-seq (helper (keep next seqs))))))
+    (keep seq colls))))
+(defn count-when
+  "Returns # of elements of xs where pred holds"
+  [pred xs]
+  (count (filter pred xs)))
+(defn conj-when
+  "Like conj but ignores non-truthy values"
+  ([coll x] (if x (conj coll x) coll))
+  ([coll x & xs]
+     (if xs
+       (recur (conj-when coll x)
+              (first xs)
+              (next xs))
+       (conj-when coll x))))
+(defn cons-when
+  "Like cons but does nothing if x is non-truthy."
+  [x s]
+  (if x (cons x s) s))
+(def rsort-by
+  "Like sort-by, but prefers higher values rather than lower ones."
+  (comp reverse sort-by))
+;;; Control flow
+(defmacro ?>>
+  "Conditional double-arrow operation (->> nums (?>> inc-all? (map inc)))"
+  [do-it? & args]
+  `(if ~do-it?
+     (->> ~(last args) ~@(butlast args))
+     ~(last args)))
+(defmacro ?>
+  "Conditional single-arrow operation (-> m (?> add-kv? (assoc :k :v)))"
+  [arg do-it? & rest]
+  `(if ~do-it?
+     (-> ~arg ~@rest)
+     ~arg))
+(defmacro fn->
+  "Equivalent to `(fn [x] (-> x ~@body))"
+  [& body]
+  `(fn [x#] (-> x# ~@body)))
+(defmacro fn->>
+  "Equivalent to `(fn [x] (->> x ~@body))"
+  [& body]
+  `(fn [x#] (->> x# ~@body)))
+(defmacro <-
+  "Converts a ->> to a ->
+   (->> (range 10) (map inc) (<- (doto prn)) (reduce +))
+   Jason W01fe is happy to give a talk anywhere any time on
+   the calculus of arrow macros"
+  [& body]
+  `(-> ~(last body) ~@(butlast body)))
+(defmacro as->>
+  "Like as->, but can be used in double arrow."
+  [name & forms-and-expr]
+  `(as-> ~(last forms-and-expr) ~name ~@(butlast forms-and-expr)))
+(defmacro memoized-fn
+  "Like fn, but memoized (including recursive calls).
+   The clojure.core memoize correctly caches recursive calls when you do a top-level def
+   of your memoized function, but if you want an anonymous fibonacci function, you must use
+   memoized-fn rather than memoize to cache the recursive calls."
+  [name args & body]
+  `(let [a# (atom {})]
+     (fn ~name ~args
+       (let [m# @a#
+             args# ~args]
+         (if-let [[_# v#] (find m# args#)]
+           v#
+           (let [v# (do ~@body)]
+             (swap! a# assoc args# v#)
+             v#))))))
+;;; Miscellaneous
+(defn swap-pair!
+  "Like swap! but returns a pair [old-val new-val]"
+  ([a f]
+     (loop []
+       (let [old-val @a
+             new-val (f old-val)]
+         (if (compare-and-set! a old-val new-val)
+           [old-val new-val]
+           (recur)))))
+  ([a f & args]
+     (swap-pair! a #(apply f % args))))
+(defn get-and-set!
+  "Like reset! but returns old-val"
+  [a new-val]
+  (first (swap-pair! a (constantly new-val))))
+(defn millis ^long []
+         (System/currentTimeMillis)
+                              )
+(defn mapply
+  "Like apply, but applies a map to a function with positional map
+  arguments. Can take optional initial args just like apply."
+  ([f m] (apply f (apply concat m)))
+  ([f arg & args] (apply f arg (concat (butlast args) (apply concat (last args))))))
+;;; fnk
+(defmacro letk
+  "Keyword let.  Accepts an interleaved sequence of binding forms and map forms like:
+   (letk [[a {b 2} [:f g h] c d {e 4} :as m & more] a-map ...] & body)
+   a, c, d, and f are required keywords, and letk will barf if not in a-map.
+   b and e are optional, and will be bound to default values if not present.
+   g and h are required keys in the map found under :f.
+   m will be bound to the entire map (a-map).
+   more will be bound to all the unbound keys (ie (dissoc a-map :a :b :c :d :e)).
+   :as and & are both optional, but must be at the end in the specified order if present.
+   The same symbol cannot be bound multiple times within the same destructing level.
+   Optional values can reference symbols bound earlier within the same binding, i.e.,
+   (= [2 2] (let [a 1] (letk [[a {b a}] {:a 2}] [a b]))) but
+   (= [2 1] (let [a 1] (letk [[{b a} a] {:a 2}] [a b])))
+   If present, :as and :& symbols are bound before other symbols within the binding.
+   Namespaced keys are supported by specifying fully-qualified key in binding form. The bound
+   symbol uses the _name_ portion of the namespaced key, i.e,
+   (= 1 (letk [[a/b] {:a/b 1}] b)).
+   Map destructuring bindings can be mixed with ordinary symbol bindings."
