[libpostgresql-jdbc-java] annotated tag REL9_3_1100 created (now 1ce200a)

Emmanuel Bourg ebourg-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Jan 9 10:18:20 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

ebourg-guest pushed a change to annotated tag REL9_3_1100
in repository libpostgresql-jdbc-java.

        at  1ce200a   (tag)
   tagging  09eb20272c825cac351ba4bb8c251ed7bb5dd5d3 (commit)
 tagged by  Dave Cramer
        on  Thu Oct 31 14:02:55 2013 +0000

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
initial release of 9.3

Barry Lind (133):
      This patch fixes a bug introduced in the jdbc bytea support patch.
      Added some additional comments in the code
      Updated the list of encodings supported to match what the backend now supports
      fix for a bug in DatabaseMetaData.getIndexInfo().  This fixes a bug reported by tom_falconer at lineone.net.  On Sept 7th, he sent a test case to the list demonstrating the bug.  His test case now works successfully with this patch
      applied patch from Mark Lillywhite, patch was already applied to jdbc2, this applies same fix to jdbc1 code
      updated patch from Mark Lillywhite per Tom Lane's comments: subtract VARHDRSZ first then and with 0xffff
      fixed change in behavior introduced in bytea / getBytes changes.  This patch reverts back unintentional change in behavior to return raw value even when not bytea column
      minor improvements on Dave's last checkin
      Commit to support MD5 passwords as per the backend for 7.2.  This patch was submitted by Jeremy Wohl jeremyw-pgjdbc at igmus.org
      fixed bug in ResultSet.  Version 1.29 backed out two previous fixes (1.26 and 1.25).  This checkin add back those two previous fixes.  Problem reported by Daniel Germain
      Attached is a patch against the CVS repository that fixes the ResultSet absolute() problem.
      This patch fixes a bug reported by Graham Leggett (minfrin at sharp.fm).
      Patch from Ned Wolpert that fixes a bug that caused the cache of types not
      Applied patch from Thomas O'Dowd that fixes timestamp parsing.  The jdbc code
      Bugfix for bug reported by Marcus Better (marcus at dactylis.com).  When preforming
      Applied patch from Ryouichi Matsuda <r-matuda at sra.co.jp> where the jdbc
      Applied patch submitted by Ryouichi Matsuda (r-matuda at sra.co.jp) that fixed a problem with leading zeros being lost on fractional seconds when setting a timestamp value on a PreparedStatement.
      Changed QueryExecutor.java to correctly read responses from the backend.
      applied patch submitted by Florian (mailing-list at urbanet.ch) for BigDecimal support
      applied patch from Liam Stewart fixing a message in the properties file
      Removed error message that was incorectly being issued.  This fixes a problem reported a few months ago where a select in a rule was causing an insert statement to return a result set which the code was explicitly prohibiting.
      fixed problem connecting to server with client_min_messages set to debug.  The code was not expecting to receive notice messages during the connection handshake.
      fixed bug reported by Noel Rappin (nrappin at sockeye.com) java Array type handled Timestamps incorrectly
      fixed bug reported by cc.ais40 at wanadoo.fr where getObject was returning an Integer for a smallint datatype instead of a Short
      The patch does the following:
      fixed bug reported by Wolfgang Winter w.winter at logitags.com where historic timestamps which do not have timezone info were being interpreted in local timezone instead of GMT.  Also added a check to support timestamp vs. timestamptz in this code
      patch submitted by Jason Davies jason at netspade.com to improve ResultSetMetaData.getColumnClassName() support
      patch to update zh_TW message file for jdbc submitted by Zhenband Wei (forth at mail.net.tw)
      patch to add support for callable statements to the jdbc driver.  The patch was submitted by Paul Bethe pmbethe at yahoo.com
      patch submitted by Jason Davies jason at netspade.com to provide proper java class name for a byte[]
      translation patch submitted by Zhenbang Wei forth at mail.net.tw
      general cleanup of jdbc code
      fixed build.xml to echo correct jdbc version under ant1.6
      fixed bug reported by Michael, Dietrich (mdt at emdete.de) where a large object handle was being used after the end of the transaction and thus resulting in an error.
      fix bug in getTime() with fractional seconds reported by Laurette Cisneros (laurette at nextbus.com)
      fixed bug in support for timestamp without time zone reported by Yuva Chandolu (ychandolu at ebates.com)
      Initial restructuring to add jdbc3 support.  There was a significant amount
      Second phase of restructuring to add jdbc3 support.
      Third phase of restructuring to add jdbc3 support.
      Fouth (and final) phase of restructuring to add jdbc3 support.
      Added support for JDBC3.  The driver will now build under JDBC3 (i.e. Java 1.4).
      Performance tweaks to StringBuffer suggested by hhaag at gmx.de
      Removed code that is no longer used and has been commented out
      Enhancements to how queries with bind values are stored internally and sent to
      JDBC checkin fixing the following bugs:
      Fixed DatabaseMetaData to correctly handle NAME size of 64
      Patches submitted by Kris Jurka (jurka at ejurka.com) for the following bugs:
      Added regression test for using server side prepared statements in jdbc
      Applied patch from Aaron Mulder (ammulder at alumni.princeton.edu) that fixes
      Fixed test suite to call PoolingDataSourceTest which was missed
      Fixed support in jdbc for 7.3 server autocommit.  With these changes the
      Fix in updateable result sets to handle binding null values correctly
      Backed out part of the change from 1.6.  The attempt to support int8 binds
      Applied patch submitted by Kris Jurka to result in a better error message
      Applied patch submitted by Mike Beachy to give a better error message if
      Applied patch from Teofilis Martisius to improve performance.
      Patch submitted by Kris Jurka to fix arrayindexoutofbounds exception caused
      Return something meaningful for Statement.getFetchSize().  Previously we were
      Applied two patches from Kris Jurka.
      Fixes bug where join to pg_description was incorrect.  Also modifies the
      Applied patch submitted by Mats Lofkvist fixing serious threading problem introduced in beta3.
      Fixed bug reported by Marko Strukelj and Keith Wannamaker.  Using executeBatch
      Fix a dumb cut and paste error from my last commit and update some of the
      Patch from Kris Jurka to improve the performance of getImportedKeys().
      Patch from Aaron Mulder to have pooled connections implement PGConnection
      Patch from Florian Wunderlich to correctly support java Timestamps.  Previously
      Bumped up build number to 200
      Patch from Nic Ferrier to add support for result sets being cursor based
      Two patches from Kris Jurka.  One fixes a problem with incorrect type for double
      Better error message on character set mismatches during conversion to unicode.
      upped build# to 201
      Patch to messages file from Holger Klawitter to add a missing message.
      Applied patch to update translation file, submitted by Zhenbang Wei
      Added support for SSL in the jdbc driver
      A little cleanup.  Removing an unnecessary method.
      up build number to 202 for a new development build
      Cleanup and reorganization.
      Applied patch from Paul Sorenson to correctly handle schema names in updateable result sets.
      Improved error message and added some log messages in batch update functionality
      Fixed parsing to handle \n for updateable result sets.  Bug reported by Rich Cullingford.
      Applied updated translation patch
      Applied patch to work around server bug.
      Fix bug in reading acls (didn't treat null acl as meaning the table owner had
      New build number
      Applied patch submitted by Nic Ferrier with some cleanups of his previous
      Applied patches from Kris Jurka fixing a string tokenizing problem and
      Patch to fix up LONGVARBINARY support submitted by Amit Gollapudi
      Fixed bug with Warnings.  Warnings are not added to the Statement instead of
      Initial attempt to integrate in V3 protocol support.  This is still a work in
      Up the build number to reflect the changes for V3 protocol support
      Adding .cvsignore files for Eclipse IDE
      clean up warnings produced by Eclipse
      Applied patch from Fernando Nasser to improve buffer sizes to avoid unnecessary resizing.
      Applied patch from Fernando Nasser to fix up small type error
      one more change to correctly support the removeall of autocommit
      Patches applied:
      Applied patch from Kim Ho @ redhat.com to make support for setObject() more
      Applied patch from dmitry at openratings.com to fix parsing of array values
      Fix to prevent SQL injection attacks for code calling setObject(int,Object,int)
      Fixes additional sql injection vulnerabilities reported by Oliver Jowett
      Applied patch from kho at redhat.com to fix a problem with trying to use a fetch
      Sometimes the third time is the charm.  Third try to fix the sql injection
      Applied patch from Kim Ho to fix a regression against a 7.4 server.  The result
      Applied patch from Oliver Jowett to improve a buffer sizing.
      Applied patch by Oliver Jowett to clean up some exception handling
      Applied patch from Oliver Jewett to clean up the testing README file
      Applied patch from Oliver Jewett to fix a deprecation in newer versions of ant
      Applied patch from Oliver Jowett to clean up some aditional warning messages
      Applied patch from Oliver Jowett to better handle invalid input for getArray
      Applied patch from Oliver Jowett to clean up the jdbc regression test build
      Fixed improper message length for the connection termination message 'X' when
      Updated the blob regression test to actually use the getBlob/getClob methods
      Applied patches from Oliver Jowett to fix the following bugs:
      Attempt to fix setMaxFieldSize() logic that was checked in yesterday.
      This set of changes applies a patch from KHO at redhat to add some SQLState
      Opps, can't forget the new file.  This is part of the last commit to apply
      Additional SQLState work for JDBC - thanks to Kim Ho at Redhat for input on this
      Clean up some unused import warnings in the example jdbc code
      More SQLState updates from Kim Ho at Redhat.
      Applied patch from Kim Ho at redhat to improve boolean and bit handling
      Applied patch from Fernando Nasser of RedHat to fix some error messages
      Fixed jdbc to correctly report that constraints are supported
      Applied patch for jdbc from Kim Ho at RedHat to more correctly deal with boolean values
      Applied patch to jdbc from Kim Ho at RedHat, fixing improper handling of empty queries under the V3 protocol
      A minor fix to jdbc regression tests
      Small jdbc patch from Kim Ho at RedHat to fix some boolean problems
      Applied patch from Oliver Jowett to clean up some instances where the wrong
      Applied jdbc patch from Kim Ho at RedHat to improve boolean support, as well
      Additional jdbc regression tests submitted by Oliver Jowett.  Some tests are
      A fix for jdbc regression test submitted yesterday by Kim Ho at Redhat
      Fix to properly handle timezone offsets that are partial hours.  If the offset
      Fixed bug where the V3 protocol support was not properly handling binary cursors
      Added a cvsignore for PSQLException.java since this file is now generated.

