[Git][java-team/metainf-services][master] 8 commits: New upstream version 1.9
Emmanuel Bourg (@ebourg)
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Mon Jun 20 15:05:40 BST 2022
Emmanuel Bourg pushed to branch master at Debian Java Maintainers / metainf-services
44f531c0 by Emmanuel Bourg at 2022-06-20T15:22:41+02:00
New upstream version 1.9
- - - - -
1ec7f546 by Emmanuel Bourg at 2022-06-20T15:22:41+02:00
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/1.9'
Update to upstream version '1.9'
with Debian dir bede2d2c096cfe2f61faf523c88aae2908864467
- - - - -
7ac6f85f by Emmanuel Bourg at 2022-06-20T15:23:30+02:00
Standards-Version updated to 4.6.1
- - - - -
12670d8d by Emmanuel Bourg at 2022-06-20T15:36:48+02:00
Removed the -java-doc package
- - - - -
df6e42c8 by Emmanuel Bourg at 2022-06-20T15:37:25+02:00
Removed the explicit dependency on libmaven-compiler-plugin-java
- - - - -
d40e4b5e by Emmanuel Bourg at 2022-06-20T15:38:28+02:00
Removed the unused maven-debian-helper files
- - - - -
9e68b378 by Emmanuel Bourg at 2022-06-20T15:38:36+02:00
Switch to debhelper level 13
- - - - -
d41c1d67 by Emmanuel Bourg at 2022-06-20T15:38:59+02:00
Upload to unstable
- - - - -
10 changed files:
- + README.md
- debian/changelog
- − debian/compat
- debian/control
- − debian/libmetainf-services-java-doc.doc-base.api
- − debian/libmetainf-services-java-doc.install
- − debian/maven.cleanIgnoreRules
- − debian/maven.publishedRules
- − debian/maven.rules
- pom.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# [META-INF/services generator](http://metainf-services.kohsuke.org)
+Generates META-INF/services files automatically
+See http://metainf-services.kohsuke.org for usage.
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+metainf-services (1.9-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Team upload.
+ * New upstream release
+ * Removed the -java-doc package
+ * Standards-Version updated to 4.6.1
+ * Switch to debhelper level 13
+ -- Emmanuel Bourg <ebourg at apache.org> Mon, 20 Jun 2022 15:38:50 +0200
metainf-services (1.8-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* Team upload.
debian/compat deleted
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
@@ -4,13 +4,10 @@ Priority: optional
Maintainer: Debian Java Maintainers <pkg-java-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
Uploaders: James Page <james.page at ubuntu.com>
- debhelper (>= 11),
+ debhelper-compat (= 13),
- default-jdk-doc,
- libmaven-compiler-plugin-java (>= 2.0.2),
- libmaven-javadoc-plugin-java,
-Standards-Version: 4.3.0
+Standards-Version: 4.6.1
Vcs-Git: https://salsa.debian.org/java-team/metainf-services.git
Vcs-Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/java-team/metainf-services
Homepage: http://metainf-services.kohsuke.org
@@ -23,16 +20,3 @@ Description: META-INF/services generator
This tiny library is an annotation processor that automatically generates
META-INF/services/* file from annotations that you placed on your source
code, thereby eliminating the need for you to do it by yourself.
-Package: libmetainf-services-java-doc
-Architecture: all
-Section: doc
-Depends: default-jdk-doc, ${maven:DocDepends}, ${misc:Depends}
-Recommends: ${maven:DocOptionalDepends}
-Suggests: libmetainf-services-java
-Description: Documentation for META-INF/services generator
- This tiny library is an annotation processor that automatically generates
- META-INF/services/* file from annotations that you placed on your source
- code, thereby eliminating the need for you to do it by yourself.
- .
