[Git][java-team/libspring-java][master] Restored the messaging and jms modules but no longer build the STOMP related...

Emmanuel Bourg gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Sun Apr 7 00:51:40 BST 2019

Emmanuel Bourg pushed to branch master at Debian Java Maintainers / libspring-java

c7b422f1 by Emmanuel Bourg at 2019-04-06T23:50:02Z
Restored the messaging and jms modules but no longer build the STOMP related classes depending on projectreactor (Closes: #925533)

- - - - -

5 changed files:

- debian/changelog
- debian/control
- + debian/patches/0053-ignore-reactor.patch
- debian/patches/series
- debian/rules


@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+libspring-java (4.3.22-4) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * Team upload.
+  * Restored the messaging and jms modules but no longer build the STOMP
+    related classes depending on projectreactor (Closes: #925533)
+ -- Emmanuel Bourg <ebourg at apache.org>  Sun, 07 Apr 2019 01:49:55 +0200
 libspring-java (4.3.22-3) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Disable jasperreports support since it is RC-buggy.

@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ Architecture: all
 Depends: libspring-beans-java (= ${source:Version}),
          libspring-context-java (= ${source:Version}),
-Suggests: libreactor-core-java (>= 2.0.8)
+#Suggests: libreactor-core-java (>= 2.0.8)
 Description: modular Java/J2EE application framework - Messaging tools
  Spring is a layered Java/J2EE application framework offering a lot of freedom
  to Java developers yet providing well documented and easy-to-use solutions for