Bruce Momjian (154):
      Fix for java timestamp type from teunis at sigil.computersupportcentre.com
      Fix for java to allow password, european dates,from Peter T Mount
      Update of Java driver from Peter Mount.
      This patch fixes a couple of minor bugs:
      Added missing file.
      New stuff for 6.4 jdbc.
      New stuff from Peter Mount for jdbc.
      rename java file for Peter.
      Just a quick patch. This makes the JDBC driver thread safe, which is an
      Add changelog.
      This patch updates the ImageViewer example to use Multiple Threading.
      As the email posted to the announce and interfaces list, attached is a tar
      There are errors in the PGmoney class in the conversion routines over
      The isWritable method in ResultSetMetaData returns the logically
      I've made a diff against the 7.0beta1 tree that accomplishes several things:
      > The snprintf stuff in interfaces/ecpg/preproc/Makefile.in is broken.
      Install Peter's Makefile.
      Add res clear to example
      Remove DriverClass.java.  It is generated by the compile.
      Fix the off by one errors in ResultSet from 6.5.3, and more.
      Here is a patch for interfaces/jdbc/org/postgresql/jdbc2/ResultSet.java
      This patch fixes the 0-based/1-based result set indexing problem for
      Brand 7.1 release.  Also update jdbc version in release branch.
      This patch for the 7.0.2 JDBC interface addresses four issues I
      Applied to jdbc1 and jdbc2.
      Attached are a patch to allow the charset encoding used by the JDBC
      This patch implements the following command:
      Attached is a patch that prevents a NullPointerException in the JDBC
      As if my JDBC patch hasn't already caused enough grief, there is now a
      Okay, I have some new code in place that hopefully should work better. I
      Back out Gunnar R|nning jdbc changes.
      the bug was not fixed in the snapshot of November 5th. Also the enterprise
      Allow jdbc to return proper server version number
      In looking at the 7.1beta1 code for JDBC, I noticed that support was
      Attached are patches for two fixes to reduce memory usage by the JDBC
      Attached is a set of patches for a couple of bugs dealing with
      Backed out:
      Attached is a revised patch that removes the static SimpleDateFormat
      This patch fixes an arrayindexoutofbounds exception that was just
      Remove last code that assumed xinv/xinx are large object files.
      Back out *inv* changes for this file.  Peter want to handle it.
      Remove postgresql jdbc files, per Peter Mount.
      Remove postgresql jdbc files, per Peter.
      Update Peter Mount's email address in README.
      Fix paren typo in java.
      Mention new jdbc mailing list instead of interfaces list.
      that's just me again, here's normal patch for KOI8_U to
      Stamp CVS as 7.2.  Update all interface version numbers.  This is the
      The current implementation of BlobInputStream does
      jdbc2 implementation of getImportedKeys.
      Here's an easy patch for todays snapshot to sort the result of the
      Backpatch ORDER BY fix to jdbc1.
      Backpatch getImportedKeys to jdbc1.
      Backpatch jdbc2 fixes to jdbc1, ANT fixes, from Peter Eisentraut
      Change the line:
      I was trying to get a very nice FREE graphical db tool called DbVisualizer
      Add NUMERIC tests to jdbc code.
      This patch fixes a bug which occurs when setObject(1,obj) is called and obj
      Fix for HASH for index lookups in ODBC.
      Mark column as not used.
      Fix 'make clean' with jdbc and ant by using filesets.
      Cleanup of backpatch of jdbc2 improvements to jdbc1:
      Included is a patch that fixes a bug introduced in the lastest version
      Fix pg_index statistics query to join proper relation.
      Prevent ANT from recreating the JAR files just because the
      Back out timezone fix.  Not needed in jdbc1.
      Fix ANT so it only has '*.class' files, not the 'tags' file.
      Fix ANT for *.properties files.
      There are a number of changes. The main ones are:
      The following patch corrects a make install problem when building
      Mention failure of ANT to delete directories on clean.
      Attached is a patch to fix the problem Thomas mentions below.  The JDBC
      Fix for Druid.  We did not support some PROCEDURE queries.
      I just got bitten by this too. I use type timestamp in the
      The following patch for JDBC fixes an issue with jdbc running on a
      protected void finalize() {
      Remove large object finalize code.  Compile error.
      Add large object finalization cleanup to the proper java file.
      This adds unary plus capability.  No grammar changes, per Tom's request.
      Document and work around ANT bug that prevents directory deletion.
      Got two patches that were found by folks on the Castor list, that we'd like to
      High memory usage
      SimpleDateFormat performance improvement, thread-safe.
      Attached is a patch to remove the ConnectionHook functionality and thus
      This patch moves the setting of the timezone on the SimpleDateFormat
      The attached patch removes some old and dead code (and some related
      Remove ConnectionHook.java.  No longer used, bad code.
      Add missing encode file.
      The attached patch fixes problems with the JDBC driver handling long
      JDBC encoding additions.
      Great, here is a context diff of CVS for implementing the get/setCatalog methods
      DatabaseMetaData.getColumns() doesn't appear to get the default
      Move EncodingTest.java file.
      This patch merges the identical methods from the JDBC1 and JDBC2
      Attached is a patch that does the following:
      Compile fix for jdbc1.
      I think you replaced too many things with put(...
      Attached is a patch to remove some redundant code in the JDBC driver.
      Attached is the patch requested by Tom Lane (see below). It
      Thanks for your feedback (and patience).  Enclosed is my third
      This patch updates some comments in the DatabaseMetaData classes to
      Add new jdbc array file.
      Here's a resend of the patch.gz.  I gunzip'ed it fine here
      Attached is a simple one line patch for the problem reported in the
      Attached is a patch to fix the current issues with building under jdbc1.
      Add intended Array.java file that accidentally was patched into the
      Re-apply Array.java patch to new Array.java file to fix compile.
      The attached file: SerializePatch2.tgz, contains a patch for
      >>>>The JDBC driver requires
      Please pull this patch.  It breaks JDBC1 support.  The JDBC1 code no
      Overhaul ecpg manual page.
      Sync up jdbc error files.
      Apply jdbc error changes.
      Attached is a patch for current CVS, consisting of a cvs diff -c
      Attached is my attempt to clean up the horrors of the ExecSQL() method in
      Attached is a patch for JDBC's getColumn() function that was broken /
      Add missing files.
      > Patch applied.  Thanks.
      On Mon, 3 Sep 2001 22:01:17 -0500, you wrote:
      >Well, if it is that easy, I can do it.  Patch attached and applied.
      Add Java testsuite info.
      Patch for jdbc2 ResultSet.java.  Looks like performance improvement.
      Read transactions don't work on 7.0.x db's 2nd patch
      Attached is a patch that fixes 2 test cases of the JDBC test
      Move TESTSUITE file to test/README.
      Attached is a patch that fixes
      On Fri, 07 Sep 2001 01:34:46 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
      Attached is a patch to add bytea support to JDBC.
      Attached is a patch that fixes DatabaseMetaDataTest in the JDBC
      > I found a problem with PQescapeString (I think). Since it escapes
      Didn't want that jdbc patch in there yet.
      Allow '1' in jdbc2 boolean test.
      I'm attaching a patch which fixes the corruption in strings caused
      Attached is a patch that fixes ResultSetMetaData.isNullable() in
      The attached patch is my first run-through of the JDBC test suite. A
      Per the recent discussion there's been some code changes in JDBC's
      A couple of lines were missing from my last patch - this one fixes things.
      Attached is a patch which deals with
      Here is a patch for DatabaseMetaData to show precision properly.  It is
      pgjindent jdbc files.  First time jdbc files were formatted.
      Traditional Chinese error messages for JDBC.
      JDBC indenting, comment cleanups.
      More jdbc comment cleanups.  Code looks very nice now.
      Indent jdbc case labels using pgjindent.
      Change 'return ;' to 'return;'; remove space.
      At this moment, --enable-debug adds debugging information to most of the
      >Added ServerEncoding
      Ant 1.4.1 now requires for jdbc.  Mention in HISTORY release notes.
      Update jdbc errors_zh_TW.properties.
      Improve COPY syntax to use WITH clause, keep backward compatibility.
      Change NAMEDATALEN to 64,  INDEX_MAX_KEYS/MAX_FUNC_ARGS to 32, per discussion on hackers.
      Run pgjindent for Java folks.

Bryan Varner (2):
      Ignore netbeans and IDEA projects files.
      Respect the ${srcdir} property for all source file references in ant script.

Chen Huajun (2):
      set javadoc's html encoding to utf-8 for other languages but english
      fix bug of fail to prepareCall("{CALL func()}")

Craig Ringer (6):
      Fix breakage of JDBC3 builds with JDK5 by bddc05f939
      Allow testing to continue when local host name doesn't resolve
      Update URLs in README to refer to the Oracle page locations
      Add some info to the README with contributor info
      NonValidatingFactory should be included in both JDBC3 and JDBC4
      Merge pull request #94 from ringerc/master

