[scala] 01/14: Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/2.11.9'
Emmanuel Bourg
ebourg-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Mar 30 15:18:21 BST 2018
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
ebourg-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository scala.
commit 021b7a86d69878d2d77b62c414ca47a7afb18cfe
Merge: 73ab5fb ea64f81
Author: Emmanuel Bourg <ebourg at apache.org>
Date: Fri Mar 30 11:12:21 2018 +0200
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/2.11.9'
Update to upstream version '2.11.9'
with Debian dir 838f6ddf84c9ff8d286a0c36f1a81a007044eeee
.gitignore | 4 +-
README.md | 380 +++++++------
bincompat-backward.whitelist.conf | 47 ++
bincompat-forward.whitelist.conf | 592 +++++++++++++++++++++
build.number | 2 +-
build.sbt | 439 ++++++++++++---
build.xml | 18 +-
doc/LICENSE.md | 4 +-
doc/License.rtf | 4 +-
project/BuildSettings.scala | 11 +
project/MiMa.scala | 95 ++++
project/Osgi.scala | 18 +-
project/PartestUtil.scala | 2 +-
project/Quiet.scala | 31 ++
project/ScalaOptionParser.scala | 2 +-
project/ScalaTool.scala | 12 +-
project/ScriptCommands.scala | 21 +-
project/VersionUtil.scala | 71 ++-
project/build.properties | 2 +-
project/plugins.sbt | 19 +-
project/project/plugins.sbt | 1 +
scripts/common | 2 +-
scripts/jobs/integrate/bootstrap | 135 +++--
scripts/jobs/integrate/ide | 4 +
scripts/jobs/integrate/windows | 11 +-
scripts/jobs/validate/publish-core | 4 +-
scripts/jobs/validate/test | 35 +-
spec/04-basic-declarations-and-definitions.md | 6 +-
spec/05-classes-and-objects.md | 20 +-
spec/12-the-scala-standard-library.md | 4 +-
spec/_layouts/default.yml | 4 +-
src/compiler/scala/tools/ant/Scalac.scala | 2 -
.../scala/tools/nsc/GenericRunnerCommand.scala | 1 +
.../scala/tools/nsc/GenericRunnerSettings.scala | 8 +-
src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/Global.scala | 27 +
.../scala/tools/nsc/ast/parser/Parsers.scala | 108 ++--
.../scala/tools/nsc/ast/parser/TreeBuilder.scala | 2 +-
.../scala/tools/nsc/backend/icode/Primitives.scala | 2 +-
.../nsc/backend/opt/ConstantOptimization.scala | 4 +-
.../scala/tools/nsc/javac/JavaParsers.scala | 61 ++-
.../scala/tools/nsc/javac/JavaScanners.scala | 2 +
.../scala/tools/nsc/settings/MutableSettings.scala | 18 +-
.../scala/tools/nsc/settings/ScalaSettings.scala | 1 +
.../scala/tools/nsc/settings/ScalaVersion.scala | 2 +-
.../scala/tools/nsc/symtab/BrowsingLoaders.scala | 8 +-
.../nsc/symtab/classfile/ClassfileParser.scala | 20 +-
.../tools/nsc/symtab/classfile/ICodeReader.scala | 8 +-
.../scala/tools/nsc/transform/Erasure.scala | 51 +-
.../scala/tools/nsc/transform/UnCurry.scala | 111 ++--
.../scala/tools/nsc/transform/patmat/Logic.scala | 2 +-
.../tools/nsc/transform/patmat/MatchAnalysis.scala | 16 +-
.../nsc/transform/patmat/MatchOptimization.scala | 4 +-
.../nsc/transform/patmat/MatchTranslation.scala | 30 +-
.../nsc/transform/patmat/MatchTreeMaking.scala | 18 +-
.../tools/nsc/typechecker/ContextErrors.scala | 6 +-
.../scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Implicits.scala | 41 +-
.../scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Infer.scala | 1 -
.../scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Namers.scala | 126 ++++-
.../scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/RefChecks.scala | 2 +-
