[libxerces2-java] 01/61: Initial revision
Emmanuel Bourg
ebourg-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Jun 18 22:23:38 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
ebourg-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository libxerces2-java.
commit 0d61cd567502c60b1a42a98328b11a671cbc6932
Author: Stefan Gybas <sgybas at debian.org>
Date: Tue Oct 1 15:49:46 2002 +0000
Initial revision
build.xml | 1224 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
debian/README.Debian | 20 +
debian/changelog | 36 ++
debian/compat | 1 +
debian/control | 45 ++
debian/copyright | 64 ++
debian/libxerces2-java-doc.docs | 1 +
debian/libxerces2-java-doc.examples | 1 +
debian/libxerces2-java.dirs | 1 +
debian/libxerces2-java.docs | 3 +
debian/rules | 66 ++
11 files changed, 1462 insertions(+)
diff --git a/build.xml b/build.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b4d8ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,1224 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!-- ===================================================================
+Read the README file for build instruction.
+ Stefano Mazzocchi <stefano at apache.org>
+ Anupam Bagchi <abagchi at apache.org>
+ Andy Clark, IBM
+ Copyright (c) 2000-2002 The Apache Software Foundation.
+ $Id$
+==================================================================== -->
+<project default="usage" basedir=".">
+ <!-- Allow properties following these statements to be overridden -->
+ <!-- Note that all of these don't have to exist. They've just been defined
+ incase they are used. -->
+ <property file="build.properties"/>
+ <property file=".ant.properties"/>
+ <property file="${user.home}/.ant.properties"/>
+ <property file="default.properties"/>
+ <target name="init">
+ <property name='parser.Name' value='Xerces-J'/>
+ <property name='parser.name' value='xerces-j'/>
+ <property name='parser.shortname' value='xerces'/>
+ <property name='parser.Version' value='2.1.0'/>
+ <property name='parser.version' value='2.1.0'/>
+ <property name='parser_version' value='2_1_0'/>
+ <property name='deprecatedjar.parser' value='xerces.jar'/>
+ <property name='jar.apis' value='xmlParserAPIs.jar'/>
+ <property name='jar.parser' value='xercesImpl.jar'/>
+ <property name='jar.samples' value='xercesSamples.jar'/>
+ <property name='jar.dv' value='xercesDV.jar'/>
+ <property name="year" value="1999-2002"/>
+ <property name="copyright" value="Copyright © ${year} Apache XML Project. All Rights Reserved."/>
+ <echo message= "---------------- ${parser.Name} ${parser.Version} [${year}] ---------------"/>
+ <!-- changed made to synchronize with a patch from Sam Ruby (<rubys at apache.org>) to Xerces1
+ <property name="build.compiler" value="classic"/> -->
+ <property name="debug" value="off"/>
+ <property name="optimize" value="on"/>
+ <property name="deprecation" value="off"/>
+ <property name="src.dir" value="./src"/>
+ <property name="tools.dir" value="./tools"/>
+ <property name="docs.dir" value="./docs"/>
+ <property name="data.dir" value="./data"/>
+ <property name="samples.dir" value="./samples"/>
+ <property name="tests.dir" value="./tests"/>
+ <property name="tools.dir" value="./tools"/>
+ <property name="docs.book" value="${docs.dir}/docs-book.xml"/>
+ <property name="packages" value="org.*"/>
+ <property name="doc.generator" value="org.apache.stylebook.StyleBook"/>
+ <property name="doc.generator.package" value="${tools.dir}/stylebook-1.0-b2.jar"/>
+ <property name="build.dir" value="./build"/>
+ <property name="build.src" value="${build.dir}/src"/>
+ <property name="build.dest" value="${build.dir}/classes"/>
+ <property name="build.docs" value="${build.dir}/docs"/>
+ <property name="build.samples" value="${build.dir}/samples"/>
+ <property name="build.tests" value="${build.dir}/tests"/>
+ <property name="build.data" value="${build.dir}/data"/>
+ <property name="build.javadocs" value="${build.dir}/docs/javadocs"/>
+ <property name="distsrc.dir" value="${build.dir}/${parser.shortname}-${parser_version}"/>
+ <property name="disttools.dir" value="${build.dir}/tools"/>
+ <property name="distbin.dir" value="${build.dir}/${parser.shortname}-${parser_version}"/>
+ <filter token="year" value="${year}"/>
+ <filter token="version" value="${parser.Version}"/>
+ <filter token="date" value="${TODAY}"/>
+ <filter token="log" value="true"/>
+ <filter token="verbose" value="true"/>
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Help on usage -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="usage">
+ <echo message=""/>
+ <echo message=""/>
+ <echo message="${parser.Name} Build instructions"/>
+ <echo message="-------------------------------------------------------------"/>
+ <echo message=""/>
+ <echo message=" available targets are:"/>
+ <echo message=""/>
+ <echo message=" jar --> generates the xercesImpl.jar file"/>
+ <echo message=" sampjar --> generates the xercesSamples.jar file"/>
+ <echo message=" apijar --> generates the xmlParserAPIs.jar file"/>
+ <echo message=" jars --> generates xercesImpl, xercesSamples & xmlParserAPIs jars"/>
+ <echo message=" jar-dom3 --> 'jar' + DOM Level 3 support"/>
+ <echo message=" sampjar-dom3 --> 'sampjar' + DOM Level 3 support"/>
+ <echo message=" apijar-dom3 --> 'apijar' + DOM Level 3 support."/>
+ <echo message=" jars-dom3 --> 'jars' + DOM Level 3 support."/>
+ <echo message=" docs --> generates the HTML documentation"/>
+ <echo message=" javadocs --> generates the API docs (needs Java 1.2 or higher)"/>
+ <echo message=" samples --> compiles the samples source code"/>
+ <echo message=" samples-dom3 --> 'samples' + DOM Level 3 support."/>
+ <echo message=" compile --> compiles the source code"/>
+ <echo message=" compile-dom3 --> 'compile' + DOM Level 3 support."/>
+ <echo message=" deprecatedjar --> generates the xerces.jar file"/>
+ <echo message=" tests --> compiles the tests source code"/>
+ <echo message=" tests-dom3 --> 'tests' + DOM Level 3 support."/>
+ <echo message=" deprecatedjars --> generates xerces.jar and samples jar"/>
+ <echo message=" dtdjars --> generates xercesImpl containing no schema support or WML/HTML DOM and xercesSamples & xmlParserAPIs jars"/>
+ <echo message=" xml11jars --> EXPERIMENTAL! Generates xercesImpl containing very preliminary XML 1.1 support, as well as xercesSamples & xmlParserAPIs jars"/>