Dave Cramer (290):
      added dummy login
      allow null passwords
      changes to support 3rd party ERD tools and staroffice
      proper select for Jason Davies patch to getImportedKeys
      proper select for Jason Davies patch to getImportedKeys
      Jason Davies patch to getImported/getExported keys
      fixes getIndex to work with forte's transparent persistence
      Fixes to getImportedKeys/getExportedKeys from Jason Davies
      now compiles clean with jdk 1.4
      Patch from Cormac Twomey
      Patch from Cormac Twomey
      This patch fixes the exception thrown to inform the user the method
      fixed compile error
      compiles correctly but still doesn't work with jdk 1.4
      Implementation for cancelQuery by Grant Finnemore <grantf at guruhut.co.za>
      patch from Vicktor to fix Numeric decimal digits in getColumns
      patch from Mitchel Friedman to fix getTables
      Patch from Ryouichi Matsuda
      patch from Zhenbang Wei
      Doug Fields patch to prevent exception being thrown on zero length arrays
      fixed cancel query bug introduced by patch
      Patch by Nicolas Verger to correctly propogate SQLWarning to the Statement and ResultSet
      backed out changes for cancel, no need to look for two 'Z' responses
      changed Cancel to cancel
      Here is a small patch that cleans up some error reporting in the JDBC driver. PSQLExceptions are thrown instead of SQLExceptions and if a warning is received while waiting for the backend secret key, that warning is chained to the new Connection object instead of generating an exception. A couple new error messages have been added.
      Added a check for not calling next() before getting objects from the result set,
      patch from Alexey Slynko
      fixed QueryExecuter to deal with multiple errors
      Fixes bug where query hangs if there is an error in the query, went back to
      applied patch from Liam Stewart
      Applied Anders patch to move the startup code out of Connection into StartupPacket
      Part of Anders Bengtsson's patch to clean up Connection.java
      modifications to the way the protocol is handled to be consistent with
      Two versions of QueryExecutor, currently only version 2 works 100%
      fixed getColumns as per Panu Outinen's email. At this point have only repaired the bug, haven't made it caseInsensitive
      Added some rudimentary table and column tests
      added imported/exported key testDatabaseMetaDataTest.java
      small fix to testExportedKeys
      fixed getImported/ExportedKeys to be simpler, and return the correct number of keys
      change table name to lower case in getColumns
      added messages for updateable result sets
      changed some commented out messages to use the Driver.debug and fixed first to read the underlying data into rowbuffer
      Implemented updateable result sets based on raghu nidagal implementation
      changes to accomodate updateable resultset mostly just call setSqlQuery on execute
      Added test for newly implemented updateable result sets
      removed personal test parameters
      added empty result set testing
      added empty result set testing
      implemented refresh row
      fixed retrieval of foreign/primary keys in imported/exported keys
      Changed getCrossReference to return information about each composite key seperately
      changes for new Datasource
      Added DataSource code and tests submitted by Aaron Mulder
      changed test user back to test
      added tests for crossReferences
      Applied patch for MD5 bug submitted by Jun Kawai
      applied patch to fix encoding bug supplied by Jun Kawai
      removed duplicate code from jdbc2 classes
      Changed to reflect the current reality, ie we do support updateable resultsets
      patch to allow insertRow on an empty resultSet
      testing for insertRow
      patch from Thomas O'Dowd to ensure that connections are closed
      schema awareness patch provided by Kris Jurka
      test files added by Kris Jurka
      fixed missing apostrophe
      changed sort of column names to sort by attnum, not attname
      Aaron's patch for Pooled Connections
      Mike Beachy's build patch to allow ant builds without make
      patch for getTables to fix problems with backends before 7.3  by Kris Jurka
      patch for null table in getPrimaryKeys
      mike beachy's patch for statement handling
      case sensitive updates by Kris Jurka
      added fix from Joel Hock to get the inserted row into the current buffer
      applied patch from Oliver Jowett
      Applied Kris Jurkas patch to fix rollback and SQLException
      patch from Oliver Jowett to implement some of the jdbc3 methods
      applied Kris Jurka's patch for numeric
      fixed problem where information from previous updates was leaking into subsequent updates patch from Shawn Green, slightly modified
      added DISTINCT to the query to get cross reference. This is required when two columns in a table are both foreign keys to another table. From Peter Royal proyal at pace2020.com
      patch to notify listeners on error from Csaba Nagy
      exposed the addDataType method to the PGConnection, allows users to add datatypes
      patches by Kim Ho to fix
      Patches from Oliver Jowett to fix CursorFetchTest, 7.4 now does not automatically delete cursors
      use the result set to set the fetchsize
      accept url and fk action fix from Kris Jurka
      patch for rs.previous and test case as well as patch for allowing server and port to be specified in test cases
      Added missing methods
      incremented build to 211
      patch to make sure PSQLState is Serializable and a test case to prove it
      tch to make sure PSQLState is Serializable and a test case to prove it
      patch to deal with unique foreign keys in 7.4 from Kris Jurka
      build number set to 300 to avoid conflict with 7.4 builds
      metadata encoding patch from Kris Jurka
      binary stream patch by Kris Jurka fixes empty stream failure
      patch to build under jdk1.1 from Richard Scranton
      fix casting pooled connections to PGStatement problem patch by JariP
      patch to fix returning he information schema as a system object by Kris Jurka
      patch to indicate why test cases failed from Oliver Jowett
      cancel row updates sets values to null by Kris Jurka
      add missing SQLState by Patrick Higgins
      added polish translation submitted by Piotr Maj
      patch from Kris Jurka to fix large object 7.1 compatible protocol issues
      revoked patch from Kris Jurka to fix multiarguments, and changed test to create
      patch by Kris Jurka to use the correct protocol based upon server information
      fixed up OID74 test to conform with other tests, by Kris Jurka
      patch for new OID74Test
      trying email notification
      removed test file
      see if we get emails
      added xml docbook documentation from Peter E.
      added documentation for tomcat setup
      fixed bug where it was possible for a null object to be returned when the type was unknown
      added rudimentary PGInterval type to deal with intervals
      cleaned up the getObject logic to either return a mapped type, or a PGobject
      added createTempTable, and test for getObject
      Added StatementTest to test for statement re-use, fixed ResultSetTest to pass this test
      added a check to make sure statements weren't being re-used after being closed
      added functionality to deal with timetz, and handle msec better, previously
      modified getTime routines to use a calendar if available
      corrected behaviour of getTime, etal to only apply calendar when underlying data does not provide it
      added additional tests for time, timestamps, and fixed code to pass
      Added hungarian translation from Laszlo Hornyak
      added getUDT
      Added getXXX optional method functionality, allows user to use getXXX to get
      Added escape sequences for function {fn...}
      fixed problem with calendar being modified in setDate, setTimestamp
      added conversions for cts tests
      fixed up error messages
      fixed callablestatement with new mapping for short, and added test
      no longer create an object to get pgtype
      Fixed regression test failures
      CallableStatmentTest.getShort will only work with v3 protocol
      Modifications to pass JDBC CTS
      Missed adding Jdbc3CallableStatmentTest
      Fixed java 2 compile errors, removed BOOLEAN from jdbc2 common classes
      Moved registerOutParameter from Jdbc3CallableStatement to AbstractJdbc3Statement
      performance patch from Sergei Rogovskiy
      performance patch from Ken Geis
      XA support contributed by Heikki Linnakangas hlinnaka at iki.fi
      Deal with void functions
      timestamp escape sequences from implemented by Xavier Poinsard
      Close ref cursors immediately after fetching the rows.
      added a CallableStatement handler to batch handling to ignore multiple results
      updated copyright to 2011
      updated copyright to 2011
      updated copyright to 2011
      more copyright fixes
      one more copyright fix
      changed name of table from testmetadata to metadatatest, test was failing due to confusiont with test_statement tables
      implemented query timeout
      forgot driver.java.in for cancel query implementation
      binary protocol implementation from Mikko Tiihonen
      Mikko added missed sending part
      Mikko Tiihonen patches for binary types
      patch from Mike Fowler to fix broken builds
      missing file
      more jdk 1.4 compatability issues fixed from Mike Fowler
      small fixes to binary transfer code and unit tests from Mikko Tiihonen
      stack overflow fix from Mike Fowler
      SSL implementation from Andras Bodor more closely follow libpq
      docs for ssl from Andras Bodor
      removed Override to compile with java 1.4 added extra docs for ssl from Mikko Tiihonen
      more backwards compatibility
      do not build ssl for java 6
      enable compile and test on java 1.4
      remove MakeSSL.java this is now generated
      removed quotes around language specifier server no longer supports this
      removed ssl tests for buildfarm
      SSPI authentication support from Christian Ullrich
      added isValid implementation from Luis Flores
      resolve ACL getTablePriveledges for later servers
      check for array bounds before accessing the array
      fix to build for java 1.8 from Mikko Tiihonen
      setProtocolVersion argument mis-spelled from Mikko Tiihonen
      change vector to list from Mikko Tiihonen
      change Hashtable with Map from Mikko Tiihonen
      Add support for hstore from Mikko Tiihonen
      rest of Add hstore patch
      Merge branch 'master', remote-tracking branch 'origin'
      fixed docs from Mikko Tiihonen
      implemented setBinaryStream by Johann Oskarsson
      simple connection failover from Mikko Tiihonen
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin'
      formatting changes
      new translation from Euler Taveira
      patch from Bernd Helme for send recev buffer sizes
      added test case for send/recv buffers sizes
      added explicit test case for array handling from Craig Ringer
      added docs for send/recv buffer size
      updated translations
      formatting changes to AbstractJdbc4Connection
      new translation from Euler Taveira
      patch from Bernd Helme for send recev buffer sizes
      added test case for send/recv buffers sizes
      added docs for send/recv buffer size
      Added explicit test case for array handling from Craig Ringer
      updated translations
      Fixed build to not delete pgjdbc.html, which breaks the website build
      fixed attacl for servers below 8.3
      Merge branch 'REL9_2_STABLE' of github.com:pgjdbc/pgjdbc into REL9_2_STABLE
      Merge branch 'REL9_2_STABLE', remote-tracking branch 'origin' into REL9_2_STABLE
      changed full version to 9.2
      Merge branch 'REL9_2_STABLE' of github.com:pgjdbc/pgjdbc into REL9_2_STABLE
      Merge branch 'REL9_2_STABLE' of github.com:pgjdbc/pgjdbc into REL9_2_STABLE
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:pgjdbc/pgjdbc
      added BR translation class file
      Revert "changed full version to 9.2"
      changed version to 9.3devel in build.properties
      changed version to 9.3devel in build.properties
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:pgjdbc/pgjdbc
      Fix performance regression introduced by using InetSocketAddress.getHostName()
      Merge branch 'REL9_2_STABLE'
      Fix performance regresssion introduced by using InetSocketAddress
      fix toString to handle binary integer and float types
      update copyright to 2012
      undo format changes
      Remove testSetObjectFromJavaArray from jdbc2
      SSL client certificate via Keystore from a Resource file provided by Brendan Jurd
      Merge pull request #27 from davecramer/master
      Merge pull request #25 from rkrzewski/backend_pid
      Merge pull request #26 from stevenschlansker/read-only
      Japanese translation spelling corrected provided by Tomonari Katsumata
      Merge pull request #28 from davecramer/master
      changed package to org.postgresql.ssl
      Merge pull request #29 from davecramer/master
      fix cancelTimer bug reported by Andri Redko.
      Merge pull request #30 from davecramer/master
      Bug reference 7766 reported by Zelaine Fong
      Merge pull request #31 from davecramer/master
      Fixed my patch to deal with update counts over 2^32
      Merge pull request #32 from davecramer/master
      fixed mistake where update_count not updated properly
      Merge pull request #33 from davecramer/master
      make sure driver doesn't parse anything if the url isn't for us, also catch other possible errors, reported by Nathaniel Waisbrot
      Merge pull request #37 from davecramer/master
      log can not be output when using DataSource
      Merge pull request #38 from davecramer/master
      added Loglevel.OFF to complete the settings
      Merge pull request #41 from davecramer/master
      avoid NullPointerException from Derrik Hudson on User Defined Types
      Merge pull request #42 from davecramer/master
      removed compile error with double ,
      Merge pull request #43 from davecramer/master
      Merge pull request #40 from lordnelson/doc_changes
      Merge pull request #44 from fathomdb/support_wrappers
      Merge pull request #45 from fathomdb/fix_default_password
      Merge pull request #48 from ChenHuajun/master
      modified build for maven and 9.3
      Merge pull request #57 from davecramer/master
      Merge branch 'pgbouncer-txn' of git://github.com/deafbybeheading/pgjdbc
      Merge pull request #58 from davecramer/master
      support for materialized views from Thomas Kelllerer
      Merge pull request #59 from davecramer/master
      expose URL property in BaseDataSource
      Merge pull request #61 from davecramer/master
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:davecramer/pgjdbc
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:pgjdbc/pgjdbc
      Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/valgog/pgjdbc into valgog
      Merge pull request #52 from valgog/master
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:pgjdbc/pgjdbc
      Merge pull request #64 from polarislabs/respect_ant_srcdir
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:pgjdbc/pgjdbc
      Merge pull request #35 from fionatay/translations
      Merge pull request #67 from njwhite/hstore
      Merge pull request #68 from tomdcc/setobject-varchar-stringtype
      Merge pull request #74 from ChenHuajun/javadoc_utf8
      Merge pull request #75 from ChenHuajun/call_escape
      Merge pull request #76 from whitingjr/handle-rollback-xid-not-found
      Merge pull request #73 from whitingjr/xa-not-found-testcase
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:pgjdbc/pgjdbc
      finally should call super
      fixed DatabaseMetaDataTest as per Sylvain Cuaz
      Merge pull request #85 from davecramer/master
      Merge branch 'setBlob-large' of git://github.com/halset/pgjdbc into setblob
      Merge pull request #86 from davecramer/master
      build for maven
      Fixed spelling of occured
      add functions to allow LargeObjectMaager to commit on close from Marc Cousin
      Merge pull request #51 from njwhite/master
      reset interrupted bit and throw unchecked exception if we get interrupted while trying to connect
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:pgjdbc/pgjdbc
      added sponsors
      Merge pull request #91 from michaelmccaskill/master
      Merge pull request #81 from tminglei/master
      Merge pull request #54 from lordnelson/master
      redo occurred spelling mistake
      generate JDBC 4.1 string for 1.7 and 1.8 builds and set version to 1100

