[libpostgresql-jdbc-java] tag REL8_0_323 created (now f2873cd)
Emmanuel Bourg
ebourg-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Jan 9 10:19:41 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
ebourg-guest pushed a change to tag REL8_0_323
in repository libpostgresql-jdbc-java.
at f2873cd (commit)
This tag includes the following new commits:
new 5f09201 Update file naming convention per Oliver, make a distinction from the JDBC build number and the server version 8.0.309 -> 8.0-309.
new 29a41da Release build 310.
new 8ae7299 SQLWarning.getMessage wasn't reporting the message from a Notice message in the V3 protocol. Make the V2 and V3 cases return a consistent message and add a test.
new 1bcec79 Restore the ability for the JDBC driver to map infinite timestamp values by using special constants in PGStatement. The original implementation was removed for being arbitrary and unidirectional.
new 426e0b1 Add method names to the not implemented exception to allow unhelpful client programs that don't provide a stacktrace to be debugged.
new 9ad5d10 Fix JDK 1.2 compiles where Calendar.setTimeInMillis is not available.
new e1da87b Support setNull(x, Types.BLOB) and CLOB, reported by Tore Halset.
new b771da3 When moveToCurrentRow is called and the current row is off the end of the ResultSet we can't try to load that row because it doesn't exist and will throw an Exception.
new 9402da5 In a binary data example: File.length() returns long, but PreparedStatement.setBinaryStream() wants an int.
new 4a2def0 Test to make sure PSQLWarning is Serializable (it wasn't).
new ac52669 Release build 311.
new 001c78f Improve null handling. Allow setNull(1, Types.XXX) for ARRAY, NULL, DISTINCT, and STRUCT by mapping them to the unknown oid. Make setArray, setBlob, setClob, and setCharacterStream accept null parameters.
new 965d148 In Blob.getBytes(long position, int length) position is an offset starting at 1, not zero as the driver was previously doing.
new 0580e93 Add a test case to detect if we modify a passed in Calendar object to things like PreparedStatement.setTimestamp. This shows the fix for setDate had an error and that the corresponding ResultSet.get methods had the same problems.
new 7307972 pt_BR translation updates from Euler Taveira de Oliveira.
new f46c493 Simplified Chinese translation from Weiping.
new ff9f26e Polish translation updates from Jaroslaw Pyszny.
new d3b52cf Java message format strings need to double 's.
new dc01bb8 Italian translation update from Giuseppe Sacco.
new 737772e Applying HEAD changes to stable branch:
new 1abb5ce Applying HEAD changes to stable branch
new 75dfd56 Updated Italian translation from Giuseppe Sacco.
new 2ff3d06 Updated Italian translation from Giuseppe Sacco.
new 5ed604b commit changes to CallableStatement test, and protocolImplementations to STABLE
new 3ae53db Release build 312.
new 6452452 Every execution of a Statement clears the warning chain from the previous execution. This was causing a memory leak by endlessly chaining warnings together that should have been discarded. Report and analysis by Albe Laurenz.
new 1cf779a Initial Czech translation by Petr Dittrich.
new b1b9a4a Map setObject calls for Types.BLOB, CLOB, and ARRAY to call the related setXXX method if we don't need to do any conversion.
new 8ad9c49 Add checks to prevent ResultSet.updateXXX methods from throwing an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. We should only throw SQLExceptions from here.
new 7ad171c ResultSet.getObject().getClass().getName() should match up with ResultSetMetaData.getColumnClassName().
new e65bc04 Make setObject(int, Object) aware of the Blob, Clob, and Array types when trying to infer the incoming object type.
new 9cac940 Release build 313.
new a290bf9 When I added bounds checking for ResultSet.updateXXX methods, I accidentally removed bounds checking for getXXX methods. This resulted in an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException being thrown instead of the desired SQLException.
new d993a60 The driver needs to break a statement into individual queries to use the V3 extended query protocol. The parsing code did not recognize multiple rule actions separated by semi-colons as one query.
new 5f21e4f Release build 314.
new 8698a03 Correct the display size calculations for numeric data. Don't add precision and scale because scale is just a subset of precision.
new 10f8faf Fix compile error. Somehow I thought I could manually backpatch something without testing it.