+ <echo message=" dvjar --> generates a Schema datatype jar"/>
+ <echo message=" pack-tools --> generates the tools distributions (zip and tar.gz)"/>
+ <echo message=" pack-src --> generates the source distributions (zip and tar.gz)"/>
+ <echo message=" deprecated-bin --> generates the binary distributions (zip and tar.gz)"/>
+ <echo message=" pack-bin --> generates the binary distributions (zip and tar.gz)"/>
+ <echo message=" all --> generates the binary, source and tools distributions"/>
+ <echo message=" deprecatedall --> generates the binary, source and tools distributions with the xerces.jar"/>
+ <echo message=" test --> runs a sanity test on the sample files"/>
+ <echo message=" test-dom3 --> 'test' + DOM Level 3 support."/>
+ <echo message=" clean --> cleans up all generated files and directories"/>
+ <echo message=" usage --> provides help on using the build tool (default)"/>
+ <echo message=""/>
+ <echo message=" See comments inside the build.xml file for more details."/>
+ <echo message="-------------------------------------------------------------"/>
+ <echo message=""/>
+ <echo message=""/>
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Prepares the build directory -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="prepare" depends="init">
+ <mkdir dir="${build.dir}"/>
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- directory creation and file copying common to all configurations -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="prepare-common" depends="prepare">
+ <!-- create directories -->
+ <mkdir dir="${build.src}"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${build.dest}"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${build.dest}/META-INF"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${build.dest}/META-INF/services"/>
+ <copy file="${src.dir}/org/apache/xerces/jaxp/javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory"
+ tofile="${build.dest}/META-INF/services/javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory"/>
+ <copy file="${src.dir}/org/apache/xerces/jaxp/javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory"
+ tofile="${build.dest}/META-INF/services/javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory"/>
+ <copy file="${src.dir}/org/apache/xerces/parsers/org.xml.sax.driver"
+ tofile="${build.dest}/META-INF/services/org.xml.sax.driver"/>
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Prepares the source code -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="prepare-src" depends="prepare-common">
+ <copy file="${src.dir}/org/apache/xerces/parsers/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration"
+ tofile="${build.dest}/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration"/>
+ <!-- copy src files -->
+ <copy todir="${build.src}">
+ <fileset
+ dir="${src.dir}"
+ includes="**/Makefile, **/Makefile.incl, javax/**, org/**"
+ excludes="**/classfiles_updated **/CVS* **/.#* **/XMLMessages.java
+ **/SchemaImporter.java **/RevalidatingDOMParser.java
+ **/DatatypeContentModel.java **/ComplexTypeInfo.java
+ **/DTDImporter.java **/v1/** **/v2/**
+ org/apache/xerces/dom3/ls/**">
+ </fileset>
+ </copy>
+ <!-- substitute tokens as needed -->
+ <replace file="${build.dir}/src/org/apache/xerces/impl/Version.java"
+ token="@@VERSION@@" value="${parser.Name} ${parser.Version}"/>
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Compiles the source directory -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="compile" depends="prepare-src">
+ <copy todir="${build.dest}">
+ <fileset dir="${build.src}"
+ includes="**/*.res, **/*.properties">
+ </fileset>
+ </copy>
+ <javac srcdir="${build.src}"
+ excludes="**/RevalidatingDOMParser.java"
+ destdir="${build.dest}"
+ debug="${debug}"
+ deprecation="${deprecation}"
+ optimize="${optimize}"
+ includeAntRuntime="false"
+ includeJavaRuntime="true"/>
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Creates the omnibus class package -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="deprecatedjar" depends="compile">
+ <jar jarfile="${build.dir}/${deprecatedjar.parser}"
+ basedir="${build.dest}"
+ compress="true"
+ includes="org/**, javax/**,META-INF/**"/>
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Creates the implementation class package, excluding DOM Level 3 -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="jar" depends="compile">
+ <jar jarfile="${build.dir}/${jar.parser}"
+ basedir="${build.dest}"
+ compress="true"
+ includes="org/apache/**, META-INF/**
+ org/w3c/dom/ls/**
+ org/w3c/dom/DOMError.class
+ org/w3c/dom/DOMErrorHandler.class
+ org/w3c/dom/DOMImplementationSource.class
+ org/w3c/dom/DOMImplementationRegistry.class
+ org/w3c/dom/DOMLocator.class
+ org/w3c/dom/UserDataHandler.class"/>
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Creates the API class package, excluding DOM Level 3 -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="apijar" depends="compile">
+ <jar jarfile="${build.dir}/${jar.apis}"
+ basedir="${build.dest}"
+ compress="true"
+ includes="org/xml/**, org/w3c/**, javax/**"
+ excludes="org/w3c/dom/ls/**
+ org/w3c/dom/DOMError.class
+ org/w3c/dom/DOMErrorHandler.class
+ org/w3c/dom/DOMImplementationSource.class
+ org/w3c/dom/DOMImplementationRegistry.class
+ org/w3c/dom/DOMLocator.class
+ org/w3c/dom/UserDataHandler.class" />
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Compiles the samples -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="samples" depends="compile">
+ <mkdir dir="${build.samples}"/>
+ <copy todir="${build.samples}" >
+ <fileset dir="${samples.dir}"
+ excludes="dom/DOMAddLines.java
+ dom/DOM3.java" />
+ </copy>
+ <javac srcdir="${build.samples}"
+ destdir="${build.dest}"
+ classpath="${build.dir}/classes"
+ debug="${debug}"
+ includeAntRuntime="false"
+ includeJavaRuntime="true"/>
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Compiles the tests -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="tests" depends="samples">
+ <mkdir dir="${build.tests}"/>
+ <copy todir="${build.tests}">
+ <fileset dir="${tests.dir}"
+ excludes="dom/rename/**, dom/dom3/**, dom/registry/**, dom/mem/**" />
+ </copy>
+ <javac srcdir="${build.tests}"
+ destdir="${build.dest}"
+ classpath="${build.dir}/classes:./tools/junit.jar"
