[excalibur-logger] branch master created (now 7fd5bad)

Emmanuel Bourg ebourg-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Nov 21 00:11:41 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

ebourg-guest pushed a change to branch master
in repository excalibur-logger.

        at  7fd5bad   Upload to unstable

This branch includes the following new commits:

       new  2f32b48   import excalibur-logger from Ubuntu
       new  8c114fd   excalibur-logger 2.1-1
       new  b25710c   added get-orig-source target
       new  6130c32   minor fix in copyright file
       new  a701ad2   bug fixes
       new  5e6cc7b   * Team upload. * Update Standards-Version: 3.9.1. * Remove Java runtime from Depends.
       new  9459967   UNRELEASED * Team upload. * Add pom.xml and use maven-repo-helper for installation. * Disable cdbs' simple patchsys. We don't ship patches anyway. * Switch to source format 3.0. * Switch to debhelper level 7.
       new  1f45c40   revert broken pom change
       new  0442430   Replace dependencies on Servlet 2.4 library with 2.5 one
       new  ff6e201   Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.3. No changes were required.
       new  c772ad0   set distribution to unstable for team upload
       new  9453f7b   Fixed the watch file Updated Standards-Version to 3.9.4 (no changes) Updated the dependency on the Servlet API (2.5 -> 3.0) debian/copyright: Updated the Format URI
       new  1521c88   Replaced the dependency on jboss-j2ee with glassfish-javaee
       new  2a64c17   Wrap and sort
       new  ba39df0   Switch to debhelper level 9
       new  b31e7ed   Standards-Version updated to 3.9.5
       new  7c337ec   libexcalibur-logger-java no longer depends on libservlet3.0-java (the dependency is satisfied by the container) libexcalibur-logger-java suggests the depedencies on the JMS and mail APIs (optional dependencies)
       new  366da05   Depend on libmail-java instead of libgnumail-java
       new  7870f4a   Removed the dependency on libxalan2-java (the JDK provides the XML APIs)
       new  36ad7a8   Updated the dependency on the Servlet API (3.0 -> 3.1)
       new  93414e0   Upload to unstable
       new  b466956   Moved the package to Git
       new  6cee185   Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/2.1'
       new  8cc18ae   Wrap and sort
       new  79fc9c7   Standards-Version updated to 4.1.1
       new  d28abd4   Switch to debhelper level 10
       new  e1b33a1   Build with the DH sequencer instead of CDBS
       new  b05f807   Depend on libgeronimo-jms-1.1-spec-java instead of glassfish-javaee
       new  7fd5bad   Upload to unstable

The 29 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-java/excalibur-logger.git

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