[Git][java-team/maven-archiver][upstream] 6 commits: New upstream version 3.3.0
Emmanuel Bourg (@ebourg)
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Tue Oct 11 10:39:29 BST 2022
Emmanuel Bourg pushed to branch upstream at Debian Java Maintainers / maven-archiver
acfb772e by Emmanuel Bourg at 2022-09-29T13:03:11+02:00
New upstream version 3.3.0
- - - - -
35e26a88 by Emmanuel Bourg at 2022-09-29T13:11:46+02:00
New upstream version 3.4.0
- - - - -
45cf9b0b by Emmanuel Bourg at 2022-09-29T13:13:55+02:00
New upstream version 3.5.0
- - - - -
ad45cbdf by Emmanuel Bourg at 2022-09-29T13:14:03+02:00
New upstream version 3.5.1
- - - - -
ea8779db by Emmanuel Bourg at 2022-09-29T13:14:07+02:00
New upstream version 3.5.2
- - - - -
0364639b by Emmanuel Bourg at 2022-09-29T13:14:44+02:00
New upstream version 3.6.0
- - - - -
23 changed files:
- + .asf.yaml
- + .github/pull_request_template.md
- + .github/workflows/maven-verify.yml
- + .gitignore
- + Jenkinsfile
- + README.md
- pom.xml
- src/main/java/org/apache/maven/archiver/ManifestConfiguration.java
- src/main/java/org/apache/maven/archiver/ManifestSection.java
- src/main/java/org/apache/maven/archiver/MavenArchiveConfiguration.java
- src/main/java/org/apache/maven/archiver/MavenArchiver.java
- src/main/java/org/apache/maven/archiver/PomPropertiesUtil.java
- src/site/apt/examples/classpath.apt
- src/site/apt/examples/manifest.apt
- src/site/apt/examples/manifestEntries.apt
- src/site/apt/examples/manifestSections.apt
- src/site/site.xml
- src/site/xdoc/download.xml.vm
- src/site/xdoc/index.xml.vm
- src/test/java/org/apache/maven/archiver/ManifestConfigurationTest.java
- src/test/java/org/apache/maven/archiver/MavenArchiveConfigurationTest.java
- src/test/java/org/apache/maven/archiver/MavenArchiverTest.java
- src/test/java/org/apache/maven/archiver/MockArtifact.java
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# see https://s.apache.org/asfyaml
+ description: "Apache Maven Archiver"
+ homepage: https://maven.apache.org/shared/maven-archiver/
+ labels:
+ - java
+ - build-management
+ - maven-shared
+ - maven
+ enabled_merge_buttons:
+ squash: true
+ merge: false
+ rebase: true
+ commits: commits at maven.apache.org
+ issues: issues at maven.apache.org
+ pullrequests: issues at maven.apache.org
+ jira_options: link label comment
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+Following this checklist to help us incorporate your
+contribution quickly and easily:
+ - [ ] Make sure there is a [JIRA issue](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MSHARED) filed
+ for the change (usually before you start working on it). Trivial changes like typos do not
+ require a JIRA issue. Your pull request should address just this issue, without
+ pulling in other changes.
+ - [ ] Each commit in the pull request should have a meaningful subject line and body.
+ - [ ] Format the pull request title like `[MSHARED-XXX] - Fixes bug in ApproximateQuantiles`,
+ where you replace `MSHARED-XXX` with the appropriate JIRA issue. Best practice
+ is to use the JIRA issue title in the pull request title and in the first line of the
+ commit message.
+ - [ ] Write a pull request description that is detailed enough to understand what the pull request does, how, and why.
+ - [ ] Run `mvn clean verify` to make sure basic checks pass. A more thorough check will
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+ - [ ] You have run the integration tests successfully (`mvn -Prun-its clean verify`).
+If your pull request is about ~20 lines of code you don't need to sign an
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+please ask on the developers list.
+To make clear that you license your contribution under
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+ - [ ] In any other case, please file an [Apache Individual Contributor License Agreement](https://www.apache.org/licenses/icla.pdf).
