[Git][java-team/httpcomponents-client][master] 9 commits: Building httpclient-osgi artifact.

Andrius Merkys gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Thu Oct 10 07:20:04 BST 2019

Andrius Merkys pushed to branch master at Debian Java Maintainers / httpcomponents-client

b4342694 by Andrius Merkys at 2019-10-08T12:17:46Z
Building httpclient-osgi artifact.

- - - - -
5cb32ed6 by Andrius Merkys at 2019-10-09T10:35:26Z
Collecting missing build-depends.

- - - - -
dc69e838 by Andrius Merkys at 2019-10-09T10:40:00Z
Adding missing build-depends on libeasymock-java.

- - - - -
55e382bd by Andrius Merkys at 2019-10-09T11:17:06Z
Updating the changelog, adding number of closed bug report.

- - - - -
2e32e681 by Andrius Merkys at 2019-10-10T05:34:54Z
Removing libspymemcached-java from dependencies.

- - - - -
2ae97228 by Andrius Merkys at 2019-10-10T05:39:15Z
Adding a patch to remove classes that depend on libspymemcached-java.

- - - - -
4dd6cc8d by Andrius Merkys at 2019-10-10T05:42:07Z
Adding description for 04-remove-MemcachedHttpCacheStorage.patch.

- - - - -
4c21b005 by Andrius Merkys at 2019-10-10T05:47:24Z
Ignoring net.spy.memcached artifact.

- - - - -
603576e6 by Andrius Merkys at 2019-10-10T05:58:27Z
Preparing for upload.

- - - - -

7 changed files:

- debian/changelog
- debian/control
- debian/libhttpclient-java.poms
- debian/maven.ignoreRules
- debian/patches/03-skip-failing-tests.patch
- + debian/patches/04-remove-MemcachedHttpCacheStorage.patch
- debian/patches/series


@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
-httpcomponents-client (4.5.10-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+httpcomponents-client (4.5.10-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * Team upload.
   * Enabling tests during build.
+  * Building httpclient-cache and httpclient-osgi artifacts (Closes: #942035).
- -- Andrius Merkys <merkys at debian.org>  Tue, 08 Oct 2019 04:56:15 -0400
+ -- Andrius Merkys <merkys at debian.org>  Thu, 10 Oct 2019 01:57:43 -0400
 httpcomponents-client (4.5.10-1) unstable; urgency=medium

@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ Build-Depends:
  libbuild-helper-maven-plugin-java (>= 1.8),
+ libeasymock-java,
+ libehcache-java,
  libhttpcore-java (>= 4.4.1~),

@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ pom.xml --no-parent
 httpclient/pom.xml --java-lib --has-package-version
 fluent-hc/pom.xml --java-lib --has-package-version
 httpmime/pom.xml --java-lib --has-package-version --package=libhttpmime-java
-httpclient-cache/pom.xml --ignore
-httpclient-osgi/pom.xml --ignore
+httpclient-cache/pom.xml --java-lib --has-package-version
+httpclient-osgi/pom.xml --java-lib --has-package-version
 httpclient-win/pom.xml --ignore

@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@
 # from the POM
 #   junit junit jar s/3\..*/3.x/
+net.spy spymemcached
+org.easymock easymockclassextension
+org.apache.httpcomponents httpclient test-jar
 *	animal-sniffer-maven-plugin
 *       maven-checkstyle-plugin
 *	maven-clover2-plugin

The diff for this file was not included because it is too large.