Fiona Tay (3):
      Fix spelling of occured in error message
      Fix spelling of occured in error message
      Fix spelling of occured in error message

Jan Wieck (1):
      Protected access to variable m_preparedCount via synchronized

Jeremy Whiting (7):
      Added test case for checking the return code when an xid does not exist.
      Check server SQLState for xid does not exist and return XAException.XAER_NOTA from method along with exception.
      Reuse PGSQLState object. Add a field for 42704 code.
      Merge branch 'handle-rollback-xid-not-found' into xa-not-found-testcase
      Reuse PGSQLState object. Add a field for 42704 code. fixes #78.
      Merge branch 'handle-rollback-xid-not-found' of github.com:whitingjr/pgjdbc into handle-rollback-xid-not-found
      Added fail condition in test case to detect if the expected exception is not thrown.

Justin Santa Barbara (3):
      Support for JDBC4 isWrapperFor & unwrap methods
      Added unit test for wrapper functions
      Change default password to 'test'

Kris Jurka (568):
      Now that we are out of the main tree, we can't rely on the makefile
      Newer versions of the 1.4.2 jdk give warnings about having return in a
      This patch is the culmination of Jan-Andre le Roux's work on enhancing
      The 7.5 backend allows isolation levels that aren't natively supported
      This patch modifies various testcases and test support code so they
      Patch from Oliver Jowett to enable test cases related to server
      Be spec compliant in creating ResultSets that are of TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY
      Fix the setXXXStream methods.  If passed a null InputStream, convert
      ResultSet.next() and previous() incremented or decremented the
      Remove file used to test cvs commit emails.
      ConnectionPool and SimpleDataSource are marked Serializable, but their
      Put the documentation into the build/doc directory, not the top level
      Add documentation validation target which doesn't require additional
      V3 NotificationResonse messages were trying to be received as V2
      Don't try to turn the random bytes from a md5 salt into a String
      1. Remove backward-compatibility for pre-7.4 versions from
      - Support for 1.4-style exception chaining to PSQLException
      Update documentation to reflect the current build process.
      If the user has requested a SSL connection and the driver has not
      Document the additional connection parameters that specify pg
      Closing a Connection or Statement object twice should be a no-op
      The PSQLException for a CallableStatement's function return type not
      This patch adds enforcement of the requirement that you're working
      Fix TimeTests for jdk1.2 and 1.3.  Pre 1.4 JVMs consider the
      The attached patch fixes (and adds testcases for) the various
      When calling stmt.executeUpdate the statement only returns a row count
      Track transaction status and only issue a BEGIN command on the first
      Fix failures in TimeTest for timezones ahead of GMT.  This produces a
      Update tests to reflect the fact that the 7.5 server has been
      Allow the regression tests to run successfully against a 7.2 server.
      Allow updateable ResultSets to support types that aren't directly
      While ResultSets created by
      Update the build.xml file to support building with the new 1.5 jdk
      Allow public access to radius field to match other geometric types
      Fix setting timestamp values with very early year values, like 2, by
      Remove the old style javadoc entries for extensions that were copy
      Allow enabling server side prepared statements globally without
      Forget to test prepared threshold code builds with JDK1.1 and 1.2.
      Fix broken markup and consitently indent the Tomcat examples.
      Add documentation for using listen/notify with JDBC.
      Fix DatabaseMetaData results for determining foreign key
      Update the expected foreign key name results to match the new 7.5
      When deleteRow() is called on an updateable ResultSet the ResultSet
      Bump the build number to release a new dev version.
      Don't throw an Exception in locatorsUpdateCopy() even though the
      Foreign key information results should have column name FKTABLE_CAT
      Fix updatable ResultSets stream methods (ascii, character, binary).
      Fix some problems with result sets positioned before the start or
      Close the existing socket connection when reverting to the V2
      Review recent getUDT implementation.  Filter out base and pseudo types
      Fix apparently harmless typo.  {$srcdir} -> ${srcdir}
      Modularize query execution and add complete V3 protocol support.
      Fix NullPointerException on Statement.clearBatch() when addBatch()
      Add a test case for recent clearBatch error.
      Increment build number to release new dev build to make new V3 code
      Some ResultSetMetaData fixes.
      The attached patch makes the driver generate errors on unknown
      When retrieving an array of numerics it attempted to set the scale on
      Now that JDBC1 is no longer supported merge the implemention of
      Add the ability to compile with the 1.5 Beta 2 JDK.  Sun has altered
      I managed to completely mangle decodeUTF8() in my changes that went into
      Release new dev build 304.
      My version of junit (3.7) doesn't have assertFalse.  ArrayTest uses
      Ensure the encoding test drops its table at the end of the run to
      Don't make the driver begin a transaction for certain calls.
      Don't report the hashcode of our error message key into the
      The maxRows variable was preventing using a portal based fetch when
      I recently made a change to report a numeric type that had no size
      Now that ResultSetMetaData returns different results for
      Modify version checking code and descriptions to match the decision
      Revert ResultSetMetaData methods getColumnName, getTableName and
      DatabaseMetaData.getSearchString escape was a \ short of working
      Change the escape syntax test for functions to actually call a
      New dev build - 305.
      ResultSet.moveToCurrentRow was checking the cached updateability flag
      Fix NullPointerException when doing a multiple query execution in
      Add support for savepoints.
      Add a new file to hold the build number to avoid filling the
      Some general code cleanups.  Remove unnecessary imports and a couple
      Don't use cursor/portal based fetch methods with autocommit on.  The
      Implement ResultSetMetaData.isAutoIncrement by retrieving the columns
      Return serial datatypes in both getTypeInfo and getColumns methods.
      ResultSet.getRow() on a cursor/portal backed query was not counting
      Fix a typo and incorrect number of message arguments in the error
      Add a license now that the source is available separately from the
      Update Russian error messages.
      Fix setArray when using the v3 protocol.  We can't bind arrays as
      Update translation system to use gettext instead of property files.
      Fix builds for non 1.4 JDKs.  Didn't test my modifications with a
      Remove debugging println(s).  I am not on my game today.
      For updateable ResultSets make insertRow and deleteRow quote column
      Fix thread safety problem in initialization of new translation code.
      Minor tweaks to update-translations.sh attached:
      PreparedStatement.setCharacterStream somehow escaped getting fixed
      Convert old property files to gettext format using a handy perl
      Speed up ResultSet.findColumn by caching the column name to index
      Further optimization of ResultSet.findColumn.  Constuct the HashMap
      Contstruct the backing hash for updateable resultsets on demand
      Fix typos in error messages and update the pt_BR translation.
      In 8.0 arrays with non-standard bounds (beginning index != 1) the
      Restrucute DataSource code to provide a generic interface in
      After making the datasource code compile with the 1.5 beta 2 jdk,
      Allow users to customize the ssl connection setup by providing their
      MessageFormat strings can't use single quotes to enclose a marker
      When streaming data from setBinaryStream to the backend, do not
      Initial translation to Turkish.
      Rename javadoc and internal-javadoc targets to publicapi and
      Release build 307.
      Updated Russian translation from Serguei Mokhov.
      Correctly cast the return value of a CallableStatement when getShort
      New Spanish translation from Diego A. Gil.
      Make PreparedStatement.setNull(i, Types.BOOLEAN) strongly typed.
      Try getting $PostgreSQL$ keyword substitution to work.
      Make setObject and setNull with Types.BOOLEAN take the same approach
      When using large objects for binary data (compatibleVersion < 7.2)
      Fix typos, remove obsolete information.
      Updated test readme from Vadim Nasardinov.
      Russian translation update from Serguei Mokhov.
      When calling setNull or setObject with Types.CHAR, use the oid of
      Brazilian translation updates from Euler Taveira de Oliveira.
      Make fastpath/largeobject code aware of transaction state, so that
      Mark some more strings for translation.
      Forget {0} placeholder in error message.
      Bit shifting code had a typo that incorrectly reconstructed an int
      Make registerOutParameter safe for BOOLEAN vs BIT.
      Don't allow a negative fetch size to be set on a ResultSet.
      Make escape syntax processing {oj (and friends) } case insensitive.
      Capital n is N, not F.
      Updatable ResultSets need to check for an empty ResultSet because
      Updated Brazilian translation from Euler Taveira de Oliveira.
      When splitting up a multistatement query to be executed individually
      When a connection attempt is made that does not provide a username,
      When executing a batch statement that has two statements in it, we
      Standardize copyright notices and use of $PostgreSQL$.  Update
      Allow configuration of the driver by a properties file.
      Set the default prepareThreshold to five per previous discussion.
      Indent source code with:
      Release build 308.
      Fix warnings on javadoc because the comments were attached to
      Adjust DatabaseMetaData to acknowledge that 8.0 supports savepoints.
      Allow compilation with jikes by removing the static attribute of
      Change error message to reflect the driverconfig.properties file name.
      Updated Turkish translation from Nicolai Tufar.
      Updated Chinese translation from Zhenbang Wei.
      Russian translation updates from Serguei Mokhov.
      In a java MessageFormat you need to double single quotes to get
      Brazilian translation update from Euler Taveira de Oliveira.
      New French translation from Xavier Poinsard.
      Updated Brazilian translation from Euler Taveira de Oliveira.
      Add a URL parameter (allowEncodingChanges) which allows a client
      Implement holdable ResultSet support by simply avoiding the use of
      Updated Turkish translation from Nicolai Tufar.
      Implementation of standard escaped functions ( {fn func()} )
      Remove tabs I introduced in the last commit.  It'll take me a while
      French translation updates from Xavier Poinsard.
      French translation updates from Xavier Poinsard.
      Check to see if a ResultSet is closed before performing operations on
      Rewrite date/time/timestamp parsing code.  Instead of trying to jam
      Since getURL is not implemented, throw an exception, don't just
      Do not create a new GregorianCalendar on every setXXX call for
      Reduce number of messages to translate by parameterizing common
      Fix type {1}} -> {1} in error message.
      When reviewing the escaeped functions test code, I had hard coded the
      When closing a Statement or ResultSet be sure to close the underlying
      Do not use named statements when batch executing a whole bunch of
      French translation updates from Xavier Poinsard.
      When loading driverconfig.properties files from the classpath, ensure
      Allow the regression tests to pass when running against an 8.0 server
      Implement CallableStatement.getArray.
      Updated Turkish translation from Nicolai Tufar.
      Brazilian translation update from Euler Taveira de Oliveira.
      French translation updates from Guillaume Cottenceau
      Brazilian portuguese translation updates.
      When retrieving Int8 or Int16 protocol message formats, we need to