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+name: Verify
+ push:
+ pull_request:
+ build:
+ name: Verify
+ uses: apache/maven-gh-actions-shared/.github/workflows/maven-verify.yml at v2
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Intellij
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+ * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+ * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+ * specific language governing permissions and limitations
+ * under the License.
+ */
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+Contributing to [Apache Maven Archiver](https://maven.apache.org/shared/maven-archiver/)
+You have found a bug or you have an idea for a cool new feature? Contributing
+code is a great way to give something back to the open source community. Before
+you dig right into the code, there are a few guidelines that we need
+contributors to follow so that we can have a chance of keeping on top of
+Getting Started
++ Make sure you have a [JIRA account](https://issues.apache.org/jira/).
++ Make sure you have a [GitHub account](https://github.com/signup/free).
++ If you're planning to implement a new feature, it makes sense to discuss your changes
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+ This way you can make sure you're not wasting your time on something that isn't
+ considered to be in Apache Maven's scope.
++ Submit a ticket for your issue, assuming one does not already exist.
+ + Clearly describe the issue, including steps to reproduce when it is a bug.
+ + Make sure you fill in the earliest version that you know has the issue.
++ Fork the repository on GitHub.
+Making and Submitting Changes
+We accept Pull Requests via GitHub. The [developer mailing list][ml-list] is the
+main channel of communication for contributors.
+There are some guidelines which will make applying PRs easier for us:
++ Create a topic branch from where you want to base your work (this is usually the master branch).
+ Push your changes to a topic branch in your fork of the repository.
++ Make commits of logical units.
++ Respect the original code style: by using the same [codestyle][code-style],
+ patches should only highlight the actual difference, not being disturbed by any formatting issues:
+ + Only use spaces for indentation.
+ + Create minimal diffs - disable on save actions like reformat source code or organize imports.
+ If you feel the source code should be reformatted, create a separate PR for this change.
+ + Check for unnecessary whitespace with `git diff --check` before committing.
++ Make sure your commit messages are in the proper format. Your commit message should contain the key of the JIRA issue.
+[MSHARED-XXX] - Subject of the JIRA Ticket
+ Optional supplemental description.
++ Make sure you have added the necessary tests (JUnit/IT) for your changes.
++ Run all the tests with `mvn -Prun-its verify` to assure nothing else was accidentally broken.
++ Submit a pull request to the repository in the Apache organization.
++ Update your JIRA ticket and include a link to the pull request in the ticket.
+If you plan to contribute on a regular basis, please consider filing a [contributor license agreement][cla].
+Making Trivial Changes
+For changes of a trivial nature to comments and documentation, it is not always
+necessary to create a new ticket in JIRA. In this case, it is appropriate to
+start the first line of a commit with '(doc)' instead of a ticket number..
+Additional Resources
++ [Contributing patches](https://maven.apache.org/guides/development/guide-maven-development.html#Creating_and_submitting_a_patch)
++ [Apache Maven Shared Components project page][jira]
++ [Contributor License Agreement][cla]
++ [General GitHub documentation](https://help.github.com/)
++ [GitHub pull request documentation](https://help.github.com/send-pull-requests/)
++ [Apache Maven Twitter Account](https://twitter.com/ASFMavenProject)
++ #Maven IRC channel on freenode.org
+[jira]: https://issues.apache.org/jira/projects/MSHARED/
+[license]: https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+[ml-list]: https://maven.apache.org/mailing-lists.html
+[code-style]: https://maven.apache.org/developers/conventions/code.html
+[cla]: https://www.apache.org/licenses/#clas