@@ -0,0 +1,917 @@
+Description: Removing classes which depend on libspymemcached-java, as the
+ former is not yet in Debian. Once libspymemcached-java clears through NEW,
+ this patch should be removed.
+Author: Andrius Merkys <merkys at debian.org>
+--- a/httpclient-cache/src/main/java/org/apache/http/impl/client/cache/memcached/MemcachedHttpCacheStorage.java
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
+- * ====================================================================
+- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+- * distributed with this work for additional information
+- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+- *
+- *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+- *
+- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+- * under the License.
+- * ====================================================================
+- *
+- * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
+- * individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation.  For more
+- * information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see
+- * <http://www.apache.org/>.
+- *
+- */
+-package org.apache.http.impl.client.cache.memcached;
+-import java.io.IOException;
+-import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
+-import net.spy.memcached.CASResponse;
+-import net.spy.memcached.CASValue;
+-import net.spy.memcached.MemcachedClient;
+-import net.spy.memcached.MemcachedClientIF;
+-import net.spy.memcached.OperationTimeoutException;
+-import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
+-import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
+-import org.apache.http.client.cache.HttpCacheEntry;
+-import org.apache.http.client.cache.HttpCacheEntrySerializer;
+-import org.apache.http.client.cache.HttpCacheStorage;
+-import org.apache.http.client.cache.HttpCacheUpdateCallback;
+-import org.apache.http.client.cache.HttpCacheUpdateException;
+-import org.apache.http.impl.client.cache.CacheConfig;
+- * <p>
+- * This class is a storage backend that uses an external <i>memcached</i>
+- * for storing cached origin responses. This storage option provides a
+- * couple of interesting advantages over the default in-memory storage
+- * backend:
+- * </p>
+- * <ol>
+- * <li>in-memory cached objects can survive an application restart since
+- * they are held in a separate process</li>
+- * <li>it becomes possible for several cooperating applications to share
+- * a large <i>memcached</i> farm together</li>
+- * </ol>
+- * <p>
+- * Note that in a shared memcached pool setting you may wish to make use
+- * of the Ketama consistent hashing algorithm to reduce the number of
+- * cache misses that might result if one of the memcached cluster members
+- * fails (see the <a href="http://dustin.github.com/java-memcached-client/apidocs/net/spy/memcached/KetamaConnectionFactory.html">
+- * KetamaConnectionFactory</a>).
+- * </p>
+- * <p>
+- * Because memcached places limits on the size of its keys, we need to
+- * introduce a key hashing scheme to map the annotated URLs the higher-level
+- * caching HTTP client wants to use as keys onto ones that are suitable
+- * for use with memcached. Please see {@link KeyHashingScheme} if you would
+- * like to use something other than the provided {@link SHA256KeyHashingScheme}.
+- * </p>
+- *
+- * <p>
+- * Because this hashing scheme can potentially result in key collisions (though
+- * highly unlikely), we need to store the higher-level logical storage key along
+- * with the {@link HttpCacheEntry} so that we can re-check it on retrieval. There
+- * is a default serialization scheme provided for this, although you can provide
+- * your own implementations of {@link MemcachedCacheEntry} and
+- * {@link MemcachedCacheEntryFactory} to customize this serialization.
+- * </p>
+- *
+- * <p>
+- * Please refer to the <a href="http://code.google.com/p/memcached/wiki/NewStart">
+- * memcached documentation</a> and in particular to the documentation for
+- * the <a href="http://code.google.com/p/spymemcached/">spymemcached
+- * documentation</a> for details about how to set up and configure memcached
+- * and the Java client used here, respectively.
+- * </p>
+- *
+- * @since 4.1
+- */
+-public class MemcachedHttpCacheStorage implements HttpCacheStorage {
+-    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(MemcachedHttpCacheStorage.class);
+-    private final MemcachedClientIF client;
+-    private final KeyHashingScheme keyHashingScheme;
+-    private final MemcachedCacheEntryFactory memcachedCacheEntryFactory;
+-    private final int maxUpdateRetries;
+-    /**
+-     * Create a storage backend talking to a <i>memcached</i> instance
+-     * listening on the specified host and port. This is useful if you
+-     * just have a single local memcached instance running on the same
+-     * machine as your application, for example.
+-     * @param address where the <i>memcached</i> daemon is running
+-     * @throws IOException in case of an error
+-     */
+-    public MemcachedHttpCacheStorage(final InetSocketAddress address) throws IOException {
+-        this(new MemcachedClient(address));
+-    }
+-    /**
+-     * Create a storage backend using the pre-configured given
+-     * <i>memcached</i> client.
+-     * @param cache client to use for communicating with <i>memcached</i>
+-     */
+-    public MemcachedHttpCacheStorage(final MemcachedClientIF cache) {
