[Git][java-team/sikuli][upstream] 192 commits: started version 1.1.2 in branch develop

Gilles Filippini gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Tue May 1 14:10:45 BST 2018

Gilles Filippini pushed to branch upstream at Debian Java Maintainers / sikuli

bc12c223 by RaiMan at 2017-04-05T16:34:54+02:00
started version 1.1.2 in branch develop

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ab562a3d by RaiMan at 2017-04-05T16:39:28+02:00
started version 1.1.2 in branch develop

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f18eef8c by RaiMan at 2017-04-05T16:43:35+02:00
started version 1.1.2 in branch develop

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2104e4d2 by RaiMan at 2017-04-23T09:43:27+02:00
TODO: ADBDevice: before capture: check orientation might have changed

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ee54a1c1 by RaiMan at 2017-04-26T11:42:32+02:00
fixed: ADBScreen: capture did not work in landscape mode

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52a1e29c by RaiMan at 2017-04-26T11:46:41+02:00
TODO: ADBDevice: before capture: check orientation might have changed

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d3d5bc07 by RaiMan at 2017-04-26T11:53:25+02:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into develop

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ed846e0d by RaiMan at 2017-04-26T11:58:34+02:00
Merge branch 'develop' of https://github.com/RaiMan/SikuliX-2014 into develop

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6057d5b2 by RaiMan at 2017-04-26T12:18:48+02:00
nightly info

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9f9aa7df by RaiMan at 2017-04-27T10:34:04+02:00
revised: poms to deploy nightly builds from travis

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922bfef1 by RaiMan at 2017-04-27T10:46:26+02:00
trying first build on travis

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29ee1f8c by RaiMan at 2017-04-27T10:52:35+02:00
trying first build on travis

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2fa226ed by RaiMan at 2017-04-27T11:24:05+02:00
travis: first try with deploy pom (build-extras, sign)

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7b592933 by RaiMan at 2017-04-27T11:37:06+02:00
travis: Libslux: trying with deploy pom (build-extras, sign)

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51e9e2a3 by RaiMan at 2017-04-27T11:44:02+02:00
travis: Libslux: trying with deploy pom (build-extras, sign)

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03976016 by RaiMan at 2017-04-27T11:56:41+02:00
travis: API + Libsxxx: trying with deploy pom (build-extras, sign)

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1772c8aa by RaiMan at 2017-04-27T12:58:57+02:00
travis: trying javadocs and nightly web page

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c9a0ecc8 by RaiMan at 2017-04-27T13:26:33+02:00
travis: trying deploy all, javadocs and nightly web page

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4dd7fa48 by RaiMan at 2017-04-27T13:46:42+02:00
travis: trying deploy all, javadocs and nightly web page

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9af6b392 by RaiMan at 2017-04-27T14:06:24+02:00
travis: trying deploy all, javadocs and nightly web page

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5672b115 by RaiMan at 2017-04-27T14:30:42+02:00
travis: trying deploy all, javadocs and nightly web page (hacked disturbing RunTime.runcmd() message)

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b8ef3f4e by RaiMan at 2017-04-27T15:28:10+02:00
travis: maven properties now available for deploy

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1feb16ea by RaiMan at 2017-04-28T13:24:21+02:00
TODO: ADBDevice: before capture: check orientation might have changed

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2d1e1576 by RaiMan at 2017-04-28T13:30:06+02:00
trying to activate GitHub Pages in repo

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e047f796 by RaiMan at 2017-04-28T14:04:44+02:00
trying to activate GitHub Pages in repo (deploy switched off for now)

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673a1115 by RaiMan at 2017-04-28T14:14:45+02:00
trying to activate GitHub Pages in repo (deploy switched off for now)

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e7f4c54f by RaiMan at 2017-04-28T14:36:17+02:00
trying to activate GitHub Pages in repo (deploy switched off for now)

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96a7cfaf by RaiMan at 2017-04-28T15:04:49+02:00
trying to activate GitHub Pages in repo (deploy switched off for now)