+  [bindings & body]
+  (schema/assert-iae (vector? bindings) "Letk binding must be a vector")
+  (schema/assert-iae (even? (count bindings)) "Letk binding must have even number of elements")
+  (reduce
+   (fn [cur-body-form [bind-form value-form]]
+     (if (symbol? bind-form)
+       `(let [~bind-form ~value-form] ~cur-body-form)
+       (let [{:keys [map-sym body-form]} (fnk-impl/letk-input-schema-and-body-form
+                                          &env
+                                          (fnk-impl/ensure-schema-metadata &env bind-form)
+                                          []
+                                          cur-body-form)]
+         `(let [~map-sym ~value-form] ~body-form))))
+   `(do ~@body)
+   (reverse (partition 2 bindings))))
+(defmacro if-letk
+  "bindings => binding-form test
+  If test is true, evaluates then with binding-form bound to the value of
+  test, if not, yields else"
+  ([bindings then]
+     `(if-letk ~bindings ~then nil))
+  ([bindings then else]
+     (assert (vector? bindings) "if-letk requires a vector for its binding")
+     (assert (= 2 (count bindings)) "if-letk requires exactly 2 forms in binding vector")
+     (let [form (bindings 0) tst (bindings 1)]
+       `(let [temp# ~tst]
+          (if temp#
+            (letk [~form temp#]
+              ~then)
+            ~else)))))
+(defmacro when-letk
+  "bindings => binding-form test
+  When test is true, evaluates body with binding-form bound to the value of test"
+  [bindings & body]
+  `(if-letk ~bindings (do ~@body)))
+(defmacro fnk
+  "Keyword fn, using letk.  Generates a prismatic/schema schematized fn that
+   accepts a single explicit map i.e., (f {:foo :bar}).
+   Explicit top-level map structure will be recorded in output spec, or
+   to capture implicit structure use an explicit prismatic/schema hint on the
+   function name.
+   Individual inputs can also be schematized by putting :- schemas after the
+   binding symbol.  Schemas can also be used on & more symbols to describe
+   additional map inputs, or on entire [] bindings to override the automatically
+   generated schema for the contents (caveat emptor).
+   By default, input schemas allow for arbitrary additional mappings
+   ({s/Keyword s/Any}) unless explicit binding or & more schemas are provided."
+  [& args]
+  (let [[name? more-args] (if (symbol? (first args))
+                            (schema-macros/extract-arrow-schematized-element &env args)
+                            [nil args])
+        [bind body] (schema-macros/extract-arrow-schematized-element &env more-args)]
+    (fnk-impl/fnk-form &env name? bind body &form)))
+(defmacro defnk
+  "Analogy: fn:fnk :: defn::defnk"
+  [& defnk-args]
+  (let [[name args] (schema-macros/extract-arrow-schematized-element &env defnk-args)
+        take-if (fn [p s] (if (p (first s)) [(first s) (next s)] [nil s]))
+        [docstring? args] (take-if string? args)
+        [attr-map? args] (take-if map? args)
+        [bind body] (schema-macros/extract-arrow-schematized-element &env args)]
+    (schema/assert-iae (symbol? name) "Name for defnk is not a symbol: %s" name)
+    (let [f (fnk-impl/fnk-form &env name bind body &form)]
+      `(def ~(with-meta name (merge (meta name) (assoc-when (or attr-map? {}) :doc docstring?)))
+         ~f))))
+      (set! *warn-on-reflection* false)
+;;;;;;;;;;;; This file autogenerated from src/plumbing/core.cljx
diff --git a/src/plumbing/fnk/pfnk.clj b/src/plumbing/fnk/pfnk.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30b3838
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plumbing/fnk/pfnk.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+(ns plumbing.fnk.pfnk
+  "Core protocol and helpers for schema.core to extract and attach
+   input and output schemas to fnks. This protocol says nothing about
+   how fnks are created, so users are free to create PFnks directly
+   using fn->fnk, or using custom binding syntax (of which 'fnk' et al
+   are one possible example)."
+  (:require
+   [schema.core :as s :include-macros true]
+   [plumbing.fnk.schema :as schema :include-macros true]))
+      (set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
+(defprotocol PFnk
+  "Protocol for keyword functions and their specifications, e.g., fnks and graphs."
+  (io-schemata [this]
+    "Return a pair of [input-schema output-schema], as specified in plumbing.fnk.schema."))
+(defn input [^schema.core.FnSchema s]
+  (let [[[is :as args] :as schemas] (.-input-schemas s)]
+    (schema/assert-iae (= 1 (count schemas)) "Fnks have a single arity, not %s" (count schemas))
+    (schema/assert-iae (= 1 (count args)) "Fnks take a single argument, not %s" (count args))
+    (schema/assert-iae (instance? schema.core.One is) "Fnks take a single argument, not variadic")
+    (let [s (.-schema ^schema.core.One is)]
+      (schema/assert-iae (map? s) "Fnks take a map argument, not %s" (type s))
+      s)))
+(defn output [^schema.core.FnSchema s]
+  (.-output-schema s))
+(extend-type       clojure.lang.Fn              
+             PFnk
+             (io-schemata [this]
+               (assert (fn? this))
+               ((juxt input output) (s/fn-schema this))))
+(defn input-schema [pfnk]
+  (first (io-schemata pfnk)))
+(defn output-schema [pfnk]
+  (second (io-schemata pfnk)))
+(defn input-schema-keys [f]
+  (-> f input-schema schema/explicit-schema-key-map keys))
+(defn fn->fnk
+  "Make a keyword function into a PFnk, by associating input and output schema metadata."
+  ([f io] (fn->fnk f nil io))
+  ([f name [input-schema output-schema :as io]]
+     (vary-meta (s/schematize-fn f (s/=> output-schema input-schema)) assoc :name name)))
+(defn fnk-name
+  "Get the name of a fnk, if named"
+  [f]
+  (:name (meta f)))
+      (set! *warn-on-reflection* false)
+;;;;;;;;;;;; This file autogenerated from src/plumbing/fnk/pfnk.cljx
diff --git a/src/plumbing/fnk/schema.clj b/src/plumbing/fnk/schema.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3dfe745
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plumbing/fnk/schema.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+(ns plumbing.fnk.schema
+  "A very simple type system for a subset of schemas consisting of nested
+   maps with optional or required keyword keys; used by fnk and kin.
+   Since schemas are turing-complete and not really designed for type inference,
+   (and for simplicity) we err on the side of completeness (allowing all legal programs)
+   at the cost of soundness.