@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+Description: Removes the optional dependency on ProjectReactor
+Author: Emmanuel Bourg <ebourg at apache.org>
+Forwarded: not-needed
+--- a/build.gradle
++++ b/build.gradle
+@@ -577,6 +577,16 @@
+ 		testCompile("org.slf4j:slf4j-jcl:${slf4jVersion}")
+ 		testCompile("xmlunit:xmlunit:${xmlunitVersion}")
+ 	}
++	sourceSets {
++        	main {
++                	java {
++				exclude "**/tcp/reactor/*"
++				exclude "**/simp/stomp/*"
++				exclude "**/simp/config/StompBrokerRelayRegistration.java"
++			}
++		}
++	}
+ }
+ project("spring-tx") {
+--- a/spring-messaging/src/main/java/org/springframework/messaging/simp/config/AbstractMessageBrokerConfiguration.java
++++ b/spring-messaging/src/main/java/org/springframework/messaging/simp/config/AbstractMessageBrokerConfiguration.java
+@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@
+ import org.springframework.messaging.simp.annotation.support.SimpAnnotationMethodMessageHandler;
+ import org.springframework.messaging.simp.broker.AbstractBrokerMessageHandler;
+ import org.springframework.messaging.simp.broker.SimpleBrokerMessageHandler;
+-import org.springframework.messaging.simp.stomp.StompBrokerRelayMessageHandler;
+ import org.springframework.messaging.simp.user.DefaultUserDestinationResolver;
+ import org.springframework.messaging.simp.user.MultiServerUserRegistry;
+ import org.springframework.messaging.simp.user.SimpUserRegistry;
+@@ -301,22 +300,7 @@
+ 	@Bean
+ 	public AbstractBrokerMessageHandler stompBrokerRelayMessageHandler() {
+-		StompBrokerRelayMessageHandler handler = getBrokerRegistry().getStompBrokerRelay(brokerChannel());
+-		if (handler == null) {
+-			return new NoOpBrokerMessageHandler();
+-		}
+-		Map<String, MessageHandler> subscriptions = new HashMap<String, MessageHandler>(1);
+-		String destination = getBrokerRegistry().getUserDestinationBroadcast();
+-		if (destination != null) {
+-			subscriptions.put(destination, userDestinationMessageHandler());
+-		}
+-		destination = getBrokerRegistry().getUserRegistryBroadcast();
+-		if (destination != null) {
+-			subscriptions.put(destination, userRegistryMessageHandler());
+-		}
+-		handler.setSystemSubscriptions(subscriptions);
+-		updateUserDestinationResolver(handler);
+-		return handler;
++		throw new UnsupportedOperationException("STOMP support has been disabled due to dependencies issues with Java 11");
+ 	}
+ 	@Bean
+--- a/spring-messaging/src/main/java/org/springframework/messaging/simp/config/MessageBrokerRegistry.java
++++ b/spring-messaging/src/main/java/org/springframework/messaging/simp/config/MessageBrokerRegistry.java
+@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
+ import org.springframework.messaging.MessageChannel;
+ import org.springframework.messaging.SubscribableChannel;
+ import org.springframework.messaging.simp.broker.SimpleBrokerMessageHandler;
+-import org.springframework.messaging.simp.stomp.StompBrokerRelayMessageHandler;
+ import org.springframework.util.Assert;
+ import org.springframework.util.PathMatcher;
+@@ -41,8 +40,6 @@
+ 	private SimpleBrokerRegistration simpleBrokerRegistration;
+-	private StompBrokerRelayRegistration brokerRelayRegistration;
+ 	private final ChannelRegistration brokerChannelRegistration = new ChannelRegistration();
+ 	private String[] applicationDestinationPrefixes;
+@@ -73,17 +70,6 @@
+ 	}
+ 	/**
+-	 * Enable a STOMP broker relay and configure the destination prefixes supported by the
+-	 * message broker. Check the STOMP documentation of the message broker for supported
+-	 * destinations.
+-	 */
+-	public StompBrokerRelayRegistration enableStompBrokerRelay(String... destinationPrefixes) {
+-		this.brokerRelayRegistration = new StompBrokerRelayRegistration(
+-				this.clientInboundChannel, this.clientOutboundChannel, destinationPrefixes);
+-		return this.brokerRelayRegistration;
+-	}
+-	/**
+ 	 * Customize the channel used to send messages from the application to the message
+ 	 * broker. By default, messages from the application to the message broker are sent
+ 	 * synchronously, which means application code sending a message will find out
+@@ -99,13 +85,11 @@
+ 	}
+ 	protected String getUserDestinationBroadcast() {
+-		return (this.brokerRelayRegistration != null ?
+-				this.brokerRelayRegistration.getUserDestinationBroadcast() : null);
++		return null;
+ 	}
+ 	protected String getUserRegistryBroadcast() {
+-		return (this.brokerRelayRegistration != null ?
+-				this.brokerRelayRegistration.getUserRegistryBroadcast() : null);
++		return null;
+ 	}
+ 	/**
+@@ -189,7 +173,7 @@
+ 	protected SimpleBrokerMessageHandler getSimpleBroker(SubscribableChannel brokerChannel) {
+-		if (this.simpleBrokerRegistration == null && this.brokerRelayRegistration == null) {
++		if (this.simpleBrokerRegistration == null) {
+ 			enableSimpleBroker();
+ 		}
+ 		if (this.simpleBrokerRegistration != null) {
+@@ -200,12 +184,5 @@
+ 		}
+ 		return null;
+ 	}
+-	protected StompBrokerRelayMessageHandler getStompBrokerRelay(SubscribableChannel brokerChannel) {
+-		if (this.brokerRelayRegistration != null) {
+-			return this.brokerRelayRegistration.getMessageHandler(brokerChannel);
+-		}
+-		return null;
+-	}
+ }

@@ -20,3 +20,4 @@

@@ -5,18 +5,15 @@ export SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH
 JAVA_HOME       := /usr/lib/jvm/default-java
-# MODULES = aop beans context context-support core expression instrument jdbc jms messaging orm oxm test tx web webmvc webmvc-portlet
-MODULES = aop beans context context-support core expression instrument jdbc orm oxm test tx web webmvc webmvc-portlet
+MODULES = aop beans context context-support core expression instrument jdbc jms messaging orm oxm test tx web webmvc webmvc-portlet
-	dh $@ --buildsystem=gradle -Nlibspring-messaging-java -Nlibspring-jms-java
+	dh $@ --buildsystem=gradle
 	dh_auto_build -- jar -x test -x check \
 	                 -x :spring-orm-hibernate4:compileJava \
 	                 -x :spring-orm-hibernate5:compileJava \
-	                 -x :spring-jms:compileJava \
-	                 -x :spring-messaging:compileJava \
 	                 -x :spring-instrument-tomcat:compileJava \
 	                 -x :spring-webmvc-tiles2:compileJava \
 	                 -x :spring-websocket:compileJava

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/java-team/libspring-java/commit/c7b422f123144c7e26cd312d5320679d4d5b4824

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/java-team/libspring-java/commit/c7b422f123144c7e26cd312d5320679d4d5b4824
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