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0722ff64 by RaiMan at 2017-04-28T15:22:24+02:00
trying to activate GitHub Pages in repo (deploy switched off for now)

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b6b09e13 by RaiMan at 2017-04-28T15:56:14+02:00
trying to activate GitHub Pages in repo (deploy switched off for now)

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03fba031 by RaiMan at 2017-04-28T16:09:44+02:00

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59c5eab5 by RaiMan at 2017-04-29T07:34:39+02:00
trigger a new build

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d3430fe6 by RaiMan at 2017-04-29T07:53:04+02:00
revised: fixed sources for gh-pages

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eda8de47 by RaiMan at 2017-04-29T07:54:55+02:00
revised: fixed sources for gh-pages

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2e525bb9 by RaiMan at 2017-04-29T08:15:28+02:00
revised: fixed sources for gh-pages

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f982f1f5 by Raimund Hocke at 2017-04-29T08:49:15+02:00
Update README.md
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15b7704a by Raimund Hocke at 2017-04-29T08:50:54+02:00
Update README.md
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824853d9 by Raimund Hocke at 2017-04-29T08:52:08+02:00
Update README.md
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4238e7d2 by Raimund Hocke at 2017-04-29T08:53:42+02:00
Update README.md
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b5319cd1 by Raimund Hocke at 2017-04-29T08:54:23+02:00
Update README.md
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142bc164 by Raimund Hocke at 2017-04-29T08:55:20+02:00
Update README.md
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b79b6e87 by Raimund Hocke at 2017-04-29T08:56:43+02:00
Update README.md
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8805b7bb by Raimund Hocke at 2017-04-29T09:02:05+02:00
Update README.md
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f9841c42 by RaiMan at 2017-04-30T11:35:12+02:00
fixed: LinuxUtil: checking availability of xdotool should use -v instead of version (Bug #1687263)

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ef57eabd by RaiMan at 2017-05-02T11:00:46+02:00
revised: changed the way, the tigervnc-viewer jar is referenced (sikulix2tigervc-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT)

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69d85189 by RaiMan at 2017-05-02T11:03:30+02:00
nightly info

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4b7ff73d by RaiMan at 2017-05-08T06:46:59+02:00
fixed: Region.findBest() throws IndexOutOfBounds if nothing found, should return null

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aee3f566 by RaiMan at 2017-05-08T08:21:10+02:00
fixed: VNCRobot: key modifiers not handled correctly for type(..., modifiers)

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dd9bc057 by RaiMan at 2017-05-08T08:58:24+02:00
implemented: VNCClient::serverCutText(): to get clipboard content from server after a ctrl-c (tested only on Mac-Mac)

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c6fc464b by RaiMan at 2017-05-09T13:53:58+02:00
fixed: new Finder().destroy() throws NPE

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3ece303f by RaiMan at 2017-05-09T13:54:24+02:00
fixed: new Finder().destroy() throws NPE

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7df92cda by RaiMan at 2017-05-15T15:26:59+02:00
fixed: javadocs link in nightly build page

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e25ce3f0 by RaiMan at 2017-05-15T16:41:07+02:00
revised: vnc jar

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d60fa7b4 by RaiMan at 2017-05-17T12:42:29+02:00
revised: VNC: tigervnc source handling

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4e61edc4 by RaiMan at 2017-05-17T12:53:03+02:00
revised: VNC: tigervnc source handling

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77d53d4d by RaiMan at 2017-05-24T08:55:42+02:00
fixed: Bug #1693110 VNC: type(Key.UP) did not work

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bbc2a6db by RaiMan at 2017-05-24T10:00:18+02:00
nightly info

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cdabd318 by RaiMan at 2017-05-24T10:00:36+02:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into develop

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1a3a5aa3 by RaiMan at 2017-05-28T14:21:30+02:00
fixed: Bug #1693687 Region.getCol(n, cols): negative n did not work

