[Git][java-team/java-policy][master] 9 commits: initial set of changes

Osamu Aoki gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Thu Sep 6 14:45:11 BST 2018

Osamu Aoki pushed to branch master at Debian Java Maintainers / java-policy

0938f358 by shirish agarwal at 2018-09-02T13:52:40Z
initial set of changes

- - - - -
da846ebc by shirish agarwal at 2018-09-02T14:11:53Z
some more changes

- - - - -
fe0f4608 by shirish agarwal at 2018-09-02T16:40:10Z
adding docbook changes

- - - - -
ae7ec488 by shirish agarwal at 2018-09-02T17:14:22Z
changed couple of alioth links to java.debian.net

- - - - -
761b7784 by shirish agarwal at 2018-09-03T05:09:03Z
removed revision date

- - - - -
4dc6d6c6 by Osamu Aoki at 2018-09-03T12:26:07Z
Rename and move source XMLs

This should enable more consistent build script

Signed-off-by: Osamu Aoki <osamu at debian.org>

- - - - -
f5632053 by Osamu Aoki at 2018-09-03T12:46:23Z
UTF-8 conversion

Signed-off-by: Osamu Aoki <osamu at debian.org>

- - - - -
a135e1f6 by Osamu Aoki at 2018-09-03T13:22:00Z
Fix XML typo and clean-ups

Signed-off-by: Osamu Aoki <osamu at debian.org>

- - - - -
0bb64406 by Osamu Aoki at 2018-09-03T14:53:57Z
New build script for DocBook XML

Use XSLT insted of dsssl
Simplify build script
Update packaging in general
Add date and version for reproducible build

Signed-off-by: Osamu Aoki <osamu at debian.org>

- - - - -

15 changed files:

- Makefile
- + debian-java-faq.xml
- policy.xml → debian-java-policy.xml
- + debian-java.css
- debian/changelog
- debian/compat
- debian/control
- + debian/install
- debian/java-policy.doc-base.faq
- + debian/links
- − faq/Makefile
- − faq/debian-java-faq.sgml
- − html.dsl
- + style-html.xsl
- + style-txt.xsl


@@ -5,73 +5,47 @@
 # $< First prerequisity
 # $@ Target
-# Some default variables
-DOC = usr/share/doc
-#DSL=-d $(DSLF)
-# Default language to use
+# Now we only build HTML
+# Let's just use simple xslt
+# If PDF and epub are needed, we can take script from debian-reference
+# version of this Debian package (debian/changelog)
+DEBVERSION ?= $(shell { dpkg-parsechangelog -SVersion || echo "vcs-0.0" ; })
+# short date of this Debian package (debian/changelog)
+DEBDATE ?= $(shell { date +'%Y-%m-%d' -d"`dpkg-parsechangelog -SDate`" || date +'(No changelog) %Y-%m-%d' ; })
+XSLTPROCH  := xsltproc --xinclude $(CURDIR)/style-html.xsl
+XSLTPROCT  := xsltproc --xinclude $(CURDIR)/style-txt.xsl
+all: debian-java-policy/index.html debian-java-faq/index.html \
+     debian-java-policy.txt debian-java-faq.txt
+binary: all
+%/index.html: %.xml
+	mkdir -p $*
+	cp debian-java.css  $*/
+	cd $* ; \
+	sed \
+	-e "s/@@@debversion@@@/$(DEBVERSION)/g" \
+	-e "s/@@@debdate@@@/$(DEBDATE)/g" \
+	< $(CURDIR)/$< | \
+%.txt: %.xml
+	sed \
+	-e "s/@@@debversion@@@/$(DEBVERSION)/g" \
+	-e "s/@@@debdate@@@/$(DEBDATE)/g" \
+	< $< | \
+	$(XSLTPROCT) - | \
+	LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 w3m -o display_charset=UTF-8 -cols 70 -dump -no-graph -T text/html \
+	> $@
+distclean: clean
+	-rm -rf debian-java-policy
+	-rm -rf debian-java-faq
+	-rm -f  debian-java-policy.txt
+	-rm -f  debian-java-faq.txt
-all: debian-java-policy debian-java-faq-gen
-# Policy part
-MAKEOUT=policy.txt policy.ps
-OUTPUTS=$(MAKEOUT) policy.xml
-MAKEDEP=$(MAKEOUT) policy.html 
-debian-java-policy: $(MAKEDEP)
-update: debian-java-faq-update
-policy.tex: policy.xml
-	jw $(DCL) -b tex $(DSL) policy.xml
-policy.dvi: policy.xml
-	jw $(DCL) -b dvi $(DSL) policy.xml
-policy.ps: policy.dvi
-	$(DVIPS) -f $< > $@
-policy.html: debian-java-policy/index.html
-debian-java-policy/index.html: policy.xml
-	# docbook and dsl file needs to be in that dir for things to work.
-	# The png file is copied there so it can be referenced in a proper way.
-	#
-	# This is no longer true.
-	mkdir -p debian-java-policy
-	jw -b html $(DSL) -o debian-java-policy $<
-	# To make that file the intdex.
-	(cd debian-java-policy; rm -f $^)
-policy.txt: policy.xml
-	jw -b txt $(DSL) $<
-install: debian-java-policy-install debian-java-faq-install
-	mkdir -p $(PUBLISHDIR)
-	install -m 0444 $(OUTPUTS) $(PUBLISHDIR)
-	cp -a debian-java-policy $(PUBLISHDIR)
-clean: faq
-	-rm -Rf debian-java-policy
-	-rm -Rf policy.html
-	-rm -f $(MAKEOUT)
-	-rm -f policy.dvi
-	(cd $<; make clean)
-debian-java-faq-gen: faq
-	(cd $<; make debian-java-faq.html/index.html)
-# Change the publish dir if you want to send it to a new package.
-debian-java-faq-install: faq debian-java-faq-gen
-	(cd $<; make publish PUBLISHDIR=$(PUBLISHDIR))
-debian-java-faq-update: faq
-	svn export svn://svn.debian.org/svn/ddp/manuals/trunk/java-faq/ faq-update/
-	cp faq-update/* $</
-	rm -fr faq-update/

