[Git][java-team/eclipse-debian-helper][master] README formatting

Emmanuel Bourg gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Wed Jul 11 11:00:41 BST 2018

Emmanuel Bourg pushed to branch master at Debian Java Maintainers / eclipse-debian-helper

09f7650b by Emmanuel Bourg at 2018-07-11T12:00:19+02:00
README formatting

- - - - -

1 changed file:



--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ a debhelper buildsystem class to reduce the boiler plate in debian/rules.
 By convention we assume a one to one mapping between bundles and Debian
 packages. The package name is automatically derived from the bundle name.
-For example org.eclipse.foo.bar is packaged as libeclipse-foo-bar-java.
-Equinox packages are handled slightly differently, org.eclipse.equinox.foo
-is mapped to libequinox-foo-java.
+For example the `org.eclipse.foo.bar`bundle is packaged as
+`libeclipse-foo-bar-java`. Equinox packages are handled slightly differently,
+`org.eclipse.equinox.foo` is mapped to `libequinox-foo-java`.
 The binary packages carry the version of the bundle packaged. For example
 if the project eclipse-platform-foo 4.9.2 contains the version 1.2.3 of the
@@ -31,23 +31,27 @@ Usage
 2. Start with the following template for the `debian/rules` file:
-    #!/usr/bin/make -f
-    include /usr/share/dpkg/pkg-info.mk
-    %:
-    	dh $@ --buildsystem=eclipse_bundles
-    override_dh_gencontrol:
-    	# Use the bundle versions as package versions
-    	awk 'system("dh_gencontrol -p"$$4" -- -v"$$2"+eclipse$(DEB_VERSION)")' debian/bundles.properties
+#!/usr/bin/make -f
+include /usr/share/dpkg/pkg-info.mk
+	dh $@ --buildsystem=eclipse_bundles
+	# Use the bundle versions as package versions
+	awk 'system("dh_gencontrol -p"$$4" -- -v"$$2"+eclipse$(DEB_VERSION)")' debian/bundles.properties
 3. Create a `debian/bundles` file listing the names of the bundles to build,
    one per line. For example:
 4. Create a `debian/build.xml` file importing `build-eclipse-bundle.xml`
    from `/usr/share/eclipse-debian-helper/` and implementing one target
@@ -55,24 +59,26 @@ Usage
    The `<make-bundle>` macro provides an easy way to build the bundles.
    For example:
-    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-    <project>
-      <include file="/usr/share/eclipse-debian-helper/build-eclipse-bundle.xml"/>
-      <!-- Eclipse Foo -->
-      <target name="org.eclipse.foo">
-        <make-bundle name="org.eclipse.foo"/>
-      </target>
-      <!-- Equinox Bar -->
-      <target name="org.eclipse.bar" depends="org.eclipse.foo">
-        <make-bundle name="org.eclipse.bar" depends="org.eclipse.foo">
-          <pathelement path="/usr/share/java/equinox-common.jar"/>
-        </make-bundle>
-      </target>
-    </project>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+  <include file="/usr/share/eclipse-debian-helper/build-eclipse-bundle.xml"/>
+  <!-- Eclipse Foo -->
+  <target name="org.eclipse.foo">
+    <make-bundle name="org.eclipse.foo"/>
+  </target>
+  <!-- Equinox Bar -->
+  <target name="org.eclipse.bar" depends="org.eclipse.foo">
+    <make-bundle name="org.eclipse.bar" depends="org.eclipse.foo">
+      <pathelement path="/usr/share/java/equinox-common.jar"/>
+    </make-bundle>
+  </target>
    Dependencies between bundles of the same project can be specified with the
    `depends` attribute. Other dependencies can be specified by path like

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/java-team/eclipse-debian-helper/commit/09f7650beb2959b4f7fb0df03c597d7340b35b01

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/java-team/eclipse-debian-helper/commit/09f7650beb2959b4f7fb0df03c597d7340b35b01
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