+ debug="${debug}"
+ includeAntRuntime="false"
+ includeJavaRuntime="true"/>
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Creates the samples package -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="sampjar" depends="samples">
+ <jar jarfile="${build.dir}/${jar.samples}"
+ basedir="${build.dest}"
+ compress="true"
+ includes="dom/**,sax/**,socket/**,ui/**,xni/**"/>
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Prepares the docs -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="prepare-docs" depends="init">
+ <mkdir dir="${build.docs}"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${build.dir}/xdocs"/>
+ <copy todir="${build.dir}/xdocs">
+ <fileset dir="${docs.dir}"/>
+ </copy>
+ <replace file="${build.dir}/xdocs/dtd/entities.ent"
+ token="@@VERSION@@" value="${parser.Version}"/>
+ <replace file="${build.dir}/xdocs/dtd/entities.ent"
+ token="@@version@@" value="${parser.version}"/>
+ <replace file="${build.dir}/xdocs/dtd/entities.ent"
+ token="@@_version_@@" value="${parser_version}"/>
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Generate HTML docs -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="docs" depends="prepare, prepare-docs">
+ <echo message="Building docs for ${parser.Name} ${parser.Version} ..." />
+ <java fork="yes"
+ classpath="/usr/share/java/xerces.jar:${java.class.path}:${doc.generator.package}:/usr/share/java/xalan2.jar"
+ classname="${doc.generator}"
+ failOnError="yes">
+ <jvmarg value="-Djava.awt.headless=true"/>
+ <arg value="targetDirectory=${build.docs}"/>
+ <arg value="${build.dir}/xdocs/docs-book.xml"/>
+ <arg value="${build.dir}/xdocs/style"/>
+ </java>
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Creates the API documentation -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="javadocs" depends="prepare-src">
+ <!--
+ <mkdir dir="${build.javadocs}"/>
+ <javadoc packagenames="${packages}"
+ sourcepath="${build.src}"
+ destdir="${build.javadocs}"
+ author="true"
+ version="true"
+ use="true"
+ windowtitle="${parser.Name} API"
+ doctitle="${parser.Name}"
+ bottom="${copyright}" />
+ -->
+ <mkdir dir='${build.dir}/docs/javadocs/api'/>
+ <javadoc packagenames='javax.xml.parsers,org.w3c.*,org.xml.*'
+ locale='en_US'
+ sourcepath='${build.src}' destdir='${build.dir}/docs/javadocs/api'
+ author='true' version='true'
+ windowtitle='XML Standard API' doctitle='XML Standard API'
+ bottom='${copyright}'
+ />
+ <mkdir dir='${build.dir}/docs/javadocs/xni'/>
+ <javadoc packagenames='org.apache.xerces.xni.*'
+ locale='en_US'
+ sourcepath='${build.src}' destdir='${build.dir}/docs/javadocs/xni'
+ author='true' version='true'
+ windowtitle='Xerces Native Interface'
+ doctitle='Xerces Native Interface'
+ bottom='${copyright}'
+ />
+ <mkdir dir='${build.dir}/docs/javadocs/dom3-api'/>
+ <javadoc packagenames='org.apache.xerces.dom3.*'
+ locale='en_US'
+ sourcepath='${build.src}' destdir='${build.dir}/docs/javadocs/dom3-api'
+ author='true' version='true'
+ windowtitle='DOM Level 3 API' doctitle='DOM Level 3 API'
+ bottom='${copyright}'
+ />
+ <mkdir dir='${build.dir}/docs/javadocs/xerces2'/>
+ <javadoc packagenames='org.apache.xerces.dom.*,
+ org.apache.xerces.impl.*,
+ org.apache.xerces.jaxp,
+ org.apache.xerces.parsers,
+ org.apache.xerces.util'
+ locale='en_US'
+ sourcepath='${build.src}' destdir='${build.dir}/docs/javadocs/xerces2'
+ author='true' version='true'
+ windowtitle='Xerces2 Implementation'
+ doctitle='Xerces2 Implementation'
+ bottom='${copyright}'
+ />
+ <mkdir dir='${build.dir}/docs/javadocs/other'/>
+ <javadoc packagenames='org.apache.html.*,
+ org.apache.wml.*,
+ org.apache.xml.serialize.*'
+ locale='en_US'
+ sourcepath='${build.src}' destdir='${build.dir}/docs/javadocs/other'
+ author='true' version='true'
+ windowtitle='Other Classes' doctitle='Other Classes'
+ bottom='${copyright}'
+ />
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Prepares the source distribution -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="pack-src" depends="init">
+ <echo message="Building the source distribution files (zip,tar)"/>
+ <delete dir="${distbin.dir}"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${distsrc.dir}"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${distsrc.dir}/src"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${distsrc.dir}/data"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${distsrc.dir}/docs"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${distsrc.dir}/samples"/>
+ <copy todir="${distsrc.dir}/src" >
+ <fileset
+ dir="${src.dir}"
+ includes="**/Makefile, **/Makefile.incl, org/**, javax/**"
+ excludes="**/CVS*, **/.#*, **/*.class
+ **/v1/** **/v2/**"
+ />
+ </copy>
+ <copy todir="${distsrc.dir}/data" >
+ <fileset
+ dir="${data.dir}"
+ excludes="**/CVS*, **/.#*"
+ />
+ </copy>
+ <copy todir="${distsrc.dir}/docs" >
+ <fileset
+ dir="${docs.dir}"
+ excludes="**/CVS*, **/*.#*, pdf/**, html/**, **/javadocs*"
+ />
+ </copy>
+ <copy todir="${distsrc.dir}/samples" >
+ <fileset
+ dir="${samples.dir}"
+ excludes="**/CVS*, **/*.#*"
+ />
+ </copy>
+ <!--<copy file="Makefile" tofile="${distsrc.dir}/Makefile"/>-->
+ <copy file="LICENSE" tofile="${distsrc.dir}/LICENSE"/>
+ <copy file="README" tofile="${distsrc.dir}/README"/>
+ <copy file="Readme.html" tofile="${distsrc.dir}/Readme.html"/>
+ <copy file="STATUS" tofile="${distsrc.dir}/STATUS"/>
+ <copy file="TODO" tofile="${distsrc.dir}/TODO"/>
+ <copy file="ISSUES" tofile="${distsrc.dir}/ISSUES"/>
+ <copy file="build.xml" tofile="${distsrc.dir}/build.xml"/>
+ <copy file="${basedir}/build.sh" tofile="${distsrc.dir}/build.sh" />
+ <chmod file="${distsrc.dir}/build.sh" perm="ugo+rx" />
+ <copy file="${basedir}/build.bat" tofile="${distsrc.dir}/build.bat" />
+ <zip zipfile="${build.dir}/${parser.Name}-src.${parser.version}.zip"
+ basedir="${build.dir}"
+ includes="${parser.shortname}-${parser_version}/**" excludes="*.class"/>
+ <tar tarfile="${build.dir}/${parser.Name}-src.${parser.version}.tar"
+ basedir="${build.dir}"
+ includes="${parser.shortname}-${parser_version}/**" excludes="*.class"/>
+ <gzip zipfile="${build.dir}/${parser.Name}-src.${parser.version}.tar.gz"
+ src="${build.dir}/${parser.Name}-src.${parser.version}.tar" />
+ <!-- and why not get rid of the un-gzip'd tarball and save ourselves 15 Mb? -->