+[maven-wiki]: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/Index
+[test-results]: https://ci-maven.apache.org/job/Maven/job/maven-box/job/maven-archiver/job/master/lastCompletedBuild/testReport/
+[build]: https://ci-maven.apache.org/job/Maven/job/maven-box/job/maven-archiver/job/master/
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
@@ -22,100 +22,91 @@
- <version>30</version>
- <relativePath>../../pom/maven/maven-shared-components/pom.xml</relativePath>
+ <version>36</version>
+ <relativePath />
- <version>3.2.0</version>
+ <version>3.6.0</version>
<name>Apache Maven Archiver</name>
<description>Provides utility methods for creating JARs and other archive files from a Maven project.</description>
- <mavenVersion>3.0</mavenVersion>
- <javaVersion>7</javaVersion>
+ <mavenVersion>3.2.5</mavenVersion>
+ <javaVersion>8</javaVersion>
+ <project.build.outputTimestamp>2022-06-23T12:17:44Z</project.build.outputTimestamp>
- <connection>scm:svn:http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/maven/shared/tags/maven-archiver-3.2.0</connection>
- <developerConnection>scm:svn:https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/maven/shared/tags/maven-archiver-3.2.0</developerConnection>
- <url>http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/maven/shared/tags/maven-archiver-3.2.0</url>
+ <connection>scm:git:https://gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf/maven-archiver.git</connection>
+ <developerConnection>scm:git:https://gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf/maven-archiver.git</developerConnection>
+ <url>https://github.com/apache/maven-archiver/tree/${project.scm.tag}</url>
+ <tag>maven-archiver-3.6.0</tag>
- <url>https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MSHARED/component/12326430</url>
+ <url>https://issues.apache.org/jira/issues/?jql=project%3DMSHARED+AND+component%3Dmaven-archiver</url>
+ <ciManagement>
+ <system>Jenkins</system>
+ <url>https://ci-builds.apache.org/job/Maven/job/maven-box/job/maven-archiver/</url>
+ </ciManagement>
- <url>scm:svn:https://svn.apache.org/repos/infra/websites/production/maven/components/${maven.site.path}</url>
+ <url>scm:svn:https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/maven/website/components/${maven.site.path}</url>
- <dependency>
- <groupId>org.apache.maven</groupId>
- <artifactId>maven-artifact</artifactId>
- <version>${mavenVersion}</version>
- </dependency>
- <dependency>
- <groupId>org.apache.maven</groupId>
- <artifactId>maven-model</artifactId>
- <version>${mavenVersion}</version>
- </dependency>
+ <!--
+ Apache Maven dependencies
+ -->
- </dependency>
- <dependency>
- <groupId>org.apache.maven.shared</groupId>
- <artifactId>maven-shared-utils</artifactId>
- <version>3.2.0</version>
+ <scope>provided</scope>
- ! Pulled in as a direct dependency to resolve conflicts.
- ! We want the most recent commons-io compatible to the target JDK.
+ Plexus dependencies
- <groupId>commons-io</groupId>
- <artifactId>commons-io</artifactId>
- <version>2.5</version>
+ <groupId>org.codehaus.plexus</groupId>
+ <artifactId>plexus-io</artifactId>
+ <version>3.4.0</version>
- <version>3.5</version>
+ <version>4.4.0</version>
- <!--
- ! plexus-archiver needs this, or else maven-artifact will
- ! pull in a version from the pliocene era
- -->
- <version>3.0.24</version>
+ <version>3.4.2</version>
- <version>1.22</version>
+ <version>1.26</version>
+ <!--
+ Test dependencies
+ -->
- <groupId>junit</groupId>
- <artifactId>junit</artifactId>
- <version>4.12</version>
+ <groupId>org.junit.jupiter</groupId>
+ <artifactId>junit-jupiter</artifactId>
+ <version>5.8.2</version>
- <version>1.7.1</version>
+ <version>3.23.1</version>
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ package org.apache.maven.archiver;
* Capture common manifest configuration.
* @author <a href="mailto:brett at apache.org">Brett Porter</a>
- * @version $Id: ManifestConfiguration.java 1748291 2016-06-13 18:00:20Z rfscholte $
// TODO Is this general enough to be in Plexus Archiver?
public class ManifestConfiguration
@@ -56,6 +55,21 @@ public class ManifestConfiguration
private String classpathPrefix = "";
+ /**
+ * Add default, reproducible entries {@code Created-By} and {@code Build-Jdk-Spec}.