      Rename PGConnectionPool to PGConnectionPoolDataSource to try and
      Update documention for 8.0 server changes.
      Update copyright year to 2005.
      When calling toString on a Statement, don't go into a infite loop.
      When determining if the user has changed the client_encoding to
      Bail out with a helpful error message if we cannot build or run the
      German translation from Andre Bialojahn.
      Portuguese translation updates from Euler Taveira de Oliveira.
      Turkish translation updates from Nicolai Tufar.
      Add a chapter on SSL configuration.
      Document the allowEncodingChanges URL parameter.
      Typo sslfactoryargs -> sslfactoryarg in describing the available
      Don't mention specific driver build numbers in the javadoc comments,
      Add the NonValidatingFactory to the public api javadoc list and
      There is no need for separate chapters on deleting a row and
      Correct javadoc reference to PGConnectionPoolDataSource that was
      Official 8.0 release.  309.
      Remove "devel" from the version number.
      Change jar filename description and example to match the latest
      Name documentation files after there id attributes, not chapter
      Implement Connection.nativeSQL.
      Don't map the escaped difference function to levenshtein because
      Document JDBC escape sequences.
      Add basic support for JDBC escape for escape char in LIKE string
      Reenable the refcursor unit test and make it pass.
      Implement the Describe Statement protocol message.  Reallow untyped
      Update file naming convention per Oliver, make a distinction from
      Mark this as the 8.1devel driver (build 400).
      SQLWarning.getMessage wasn't reporting the message from a Notice
      Restore the ability for the JDBC driver to map infinite timestamp
      Add method names to the not implemented exception to allow
      Fix JDK 1.2 compiles where Calendar.setTimeInMillis is not available.
      Support setNull(x, Types.BLOB) and CLOB, reported by Tore Halset.
      Get DatabaseMetaData.getIndexInfo to return useful data for
      Document the newly added loginTimeout URL parameter.
      When moveToCurrentRow is called and the current row is off the
      Implement JDBC 3 Blob methods to allow writing.
      In a binary data example: File.length() returns long, but
      Make all the fields of a server error message available.
      Put all type info handling into a separate file.  This links oids,
      Improve null handling.  Allow setNull(1, Types.XXX) for ARRAY,
      In 8.1 index_max_keys <> func_max_args which broke the code for
      Make PGInterval useful instead of just a placeholder by providing
      Allow jdbc2-optional and jdbc3 test suites to be run on their own
      In Blob.getBytes(long position, int length) position is an offset
      Add a test case to detect if we modify a passed in Calendar object
      Remove redundant javadoc comments (getter/setter methods don't need
      Simplified Chinese translation from Weiping.
      Polish translation updates from Jaroslaw Pyszny.
      Update comments for getExtraNameCharacters to describe why we can't
      Java message format strings need to double 's.
      Italian translation update from Giuseppe Sacco.
      Updated Italian translation from Giuseppe Sacco.
      Release dev build 401.
      getWarnings() should throw a SQLException if called on a closed
      Make callable statements work again for JDK 1.5 builds.  Any code
      Every execution of a Statement clears the warning chain from the
      Initial Czech translation by Petr Dittrich.
      Add the Detail: field to the default error message string.  This is
      Rework timestamp test case so it passes on pre-7.4 servers.
      Remove direct manipulation of org.postgresql.Driver.logDebug for
      Adjust DatabaseMetaData.getCatalogs to only return the current
      Map setObject calls for Types.BLOB, CLOB, and ARRAY to call the
      8.1 servers store interval day and hour information separately, so
      Add checks to prevent ResultSet.updateXXX methods from throwing
      ResultSet.getObject().getClass().getName() should match up with
      Make setObject(int, Object) aware of the Blob, Clob, and Array types
      Fix compile for < JDK1.4 that don't have Calendar.[g|s]etTimeInMillis.
      Release dev build 402.
      Add missing file from XA patch to make it compile.
      Include port number in datasource setup so we connect to the correct
      Don't set the log destination to be System.out.  We expect some
      Remove pointless setting of autocommit status on connection that is
      Convert a file from dos -> unix EOLs and indent the others.
      Fix inverted test for onePhaseCommit to tell if we're running the
      Release build 403 to make XA available.
      French translation updates from Xavier Poinsard.
      Brazilian Portuguese translation updates from Euler Taveira de
      Turkish translation updates from Nicolai Tufar.
      Override the system locale settings for DecimalFormat.  We always
      When I added bounds checking for ResultSet.updateXXX methods, I
      The driver needs to break a statement into individual queries to
      Release build 404, the official 8.1 version.
      Branch for 8.2devel.
      Add a URL parameter to enable logging of Connections which are
      Boolean.parseBoolean is JDK1.5 only.  Use
      Adjust ResultSetMetaData.getColumnDisplaySize to return
      Initialize the Logger or else we get NullPointerExceptions all over.
      Don't require logUnclosedConnections to additionally have
      DatabaseMetaData.getTables should return all table type if passed
      Remove javadoc @see reference pointing to removed functionality.
      Remove out of date and misleading examples.
      Release 8.2dev build 500.
      Actually the build number changes to the new version upon release and
      Statement.cancel was prone to race conditions even with a single
      Remove the length argument from Field constructor for manually
      Unify type metadata functions in TypeInfoCache.  Previously
      Updated Italian translation from Giuseppe Sacco.
      Update getObject and getArray methods that take a map to only
      The V2 protocol wasn't correctly handling EmptyQuery messages.  It
      The fix for incorrect parameter indexes on CallableStatements that do not
      Adjusting the coding of sending a Bind message to indicate that the
      Brazilian Portuguese translation updates.
      When performing replace processing we must continue processing
      escapeQuotes() in DatabaseMetaData was not correctly handling
      The TypeInfoCache had a static Map for the pg type name to
      Release build 501dev.
      Dave apparently left out part of Xavier's timestamp escaped functions
      When the Connection retrieved from XAConnection.getConnection() is
      When a prepared statement uses different parameter types than what
      When performing replace processing we must continue processing
      gij/gcj has some JDK1.5 classes in it, but it only supports JDK1.4
      When we're unable to parse a timestamp value, the error message
      The previous commit message is completely bogus.  I use the -F
      Prior to 8.0 there is not an interval + timestamp operator,
      Add a protocolVersion parameter to the test suite runner.  This
      Add some more synchronization to the TypeInfoCache.  We need
      Updated German transalation.
      Error messages were not run through MessageFormat if it didn't have
      Fix a couple of bugs in CallableStatement outputs.  An oversight in
      Release dev build 502.
      Remove documentation's claim that we don't support functions with
      Updated German transalation.
      Using callable statements against older server versions (7.4 or 8.0)
      Release build 503dev.
      Initial JDBC4 framework.  Nothing new works as everything is just
      Updated Italian translation from Giuseppe Sacco.
      Brazilian Portuguese translation updates.
      Don't try and build the JDBC4 javadoc unless we're doing a JDBC4
      When issuing multiple queries on one statement the driver was not
      When the driver asks the server to resolve a type the resolved type
      When creating a ResultSet from a refcursor, respect the creating
      Fix a bug in function escape processing.  When dealing with an
      Update the documentation to reflect the fact that the default
      Reduce memory usage when bytea data is retrieved from
      Improve performance when retrieving large ResultSets consisting of
      Fixes for latest JDK1.6 snapshot.  They've added a whole bunch of
      Add support for parsing dollar quotes and comments.
      Improve handling of incorrectly written user code using
      The latest javadocs have added some clarity to what the precision
      Error message wants the paramter's registered return type, not the
      Remove unused variables.
      RecoverdXid.equals was assuming that the object passed to it was
      finalize method should be protected to prevent it from being called
      Improve the performance of getBoolean for false values by explicitly
      Escaping of savepoint names in org.postgresql.jdbc3.PSQLSavepoint is
      Change the comments in org.postgresql.util.PGbytea to clarify that the
      Allow datasource code to build with JDK1.6 by splitting off jdbcN
      Missed adding these files in previous commit to build datasource code
      Versions prior to 7.3 do not have the void type, so skip this test
      Add .cvsignore file for the newly generated files.
      Replace DatabaseMetaData usage of LIKE clauses with regexes that
      Make the driver operate correctly when standard_conforming_strings
      A XAConnections default autocommit state should be true.  The
      New fast int/long retrieval methods were not correctly setting the
      Allow XAResource.start with TMJOIN in a limited set of circumstances
      Report that this class implements JDBC4.
      Release build 8.2-504.
      Open 8.3 devel branch.
      Add Serbian translation.
      Statement.getTime, .getDate, and .getTimestamp methods which are
      Produce the timezone that we send to the server in the same format
      Replace magic number with oid constant.
      When using oids as he pseudo primary key for updatable ResultSets
      When manipulating large objects we must handle the oid as a Java long
      Implement the JDBC4 Blob/Clob free method.  Setup infrastructure for
      Clean up large object stream handling:
      Fix persistence of XA datasources.  PGObjectFactory wasn't aware of
      Improve performance of PGStream code based on micro benchmarks
      Review changes to fix the refcursor memory leak problem.  The change
      The error message reports the column position incorrectly by using
      Replace ad-hoc and missing identifier escaping with a utility method.
      Implement large object truncation for 8.3 servers.  The bulk of this
      Interval formatting didn't work for negative seconds values greater
      Change DatabaseMetaData.getSearchStringEscape to always return "\\"
      Add methods to PGInterval to combine and scale intervals.
      Remove mapping of the rand escape function.  Due to the change in
      Allow updatable ResultSets to update arrays.  While we still haven't
      In an error message reporting an unparseable timestamp value the
      Parse timezones that have offsets in seconds.  8.2 servers now
      Save JUnit output into files so they can be processed by tools.  The
      Implement ResultSet.updateArray by simply mapping it to updateObject.
      Explicitly state which source level we are compiling.  Newer versions
      Add a test case to ensure that batch CallableStatements work.
      Error message has the wrong index into the paramTypes array.
      setObject fails to identify the correct type of java.lang.Byte.
      Fix for building with JDK1.4.  It doesn't like if statements written
      Updated Serbian translation from Bojan Skaljac.
      The previous patch to try and set a XA based Connection's autocommit
      Fix function drop calls so we end up with a clean database at the
      Add support for returning function parameter names and directions
      Pull the default login timeout from DriverManager.getLoginTimeout
      Change how PGobject and children support clone(), to get more
      Add the proper META-INF entry for the driver jar file so that
      Fix recently added Byte type test code to work under JDK1.4.  It was
      Don't return quotes around identifiers in the results of