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e412e1b1 by RaiMan at 2017-05-28T14:24:39+02:00
fixed: Bug #1694102 macOS: popFile() hangs (should run on EventQueue)

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facdde50 by RaiMan at 2017-05-28T14:25:45+02:00
nightly info

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1d48dcab by RaiMan at 2017-05-28T14:43:42+02:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into develop

# Conflicts:
#	Setup/src/main/resources/content/nightlybuildindextail.html

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7aea3752 by RaiMan at 2017-05-28T14:44:43+02:00
nightly info

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515ecccc by RaiMan at 2017-06-04T13:46:59+02:00
revised: App.getClipboard(): system clipboard as singleton

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71e4a05c by RaiMan at 2017-06-04T14:02:01+02:00
added: download link in SikuliX1 Essentials (github.io)

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76ef75a0 by RaiMan at 2017-07-14T09:17:28+02:00
fixed: paste() did not return 1 on success but 0

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b7b6bdcf by RaiMan at 2017-07-14T09:20:05+02:00
nightly info

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224b9dc2 by RaiMan at 2017-07-14T09:25:09+02:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into develop

# Conflicts:
#	API/src/main/java/org/sikuli/script/Region.java
#	Setup/src/main/resources/content/nightlybuildindextail.html

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e096be32 by RaiMan at 2017-07-14T09:34:04+02:00
fixed: paste() did not return 1 on success but 0

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98dc6105 by RaiMan at 2017-07-26T09:56:37+02:00
fixed: should not act (click, move, ...) if FindFailed should be ignored (setFindFailedResponse)

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ff2f38f5 by RaiMan at 2017-07-26T09:56:59+02:00
Merge branch 'develop' of https://github.com/RaiMan/SikuliX-2014 into develop

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4d9de135 by RaiMan at 2017-07-26T09:59:49+02:00
fixed: should not act (click, move, ...) if FindFailed should be ignored (setFindFailedResponse)

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3161a698 by RaiMan at 2017-07-26T10:03:11+02:00
fixed: should not act (click, move, ...) if FindFailed should be ignored (setFindFailedResponse)

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3cd3ccdb by Francesco Giurlanda at 2017-08-23T10:46:56+02:00
The wrapper runsikulix get the arguments with $* , it causes errors with quoted arguments.
Fixed it by using "$@"

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c12eb946 by Tobias Schneck at 2017-08-24T17:23:44+02:00
* make error output of availability check in Linux Util more readable: https://github.com/ConSol/sakuli/issues/266, https://github.com/ConSol/sakuli/issues/247
* manual merge https://github.com/RaiMan/SikuliX-2014/issues/253 , commit f9841c423bdff6d57025472e743b0f2db4c6b281 @RaiMan RaiMan committed on Apr 30

(cherry picked from commit bab5166)

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9033b7ac by Steve Potter at 2017-09-12T18:29:19-07:00
Search entire window title in Linux findWindow()

The LinuxUtil.java 'findWindow()' uses "wmctrl -lpGx" to get info
about the window.  It splits the result on any whitespace, and then
trys to match the given appName against fields 7 or 9.  However, if
the title has spaces then only the first word is in field 9.  Changing
the split to have a limit results in having the entire title
available.  Also, it makes more sense to do the 'contains' search on
field 9 (the title) rather than field 7 (the "class").

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4ac6a027 by Raimund Hocke at 2017-09-14T09:22:51+02:00
Merge pull request #282 from rettops/develop

Search entire window title in Linux findWindow()
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3046e144 by Raimund Hocke at 2017-09-14T09:23:25+02:00
Merge pull request #279 from toschneck/merging_improve_linux_util_output

increase details of error output at availability check in Linux Util
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0bea1349 by Raimund Hocke at 2017-09-14T09:25:11+02:00
Merge pull request #278 from giurlanda/develop

