[Git][java-team/jruby-joni][master] 6 commits: Improve Travis CI build Performance

Hideki Yamane (@henrich) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Fri Mar 25 13:42:37 GMT 2022

Hideki Yamane pushed to branch master at Debian Java Maintainers / jruby-joni

435d5eae by Chen Zhang at 2021-08-16T21:20:19+08:00
Improve Travis CI build Performance
- - - - -
14b9656b by Charles Oliver Nutter at 2021-08-16T12:34:33-05:00
Merge pull request #56 from YunLemon/Modify_Travis_1

Improve Travis CI build Performance
- - - - -
9be7d1ac by Charles Oliver Nutter at 2022-03-23T07:51:51-05:00
Update to jcodings 1.0.56

- - - - -
57966e60 by Charles Oliver Nutter at 2022-03-23T07:52:06-05:00
Fix module API link error

- - - - -
831e5a17 by Charles Oliver Nutter at 2022-03-23T07:54:54-05:00
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release joni-2.1.42

- - - - -
1834f893 by Charles Oliver Nutter at 2022-03-23T07:54:58-05:00
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration

- - - - -

2 changed files:

- .travis.yml
- pom.xml


@@ -7,3 +7,7 @@ arch:
   - amd64
   - ppc64le
+  directories:
+  - $HOME/.m2

@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
-  <version>2.1.42-SNAPSHOT</version>
+  <version>2.1.43-SNAPSHOT</version>
     Java port of Oniguruma: http://www.geocities.jp/kosako3/oniguruma
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
-       <version>1.0.55</version>
+       <version>1.0.56</version>
@@ -212,6 +212,7 @@
+              <detectJavaApiLink>false</detectJavaApiLink>

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/java-team/jruby-joni/-/compare/b15c8b729de8fe8078dfa1a13dfa069c361ab80a...1834f8932a82029d17dd69d0540df7936346d79c

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/java-team/jruby-joni/-/compare/b15c8b729de8fe8078dfa1a13dfa069c361ab80a...1834f8932a82029d17dd69d0540df7936346d79c
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