      Move setting of the ResultSet.wasNull() flag away from every single
      Do escape processing on batch Statements prior to execution.  This
      Add SSL as an option for DataSources.
      Remove unused imports.
      ResultSet.updateNClob(String, Reader) goes into an infinite loop.
      Updated French translation.
      Updatable ResultSets did not work when updating bytea data and then
      Make inner classes static where possible.
      Empty finalize method still has a performance impact, so comment
      pt_BR translation update.
      Prepare for release for 8.3dev-601.
      Don't call new String("xx") because "xx" is already a string and
      Mark abstract classes abstract.
      Checking for an ACL array that is a zero length string was done
      Report a helpful error message when connection setup fails due to
      The code intends to null out the class' proxy variable, but is
      When doing batch execution we can have multiple Parse and
      Typo caused PSQLSavepoint to not get built occasionally.  This only
      Provide a minimal ClientInfo implementation because of complaints
      8.3 has tightened up text operators so there is no longer an
      Fix getProcedureColumns to run against 7.2 which doesn't have
      Don't leak connections in unit tests so that we can run the tests
      Set extra_float_digits=2 on connection startup so we get as much data
      The prepareThreshold parameter was getting defaulted to zero in the
      CallableStatements with OUT parameters that get executed more than
      The driver was incorrectly parsing identifiers that had parts that
      Since we're working on the 8.3 release, 8.2 is now a valid
      Arrays.toString is a JDK1.5+ method, so we can't use it in this
      Ugggh, compiling is not the same as working.  Junit's assertEquals
      Multiple calls to XAConnection.getConnection within the same user
      Make code that parses queries for updateable resultsets aware of the
      Support multi-dimensional arrays and returning arrays of primitive
      While custom type maps are not implemented, the code to detect the
      Java array types and pg array types have different ideas about what
      Implement the JDBC4 method Connection.createArrayOf.  Now people
      When dealing with OIDs larger than 2^31 we can't retrieve these as
      Prepare for release of 8.3dev-602.
      Deep inside the driver's underlying IO code there is a method to skip
      When PreparedStatement.setObject(int, Object, Types.OTHER) is issued,
      We only expect strong typing with the V3 protocol.  Don't expect a
      The V2 protocol doesn't have enough information to tell that this
      Here are a couple more places that the V2 protocol needs some
      Implement the new JDBC3 + JDBC4 columns that are now returned by
      Update copyright years.
      The JDBC spec says that when you have two duplicately named columns,
      Throw an exception if people try to use setQueryTimeout with a
      Add a test to ensure that NON_UNIQUE is returned correctly from
      While the driver currently doesn't support the copy protocol, it
      Updated traditional Chinese translation.
      Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation.
      Turkish translation updates.
      Simplified Chinese translation updates.
      Prepare for release of 8.3-603.
      Open 8.4devel branch.
      Typo excecuted -> executed.
      Make the build system aware of the 1.7 JDK (which icedtea reports
      Move PGXADataSource to the public API documentation.
      Do comparison of identifiers in a known Locale (specificially US).
      Avoid making a copy of the current row after each positioning
      Fix a deadlock that occurs when retrieving notifications.  Normal
      CallableStatement#getUpdateCount was returning 1 when a function
      The DataSource options for ssl where not correctly being
      Add a configuration option to enable tcp keep alives.
      Ugg, adding support for tcp keep alives to DataSources didn't even
      Refactor type information functions into a dedicated interface.
      DatabaseMetaData.getTypeInfo provides two columns for indicating the
      For array types, return information about their base types for
      Accept UTF8 as an equivalent of UNICODE when trying to detect if
      Updated German translation.
      Add more detail to the exception when interpreting a server error
      Make datasources support the compatible parameter.
      Update German translation.
      Send initial connection startup parameters in UTF-8 rather than
      Avoid looking up the UTF-8 Charset by name.  When using multiple
      Kill of JDBC2 specific code.  Simplify the build system now that we
      Map the database uuid type to java.util.UUID.  This only works for
      Forgot to add this test case in the previous commit.
      Change the output of PreparedStatement.toString for V3 protocol
      Implement support for SQLXML.  All of the underlying XML tools don't
      I had commented out the non-JDBC4 tests to speed up testing of
      Don't bother running the SQLXML tests against a server that wasn't
      Adjust the deadlock avoidance code for the V3 protocol to be concerned
      Add tests to make sure that we can handle infinite dates that are
      DatabaseMetaData.getTypeInfo was reporting whether the type was signed
      Implement basic generated keys support.  It does not support
      Support a parameter (?) for the amount part of the timestampadd
      Don't list toast table types in the output of DatabaseMetaData.getTypeInfo.
      Add support for GSSAPI authentication.
      Add standard copyright notice to new files.
      The Statement and Connection proxies used for connection pooling
      My previous patch to fix the equals and hashcode for connection pools
      Implement generated keys support for prepared statements as well.
      Typo: Types.Other -> Types.OTHER.
      Not all data types use a comma for the array delimiter.  We need
      The earlier commit to exclude toast tables from getTypeInfo results
      The commit extending support for DBMD.getColumns to include JDBC
      Add some more classes to the public API docs.  These are exposed
      Don't use pg_attrdef.adsrc to display a column's default value.
      Speed up BigDecimal retrieval in the same way that is done for
      Fix sign handling for getFastXXX methods.  Don't allow '-' or '-.'.
      Avoid sending extra Describe Portal messages to the server when we've
      Initialize BatchUpdateExceptions with the SQLState of the
      Fix time tests for timezones which have different rules now than
      Update Serbian translation.
      Update Brazilian Portuguese translation.
      Updated Turkish translation.
      Add a connection parameter for setting a socket read timeout.  This
      Disable the XA tests if the server doesn't allow any prepared
      Initialize the prepareThreshold parameter for datasources to the
      Provide a way for the user to specify the desired length return
      Fix a logic error when determining when we can support generated
      Implement support for COPY in the JDBC driver with a non-standard
      Release 8.4-701.
      Open 8.5devel branch.
      Remove unused Sun specific import.
      After running the statement passed to executeUpdate, we check to see
      Add a check that a connection hasn't been closed before we do
      Support reading the new hex escaped bytea format that will be coming
      Change the sqlstate reported for using an already closed Connection
      Add the new TRUNCATE privilege, that was added in 8.4, to the list
      When a COPY operation is the first statement issued in a transaction,
      Add the partial index constraint to the FILTER_CONDITION column
      The 8.4 release added some code to avoid re-describing a statement
      Fix the ORDINAL_POSITION in the DatabaseMetaData.getColumns.
      Always specify an XA error code when creating an XAException.
      First Japanese translation of error messages.
      Initial Bulgarian translation.
      LOB truncation didn't allow truncating to zero length because it was
      Protocol sync is lost when a batch statement parameter has an
      Fix the previous fix for handling parameters with an embedded null.
      Assorted minor improvements:
      Add a test to confirm that receiving the additional notification
      The next release will be 9.0, not 8.5.
      Fix a problem using the Copy API to copy data to the server from a
      A XA transaction should not change the autocommit setting of a
      PoolingDataSources were not picking up all of the properties that
      When setNull is called with a TIME or TIMESTAMP type we cannot pass
      Add some more specific types to the return value for
      Fix up the previous patch to ensure datasource parameters are set
      A previous test to ensure sane behavior in the presence of null
      Add loglevel and protocolversion options to DataSources.
      Updated Japanese translation.
      Track the tail of the SQLWarning chain so we can quickly add a new
      Improve protocol logging of copy messages.
      Support PreparedStatement.setObject(int, Character).
      Fix DatabaseMetaData routines that return index information for a change
      Fix a minor concurrency issue during the setup for processing
      Fix DatabaseMetaData.getColumns for 7.2 servers.  The change to
      Make ResultSetMetaData.getColumnType match the results of
      Fix an array unit test when running with the V2 protocol.  With V2
      Notify arguments are only returned when using the V3 protocol, so
      Change the DataSource setup to not specify a protocol version to use
      Work around a bug in the server's implementation of the copy
      Be more clear about SSPI not being supported.  Instead of a cryptic
      Bump the version number for the 9.0 release.
      Open the 9.1 tree for development.
      Handle a table with no permissions correctly.
      Update default permissions to account for changes in different server
      Ensure that an XAConnection throws SQLExceptions appropriately
      Make updatable ResultSets work with SQLXML data.  Avoid making the
      If a domain has a not null constraint, report that information
      In DatabaseMetaData.getSchemas, return the user's own temp schemas,
      Newer server versions (9.0+) allow extra_float_digits to be set
      Add support for setting application_name on both connection startup
      Fetch all metadata for the ResultSet in one query instead of making
      Add support for setting application_name to DataSources.
      Change ResultSetMetaData to return information on serial datatypes
      Bring getSchemas up to JDBC 4 compliance.  Return the additional
      Bring getProcedures/getProcedureColumns up to JDBC 4 compliance.
      Update the date tests for changes in the 1.6 JVM.  Older versions
      Allow the driver to support setObject with Types.DISTINCT.
      Fix up getSchemas for 7.2 servers that don't have schemas.  This
      Fix literals that are injected into a SQL query to contain the PG
      Use slightly different SQL State error codes for the different
      Support building with the 1.7 JDK.  This is JDBC4.1, but it doesn't
      This is now a generated file, so remove the generated copy from
      Clear the generated keys associated with a Statement at the next
      Support returning generated keys from batch statement execution.
      Fixup fetching all metadata for a ResultSet at once for 7.4 servers.
      Fix getSchemas for 7.3 servers.  7.3 cannot extract an array element
      The 9.1 server canonicalizes the client_encoding setting, so
      Don't assume we know what the server's default transaction isolation
      Correctly report the table type for FOREIGN TABLEs.
      Fix copyright dates.  Don't backdate 2009 to 2008.
      Open HEAD for 9.2 development.
      Remove PostgreSQL CVS keyword expansion tags.
      Convert .cvsignore files to .gitignore files.
      Cache a copy of ResultSetMetaData in the ResultSet.
      Move logic out of concrete JDBC version classes.
      Fix bugs in setQueryTimeout.
      Fix ResultSetMetaData retrieval when the oid counter exceeds INT_MAX.
      Use a Set instead of a BitSet for tracking which types support
      Fix setQueryTimeout test.
      Remove bogus import of Sun specific code.
      Remove bogus import of Sun specific code.
      Expose enhanced error message fields from constraint violations.
      Remove plaintext README in favor of Markdown version.
      Lookup correct array delimiter in Connection.createArrayOf.