The wrapper runsikulix get the arguments with $* , it causes errors w…
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8a8e92a1 by Raimund Hocke at 2017-09-14T09:37:41+02:00
Java 7 no longer on Travis CI - using Java 8
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e8e61247 by Raimund Hocke at 2017-09-14T09:45:47+02:00
1.1.2 from now on needs Java 8
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eeee531e by RaiMan at 2017-09-15T09:51:00+02:00
fixed: Python subprocess did not work - put import subprocess into sikuli.py

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813f375f by RaiMan at 2017-09-15T09:57:25+02:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into develop

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8e8c2b07 by RaiMan at 2017-09-15T10:19:45+02:00
nightly info

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ace25498 by RaiMan at 2017-10-17T12:32:15+02:00
experimental: added IDE command line parameter -m which allows to run multiple instances of the IDE (you should know what you are doing)

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04c4b253 by RaiMan at 2017-10-17T12:33:47+02:00
nightly info

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aadc6476 by RaiMan at 2017-10-23T18:40:36+02:00
added: -Dsikuli.javaok to let SikuliX run, even if Java version cannot be detected

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d99c8225 by RaiMan at 2017-10-23T18:42:20+02:00
added: -Dsikuli.javaok to let SikuliX run, even if Java version cannot be detected

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458d8c37 by RaiMan at 2017-10-26T11:18:23+02:00
fixed: observeInBackground(): allow tracking with reg.isObserving()

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88f00fc0 by RaiMan at 2017-11-03T20:29:21+01:00
major revision 2017-11-01

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283dbbb7 by RaiMan at 2017-11-04T08:37:25+01:00
major revision 2017-11-01

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f1a843dc by RaiMan at 2017-11-04T08:47:57+01:00
major revision 2017-11-01

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29cb43df by RaiMan at 2017-11-04T09:01:42+01:00
major revision 2017-11-01

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7b09929e by RaiMan at 2017-11-04T12:43:35+01:00
major revision 2017-11-01

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eb008d5f by RaiMan at 2017-11-04T13:04:21+01:00
major revision 2017-11-01

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8a9f7f46 by RaiMan at 2017-11-04T13:04:37+01:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into develop

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e50acb17 by RaiMan at 2017-11-04T13:09:24+01:00
major revision 2017-11-01

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89b785ca by RaiMan at 2017-11-04T13:42:16+01:00
major revision 2017-11-01

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0f69b4c3 by RaiMan at 2017-11-04T20:12:10+01:00
major revision 2017-11-01

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73861854 by RaiMan at 2017-11-05T18:31:33+01:00
some experimental changes to allow running SikuliX 1.1.2+ on Java 9. I will add a Java 9 section to the READ.me on github.

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e3472eb5 by Raimund Hocke at 2017-11-05T18:46:04+01:00
comment on Java 9
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84bb4e0f by Raimund Hocke at 2017-11-05T20:09:30+01:00
comment on Java 9
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cad11a73 by RaiMan at 2017-11-05T20:10:51+01:00
revised: TestRunMaven should run with debug level 3

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a4b03cc7 by RaiMan at 2017-11-05T20:11:06+01:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into develop

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00fb7e87 by RaiMan at 2017-11-07T14:39:13+01:00
minor [ci skip]

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23eeb7b4 by RaiMan at 2017-11-07T18:56:29+01:00
experimental run on Java 9

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48e43de8 by RaiMan at 2017-11-08T15:01:16+01:00
Java 9 experimental: minor

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438204e6 by RaiMan at 2017-11-08T15:42:55+01:00
revised: test with Maven (folder MavenRun) now works with Java 9 [ci skip]

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27ee8617 by RaiMan at 2017-11-08T15:43:29+01:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into develop

- - - - -
b7abfb2f by RaiMan at 2017-11-08T19:12:14+01:00
Java 9 experimental: added ProcessRunner to run tests in setup [ci skip]

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1e973102 by RaiMan at 2017-11-09T11:09:23+01:00
Java 9 experimental: setup: now running tests with processrunner