new b43ccba DatabaseMetaData.getTables should return all table type if passed null as for the types array. It was previously returning only those tables that psql's \d command would for a null type filter.
new 74979e3 Statement.cancel was prone to race conditions even with a single threaded client. It would fire off a cancel message without waiting for an acknowledgement of its success. This resulted in future queries being cancelled when the cancel message was received by the backend. Ensure we get an EOF from the server before returning from the cancel call. This still does nothing about multi-threaded race conditions.
new 91e50a2 Add scale information for time/timestamp/interval to DatabaseMetaData.getColumns. Include knowledge of interval in ResultSetMetaData.
new 3707db8 Update getObject and getArray methods that take a map to only bail out with a not implemented exception if the supplied map is not null and not empty. Apparently Sun's WebRowSet implementation passes empty Maps to these methods.
new c7f5665 The V2 protocol wasn't correctly handling EmptyQuery messages. It expected a four byte message length after the EmptyQuery message, but there is only a single null byte sent by the backend.
new 872397d Brazilian Portuguese translation updates.
new 79bb5ed When performing replace processing we must continue processing until we hit the end of a user supplied query, not just once we've detected the end of a valid query. Consider the example: SELECT a FROM t WHERE (1>0)) ORDER BY a; We must send the whole query to the backend, not just the section before the last closing parenthesis.
new 2d5e037 escapeQuotes() in DatabaseMetaData was not correctly handling backslashes which would result in incorrect searches and has the potential for a SQL injection attack.
new 90ed05f Release build 315.
new f948080 When a prepared statement uses different parameter types than what the statement was originally prepared for, the driver must replan the query for the new types. When doing this in batches the driver was not correctly freeing old plans.
new 2e3fe1f When performing replace processing we must continue processing until we hit the end of a user supplied query, not just once we've detected the end of a valid query. Consider the example: SELECT a FROM t WHERE (1>0)) ORDER BY a; We must send the whole query to the backend, not just the section before the last closing parenthesis.
new 4c02788 gij/gcj has some JDK1.5 classes in it, but it only supports JDK1.4 as the default source level. This confuses older ant versions and our build script tries to compile a JDK1.5 version. Instead of letting ant detect the java version, let the jvm tell us that itself using java.specification.version as suggested by Heikki Linnakangas. Also put in a check for a JDK1.6 compile attempt and bail out with an explanatory unsupported error message instead of just failing at [...]
new edb3792 The previous commit message is completely bogus. I use the -F argument to specify a filename and I picked com.msg instead of oom.msg resulting in a random old message. This is the correct log entry.
new 94fc437 Error messages were not run through MessageFormat if it didn't have any parameters. This was a problem because all error messages are written expecting to be run through the formatter and use two single quotes when only one is desired in the output. Without being run through the formatter the two quotes appeared in the output.
new 027669d Release build 316.
new ec15099 A bad merge of out of memory detection and zero testing resulted in incorrectly handing of null values.
new 7bab436 Release build 8.0-317.
new 08e09ee Brazilian Portuguese translation updates.
new 73296b4 When issuing multiple queries on one statement the driver was not clearing some intermediate state between executions. When an update, insert, or delete followed a select, the select's results were still available and would be returned instead of the non-query's affected row count.
new d0c252e When the driver asks the server to resolve a type the resolved type is stored in the SimpleQuery object. When the statement is executed again the driver determines whether the existing types match or if it needs to be reprepared by comparing the current Statement's settings with the SimpleQuery. The Statement will have the unspecified oid while the SimpleQuery will have the resolved oid, so there will not be a match and the statement will needlessly be reprepared. [...]
new 32dd53c When creating a ResultSet from a refcursor, respect the creating ResultSet's scollability setting. The way the ResultSet is created means that it will always be scrollable anyway, so there's no downside. We cannot support updatable refcursor ResultSets until we get updatable cursors.
new d573a63 Fix a bug in function escape processing. When dealing with an invalid escape the code attempted to read until it hit the escape end and press on, but it forgot to increment its position counter. This lead to an infinite loop that eventually resulted in an out of memory error.
new afcafb2 Update the documentation to reflect the fact that the default prepareThreshold is five, not zero.
