[rhino] branch master updated (6839b5f -> 0b28be3)
Emmanuel Bourg
ebourg-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jan 19 16:55:36 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
ebourg-guest pushed a change to branch master
in repository rhino.
from 6839b5f Adapted the build dir used in debian/rules
adds fd699d1 Update for new development iteration.
adds ffff659 Print exception message in case of JavaScriptException in ScriptTestsBase
adds 48196be Implementing possibility of writing JS tests code inside JUnit Test.
adds 4b767e1 + gradle wrapper + sources and test compilation + jar building
adds 88fcf35 + More JUnit style for Gradle compatibility - disabled test removed
adds 9e93e3f + running tests
adds 6e54c73 + benchmark test changes for Gradle compaibility + run benchmark from Gradle + publishing artifacts from Gradle
adds de3f181 + benchmark test changes for Gradle compaibility + run benchmark from Gradle + publishing artifacts from Gradle
adds 50e8766 + publishing artifacts to maven compatible repositories
adds 715481d + releasing with Gradle
adds b3be8dd + releasing with Gradle
adds e07a43c + releasing with Gradle
adds 5e1b145 + releasing with Gradle
adds 6e8f9f6 [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '1.7.8'.
adds 43cfa20 + releasing with Gradle
adds 6236c3c + releasing with Gradle
adds d8e5cd0 + releasing with Gradle
adds 8e26e12 [Gradle Release Plugin] - pre tag commit: '1.7.8'.
adds 28561d7 Revert "+ publishing artifacts to maven compatible repositories"
adds 53f8f4c rollback gradle release
adds 99dc799 + properly populating manifest + exclude unnecesary files from jar
adds e936150 + adding license to jar
adds 3768703 + build will not fail when maven credentials are not defined
adds f575445 + getting rhino display version from MANIFEST
adds de953de * modifying README with Gradle details
adds 3d6a95d Update README.md
adds 850fdfc Improving reporting of MozillaSuiteTest tests
adds 4f2cd14 Improving reporting of MozillaSuiteTest tests
adds 62c3b6b Read manifest URLs in a loop until we find the right one when trying to determine the implementation version.
adds 7b1a5b5 Permissions fix.
adds 995fd3f Fix potential NPE in ComplianceTest.
adds ed40bd0 + initial implementation of String.prototype.includes
adds 7f31fa8 + initial implementation of String.prototype.includes
adds ed0d02a + initial implementation of String.prototype.includes
adds dec6c10 + initial implementation of String.prototype.startsWith
adds 047e1f7 + initial implementation of String.prototype.startsWith
adds 0c9f9b1 + initial implementation of String.prototype.endsWith
adds cb3a936 + initial implementation of String.prototype.endsWith
adds 0f5b46b + initial implementation of String.prototype.endsWith
adds 1e7e3e1 + implementation of String.prototype.normalize
adds 8acf279 + implementation of String.prototype.normalize
adds c37c8f5 + implementation of String.prototype.normalize
adds 2dbb66f + implementation of String.prototype.repeat
adds f7cc98d + implementation of String.prototype.repeat
adds 8fde7fd + implementation of String.prototype.codePointAt
adds 728b2cb + implementation of String.prototype.codePointAt
adds 2caea79 * fixing tests after implementation of ES6 string methods + implementing RequireObjectCoercible from ECMA spec
adds 23669ac * fixing tests after implementation of ES6 string methods + implementing RequireObjectCoercible from ECMA spec
adds 6b14ea7 * fixing tests after implementation of ES6 string methods + implementing RequireObjectCoercible from ECMA spec
adds 882a08f Better exception reporting
adds 0bb3664 Re-run IDMap on NativeString.
adds 1ac0c75 Fix Test compile encoding error 'unmappable character for encoding ASCII' - https://github.com/mozilla/rhino/issues/184
adds f646353 Allow throwing arbitrary objects from java world
adds 786bc86 176: Adjust javadoc to reality.
