[ecj] annotated tag debian/3.12.3-1 created (now 61224e1)
Emmanuel Bourg
ebourg-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Mar 28 11:11:20 BST 2018
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
ebourg-guest pushed a change to annotated tag debian/3.12.3-1
in repository ecj.
at 61224e1 (tag)
tagging 3d86b537866976c0b69de9025cbe5a6882424263 (commit)
replaces upstream/3.12.3
tagged by Emmanuel Bourg
on Wed Mar 28 12:11:17 2018 +0200
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
ecj Debian release 3.12.3-1
Christoph Berg (1):
Import Debian changes 3.1.1-3.1
Emmanuel Bourg (70):
Added the Vcs-* fields
Added the Homepage field
Switch to debhelper level 9
Call 'set -e' in the body of the ecj maintainer scripts
Removed the recommended dependency on a JRE for libecj-java
Fixed a typo in the ecj manpages
Added a watch file
debian/rules: Renamed the get-source target to get-orig-source and completed the script to build the upstream tarball
Removed the option to build with the old ant1.7 package
Reduced the number of warnings during the compilation
Merge tag 'upstream/3.10.0'
Refreshed gcc-changes.diff
New upstream release (3.10.0)
Fixed the compilation errors caused by @Override annotations
Display a more friendly message when building on unsupported architectures
Replace the bundle_version parameter with the actual version in message.properties
Added the new -1.8 option in the manpages
Upload to unstable
New upstream release (JDT version 4.4.2)
Standards-Version updated to 3.9.7
Use a secure Vcs-Browser URL
New upstream release (JDT version 4.5)
Merge tag 'upstream/3.11.0'
Standards-Version updated to 3.9.8
Upload to experimental
Upload to unstable
Converted debian/copyright to the Copyright Format 1.0
Converted debian/copyright to the Copyright Format 1.0 (more)
Updated the version of the Maven pom
Marked bug #819189 as fixed in 3.11.0-1~exp1
debian/rules: Let DH install the .lintian-overrides files
Build with the DH sequencer instead of CDBS (Closes: #806020)
Fixed a sporadic NullPointerException in ReadManager during the build
Upload to unstable
Merge tag 'upstream/3.11.1'
New upstream release (JDT version 4.5.1)
Upload to unstable
Relocate org.eclipse.jdt:ecj to org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler:ecj
Moved the package to Git
Standards-Version updated to 4.1.3
Switch to debhelper level 11
No longer build the -gcj packages (Closes: #892531)
Removed the Conflicts/Replaces fields referencing very old packages
Use a secure URL in debian/watch
Trimmed trailing spaces in debian/changelog
Use a secure URL for the debian/copyright Format field
Added myself to the uploaders
Wrap and sort
Removed the build dependency on dpkg
Added debian/README.source documenting the upgrade process
Updated debian/watch
New upstream release (from the R4_5_2 tag, identifies itself as 3.11.2)
Merge tag 'upstream/3.11.2'
Download the upstream tarball with uscan and preserve the upstream project structure (minus the tests)
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/3.12.0'
New upstream release (from the R4_6 tag, identifies itself as 3.12.0)
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/3.12.1'
New upstream release (from the R4_6_1 tag, identifies itself as 3.12.1)
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/3.12.2'
New upstream release (from the R4_6_2 tag, identifies itself as 3.12.2)
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/3.12.3'
New upstream release (from the R4_6_3 tag, identifies itself as 3.12.3) (Closes: #891259)
Use the upstream man page for ecj
Build the compiler.apt classes
Added the missing 3.10.0+3.9.0 changelog entries
Refreshed debian/copyright
Added a JRE dependency for the ecj package
Removed Matthias Klose from the uploaders
Updated the version of the Maven pom
Upload to unstable
Hector Oron (1):
Import Debian changes 3.5.1-2.1
Konstantinos Margaritis (1):
Import Debian changes 3.5.1-1+armhf
Matthias Klose (68):
Import Debian changes 3.0.1-2
Import Debian changes 3.0.1-3
Import Debian changes 3.0.1-4
Import Debian changes 3.0.1-5
Import Debian changes 3.0.93-1
Import Debian changes 3.1.1-1
Import Debian changes 3.1.1-2
Import Debian changes 3.1.1-3
Import Debian changes 3.1.1-4
Import Debian changes 3.1.2-1
Import Debian changes 3.1.2-2
Import Debian changes 3.1.2-3
Import Debian changes 3.1.2-4
Import Debian changes 3.1.2-6
Import Debian changes 3.2-1
Import Debian changes 3.2-2
Import Debian changes 3.2-3
Import Debian changes 3.2.1-1
Import Debian changes 3.2.1-2
Import Debian changes 3.2.1-3
Import Debian changes 3.2.1-4
Import Debian changes 3.2.1-5
Import Debian changes 3.2.1-6
Import Debian changes 3.2.2-0
Import Debian changes 3.2.2-1
Import Debian changes 3.2.2-2
Import Debian changes 3.3.0-1
Import Debian changes 3.3.0-2
Import Debian changes 3.3.0+0728-1
Import Debian changes 3.3.0+0728-2
Import Debian changes 3.3.0+0728-3
Import Debian changes 3.3.0+0728-4
Import Debian changes 3.3.0+0728-5
Import Debian changes 3.3.0+0728-6
Import Debian changes 3.3.0+0728-7
Import Debian changes 3.3.0+0728-8
Import Debian changes 3.3.0+0728-9
Import Debian changes 3.3.0+0728-10
Import Debian changes 3.3.0+0728-11
Import Debian changes 3.4.2-1
Import Debian changes 3.4.2-2
Import Debian changes 3.4.2-3
Import Debian changes 3.4.2-4
Import Debian changes 3.5-1
Import Debian changes 3.5.1-1
Import Debian changes 3.5.1-2
Import Debian changes 3.5.1-3
Import Debian changes 3.5.1-4
Import Debian changes 3.5.1-5
Import Debian changes 3.5.1-6
Import Debian changes 3.8.2-1
Import Debian changes 3.8.2-2
Import Debian changes 3.8.2-4
Import Debian changes 3.9.0-1
Import Debian changes 3.9.0-2
Import Debian changes 3.10.0+3.9.0-1
Import Debian changes 3.10.0+3.9.0-2
Add Vcs attributes to the control file.
Import Debian changes 3.10.0+3.10.0-1
Import Debian changes 3.10.0+3.10.0-2
Import Debian changes 3.10.1~rc2-1
Import Debian changes 3.10.1-1
Import Debian changes 3.10.1-2
Build using GCC 6
Import Debian changes 3.11.0-4
Work around build failures on amd64 and s390x
Build ecj1 on any architecture
Try to work around build failures on m68k, powerpcspe, ppc64 sh4, sparc64
Michael Koch (3):
Import Debian changes 3.1.2-5
Import Debian changes 3.3~M7-1
Import Debian changes 3.3~M7-2
Nobuhiro Iwamatsu (1):
Import Debian changes 3.5.1-1+sh4
No new revisions were added by this update.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-java/ecj.git
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