+ *
+ * @since 3.4.0
+ */
+ private boolean addDefaultEntries = true;
+ /**
+ * Add build environment information about Maven, JDK, and OS.
+ *
+ * @since 3.4.0
+ */
+ private boolean addBuildEnvironmentEntries;
* Add default implementation entries if this is an extension specification.
@@ -77,6 +91,8 @@ public class ManifestConfiguration
private boolean useUniqueVersions = true;
+ * <p>Getter for the field <code>mainClass</code>.</p>
+ *
* @return mainClass
public String getMainClass()
@@ -85,6 +101,8 @@ public class ManifestConfiguration
+ * <p>Getter for the field <code>packageName</code>.</p>
+ *
* @return the package name.
public String getPackageName()
@@ -93,6 +111,8 @@ public class ManifestConfiguration
+ * <p>isAddClasspath.</p>
+ *
* @return if addClasspath true or false.
public boolean isAddClasspath()
@@ -101,6 +121,28 @@ public class ManifestConfiguration
+ * <p>isAddDefaultEntries.</p>
+ *
+ * @return {@link #addDefaultEntries}
+ */
+ public boolean isAddDefaultEntries()
+ {
+ return addDefaultEntries;
+ }
+ /**
+ * <p>isAddBuildEnvironmentEntries.</p>
+ *
+ * @return {@link #addBuildEnvironmentEntries}
+ */
+ public boolean isAddBuildEnvironmentEntries()
+ {
+ return addBuildEnvironmentEntries;
+ }
+ /**
+ * <p>isAddDefaultImplementationEntries.</p>
+ *
* @return {@link #addDefaultImplementationEntries}
public boolean isAddDefaultImplementationEntries()
@@ -109,6 +151,8 @@ public class ManifestConfiguration
+ * <p>isAddDefaultSpecificationEntries.</p>
+ *
* @return {@link #addDefaultSpecificationEntries}
public boolean isAddDefaultSpecificationEntries()
@@ -117,6 +161,8 @@ public class ManifestConfiguration
+ * <p>isAddExtensions.</p>
+ *
* @return {@link #addExtensions}
public boolean isAddExtensions()
@@ -125,6 +171,8 @@ public class ManifestConfiguration
+ * <p>Setter for the field <code>addClasspath</code>.</p>
+ *
* @param addClasspath turn on addClasspath or off.
public void setAddClasspath( boolean addClasspath )
@@ -133,6 +181,28 @@ public class ManifestConfiguration
+ * <p>Setter for the field <code>addDefaultEntries</code>.</p>
+ *
+ * @param addDefaultEntries add default entries true/false.
+ */
+ public void setAddDefaultEntries( boolean addDefaultEntries )
+ {
+ this.addDefaultEntries = addDefaultEntries;
+ }
+ /**
+ * <p>Setter for the field <code>addBuildEnvironmentEntries</code>.</p>
+ *
+ * @param addBuildEnvironmentEntries add build environment information true/false.
+ */
+ public void setAddBuildEnvironmentEntries( boolean addBuildEnvironmentEntries )
+ {
+ this.addBuildEnvironmentEntries = addBuildEnvironmentEntries;
+ }
+ /**
+ * <p>Setter for the field <code>addDefaultImplementationEntries</code>.</p>
+ *
* @param addDefaultImplementationEntries true to add default implementations false otherwise.
public void setAddDefaultImplementationEntries( boolean addDefaultImplementationEntries )
@@ -141,6 +211,8 @@ public class ManifestConfiguration
+ * <p>Setter for the field <code>addDefaultSpecificationEntries</code>.</p>
+ *
* @param addDefaultSpecificationEntries add default specifications true/false.
public void setAddDefaultSpecificationEntries( boolean addDefaultSpecificationEntries )
@@ -149,6 +221,8 @@ public class ManifestConfiguration
+ * <p>Setter for the field <code>addExtensions</code>.</p>
+ *
* @param addExtensions true to add extensions false otherwise.
public void setAddExtensions( boolean addExtensions )
@@ -157,6 +231,8 @@ public class ManifestConfiguration
+ * <p>Setter for the field <code>classpathPrefix</code>.</p>
+ *
* @param classpathPrefix The prefix.