adds 4ea9f8e Emacs, sorry
adds ce33080 Issue176: Test infrastructure
adds e985ecd 176: Actually Working Tests
adds 96cd53e Merge branch 'issue_176_2' of https://github.com/raimi/rhino into raimi-issue_176_2
adds 681057b Add .gitattributes for End-Of-Line automatic handling
adds 2056367 Remove extra space
adds 1e3f05c Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/asashour/rhino into asashour-master
adds 75d94f5 Add .gitattributes.
adds 12d40d4 set capacity for StringBuilder in String#repeat
adds 1c16412 Re-arrange "global variables" regression tests for fewer spurious failures under Gradle.
adds 40a4020 Don't make "javaException" and "rhinoException" on the NativeError object enumerable, because they cannot be converted to JSON.
adds e4cce4a Fix file name for V8 benchmark results.
adds 79e11ac Add some ES6 methods to Math and Number.
adds 9144b81 Implement ES6 MethodDefinition
adds 3d69df3 `set` and `get` is valid method name.
adds bbeba89 NumericLiteral/StringLiteral is valid method name.
adds e4d00dd Add test fro function name. (not implemented)
adds 72db649 "BigO" regression test exhibits different and inconsistent behavior on Java 8. So fix it.
adds 5c948bf Fix a bug in Math.hypot().
adds d2b7d92 Update .gitignore for eclipse generated files.
adds f362a0d Added a constant for ECMAScript 6 language level: Context.VERSION_ES6.
adds 46a73a9 Add "readline" and "write" to console.
adds 02a376e Update readme and versions for 1.7.7.
new d379719 Merge tag 'upstream/1.7.7'
new 2431294 Refreshed the patches
new 2cd2826 Removed the build dependency on libxmlbeans-java
new 5c84633 Require a Java 6 runtime or higher
new b5d2952 Use the upstream pom and relocate rhino:js to org.mozilla:rhino
new ab998b4 Build with the DH sequencer instead of CDBS
new 776f97e Removed the out of tree debugger classes (merged upstream)
new 8fe3fd0 Removed the xmlbeans package from the list of OSGi exported packages
new 27d1789 Converted debian/copyright to the Copyright Format 1.0
new 2457e4f Removed the unused Lintian overrides
new 088d58b Ignore the Lintian warnings on the test files (false positives)
new a9c1f87 Install the upstream changelog
new 0b28be3 Filter out the gradle wrapper
The 13 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
.gitattributes | 31 +
.gitignore | 7 +
README.md | 40 +-
RELEASE-NOTES.md | 112 +++
build.gradle | 160 ++++
build.properties | 4 +-
debian/ant.properties | 5 -
debian/changelog | 12 +-
debian/clean | 1 +
debian/control | 4 +-
debian/copyright | 914 ++++++++++-----------
debian/librhino-java-doc.lintian-overrides | 2 -
debian/librhino-java.lintian-overrides | 2 -
debian/librhino-java.manifest | 2 +-
.../03_public_getSourcePositionFromStack.patch | 2 +-
debian/pom.xml | 21 -
debian/rhino.lintian-overrides | 2 -
debian/rules | 60 +-
debian/source/lintian-overrides | 4 +
.../AbstractCellEditor.java | 63 --
.../AbstractTreeTableModel.java | 195 -----
.../FileSystemModel2.java | 774 -----------------
.../JTreeTable.java | 356 --------
.../MergeSort.java | 84 --
.../TreeTableExample2.java | 480 -----------
.../TreeTableModel.java | 71 --
.../TreeTableModelAdapter.java | 128 ---
gradle.properties | 5 +
gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar | Bin 0 -> 52141 bytes
gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties | 6 +
gradlew | 164 ++++
gradlew.bat | 90 ++