+-        this(cache, CacheConfig.DEFAULT, new MemcachedCacheEntryFactoryImpl(),
+-                new SHA256KeyHashingScheme());
+-    }
+-    /**
+-     * Create a storage backend using the given <i>memcached</i> client and
+-     * applying the given cache configuration and cache entry serialization
+-     * mechanism. <b>Deprecation note:</b> In the process of fixing a bug
+-     * based on the need to hash logical storage keys onto memcached cache
+-     * keys, the serialization process was revamped. This constructor still
+-     * works, but the serializer argument will be ignored and default
+-     * implementations of the new framework will be used. You can still
+-     * provide custom serialization by using the
+-     * {@link #MemcachedHttpCacheStorage(MemcachedClientIF, CacheConfig,
+-     * MemcachedCacheEntryFactory, KeyHashingScheme)} constructor.
+-     * @param client how to talk to <i>memcached</i>
+-     * @param config apply HTTP cache-related options
+-     * @param serializer <b>ignored</b>
+-     *
+-     * @deprecated (4.2) do not use
+-     */
+-    @Deprecated
+-    public MemcachedHttpCacheStorage(final MemcachedClientIF client, final CacheConfig config,
+-            final HttpCacheEntrySerializer serializer) {
+-        this(client, config, new MemcachedCacheEntryFactoryImpl(),
+-                new SHA256KeyHashingScheme());
+-    }
+-    /**
+-     * Create a storage backend using the given <i>memcached</i> client and
+-     * applying the given cache configuration, serialization, and hashing
+-     * mechanisms.
+-     * @param client how to talk to <i>memcached</i>
+-     * @param config apply HTTP cache-related options
+-     * @param memcachedCacheEntryFactory Factory pattern used for obtaining
+-     *   instances of alternative cache entry serialization mechanisms
+-     * @param keyHashingScheme how to map higher-level logical "storage keys"
+-     *   onto "cache keys" suitable for use with memcached
+-     */
+-    public MemcachedHttpCacheStorage(final MemcachedClientIF client, final CacheConfig config,
+-            final MemcachedCacheEntryFactory memcachedCacheEntryFactory,
+-            final KeyHashingScheme keyHashingScheme) {
+-        this.client = client;
+-        this.maxUpdateRetries = config.getMaxUpdateRetries();
+-        this.memcachedCacheEntryFactory = memcachedCacheEntryFactory;
+-        this.keyHashingScheme = keyHashingScheme;
+-    }
+-    @Override
+-    public void putEntry(final String url, final HttpCacheEntry entry) throws IOException  {
+-        final byte[] bytes = serializeEntry(url, entry);
+-        final String key = getCacheKey(url);
+-        if (key == null) {
+-            return;
+-        }
+-        try {
+-            client.set(key, 0, bytes);
+-        } catch (final OperationTimeoutException ex) {
+-            throw new MemcachedOperationTimeoutException(ex);
+-        }
+-    }
+-    private String getCacheKey(final String url) {
+-        try {
+-            return keyHashingScheme.hash(url);
+-        } catch (final MemcachedKeyHashingException mkhe) {
+-            return null;
+-        }
+-    }
+-    private byte[] serializeEntry(final String url, final HttpCacheEntry hce) throws IOException {
+-        final MemcachedCacheEntry mce = memcachedCacheEntryFactory.getMemcachedCacheEntry(url, hce);
+-        try {
+-            return mce.toByteArray();
+-        } catch (final MemcachedSerializationException mse) {
+-            final IOException ioe = new IOException();
+-            ioe.initCause(mse);
+-            throw ioe;
+-        }
+-    }
+-    private byte[] convertToByteArray(final Object o) {
+-        if (o == null) {
+-            return null;
+-        }
+-        if (!(o instanceof byte[])) {
+-            log.warn("got a non-bytearray back from memcached: " + o);
+-            return null;
+-        }
+-        return (byte[])o;
+-    }
+-    private MemcachedCacheEntry reconstituteEntry(final Object o) {
+-        final byte[] bytes = convertToByteArray(o);
+-        if (bytes == null) {
+-            return null;
+-        }
+-        final MemcachedCacheEntry mce = memcachedCacheEntryFactory.getUnsetCacheEntry();
+-        try {
+-            mce.set(bytes);
+-        } catch (final MemcachedSerializationException mse) {
+-            return null;
+-        }
+-        return mce;
+-    }
+-    @Override
+-    public HttpCacheEntry getEntry(final String url) throws IOException {
+-        final String key = getCacheKey(url);
+-        if (key == null) {
+-            return null;
+-        }
+-        try {
+-            final MemcachedCacheEntry mce = reconstituteEntry(client.get(key));
+-            if (mce == null || !url.equals(mce.getStorageKey())) {
+-                return null;
+-            }
+-            return mce.getHttpCacheEntry();
+-        } catch (final OperationTimeoutException ex) {
+-            throw new MemcachedOperationTimeoutException(ex);
+-        }
+-    }
+-    @Override
+-    public void removeEntry(final String url) throws IOException {
+-        final String key = getCacheKey(url);
+-        if (key == null) {
+-            return;
+-        }
+-        try {
+-            client.delete(key);
+-        } catch (final OperationTimeoutException ex) {
+-            throw new MemcachedOperationTimeoutException(ex);
+-        }
+-    }
+-    @Override
+-    public void updateEntry(final String url, final HttpCacheUpdateCallback callback)
+-            throws HttpCacheUpdateException, IOException {