Maciek Sakrejda (1):
      Adding pgbouncer transaction patch.

Marc G. Fournier (22):
      Bring in Adrian's JDBC driver as an interface
      Update patch from Peter <patches at maidast.demon.co.uk>
      Bring in Peter's changes...finally :(
      Get these two files finally committed for Peter...sorry for delay :(
      From: CNT systemen BV <cntsys at cistron.nl>
      From: Peter T Mount <patches at maidast.demon.co.uk>
      Peter's Mega-Patch for JDBC...
      Oops...missed over half the patch :(
      Should fix it all, Peter?
      From: Peter T Mount <patches at maidast.demon.co.uk>
      This was a new class that was introduced last weekend. I'm attaching the
      From: Peter T Mount <patches at maidast.demon.co.uk>
      Missign a comma...
      The getColumns() method in DataBaseMetaData.java returns a column size
      From: Peter T Mount <patches at maidast.demon.co.uk>
      From: Peter T Mount <patches at maidast.demon.co.uk>
      From: Peter T Mount <patches at maidast.demon.co.uk>
      From: Peter T Mount <patches at maidast.demon.co.uk>
      Remove various files that were moved to various subdirectories...
      From: Peter T Mount <peter at retep.org.uk>
      $Header: -> $PostgreSQL Changes ...
      make sure the $Id tags are converted to $PostgreSQL as well ...

Michael McCaskill (1):
      Use proper System property

Nick White (2):
      the driver will always return Maps for hstore columns
      allow the first query to be binary

Oliver Jowett (33):
      Ensure that *.java.in files get interpreted as Java.
      Disallow these cases as we have insufficient type information:
      Make sure that ds/* really is included in the set of files to compile (fixes
      Fixes for handling double-quotes and backslashes in single-quoted literals
      Minor code rearrangement to avoid warnings from jikes.
      Some of those switch fallthroughs were intentional (but ugly!): SMALLINT and
      Throw exceptions if cancelRowUpdates() or updateRow() are called when on the
      Add PSQLState codes to all PSQLExceptions thrown by the driver.
      Change some error codes from OBJECT_NOT_IN_STATE to WRONG_OBJECT_TYPE per Tom Lane's suggestion.
      Bugfixes and tests for two date-related bugs:
      When locating driver configuration resources, if getClass().getClassLoader()
      Oops, don't assign to defaultProperties in the wrong place (harmless but
      Fix the PGInterval(String) ctor to correctly set the object's postgresql
      Update setNull javadoc.
      Bugfix and testcase for NPE when using an updateable resultset obtained from
      Reject attempts to update a CONCUR_READ_ONLY resultset.
      Correctly handle changes in parameter types when using server prepared statements,
      Implement basic login timeout support via a 'loginTimeout' URL parameter /
      Avoid generating garbage byte[0] objects that we immediately discard in
      Support asynchronous notifications by looking for pending messages when
      Fix ResultSet.getObject(..., Types.SMALLINT) to return an Integer per the JDBC3 typemapping appendix.
      Check the pg_input buffer, as well as the socket itself, when looking for
      Move the custom UTF-8 decoder into a subclass of Encoding.
      Timestamp/Time/Date work per discussion on pgsql-jdbc.
      Fix parsing of timezones with a non-zero minutes component, e.g. +03:30.
      Fix updateRow() involving Date, Time, or Timestamp.
      Strip out call tracing debugging from DatabaseMetaData -- it is only half
      Debug logging overhaul:
      Test fixes not picked up by the last commit.
      Add a new parameter 'stringtype' (values 'varchar' or 'unspecified') to
      Docs for stringtype and compatible=7.4 parameters.
      Make some PGXAConnection fields final.
      Break most of AbstractJdbc2ResultSet.findColumn out into a

Peter Eisentraut (15):
      Add uninstall target to Java build.
      Update.  Things are now build through 'make'.
      We're way past 6.3 ...
      Terminate message doesn't have a trailing zero byte.
      Resolve a number of oddities in the Java build.  First, remove the weird
      Sync with jdbc2, remove gratuitous white space differences.
      Bring DatabaseMetaData feature tests up to date:
      Implement DatabaseMetaData.getCatalogs()
      postgresql.badint property name was probably meant to be
      German message localization for JDBC
      Install the SQL command man pages into a section appropriate for each
      Remove all traces of multibyte and locale options.  Clean up comments
      New translation
      Translation updates
      Translation updates

Peter Mount (45):
      Implement UpdateCount
      Minor bug fixes. Replaced DateStyle support with ISO.
      Fixed Internationalization of error messages.
      Transactions in ImageViewer
      Internationalisation of error messages
      Forgot the CHANGELOG
      Some fixes supplied by Jon Nielsen jonfn at image.dk
      Some minor bug fixes
      Patches for 6.5.2
      An abstract declaration for the close() method was missed out of the previous
      Some late patches from Jens Glaser (jens at jens.de). These upgrade the protocol
      Jens Glaser found that getPrimaryKeys() had a table called test hardwired
      jdbc2real rule was in there twice. One of them should have been jdbc1real
      Another attempt at 7.0
      Another attempt
      Attempt III
      Minor fixes ready for 7.0
      ImageViewer transaction fixes
      Fixed the message Makefile produces after compiling. It still said
      Removed timezone in ResultSet.getTimestamp()
      Removed hardwired 8k limit on queries
      Added some missing org.'s that prevented the use of the geometric types
      Added org/postgresql/DriverClass.java to the list of files removed by make clean (it's dynamically built)
      Fixed DatabaseMetaData.getTableTypes()
      Major update part I involving delayed patches, reworked Makefile, and how
      Some more getTimestamp() fixes
      Fixed minor bug in ResultSet for jdbc2 reported by Matthew Denner that absolute doesnt handle negative row numbers correctly.
      Encoding patch to Connection by wrobell at posexperts.com.pl
      Finally created ant build.xml file
      Finished build.xml and updated Driver.java.in and buildDriver to match how Makefile and ANT operate.
      Thu Jan 18 12:24:00 GMT 2001 peter at retep.org.uk
      Thu Jan 18 17:37:00 GMT 2001 peter at retep.org.uk
      Forgot to cvs add UpdateableResultSet.java ;-)
      Fri Jan 19 08:47:00 GMT 2001 peter at retep.org.uk
      Removed the 8k row limit reported by DatabaseMetaData
      Added an alternative constructor to PGSQLException so that debugging
      Tue Jan 30 22:24:00 GMT 2001 peter at retep.org.uk
      Wed Jan 31 08:46:00 GMT 2001 peter at retep.org.uk
      Some updates prior to retrieving a fresh cvs copy:
      Some more including the patch to DatabaseMetaData backed out by Bruce.
      Web Feb 14 17:29:00 GMT 2001 peter at retep.org.uk
      Some more updates...
      Minor fixes...
      Ok, I've split todays commit into three, the first two already done had some
      Tue Mar 06 12:05:00 GMT 2001 peter at retep.org.uk

RafaƂ Krzewski (1):
      Expose PID of the backend process serving a paricular JDBC connection through

Stephen Nelson (4):
      Build script changes to allow packaging and deployment to Maven central using maven-ant-tasks
      Revert "build for maven"
      Use 1.4 version of gpg plugin for signing Maven upload.
      Generate a JDBC 4.1 version string for 1.7 and 1.8 build JDKs.

Steven Schlansker (1):
      Allow driver to set read-only based on a connection parameter.