maven/maven-pom.xml | 2 +-
maven/maven-snapshot-deploy.sh | 2 +-
maven/maven-staging-deploy.sh | 5 +-
release-steps.txt | 33 +
src/manifest | 6 +-
src/org/mozilla/javascript/CodeGenerator.java | 3 +
src/org/mozilla/javascript/Context.java | 58 +-
src/org/mozilla/javascript/Decompiler.java | 7 +-
src/org/mozilla/javascript/IRFactory.java | 14 +-
src/org/mozilla/javascript/IdFunctionObject.java | 4 +
src/org/mozilla/javascript/NativeGlobal.java | 14 +-
src/org/mozilla/javascript/NativeMath.java | 137 ++-
src/org/mozilla/javascript/NativeNumber.java | 129 +++
src/org/mozilla/javascript/NativeString.java | 455 ++++++----
src/org/mozilla/javascript/Parser.java | 143 ++--
src/org/mozilla/javascript/ScriptRuntime.java | 53 +-
src/org/mozilla/javascript/Token.java | 4 +-
src/org/mozilla/javascript/ast/FunctionNode.java | 26 +-
src/org/mozilla/javascript/ast/ObjectProperty.java | 27 +-
src/org/mozilla/javascript/optimizer/Codegen.java | 4 +-
.../mozilla/javascript/regexp/NativeRegExp.java | 2 +-
.../javascript/resources/Messages.properties | 6 +
testsrc/benchmarks/sunspider-0.9.1/run.js | 2 +-
testsrc/benchmarks/v8-benchmarks-v6/run.js | 16 +-
testsrc/build.xml | 17 +-
testsrc/jstests/exceptionJson.jstest | 15 +
testsrc/jstests/harmony/math-functions.js | 57 ++
testsrc/jstests/harmony/method-definition.js | 82 ++
testsrc/jstests/harmony/number-is.js | 131 +++
testsrc/jstests/harmony/parse-int-float.js | 134 +++
testsrc/jstests/harmony/string-codePointAt.js | 93 +++
testsrc/jstests/harmony/string-endsWith.js | 414 ++++++++++
testsrc/jstests/harmony/string-includes.js | 167 ++++
testsrc/jstests/harmony/string-normalize.js | 146 ++++
testsrc/jstests/harmony/string-repeat.js | 84 ++
testsrc/jstests/harmony/string-startsWith.js | 405 +++++++++
testsrc/opt-1.tests | 2 +-
testsrc/opt0.tests | 2 +-
testsrc/opt9.tests | 2 +-
.../javascript/benchmarks/SunSpiderBenchmark.java | 13 +-
.../mozilla/javascript/benchmarks/V8Benchmark.java | 14 +-
.../mozilla/javascript/drivers/JsTestsBase.java | 2 +-
.../org/mozilla/javascript/drivers/RhinoTest.java | 3 +-
.../javascript/drivers/ScriptTestsBase.java | 111 +--
.../mozilla/javascript/drivers/StandardTests.java | 180 ----
.../org/mozilla/javascript/drivers/TestUtils.java | 2 +-
testsrc/org/mozilla/javascript/tests/Issue176.js | 61 ++
.../org/mozilla/javascript/tests/Issue176Test.java | 46 ++
.../mozilla/javascript/tests/MozillaSuiteTest.java | 18 +-
.../tests/commonjs/module/ComplianceTest.java | 108 +--
.../tests/harmony/MathFunctionsTest.java | 12 +
.../tests/harmony/MethodDefinitionTest.java | 13 +
.../javascript/tests/harmony/NumberIsTest.java | 16 +
.../tests/harmony/ParseIntFloatTest.java | 12 +
.../tests/harmony/StringCodePointAtTest.java | 14 +
.../tests/harmony/StringEndsWithTest.java | 14 +
.../tests/harmony/StringIncludesTest.java | 13 +
.../tests/harmony/StringNormalizeTest.java | 14 +
.../javascript/tests/harmony/StringRepeatTest.java | 14 +
.../tests/harmony/StringStartsWithTest.java | 14 +
testsrc/tests/js1_5/Regress/regress-169559.js | 17 +-
testsrc/tests/js1_5/Regress/regress-416628.js | 2 +-
.../lc2/Methods/{method-006-n.js => method-006.js} | 6 +-
.../javascript/tools/resources/Messages.properties | 7 +-
.../org/mozilla/javascript/tools/shell/Global.java | 39 +-
97 files changed, 4105 insertions(+), 3364 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 .gitattributes