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af755bce by RaiMan at 2017-11-09T11:12:47+01:00
Java 9 experimental: TravisCI: trying Java 9

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2447909f by RaiMan at 2017-11-09T11:18:33+01:00
Java 9 experimental: TravisCI: back to Java 8

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dbebed7d by RaiMan at 2017-11-09T12:47:22+01:00
Java 9 experimental: setup revised

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94d1f373 by Raimund Hocke at 2017-11-09T14:10:52+01:00
Java 9 experimental: deactivated Hotkeys on Windows - Jintellitype crashes JVM

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fc4fc64e by Raimund Hocke at 2017-11-09T19:17:53+01:00
Java 9 experimental: made the setup tests running on Windows

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66bab500 by Raimund Hocke at 2017-11-10T09:35:18+01:00
java 9 status Travis 80 [ci skip]
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052c54d5 by RaiMan at 2017-11-10T14:05:33+01:00
experimental Java 9: setup: JRuby test are skipped - not working (latest JRuby 9.1.14 does not work either)

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352a50bc by Raimund Hocke at 2017-11-10T14:15:04+01:00
Java 9: JRuby [ci skip]
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e7b96faf by RaiMan at 2017-11-28T11:38:49+01:00
experimental: create a self-running jar from one Jython sikuli script (including images, script source obfuscated)

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a2935017 by RaiMan at 2017-11-28T11:41:40+01:00
experimental: create a self-running jar from one Jython sikuli script (including images, script source obfuscated)

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ec13eba1 by RaiMan at 2017-11-28T18:07:16+01:00
experimental: jython scripts as jars including the script compiled (obfuscated) and the captured images [ci skip]

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df9a3591 by RaiMan at 2017-11-29T12:09:01+01:00
experimental: jython scripts as jars including the script compiled (obfuscated) and the captured images [ci skip]

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95b05fd3 by RaiMan at 2017-11-29T17:40:44+01:00
experimental: jython scripts as jars including the script compiled (obfuscated) and the captured images

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9fd7dfcc by RaiMan at 2017-11-29T19:26:03+01:00
experimental: jython scripts as jars including the script compiled (obfuscated) and the captured images [ci skip]

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e4fb0c40 by RaiMan at 2017-11-30T16:16:50+01:00
experimental: jython scripts as jars including the script compiled (obfuscated) and the captured images [ci skip]

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42882aec by RaiMan at 2017-11-30T17:24:50+01:00
experimental: jython scripts as jars including the script compiled (obfuscated) and the captured images [ci skip]

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dc959e2d by RaiMan at 2017-12-01T18:28:00+01:00
added: jython scripts as jars including the script compiled (obfuscated) and the captured images can be run like normal scripts

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db493812 by RaiMan at 2017-12-01T18:30:04+01:00
added: jython scripts as jars including the script compiled (obfuscated) and the captured images can be run like normal scripts

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790bb5d1 by RaiMan at 2017-12-01T18:31:13+01:00
added: jython scripts as jars including the script compiled (obfuscated) and the captured images can be run like normal scripts

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793d7c01 by Tobias Schneck at 2017-12-06T16:27:14+01:00
add not implemented LinuxUtil.isRunning + refactor App.isRunning (https://github.com/ConSol/sakuli/issues/264)

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37974e31 by Tobias Schneck at 2017-12-06T18:39:42+01:00
improve logging: LinuxUtil.isRunning (https://github.com/ConSol/sakuli/issues/264)

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d901ba45 by Raimund Hocke at 2017-12-07T09:16:45+01:00
Merge pull request #293 from toschneck/orig_merging_linux_util_isRunning

add not implemented LinuxUtil.isRunning + refactor App.isRunning
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55821285 by RaiMan at 2017-12-07T15:48:40+01:00
added: Region.findBest() and .findAny(): search for more than one image in same region in parallel

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ef8f93d3 by RaiMan at 2017-12-07T15:53:02+01:00
added: Region.findBest() and .findAny(): search for more than one image in same region in parallel

