[Git][java-team/apache-log4j2][master] 15 commits: New upstream version 2.11.0

Emmanuel Bourg gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Tue Jul 31 16:22:00 BST 2018

Emmanuel Bourg pushed to branch master at Debian Java Maintainers / apache-log4j2

6d16824b by Emmanuel Bourg at 2018-04-22T20:31:19Z
New upstream version 2.11.0
- - - - -
daabd418 by Emmanuel Bourg at 2018-04-22T20:31:24Z
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/2.11.0'

Update to upstream version '2.11.0'
with Debian dir 5e0aa4df013567ceb7e42512c8863ea0841ec05a
- - - - -
8bb34ffe by Emmanuel Bourg at 2018-07-31T13:39:46Z
Refreshed the patches

- - - - -
55d28e6b by Emmanuel Bourg at 2018-07-31T13:41:06Z
Build the new log4j-core-java9 module

- - - - -
18e4e7c4 by Emmanuel Bourg at 2018-07-31T13:42:43Z
Ignore the new log4j-jdbc-dbcp2 and log4j-jpa modules

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63804a2e by Emmanuel Bourg at 2018-07-31T13:43:41Z
Build the mongodb3 module and ignore the mongodb2 one

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1bb03fe1 by Emmanuel Bourg at 2018-07-31T13:43:57Z
Standards-Version updated to 4.1.5

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cdc9d970 by Emmanuel Bourg at 2018-07-31T13:44:59Z
Use salsa.debian.org Vcs-* URLs

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c87b2af9 by Emmanuel Bourg at 2018-07-31T13:46:53Z
New upstream version 2.11.1
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49457821 by Emmanuel Bourg at 2018-07-31T13:46:58Z
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/2.11.1'

Update to upstream version '2.11.1'
with Debian dir eed33319d9c55858ece1b0d9771f9c77b749d797
- - - - -
ae087fb2 by Emmanuel Bourg at 2018-07-31T13:59:46Z
Ignore the new log4j-slf4j18-impl module

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5fd6e03d by Emmanuel Bourg at 2018-07-31T14:00:08Z
Ignore the new test dependencies

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99467ca4 by Emmanuel Bourg at 2018-07-31T14:00:53Z
Refreshed the patches

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11dcfae2 by Emmanuel Bourg at 2018-07-31T15:12:45Z
Worked around a javadoc bug in Java 10 causing an IllegalArgumentException (Closes: #905139)

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e53214dd by Emmanuel Bourg at 2018-07-31T15:13:04Z
Upload to unstable

- - - - -

30 changed files:

- debian/changelog
- debian/control
- debian/liblog4j2-java.poms
- debian/maven.ignoreRules
- debian/maven.rules
- debian/patches/01-disable-kafka-appender.patch
- debian/patches/03-mongodb-compatibility.patch
- + debian/patches/05-fix-javadoc-errors.patch
- debian/patches/series
- jenkins-toolchains.xml
- log4j-1.2-api/pom.xml
- log4j-1.2-api/src/main/java/org/apache/log4j/AppenderSkeleton.java
- log4j-1.2-api/src/test/java/org/apache/log4j/LogWithMDCTest.java
- log4j-1.2-api/src/test/java/org/apache/log4j/LogWithRouteTest.java
- log4j-1.2-api/src/test/java/org/apache/log4j/config/Log4j1ConfigurationFactoryTest.java
- log4j-1.2-api/src/test/java/org/apache/log4j/layout/Log4j1XmlLayoutTest.java
- log4j-1.2-api/src/test/java/org/apache/log4j/pattern/Log4j1MdcPatternConverterTest.java
- log4j-api-java9/pom.xml
- log4j-api-java9/src/assembly/java9.xml
- log4j-api-java9/src/main/java/module-info.java
- + log4j-api-java9/src/main/java/org/apache/logging/log4j/log4j/util/PropertySource.java
- + log4j-api-java9/src/main/java/org/apache/logging/log4j/message/ThreadDumpMessage.java
- + log4j-api-java9/src/main/java/org/apache/logging/log4j/util/internal/DefaultObjectInputFilter.java
- log4j-api/pom.xml
- log4j-api/src/main/java/org/apache/logging/log4j/ThreadContext.java
- + log4j-api/src/main/java/org/apache/logging/log4j/message/Clearable.java
- log4j-api/src/main/java/org/apache/logging/log4j/message/MapMessage.java
- + log4j-api/src/main/java/org/apache/logging/log4j/message/ParameterConsumer.java
- log4j-api/src/main/java/org/apache/logging/log4j/message/ParameterFormatter.java

The diff was not included because it is too large.

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/java-team/apache-log4j2/compare/8e429029f28aef7fce4ba7fc46f2ece1940843a1...e53214dd1bac60e1743463c2391d40846bb451a7

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/java-team/apache-log4j2/compare/8e429029f28aef7fce4ba7fc46f2ece1940843a1...e53214dd1bac60e1743463c2391d40846bb451a7
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