+   These operations also bake in some logic specific to reasoning about Graphs,
+   namely that all input keys to a node must be explicitly mentioned as optional or
+   required, or provided via `instance`, and will thus deliberately drop extra key
+   schemas on inputs as appropriate.  Output schemas may not have optional keys."
+  (:require
+   [schema.core :as s :include-macros true]
+   [schema.utils :as schema-utils]
+         [schema.macros :as schema-macros])
+                                             )
+(def Schema (s/protocol s/Schema))
+(def InputSchema {(s/cond-pre (s/eq s/Keyword) schema.core.OptionalKey s/Keyword) Schema})
+(def OutputSchema Schema)
+(def IOSchemata [(s/one InputSchema 'input) (s/one OutputSchema 'output)])
+(def GraphInputSchema {(s/cond-pre schema.core.OptionalKey s/Keyword) Schema})
+(def MapOutputSchema {s/Keyword Schema})
+(def GraphIOSchemata [(s/one GraphInputSchema 'input) (s/one MapOutputSchema 'output)])
+;;; Helpers
+(defmacro assert-iae
+  "Like assert, but throws a RuntimeException in Clojure (not an AssertionError),
+   and also takes args to format."
+  [form & format-args]
+  `(schema-macros/assert! ~form ~@format-args))
+(defn assert-distinct
+  "Like (assert (distinct? things)) but with a more helpful error message."
+  [things]
+  (let [repeated-things (->> things
+                             frequencies
+                             (filter #(> (val %) 1))
+                             seq)]
+    (assert-iae (empty? repeated-things) "Got repeated items (expected distinct): %s" repeated-things)))
+(defn safe-get
+  "Like (get m k), but throws if k is not present in m."
+  [m k key-path]
+  (assert-iae (map? m)
+              "Expected a map at key-path %s, got type %s" key-path (schema-utils/type-of m))
+  (let [[_ v :as p] (find m k)]
+    (when-not p (throw (ex-info ^String (schema-utils/format* "Key %s not found in %s" k (keys m))
+                                {:error :missing-key
+                                 :key   k
+                                 :map   m})))
+    v))
+(defn non-map-union [s1 s2]
+  (cond (= s1 s2) s1
+        (= s1 s/Any) s2
+        (= s2 s/Any) s1
+        :else s1)) ;; Punt, just take the first
+(defn non-map-diff
+  "Return a difference of schmas s1 and s2, where one is not a map.
+   Punt for now, assuming s2 always satisfies s1."
+  [s1 s2]
+  nil)
+(defn map-schema? [m]
+         (instance? clojure.lang.APersistentMap m)
+                                                       )
+;;; Input schemata
+(s/defn unwrap-schema-form-key :- (s/maybe (s/pair s/Keyword "k" s/Bool "optional?"))
+  "Given a possibly-unevaluated schema map key form, unpack an explicit keyword
+   and optional? flag, or return nil for a non-explicit key"
+  [k]
+  (cond (s/specific-key? k)
+        [(s/explicit-schema-key k) (s/required-key? k)]
+        ;; Deal with `(s/optional-key k) form from impl
+        (and (sequential? k) (not (vector? k)) (= (count k) 2)
+             (= (first k) 'schema.core/optional-key))
+        [(second k) false]
+        ;; Deal with `(with-meta ...) form from impl
+        (and (sequential? k) (not (vector? k)) (= (first k) `with-meta))
+        (unwrap-schema-form-key (second k))))
+(s/defn explicit-schema-key-map :- {s/Keyword s/Bool}
+  "Given a possibly-unevaluated map schema, return a map from bare keyword to true
+   (for required) or false (for optional)"
+  [s]
+  (->> s
+       keys
+       (keep unwrap-schema-form-key)
+       (into {})))
+(s/defn split-schema-keys :- [(s/one [s/Keyword] 'required) (s/one [s/Keyword] 'optional)]
+  "Given output of explicit-schema-key-map, split into seq [req opt]."
+  [s :- {s/Keyword s/Bool}]
+  (->> s
+       ((juxt filter remove) val)
+       (mapv (partial mapv key))))
+(defn- merge-on-with
+  "Like merge-with, but also projects keys to a smaller space and merges them similar to the
+   values."
+  [key-project key-combine val-combine & maps]
+  (->> (apply concat maps)
+       (reduce
+        (fn [m [k v]]
+          (let [pk (key-project k)]
+            (if-let [[ok ov] (get m pk)]
+              (assoc m pk [(key-combine ok k) (val-combine ov v)])
+              (assoc m pk [k v]))))
+        {})
+       vals
+       (into {})))
+(s/defn union-input-schemata :- InputSchema
+  "Returns a minimal input schema schema that entails satisfaction of both s1 and s2"
+  [i1 :- InputSchema i2 :- InputSchema]
+  (merge-on-with
+   #(if (s/specific-key? %) (s/explicit-schema-key %) :extra)
+   (fn [k1 k2]
+     (cond (s/required-key? k1) k1
+           (s/required-key? k2) k2
+           (s/optional-key? k1) (do (assert (= k1 k2)) k1)
+           (= k1 k2) k1
+           :else (assert-iae false "Only one extra schema allowed")))
+   (fn [s1 s2]
+     (if (and (map-schema? s1) (map-schema? s2))
+       (union-input-schemata s1 s2)
+       (non-map-union s1 s2)))
+   i1 i2))
+(s/defn required-toplevel-keys :- [s/Keyword]
+  "Which top-level keys are required (i.e., non-false) by this input schema."
+  [input-schema :- InputSchema]
+  (keep
+   (fn [k]
+     (when (s/required-key? k)
+       (s/explicit-schema-key k)))
+   (keys input-schema)))
+;;; Output schemata
+(defn guess-expr-output-schema
+  "Guess an output schema for an expr.  Currently just looks for literal map structure and
+   all keyword keys."