public void setClasspathPrefix( String classpathPrefix )
@@ -165,6 +241,8 @@ public class ManifestConfiguration
+ * <p>Setter for the field <code>mainClass</code>.</p>
+ *
* @param mainClass The main class.
public void setMainClass( String mainClass )
@@ -173,6 +251,8 @@ public class ManifestConfiguration
+ * <p>Setter for the field <code>packageName</code>.</p>
+ *
* @param packageName The package name.
public void setPackageName( String packageName )
@@ -181,6 +261,8 @@ public class ManifestConfiguration
+ * <p>Getter for the field <code>classpathPrefix</code>.</p>
+ *
* @return The classpath prefix.
public String getClasspathPrefix()
@@ -201,7 +283,8 @@ public class ManifestConfiguration
* 'repository' (CLASSPATH_LAYOUT_TYPE_REPOSITORY, or the same as a maven classpath layout), and 'custom'
* <b>NOTE:</b> If you specify a type of 'custom' you MUST set
- * {@link ManifestConfiguration#setCustomClasspathLayout(String)}.
+ * {@link org.apache.maven.archiver.ManifestConfiguration#setCustomClasspathLayout(String)}.
+ *
* @return The classpath layout type.
public String getClasspathLayoutType()
@@ -213,9 +296,10 @@ public class ManifestConfiguration
* Set the type of layout to use when formatting classpath entries. Should be one of: 'simple'
* (CLASSPATH_LAYOUT_TYPE_SIMPLE), 'repository' (CLASSPATH_LAYOUT_TYPE_REPOSITORY, or the same as a maven classpath
* layout), and 'custom' (CLASSPATH_LAYOUT_TYPE_CUSTOM). The constant names noted here are defined in the
- * {@link ManifestConfiguration} class. <br>
+ * {@link org.apache.maven.archiver.ManifestConfiguration} class. <br>
* <b>NOTE:</b> If you specify a type of 'custom' you MUST set
- * {@link ManifestConfiguration#setCustomClasspathLayout(String)}.
+ * {@link org.apache.maven.archiver.ManifestConfiguration#setCustomClasspathLayout(String)}.
+ *
* @param classpathLayoutType The classpath layout type.
public void setClasspathLayoutType( String classpathLayoutType )
@@ -225,7 +309,8 @@ public class ManifestConfiguration
* Retrieve the layout expression for use when the layout type set in
- * {@link ManifestConfiguration#setClasspathLayoutType(String)} has the value 'custom'. <b>The default value is
+ * {@link org.apache.maven.archiver.ManifestConfiguration#setClasspathLayoutType(String)} has the value 'custom'.
+ * <b>The default value is
* null.</b> Expressions will be evaluated against the following ordered list of classpath-related objects:
* <ol>
* <li>The current {@code Artifact} instance, if one exists.</li>
@@ -233,6 +318,7 @@ public class ManifestConfiguration
* </ol>
* <br>
* <b>NOTE:</b> If you specify a layout type of 'custom' you MUST set this layout expression.
+ *
* @return The custom classpath layout.
public String getCustomClasspathLayout()
@@ -242,7 +328,8 @@ public class ManifestConfiguration
* Set the layout expression for use when the layout type set in
- * {@link ManifestConfiguration#setClasspathLayoutType(String)} has the value 'custom'. Expressions will be
+ * {@link org.apache.maven.archiver.ManifestConfiguration#setClasspathLayoutType(String)} has the value 'custom'.
+ * Expressions will be
* evaluated against the following ordered list of classpath-related objects:
* <ol>
* <li>The current {@code Artifact} instance, if one exists.</li>
@@ -250,14 +337,15 @@ public class ManifestConfiguration
* </ol>
* <br>
* <b>NOTE:</b> If you specify a layout type of 'custom' you MUST set this layout expression.