.../tools/nsc/typechecker/SyntheticMethods.scala | 5 +-
.../scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala | 69 ++-
src/eclipse/README.md | 25 +-
src/eclipse/interactive/.classpath | 2 +-
src/eclipse/partest/.classpath | 8 +-
src/eclipse/reflect/.classpath | 1 +
src/eclipse/repl/.classpath | 5 +-
src/eclipse/scala-compiler/.classpath | 3 +-
src/eclipse/scaladoc/.classpath | 8 +-
src/eclipse/test-junit/.classpath | 4 +-
src/eclipse/update-workspace.sh | 72 +++
src/intellij/README.md | 89 +++-
src/intellij/actors.iml.SAMPLE | 4 +-
src/intellij/asm.iml.SAMPLE | 11 -
src/intellij/compiler.iml.SAMPLE | 8 +-
src/intellij/diff.sh | 8 -
src/intellij/forkjoin.iml.SAMPLE | 4 +-
src/intellij/interactive.iml.SAMPLE | 8 +-
.../{test-junit.iml.SAMPLE => junit.iml.SAMPLE} | 15 +-
src/intellij/library.iml.SAMPLE | 5 +-
src/intellij/manual.iml.SAMPLE | 3 +-
src/intellij/partest-extras.iml.SAMPLE | 9 +-
src/intellij/partest-javaagent.iml.SAMPLE | 6 +-
src/intellij/reflect.iml.SAMPLE | 4 +-
.../{repl.iml.SAMPLE => repl-jline.iml.SAMPLE} | 14 +-
src/intellij/repl.iml.SAMPLE | 9 +-
src/intellij/scala-build.iml.SAMPLE | 109 +---
src/intellij/scala.iml.SAMPLE | 3 +-
src/intellij/scala.ipr.SAMPLE | 228 +++++++-
src/intellij/scaladoc.iml.SAMPLE | 11 +-
src/intellij/scalap.iml.SAMPLE | 5 +-
src/intellij/setup.sh | 17 -
src/intellij/test.iml.SAMPLE | 13 +-
src/intellij/update.sh | 22 -
.../scala/tools/nsc/interactive/Global.scala | 3 +-
src/library/scala/collection/Iterator.scala | 26 +-
.../immutable/FilteredTraversableInternal.scala | 104 ++++
.../scala/collection/immutable/HashMap.scala | 2 +-
src/library/scala/collection/immutable/List.scala | 53 +-
.../scala/collection/immutable/NumericRange.scala | 9 +-
src/library/scala/collection/immutable/Queue.scala | 2 +-
.../scala/collection/immutable/RedBlackTree.scala | 5 +-
.../scala/collection/immutable/StringLike.scala | 1 +
.../scala/collection/mutable/ArrayBuilder.scala | 50 +-
.../scala/collection/mutable/ArrayOps.scala | 74 ++-
.../scala/collection/mutable/FlatHashTable.scala | 18 +-
src/library/scala/collection/mutable/HashMap.scala | 31 ++
.../scala/collection/mutable/HashTable.scala | 89 +---
.../scala/collection/mutable/LinkedHashMap.scala | 2 +
.../scala/collection/mutable/LinkedHashSet.scala | 2 +
.../scala/collection/mutable/OpenHashMap.scala | 18 +-
.../scala/collection/mutable/WrappedArray.scala | 71 ++-
.../collection/mutable/WrappedArrayBuilder.scala | 5 +-
src/library/scala/concurrent/impl/Promise.scala | 4 +
src/library/scala/runtime/ScalaRunTime.scala | 4 +-
src/library/scala/sys/process/ProcessBuilder.scala | 8 +-
src/library/scala/sys/process/package.scala | 10 +-
src/library/scala/util/Properties.scala | 2 +-
.../scala/tools/partest/StubErrorMessageTest.scala | 47 ++
.../scala/reflect/internal/Definitions.scala | 16 +-
src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Flags.scala | 2 +-
src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Printers.scala | 2 +-
.../scala/reflect/internal/StdAttachments.scala | 9 +
src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/StdNames.scala | 3 +
src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Symbols.scala | 36 +-
.../scala/reflect/internal/TypeDebugging.scala | 2 +-
src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Types.scala | 47 +-