+ <delete file="${build.dir}/${parser.Name}-src.${parser.version}.tar"/>
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Prepares the tools distribution -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="pack-tools" depends="init">
+ <echo message="Building the tools distribution files (zip,tar)"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${disttools.dir}"/>
+ <copy todir="${disttools.dir}" >
+ <fileset
+ dir="${tools.dir}"
+ includes="ant*, **/*.bat, *.jar"
+ excludes="**/CVS*, **/.#*, **/*.class"
+ />
+ </copy>
+ <zip zipfile="${build.dir}/${parser.Name}-tools.${parser.version}.zip"
+ basedir="${build.dir}"
+ includes="tools/**"/>
+ <tar tarfile="${build.dir}/${parser.Name}-tools.${parser.version}.tar"
+ basedir="${build.dir}"
+ includes="tools/**"/>
+ <gzip zipfile="${build.dir}/${parser.Name}-tools.${parser.version}.tar.gz"
+ src="${build.dir}/${parser.Name}-tools.${parser.version}.tar" />
+ <!-- and why not get rid of the un-gzip'd tarball and save ourselves Mb? -->
+ <delete file="${build.dir}/${parser.Name}-tools.${parser.version}.tar"/>
+ <!-- and delete the directory: -->
+ <delete dir="${disttools.dir}"/>
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Prepares common parts of the binary distributions -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="pack-bin-common" depends="javadocs, docs, sampjar">
+ <echo message="Building the binary distribution files (zip,tar)"/>
+ <delete dir="${distbin.dir}"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${distbin.dir}"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${distbin.dir}/data"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${distbin.dir}/docs"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${distbin.dir}/docs/javadocs"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${distsrc.dir}/samples"/>
+ <copy todir="${distbin.dir}/data" >
+ <fileset
+ dir="${data.dir}"
+ excludes="**/CVS*, **/*.#*"
+ />
+ </copy>
+ <copy todir="${distbin.dir}/docs" >
+ <fileset dir="${build.docs}" />
+ </copy>
+ <copy todir="${distbin.dir}/docs/javadocs/api" >
+ <fileset dir="${build.dir}/docs/javadocs/api" />
+ </copy>
+ <copy todir="${distbin.dir}/docs/javadocs/xni" >
+ <fileset dir="${build.dir}/docs/javadocs/xni" />
+ </copy>
+ <copy todir="${distbin.dir}/docs/javadocs/xerces2" >
+ <fileset dir="${build.dir}/docs/javadocs/xerces2" />
+ </copy>
+ <copy todir="${distbin.dir}/docs/javadocs/other" >
+ <fileset dir="${build.dir}/docs/javadocs/other" />
+ </copy>
+ <copy file="LICENSE" tofile="${distbin.dir}/LICENSE"/>
+ <copy file="Readme.html" tofile="${distbin.dir}/Readme.html"/>
+ <copy file="${build.dir}/${jar.samples}" tofile="${distbin.dir}/${jar.samples}"/>
+ <copy todir="${distsrc.dir}/samples" >
+ <fileset
+ dir="${samples.dir}"
+ excludes="**/CVS*, **/*.#*"
+ />
+ </copy>
+ <copydir src="${samples.dir}" dest="${distsrc.dir}/samples" excludes="**/CVS*, **/*.#*"/>
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Prepares the binary distribution -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="pack-bin" depends="pack-bin-common, jars">
+ <copy file="${build.dir}/${jar.parser}" tofile="${distbin.dir}/${jar.parser}"/>
+ <copy file="${build.dir}/${jar.apis}" tofile="${distbin.dir}/${jar.apis}"/>
+ <zip zipfile="${build.dir}/${parser.Name}-bin.${parser.version}.zip"
+ basedir="${build.dir}"
+ includes="${parser.shortname}-${parser_version}/**"
+ excludes="*.class, **/${deprecatedjar.parser}"/>
+ <tar tarfile="${build.dir}/${parser.Name}-bin.${parser.version}.tar"
+ basedir="${build.dir}"
+ includes="${parser.shortname}-${parser_version}/**"
+ excludes="*.class, **/${deprecatedjar.parser}"/>
+ <gzip zipfile="${build.dir}/${parser.Name}-bin.${parser.version}.tar.gz"
+ src="${build.dir}/${parser.Name}-bin.${parser.version}.tar" />
+ <!-- as before, let's kill of the ungzip'd tarball! -->
+ <delete file="${build.dir}/${parser.Name}-bin.${parser.version}.tar"/>
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Prepares the deprecated binary distribution -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="deprecated-bin" depends="pack-bin-common, deprecatedjars">
+ <copy file="${build.dir}/${deprecatedjar.parser}" tofile="${distbin.dir}/${deprecatedjar.parser}"/>
+ <zip zipfile="${build.dir}/deprecated${parser.Name}-bin.${parser.version}.zip"
+ basedir="${build.dir}"
+ includes="${parser.shortname}-${parser_version}/**"
+ excludes="*.class, **/${jar.parser}, **/${jar.apis}"/>
+ <tar tarfile="${build.dir}/deprecated${parser.Name}-bin.${parser.version}.tar"
+ basedir="${build.dir}"
+ includes="${parser.shortname}-${parser_version}/**"
+ excludes="*.class, **/${jar.parser}, **/${jar.apis}"/>
+ <gzip zipfile="${build.dir}/deprecated${parser.Name}-bin.${parser.version}.tar.gz"
+ src="${build.dir}/deprecated${parser.Name}-bin.${parser.version}.tar" />
+ <!-- as before, let's kill of the ungzip'd tarball! -->
+ <delete file="${build.dir}/deprecated${parser.Name}-bin.${parser.version}.tar"/>
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Do a sanity test using samples -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="test" depends="tests">
+ <echo message="Performing sanity test for ${parser.Name} ${parser.Version} ..." />
+ <echo message="Using classpath='${build.dir}/classes'" />
+ <echo message="Running sax.Counter ..." />
+ <java fork="yes"
+ classpath="${build.dir}/classes"
+ classname="sax.Counter"
+ failOnError="yes">
+ <arg value="${data.dir}/personal.xml"/>
+ </java>
+ <echo message="Running sax.Writer ..." />
+ <java fork="yes"
+ classpath="${build.dir}/classes"
+ classname="sax.Writer"
+ failOnError="yes">
+ <arg value="${data.dir}/personal.xml"/>
+ </java>
+ <echo message="Running dom.Counter ..." />
+ <java fork="yes"
+ classpath="${build.dir}/classes"
+ classname="dom.Counter"
+ failOnError="yes">
+ <arg value="${data.dir}/personal.xml"/>
+ </java>
+ <echo message="Running dom.Writer ..." />
+ <java fork="yes"
+ classpath="${build.dir}/classes"
+ classname="dom.Writer"
+ failOnError="yes">
+ <arg value="${data.dir}/personal.xml"/>
+ </java>
+ <!--
+ <echo message="Running DOMFilter ..." />
+ <java fork="yes"
+ classpath="${build.dir}/classes"
+ classname="dom.DOMFilter"
+ args="-p dom.wrappers.DOMParser ${data.dir}/personal.xml"/>
+ -->
+ <!-- The following are samples but not command-line applications.