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1235349b by RaiMan at 2017-12-10T13:43:15+01:00
revised: MavenRun uses 1.1.1 [ci skip]

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8a09b0bb by RaiMan at 2017-12-10T16:49:53+01:00
Crawler [ci skip]

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d88059fe by RaiMan at 2017-12-10T16:50:10+01:00
Merge branch 'develop' of https://github.com/RaiMan/SikuliX-2014 into develop

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c64e0c50 by RaiMan at 2017-12-11T16:05:03+01:00
added: capture variant capture(Region or Text, [path,] name) that stores the captured image either in current bundlepath or the given path

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1cb3a008 by RaiMan at 2017-12-11T16:07:42+01:00
added: capture variant capture(Region or Text, [path,] name) that stores the captured image either in current bundlepath or the given path

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b6ef709d by RaiMan at 2017-12-15T19:28:55+01:00
added: VNCScreen: methods to flag Region/Location as being on a VNCSCreen and create new ones.

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a634516d by RaiMan at 2017-12-18T18:20:58+01:00
added: IScreen/VNCScreen/ADBScreen: methods to flag Region/Location as being on a remote screen and create new ones.

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c53b6302 by RaiMan at 2017-12-22T15:02:34+01:00
intermediate [ci skip]

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fd8bb385 by RaiMan at 2017-12-22T17:27:38+01:00
fixed: guide: Visual: margin and offset apply only once [ci skip]

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56242615 by RaiMan at 2017-12-23T16:19:15+01:00
revised: guide feature some fixes

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4c621739 by RaiMan at 2017-12-29T09:53:22+01:00
changed: Settings.Ocr... are now initialized to true (since tessdata is always available).

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046f5109 by RaiMan at 2017-12-29T09:55:22+01:00
added: TextRecognizer.reset(String language) to switch to another language (prepared in tessdata accordingly)

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43cd47da by RaiMan at 2017-12-29T09:55:40+01:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into develop

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91fba676 by RaiMan at 2018-01-04T11:50:42+01:00
changed: made Screen.lastScreenImage public, to allow some "capture logging" (https://answers.launchpad.net/sikuli/+question/662546)

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dcdb4127 by RaiMan at 2018-01-10T09:23:32+01:00
revised: VNCScreen, ADBSCreen: changed implementation of set() to not collide with Python builtin set()

- - - - -
f8085045 by RaiMan at 2018-01-10T09:23:52+01:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into develop

- - - - -
c4d0bba8 by RaiMan at 2018-01-12T08:14:16+01:00
revised: now using Jython 2.7.1

- - - - -
2ba9637c by Christian Boos at 2018-01-12T10:37:21+01:00
Fix Markdown glitch in README.md
- - - - -
0959bbe8 by Raimund Hocke at 2018-01-13T17:05:41+01:00
Merge pull request #299 from cboos/patch-1

Fix Markdown glitch in README.md
- - - - -
1bac29ed by Raimund Hocke at 2018-02-06T13:09:31+01:00
Java 9 experimental: Windows 10 latest build, Java 9.0.4

- - - - -
5caf712e by Raimund Hocke at 2018-02-07T18:15:10+01:00
Java 9 support: Hotkey solution as used in version 2 (for Mac and Windows)

- - - - -
8371f300 by RaiMan at 2018-02-08T10:28:50+01:00
fixed: missing dependency for backported new Hotkey solution (jkeymaster)

- - - - -
970fedc7 by RaiMan at 2018-02-08T16:02:22+01:00
Java 9: added startup comment to IDE, switched of Android support (adb)

- - - - -
afb398e2 by RaiMan at 2018-02-08T17:57:35+01:00
Java 9: getting nearer to Java 9 useability

- - - - -
72a81db5 by RaiMan at 2018-02-08T18:15:45+01:00
Java 9: getting nearer to Java 9 useability

- - - - -
7c1f01dd by RaiMan at 2018-02-09T18:38:51+01:00
Java 9: getting nearer to Java 9 useability