.../reflect/internal/pickling/UnPickler.scala | 22 +-
.../internal/settings/MutableSettings.scala | 1 +
.../scala/reflect/internal/tpe/FindMembers.scala | 14 +
.../scala/reflect/internal/transform/UnCurry.scala | 69 ++-
.../scala/reflect/runtime/JavaUniverseForce.scala | 5 +-
src/reflect/scala/reflect/runtime/Settings.scala | 1 +
.../tools/nsc/interpreter/jline/JLineReader.scala | 33 +-
src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/ILoop.scala | 196 ++++---
src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/IMain.scala | 27 +-
src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/Imports.scala | 35 +-
.../tools/nsc/interpreter/InteractiveReader.scala | 95 ++++
.../scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/ReplStrings.scala | 16 +-
src/repl/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/package.scala | 9 +-
.../scala/tools/nsc/doc/html/page/Template.scala | 2 +-
.../scala/tools/nsc/doc/model/MemberLookup.scala | 18 +-
src/scalap/decoder.properties | 2 +-
test/benchmarks/.gitignore | 14 +
test/benchmarks/README.md | 105 ++++
test/benchmarks/build.sbt | 11 +
test/benchmarks/project/plugins.sbt | 2 +
.../src/main/scala/benchmark/JmhRunner.scala | 16 +
.../src/main/scala/benchmark/KeySeq.scala | 24 +
.../src/main/scala/benchmark/KeySeqBuilder.scala | 33 ++
.../scala/collection/immutable/ListBenchmark.scala | 72 +++
.../collection/mutable/OpenHashMapBenchmark.scala | 308 +++++++++++
.../collection/mutable/OpenHashMapRunner.scala | 113 ++++
.../run/t7843-jsr223-service.check | 0
test/disabled/run/t7843-jsr223-service.scala | 6 +
test/{files => disabled}/run/t7933.check | 0
test/{files => disabled}/run/t7933.scala | 6 +-
test/files/jvm/future-spec/FutureTests.scala | 20 +-
test/files/jvm/interpreter.check | 2 +-
test/files/jvm/t8786-sig.scala | 126 +++++
test/files/jvm/t8786/A_1.scala | 3 +
test/files/jvm/t8786/B_2.java | 22 +
test/files/jvm/t8786/Test_2.scala | 3 +
test/files/jvm/varargs-separate-bytecode.check | 1 +
.../AbstractProps_1.scala | 8 +
.../jvm/varargs-separate-bytecode/Props_2.scala | 3 +
.../files/jvm/varargs-separate-bytecode/Test.scala | 15 +
test/files/jvm/varargs/JavaClass.java | 26 +-
test/files/jvm/varargs/VaClass.scala | 9 +-
test/files/jvm/varargs/varargs.scala | 16 -
test/files/neg/t0903.check | 1 +
test/files/neg/t1215.check | 1 +
test/files/neg/t2712-1.check | 13 +
test/files/neg/t2712-1.scala | 8 +
test/files/neg/t2712-2.check | 13 +
test/files/neg/t2712-2.flags | 1 +
test/files/neg/t2712-2.scala | 18 +
test/files/neg/t2712-3.check | 6 +
test/files/neg/t2712-3.scala | 18 +
test/files/neg/t2712.flags | 1 +
test/files/neg/t3236-neg.check | 34 ++
test/files/neg/t3236-neg/AnnotationTest.scala | 17 +
test/files/neg/t3236-neg/BooleanAnnotation.java | 7 +
test/files/neg/t3236-neg/Constants.java | 25 +
test/files/neg/t3236-neg/IntAnnotation.java | 7 +
test/files/neg/t3236-neg/ShortAnnotation.java | 7 +
test/files/neg/t3236-neg/StringAnnotation.java | 7 +
test/files/neg/t5148.check | 18 +-
test/files/neg/t6889.check | 7 +-
test/files/neg/t6889.scala | 1 +
test/files/neg/t7046-2.check | 3 +
test/files/neg/t7046-2/Macros_1.scala | 15 +
test/files/neg/t7046-2/Test_2.scala | 14 +
test/files/neg/t7046.check | 3 +
test/files/neg/t7046/Macros_1.scala | 15 +
test/files/neg/t7046/Test_2.scala | 35 ++
test/files/neg/t8763.check | 6 +