+ <echo message="Running IteratorView ..." />
+ <java fork="yes"
+ classpath="${build.dir}/classes"
+ classname="dom.traversal.IteratorView"
+ failOnError="yes"
+ args="${data.dir}/personal.xml"/>
+ <echo message="Running TreeWalkerView ..." />
+ <java fork="yes"
+ classpath="${build.dir}/classes"
+ classname="dom.traversal.TreeWalkerView"
+ failOnError="yes"
+ args="${data.dir}/personal.xml"/>
+ <echo message="Running TreeViewer ..." />
+ <java fork="yes"
+ classpath="${build.dir}/classes"
+ classname="dom.TreeViewer"
+ failOnError="yes"
+ args="${data.dir}/personal.xml"/>
+ -->
+ <echo message="Running dom.DTest ..." />
+ <java fork="yes"
+ classpath="${build.dir}/classes"
+ classname="dom.DTest"
+ failOnError="yes">
+ </java>
+ <echo message="Running dom.ids.Test ..." />
+ <java fork="yes"
+ classpath="${build.dir}/classes"
+ classname="dom.ids.Test"
+ failOnError="yes">
+ </java>
+ <echo message="Running dom.serialization.Test ..." />
+ <java fork="yes"
+ classpath="${build.dir}/classes"
+ classname="dom.serialization.Test"
+ failOnError="yes"
+ args="${data.dir}/personal.xml out.xml">
+ </java>
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Builds both deprecated xerces and sample jar files -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="deprecatedjars" depends="deprecatedjar, sampjar">
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Builds xercesImpl, xmlParserAPIs and sample jar files -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="jars" depends="jar, sampjar, apijar">
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Builds and packages tools, sources and binary distributions -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="all" depends="pack-bin, deprecated-bin, pack-src, pack-tools">
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Builds and packages tools, sources and binary distributions -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="deprecatedall" depends="pack-src, deprecated-bin, pack-tools">
+ </target>
+ <target name="prepare-schema-src">
+ <copy todir="${build.src}">
+ <fileset
+ dir="${src.dir}"
+ includes="**/v2/**/*.java **/v2/**/*.properties"
+ excludes="**/v2/new_datatypes/**">
+ </fileset>
+ </copy>
+ </target>
+ <target name="schema-all" depends="prepare-src, prepare-schema-src, pack-src, pack-bin">
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Cleans everything -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="clean" depends="init">
+ <delete dir="${build.dir}"/>
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Creates the dtd implementation class package -->
+ <!-- (that is, with no schema support or WML/HTML DOM.) -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="dtdjar" depends="dtdcompile">
+ <jar jarfile="${build.dir}/dtd-${jar.parser}"
+ basedir="${build.dest}"
+ compress="true"
+ includes="org/apache/**, META-INF/**"/>
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Compiles the dtd source directory -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="dtdcompile" depends="dtdprepare-src">
+ <copy todir="${build.dest}">
+ <fileset dir="${build.src}"
+ includes="**/*.res, **/*.properties">
+ </fileset>
+ </copy>
+ <javac srcdir="${build.src}"
+ destdir="${build.dest}"
+ debug="${debug}"
+ deprecation="${deprecation}"
+ optimize="${optimize}"
+ includeAntRuntime="false"
+ includeJavaRuntime="true"/>
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Compiles the dtd source code package -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="dtdprepare-src" depends="prepare-common">
+ <copy file="${src.dir}/org/apache/xerces/parsers/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.DTDConfiguration"
+ tofile="${build.dest}/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration"/>
+ <!-- copy src files -->
+ <copy todir="${build.src}">
+ <fileset
+ dir="${src.dir}"
+ includes="**/Makefile, **/Makefile.incl, javax/**, org/**"
+ excludes="**/classfiles_updated **/CVS* **/.#* **/XMLMessages.java
+ **/SchemaImporter.java **/RevalidatingDOMParser.java
+ **/DatatypeContentModel.java **/ComplexTypeInfo.java
+ **/DTDImporter.java
+ **/v1/** **/v2/**
+ **/RevalidatingDOMParser.java
+ org/apache/xerces/impl/xs/**
+ org/apache/xerces/impl/dv/xs/**
+ org/apache/xerces/impl/xs/identity/**
+ org/apache/xerces/impl/xs/traversers/**
+ org/apache/xerces/impl/xs/models/**
+ org/apache/xerces/impl/xs/util/**
+ org/apache/xerces/impl/xs/dom/**
+ org/apache/xerces/impl/xpath/**
+ org/apache/xerces/impl/xpath/regex/**
+ org/apache/xerces/impl/dv/Schema*.java
+ org/apache/xerces/impl/msg/XMLSchema**
+ org/apache/xerces/impl/validation/XMLGrammarPoolImpl.java
+ org/apache/xerces/parsers/DOMASBuilderImpl.java
+ org/apache/xerces/parsers/StandardParserConfiguration.java
+ org/apache/xerces/parsers/XML11Configuration.java
+ org/apache/xerces/parsers/XMLGrammarCachingConfiguration.java
+ org/apache/xerces/parsers/CachingParserPool.java
+ org/apache/xerces/dom/ASModelImpl.java
+ org/apache/xerces/dom/ASDOMImplementationImpl.java
+ org/apache/xerces/impl/XML11*.java
+ org/apache/html/**
+ org/apache/wml/**
+ ">
+ </fileset>
+ </copy>
+ <!-- copy src files -->
+ <copy todir="${build.src}">
+ <fileset
+ dir="${src.dir}"
+ includes="org/apache/xerces/impl/xs/psvi/**,
+ org/apache/xerces/impl/xs/XSTypeDecl.java
+ ">
+ </fileset>
+ </copy>
+ <!-- substitute tokens as needed -->
+ <replace file="${build.dir}/src/org/apache/xerces/impl/Version.java"
+ token="@@VERSION@@" value="${parser.Name} ${parser.Version}"/>
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Builds xercesImpl (dtd), xmlParserAPIs, and sample jars -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="dtdjars" depends="dtdjar, sampjar, apijar">
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Creates the XML 1.1-enabled implementation class package, excluding DOM Level 3 -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="xml11jar" depends="compile">
+ <copy file="${src.dir}/org/apache/xerces/parsers/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XML11Configuration"
+ tofile="${build.dest}/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration"
+ overwrite="yes"/>
+ <jar jarfile="${build.dir}/xml11-${jar.parser}"
+ basedir="${build.dest}"
+ compress="true"
+ includes="org/apache/**, META-INF/**
+ org/w3c/dom/ls/**
+ org/w3c/dom/DOMError.class
+ org/w3c/dom/DOMErrorHandler.class
+ org/w3c/dom/DOMImplementationSource.class
+ org/w3c/dom/DOMImplementationRegistry.class
+ org/w3c/dom/DOMLocator.class
+ org/w3c/dom/UserDataHandler.class"/>
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Builds XML 1.1-enabled xercesImpl, xmlParserAPIs and sample jar files -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="xml11jars" depends="xml11jar, sampjar, apijar">
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Build xercesDV jar -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="dvjar" depends="dvcompile">
+ <jar jarfile="${build.dir}/${jar.dv}"
+ basedir="${build.dest}"
+ compress="true"
+ includes="org/apache/xerces/**"/>
