[wagon] 06/62: Wagon: Change to use a single binary package (plus a -doc one).

Emmanuel Bourg ebourg-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Nov 8 12:59:32 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

ebourg-guest pushed a commit to branch master-1.x
in repository wagon.

commit dbf3102fcfa64cbaf7dd14b32afe56c49813acf4
Author: Paul Cager <paul-debian at home.paulcager.org>
Date:   Thu Apr 26 20:56:56 2007 +0000

    Wagon: Change to use a single binary package (plus a -doc one).
 debian/control | 287 ++++++++-------------------------------------------------
 debian/rules   |   8 +-
 2 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 250 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index a753e5f..6f8edde 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -11,205 +11,14 @@ Build-Depends-Indep: java-gcj-compat-dev (>=1.0.65), ant-optional, libxalan2-jav
 Build-Depends: ant, debhelper (>= 5), cdbs (>=
 Standards-Version: 3.7.2
-Package: libwagon-file-java
-Architecture: all
-Section: libs
-Depends: libwagon-provider-api-java,
-         libplexus-utils-java
-Suggests: libwagon-provider-api-java-doc
-Description: tools to manage Maven artifacts and deployment
- The Wagon project defines a simple API for transfering resources
- (artifacts) to and from repositories. The word repository is used in this
- context as it is commonly used in Maven and means a storage of artifacts.
- .
- It is also used to deploy the Maven generated site to a server.
- .
- This package is an implementation of Wagon provider for File system access.
- .
-  Homepage: http://maven.apache.org/wagon/
-Package: libwagon-file-java-doc
-Architecture: all
-Section: doc
-Depends: classpath-doc,
-         libplexus-utils-java-doc,
-	 libwagon-provider-api-java-doc
-Suggests: libwagon-file-java
-Description: tools to manage Maven artifacts and deployment
- The Wagon project defines a simple API for transfering resources
- (artifacts) to and from repositories. The word repository is used in this
- context as it is commonly used in Maven and means a storage of artifacts.
- .
- It is also used to deploy the Maven generated site to a server.
- .
- This package contains the JavaDocs for libwagon-file-java.
- .
-  Homepage: http://maven.apache.org/wagon/
-Package: libwagon-http-lightweight-java
-Architecture: all
-Section: libs
-Depends: libwagon-provider-api-java,
-         libwagon-http-shared-java
-Suggests: libwagon-http-lightweight-java-doc
-Description: tools to manage Maven artifacts and deployment
- The Wagon project defines a simple API for transfering resources
- (artifacts) to and from repositories. The word repository is used in this
- context as it is commonly used in Maven and means a storage of artifacts.
- .
- It is also used to deploy the Maven generated site to a server.
- .
- This package is an implementation of Wagon provider for HTTP access. It
- uses standard JDK classes as lower lever layer.
- .
- It enables Maven to use remote repositories stored in HTTP servers.
- It doesn't allow deployment.
- .
-  Homepage: http://maven.apache.org/wagon/
-Package: libwagon-http-lightweight-java-doc
-Architecture: all
-Section: doc
-Depends: classpath-doc,
-         libplexus-utils-java-doc,
-	 libwagon-provider-api-java-doc
-Suggests: libwagon-http-lightweight-java
-Description: tools to manage Maven artifacts and deployment
- The Wagon project defines a simple API for transfering resources
- (artifacts) to and from repositories. The word repository is used in this
- context as it is commonly used in Maven and means a storage of artifacts.
- .
- It is also used to deploy the Maven generated site to a server.
- .
- This package contains the JavaDocs for libwagon-http-lightweight-java.
- .
-  Homepage: http://maven.apache.org/wagon/
-Package: libwagon-http-shared-java
-Architecture: all
-Section: libs
-Depends: libwagon-provider-api-java,
-         libplexus-utils-java,
-	 libjtidy-java,
-	 libjaxp1.3-java
-Suggests: libwagon-http-shared-java-doc
-Description: tools to manage Maven artifacts and deployment
- The Wagon project defines a simple API for transfering resources
- (artifacts) to and from repositories. The word repository is used in this
- context as it is commonly used in Maven and means a storage of artifacts.
- .
- It is also used to deploy the Maven generated site to a server.
- .
- This package is a shared Library for the wagon-http, and
- wagon-http-lightweight wagon providers
- .
-  Homepage: http://maven.apache.org/wagon/
-Package: libwagon-http-shared-java-doc
-Architecture: all
-Section: doc
-Depends: classpath-doc,
-         libplexus-utils-java-doc,