test/files/neg/t8763.scala | 11 +
test/files/neg/t9834.check | 9 +
test/files/neg/t9834.scala | 6 +
test/files/neg/userdefined_apply.check | 25 +
test/files/neg/userdefined_apply.scala | 57 ++
test/files/pos/hkgadt.scala | 18 +
test/files/pos/t10206.scala | 15 +
test/files/pos/t2712-1.flags | 1 +
test/files/pos/t2712-1.scala | 9 +
test/files/pos/t2712-2.flags | 2 +
test/files/pos/t2712-2.scala | 25 +
test/files/pos/t2712-3.flags | 2 +
test/files/pos/t2712-3.scala | 24 +
test/files/pos/t2712-4.flags | 2 +
test/files/pos/t2712-4.scala | 17 +
test/files/pos/t2712-5.flags | 1 +
test/files/pos/t2712-5.scala | 29 +
test/files/pos/t2712-6.flags | 1 +
test/files/pos/t2712-6.scala | 12 +
test/files/pos/t2712-7.flags | 1 +
test/files/pos/t2712-7.scala | 15 +
test/files/pos/t5683.flags | 1 +
test/files/pos/t5683.scala | 23 +
test/files/pos/t6895b.flags | 2 +
test/files/pos/t6895b.scala | 39 ++
test/files/pos/t7046-2/Macros_1.scala | 14 +
test/files/pos/t7046-2/Test_2.scala | 9 +
test/files/{ => pos}/t8449/Client.scala | 0
test/files/{ => pos}/t8449/Test.java | 0
test/files/pos/t9245.scala | 27 +
test/files/pos/t9331.scala | 6 +
test/files/pos/t9399.flags | 1 +
test/files/pos/t9399.scala | 17 +
test/files/pos/t9411a.flags | 1 +
test/files/pos/t9411a.scala | 27 +
test/files/pos/t9411b.flags | 1 +
test/files/pos/t9411b.scala | 36 ++
test/files/pos/t9630.flags | 1 +
test/files/pos/t9630/t9630a.scala | 9 +
test/files/pos/t9630/t9630b.scala | 8 +
test/files/pos/userdefined_apply.scala | 54 ++
test/files/presentation/t8085.check | 1 -
test/files/presentation/t8085b.check | 1 -
test/files/run/StubErrorBInheritsFromA.check | 6 +
test/files/run/StubErrorBInheritsFromA.scala | 22 +
test/files/run/StubErrorComplexInnerClass.check | 6 +
test/files/run/StubErrorComplexInnerClass.scala | 42 ++
test/files/run/StubErrorHK.check | 6 +
test/files/run/StubErrorHK.scala | 22 +
test/files/run/StubErrorReturnTypeFunction.check | 6 +
test/files/run/StubErrorReturnTypeFunction.scala | 37 ++
test/files/run/StubErrorReturnTypeFunction2.check | 6 +
test/files/run/StubErrorReturnTypeFunction2.scala | 37 ++
.../run/StubErrorReturnTypePolyFunction.check | 15 +
.../run/StubErrorReturnTypePolyFunction.scala | 37 ++
test/files/run/StubErrorSubclasses.check | 6 +
test/files/run/StubErrorSubclasses.scala | 21 +
test/files/run/StubErrorTypeDef.check | 16 +
test/files/run/StubErrorTypeDef.scala | 26 +
test/files/run/StubErrorTypeclass.check | 6 +
test/files/run/StubErrorTypeclass.scala | 21 +
test/files/run/existentials-in-compiler.check | 68 +--
test/files/run/existentials-in-compiler.scala | 2 +-
.../files/run/inferred-type-constructors-hou.check | 56 ++
.../files/run/inferred-type-constructors-hou.flags | 1 +
.../files/run/inferred-type-constructors-hou.scala | 125 +++++
test/files/run/reflection-mem-typecheck.scala | 26 -
test/files/run/repl-classbased.check | 23 +
test/files/run/repl-classbased.scala | 22 +
test/files/run/repl-colon-type.check | 8 +-
test/files/run/repl-javap-app.check | 60 ---
test/files/run/repl-javap-app.scala | 15 +-
test/files/run/repl-no-uescape.check | 5 +
test/files/run/repl-no-uescape.scala | 31 ++
test/files/run/repl-paste-6.check | 17 +
test/files/run/repl-paste-6.scala | 23 +
test/files/run/repl-paste-parse.check | 6 +
test/files/run/repl-paste-parse.scala | 27 +