- * You can take a look at
+ * You can take a look at
* <ol>
- * <li>{@link MavenArchiver#SIMPLE_LAYOUT}</li>
- * <li>{@link MavenArchiver#SIMPLE_LAYOUT_NONUNIQUE}</li>
- * <li>{@link MavenArchiver#REPOSITORY_LAYOUT}</li>
- * <li>{@link MavenArchiver#REPOSITORY_LAYOUT_NONUNIQUE}</li>
+ * <li>{@link org.apache.maven.archiver.MavenArchiver#SIMPLE_LAYOUT}</li>
+ * <li>{@link org.apache.maven.archiver.MavenArchiver#SIMPLE_LAYOUT_NONUNIQUE}</li>
+ * <li>{@link org.apache.maven.archiver.MavenArchiver#REPOSITORY_LAYOUT}</li>
+ * <li>{@link org.apache.maven.archiver.MavenArchiver#REPOSITORY_LAYOUT_NONUNIQUE}</li>
* </ol>
* how such an expression looks like.
+ *
* @param customClasspathLayout The custom classpath layout.
public void setCustomClasspathLayout( String customClasspathLayout )
@@ -285,6 +373,7 @@ public class ManifestConfiguration
* <br>
* <b>NOTE:</b> If the snapshot was installed locally, this flag will not have an effect on that artifact's
* inclusion, since it will have the same version either way (i.e. -SNAPSHOT naming).
+ *
* @param useUniqueVersions true to use unique versions or not.
public void setUseUniqueVersions( boolean useUniqueVersions )
@@ -23,16 +23,18 @@ import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
- * @version $Id: ManifestSection.java 1738422 2016-04-10 11:51:15Z khmarbaise $
+ * <p>ManifestSection class.</p>
public class ManifestSection
private String name = null;
- private Map<String, String> manifestEntries = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
+ private final Map<String, String> manifestEntries = new LinkedHashMap<>();
+ * <p>addManifestEntry.</p>
+ *
* @param key The key of the manifest entry.
* @param value The appropriate value.
@@ -42,6 +44,8 @@ public class ManifestSection
+ * <p>Getter for the field <code>manifestEntries</code>.</p>
+ *
* @return The entries.
public Map<String, String> getManifestEntries()
@@ -50,6 +54,8 @@ public class ManifestSection
+ * <p>Getter for the field <code>name</code>.</p>
+ *
* @return The name.
public String getName()
@@ -58,6 +64,8 @@ public class ManifestSection
+ * <p>Setter for the field <code>name</code>.</p>
+ *
* @param name the name.
public void setName( String name )
@@ -66,6 +74,8 @@ public class ManifestSection
+ * <p>addManifestEntries.</p>
+ *
* @param map The map to add.
public void addManifestEntries( Map<String, String> map )
@@ -74,6 +84,8 @@ public class ManifestSection
+ * <p>isManifestEntriesEmpty.</p>
+ *
* @return true if empty false otherwise.
public boolean isManifestEntriesEmpty()
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ import java.util.Map;
* Capture common archive configuration.
* @author <a href="mailto:brett at apache.org">Brett Porter</a>
- * @version $Id: MavenArchiveConfiguration.java 1738422 2016-04-10 11:51:15Z khmarbaise $
// TODO Is this general enough to be in Plexus Archiver?