+-        int numRetries = 0;
+-        final String key = getCacheKey(url);
+-        if (key == null) {
+-            throw new HttpCacheUpdateException("couldn't generate cache key");
+-        }
+-        do {
+-            try {
+-                final CASValue<Object> v = client.gets(key);
+-                MemcachedCacheEntry mce = (v == null) ? null
+-                        : reconstituteEntry(v.getValue());
+-                if (mce != null && (!url.equals(mce.getStorageKey()))) {
+-                    mce = null;
+-                }
+-                final HttpCacheEntry existingEntry = (mce == null) ? null
+-                        : mce.getHttpCacheEntry();
+-                final HttpCacheEntry updatedEntry = callback.update(existingEntry);
+-                if (existingEntry == null) {
+-                    putEntry(url, updatedEntry);
+-                    return;
+-                } else {
+-                    final byte[] updatedBytes = serializeEntry(url, updatedEntry);
+-                    final CASResponse casResult = client.cas(key, v.getCas(),
+-                            updatedBytes);
+-                    if (casResult != CASResponse.OK) {
+-                        numRetries++;
+-                    } else {
+-                        return;
+-                    }
+-                }
+-            } catch (final OperationTimeoutException ex) {
+-                throw new MemcachedOperationTimeoutException(ex);
+-            }
+-        } while (numRetries <= maxUpdateRetries);
+-        throw new HttpCacheUpdateException("Failed to update");
+-    }
+--- a/httpclient-cache/src/test/java/org/apache/http/impl/client/cache/memcached/TestMemcachedHttpCacheStorage.java
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,609 +0,0 @@
+- * ====================================================================
+- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+- * distributed with this work for additional information
+- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+- *
+- *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+- *
+- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+- * under the License.
+- * ====================================================================
+- *
+- * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
+- * individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation.  For more
+- * information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see
+- * <http://www.apache.org/>.
+- *
+- */
+-package org.apache.http.impl.client.cache.memcached;
+-import static org.mockito.Mockito.doThrow;
+-import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
+-import static org.mockito.Mockito.times;
+-import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
+-import static org.mockito.Mockito.verifyNoMoreInteractions;
+-import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
+-import java.io.IOException;
+-import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
+-import junit.framework.TestCase;
+-import net.spy.memcached.CASResponse;
+-import net.spy.memcached.CASValue;
+-import net.spy.memcached.MemcachedClientIF;
+-import net.spy.memcached.OperationTimeoutException;
+-import org.apache.http.client.cache.HttpCacheEntry;
+-import org.apache.http.client.cache.HttpCacheUpdateCallback;
+-import org.apache.http.client.cache.HttpCacheUpdateException;
+-import org.apache.http.impl.client.cache.CacheConfig;
+-import org.apache.http.impl.client.cache.HttpTestUtils;
+-import org.junit.Before;
+-import org.junit.Test;
+-public class TestMemcachedHttpCacheStorage extends TestCase {
+-    private MemcachedHttpCacheStorage impl;
+-    private MemcachedClientIF mockMemcachedClient;
+-    private KeyHashingScheme mockKeyHashingScheme;
+-    private MemcachedCacheEntryFactory mockMemcachedCacheEntryFactory;
+-    private MemcachedCacheEntry mockMemcachedCacheEntry;
+-    private MemcachedCacheEntry mockMemcachedCacheEntry2;
+-    private MemcachedCacheEntry mockMemcachedCacheEntry3;
+-    private MemcachedCacheEntry mockMemcachedCacheEntry4;
+-    @Override
+-    @Before
+-    public void setUp() throws Exception {
+-        mockMemcachedClient = mock(MemcachedClientIF.class);
+-        mockKeyHashingScheme = mock(KeyHashingScheme.class);
+-        mockMemcachedCacheEntryFactory = mock(MemcachedCacheEntryFactory.class);
+-        mockMemcachedCacheEntry = mock(MemcachedCacheEntry.class);
+-        mockMemcachedCacheEntry2 = mock(MemcachedCacheEntry.class);
+-        mockMemcachedCacheEntry3 = mock(MemcachedCacheEntry.class);
+-        mockMemcachedCacheEntry4 = mock(MemcachedCacheEntry.class);
+-        final CacheConfig config = CacheConfig.custom().setMaxUpdateRetries(1).build();
+-        impl = new MemcachedHttpCacheStorage(mockMemcachedClient, config,
+-                mockMemcachedCacheEntryFactory, mockKeyHashingScheme);
+-    }
+-    @Test
+-    public void testSuccessfulCachePut() throws IOException {
+-        final String url = "foo";
+-        final String key = "key";
+-        final HttpCacheEntry value = HttpTestUtils.makeCacheEntry();
+-        final byte[] serialized = HttpTestUtils.getRandomBytes(128);
+-        when(mockMemcachedCacheEntryFactory.getMemcachedCacheEntry(url, value))
+-            .thenReturn(mockMemcachedCacheEntry);
+-        when(mockMemcachedCacheEntry.toByteArray())
+-            .thenReturn(serialized);
+-        when(mockKeyHashingScheme.hash(url))