+  [expr]
+  (if (and (map? expr) (every? keyword? (keys expr)))
+    (into {} (for [[k v] expr] [k (guess-expr-output-schema v)]))
+    'schema.core/Any))
+;;; Combining inputs and outputs.
+(defn schema-diff ;; don't validate since it returns better errors.
+  "Subtract output-schema from input-schema, returning nil if it's possible that an object
+   satisfying the output-schema satisfies the input-schema, or otherwise a description
+   of the part(s) of input-schema not met by output-schema.  Strict about the map structure
+   of output-schema matching input-schema, but loose about everything else (only looks at
+   required keys of output-schema."
+  [input-schema output-schema] ;; not schematized since it returns more helpful errors
+  (cond (not (map-schema? input-schema))
+        (non-map-diff input-schema output-schema)
+        (not (map-schema? output-schema))
+        (schema-macros/validation-error input-schema output-schema (list 'map? (s/explain output-schema)))
+        :else
+        (->> (for [[k v] input-schema
+                   :when (s/specific-key? k)
+                   :let [required? (s/required-key? k)
+                         raw-k (s/explicit-schema-key k)
+                         present? (contains? output-schema raw-k)]
+                   :when (or required? present?)
+                   :let [fail (if-not present?
+                                'missing-required-key
+                                (schema-diff v (get output-schema raw-k)))]
+                   :when fail]
+               [k fail])
+             (into {})
+             not-empty)))
+(defn assert-satisfies-schema [input-schema output-schema]
+  (let [fails (schema-diff input-schema output-schema)]
+    (when fails (throw (ex-info (str fails) {:error    :does-not-satisfy-schema
+                                             :failures fails})))))
+(s/defn ^:always-validate compose-schemata
+  "Given pairs of input and output schemata for fnks f1 and f2,
+   return a pair of input and output schemata for #(f2 (merge % (f1 %))).
+   f1's output schema must not contain any optional keys."
+  [[i2 o2] :- IOSchemata
+   [i1 o1] :- [(s/one InputSchema 'input) (s/one MapOutputSchema 'output)]]
+  (assert-satisfies-schema (select-keys i2 (keys o1)) o1)
+  [(union-input-schemata (apply dissoc i2 (concat (keys o1) (map s/optional-key (keys o1)))) i1)
+   o2])
+(defn schema-key [m k]
+  (cond (contains? m k)
+        k
+        (contains? m (s/optional-key k))
+        (s/optional-key k)
+        :else nil))
+(defn possibly-contains? [m k]
+  (boolean (schema-key m k)))
+(s/defn split-schema
+  "Return a pair [ks-part non-ks-part], with any extra schema removed."
+  [s :- InputSchema ks :- [s/Keyword]]
+  (let [ks (set ks)]
+    (for [in? [true false]]
+      (into {} (for [[k v] s
+                     :when (and (s/specific-key? k)
+                                (= in? (contains? ks (s/explicit-schema-key k))))]
+                 [k v])))))
+(s/defn sequence-schemata :- GraphIOSchemata
+  "Given pairs of input and output schemata for fnks f1 and f2, and a keyword k,
+   return a pair of input and output schemata for #(let [v1 (f1 %)] (assoc v1 k (f2 (merge-disjoint % v1))))"
+  [[i1 o1] :- GraphIOSchemata
+   [k [i2 o2]] :- [(s/one s/Keyword "key") (s/one IOSchemata "inner-schemas")]]
+  (assert-iae (not (possibly-contains? i1 k)) "Duplicate key output (possibly due to a misordered graph) %s for input %s from input %s" k (s/explain i2) (s/explain i1))
+  (assert-iae (not (possibly-contains? o1 k)) "Node outputs a duplicate key %s given inputs %s" k (s/explain i1))
+  (let [[used unused] (split-schema i2 (keys o1))]
+    (assert-satisfies-schema used o1)
+    [(union-input-schemata unused i1)
+     (assoc o1 k o2)]))
+;;;;;;;;;;;; This file autogenerated from src/plumbing/fnk/schema.cljx
diff --git a/src/plumbing/graph.clj b/src/plumbing/graph.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c61b8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plumbing/graph.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+(ns plumbing.graph
+  "A Graph is a simple, declarative way to define a composition of functions that is
+   easy to define, modify, execute, test, and monitor.
+   This blog post provides a high-level overview of Graph and its benefits:
+   http://plumatic.github.io/prismatics-graph-at-strange-loop
+   Concretely, a Graph specification is just a Clojure (nested) map with keyword keys
+   and keyword functions at the leaves.
+   A Graph is defined recursively as either:
+     1. a keyword function (i.e., fn satisfying PFnk), or
+     2. a Clojure map from keywords to (sub)graphs.
+   A Graph is a declarative specification of a single keyword function that
+   produces a map output, where each value in the output is produced by executing
+   the corresponding keyword function in the Graph.  The inputs to the keyword
+   function are given by the outputs of other nodes in the graph with matching
+   keywords (mimicking lexical scope in the case of nested maps), or failing that,
+   from keywords in the input map.
+   For more details and examples of Graphs, see test/plumbing/graph_examples_test.cljx."
+  (:refer-clojure :exclude [compile])
+  (:require
+         [lazymap.core :as lazymap]
+   [schema.core :as s]
+         [schema.macros :as schema-macros]
+   [plumbing.fnk.schema :as schema :include-macros true]
+   [plumbing.fnk.pfnk :as pfnk]
+         [plumbing.fnk.impl :as fnk-impl]
+         [plumbing.graph.positional :as graph-positional]
+   [plumbing.core :as plumbing :include-macros true]
+   [plumbing.map :as map])
+                                                            )
+;;; Constructing graphs
+(defn working-array-map
+  "array-map in cljs no longer preserves ordering, replicate the old functionality."