@@ -0,0 +1,597 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
+<!-- -*- DocBook -*- -->
+<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
+    "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.5/docbookx.dtd" [
+<!-- Include entity definition file by uncommenting the following -->
+<!-- <!ENTITY % versiondata SYSTEM "version.ent"> %versiondata;   -->
+<book lang="en">
+<title>Debian Java FAQ.</title>
+<author><personname>Torsten Werner</personname><email>twerner at debian.org</email></author>
+<author><personname>Niels Thykier</personname><email>niels at thykier.net</email></author>
+<author><personname>Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña</personname><email>jfs at debian.org</email></author>
+<author><personname>Sylvestre Ledru</personname><email>sylvestre at debian.org</email></author>
+<author><personname>Shirish Agarwal</personname><email>shirishag75 at gmail.com</email></author>
+<releaseinfo>Release: @@@debversion@@@</releaseinfo>
+<pubdate>Date: @@@debdate@@@</pubdate>
+Answers to Frequently Asked Questions on Debian and Java (Note: some
+information is not up-to-date).  Any changes/corrections to this FAQ are
+appreciated.  Please send them to the Debian Bug Tracking System as described
+in <xref linkend="bugs"/>.
+<chapter id="ch1"><title>Introduction</title>
+<section id="s1.1"><title>Introduction to this FAQ</title>
+This FAQ was started by Javier Fernández-Sanguino who on February 1st, 2000 was
+enough to send a message to the debian-java mailing list with the subject "How
+about a Debian-Java-FAQ?".  Of course, since "every idea is a responsibility"
+he had to do this himself looking through the three month-long archive of the
+newborn mailing list.
+The purpose of this FAQ is to be a place to look for all kinds of questions a
+developer or user might have regarding Java as far as Debian is concerned.  It
+includes license issues, development packages available, and programs related
+to building a Free Software Java environment.
+Thanks go to all the (many) contributors from the debian-java mailing list, who
+have made this document possible.  Without their knowledge this FAQ would not
+be at all possible since I only have a vague knowledge of what they're talking
+about when I browse the list.
+Special thanks go to Paul Reavis, whose previous Debian-JDK informational page
+I used to add more information, and who made useful suggestions to this
+document.  Also to Peter Moulder who revised thoroughly the FAQ and provided
+many suggestions, to Juergen Kreileder, maintainer of Blackdown's debian
+packages who pointed out some mistakes, and to Egon Willighagen, who has
+provided quite a lot of proper patches to update its content.
+This document does not address issues with other Linux distributions, or with
+non-Debian-specific problems.
+<section id="s1.2"><title>Location of this FAQ</title>
+This FAQ is published under the Debian Documentation Project at <ulink
+The <systemitem role="package">java-common</systemitem> (available at <ulink
+provides an HTML version for offline reading.  The package version does not
+provide Text and PDF versions currently (if you want them please submit a bug
+'wishlist' to the package).  Also, the web version might be more up-to-date
+than the package's offline version.
+<section id="bugs"><title>Sending bugs on this FAQ</title>
+Please note that this FAQ is still outdated but gets updated step by step.
+Please file bug reports against the java-common package if you find errors or
+have suggestions on how to improve this document.  However, make sure you have
+read the latest online version of the english text available at <ulink
+before filing a bug report.  Translations, if available, and the offline
+version in the java-common package might be out of date.
+<section id="s1.4"><title>What is Java?</title>
+Java is a programming language originally developed by James Gosling at Sun
+Microsystems (which is now a subsidiary of Oracle Corporation) and released in
+1995 as a core component of Sun Microsystems' Java platform.  Since May 2007,
+Sun/Oracle with some partners like Red Hat provide a free implementation
+released under the GNU GPL called OpenJDK.  More information can be found at
+<section id="s1.5"><title>Where can I ask questions about Java on Debian?</title>
+The appropriate place to ask such questions is <email>debian-java at
+lists.debian.org</email>.  You can subscribe at the <ulink
+url="http://lists.debian.org/debian-java/">Debian Mailing Lists</ulink> page.
+<section id="moreinfo"><title>Complementary information</title>
+Users might want to access some online sources to complement the information
+available in this FAQ which might be, sometimes, too out of date.  The main
+source of information is the <ulink url="http://wiki.debian.org/Java">Java
+entry</ulink> at the Debian's wiki.
+Since Ubuntu is based on Debian, some users might find it helpful to check the
+tips on <ulink url="https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java">Installing
+Java</ulink> on Ubuntu's wiki.
+<section id="pending"><title>Uncovered issues</title>
+This FAQ does not describe some issues due to lack of time and/or information.
+If you are able to help in any of these, please, provide them to the
+documentation maintainer:
+Information on how to setup a fully working Servlet engine (Application Server)
+using Apache and Tomcat or information on how to setup non-free application
+servers (such as WebSphere) in Debian.
+Specific information targeted for non-i386 users (PowerPC users and AMD64