+-            .thenReturn(key);
+-        when(mockMemcachedClient.set(key, 0, serialized))
+-            .thenReturn(null);
+-        impl.putEntry(url, value);
+-        verify(mockMemcachedCacheEntryFactory).getMemcachedCacheEntry(url, value);
+-        verify(mockMemcachedCacheEntry).toByteArray();
+-        verify(mockKeyHashingScheme).hash(url);
+-        verify(mockMemcachedClient).set(key, 0, serialized);
+-    }
+-    @Test
+-    public void testCachePutFailsSilentlyWhenWeCannotHashAKey() throws IOException {
+-        final String url = "foo";
+-        final HttpCacheEntry value = HttpTestUtils.makeCacheEntry();
+-        final byte[] serialized = HttpTestUtils.getRandomBytes(128);
+-        when(mockMemcachedCacheEntryFactory.getMemcachedCacheEntry(url, value))
+-            .thenReturn(mockMemcachedCacheEntry);
+-        when(mockMemcachedCacheEntry.toByteArray())
+-            .thenReturn(serialized);
+-        when(mockKeyHashingScheme.hash(url))
+-            .thenThrow(new MemcachedKeyHashingException(new Exception()));
+-        impl.putEntry(url, value);
+-        verify(mockMemcachedCacheEntryFactory).getMemcachedCacheEntry(url, value);
+-        verify(mockMemcachedCacheEntry).toByteArray();
+-        verify(mockKeyHashingScheme).hash(url);
+-    }
+-    public void testThrowsIOExceptionWhenMemcachedPutTimesOut() {
+-        final String url = "foo";
+-        final String key = "key";
+-        final HttpCacheEntry value = HttpTestUtils.makeCacheEntry();
+-        final byte[] serialized = HttpTestUtils.getRandomBytes(128);
+-        when(mockMemcachedCacheEntryFactory.getMemcachedCacheEntry(url, value))
+-            .thenReturn(mockMemcachedCacheEntry);
+-        when(mockMemcachedCacheEntry.toByteArray())
+-            .thenReturn(serialized);
+-        when(mockKeyHashingScheme.hash(url))
+-            .thenReturn(key);
+-        when(mockMemcachedClient.set(key, 0, serialized))
+-            .thenThrow(new OperationTimeoutException("timed out"));
+-        try {
+-            impl.putEntry(url, value);
+-            fail("should have thrown exception");
+-        } catch (final IOException expected) {
+-        }
+-        verify(mockMemcachedCacheEntryFactory).getMemcachedCacheEntry(url, value);
+-        verify(mockMemcachedCacheEntry).toByteArray();
+-        verify(mockKeyHashingScheme).hash(url);
+-        verify(mockMemcachedClient).set(key, 0, serialized);
+-    }
+-    @Test
+-    public void testCachePutThrowsIOExceptionIfCannotSerializeEntry() {
+-        final String url = "foo";
+-        final String key = "key";
+-        final HttpCacheEntry value = HttpTestUtils.makeCacheEntry();
+-        when(mockMemcachedCacheEntryFactory.getMemcachedCacheEntry(url, value))
+-            .thenReturn(mockMemcachedCacheEntry);
+-        when(mockMemcachedCacheEntry.toByteArray())
+-            .thenThrow(new MemcachedSerializationException(new Exception()));
+-        try {
+-            impl.putEntry(url, value);
+-            fail("should have thrown exception");
+-        } catch (final IOException expected) {
+-        }
+-        verify(mockMemcachedCacheEntryFactory).getMemcachedCacheEntry(url, value);
+-        verify(mockMemcachedCacheEntry).toByteArray();
+-    }
+-    @Test
+-    public void testSuccessfulCacheGet() throws UnsupportedEncodingException,
+-            IOException {
+-        final String url = "foo";
+-        final String key = "key";
+-        final byte[] serialized = HttpTestUtils.getRandomBytes(128);
+-        final HttpCacheEntry cacheEntry = HttpTestUtils.makeCacheEntry();
+-        when(mockKeyHashingScheme.hash(url)).thenReturn(key);
+-        when(mockMemcachedClient.get(key)).thenReturn(serialized);
+-        when(mockMemcachedCacheEntryFactory.getUnsetCacheEntry())
+-            .thenReturn(mockMemcachedCacheEntry);
+-        when(mockMemcachedCacheEntry.getStorageKey()).thenReturn(url);
+-        when(mockMemcachedCacheEntry.getHttpCacheEntry()).thenReturn(cacheEntry);
+-        final HttpCacheEntry resultingEntry = impl.getEntry(url);
+-        verify(mockKeyHashingScheme).hash(url);
+-        verify(mockMemcachedClient).get(key);
+-        verify(mockMemcachedCacheEntryFactory).getUnsetCacheEntry();
+-        verify(mockMemcachedCacheEntry).set(serialized);
+-        verify(mockMemcachedCacheEntry).getStorageKey();
+-        verify(mockMemcachedCacheEntry).getHttpCacheEntry();
+-        assertSame(cacheEntry, resultingEntry);
+-    }
+-    @Test
+-    public void testTreatsNoneByteArrayFromMemcachedAsCacheMiss() throws UnsupportedEncodingException,
+-            IOException {
+-        final String url = "foo";
+-        final String key = "key";
+-        when(mockKeyHashingScheme.hash(url)).thenReturn(key);
+-        when(mockMemcachedClient.get(key)).thenReturn(new Object());
+-        final HttpCacheEntry resultingEntry = impl.getEntry(url);
+-        verify(mockKeyHashingScheme).hash(url);
+-        verify(mockMemcachedClient).get(key);
+-        assertNull(resultingEntry);
+-    }
+-    @Test
+-    public void testTreatsNullFromMemcachedAsCacheMiss() throws UnsupportedEncodingException,
+-            IOException {
+-        final String url = "foo";
+-        final String key = "key";
+-        when(mockKeyHashingScheme.hash(url)).thenReturn(key);
+-        when(mockMemcachedClient.get(key)).thenReturn(null);
+-        final HttpCacheEntry resultingEntry = impl.getEntry(url);