-	 libwagon-provider-api-java-doc,
-         libjtidy-java-doc
-Suggests: libwagon-http-shared-java
-Description: tools to manage Maven artifacts and deployment
- The Wagon project defines a simple API for transfering resources
- (artifacts) to and from repositories. The word repository is used in this
- context as it is commonly used in Maven and means a storage of artifacts.
- .
- It is also used to deploy the Maven generated site to a server.
- .
- This package contains the JavaDocs for libwagon-http-shared-java.
- .
-  Homepage: http://maven.apache.org/wagon/
-Package: libwagon-ssh-java
-Architecture: all
-Section: libs
-Depends: libplexus-utils-java,
-         libjsch-java,
-	 libwagon-provider-api-java,
-	 libwagon-ssh-common-java,
-	 libplexus-interactivity-api-java
-Suggests: libwagon-ssh-java-doc
-Description: tools to manage Maven artifacts and deployment
- The Wagon project defines a simple API for transfering resources
- (artifacts) to and from repositories. The word repository is used in this
- context as it is commonly used in Maven and means a storage of artifacts.
- .
- It is also used to deploy the Maven generated site to a server.
- .
- This package is an implementation of Wagon provider for SCP and SFTP access.
- .
- It enables Maven to deploy artifacts and sites to SSH servers. It uses JSch
- (Java Secure Channel) as lower level layer.
- .
- Getting files from SSH servers is not fully tested.
- .
-  Homepage: http://maven.apache.org/wagon/
-Package: libwagon-ssh-java-doc
-Architecture: all
-Section: doc
-Depends: classpath-doc,
-         libplexus-utils-java-doc,
-	 libjsch-java-doc,
-	 libwagon-provider-api-java-doc,
-	 libwagon-ssh-common-java-doc,
-	 libplexus-interactivity-api-java-doc
-Suggests: libwagon-ssh-java
-Description: tools to manage Maven artifacts and deployment
- The Wagon project defines a simple API for transfering resources
- (artifacts) to and from repositories. The word repository is used in this
- context as it is commonly used in Maven and means a storage of artifacts.
- .
- It is also used to deploy the Maven generated site to a server.
- .
- This package contains the JavaDocs for libwagon-ssh-java.
- .
-  Homepage: http://maven.apache.org/wagon/
-Package: libwagon-provider-api-java
-Architecture: all
-Section: libs
-Depends: libplexus-utils-java
-Suggests: libwagon-provider-api-java-doc
-Description: tools to manage Maven artifacts and deployment
- The Wagon project defines a simple API for transfering resources
- (artifacts) to and from repositories. The word repository is used in this
- context as it is commonly used in Maven and means a storage of artifacts.
- .
- It is also used to deploy the Maven generated site to a server.
- .
- Maven Wagon API defines the contract between different Wagon implementations.
- .
-  Homepage: http://maven.apache.org/wagon/
-Package: libwagon-provider-api-java-doc
-Architecture: all
-Section: doc
-Depends: classpath-doc,
-         libplexus-utils-java-doc
-Suggests: libwagon-provider-api-java
-Description: tools to manage Maven artifacts and deployment
- The Wagon project defines a simple API for transfering resources
- (artifacts) to and from repositories. The word repository is used in this
- context as it is commonly used in Maven and means a storage of artifacts.
- .
- It is also used to deploy the Maven generated site to a server.
- .
- This package contains the JavaDocs for libwagon-provider-api-java.
- .
-  Homepage: http://maven.apache.org/wagon/
-Package: libwagon-ssh-common-java
+Package: libwagon-java
 Architecture: all
 Section: libs
 Depends: libplexus-utils-java,
-	 libwagon-provider-api-java,
-	 libplexus-interactivity-api-java
-Suggests: libwagon-ssh-common-java-doc
+	 libplexus-classworlds-java,
+	 libplexus-component-api-java,
+         libjtidy-java
+Suggests: libwagon-java-doc
 Description: tools to manage Maven artifacts and deployment
  The Wagon project defines a simple API for transfering resources
  (artifacts) to and from repositories. The word repository is used in this
@@ -217,64 +26,46 @@ Description: tools to manage Maven artifacts and deployment
  It is also used to deploy the Maven generated site to a server.
- This package is an implementation of Wagon provider for SCP and SFTP access.
- .
- It enables Maven to deploy artifacts and sites to SSH servers.
- .
- Getting files from SSH servers is not fully tested.
+ This package contains the following Jars:
+ .
+  wagon-file
+    Implementation of Wagon provider for File system access.
+  wagon-http-lightweight-java
+    Implementation of Wagon provider for HTTP access. It uses standard
+    JDK classes as lower lever layer.