+users), some can be found in Ubuntu's wiki.
+<chapter id="ch2"><title>Java Development</title>
+<section id="s2.1"><title>What full-fledged Java development platforms are available in Debian?</title>
+If you are looking for an integrated, java virtual machine, compiler and
+runtime environment Debian does provide them.  Of course that would depend on
+the Debian GNU/Linux version you are using, generally speaking they would be:
+Sun's OpenJDK 7, available since the Debian 8.0 <emphasis>Jessie</emphasis>
+release in the <emphasis>main</emphasis> section.
+Oracle's OpenJDK 8, available since the Debian 9.0 <emphasis>Strech</emphasis>
+release in the <emphasis>main</emphasis> section.
+The combination GCJ, GIJ, and Classpath in the <emphasis>main</emphasis>
+It is recommended to install one of the default-jdk or default-jre meta
+packages which either installs OpenJDK or GCJ depending on the architecture and
+Debian version.
+<section id="free"><title>What free platforms are there and how can I contribute?</title>
+Please help one of the Free Java implementations if you want to use Java in
+Debian.  There are a lot of projects that you can choose from:
+openjdk: <ulink url="http://openjdk.java.net/">http://openjdk.java.net/</ulink>
+Mauve <ulink
+is a free suite to test if these tools are 'compliant'.
+Most free Java development is grouped under the <ulink
+url="http://www.gnu.org/software/java/">Free Java Project</ulink>.
+<section id="license-concerns"><title>Questions on platforms and license concerns</title>
+<section id="java6"><title>Java 7 and 8</title>
+There are binary packages available for the Java 7 and Java 8 platforms since
+the Debian 8.0 ('Jessie') release and Debian 9.0 ('Stretch') release.  Once
+this is done and you have updated your package database.  You can either
+install the Java development kit in Jessie:
+apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
+or the Java runtime environment:
+apt-get install openjdk-7-jre
+Similarly, you can install the Java 8 development kit in Stretch:
+apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
+or the Java 8 runtime environment:
+apt-get install openjdk-8-jre
+You might want to update the alternatives system to have Sun's tools as the
+update-java-alternatives -s java-1.7.0-openjdk-amd64
+Or for java 8:
+update-java-alternatives -s java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64
+<section id="openjdk"><title>Oracle proprietary JVM</title>
+Since the version 7 of the OpenJDK, the proprietary JVM developments are done
+on the OpenJDK.  That means that the OpenJDK is strongly tested and high
+However, some users might want to use the Oracle JVM for the proprietary
+extensions (for example: the browser plugin).  For such need, Debian provides a
+tool called <ulink
+url="http://packages.debian.org/sid/java-package">java-package</ulink>.  The
+program make-jpkg will take an upstream archive and convert it to a Debian
+package.  For example:
+    make-jpkg jdk-6u31-linux-x64.bin
+For more information see <ulink
+url="http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/index.html">Oracle Technology
+Network Java</ulink>.
+<section id="s2.4"><title>Making Debian packages for Java programs.</title>
+<section id="s2.4.1"><title>Can the package go into main?</title>
+Yes, <emphasis>but only if</emphasis> it can be build and run with Java
+programs/tools in main, and if it has a Debian compliant open source license.
+If it needs programs from contrib or non-free, then is
+<emphasis>must</emphasis> go into contrib or non-free, depending on the license
+of the program itself.
+<section id="s2.4.2"><title>Is there a good example Debian package?</title>
+There are many Debian packages of both Java applications and libraries.  These
+may serve as an good starting point, as it can serve as an example for making a
+new Debian package.
+A good start would be to check out the pkg-java project on Salsa: <ulink
+Note that there are many ways to make a Debian package, making use of Ant or
+Makefiles does not really matter.  But, some tips for good practice are given
+on the Debian Java packaging page: <ulink
+<section id="s2.4.3"><title>What tools are available to make maintaining a Java packages easier?</title>
+Both cdbs and debhelper (dh9) have support for ant scripts.  There are also a
+number of specialized tools or build helpers.  Have a look at <systemitem
+role="package">javahelper</systemitem> or <systemitem
+<section id="s2.4.4"><title>Linking package Javadoc to system javadoc.</title>
+The java-policy mandates that documentation must be linked with the javadoc
+installed on the system.  This can be done by passing javadoc the "-link"
+argument or by using the <link> tag in ant.  An example:
+# command line example of linking against system doc.
+javadoc -link /usr/share/doc/default-jdk-doc/api [other arguments]
+<!-- Ant example of linking against system doc -->
+<javadoc [attributes]>
+    <link href="/usr/share/doc/default-jdk-doc/api/" />
+    [other tags]
+The documentation must be installed at the time the linking is done; so in the
+example cases above the package would need a Build-Depends or a
+Build-Depends-Indep on <systemitem role="package">default-jdk-doc</systemitem>.
+Here is a short list of packages that can be used for reference:
+<systemitem role="package">libcommons-jci-java</systemitem>
+<systemitem role="package">libhamcrest-java</systemitem>
+<chapter id="ch3"><title>Managing Java (for users and administrators)</title>
+By default Java programs shipped with Debian will use the java in PATH.  Some