+  [& args]
+  (schema-macros/if-cljs
+   (.fromArray cljs.core/PersistentArrayMap (apply array args) true true)
+   (apply array-map args)))
+(defn ->graph
+  "Convert a graph specification into a canonical well-formed 'graph', which
+   is an array-map with nodes in a correct topological order that will respond
+   to 'io-schemata' with a specification of the graph inputs and outputs.
+   The graph specification can be a Clojure map, in which case the topological
+   order will be computed (an error will be thrown for cyclic specifications),
+   or a sequence of key-value pairs that are already in a valid topological order
+   (an error will be thrown if the order is not valid).  Values in the input
+   sequence are also converted to canonical graphs via recursive calls to ->graph."
+  [graph-nodes]
+  (if (or (fn? graph-nodes) (= graph-nodes (::self (meta graph-nodes))))
+    graph-nodes
+    (let [canonical-nodes (plumbing/map-vals ->graph graph-nodes)
+          graph (->> (if-not (map? graph-nodes)
+                       (map first graph-nodes)
+                       (->> canonical-nodes
+                            (plumbing/map-vals pfnk/input-schema-keys)
+                            map/topological-sort
+                            reverse))
+                     (mapcat #(find canonical-nodes %))
+                     (apply working-array-map))]
+      (assert (every? keyword? (keys graph)))
+      (with-meta graph
+        {::io-schemata (update-in (reduce schema/sequence-schemata
+                                          [{} {}]
+                                          (for [[k node] graph]
+                                            [k (pfnk/io-schemata node)]))
+                                  [0] assoc s/Keyword s/Any)
+         ::self graph}))))
+;; Any Clojure map can be treated as a graph directly, without calling ->graph
+(defn io-schemata* [g]
+  (plumbing/safe-get (meta (->graph g)) ::io-schemata))
+(extend-protocol pfnk/PFnk
+        clojure.lang.IPersistentMap
+  (io-schemata [g] (io-schemata* g))
+  (io-schemata [g] (io-schemata* g)))
+(defn- split-nodes [s]
+  (loop [in s out []]
+    (if-let [[f & r] (seq in)]
+      (cond (keyword? f) ;; key then value
+            (recur (next r) (conj out [f (first r)]))
+            (fn? f)
+            (do (schema/assert-iae (pfnk/fnk-name f) "Inline fnks must have a name (to be used as a key)")
+                (recur r (conj out [(keyword (pfnk/fnk-name f)) f])))
+            :else ;; inline graph
+            (recur r (into out f)))
+      out)))
+(defn graph
+  "An ordered constructor for graphs, which enforces that the Graph is provided
+   in a valid topological ordering.  This is a sanity check, and also enforces
+   defining graphs in a readable way.  Most explicit graphs should be created
+   with this constructor.
+   (graph
+     :x-plus-1   (fnk [x] (inc x))
+     :2-x-plus-2 (fnk [x-plus-1] (* 2 x-plus-1)))
+   in addition, an 'inline' graph can be provided in place of a key-value
+   sequence, which will be merged into the graph at this position.
+   a named fnk can also be provided in place of a key-value pair,
+   where the fnk's name (as a keyword) is the implicit key."
+  [& nodes]
+  (let [partitioned (split-nodes nodes)]
+    (schema/assert-distinct (map first partitioned))
+    (->graph partitioned)))
+;;; Compiling and running graphs
+(defn eager-compile
+  "Compile graph specification g to a corresponding fnk that is optimized for
+   speed. Wherever possible, fnks are called positionally, to reduce the
+   overhead of creating and destructuring maps, and the return value is a
+   record, which is much faster to create and access than a map.  Compilation
+   is relatively slow, however, due to internal calls to 'eval'."
+  [g]
+  (if (fn? g)
+    g
+    (let [g (for [[k sub-g] (->graph g)]
+              [k (eager-compile sub-g)])]
+      (graph-positional/positional-flat-compile (->graph g)))))
+(defn positional-eager-compile
+  "Like eager-compile, but produce a non-keyword function that can be called
+   with args in the order provided by arg-ks, avoiding the overhead of creating
+   and destructuring a top-level map.  This can yield a substantially faster
+   fn for Graphs with very computationally inexpensive node fnks."
+  [g arg-ks]
+  (fnk-impl/positional-fn (eager-compile g) arg-ks))
+(defn simple-flat-compile
+  "Helper method for simple (non-nested) graph compilations that convert a graph
+   specification to a fnk that returns a Clojure map of the graph node values.
+   (make-map m) converts an initial Clojure map m to the return type of the fnk,
+   and (assoc-f m k f) associates the value given by (f) under key k to map m."
+  [g check-input? make-map assoc-f]
+  (let [g (->graph g)
+        req-ks (schema/required-toplevel-keys (pfnk/input-schema g))]
+    (pfnk/fn->fnk
+     (fn [m]
+       (when check-input?
+         (let [missing-keys (seq (remove #(contains? m %) req-ks))]
+           (schema/assert-iae (empty? missing-keys)
+                              "Missing top-level keys in graph input: %s"
+                              (set missing-keys))))
+       (apply
+        dissoc
+        (reduce
+         (fn [inner [k node-f]]
+           (schema/assert-iae (not (contains? inner k))
+                              "Inner graph key %s duplicated" k)
+           (assoc-f inner k node-f))
+         (make-map m)
+         g)
+        (keys m)))
+     (pfnk/io-schemata g))))
+(defn simple-hierarchical-compile
+  "Hierarchical extension of simple-nonhierarchical-compile."