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Compiles the dv source directory -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="dvcompile" depends="dvprepare-src">
+ <copy todir="${build.dest}">
+ <fileset dir="${build.src}"
+ includes="**/*.properties">
+ </fileset>
+ </copy>
+ <javac srcdir="${build.src}"
+ destdir="${build.dest}"
+ debug="${debug}"
+ deprecation="${deprecation}"
+ optimize="${optimize}"
+ includeAntRuntime="false"
+ includeJavaRuntime="true"/>
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Compiles the dv source code package -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="dvprepare-src">
+ <!-- copy src files -->
+ <copy todir="${build.src}">
+ <fileset
+ dir="${src.dir}"
+ includes="org/apache/xerces/impl/dv/**,
+ org/apache/xerces/impl/msg/XMLSchema**,
+ org/apache/xerces/impl/xpath/regex/**,
+ org/apache/xerces/impl/xs/XSTypeDecl.java,
+ org/apache/xerces/impl/xs/psvi/StringList.java,
+ org/apache/xerces/impl/xs/psvi/XSAnnotation.java,
+ org/apache/xerces/impl/xs/psvi/XSConstants.java,
+ org/apache/xerces/impl/xs/psvi/XSObject.java,
+ org/apache/xerces/impl/xs/psvi/XSObjectList.java,
+ org/apache/xerces/impl/xs/psvi/XSSimpleTypeDefinition.java,
+ org/apache/xerces/impl/xs/psvi/XSTypeDefinition.java,
+ org/apache/xerces/impl/xs/util/StringListImpl.java,
+ org/apache/xerces/impl/xs/util/XSObjectListImpl.java,
+ org/apache/xerces/util/SymbolHash.java,
+ org/apache/xerces/util/URI.java,
+ org/apache/xerces/util/XMLChar.java,
+ org/apache/xerces/xni/NamespaceContext.java,
+ org/apache/xerces/xni/QName.java
+ "
+ excludes="org/apache/xerces/impl/dv/DatatypeValidator.java
+ org/apache/xerces/impl/dv/DTDDVFactory.java
+ org/apache/xerces/impl/dv/dtd/**
+ org/apache/xerces/impl/dv/xs/SchemaDVFactoryImpl.java
+ ">
+ </fileset>
+ </copy>
+ <!-- substitute tokens as needed -->
+ <replace file="${build.src}/org/apache/xerces/impl/dv/SchemaDVFactory.java"
+ token="SchemaDVFactoryImpl" value="FullDVFactory"/>
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Retrieve the XML Conformance test suite from sourceforge -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="get-conftests" depends="init">
+ <mkdir dir="tests/conformance"/>
+ <get src="http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/xmlconf/utilities.jar" dest="tests/conformance/utilties.jar" verbose="true" usetimestamp="true"/>
+ <cvspass cvsroot=":pserver:anonymous at cvs.xmlconf.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/xmlconf" password=""/>
+ <cvs cvsRoot=":pserver:anonymous at cvs.xmlconf.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/xmlconf" package="xml" dest="tests/conformance"/>
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Run the XML Conformance test suite from sourceforge -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="run-conftests" depends="init">
+ <java classname="xml.testing.Driver" output="tests/conformance/report-nv.html">
+ <arg value="tests/conformance/xml/suite/xmlconf.xml"/>
+ <arg value="org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser"/>
+ <arg value="tests/conformance/xml/template.xml"/>
+ <arg value="nv"/>
+ <arg value="${parser.version}"/>
+ <classpath>
+ <pathelement location="tests/conformance/utilities.jar"/>
+ <pathelement location="build/xmlParserAPIs.jar"/>
+ <pathelement location="build/xercesImpl.jar"/>
+ </classpath>
+ </java>
+ <java classname="xml.testing.Driver" output="tests/conformance/report-val.html">
+ <arg value="tests/conformance/xml/suite/xmlconf.xml"/>
+ <arg value="org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser"/>
+ <arg value="tests/conformance/xml/template.xml"/>
+ <arg value="val"/>
+ <arg value="${parser.version}"/>
+ <classpath>
+ <pathelement location="tests/conformance/utilities.jar"/>
+ <pathelement location="build/xmlParserAPIs.jar"/>
+ <pathelement location="build/xercesImpl.jar"/>
+ </classpath>
+ </java>
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Prepares the source code with DOM Level 3 -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="prepare-src-dom3" depends="prepare-common">
+ <copy file="${src.dir}/org/apache/xerces/parsers/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration"
+ tofile="${build.dest}/META-INF/services/org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration"/>
+ <!-- copy src files -->
+ <copy todir="${build.src}">
+ <fileset
+ dir="${src.dir}"
+ includes="**/Makefile, **/Makefile.incl, javax/**, org/**"
+ excludes="**/classfiles_updated **/CVS* **/.#* **/XMLMessages.java
+ **/SchemaImporter.java **/RevalidatingDOMParser.java
+ **/DatatypeContentModel.java **/ComplexTypeInfo.java
+ **/DTDImporter.java **/v1/** **/v2/**
+ org/apache/xerces/dom3/*.java
+ org/apache/xerces/dom3/ls/**
+ org/w3c/dom/*.java">
+ </fileset>
+ </copy>
+ <!-- copy dom 3 src files -->
+ <copy todir="${build.src}">
+ <fileset
+ dir="${src.dir}/dom3"
+ includes="org/**"
+ excludes="**/classfiles_updated **/CVS* **/.#*">
+ </fileset>
+ </copy>
+ <!-- substitute tokens as needed -->
+ <replace file="${build.dir}/src/org/apache/xerces/impl/Version.java"
+ token="@@VERSION@@" value="${parser.Name} ${parser.Version}"/>
+ <!-- DOM level 3 hack: replace import statements-->
+ <replace file="${build.src}/org/apache/xerces/dom/NodeImpl.java"
+ token="org.apache.xerces.dom3" value="org.w3c.dom"/>
+ <replace file="${build.src}/org/apache/xerces/dom/DocumentImpl.java"
+ token="org.apache.xerces.dom3" value="org.w3c.dom"/>
+ <replace file="${build.src}/org/apache/xerces/dom/DOMNormalizer.java"
+ token="org.apache.xerces.dom3" value="org.w3c.dom"/>
+ <replace file="${build.src}/org/apache/xerces/dom/DOMLocatorImpl.java"
+ token="org.apache.xerces.dom3" value="org.w3c.dom"/>
+ <replace file="${build.src}/org/apache/xerces/dom/DOMImplementationSourceImpl.java"
+ token="org.apache.xerces.dom3" value="org.w3c.dom"/>
+ <replace file="${build.src}/org/apache/xerces/dom/DOMErrorImpl.java"
+ token="org.apache.xerces.dom3" value="org.w3c.dom"/>
+ <replace file="${build.src}/org/apache/xerces/dom/CoreDocumentImpl.java"
+ token="org.apache.xerces.dom3" value="org.w3c.dom"/>
+ <replace file="${build.src}/org/apache/xerces/parsers/DOMBuilderImpl.java"
+ token="org.apache.xerces.dom3" value="org.w3c.dom"/>
+ <replace file="${build.src}/org/apache/xerces/util/DOMErrorHandlerWrapper.java"
+ token="org.apache.xerces.dom3" value="org.w3c.dom"/>
+ <replace file="${build.src}/org/apache/xml/serialize/XMLSerializer.java"
+ token="org.apache.xerces.dom3" value="org.w3c.dom"/>
+ <replace file="${build.src}/org/apache/xml/serialize/BaseMarkupSerializer.java"
+ token="org.apache.xerces.dom3" value="org.w3c.dom"/>
+ <replace file="${build.src}/org/apache/xml/serialize/DOMWriterImpl.java"
+ token="org.apache.xerces.dom3" value="org.w3c.dom"/>
+ <replace file="${build.src}/org/w3c/dom/ls/DOMWriter.java"
+ token="org.apache.xerces.dom3" value="org.w3c.dom"/>
+ <replace file="${build.src}/org/w3c/dom/ls/ParseErrorEvent.java"
+ token="org.apache.xerces.dom3" value="org.w3c.dom"/>
+ <replace file="${build.src}/org/w3c/dom/ls/DOMBuilder.java"