test/files/run/repl-paste-parse.script | 1 +
test/files/run/t10037.check | 2 +
test/files/run/t10037.flags | 1 +
test/files/run/t10037/shifter_2.scala | 8 +
test/files/run/t10037/shifty_1.scala | 7 +
test/files/run/t1459.check | 3 +
test/files/run/t1459/InheritingPrinter.scala | 6 +
test/files/run/t1459/JavaPrinter.java | 7 +
test/files/run/t1459/ScalaPrinter.scala | 6 +
test/files/run/t1459/Test.java | 15 +
test/files/run/t1459/VarArg.java | 3 +
test/files/run/t1459generic.check | 2 +
test/files/run/t1459generic/Impl.scala | 4 +
test/files/run/t1459generic/Test.java | 10 +
test/files/run/t1459generic/VarargGeneric.java | 4 +
test/files/run/t3236/AnnotationTest.scala | 33 ++
test/files/run/t3236/BooleanAnnotation.java | 7 +
test/files/run/t3236/ByteAnnotation.java | 7 +
test/files/run/t3236/CharAnnotation.java | 7 +
test/files/run/t3236/Constants.java | 34 ++
test/files/run/t3236/DoubleAnnotation.java | 7 +
test/files/run/t3236/FloatAnnotation.java | 7 +
test/files/run/t3236/IntAnnotation.java | 7 +
test/files/run/t3236/LongAnnotation.java | 7 +
test/files/run/t3236/ShortAnnotation.java | 7 +
test/files/run/t3236/StringAnnotation.java | 7 +
test/files/run/t3236/Test.scala | 44 ++
test/files/run/t4625.check | 1 +
test/files/run/t4625.scala | 7 +
test/files/run/t4625.script | 5 +
test/files/run/t4625b.check | 1 +
test/files/run/t4625b.scala | 7 +
test/files/run/t4625b.script | 8 +
test/files/run/t4625c.check | 3 +
test/files/run/t4625c.scala | 7 +
test/files/run/t4625c.script | 7 +
test/files/run/t5125b.check | 3 +
test/files/run/t5125b.scala | 12 +
test/files/run/t6440b.check | 11 +-
test/files/run/t6440b.scala | 6 +-
test/files/run/t7046-1/Macros_1.scala | 15 +
test/files/run/t7046-1/Test_2.scala | 23 +
test/files/run/t7046-2/Macros_1.scala | 15 +
test/files/run/t7046-2/Test_2.scala | 14 +
test/files/run/t7319.check | 6 +-
test/files/run/t7439.check | 2 +-
test/files/run/t7805-repl-i.check | 3 -
test/files/run/t7843-jsr223-service.scala | 8 -
test/files/run/t8442.check | 2 +-
test/files/run/t9013/Test.java | 20 +
test/files/run/t9013/test.scala | 18 +
test/files/run/t9114.scala | 31 ++
test/files/run/t9170.scala | 2 +-
test/files/run/t9268.check | 3 +-
test/files/run/t9806.scala | 18 +
test/files/run/t9841.scala | 24 +
...tags_without_scala_reflect_typetag_lookup.scala | 2 +-
...ut_scala_reflect_typetag_manifest_interop.scala | 2 +-
test/junit/scala/collection/IndexedSeqTest.scala | 578 ++++++++++++++++++++
test/junit/scala/collection/IteratorTest.scala | 24 +
.../scala/collection/immutable/HashMapTest.scala | 48 ++
.../immutable/RangeConsistencyTest.scala | 39 ++
.../collection/mutable/ArrayBuilderTest.scala | 28 +
.../mutable/WrappedArrayBuilderTest.scala | 30 ++
.../scala/reflect/internal/PrintersTest.scala | 8 +
test/junit/scala/runtime/ScalaRunTimeTest.scala | 57 ++
.../tools/nsc/interpreter/CompletionTest.scala | 8 +
.../scala/tools/nsc/settings/SettingsTest.scala | 67 +++
test/junit/scala/tools/testing/AssertUtil.scala | 9 +-
test/osgi/src/logback.xml | 10 +
test/scaladoc/.gitignore | 2 +
test/scaladoc/run/SI-191.scala | 12 +-
test/scaladoc/run/t8557.scala | 20 +-
versions.properties | 12 +-
349 files changed, 7520 insertions(+), 1468 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-java/scala.git
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