+  [g check-input? make-map assoc-f]
+  (if (fn? g)
+    g
+    (simple-flat-compile
+     (for [[k sub-g] (->graph g)]
+       [k (simple-hierarchical-compile sub-g check-input? make-map assoc-f)])
+     check-input? make-map assoc-f)))
+(defn restricted-call
+  "Call fnk f on the subset of keys its input schema explicitly asks for"
+  [f in-m]
+  (f (select-keys in-m (pfnk/input-schema-keys f))))
+(defn interpreted-eager-compile
+  "Compile graph specification g to a corresponding fnk that returns an
+   ordinary Clojure map of the node result fns on a given input.  The
+   compilation is much faster than 'eager-compile', but the compiled fn
+   will typically be much slower."
+  [g]
+  (simple-hierarchical-compile
+   g
+   true
+   (fn [m] m)
+   (fn [m k f] (assoc m k (restricted-call f m)))))
+(defn lazy-compile
+  "Compile graph specification g to a corresponding fnk that returns a
+   lazymap of the node result fns on a given input.  This fnk returns
+   the lazymap immediately, and node values are computed and cached as needed
+   as values are extracted from the lazymap.  Besides this lazy behavior,
+   the lazymap can be used interchangeably with an ordinary Clojure map.
+   Required inputs to the graph are checked lazily, so you can omit input
+   keys not required by unneeded output keys."
+  [g]
+  (simple-hierarchical-compile
+   g
+   false
+   (fn [m] (reduce-kv assoc (lazymap/lazy-hash-map) m)) ;; into is extremely slow on lazymaps.
+   (fn [m k f] (lazymap/delay-assoc m k (delay (restricted-call f m))))))
+      ;; TODO: move out.
+(defn par-compile
+  "Experimental.  Launches one future per node at startup; we probably woudln't
+   use this in production, and will release more sophisticated parallel
+   compilations later.
+   Compile graph specification g to a corresponding fnk that returns a
+   lazymap of the node result fns on a given input.  This fnk returns
+   the lazymap immediately, and node values are computed and cached in parallel
+   starting immediately (and attempts to extract values from the lazymap will
+   block until each value is computed).  Besides this lazy behavior,
+   the lazymap can be used interchangeably with an ordinary Clojure map."
+  [g]
+  (simple-hierarchical-compile
+   g
+   true
+   (fn [m] (into (lazymap/lazy-hash-map) m))
+   (fn [m k f] (lazymap/delay-assoc m k (future (restricted-call f m))))))
+(defn compile
+  "Compile graph specification g to a corresponding fnk using the a default
+   compile strategy for host.
+   Clojure: eager-compile
+   ClojureScript: interpreted-eager-compile"
+  [g]
+         (eager-compile g)
+                                      )
+(defn run
+  "Eagerly run a graph on an input by compiling and then executing on this input."
+  [g input]
+  ((interpreted-eager-compile g) input))
+;;; Higher-order functions on graphs
+(defn check-comp-partial!
+  "Check that instance-fn is a valid fn to comp-partial with graph g."
+  [g instance-fn]
+  (let [is (pfnk/input-schema g)
+        os (pfnk/output-schema instance-fn)]
+    (schema/assert-iae (map? os) "instance-fn must have output metadata")
+    (let [extra-ks (remove #(schema/possibly-contains? is %) (keys os))]
+      (schema/assert-iae (empty? extra-ks) "instance-fn provides unused keys: %s" (vec extra-ks)))
+    (doseq [[k s] os]
+      (schema/assert-satisfies-schema (or (get is k) (get is (s/optional-key k))) s))))
+(defn comp-partial-fn
+  "Return a new pfnk representing the composition #(f (merge % (other %)))"
+  [f other]
+  (pfnk/fn->fnk
+   (fn [m] (f (merge m (other m))))
+   (schema/compose-schemata (pfnk/io-schemata f) (pfnk/io-schemata other))))
+(defn comp-partial
+  "Experimental.
+   An extension of pfnk/comp-partial that supplies new parameters to a subgraph,
+   useful in composing hierarchical graphs.
+   g is a graph, and instance-fn is a fnk that takes arguments from the surrounding
+   context and produces new parameters that are fed into g.  Works by comp-partialing
+   all leafs that expects any parameter produced by instance-fn with instance-fn,
+   so beware of expensive instance-fns, or those that expect caching of some sort
+   (i.e., attempt to generate shared state).
+   Throws an error if any parameter supplied by instance-fn is not used by at least
+   one node in g."
+  [g instance-fn]
+  (if (fn? g)
+    (comp-partial-fn g instance-fn)
+    (let [os (pfnk/output-schema instance-fn)]
+      (check-comp-partial! g instance-fn)
+      (->graph
+       (map/map-leaves
+        (fn [node-fn]
+          (if (some os (pfnk/input-schema-keys node-fn))
+            (comp-partial-fn node-fn instance-fn)
+            node-fn))
+        g)))))
+(defmacro instance
+  "Experimental.
+   Convenience macro for comp-partial, used to supply inline parameters to a
+   subgraph (or fnk).
+   Example:
+   (= {:x 21}
+      (run (instance {:x (fnk [a] (inc a))} [z] {:a (* z 2)})
+           {:z 10}))"
+  ([g m] `(instance ~g [] ~m))
+  ([g bind m]
+     `(comp-partial ~g (plumbing/fnk ~bind ~m))))
+(defn profiled
+  "Modify graph spec g, producing a new graph spec with a new top-level key
+   'profile-key'.  After each node value is computed, the number of milliseconds
+   taken to compute its value will be stored under an atom at 'profile-key'."
