[libpostgresql-jdbc-java] tag REL8_2_507 created (now 9f13dae)

Emmanuel Bourg ebourg-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Jan 9 10:20:27 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

ebourg-guest pushed a change to tag REL8_2_507
in repository libpostgresql-jdbc-java.

        at  9f13dae   (commit)
This tag includes the following new commits:

       new  8098777   Add Serbian translation.
       new  7277193   Statement.getTime, .getDate, and .getTimestamp methods which are passed a Calendar object were rotating the timezone in the wrong direction.  Rewrite this code to use the existing TimestampUtils methods to match the working code in ResultSets.
       new  2be2660   Produce the timezone that we send to the server in the same format that we can parse.  This is important for updatable ResultSets as we must be able to parse the format we produce.
       new  48bcb0f   When manipulating large objects we must handle the oid as a Java long rather than an int so it works when the oid counter exceeds Integer.MAX_VALUE.  This doesn't remove the existing int API to avoid breaking code, but instead adds a parallel API that uses long.
       new  b752d37   Fix persistence of XA datasources.  PGObjectFactory wasn't aware of PGXADataSource and can't be because of the requirements for different build versions.  Add a new PGXADataSourceFactory to provide this functionality.
       new  2b25a84   The error message reports the column position incorrectly by using ""+i+1 which is (""+i)+1, resulting in a value of 21 instead of 3 for an i value of 2.
       new  12a47ef   Interval formatting didn't work for negative seconds values greater than -1.  It would format it as -.5, but interval input doesn't accept this, so write it as -0.5 instead.
       new  4ca84c0   Change DatabaseMetaData.getSearchStringEscape to always return "\\" instead of "\\\\".  Previously it was assuming that it would be fed directly into a query and it needed to escape itself for the backend's input parser.  This doesn't work for things like PreparedStatement parameters or DatabaseMetaData methods that take patterns.  Backpatch only to 8.2 because it is a compatability problem and this keeps the old behavior for older drivers and gets it right in the new ones.
       new  500932f   Allow updatable ResultSets to update arrays.  While we still haven't implemented updateArray, updateObject with an Array should work. Just need to add a mapping for Types.ARRAY for converting the Array to the underlying ResultSet format.
       new  e0c848a   In an error message reporting an unparseable timestamp value the code was trying to put the unparseable portion into the error message, but used the wrong variable to get the correct length.
       new  4cea038   Parse timezones that have offsets in seconds.  8.2 servers now return this information so we must be able to handle it.
       new  a071b25   Implement ResultSet.updateArray by simply mapping it to updateObject.
       new  9187929   Prepare for release of 8.2-505.
       new  aedbd0b   Explicitly state which source level we are compiling.  Newer versions of gij/gcj run a 1.5 VM, but default to a 1.4 source level compile which tricks up our build system.  This still doens't fix the case of running with a newer VM than compiler, but I don't see what we can do about that.
       new  0c8cde0   Error message has the wrong index into the paramTypes array.
       new  a5f1608   setObject fails to identify the correct type of java.lang.Byte.
       new  18cfcbf   Updated Serbian translation from Bojan Skaljac.
       new  69656dc   The previous patch to try and set a XA based Connection's autocommit property correctly didn't quite work.  Calling XAConnection.getConnection set autocommit to true even if we already had a transaction in progress.
       new  57eb9e4   Fix function drop calls so we end up with a clean database at the end of a successful test run.
       new  4319a1e   When retrieving the columns that compose a composite type don't retrieve system columns (like xmin/xmax/...) that you'll find if the type is from a table or view.  A more comprehensive rework of getProcedureColumns will go into HEAD.
       new  dd7439e   Fix recently added Byte type test code to work under JDK1.4.  It was using Byte.valueOf(byte) which is a JDK1.5 method.
       new  b2b5f52   Don't return quotes around identifiers in the results of DatabaseMetaData.getIndexInfo even if they would require quoting in SQL.  The code was making a "col = NULL" comparison which doesn't work.
       new  e5e156e   Do escape processing on batch Statements prior to execution.  This already worked for PreparedStatements, but not plain Statements.
       new  f79c540   ResultSet.updateNClob(String, Reader) goes into an infinite loop. It really meant to call updateNClob(int, Reader), but was calling itself instead.
       new  e0f123d   Updatable ResultSets did not work when updating bytea data and then retrieving it because we send the data to the server in binary format, but the ResultSet was expecting to read it in text format. So we need to convert the data from binary to text format before stuffing it into the ResultSet.
       new  c8dfd32   pt_BR translation update.
       new  12eceb1   Prepare for release of 8.2-506.
       new  53c1682   When doing batch execution we can have multiple Parse and DescribeStatement messages on the wire at the same time.  When we finally get around to collecting the DescribeStatement results we must check whether they still apply to the currently parsed query. Otherwise we'll overwrite our type information with stale data that will cause failures down the line.
       new  82690b3   Typo caused PSQLSavepoint to not get built occasionally.  This only affects development because a complete successful build will pull this class in, but when it takes several partial builds to get a complete driver it can get left out.
       new  1ef4b1d   The prepareThreshold parameter was getting defaulted to zero in the test suite by the build system.  It would be nice to just pick up the driver's default, but that's tough to do, so just hardcode it to the default (five) for now.
       new  1baf92d   CallableStatements with OUT parameters that get executed more than prepareThreshold times no longer send Parse messages which invoke SimpleParameterList.getTypeOID which has side effects required to setup the parameters correctly.  This bug is only exposed if the caller also uses clearParameters() which zeros out state that would otherwise be retained from previous execution.  Add an explicit convertFunctionOutParameters method to do this work instead that we call in [...]
       new  d96bbf2   The driver was incorrectly parsing identifiers that had parts that look like dollar quotes.  Things like a$b$c are valid identifiers, not dollar quotes.
       new  c663efb   Arrays.toString is a JDK1.5+ method, so we can't use it in this test.  It's unnecessary anyways as we really want to compare the byte arrays, not their String forms.
       new  42bd941   Ugggh, compiling is not the same as working.  Junit's assertEquals converts things to strings which doesn't work for arrays.  Use Arrays.equals instead.
       new  1a677d0   Multiple calls to XAConnection.getConnection within the same user transaction ended up restarting the transaction on the server side as a result of manipulating the autocommit state.  When retrieving a Connection, we must pay attention to whether a user transaction is in progress when setting the autocommit state.
       new  cfb453c   8.2 servers support NULL array elements, so support them in the JDBC driver.  Currently this patch is only applied to 8.2 as a more invasive patch is under discussion for 8.3 and we'll wait to see how that pans out first.
       new  5bf77d5   Make code that parses queries for updateable resultsets aware of the ONLY clause.
       new  c9412d8   While custom type maps are not implemented, the code to detect the caller trying to use them threw a ClassCastException.  Correctly detect the attempted use of custom types and bail out with a SQLException.
       new  9f13dae   Prepare for release of 8.2-507.

The 39 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-java/libpostgresql-jdbc-java.git

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