[libpostgresql-jdbc-java] 02/22: Merge changes from head to 7.3 branch: better error message on character set conversion problems and patch from Kris Jurka for numeric scale Modified Files: Tag: REL7_3_STABLE jdbc/org/postgresql/errors.properties jdbc/org/postgresql/core/Encoding.java jdbc/org/postgresql/jdbc1/AbstractJdbc1DatabaseMetaData.java

Emmanuel Bourg ebourg-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Jan 9 10:19:02 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

ebourg-guest pushed a commit to tag REL7_3_4
in repository libpostgresql-jdbc-java.

commit 5d2899d04633cd014e36d61b61b667dfcb50b847
Author: Barry Lind <barry at xythos.com>
Date:   Sun Feb 9 23:41:46 2003 +0000

    Merge changes from head to 7.3 branch: better error message on character set conversion problems and patch from Kris Jurka for numeric scale
     Modified Files:
      Tag: REL7_3_STABLE
 org/postgresql/core/Encoding.java                  | 62 ++++++++++++----------
 org/postgresql/errors.properties                   |  1 +
 .../jdbc1/AbstractJdbc1DatabaseMetaData.java       |  2 +-
 3 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)

diff --git a/org/postgresql/core/Encoding.java b/org/postgresql/core/Encoding.java
index 417306a..00afd1d 100644
--- a/org/postgresql/core/Encoding.java
+++ b/org/postgresql/core/Encoding.java
@@ -235,36 +235,40 @@ public class Encoding
 	private static final int pow2_12 = 4096;	// 212
 	private char[] cdata = new char[50];
-	private synchronized String decodeUTF8(byte data[], int offset, int length) {
-		char[] l_cdata = cdata;
-		if (l_cdata.length < (length)) {
-			l_cdata = new char[length];
-		}
-		int i = offset;
-		int j = 0;
-		int k = length + offset;
-		int z, y, x, val;
-		while (i < k) {
-			z = data[i] & 0xFF;
-			if (z < 0x80) {
-				l_cdata[j++] = (char)data[i];
-				i++;
-			} else if (z >= 0xE0) {		// length == 3
-				y = data[i+1] & 0xFF;
-				x = data[i+2] & 0xFF;
-				val = (z-0xE0)*pow2_12 + (y-0x80)*pow2_6 + (x-0x80);
-				l_cdata[j++] = (char) val;
-				i+= 3;
-			} else {		// length == 2 (maybe add checking for length > 3, throw exception if it is
-				y = data[i+1] & 0xFF;
-				val = (z - 0xC0)* (pow2_6)+(y-0x80);
-				l_cdata[j++] = (char) val;
-				i+=2;
-			} 
-		}
+	private synchronized String decodeUTF8(byte data[], int offset, int length) throws SQLException {
+		try {
+			char[] l_cdata = cdata;
+			if (l_cdata.length < (length)) {
+				l_cdata = new char[length];
+			}
+			int i = offset;
+			int j = 0;
+			int k = length + offset;
+			int z, y, x, val;
+			while (i < k) {
+				z = data[i] & 0xFF;
+				if (z < 0x80) {
+					l_cdata[j++] = (char)data[i];
+					i++;
+				} else if (z >= 0xE0) {		// length == 3
+					y = data[i+1] & 0xFF;
+					x = data[i+2] & 0xFF;
+					val = (z-0xE0)*pow2_12 + (y-0x80)*pow2_6 + (x-0x80);
+					l_cdata[j++] = (char) val;
+					i+= 3;
+				} else {		// length == 2 (maybe add checking for length > 3, throw exception if it is
+					y = data[i+1] & 0xFF;
+					val = (z - 0xC0)* (pow2_6)+(y-0x80);
+					l_cdata[j++] = (char) val;
+					i+=2;
+				} 
+			}
-		String s = new String(l_cdata, 0, j);
-		return s;
+			String s = new String(l_cdata, 0, j);
+			return s;
+		} catch (Exception l_e) {
+			throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.invalidchar", l_e);
+		}
diff --git a/org/postgresql/errors.properties b/org/postgresql/errors.properties
index ff87266..ca649b0 100644
--- a/org/postgresql/errors.properties
+++ b/org/postgresql/errors.properties
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ postgresql.con.auth:The authentication type {0} is not supported. Check that you
 postgresql.con.authfail:An error occured while getting the authentication request.
 postgresql.con.backend:Backend start-up failed: {0}
 postgresql.con.call:Callable Statements are not supported at this time.
+postgresql.con.invalidchar:Invalid character data was found.  This is most likely caused by stored data containing characters that are invalid for the character set the database was created in.  The most common example of this is storing 8bit data in a SQL_ASCII database.
 postgresql.con.closed:Connection is closed.  Operation is not permitted.
 postgresql.con.creobj:Failed to create object for {0} {1}
 postgresql.con.failed:The connection attempt failed because {0}
diff --git a/org/postgresql/jdbc1/AbstractJdbc1DatabaseMetaData.java b/org/postgresql/jdbc1/AbstractJdbc1DatabaseMetaData.java
index 1027d3f..794b9ae 100644
--- a/org/postgresql/jdbc1/AbstractJdbc1DatabaseMetaData.java
+++ b/org/postgresql/jdbc1/AbstractJdbc1DatabaseMetaData.java
@@ -2337,7 +2337,7 @@ public abstract class AbstractJdbc1DatabaseMetaData
 			else if (pgType.equals("numeric") || pgType.equals("decimal")) 
-				int attypmod = rs.getInt(8) - VARHDRSZ;
+				int attypmod = rs.getInt("atttypmod") - VARHDRSZ;
 				tuple[6] = Integer.toString( ( attypmod >> 16 ) & 0xffff ).getBytes();
 				tuple[8] = Integer.toString(attypmod & 0xffff).getBytes();
 				tuple[9] = "10".getBytes();

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-java/libpostgresql-jdbc-java.git

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