- This package provides the API documentation for libmetainf-services-java.
debian/libmetainf-services-java-doc.doc-base.api deleted
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-Document: libmetainf-services-java
-Title: API Javadoc for META-INF/services generator
-Author: metainf-services developers
-Abstract: This is the API Javadoc provided for the
- libmetainf-services-java library.
-Section: Programming
-Format: HTML
-Index: /usr/share/doc/libmetainf-services-java/api/index.html
-Files: /usr/share/doc/libmetainf-services-java/api/*
debian/libmetainf-services-java-doc.install deleted
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-target/apidocs/* usr/share/doc/libmetainf-services-java/api
debian/maven.cleanIgnoreRules deleted
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# Maven ignore rules - ignore some Maven dependencies and plugins
-# Format of this file is:
-# [group] [artifact] [type] [version] [classifier] [scope]
-# where each element can be either
-# - the exact string, for example org.apache for the group, or 3.1
-# for the version. In this case, the element is simply matched
-# and left as it is
-# - * (the star character, alone). In this case, anything will
-# match and be left as it is. For example, using * on the
-# position of the artifact field will match any artifact id
-# All elements much match before a rule can be applied
-# Example rule: match jar with groupid= junit, artifactid= junit
-# and version starting with 3., this dependency is then removed
-# from the POM
-# junit junit jar s/3\\..*/3.x/
-org.jvnet.wagon-svn wagon-svn * * * *
-org.apache.maven.scm maven-scm-manager-plexus * * * *
-org.kathrynhuxtable.maven.wagon wagon-gitsite * * * *
-org.apache.maven.plugins maven-release-plugin * * * *
debian/maven.publishedRules deleted
debian/maven.rules deleted
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
- <version>1.8</version>
+ <version>1.9</version>
<name>META-INF/services generator</name>
<description>Annotation-driven META-INF/services auto-generation</description>
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
<connection>scm:git:git at github.com/kohsuke/${project.artifactId}.git</connection>
- <tag>metainf-services-1.8</tag>
+ <tag>metainf-services-1.9</tag>
@@ -45,36 +45,52 @@
- </configuration>
+ </configuration>
- <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
- <artifactId>animal-sniffer-maven-plugin</artifactId>
- <version>1.15</version>
- <executions>
- <execution>
- <phase>package</phase>
- <goals>
- <goal>check</goal>
- </goals>
- <configuration>
- <signature>
- <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo.signature</groupId>
- <artifactId>java16</artifactId>
- <version>1.0</version>
- </signature>
- </configuration>
- </execution>
- </executions>
+ <artifactId>maven-jar-plugin</artifactId>
+ <version>3.2.0</version>
+ <executions>
+ <execution>
+ <id>default-jar</id>
+ <configuration>
+ <archive>
+ <manifestEntries>
+ <Automatic-Module-Name>org.kohsuke.metainf_services</Automatic-Module-Name>
+ </manifestEntries>
+ </archive>
+ </configuration>
+ </execution>
+ </executions>
+ </plugin>
+ <plugin>
+ <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
+ <artifactId>animal-sniffer-maven-plugin</artifactId>
+ <version>1.15</version>
+ <executions>
+ <execution>
+ <phase>package</phase>
+ <goals>
+ <goal>check</goal>
+ </goals>
+ <configuration>
+ <signature>
+ <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo.signature</groupId>
+ <artifactId>java16</artifactId>
+ <version>1.0</version>
+ </signature>
+ </configuration>
+ </execution>
+ </executions>
- <name>MIT license</name>
- <url>http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php</url>
- <distribution>repo</distribution>
+ <name>MIT license</name>
+ <url>http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php</url>
+ <distribution>repo</distribution>
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/java-team/metainf-services/-/compare/1392172711e0514eea3e9f3607a1eced76423c47...d41c1d6774ce5a8a5230543a943cea052f8fd504
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/java-team/metainf-services/-/compare/1392172711e0514eea3e9f3607a1eced76423c47...d41c1d6774ce5a8a5230543a943cea052f8fd504
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