+  [profile-key g]
+  (assert (and (keyword? profile-key) (not (get g profile-key))))
+  (->graph
+   (assoc (map/map-leaves-and-path
+           (fn [ks f]
+             (pfnk/fn->fnk
+              (fn [m]
+                (let [pm (plumbing/safe-get m profile-key)
+                      start       (System/nanoTime)                         
+                      res (f (dissoc m profile-key))]
+                  (swap! pm assoc-in ks
+                                (/ (- (System/nanoTime) start) 1000000.0)
+                                                           )
+                  res))
+              [(assoc (pfnk/input-schema f)
+                 profile-key s/Any)
+               (pfnk/output-schema f)]))
+           (->graph g))
+     profile-key (plumbing/fnk [] (atom {})))))
+;;;;;;;;;;;; This file autogenerated from src/plumbing/graph.cljx
diff --git a/src/plumbing/graph_async.clj b/src/plumbing/graph_async.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe5a9ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plumbing/graph_async.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+(ns plumbing.graph-async
+  (:require
+         [clojure.core.async :as async :refer [go <! >!]]
+         [clojure.core.async.impl.protocols :as async-protocols]
+   [plumbing.fnk.pfnk :as pfnk]
+   [plumbing.fnk.schema :as schema :include-macros true]
+   [plumbing.core :as plumbing :include-macros true]
+   [plumbing.graph :as graph :include-macros true]))
+(defn asyncify
+  "Take a fnk f and return an async version by wrapping non-channel
+  return values in a channel"
+  [f]
+  (pfnk/fn->fnk
+   (fn [m]
+     (let [v (f m)]
+       (if (satisfies? async-protocols/ReadPort v)
+         v
+         (go v))))
+   (pfnk/io-schemata f)))
+;;; Public
+(defn async-compile
+  "Experimental.
+   Compile a hierarchical graph with (some) async fnks into an channel that
+   contains the computed graph once completed.
+   Each fnk can perform async operations by returning a channel that contains
+   its node value once completed.
+   Each node function will be evaluated as its dependencies have been fully
+   computed."
+  [g]
+  (if (fn? g)
+    (asyncify g)
+    (let [g (graph/->graph (plumbing/map-vals async-compile g))
+          req-ks (schema/required-toplevel-keys (pfnk/input-schema g))
+          edges (concat
+                 (for [[k v] g
+                       parent-k (filter g (pfnk/input-schema-keys v))]
+                   [parent-k k])
+                 (for [k (keys g)]
+                   [k ::done]))
+          child-map (->> edges
+                         (group-by first)
+                         (plumbing/map-vals #(set (map second %))))
+          parent-map (->> edges
+                          (group-by second)
+                          (plumbing/map-vals #(set (map first %))))]
+      (pfnk/fn->fnk
+       (fn [m]
+         (let [missing-keys (seq (remove #(contains? m %) req-ks))]
+           (schema/assert-iae (empty? missing-keys)
+                              "Missing top-level keys in graph input: %s"
+                              (set missing-keys)))
+         (let [result (async/chan)
+               remaining-parents (atom parent-map)
+               results (atom m)
+               run-node (fn run-node [k]
+                          (go
+                           (if (= ::done k)
+                             (>! result (select-keys @results (keys g)))
+                             (let [f (g k)
+                                   r (<! (f (select-keys @results (pfnk/input-schema-keys f))))]
+                               (swap! results assoc k r)
+                               (doseq [c (child-map k)]
+                                 (when (empty? (c (swap! remaining-parents
+                                                         update-in [c]
+                                                         disj k)))
+                                   (run-node c)))))))]
+           (doseq [k (keys g)]
+             (when (empty? (parent-map k))
+               (run-node k)))
+           result))
+       (pfnk/io-schemata g)))))
+;;;;;;;;;;;; This file autogenerated from src/plumbing/graph_async.cljx
diff --git a/src/plumbing/map.clj b/src/plumbing/map.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..026ed31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plumbing/map.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+(ns plumbing.map
+  "Common operations on maps (both Clojure immutable and mutable Java stuff)"
+  (:refer-clojure :exclude [flatten])
+  (:require
+   [plumbing.core :as plumbing :include-macros true]
+   [plumbing.fnk.schema :as schema :include-macros true]
+                               ))
+;;; Clojure immutable maps
+(defn safe-select-keys
+  "Like select-keys, but asserts that all keys are present."
+  [m ks]
+  (let [missing (remove (partial contains? m) ks)]
+    (schema/assert-iae (empty? missing) "Keys %s not found in %s" (vec missing)
+                       (binding [*print-length* 200]
+                         (print-str (mapv key m)))))
+  (select-keys m ks))
+(defn merge-disjoint
+  "Like merge, but throws with any key overlap between maps"
+  ([] {})
+  ([m] m)
+  ([m1 m2]
+   (let [duplicates (filter (partial contains? m2) (keys m1))]
+     (schema/assert-iae (empty? duplicates) "Duplicate keys %s"
+                        (vec duplicates)))
+   (into (or m2 {}) m1))
+  ([m1 m2 & maps]
+     (reduce merge-disjoint m1 (cons m2 maps))))
+(defn merge-with-key
+  "Like merge-with, but the merging function takes the key being merged
+   as the first argument"
+  [f & maps]
+  (when (some identity maps)
+    (let [merge-entry (fn [m e]
+                        (let [k (key e) v (val e)]
+                          (if (contains? m k)
+                            (assoc m k (f k (get m k) v))
+                            (assoc m k v))))
+          merge2 (fn [m1 m2]
+                   (reduce merge-entry (or m1 {}) (seq m2)))]
+      (reduce merge2 maps))))
+(defn flatten
+  "Transform a nested map into a seq of [keyseq leaf-val] pairs"
+  [m]
+  (when m
+    ((fn flatten-helper [keyseq m]
+       (when m
+         (if (map? m)
+           (mapcat (fn [[k v]] (flatten-helper (conj keyseq k) v)) m)
+           [[keyseq m]])))
+     [] m)))
+(defn unflatten
+  "Transform a seq of [keyseq leaf-val] pairs into a nested map.
+   If one keyseq is a prefix of another, you're on your own."