Tom Dunstan (2):
      Make PreparedStatement.setObject(pos, value, Types.VARCHAR) respect stringtype=unspecified
      Make PreparedStatement.getObject() for an enum type return a string rather than a PGObject

Tom Lane (1):
      Merge the last few variable.c configuration variables into the generic

Valentine Gogichashvili (4):
      Consider search_path when resolving type names to OIDs
      Test is checking search_path usage dirctly on TypeInfo methods
      search_path support should be working correctly even for complex cases
      Added another test case for searching objects using search_path

chj (1):
      fix a simple miss in getPropertyInfo()

halset (1):
      fix for setBlob with large blob

lordnelson (1):
      Markdown version of the README

tminglei (4):
      add uuid array support
      add uuid array support
      add uuid array support (rename ArrayElementBuilder to ArrayAssistant)
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'


This annotated tag includes the following new commits:

       new  b106d6b   Merge branch 'master', remote-tracking branch 'origin'
       new  df00ad0   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin'
       new  d2a7d48   Adding pgbouncer transaction patch.
       new  0b0f6c8   Remove bogus import of Sun specific code.
       new  739e1b0   Merge branch 'master' of github.com:pgjdbc/pgjdbc
       new  5775ea5   changed version to 9.3devel in build.properties
       new  288de0a   Expose PID of the backend process serving a paricular JDBC connection through a new method in PGConnection interface, analogous to PQbackendPID in libpq C API.
       new  65ef377   changed version to 9.3devel in build.properties
       new  831ab00   Merge branch 'master' of github.com:pgjdbc/pgjdbc
       new  aec6619   Merge branch 'REL9_2_STABLE'
       new  066ae79   Fix performance regresssion introduced by using InetSocketAddress getHostName() Patch provided by Scott Harrington, improved upon by Kris Jurka
       new  81f89b8   fix toString to handle binary integer and float types
       new  db753ab   update copyright to 2012
       new  6e1fa1e   undo format changes
       new  94fee33   Remove testSetObjectFromJavaArray from jdbc2
       new  7366eeb   Allow driver to set read-only based on a connection parameter.
       new  1f9b8ff   SSL client certificate via Keystore from a Resource file provided by Brendan Jurd
       new  d263297   Merge pull request #27 from davecramer/master
       new  ae3c0d3   Merge pull request #25 from rkrzewski/backend_pid
       new  89d172a   Merge pull request #26 from stevenschlansker/read-only
       new  58f1253   Japanese translation spelling corrected provided by Tomonari Katsumata
       new  4168f9c   Merge pull request #28 from davecramer/master
       new  39f5d3a   changed package to org.postgresql.ssl
       new  bb74e3a   Merge pull request #29 from davecramer/master
       new  9387af3   fix cancelTimer bug reported by Andri Redko. now cancel timer when connection is closed make sure timer is cancelled if there is an exception in execute
       new  a17b91d   Merge pull request #30 from davecramer/master
       new  87959fe   Bug reference 7766 reported by Zelaine Fong if an insert or update or delete statement affects more than 2^32 rows we now return Statement.SUCCESS_NO_INFO
       new  4db1da7   Merge pull request #31 from davecramer/master
       new  c425bd7   Fixed my patch to deal with update counts over 2^32 Check to see if the update count is greater than Integer.MAX_VALUE before setting the update_count to Statement.SUCCESS_NO_INFO NumberFormatException will still be thrown if there is a problem parsing it.
       new  1dff65b   Merge pull request #32 from davecramer/master
       new  af1d7cd   fixed mistake where update_count not updated properly
       new  e185251   Merge pull request #33 from davecramer/master
       new  86c0db2   Fix spelling of occured in error message  - An I/O error occured while sending to the backend.
       new  350a9e2   Fix spelling of occured in error message - Something unusual has occurred to cause the driver to fail
       new  4e9fec4   Fix spelling of occured in error message - An error occurred while setting up the SSL connection
       new  c531a34   make sure driver doesn't parse anything if the url isn't for us, also catch other possible errors, reported by Nathaniel Waisbrot
       new  2bf33c2   Merge pull request #37 from davecramer/master
       new  e9ac5f8   Expose enhanced error message fields from constraint violations.
       new  e16ba69   log can not be output when using DataSource property settings were not being copied to the datasource these included logLevel, binaryTranfer, sslfactory, applicationName patch provided by Chen Huajun
       new  f6544e2   Merge pull request #38 from davecramer/master
       new  4c48d15   Markdown version of the README
       new  343c422   added Loglevel.OFF to complete the settings
       new  d14ffea   Merge pull request #41 from davecramer/master
       new  7527683   avoid NullPointerException from Derrik Hudson on User Defined Types
       new  57b6eba   Merge pull request #42 from davecramer/master
       new  abf3a72   removed compile error with double ,
       new  e5639b2   Merge pull request #43 from davecramer/master
       new  8cc4c64   Merge pull request #40 from lordnelson/doc_changes
       new  1318486   Support for JDBC4 isWrapperFor & unwrap methods
       new  816f501   Added unit test for wrapper functions
       new  ccd11b6   Change default password to 'test'
       new  a4aed7d   Merge pull request #44 from fathomdb/support_wrappers
       new  5d9875e   Merge pull request #45 from fathomdb/fix_default_password
       new  946327b   fix a simple miss in getPropertyInfo()
       new  8386880   Merge pull request #48 from ChenHuajun/master
       new  1542b61   Remove plaintext README in favor of Markdown version.
       new  471a09e   Lookup correct array delimiter in Connection.createArrayOf.
       new  b383f6d   Consider search_path when resolving type names to OIDs
       new  3beba29   Test is checking search_path usage dirctly on TypeInfo methods
       new  818b84d   search_path support should be working correctly even for complex cases
       new  a7d8075   Added another test case for searching objects using search_path
       new  d4f6d9c   modified build for maven and 9.3
       new  6f0b44a   Merge pull request #57 from davecramer/master
       new  aa5c1b9   Merge branch 'pgbouncer-txn' of git://github.com/deafbybeheading/pgjdbc
       new  a5e7123   Merge pull request #58 from davecramer/master
       new  ea7ed8c   support for materialized views from Thomas Kelllerer
       new  29b4412   Merge pull request #59 from davecramer/master
       new  e55ef21   expose URL property in BaseDataSource make sure stringtype gets into url from properties
       new  50be479   Merge pull request #61 from davecramer/master
       new  c65de00   Merge branch 'master' of github.com:davecramer/pgjdbc
       new  f10b343   Merge branch 'master' of github.com:pgjdbc/pgjdbc
       new  9ae7537   Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/valgog/pgjdbc into valgog
       new  3ca94e6   Merge pull request #52 from valgog/master
       new  0d8f144   Merge branch 'master' of github.com:pgjdbc/pgjdbc
       new  02d15fd   Ignore netbeans and IDEA projects files.
       new  44f23f9   Respect the ${srcdir} property for all source file references in ant script.
       new  e775dda   Merge pull request #64 from polarislabs/respect_ant_srcdir
       new  479861e   Merge branch 'master' of github.com:pgjdbc/pgjdbc
       new  b5656f3   the driver will always return Maps for hstore columns
       new  51fde88   Merge pull request #35 from fionatay/translations
       new  1e3cd9c   Merge pull request #67 from njwhite/hstore
       new  b8f72a6   Make PreparedStatement.setObject(pos, value, Types.VARCHAR) respect stringtype=unspecified
       new  0da850b   Make PreparedStatement.getObject() for an enum type return a string rather than a PGObject
       new  90e3e07   Merge pull request #68 from tomdcc/setobject-varchar-stringtype
       new  91757a4   allow the first query to be binary
       new  d227408   Added test case for checking the return code when an xid does not exist.
       new  604b754   Check server SQLState for xid does not exist and return XAException.XAER_NOTA from method along with exception.
       new  a33e21d   Reuse PGSQLState object. Add a field for 42704 code.
       new  82775c7   Merge branch 'handle-rollback-xid-not-found' into xa-not-found-testcase
       new  eb2fe28   set javadoc's html encoding to utf-8 for other languages but english
       new  7b390c6   fix bug of fail to prepareCall("{CALL func()}")
       new  61e1893   Merge pull request #74 from ChenHuajun/javadoc_utf8
       new  f288db3   Merge pull request #75 from ChenHuajun/call_escape
       new  dc44225   Reuse PGSQLState object. Add a field for 42704 code. fixes #78.
       new  321425e   Merge branch 'handle-rollback-xid-not-found' of github.com:whitingjr/pgjdbc into handle-rollback-xid-not-found
       new  782bd03   Merge pull request #76 from whitingjr/handle-rollback-xid-not-found
       new  a7e52f1   Added fail condition in test case to detect if the expected exception is not thrown.
       new  9e07f61   Merge pull request #73 from whitingjr/xa-not-found-testcase
       new  a04c986   add uuid array support
       new  2d1327b   add uuid array support
       new  7e6b7bd   add uuid array support (rename ArrayElementBuilder to ArrayAssistant)
       new  364c765   Merge branch 'master' of github.com:pgjdbc/pgjdbc
       new  ccd4e7e   finally should call super
       new  23fa274   fix for setBlob with large blob
       new  1d75c2f   fixed DatabaseMetaDataTest as per Sylvain Cuaz
       new  1083e29   Merge pull request #85 from davecramer/master
       new  571ccff   Merge branch 'setBlob-large' of git://github.com/halset/pgjdbc into setblob
       new  accb6dd   Merge pull request #86 from davecramer/master
       new  9146d0c   Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
       new  e0a0baa   build for maven
       new  009ea68   Fixed spelling of occured
       new  3bc1e05   add functions to allow LargeObjectMaager to commit on close from Marc Cousin
       new  dbf76c2   Merge pull request #51 from njwhite/master
       new  6739fb6   reset interrupted bit and throw unchecked exception if we get interrupted while trying to connect
       new  b8bef04   Merge branch 'master' of github.com:pgjdbc/pgjdbc
       new  e022d2b   added sponsors
       new  0ba2c0b   Use proper System property
       new  68136a9   Merge pull request #91 from michaelmccaskill/master
       new  8e9cf49   NonValidatingFactory should be included in both JDBC3 and JDBC4
       new  e2261fa   Merge pull request #94 from ringerc/master
       new  997e164   Merge pull request #81 from tminglei/master
       new  9ee0afd   Build script changes to allow packaging and deployment to Maven central using maven-ant-tasks
       new  2599eda   Revert "build for maven"
       new  2831317   Use 1.4 version of gpg plugin for signing Maven upload.
       new  e52d3dc   Merge pull request #54 from lordnelson/master
       new  719d0da   redo occurred spelling mistake
       new  9a3b50e   Generate a JDBC 4.1 version string for 1.7 and 1.8 build JDKs.
       new  09eb202   generate JDBC 4.1 string for 1.7 and 1.8 builds and set version to 1100

The 128 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-java/libpostgresql-jdbc-java.git

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