create mode 100644 build.gradle
delete mode 100644 debian/ant.properties
create mode 100644 debian/clean
delete mode 100644 debian/librhino-java-doc.lintian-overrides
delete mode 100644 debian/librhino-java.lintian-overrides
delete mode 100644 debian/pom.xml
delete mode 100644 debian/rhino.lintian-overrides
create mode 100644 debian/source/lintian-overrides
delete mode 100644 debian/src_from_treetable_article_see_bug409629/AbstractCellEditor.java
delete mode 100644 debian/src_from_treetable_article_see_bug409629/AbstractTreeTableModel.java
delete mode 100644 debian/src_from_treetable_article_see_bug409629/FileSystemModel2.java
delete mode 100644 debian/src_from_treetable_article_see_bug409629/JTreeTable.java
delete mode 100644 debian/src_from_treetable_article_see_bug409629/MergeSort.java
delete mode 100644 debian/src_from_treetable_article_see_bug409629/TreeTableExample2.java
delete mode 100644 debian/src_from_treetable_article_see_bug409629/TreeTableModel.java
delete mode 100644 debian/src_from_treetable_article_see_bug409629/TreeTableModelAdapter.java
create mode 100644 gradle.properties
create mode 100644 gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar
create mode 100644 gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties
create mode 100755 gradlew
create mode 100755 gradlew.bat
create mode 100644 release-steps.txt
create mode 100644 testsrc/jstests/exceptionJson.jstest
create mode 100644 testsrc/jstests/harmony/math-functions.js
create mode 100644 testsrc/jstests/harmony/method-definition.js
create mode 100644 testsrc/jstests/harmony/number-is.js
create mode 100644 testsrc/jstests/harmony/parse-int-float.js
create mode 100644 testsrc/jstests/harmony/string-codePointAt.js
create mode 100644 testsrc/jstests/harmony/string-endsWith.js
create mode 100644 testsrc/jstests/harmony/string-includes.js
create mode 100644 testsrc/jstests/harmony/string-normalize.js
create mode 100644 testsrc/jstests/harmony/string-repeat.js
create mode 100644 testsrc/jstests/harmony/string-startsWith.js
delete mode 100644 testsrc/org/mozilla/javascript/drivers/StandardTests.java
create mode 100644 testsrc/org/mozilla/javascript/tests/Issue176.js
create mode 100644 testsrc/org/mozilla/javascript/tests/Issue176Test.java
create mode 100644 testsrc/org/mozilla/javascript/tests/harmony/MathFunctionsTest.java
create mode 100644 testsrc/org/mozilla/javascript/tests/harmony/MethodDefinitionTest.java
create mode 100644 testsrc/org/mozilla/javascript/tests/harmony/NumberIsTest.java
create mode 100644 testsrc/org/mozilla/javascript/tests/harmony/ParseIntFloatTest.java
create mode 100644 testsrc/org/mozilla/javascript/tests/harmony/StringCodePointAtTest.java
create mode 100644 testsrc/org/mozilla/javascript/tests/harmony/StringEndsWithTest.java
create mode 100644 testsrc/org/mozilla/javascript/tests/harmony/StringIncludesTest.java
create mode 100644 testsrc/org/mozilla/javascript/tests/harmony/StringNormalizeTest.java
create mode 100644 testsrc/org/mozilla/javascript/tests/harmony/StringRepeatTest.java
create mode 100644 testsrc/org/mozilla/javascript/tests/harmony/StringStartsWithTest.java
rename testsrc/tests/lc2/Methods/{method-006-n.js => method-006.js} (95%)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-java/rhino.git
More information about the pkg-java-commits
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