new ad2d7f4 Escaping of savepoint names in org.postgresql.jdbc3.PSQLSavepoint is incorrect. Backslashes in (double-quoted) savepoint names are doubled for escaping, but AFAIK, and as my testing shows, savepoint names are like identifiers, so regular identifier quoting applies to them.
new 50466b1 Release build 318.
new b711e79 Produce the timezone that we send to the server in the same format that we can parse. This is important for updatable ResultSets as we must be able to parse the format we produce.
new 14c0041 Allow updatable ResultSets to update arrays. While we still haven't implemented updateArray, updateObject with an Array should work. Just need to add a mapping for Types.ARRAY for converting the Array to the underlying ResultSet format.
new ef385f1 Implement ResultSet.updateArray by simply mapping it to updateObject.
new 859fe40 Prepare for release of 8.0-319.
new 6680b0f Explicitly state which source level we are compiling. Newer versions of gij/gcj run a 1.5 VM, but default to a 1.4 source level compile which tricks up our build system. This still doens't fix the case of running with a newer VM than compiler, but I don't see what we can do about that.
new b82af5a Error message has the wrong index into the paramTypes array.
new 8880a99 setObject fails to identify the correct type of java.lang.Byte.
new b1950bf When retrieving the columns that compose a composite type don't retrieve system columns (like xmin/xmax/...) that you'll find if the type is from a table or view. A more comprehensive rework of getProcedureColumns will go into HEAD.
new 56c000a Fix recently added Byte type test code to work under JDK1.4. It was using Byte.valueOf(byte) which is a JDK1.5 method.
new 90694f4 Do escape processing on batch Statements prior to execution. This already worked for PreparedStatements, but not plain Statements.
new 7fc2306 Updatable ResultSets did not work when updating bytea data and then retrieving it because we send the data to the server in binary format, but the ResultSet was expecting to read it in text format. So we need to convert the data from binary to text format before stuffing it into the ResultSet.
new a72e305 Prepare for release of 8.0-320.
new 615df3d The prepareThreshold parameter was getting defaulted to zero in the test suite by the build system. It would be nice to just pick up the driver's default, but that's tough to do, so just hardcode it to the default (five) for now.
new e4b952f Arrays.toString is a JDK1.5+ method, so we can't use it in this test. It's unnecessary anyways as we really want to compare the byte arrays, not their String forms.
new 5209050 Ugggh, compiling is not the same as working. Junit's assertEquals converts things to strings which doesn't work for arrays. Use Arrays.equals instead.
new 7f1bae8 Make code that parses queries for updateable resultsets aware of the ONLY clause.
new a7ba104 While custom type maps are not implemented, the code to detect the caller trying to use them threw a ClassCastException. Correctly detect the attempted use of custom types and bail out with a SQLException.
new 4d7ea8b Prepare for release of 8.0-321.
new 126ffeb The JDBC spec says that when you have two duplicately named columns, a search by name should return the first one.
new ef3cd48 While the driver currently doesn't support the copy protocol, it needs to understand it enough to ignore it. Now the connection will not be irreparably broken when a COPY request is sent.
new c93d294 Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation.
new b3bc99e Prepare for release of 8.0-322.
new f6ab49f Make the build system aware of the 1.7 JDK (which icedtea reports itself as) and add an explicit check and complaint if we find a JDK that we don't support.
new d176a66 Do comparison of identifiers in a known Locale (specificially US). In Turkish for example "id".toLowerCase().equals("ID".toLowerCase()) is false. This breaks apps running a Turkish locale.
new e74f032 CallableStatement#getUpdateCount was returning 1 when a function returned a ResultSet. Return -1 instead.
new d9d05a4 Accept UTF8 as an equivalent of UNICODE when trying to detect if client_encoding has changed to something the driver doesn't understand. Don't try to accept every possible spelling (UTF-8) as UTF8 is the server's canonical name and people shouldn't be messing with this anyway.
new 8baa4e2 Updated German translation.
new bf3c79e Adjust the deadlock avoidance code for the V3 protocol to be concerned with many statements in a single execute call in addition to the existing worry about many statements from an executeBatch call. This doesn't prevent all possible deadlocks as the deadlock avoidance calculation was written for batch execution which should not be returning ResultSets. If many long queries that return significant results are issued with a single execute we will still deadlock.
new f2873cd Release build 8.0-323.
The 91 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
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