+of them may respect the JAVA_HOME variable (usually only if upstream supports
+this) or have command line arguments to select a different java implementation.
+Unfortunately not all java implementations work as well as others.  So some
+times it may be necessary to change the current java and Debian provides an
+easy way to change the default java in PATH by using update-java-alternatives
+(from the <systemitem role="package">java-common</systemitem>).  Some examples
+of how to do this are:
+# List available java implementations
+$ sudo update-java-alternatives --list
+# Use openjdk-7
+$ sudo update-java-alternatives --set java-7-openjdk
+For more information, please read the manpage (or the --help output) of
+update-java-alternatives.  Also please note that update-java-alternatives is a
+frontend for update-alternatives.
+<chapter id="ch4"><title>Java Virtual Machines (JVM)</title>
+<section id="s4.1"><title>What JVMs are available in Debian?</title>
+The following JVMs are currently available in Debian Jessie:
+<systemitem role="package">openjdk-7-jre</systemitem>
+The following lists JVMs available in Debian 9.0 release ('Stretch'):
+<systemitem role="package">openjdk-8-jre</systemitem>
+<section id="s4.2"><title>What Java Compilers are available in Debian?</title>
+<systemitem role="package">openjdk-7-jdk</systemitem>
+<systemitem role="package">openjdk-8-jdk</systemitem>
+Compiles Java source to native code, also source to bytecode, or bytecode to
+native code.  Please note that the support of the Java language is not
+<section id="s4.3"><title>What API do these JVMs provide?</title>
+Note that providing an API does not mean that everything is implemented, and
+certainly not implemented correctly.
+<section id="s4.4"><title>Are there known problems?</title>
+Yes, there are.  Some of these are reported as Debian bugs.  You can look up
+the bugs for a specific Debian package at the <ulink
+url="http://www.debian.org/Bugs/">Debian Bug Tracking System</ulink>.  As a
+quick link, here are some packages:
+<ulink url="http://bugs.debian.org/java-common">java-common</ulink>
+<ulink url="http://bugs.debian.org/src:openjdk-7">openjdk-7</ulink>
+<ulink url="http://bugs.debian.org/src:openjdk-8">openjdk-8</ulink>
+As common within the Debian project, the developers would appreciate good bug
+reports on found problems.  These include the good description of the problem,
+the command that gives the problem, the errors given when running the command,
+and any other information that might be relevant.  A good tool to report bugs
+is <systemitem role="package">reportbug</systemitem>.
+<section id="s4.5"><title>How can I use the proprietary version of the JDK/JRE from Oracle as a Debian package?</title>
+The package <ulink
+provides an easy way to convert an upstream installer into a Debian package.
+It should be as easy as:
+make-jpkg ~/Downloads/jdk-6u31-linux-x64.bin
+For more information, see this <ulink
+<section id="s4.6"><title>Do I need a JVM to run a Java program in Debian?</title>
+No, you can try to run the applications without a jvm by compiling the source
+code to native code is.  However, the usage of the OpenJDK is recommended.
+<chapter id="browser-java"><title>Java Plugins for Browsers</title>
+You can install the package icedtea-7-plugin or icedtea-8-plugin in
+<chapter id="ch6"><title>Java Servlets</title>
+<section id="s6.1"><title>How can I make Java servlets work?</title>
+You can use:
+Apache <systemitem role="package">tomcat7</systemitem> from <ulink
+Eclipse <systemitem role="package">jetty</systemitem> from <ulink
+<chapter id="ch7"><title>Java Policy</title>
+<section id="s7.1"><title>Is there a Java policy for Debian?</title>
+It is still in the works.  The current policy addresses
+<emphasis>some</emphasis> of the problems.  It has not been officially
+released.  You can find it at <ulink
+The Java Policy can also be found in the <systemitem
+role="package">java-common</systemitem> package.
+<section id="s7.2"><title>Are there holes in the Java Policy?</title>
+Yes, some until under discussion.  Please check out the <ulink
+url="http://bugs.debian.org/java-common">bugs against the java-common
+package</ulink>.  Thus it is <emphasis>very</emphasis> inconvenient to use
+several compilers of virtual machines since there is not one CLASSPATH setting
+for all of them.
+<chapter id="ch8"><title>Other Java alternatives for Debian</title>
+If the Java packages provided in Debian are not sufficient for your needs you
+might need to take a look at other alternatives.  Please understand that these
+alternatives are not supported by the Debian project directly, you might get
+help, however, from the debian-java mailing list if you encounter issues with
+Some of the alternatives presented use Debian packages which is convenient,
+since the user/administrator does not need to care on installation issues.
+However, mixing packages that come from a source which is not the Debian
+project might cause conflicts with your installation some times.  Of course,
+Debian tries to integrate as many free software efforts as possible, so some of
+the alternatives described below might (if license permits) be included in
+Debian in the near future.
+<section id="s8.1"><title>Java programs not yet available on Debian</title>
+The following are programs that have not yet been packaged for Debian nor is
+there an installer.  There are quite a lot Java programs out there.
+A list of missing packages is maintained on the <ulink
+url="http://wiki.debian.org/Java/RequestedPackages">Debian Wiki - Java
+Packaging Wishlist</ulink>.