public class MavenArchiveConfiguration
@@ -47,9 +46,9 @@ public class MavenArchiveConfiguration
//TODO: Rename this attribute to manifestConfiguration;
private ManifestConfiguration manifest;
- private Map<String, String> manifestEntries = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
+ private Map<String, String> manifestEntries = new LinkedHashMap<>();
- private List<ManifestSection> manifestSections = new LinkedList<ManifestSection>();
+ private List<ManifestSection> manifestSections = new LinkedList<>();
* @since 2.2
@@ -62,6 +61,8 @@ public class MavenArchiveConfiguration
private File pomPropertiesFile;
+ * <p>isCompress.</p>
+ *
* @return {@link #compress}
public boolean isCompress()
@@ -70,6 +71,8 @@ public class MavenArchiveConfiguration
+ * <p>isRecompressAddedZips.</p>
+ *
* @return {@link #recompressAddedZips}
public boolean isRecompressAddedZips()
@@ -78,6 +81,8 @@ public class MavenArchiveConfiguration
+ * <p>Setter for the field <code>recompressAddedZips</code>.</p>
+ *
* @param recompressAddedZips {@link #recompressAddedZips}
public void setRecompressAddedZips( boolean recompressAddedZips )
@@ -86,6 +91,8 @@ public class MavenArchiveConfiguration
+ * <p>isIndex.</p>
+ *
* @return {@link #index}
public boolean isIndex()
@@ -94,6 +101,8 @@ public class MavenArchiveConfiguration
+ * <p>isAddMavenDescriptor.</p>
+ *
* @return {@link #addMavenDescriptor}
public boolean isAddMavenDescriptor()
@@ -102,6 +111,8 @@ public class MavenArchiveConfiguration
+ * <p>Getter for the field <code>manifestFile</code>.</p>
+ *
* @return {@link #manifestFile}
public File getManifestFile()
@@ -110,6 +121,8 @@ public class MavenArchiveConfiguration
+ * <p>Getter for the field <code>manifest</code>.</p>
+ *
* @return {@link #manifest}
//TODO: Change the name of this method into getManifestConfiguration()
@@ -123,6 +136,8 @@ public class MavenArchiveConfiguration
+ * <p>Setter for the field <code>compress</code>.</p>
+ *
* @param compress set compress to true/false.
public void setCompress( boolean compress )
@@ -131,6 +146,8 @@ public class MavenArchiveConfiguration
+ * <p>Setter for the field <code>index</code>.</p>
+ *
* @param index set index to true/false.
public void setIndex( boolean index )
@@ -139,6 +156,8 @@ public class MavenArchiveConfiguration
+ * <p>Setter for the field <code>addMavenDescriptor</code>.</p>
+ *
* @param addMavenDescriptor activate to add maven descriptor or not..
public void setAddMavenDescriptor( boolean addMavenDescriptor )
@@ -147,6 +166,8 @@ public class MavenArchiveConfiguration
+ * <p>Setter for the field <code>manifestFile</code>.</p>
+ *
* @param manifestFile The manifest file.
public void setManifestFile( File manifestFile )
@@ -155,7 +176,9 @@ public class MavenArchiveConfiguration
- * @param manifest {@link ManifestConfiguration}
+ * <p>Setter for the field <code>manifest</code>.</p>
+ *
+ * @param manifest {@link org.apache.maven.archiver.ManifestConfiguration}
public void setManifest( ManifestConfiguration manifest )
@@ -163,6 +186,8 @@ public class MavenArchiveConfiguration
+ * <p>addManifestEntry.</p>
+ *
* @param key The key of the entry.
* @param value The value of the entry.
@@ -172,6 +197,8 @@ public class MavenArchiveConfiguration
+ * <p>addManifestEntries.</p>
+ *
* @param map The whole map which should be added.
public void addManifestEntries( Map<String, String> map )
@@ -180,6 +207,8 @@ public class MavenArchiveConfiguration
+ * <p>isManifestEntriesEmpty.</p>
+ *
* @return are there entries true yes false otherwise.
public boolean isManifestEntriesEmpty()
@@ -188,6 +217,8 @@ public class MavenArchiveConfiguration
+ * <p>Getter for the field <code>manifestEntries</code>.</p>
+ *
* @return {@link #manifestEntries}
public Map<String, String> getManifestEntries()
@@ -196,6 +227,8 @@ public class MavenArchiveConfiguration
+ * <p>Setter for the field <code>manifestEntries</code>.</p>
+ *
* @param manifestEntries {@link #manifestEntries}
public void setManifestEntries( Map<String, String> manifestEntries )
@@ -204,7 +237,9 @@ public class MavenArchiveConfiguration
- * @param section {@link ManifestSection}
+ * <p>addManifestSection.</p>
+ *
+ * @param section {@link org.apache.maven.archiver.ManifestSection}
public void addManifestSection( ManifestSection section )
@@ -212,7 +247,9 @@ public class MavenArchiveConfiguration
- * @param list Added list of {@link ManifestSection}.