+ token="org.apache.xerces.dom3" value="org.w3c.dom"/>
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Compiles the source directory with DOM Level 3 -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="compile-dom3" depends="prepare-src-dom3">
+ <copy todir="${build.dest}">
+ <fileset dir="${build.src}"
+ includes="**/*.res, **/*.properties">
+ </fileset>
+ </copy>
+ <javac srcdir="${build.src}"
+ excludes="**/RevalidatingDOMParser.java"
+ destdir="${build.dest}"
+ debug="${debug}"
+ deprecation="${deprecation}"
+ optimize="${optimize}"
+ includeAntRuntime="false"
+ includeJavaRuntime="true"/>
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Compiles the samples with DOM Level 3 -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="samples-dom3" depends="compile-dom3">
+ <mkdir dir="${build.samples}"/>
+ <copy todir="${build.samples}" >
+ <fileset dir="${samples.dir}" />
+ </copy>
+ <!-- DOM Level 3 hack: replace import statements-->
+ <replace file="${build.samples}/dom/ASBuilder.java"
+ token="org.apache.xerces.dom3.DOMError" value="org.w3c.dom.DOMError"/>
+ <replace file="${build.samples}/dom/ASBuilder.java"
+ token="org.apache.xerces.dom3.DOMErrorHandler" value="org.w3c.dom.DOMErrorHandler"/>
+ <javac srcdir="${build.samples}"
+ destdir="${build.dest}"
+ classpath="${build.dir}/classes"
+ debug="${debug}"
+ includeAntRuntime="false"
+ includeJavaRuntime="true"/>
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Compiles the tests with DOM Level 3 -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="tests-dom3" depends="samples-dom3">
+ <mkdir dir="${build.tests}"/>
+ <copy todir="${build.tests}">
+ <fileset dir="${tests.dir}" />
+ </copy>
+ <javac srcdir="${build.tests}"
+ destdir="${build.dest}"
+ classpath="${build.dir}/classes:./tools/junit.jar"
+ debug="${debug}"
+ includeAntRuntime="false"
+ includeJavaRuntime="true"/>
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Do a sanity test using samples with DOM Level 3 -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="test-dom3" depends="tests-dom3">
+ <echo message="Performing sanity test for ${parser.Name} ${parser.Version} ..." />
+ <echo message="Using classpath='${build.dir}/classes'" />
+ <echo message="Running sax.Counter ..." />
+ <java fork="yes"
+ classpath="${build.dir}/classes"
+ classname="sax.Counter"
+ failOnError="yes">
+ <arg value="${data.dir}/personal.xml"/>
+ </java>
+ <echo message="Running sax.Writer ..." />
+ <java fork="yes"
+ classpath="${build.dir}/classes"
+ classname="sax.Writer"
+ failOnError="yes">
+ <arg value="${data.dir}/personal.xml"/>
+ </java>
+ <echo message="Running dom.Counter ..." />
+ <java fork="yes"
+ classpath="${build.dir}/classes"
+ classname="dom.Counter"
+ failOnError="yes">
+ <arg value="${data.dir}/personal.xml"/>
+ </java>
+ <echo message="Running dom.Writer ..." />
+ <java fork="yes"
+ classpath="${build.dir}/classes"
+ classname="dom.Writer"
+ failOnError="yes">
+ <arg value="${data.dir}/personal.xml"/>
+ </java>
+ <!--
+ <echo message="Running DOMFilter ..." />
+ <java fork="yes"
+ classpath="${build.dir}/classes"
+ classname="dom.DOMFilter"
+ args="-p dom.wrappers.DOMParser ${data.dir}/personal.xml"/>
+ -->
+ <!-- The following are samples but not command-line applications.
+ <echo message="Running IteratorView ..." />
+ <java fork="yes"
+ classpath="${build.dir}/classes"
+ classname="dom.traversal.IteratorView"
+ failOnError="yes"
+ args="${data.dir}/personal.xml"/>
+ <echo message="Running TreeWalkerView ..." />
+ <java fork="yes"
+ classpath="${build.dir}/classes"
+ classname="dom.traversal.TreeWalkerView"
+ failOnError="yes"
+ args="${data.dir}/personal.xml"/>
+ <echo message="Running TreeViewer ..." />
+ <java fork="yes"
+ classpath="${build.dir}/classes"
+ classname="dom.TreeViewer"
+ failOnError="yes"
+ args="${data.dir}/personal.xml"/>
+ -->
+ <echo message="Running dom.mem.Test ..." />
+ <java fork="yes"
+ classpath="${build.dir}/classes"
+ classname="dom.mem.Test"
+ failOnError="yes">
+ </java>
+ <echo message="Running dom.DTest ..." />
+ <java fork="yes"
+ classpath="${build.dir}/classes"
+ classname="dom.DTest"
+ failOnError="yes">
+ </java>
+ <echo message="Running dom.serialization.Test ..." />
+ <java fork="yes"
+ classpath="${build.dir}/classes"
+ classname="dom.serialization.Test"
+ failOnError="yes">
+ <arg value="${data.dir}/personal.xml"/>
+ <arg value="out.xml"/>
+ </java>
+ <java fork="yes"
+ classpath="${build.dir}/classes"
+ classname="dom.registry.Test"
+ failOnError="yes">
+ </java>
+ <java fork="yes"
+ classpath="${build.dir}/classes"
+ classname="dom.dom3.Test"
+ failOnError="yes">
+ </java>
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Creates the implementation class package with DOM Level 3 -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="jar-dom3" depends="compile-dom3">
+ <jar jarfile="${build.dir}/dom3-${jar.parser}"
+ basedir="${build.dest}"
+ compress="true"
+ includes="org/apache/**, META-INF/**" />
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Creates the API class package with DOM Level 3 -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="apijar-dom3" depends="compile-dom3">
+ <jar jarfile="${build.dir}/dom3-${jar.apis}"
+ basedir="${build.dest}"
+ compress="true"
+ includes="org/xml/**, org/w3c/**, javax/**" />
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Creates the samples package with DOM Level 3 -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="sampjar-dom3" depends="samples-dom3">
+ <jar jarfile="${build.dir}/${jar.samples}"
+ basedir="${build.dest}"
+ compress="true"
+ includes="dom/**,sax/**,socket/**,ui/**,xni/**"/>
+ </target>
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <!-- Builds xercesImpl, xmlParserAPIs, and sample jars with DOM Level 3 -->
+ <!-- =================================================================== -->
+ <target name="jars-dom3" depends="jar-dom3, apijar-dom3, sampjar-dom3">
+ </target>
diff --git a/debian/README.Debian b/debian/README.Debian
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6827eef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/README.Debian
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Xerces2-J for Debian
+- Unlike Xerces-J (libxerces-java) this package contains 2 JARs in
+ /usr/share/java/ which both need to be in your class path:
+ * xercesImpl.jar contains the actual Xerces parser
+ * xmlParserAPIs.jar contains the XML APIs (DOM, SAX) which are used by
+ all standard XML parsers
+- The APIs have not changed since the previous version so your application
+ should run fine with this new version if you don't use any internal
+ classes.
+- This package is in contrib because it requires Ant (which in turn requires
+ an XML parser!?!) to build and a Java2 environment (JDK 1.2 and above) to
+ run. This means that you need libxerces-java to build this package.
+- The HTML documentation for Xerces2-J, the XML APIs and XNI (Xerces Native
+ Interface) can be found in the libxerces2-java-doc package.