+-        verify(mockKeyHashingScheme).hash(url);
+-        verify(mockMemcachedClient).get(key);
+-        assertNull(resultingEntry);
+-    }
+-    @Test
+-    public void testTreatsAsCacheMissIfCannotReconstituteEntry() throws UnsupportedEncodingException,
+-            IOException {
+-        final String url = "foo";
+-        final String key = "key";
+-        final byte[] serialized = HttpTestUtils.getRandomBytes(128);
+-        when(mockKeyHashingScheme.hash(url)).thenReturn(key);
+-        when(mockMemcachedClient.get(key)).thenReturn(serialized);
+-        when(mockMemcachedCacheEntryFactory.getUnsetCacheEntry())
+-            .thenReturn(mockMemcachedCacheEntry);
+-        doThrow(new MemcachedSerializationException(new Exception())).when(mockMemcachedCacheEntry).set(serialized);
+-        assertNull(impl.getEntry(url));
+-        verify(mockKeyHashingScheme).hash(url);
+-        verify(mockMemcachedClient).get(key);
+-        verify(mockMemcachedCacheEntryFactory).getUnsetCacheEntry();
+-        verify(mockMemcachedCacheEntry).set(serialized);
+-    }
+-    @Test
+-    public void testTreatsAsCacheMissIfCantHashStorageKey() throws UnsupportedEncodingException,
+-            IOException {
+-        final String url = "foo";
+-        when(mockKeyHashingScheme.hash(url)).thenThrow(new MemcachedKeyHashingException(new Exception()));
+-        assertNull(impl.getEntry(url));
+-        verify(mockKeyHashingScheme).hash(url);
+-    }
+-    @Test
+-    public void testThrowsIOExceptionIfMemcachedTimesOutOnGet() {
+-        final String url = "foo";
+-        final String key = "key";
+-        when(mockKeyHashingScheme.hash(url)).thenReturn(key);
+-        when(mockMemcachedClient.get(key))
+-            .thenThrow(new OperationTimeoutException(""));
+-        try {
+-            impl.getEntry(url);
+-            fail("should have thrown exception");
+-        } catch (final IOException expected) {
+-        }
+-        verify(mockKeyHashingScheme).hash(url);
+-        verify(mockMemcachedClient).get(key);
+-    }
+-    @Test
+-    public void testCacheRemove() throws IOException {
+-        final String url = "foo";
+-        final String key = "key";
+-        when(mockKeyHashingScheme.hash(url)).thenReturn(key);
+-        when(mockMemcachedClient.delete(key)).thenReturn(null);
+-        impl.removeEntry(url);
+-        verify(mockKeyHashingScheme).hash(url);
+-        verify(mockMemcachedClient).delete(key);
+-    }
+-    @Test
+-    public void testCacheRemoveHandlesKeyHashingFailure() throws IOException {
+-        final String url = "foo";
+-        when(mockKeyHashingScheme.hash(url)).thenReturn(null);
+-        impl.removeEntry(url);
+-        verify(mockKeyHashingScheme).hash(url);
+-    }
+-    @Test
+-    public void testCacheRemoveThrowsIOExceptionOnMemcachedTimeout() {
+-        final String url = "foo";
+-        final String key = "key";
+-        when(mockKeyHashingScheme.hash(url)).thenReturn(key);
+-        when(mockMemcachedClient.delete(key))
+-            .thenThrow(new OperationTimeoutException(""));
+-        try {
+-            impl.removeEntry(url);
+-            fail("should have thrown exception");
+-        } catch (final IOException expected) {
+-        }
+-        verify(mockKeyHashingScheme).hash(url);
+-        verify(mockMemcachedClient).delete(key);
+-    }
+-    @Test
+-    public void testCacheUpdateCanUpdateNullEntry() throws IOException,
+-            HttpCacheUpdateException {
+-        final String url = "foo";
+-        final String key = "key";
+-        final HttpCacheEntry updatedValue = HttpTestUtils.makeCacheEntry();
+-        final byte[] serialized = HttpTestUtils.getRandomBytes(128);
+-        final HttpCacheUpdateCallback callback = new HttpCacheUpdateCallback() {
+-            @Override
+-            public HttpCacheEntry update(final HttpCacheEntry old) {
+-                assertNull(old);
+-                return updatedValue;
+-            }
+-        };
+-        // get empty old entry
+-        when(mockKeyHashingScheme.hash(url)).thenReturn(key);
+-        when(mockMemcachedClient.gets(key)).thenReturn(null);
+-        when(mockMemcachedCacheEntryFactory.getMemcachedCacheEntry(url, updatedValue))
+-            .thenReturn(mockMemcachedCacheEntry);
+-        when(mockMemcachedCacheEntry.toByteArray()).thenReturn(serialized);
+-        when(
+-                mockMemcachedClient.set(key, 0,
+-                        serialized)).thenReturn(null);
+-        impl.updateEntry(url, callback);
+-        verify(mockKeyHashingScheme, times(2)).hash(url);
+-        verify(mockMemcachedClient).gets(key);
+-        verify(mockMemcachedCacheEntryFactory).getMemcachedCacheEntry(url, updatedValue);
+-        verify(mockMemcachedCacheEntry).toByteArray();
+-        verify(mockMemcachedClient).set(key,  0, serialized);
+-    }
+-    @Test
+-    public void testCacheUpdateOverwritesNonMatchingHashCollision() throws IOException,
+-            HttpCacheUpdateException {
+-        final String url = "foo";
+-        final String key = "key";
+-        final HttpCacheEntry updatedValue = HttpTestUtils.makeCacheEntry();
+-        final byte[] oldBytes = HttpTestUtils.getRandomBytes(128);
+-        final CASValue<Object> casValue = new CASValue<Object>(-1, oldBytes);
+-        final byte[] newBytes = HttpTestUtils.getRandomBytes(128);
+-        final HttpCacheUpdateCallback callback = new HttpCacheUpdateCallback() {
+-            @Override