policy.xml → debian-java-policy.xml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml version='1.0'?>
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
 <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN"
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
     <title>Debian policy for Java</title>
-    <edition>$Revision:$ $Date:$</edition>
@@ -103,6 +102,8 @@
         This policy is published under the GNU GPL v2 or later license.
+    <releaseinfo>Release: @@@debversion@@@</releaseinfo>
+    <pubdate>Date: @@@debdate@@@</pubdate>
   <chapter id="background">

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+/* Cascading stylesheet for the Debian Installer internals talk */
+/* Use grey background for examples */
+pre.screen {
+  background-color : #E0E0E0;

@@ -1,13 +1,23 @@
-java-policy (0.56) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+java-policy (0.56) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Team upload.
+  [ Emmanuel Bourg ]
   * Changed the maintainer back from 'Debian Java Maintainers'
     to 'Debian Java Mailing List'
-  * Standards-Version updated to 4.0.0
-  * Switch to debhelper level 10
-  * Use a secure Vcs-Git URL
- -- Emmanuel Bourg <ebourg at apache.org>  Thu, 29 Jun 2017 17:30:28 +0200
+  [ shirish शिरीष ]
+  * FAQ: Updates such as OpenJDK 7 and 8.
+  * Removed $ID and add pointer to https://java.debian.net/
+  [ Osamu Aoki ]
+  * Switch to debhelper level 11
+  * Standards-Version updated to 4.2.1
+  * Use new Vcs-Git/Vcs-web URLs at salsa.debian.org
+  * FAQ: Conversion to DocBook XML 4.5
+  * Clean up build script to use XSLT instead of old dsssl.
+ -- Osamu Aoki <osamu at debian.org>  Mon, 03 Sep 2018 23:18:55 +0900
 java-policy (0.55) unstable; urgency=medium

@@ -1 +1 @@

@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ Section: java
 Priority: optional
 Maintainer: Debian Java Mailing List <debian-java at lists.debian.org>
 Uploaders: Emmanuel Bourg <ebourg at apache.org>
-Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 10), debiandoc-sgml, docbook-utils, docbook-xml
-Standards-Version: 4.0.0
-Vcs-Git: https://anonscm.debian.org/git/pkg-java/java-common.git
-Vcs-Browser: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-java/java-common.git
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 11~), docbook-xml, docbook-xsl, w3m, xsltproc,
+Standards-Version: 4.2.1
+Vcs-Git: https://salsa.debian.org/java-team/java-policy.git
+Vcs-Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/java-team/java-policy
 Homepage: https://wiki.debian.org/Java/
 Package: java-policy

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+debian-java-policy/	usr/share/doc/java-policy/
+debian-java-faq/	usr/share/doc/java-policy/
+debian-java-policy.txt	usr/share/doc/java-policy/
+debian-java-faq.txt	usr/share/doc/java-policy/

@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ Abstract: The Debian Java FAQ provide answers to many
  libraries and applications as well as legal issues.
 Section: Debian
+Format: text
+Files: /usr/share/doc/java-policy/debian-java-faq.txt.gz
 Format: HTML
 Index: /usr/share/doc/java-policy/debian-java-faq/index.html
 Files: /usr/share/doc/java-policy/debian-java-faq/*.html

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+usr/share/doc/java-policy/debian-java-policy.txt.gz usr/share/doc/java-policy/policy.txt.gz

faq/Makefile deleted
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile for a manual in the Debian Documentation Project manuals.sgml
-# tree.
-# The directory in which this makefile resides must also contain a file
-# called <directoryname>.sgml, which is the top-level file for the manual
-# in this directory.
-# What is the current manual's name
-#MANUAL :=	$(shell basename $(shell pwd))
-MANUAL :=	debian-java-faq
-# Where are we publishing to?
-#  (this can be overriden by a higher level makefile)
-PUBLISHDIR := /org/www.debian.org/www/doc/manuals
-# What do we want by default?
-all:		publish
-# This target installs the generated HTML in the published directory.
-publish:	$(MANUAL).html/index.html
-# 		fail if there is no PUBLISHDIR
-		[ -d $(PUBLISHDIR) ] || exit 1
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-# ensure our SGML is valid
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-		rm -rf $(MANUAL).html
-distclean:	clean
-.PHONY: all publish clean distclean validate