- - - - -
4dac1ea7 by RaiMan at 2018-02-10T15:04:28+01:00
fixed: Java 9: Mac menu support switched to java.awt.Desktop

- - - - -
ec940284 by RaiMan at 2018-02-10T15:14:00+01:00
Travis:CI switched to JDK9

- - - - -
82831187 by RaiMan at 2018-02-10T15:25:47+01:00
Travis:CI switched to JDK9 - setup should be quiet

- - - - -
be67b3e9 by RaiMan at 2018-02-10T17:58:05+01:00
fixed: Java 9: Mac: IDE should still run with Java 7 and 8

- - - - -
4ccdafbd by RaiMan at 2018-02-10T19:33:49+01:00
Java 9: status

- - - - -
c9164cee by RaiMan at 2018-02-11T11:16:02+01:00
Java 9: reduced warning level, switched on Android/ADB but not finally tested

- - - - -
e8d178ba by RaiMan at 2018-02-11T11:17:10+01:00
Java 9: status

- - - - -
7d7563a9 by RaiMan at 2018-02-11T11:24:03+01:00
Java 9: README

- - - - -
2fd5f189 by RaiMan at 2018-02-13T17:25:51+01:00
fixed: JavaDocs not created

- - - - -
9b650fea by RaiMan at 2018-02-15T11:42:35+01:00
revised: switched source/target to Java 1.8

- - - - -
265a0f1f by Raimund Hocke at 2018-02-15T11:56:57+01:00
at least Java 8 [ci skip]
- - - - -
59328d89 by RaiMan at 2018-02-20T18:14:06+01:00
revised: new Hotkeyimplementation: some quirks ;-)

- - - - -
ea4c271f by RaiMan at 2018-02-20T18:14:30+01:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into develop

- - - - -
9089af96 by RaiMan at 2018-02-21T17:57:37+01:00
revised: App class: Linux: focus() when pid == 0

- - - - -
ee37e5c5 by RaiMan at 2018-02-22T18:09:53+01:00
revised: VNCScreen: userCapture() if terminated, static screens store

- - - - -
344d1756 by RaiMan at 2018-02-22T18:12:20+01:00
Java9: IDEMacSupport hidden: does not compile on Java 8

- - - - -
9c5b15ab by RaiMan at 2018-02-22T18:21:55+01:00
Java9: IDEMacSupport back

- - - - -
78383f12 by RaiMan at 2018-02-22T18:52:12+01:00
Java9: Mac: VNC not working

- - - - -
5e307931 by RaiMan at 2018-02-24T14:01:41+01:00
Java 9: Mac: VNCScreen not working

- - - - -
cef8c8f5 by RaiMan at 2018-03-03T17:45:44+01:00
fixed: images not loaded from jar with class-based imagepath

- - - - -
25d89543 by RaiMan at 2018-03-05T12:07:20+01:00
Java9: needed to compile, hint on IDEMacSupport classfile [ci skip]

- - - - -
8be5aa24 by RaiMan at 2018-03-05T12:07:38+01:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into develop

- - - - -
72f3932c by Raimund Hocke at 2018-03-05T17:06:31+01:00
Java 9 support: Windows: switched off classloader::usr_paths handling for libs access - needed?

- - - - -
54c151dd by RaiMan at 2018-03-06T15:56:03+01:00
fixed: VNCClient/Framebuffer: partial capture returned wrong image (streched/turned around/...) (now using the tigervnc package from version 2)

- - - - -
0f90d909 by RaiMan at 2018-03-07T11:36:54+01:00
added: SikulixBoot to test SikuliX startup

- - - - -
f45fca32 by RaiMan at 2018-03-07T15:18:24+01:00
revised: preparing final 1.1.2

- - - - -
757eb4ec by RaiMan at 2018-03-07T16:12:48+01:00
revised: tigervnc from version 2 should be in setup artefact too

- - - - -
f9ea884b by Raimund Hocke at 2018-03-07T17:12:43+01:00
[ci skip]
- - - - -
5c04a286 by Raimund Hocke at 2018-03-07T17:15:40+01:00
[ci skip]
- - - - -
20fa1e76 by Raimund Hocke at 2018-03-08T09:19:34+01:00
fixed: App.close(): only action message, if app already closed.