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c03775
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+xerces2-j (2.1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release
+ * Updated package description
+ * Build with latest Ant and Xalan-J versions
+ * Fixed some typos in README.Debian
+ * Build with debhelper >= 4.1.0 to get rid of /usr/doc compatibility
+ symlinks
+ * Standards-Version: 3.5.7
+ -- Stefan Gybas <sgybas at debian.org> Mon, 2 Sep 2002 15:35:13 +0200
+xerces2-j (2.0.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release
+ * Build with j2sdk >= 1.4.0 because it supports -Djava.awt.headless=true
+ for Xalan and so an X11 display is not needed during the build
+ * Use debhelper V4
+ * Updated README.Debian and package description
+ -- Stefan Gybas <sgybas at debian.org> Mon, 1 Jul 2002 20:44:04 +0200
+xerces2-j (2.0.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release (closes: #140832)
+ * The package can now be built with j2sdk1.3 1.3.1-1 or later
+ -- Stefan Gybas <sgybas at debian.org> Wed, 3 Apr 2002 21:05:23 +0200
+xerces2-j (2.0.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Initial release
+ * Placed in contrib because it requires Ant and a Java2 environment
+ to build
+ -- Stefan Gybas <sgybas at debian.org> Thu, 7 Feb 2002 16:37:15 +0100
diff --git a/debian/compat b/debian/compat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8626c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/compat
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ec5922
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+Source: xerces2-j
+Section: contrib/libs
+Priority: optional
+Maintainer: Stefan Gybas <sgybas at debian.org>
+Build-Depends-Indep: debhelper (>= 4.1.0), ant (>= 1.5-1), j2sdk (>= 1.4.0-1), libxerces-java, libxalan2-java
+Standards-Version: 3.5.7
+Package: libxerces2-java
+Architecture: all
+Section: contrib/libs
+Depends: java-common
+Suggests: libxerces2-java-doc
+Description: Validating XML parser for Java
+ The Xerces2 Java parser is the reference implementation of XNI, the
+ Xerces Native Interface, and also a fully conforming XML Schema processor.
+ .
+ Xerces2-J supports the following standards and APIs:
+ * eXtensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 Second Edition Recommendation
+ * Namespaces in XML Recommendation
+ * Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Core, Events, and Traversal and
+ Range Recommendations
+ * Simple API for XML (SAX) 2.0 Core and Extension
+ * Java APIs for XML Processing (JAXP) 1.1
+ * XML Schema 1.0 Structures and Datatypes Recommendations
+ * partial implementation of Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Core,
+ Load and Save and Abstract Schemas [deprecated]
+ .
+ For more information about Xerces2-J see the home page at
+ http://xml.apache.org/xerces2-j/index.html.
+Package: libxerces2-java-doc
+Architecture: all
+Section: contrib/libs
+Depends: java-common
+Suggests: libxerces2-java, doc-html-w3
+Description: Validating XML parser for Java - Documentation and examples
+ The Xerces2 Java parser is the reference implementation of XNI, the
+ Xerces Native Interface, and also a fully conforming XML Schema processor.
+ .
+ This package contains the documentation in HTML format, the Javadoc API
+ documentation and some examples.
+ .
+ For more information about Xerces2-J see the home page at
+ http://xml.apache.org/xerces2-j/index.html.
diff --git a/debian/copyright b/debian/copyright
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee7ee0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/copyright
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+This package was debianized by Stefan Gybas <sgybas at debian.org> on 07-Feb-2002.
+The source was downloaded from http://xml.apache.org/dist/xerces-j/.
+The Debian orig.tar.gz contains the contents of the original .tar.gz and
+stylebook-1.0-b2.jar from the Xerces-Tools archive.
+Copyright (BSD-style license):
+ * The Apache Software License, Version 1.1
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 1999 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights
+ * reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ *
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ *
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
+ * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+ * distribution.
+ *
+ * 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution,
+ * if any, must include the following acknowledgment:
+ * "This product includes software developed by the
+ * Apache Software Foundation (http://www.apache.org/)."
+ * Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself,
+ * if and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear.
+ *
+ * 4. The names "Xerces" and "Apache Software Foundation" must
+ * not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
+ * software without prior written permission. For written
+ * permission, please contact apache at apache.org.
+ *
+ * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache",
+ * nor may "Apache" appear in their name, without prior written
+ * permission of the Apache Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * ====================================================================
+ *
+ * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
+ * individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation and was
+ * originally based on software copyright (c) 1999, International
+ * Business Machines, Inc., http://www.ibm.com. For more
+ * information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see
+ * <http://www.apache.org/>.
+ */
diff --git a/debian/libxerces2-java-doc.docs b/debian/libxerces2-java-doc.docs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a401422
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libxerces2-java-doc.docs
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/debian/libxerces2-java-doc.examples b/debian/libxerces2-java-doc.examples
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..781fb73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libxerces2-java-doc.examples
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/debian/libxerces2-java.dirs b/debian/libxerces2-java.dirs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13c9f03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libxerces2-java.dirs
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/debian/libxerces2-java.docs b/debian/libxerces2-java.docs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea4894c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libxerces2-java.docs
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ef6c71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+#!/usr/bin/make -f
+# debian/rules file for xerces2-j (uses debhelper)
+# Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.
+#export DH_VERBOSE=1
+# Build using the converted (using alien >= 8.08) JDK 1.4 RPM package from Sun
+export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/j2sdk1.4
+UPSTREAM_VERSION = $(shell head -1 debian/changelog | cut -f2 -d\( | cut -f1 -d\) | cut -f1 -d\-)
+build: build-stamp
+ dh_testdir
+ $(ANT) jar apijar docs javadocs
+ touch build-stamp
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ rm -f build-stamp
+ rm -rf build
+ dh_clean
+install: build
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ dh_clean -k
+ dh_installdirs
+ install -m 644 build/xercesImpl.jar debian/libxerces2-java/usr/share/java/xercesImpl-$(UPSTREAM_VERSION).jar
+ ln -s xercesImpl-$(UPSTREAM_VERSION).jar debian/libxerces2-java/usr/share/java/xercesImpl.jar
+ install -m 644 build/xmlParserAPIs.jar debian/libxerces2-java/usr/share/java/xmlParserAPIs-$(UPSTREAM_VERSION).jar
+ ln -s xmlParserAPIs-$(UPSTREAM_VERSION).jar debian/libxerces2-java/usr/share/java/xmlParserAPIs.jar
+# Build architecture-independent files here.
+binary-indep: build install
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+# dh_installdebconf
+ dh_installdocs
+ dh_installexamples
+# dh_installmenu
+# dh_installemacsen
+# dh_installpam
+# dh_installinit
+# dh_installcron
+# dh_installman
+# dh_installinfo
+# dh_undocumented
+ dh_installchangelogs
+ dh_link
+ dh_compress
+ dh_fixperms
+ dh_installdeb
+# dh_perl
+ dh_gencontrol
+ dh_md5sums
+ dh_builddeb
+# Build architecture-dependent files here.
+binary-arch: build install
+# We have nothing to do here
+binary: binary-indep binary-arch
+.PHONY: build clean binary-indep binary-arch binary install
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-java/libxerces2-java.git
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