faq/debian-java-faq.sgml deleted
@@ -1,502 +0,0 @@
-<!doctype debiandoc system>
-<title>Debian Java FAQ.</title>
-<name>Torsten Werner</name>
-<email>twerner at debian.org</email>
-<name>Niels Thykier</name>
-<email>niels at thykier.net</email>
-<name>Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña</name>
-<email>jfs at debian.org</email>
-<name>Sylvestre Ledru</name>
-<email>sylvestre at debian.org</email>
-<version>$Revision: 7831 $, $Date: 2013-06-05 21:17:15 +0100 $
-Answers to Frequently Asked Questions on Debian and Java
-(Note: some information is not up-to-date). Any changes/corrections to this
-FAQ are appreciated. Please send them to the Debian Bug Tracking System as
-described in <ref id="bugs">.
-This document may be freely redistributed or modified in any form 
-provided your changes are clearly documented.
-This document may be redistributed for fee or free, and may be modified 
-(including translation from one type of media or file format to another 
-or from one spoken language to another) provided that all changes 
-from the original are clearly marked as such.
-<sect>Introduction to this FAQ
-<P>This FAQ was started by Javier Fernández-Sanguino who on
-February 1st, 2000 was enough to send a message to the debian-java
-mailing list with the subject "How about a Debian-Java-FAQ?". Of
-course, since "every idea is a responsibility" he had to do this himself
-looking through the three month-long archive of the newborn mailing list.
-<p>The purpose of this FAQ is to be a place to look for all kinds of
-questions a developer or user might have regarding Java as far as Debian
-is concerned. It includes license issues, development packages available,
-and programs related to building a Free Software Java environment.
-<p>Thanks go to all the (many) contributors from the debian-java mailing list,
-who have made this document possible. Without their knowledge this 
-FAQ would not be at all possible since I only have a vague knowledge
-of what they're talking about when I browse the list.
-<p>Special thanks go to Paul Reavis, whose previous Debian-JDK
-informational page I used to add more information, and who made useful
-suggestions to this document. Also to Peter Moulder who revised
-thoroughly the FAQ and provided many suggestions, to Juergen
-Kreileder, maintainer of Blackdown's debian packages who pointed out
-some mistakes, and to Egon Willighagen, who has provided quite a lot
-of proper patches to update its content.
-<p>This document does not address issues with other Linux
-distributions, or with non-Debian-specific problems.
-<sect>Location of this FAQ 
-<p>This FAQ is published under the Debian Documentation Project
-at <url id="http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-java-faq/">.
-The <package>java-common</package> (available at
-<url id="http://packages.debian.org/java-common">) provides an
-HTML version for offline reading. The package version does not provide Text and
-PDF versions currently (if you want them please submit a bug
-'wishlist' to the package). Also, the web version might be more up-to-date
-than the package's offline version.
-<sect id="bugs">Sending bugs on this FAQ 
-<P>Please note that this FAQ is still outdated but gets updated step by step.
-<p> Please file bug reports against the java-common package if you find errors
-or have suggestions on how to improve this document. However, make sure you
-have read the latest online version of the english text available at <url
-id="http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-java-faq/index.html"> before
-filing a bug report. Translations, if available, and the offline version in
-the java-common package might be out of date.
-<sect>What is Java?
-Java is a programming language originally developed by James Gosling at
-Sun Microsystems (which is now a subsidiary of Oracle Corporation) and
-released in 1995 as a core component of Sun Microsystems' Java platform.
-Since May 2007, Sun/Oracle with some partners like Red Hat provide a free
-implementation released under the GNU GPL called OpenJDK.
-More information can be found at <url
-<sect>Where can I ask questions about Java on Debian?
-<p>The appropriate place to ask such questions is <email>debian-java
-at lists.debian.org</email>. You can subscribe at the <url
-id="http://lists.debian.org/debian-java/" name="Debian Mailing Lists"> page.
-<sect id="moreinfo">Complementary information 
-<p>Users might want to access some online sources to complement the
-information available in this FAQ which might be, sometimes, too out
-of date. The main source of information is the
-<url id="http://wiki.debian.org/Java" name="Java entry"> at the Debian's wiki.
-<p>Since Ubuntu is based on Debian, some users might find it helpful
-to check the tips on <url id="https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java"
-name="Installing Java"> on Ubuntu's wiki.
-<sect id="pending">Uncovered issues
-<p>This FAQ does not describe some issues due to lack of time and/or
-information. If you are able to help in any of these, please, provide 
-them to the documentation maintainer:
-<item>Information on how to setup a fully working Servlet engine (Application
-Server) using Apache and Tomcat or information on how to setup non-free
-application servers (such as WebSphere) in Debian.
-<item>Specific information targeted for non-i386 users (PowerPC users and AMD64 users), some can be found in Ubuntu's wiki.
-<chapt>Java Development
-<sect>What full-fledged Java development platforms are available in Debian?
-<p> If you are looking for an integrated, java virtual machine,
-compiler and runtime environment Debian does provide them.  Of course