- - - - -
9b54d900 by Gilles Filippini at 2018-04-30T15:10:37+02:00
Merge tag 'v1.1.2' into upstream

Keep folders Libslux and Jygments4SikuliX from release 1.1.1:
-------- Message transféré --------
Sujet : 	Re: SikuliX v1.1.2 - Where are libVisionProxy source files?
Date : 	Mon, 30 Apr 2018 10:58:54 +0000
De : 	Raimund Hocke <sikulix at outlook.com>
Pour : 	Gilles Filippini <pini at debian.org>

Hi Gilles,

I am sorry for the inconvenience.

This is due to the fact, that I decided to freeze the lib jars at
version 1.1.1 and hence stripped the sources and prebuilt stuff from the
GitHub repo. Setup now always uses the 1.1.1 version libs from MavenCentral.

I guess, the easiest way would be, to access the libVisionProxy sources so:
- download the 1.1.1 state
from https://github.com/RaiMan/SikuliX-2014/archive/v1.1.1.zip
- unzip
- … and find the sources in the folder you know

All the best

- - - - -

30 changed files:

- + .travis.yml
- Setup/src/main/resources/content/deployapi.xml → API/deploy.xml
- API/pom.xml
- API/src/main/java/org/sikuli/android/ADBClient.java
- API/src/main/java/org/sikuli/android/ADBDevice.java
- API/src/main/java/org/sikuli/android/ADBRobot.java
- API/src/main/java/org/sikuli/android/ADBScreen.java
- API/src/main/java/org/sikuli/android/ADBTest.java
- API/src/main/java/org/sikuli/basics/Animator.java
- API/src/main/java/org/sikuli/basics/AnimatorLinear.java
- API/src/main/java/org/sikuli/basics/AnimatorLinearInterpolation.java
- API/src/main/java/org/sikuli/basics/AnimatorOutQuarticEase.java
- API/src/main/java/org/sikuli/basics/AnimatorPulse.java
- API/src/main/java/org/sikuli/basics/AnimatorQuarticEase.java
- API/src/main/java/org/sikuli/basics/AnimatorStopExtention.java
- API/src/main/java/org/sikuli/basics/AnimatorTimeBased.java
- API/src/main/java/org/sikuli/basics/AnimatorTimeValueFunction.java
- API/src/main/java/org/sikuli/basics/Debug.java
- API/src/main/java/org/sikuli/basics/ExtensionManager.java
- API/src/main/java/org/sikuli/basics/FileManager.java
- + API/src/main/java/org/sikuli/basics/GenericHotkeyManager.java
- API/src/main/java/org/sikuli/basics/HotkeyEvent.java
- API/src/main/java/org/sikuli/basics/HotkeyListener.java
- API/src/main/java/org/sikuli/basics/HotkeyManager.java
- API/src/main/java/org/sikuli/basics/LinuxHotkeyManager.java
- API/src/main/java/org/sikuli/basics/MacHotkeyManager.java
- API/src/main/java/org/sikuli/basics/OS.java
- API/src/main/java/org/sikuli/basics/PreferencesUser.java
- API/src/main/java/org/sikuli/basics/Settings.java
- API/src/main/java/org/sikuli/basics/SikulixForJython.java

The diff was not included because it is too large.

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/java-team/sikuli/compare/6624a544973a97570f1afb82af402834cb4e3735...9b54d900cb80bf48f3d5f4c68ec5a593f5ae1268

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/java-team/sikuli/compare/6624a544973a97570f1afb82af402834cb4e3735...9b54d900cb80bf48f3d5f4c68ec5a593f5ae1268
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