+-            public HttpCacheEntry update(final HttpCacheEntry old) {
+-                assertNull(old);
+-                return updatedValue;
+-            }
+-        };
+-        // get empty old entry
+-        when(mockKeyHashingScheme.hash(url)).thenReturn(key);
+-        when(mockMemcachedClient.gets(key)).thenReturn(casValue);
+-        when(mockMemcachedCacheEntryFactory.getUnsetCacheEntry())
+-            .thenReturn(mockMemcachedCacheEntry);
+-        when(mockMemcachedCacheEntry.getStorageKey()).thenReturn("not" + url);
+-        when(mockMemcachedCacheEntryFactory.getMemcachedCacheEntry(url, updatedValue))
+-            .thenReturn(mockMemcachedCacheEntry2);
+-        when(mockMemcachedCacheEntry2.toByteArray()).thenReturn(newBytes);
+-        when(
+-                mockMemcachedClient.set(key, 0,
+-                        newBytes)).thenReturn(null);
+-        impl.updateEntry(url, callback);
+-        verify(mockKeyHashingScheme, times(2)).hash(url);
+-        verify(mockMemcachedClient).gets(key);
+-        verify(mockMemcachedCacheEntryFactory).getUnsetCacheEntry();
+-        verify(mockMemcachedCacheEntry).getStorageKey();
+-        verify(mockMemcachedCacheEntryFactory).getMemcachedCacheEntry(url, updatedValue);
+-        verify(mockMemcachedCacheEntry2).toByteArray();
+-        verify(mockMemcachedClient).set(key,  0, newBytes);
+-    }
+-    @Test
+-    public void testCacheUpdateCanUpdateExistingEntry() throws IOException,
+-            HttpCacheUpdateException {
+-        final String url = "foo";
+-        final String key = "key";
+-        final HttpCacheEntry existingValue = HttpTestUtils.makeCacheEntry();
+-        final HttpCacheEntry updatedValue = HttpTestUtils.makeCacheEntry();
+-        final byte[] oldBytes = HttpTestUtils.getRandomBytes(128);
+-        final CASValue<Object> casValue = new CASValue<Object>(1, oldBytes);
+-        final byte[] newBytes = HttpTestUtils.getRandomBytes(128);
+-        final HttpCacheUpdateCallback callback = new HttpCacheUpdateCallback() {
+-            @Override
+-            public HttpCacheEntry update(final HttpCacheEntry old) {
+-                assertSame(existingValue, old);
+-                return updatedValue;
+-            }
+-        };
+-        // get empty old entry
+-        when(mockKeyHashingScheme.hash(url)).thenReturn(key);
+-        when(mockMemcachedClient.gets(key)).thenReturn(casValue);
+-        when(mockMemcachedCacheEntryFactory.getUnsetCacheEntry())
+-            .thenReturn(mockMemcachedCacheEntry);
+-        when(mockMemcachedCacheEntry.getStorageKey()).thenReturn(url);
+-        when(mockMemcachedCacheEntry.getHttpCacheEntry()).thenReturn(existingValue);
+-        when(mockMemcachedCacheEntryFactory.getMemcachedCacheEntry(url, updatedValue))
+-            .thenReturn(mockMemcachedCacheEntry2);
+-        when(mockMemcachedCacheEntry2.toByteArray()).thenReturn(newBytes);
+-        when(
+-                mockMemcachedClient.cas(key, casValue.getCas(),
+-                        newBytes)).thenReturn(CASResponse.OK);
+-        impl.updateEntry(url, callback);
+-        verify(mockKeyHashingScheme).hash(url);
+-        verify(mockMemcachedClient).gets(key);
+-        verify(mockMemcachedCacheEntryFactory).getUnsetCacheEntry();
+-        verify(mockMemcachedCacheEntry).getStorageKey();
+-        verify(mockMemcachedCacheEntry).getHttpCacheEntry();
+-        verify(mockMemcachedCacheEntryFactory).getMemcachedCacheEntry(url, updatedValue);
+-        verify(mockMemcachedCacheEntry2).toByteArray();
+-        verify(mockMemcachedClient).cas(key, casValue.getCas(), newBytes);
+-    }
+-    @Test
+-    public void testCacheUpdateThrowsExceptionsIfCASFailsEnoughTimes() throws IOException {
+-        final String url = "foo";
+-        final String key = "key";
+-        final HttpCacheEntry existingValue = HttpTestUtils.makeCacheEntry();
+-        final HttpCacheEntry updatedValue = HttpTestUtils.makeCacheEntry();
+-        final byte[] oldBytes = HttpTestUtils.getRandomBytes(128);
+-        final CASValue<Object> casValue = new CASValue<Object>(1, oldBytes);
+-        final byte[] newBytes = HttpTestUtils.getRandomBytes(128);
+-        final CacheConfig config = CacheConfig.custom().setMaxUpdateRetries(0).build();
+-        impl = new MemcachedHttpCacheStorage(mockMemcachedClient, config,
+-                mockMemcachedCacheEntryFactory, mockKeyHashingScheme);
+-        final HttpCacheUpdateCallback callback = new HttpCacheUpdateCallback() {
+-            @Override
+-            public HttpCacheEntry update(final HttpCacheEntry old) {
+-                assertSame(existingValue, old);
+-                return updatedValue;
+-            }
+-        };
+-        // get empty old entry
+-        when(mockKeyHashingScheme.hash(url)).thenReturn(key);
+-        when(mockMemcachedClient.gets(key)).thenReturn(casValue);
+-        when(mockMemcachedCacheEntryFactory.getUnsetCacheEntry())
+-            .thenReturn(mockMemcachedCacheEntry);
+-        when(mockMemcachedCacheEntry.getStorageKey()).thenReturn(url);
+-        when(mockMemcachedCacheEntry.getHttpCacheEntry()).thenReturn(existingValue);
+-        when(mockMemcachedCacheEntryFactory.getMemcachedCacheEntry(url, updatedValue))
+-            .thenReturn(mockMemcachedCacheEntry2);
+-        when(mockMemcachedCacheEntry2.toByteArray()).thenReturn(newBytes);
+-        when(
+-                mockMemcachedClient.cas(key, casValue.getCas(),