+  [s]
+  (reduce (fn [m [ks v]] (if (seq ks) (assoc-in m ks v) v)) {} s))
+;; TODO: make sure we're safe with false here -- pretty sure we're not.  Same for nil.
+(defn map-leaves-and-path
+  "Takes a nested map and returns a nested map with the same shape, where each
+   (non-map) leaf v is transformed to (f key-seq v).
+   key-seq is the sequence of keys to reach this leaf, starting at the root."
+  ([f m] (when m (map-leaves-and-path f [] m)))
+  ([f ks m]
+     (if-not (map? m)
+       (f ks m)
+       (plumbing/for-map [[k v] m]
+         k
+         (map-leaves-and-path f (conj ks k) v)))))
+(defn keep-leaves-and-path
+  "Takes a nested map and returns a nested map with the same shape, where each
+   (non-map) leaf v is transformed to (f key-seq v), or removed if it returns nil.
+   key-seq is the sequence of keys to reach this leaf, starting at the root.
+   Empty maps produced by this pruning are themselves pruned from the output."
+  ([f m] (keep-leaves-and-path f [] m))
+  ([f ks m]
+     (if-not (map? m)
+       (f ks m)
+       (plumbing/for-map [[k ov] m
+                          :let [nv (keep-leaves-and-path f (conj ks k) ov)]
+                          :when (not (or (nil? nv) (and (map? nv) (empty? nv))))]
+         k nv))))
+(defn map-leaves
+  "Takes a nested map and returns a nested map with the same shape, where each
+   (non-map) leaf v is transformed to (f v)."
+  ([f m] (map-leaves-and-path (fn [_ l] (f l)) m)))
+(defn keep-leaves
+  "Takes a nested map and returns a nested map with the same shape, where each
+   (non-map) leaf v is transformed to (f v), or removed if it returns nil.
+   Empty maps produced by this pruning are themselves pruned from the output."
+  ([f m] (keep-leaves-and-path (fn [_ l] (f l)) m)))
+(defmacro keyword-map
+  "Expands to a map whose keys are keywords with the same name as the given
+  symbols, e.g.:
+    (let [x 41, y (inc x)]
+      (keyword-map x y))
+    ;; => {:x 41, :y 42}"
+  [& syms]
+  (when-not (every? symbol? syms)
+    (throw (ex-info "Arguments to keyword-map must be symbols!" {:args syms})))
+  (zipmap (map #(keyword (name %)) syms) syms))
+;;; Java mutable Maps
+  (defn update-key!
+    "Transform value in java.util.Map m under key k with fn f."
+    ([^java.util.Map m k f]
+       (.put m k (f (.get m k))))
+    ([^java.util.Map m k f & args]
+       (.put m k (apply f (.get m k) args))))
+  (defmacro get!
+    "Get the value in java.util.Map m under key k.  If the key is not present,
+   set the value to the result of default-expr and return it.  Useful for
+   constructing mutable nested structures on the fly.
+   (.add ^List (get! m :k (java.util.ArrayList.)) :foo)"
+    [m k default-expr]
+    `(let [^java.util.Map m# ~m k# ~k]
+       (or (.get m# k#)
+           (let [nv# ~default-expr]
+             (.put m# k# nv#)
+             nv#))))
+  (defn inc-key!
+    "Increment the value in java.util.Map m under key k by double d."
+    [^java.util.Map m k ^double d]
+    (.put m k (if-let [v (.get m k)]
+                (+ (double v) d)
+                d)))
+  (defn inc-key-in!
+    "Increment the value in java.util.Map m under key-seq ks by double d,
+   creating and storing HashMaps under missing keys on the path to this leaf."
+    [^java.util.Map m ks ^double d]
+    (if-let [mk (next ks)]
+      (recur (get! m (first ks) (java.util.HashMap.)) mk d)
+      (inc-key! m (first ks) d)))
+  (defn ^java.util.HashMap collate
+    "Take a seq of [k v] counts and sum them up into a HashMap on k."
+    [flat-counts]
+    (let [m (java.util.HashMap.)]
+      (doseq [[k v] flat-counts]
+        (inc-key! m k v))
+      m))
+  (defn ^java.util.HashMap deep-collate
+    "Take a seq of [kseq v] counts and sum them up into nested HashMaps"
+    [nested-counts]
+    (let [m (java.util.HashMap.)]
+      (doseq [[ks v] nested-counts]
+        (inc-key-in! m ks v))
+      m)))
+;;; Ops on graphs represented as maps.
+(defn topological-sort
+  "Take an adjacency list representation of a graph (a map from node names to
+   sequences of child node names), and return a topological ordering of the node
+   names in linear time, or throw an error if the graph is cyclic.
+   If include-leaves? is false the ordering will only include keys from child-map,
+   and if true it will also include nodes only named as children in child-map."
+  [child-map & [include-leaves?]]
+  (let [e  (java.util.HashMap. ^java.util.Map child-map)
+        re (java.util.HashMap.)
+        s (java.util.Stack.)]
+    (doseq [[p children] child-map
+            c children]
+      (when include-leaves? (when-not (.containsKey e c) (.put e c nil)))
+      (update-key! re c #(cons p %)))
+    (while (not (.isEmpty e))
+      ((fn dfs1 [n]
+         (when (.containsKey e n)
+           (let [nns (.get e n)]
+             (.remove e n)
+             (doseq [nn nns] (dfs1 nn)))
+           (.push s n)))
+       (first (keys e))))
+    (let [candidate (reverse (seq s))]
+      (doseq [c candidate
+              r (.remove re c)]
+        (when (.containsKey re r)
+          (throw (IllegalArgumentException. (format "Graph contains a cycle containing %s and %s" c r)))))
+      candidate)))
+;;;;;;;;;;;; This file autogenerated from src/plumbing/map.cljx

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