-that would depend on the Debian GNU/Linux version you are using,
-generally speaking they would be:
-<item>Sun's OpenJDK 6, available since the Debian 5.0 <em>Lenny</em>
-release in the <em>main</em> section.
-<item>Oracle's OpenJDK 7, available since the Debian 7.0 <em>Wheezy</em>
-release in the <em>main</em> section.
-<item>The combination GCJ, GIJ, and Classpath in the <em>main</em> section.
-<p>It is recommended to install one of the default-jdk or default-jre meta
-packages which either installs OpenJDK or GCJ depending on the architecture and
-Debian version.
-<sect id="free">What free platforms are there and how can I contribute?
-Please help one of the Free Java implementations if you want to use Java
-in Debian. There are a lot of projects that you can choose from:
-<item>openjdk: <url id="http://openjdk.java.net/"></item>
-<item>gcj and libgcj: <url id="http://gcc.gnu.org/java/"></item>
-<item>Classpath <url id="http://www.classpath.org">. Most of the
-Standard classes for Java 1.2 (except Swing and RMI) are implemented by
-the ClassPath project, it tries to build an alternative to jdk's 1.2
-core classes. (NB: This was removed from Squeeze)</item>
-<item>Mauve <url
-id="http://sources.redhat.com/mauve/"> is a free suite to test if
-these tools are 'compliant'.</item>
-<p>Most free Java development is grouped under the <url
-id="http://www.gnu.org/software/java/" name="Free Java
-<sect id="license-concerns">Questions on platforms and license concerns
-<sect1 id="java6">Java 6 and 7
-<p>There are binary packages available for the Java 6 and Java 7 platforms
-since the Debian 7.0 ('wheezy') release.
-Once this is done and you have updated your package database. You can either
-install the Java development kit:
-apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk
-or the Java runtime environment:
-apt-get install openjdk-6-jre
-<p>Similarly, you can install the Java 7 development kit:
-apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
-or the Java 7 runtime environment:
-apt-get install openjdk-7-jre
-<p>You might want to update the alternatives system to have Sun's tools as the
-update-java-alternatives -s java-1.6.0-openjdk-amd64
-Or for java 7:
-update-java-alternatives -s java-1.7.0-openjdk-amd64
-<sect1 id="openjdk">Oracle proprietary JVM
-<p>Since the version 7 of the OpenJDK, the proprietary JVM developments are done on the OpenJDK. That means that the OpenJDK is strongly tested and high quality.
-<p>However, some users might want to use the Oracle JVM for the proprietary extensions (for example: the browser plugin). For such need, Debian provides a tool called <url id="http://packages.debian.org/sid/java-package" name="java-package">. The program make-jpkg will take an upstream archive and convert it to a Debian package. For example:
-    make-jpkg jdk-6u31-linux-x64.bin
-<p>For more information see <url id="http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/index.html" name="Oracle Technology Network Java">.
-<sect>Making Debian packages for Java programs.
-<sect1>Can the package go into main?
-<p>Yes, <em>but only if</em> it can be build and run with Java programs/tools
-in main, and if it has a Debian compliant open source license.
-If it needs programs from contrib or non-free, then is <em>must</em>
-go into contrib or non-free, depending on the license of the program itself.
-<sect1>Is there a good example Debian package?
-<p>There are many Debian packages of both Java applications and libraries.
-These may serve as an good starting point, as it can serve as an example
-for making a new Debian package.
-<p>A good start would be to check out the pkg-java project on
-Alioth: <url id="http://pkg-java.alioth.debian.org/">.
-<p>Note that there are many ways to make a Debian package, making use
-of Ant or Makefiles does not really matter.
-But, some tips for good practice are given on the pkg-java page:
-<url id="http://pkg-java.alioth.debian.org/developers.html#rules"> and
-<url id="http://pkg-java.alioth.debian.org/building.html">.
-<sect1>What tools are available to make maintaining a Java packages easier?
-<p>Both cdbs and debhelper (dh7) have support for ant scripts. There
-are also a number of specialized tools or build helpers. Have a look
-at <package>javahelper</package>
-or <package>maven-debian-helper</package>. <package>gcj-jdk</package>
-also has a dh_javadoc tool.</p>
-<sect1>Linking package Javadoc to system javadoc.
-<p>The java-policy mandates that documentation must be linked with the
-javadoc installed on the system. This can be done by passing javadoc
-the "-link" argument or by using the <link> tag in ant.  An
-# command line example of linking against system doc.
-javadoc -link /usr/share/doc/default-jdk-doc/api [other arguments]
-<!-- Ant example of linking against system doc -->
-<javadoc [attributes]>
-    <link href="/usr/share/doc/default-jdk-doc/api/" />
-    [other tags]
-<p>The documentation must be installed at the time the linking is
-done; so in the example cases above the package would need a
-Build-Depends or a Build-Depends-Indep on
-Here is a short list of packages that can be used for reference:
-  <item><package>commons-jci</package></item>
-  <item><package>ow-util-ant-tasks</package></item>
-  <item><package>libhamcrest-java</package></item>
-  <item><package>libfreemarker-java</package></item>
-<chapt>Managing Java (for users and administrators)
-By default Java programs shipped with Debian will use the java
-in PATH. Some of them may respect the JAVA_HOME variable
-(usually only if upstream supports this) or have command line
-arguments to select a different java implementation.
-Unfortunately not all java implementations work as well as others.