+-                        newBytes)).thenReturn(CASResponse.EXISTS);
+-        try {
+-            impl.updateEntry(url, callback);
+-            fail("should have thrown exception");
+-        } catch (final HttpCacheUpdateException expected) {
+-        }
+-        verify(mockKeyHashingScheme).hash(url);
+-        verify(mockMemcachedClient).gets(key);
+-        verify(mockMemcachedCacheEntryFactory).getUnsetCacheEntry();
+-        verify(mockMemcachedCacheEntry).getStorageKey();
+-        verify(mockMemcachedCacheEntry).getHttpCacheEntry();
+-        verify(mockMemcachedCacheEntryFactory).getMemcachedCacheEntry(url, updatedValue);
+-        verify(mockMemcachedCacheEntry2).toByteArray();
+-        verify(mockMemcachedClient).cas(key, casValue.getCas(), newBytes);
+-    }
+-    @Test
+-    public void testCacheUpdateCanUpdateExistingEntryWithRetry() throws IOException,
+-            HttpCacheUpdateException {
+-        final String url = "foo";
+-        final String key = "key";
+-        final HttpCacheEntry existingValue = HttpTestUtils.makeCacheEntry();
+-        final HttpCacheEntry existingValue2 = HttpTestUtils.makeCacheEntry();
+-        final HttpCacheEntry updatedValue = HttpTestUtils.makeCacheEntry();
+-        final HttpCacheEntry updatedValue2 = HttpTestUtils.makeCacheEntry();
+-        final byte[] oldBytes2 = HttpTestUtils.getRandomBytes(128);
+-        final CASValue<Object> casValue2 = new CASValue<Object>(2, oldBytes2);
+-        final byte[] newBytes2 = HttpTestUtils.getRandomBytes(128);
+-        final HttpCacheUpdateCallback callback = new HttpCacheUpdateCallback() {
+-            @Override
+-            public HttpCacheEntry update(final HttpCacheEntry old) {
+-                if (old == existingValue) {
+-                    return updatedValue;
+-                }
+-                assertSame(existingValue2, old);
+-                return updatedValue2;
+-            }
+-        };
+-        when(mockKeyHashingScheme.hash(url)).thenReturn(key);
+-        // take two
+-        when(mockMemcachedClient.gets(key)).thenReturn(casValue2);
+-        when(mockMemcachedCacheEntryFactory.getUnsetCacheEntry())
+-            .thenReturn(mockMemcachedCacheEntry3);
+-        when(mockMemcachedCacheEntry3.getStorageKey()).thenReturn(url);
+-        when(mockMemcachedCacheEntry3.getHttpCacheEntry()).thenReturn(existingValue2);
+-        when(mockMemcachedCacheEntryFactory.getMemcachedCacheEntry(url, updatedValue2))
+-            .thenReturn(mockMemcachedCacheEntry4);
+-        when(mockMemcachedCacheEntry4.toByteArray()).thenReturn(newBytes2);
+-        when(
+-                mockMemcachedClient.cas(key, casValue2.getCas(),
+-                        newBytes2)).thenReturn(CASResponse.OK);
+-        impl.updateEntry(url, callback);
+-        verify(mockKeyHashingScheme).hash(url);
+-        verify(mockMemcachedClient).gets(key);
+-        verify(mockMemcachedCacheEntryFactory).getUnsetCacheEntry();
+-        verify(mockMemcachedCacheEntry3).set(oldBytes2);
+-        verify(mockMemcachedCacheEntry3).getStorageKey();
+-        verify(mockMemcachedCacheEntry3).getHttpCacheEntry();
+-        verify(mockMemcachedCacheEntryFactory).getMemcachedCacheEntry(url, updatedValue2);
+-        verify(mockMemcachedCacheEntry4).toByteArray();
+-        verify(mockMemcachedClient).cas(key, casValue2.getCas(), newBytes2);
+-        verifyNoMoreInteractions(mockMemcachedClient);
+-        verifyNoMoreInteractions(mockKeyHashingScheme);
+-        verifyNoMoreInteractions(mockMemcachedCacheEntry);
+-        verifyNoMoreInteractions(mockMemcachedCacheEntry2);
+-        verifyNoMoreInteractions(mockMemcachedCacheEntry3);
+-        verifyNoMoreInteractions(mockMemcachedCacheEntry4);
+-        verifyNoMoreInteractions(mockMemcachedCacheEntryFactory);
+-    }
+-    @Test
+-    public void testUpdateThrowsIOExceptionIfMemcachedTimesOut() throws HttpCacheUpdateException {
+-        final String url = "foo";
+-        final String key = "key";
+-        final HttpCacheEntry updatedValue = HttpTestUtils.makeCacheEntry();
+-        final HttpCacheUpdateCallback callback = new HttpCacheUpdateCallback() {
+-            @Override
+-            public HttpCacheEntry update(final HttpCacheEntry old) {
+-                assertNull(old);
+-                return updatedValue;
+-            }
+-        };
+-        // get empty old entry
+-        when(mockKeyHashingScheme.hash(url)).thenReturn(key);
+-        when(mockMemcachedClient.gets(key))
+-            .thenThrow(new OperationTimeoutException(""));
+-        try {
+-            impl.updateEntry(url, callback);
+-            fail("should have thrown exception");
+-        } catch (final IOException expected) {
+-        }
+-        verify(mockKeyHashingScheme).hash(url);
+-        verify(mockMemcachedClient).gets(key);
+-    }
+-    @Test(expected=HttpCacheUpdateException.class)
+-    public void testThrowsExceptionOnUpdateIfCannotHashStorageKey() throws Exception {
+-        final String url = "foo";
+-        when(mockKeyHashingScheme.hash(url))
+-            .thenThrow(new MemcachedKeyHashingException(new Exception()));
+-        try {
+-            impl.updateEntry(url, null);
+-            fail("should have thrown exception");
+-        } catch (final HttpCacheUpdateException expected) {
+-        }
+-        verify(mockKeyHashingScheme).hash(url);
+-    }

@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@

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