+    It enables Maven to use remote repositories stored in HTTP servers.
+    It doesn't allow deployment.
+  wagon-http-shared
+    This package is a shared Library for the wagon-http, and
+    wagon-http-lightweight wagon providers
+  wagon-ssh
+    Implementation of Wagon provider for SCP and SFTP access.
+    It enables Maven to deploy artifacts and sites to SSH servers. It
+    uses JSch (Java Secure Channel) as lower level layer.
+  wagon-provider-api
+    Maven Wagon API defines the contract between different Wagon
+    implementations.
+  wagon-ssh-common
+    Implementation of Wagon provider for SCP and SFTP access. It
+    enables Maven to deploy artifacts and sites to SSH servers.
+    Getting files from SSH servers is not fully tested.
+  wagon-ssh-external
+    Implementation of Wagon provider for SSH servers access. It
+    enables Maven to deploy artifacts and sites to SSH servers.
+    It uses an external SSH program that has to be already installed
+    in the system. Getting files from SSH servers is not fully tested.
   Homepage: http://maven.apache.org/wagon/
-Package: libwagon-ssh-common-java-doc
+Package: libwagon-java-doc
 Architecture: all
 Section: doc
 Depends: classpath-doc,
-	 libwagon-provider-api-java-doc,
-	 libplexus-interactivity-api-java-doc
-Suggests: libwagon-ssh-common-java
-Description: tools to manage Maven artifacts and deployment
- The Wagon project defines a simple API for transfering resources
- (artifacts) to and from repositories. The word repository is used in this
- context as it is commonly used in Maven and means a storage of artifacts.
- .
- It is also used to deploy the Maven generated site to a server.
- .
- This package contains the JavaDocs for libwagon-ssh-common-java.
- .
-  Homepage: http://maven.apache.org/wagon/
-Package: libwagon-ssh-external-java
-Architecture: all
-Section: libs
-Depends: libplexus-utils-java,
-	 libwagon-ssh-common-java,
-	 libwagon-provider-api-java
-Suggests: libwagon-ssh-external-java-doc
-Description: tools to manage Maven artifacts and deployment
- The Wagon project defines a simple API for transfering resources
- (artifacts) to and from repositories. The word repository is used in this
- context as it is commonly used in Maven and means a storage of artifacts.
- .
- It is also used to deploy the Maven generated site to a server.
- .
- This project is an implementation of Wagon provider for SSH servers access.
- .
- It enables Maven to deploy artifacts and sites to SSH servers. it uses an
- external SSH program that has to be already installed in the system
- .
- Getting files from SSH servers is not fully tested.
- .
-  Homepage: http://maven.apache.org/wagon/
-Package: libwagon-ssh-external-java-doc
-Architecture: all
-Section: doc
-Depends: classpath-doc,
-         libplexus-utils-java-doc,
-	 libwagon-provider-api-java-doc,
-	 libwagon-ssh-common-java-doc,
-Suggests: libwagon-ssh-external-java
+	 libplexus-classworlds-java-doc,
+	 libplexus-component-api-java-doc,
+         libjtidy-java-doc
+Suggests: libwagon-java
 Description: tools to manage Maven artifacts and deployment
  The Wagon project defines a simple API for transfering resources
  (artifacts) to and from repositories. The word repository is used in this
@@ -282,6 +73,6 @@ Description: tools to manage Maven artifacts and deployment
  It is also used to deploy the Maven generated site to a server.
- This package contains the JavaDocs for libwagon-ssh-external-java.
+ This package contains the JavaDocs for libwagon-java.
   Homepage: http://maven.apache.org/wagon/
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index 66bd9e8..bd576d9 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -39,8 +39,12 @@ get-orig-source:
-	echo "build/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).jar usr/share/java" >debian/lib$(PACKAGE)-java.install
-	echo "/usr/share/java/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).jar /usr/share/java/$(PACKAGE).jar" >debian/lib$(PACKAGE)-java.links
+	true >debian/lib$(PACKAGE)-java.install
+	true >debian/lib$(PACKAGE)-java.links
+	for i in wagon-file wagon-http-lightweight wagon-http-shared wagon-provider-api wagon-ssh wagon-ssh-common wagon-ssh-external; do \
+	    echo "build/$$i-$(VERSION).jar usr/share/java" >>debian/lib$(PACKAGE)-java.install; \
+	    echo "/usr/share/java/$$i-$(VERSION).jar /usr/share/java/$$i.jar" >>debian/lib$(PACKAGE)-java.links; \
+	done
 	echo "$(API_DOCS) usr/share/doc/lib$(PACKAGE)-java" >debian/lib$(PACKAGE)-java-doc.install

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-java/wagon.git

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