-So some times it may be necessary to change the current java and
-Debian provides an easy way to change the default java in PATH by
-using update-java-alternatives (from the <package>java-common
-</package>). Some examples of how to do this are:
-# List available java implementations
-$ update-java-alternatives --list
-# Use openjdk-6 
-$ update-java-alternatives --set java-6-openjdk
-# Use the non-free sun java.
-$ update-java-alternatives --set java-6-sun
-# Use the non-free sun java only for the web plugin
-$ update-java-alternatives  --plugin --set java-6-sun
-For more information, please read the manpage (or the --help
-output) of update-java-alternatives. Also please note that
-update-java-alternatives is a frontend for update-alternatives.
-<chapt>Java Virtual Machines (JVM)
-<sect>What JVMs are available in Debian?
-<p>The following JVMs are currently available in Debian Wheezy:
-<p>The following lists JVMs available in Debian 6.0 release ('Squeeze'):
-<item><package>sun-java6-jre</package> (non-free)</item>
-<sect>What Java Compilers are available in Debian?
-<item><package>gcj</package>. Compiles Java source to native code,
-also source to bytecode, or bytecode to native code. Please note that the
-support of the Java language is not completed.</item>
-<sect>What API do these JVMs provide?
-<p>Note that providing an API does not mean that everything is
-implemented, and certainly not implemented correctly. 
-<sect>Are there known problems?
-<p>Yes, there are. Some of these are reported as Debian bugs. You can
-look up the bugs for a specific Debian package at the <url
-id="http://www.debian.org/Bugs/" name="Debian Bug Tracking System">.  As
-a quick link, here are some packages:
-<item><url id="http://bugs.debian.org/java-common" name="java-common"></item>
-<item><url id="http://bugs.debian.org/src:openjdk-6" name="openjdk-6"></item>
-<item><url id="http://bugs.debian.org/src:openjdk-7" name="openjdk-7"></item>
-<item><url id="http://bugs.debian.org/src:gcj-4.7" name="gcj-4.7"></item>
-<p>As common within the Debian project, the developers would
-appreciate good bug reports on found problems. These include the good
-description of the problem, the command that gives the problem, the
-errors given when running the command, and any other information that
-might be relevant. A good tool to report bugs is
-<sect>How can I use the proprietary version of the JDK/JRE from Oracle as a Debian package?
-The package <url id="http://packages.debian.org/wheezy/java-package/" name="java-package"> provides an easy way to convert an upstream installer into a Debian package. It should be as easy as:
-<example>make-jpkg ~/Downloads/jdk-6u31-linux-x64.bin
-<p>For more information, see this <url id="http://sylvestre.ledru.info/blog/2012/02/29/java_package_replacement_of_sun_java6" name="Blog article">
-<sect>Do I need a JVM to run a Java program in Debian?
-No, you can try to run the applications without a jvm by compiling
-the source code to native code is. However, the usage of the OpenJDK is recommended. For example, gcj does not provide any support of Swing (the Java GUI API).
-<sect1>How do I compile to native code?
-<p>You might be able to use <prgn>gcj</prgn> to compile the program.
-And use <prgn>gcj</prgn> to convert bytecode to native code. The entire
-software chain is free.
-<chapt id="browser-java">Java Plugins for Browsers
-<item>You can install the package icedtea-6-plugin or icedtea-7-plugin in <em>wheezy</em></item>
-<chapt>Java Servlets
-<sect>How can I make Java servlets work?
-<p>You can use:
-  <item>Apache <package>tomcat6</package> from <url id="http://tomcat.apache.org">.
-  <item>Eclipse <package>jetty</package> from <url id="http://www.eclipse.org/jetty/">.
-<chapt>Java Policy
-<sect>Is there a Java policy for Debian?
-It is still in the works. The current policy addresses <em>some</em>
-of the problems. It has not been officially released. You can find
-it at <url id="http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/java-policy/">.
-The Java Policy can also be found in the <package>java-common</package>
-<sect>Are there holes in the Java Policy?
-<p>Yes, some until under discussion. Please check out the 
-<url id="http://bugs.debian.org/java-common" name="bugs against
-the java-common package">. Thus it is <em>very</em> inconvenient to
-use several compilers of virtual machines since there is not one
-CLASSPATH setting for all of them.
-<chapt>Other Java alternatives for Debian
-<p>If the Java packages provided in Debian are not sufficient for your
-needs you might need to take a look at other alternatives. Please understand
-that these alternatives are not supported by the Debian project directly,
-you might get help, however, from the debian-java mailing list if you 
-encounter issues with them.
-<P>Some of the alternatives presented use Debian packages which is
-convenient, since the user/administrator does not need to care on installation
-issues. However, mixing packages that come from a source which is not
-the Debian project might cause conflicts with your installation some times.
-Of course, Debian tries to integrate as many free software efforts as 
-possible, so some of the alternatives described below might (if license
-permits) be included in Debian in the near future.
-<sect>Java programs not yet available on Debian
-The following are programs that have not yet been packaged for Debian
-nor is there an installer. There are quite a lot Java programs out
-<p>A list of missing packages is maintained on the 
-<url id="http://wiki.debian.org/Java/RequestedPackages" name="Debian Wiki - Java Packaging Wishlist">.

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