+ * <p>addManifestSections.</p>
+ *
+ * @param list Added list of {@link org.apache.maven.archiver.ManifestSection}.
public void addManifestSections( List<ManifestSection> list )
@@ -220,6 +257,8 @@ public class MavenArchiveConfiguration
+ * <p>isManifestSectionsEmpty.</p>
+ *
* @return if manifestSections is empty or not.
public boolean isManifestSectionsEmpty()
@@ -228,6 +267,8 @@ public class MavenArchiveConfiguration
+ * <p>Getter for the field <code>manifestSections</code>.</p>
+ *
* @return {@link #manifestSections}
public List<ManifestSection> getManifestSections()
@@ -236,7 +277,9 @@ public class MavenArchiveConfiguration
- * @param manifestSections set The list of {@link ManifestSection}.
+ * <p>Setter for the field <code>manifestSections</code>.</p>
+ *
+ * @param manifestSections set The list of {@link org.apache.maven.archiver.ManifestSection}.
public void setManifestSections( List<ManifestSection> manifestSections )
@@ -19,6 +19,27 @@ package org.apache.maven.archiver;
* under the License.
+import javax.lang.model.SourceVersion;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.io.InputStream;
+import java.nio.file.attribute.FileTime;
+import java.time.Instant;
+import java.time.OffsetDateTime;
+import java.time.ZoneOffset;
+import java.time.format.DateTimeParseException;
+import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.Date;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Optional;
+import java.util.Properties;
+import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.jar.Attributes;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.DependencyResolutionRequiredException;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.ArtifactVersion;
@@ -36,25 +57,24 @@ import org.codehaus.plexus.interpolation.PrefixedPropertiesValueSource;
import org.codehaus.plexus.interpolation.RecursionInterceptor;
import org.codehaus.plexus.interpolation.StringSearchInterpolator;
import org.codehaus.plexus.interpolation.ValueSource;
-import org.apache.maven.shared.utils.StringUtils;
+import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Properties;
-import java.util.Set;
+import static org.apache.maven.archiver.ManifestConfiguration.CLASSPATH_LAYOUT_TYPE_CUSTOM;
+import static org.apache.maven.archiver.ManifestConfiguration.CLASSPATH_LAYOUT_TYPE_REPOSITORY;
+import static org.apache.maven.archiver.ManifestConfiguration.CLASSPATH_LAYOUT_TYPE_SIMPLE;
+ * <p>MavenArchiver class.</p>
+ *
* @author <a href="evenisse at apache.org">Emmanuel Venisse</a>
* @author kama
- * @version $Revision: 1748306 $ $Date: 2016-06-13 21:33:58 +0200 (Mon, 13 Jun 2016) $
+ * @version $Id: $Id
public class MavenArchiver
+ private static final String CREATED_BY = "Maven Archiver";
* The simply layout.
@@ -81,34 +101,49 @@ public class MavenArchiver
"${artifact.groupIdPath}/${artifact.artifactId}/" + "${artifact.baseVersion}/${artifact.artifactId}-"
+ "${artifact.baseVersion}${dashClassifier?}.${artifact.extension}";
+ private static final Instant DATE_MIN = Instant.parse( "1980-01-01T00:00:02Z" );
+ private static final Instant DATE_MAX = Instant.parse( "2099-12-31T23:59:59Z" );
private static final List<String> ARTIFACT_EXPRESSION_PREFIXES;
- List<String> artifactExpressionPrefixes = new ArrayList<String>();
+ List<String> artifactExpressionPrefixes = new ArrayList<>();
artifactExpressionPrefixes.add( "artifact." );
ARTIFACT_EXPRESSION_PREFIXES = artifactExpressionPrefixes;
+ static boolean isValidModuleName( String name )
+ {
+ return SourceVersion.isName( name );
+ }
private JarArchiver archiver;
private File archiveFile;
+ private String createdBy;
+ private boolean buildJdkSpecDefaultEntry = true;
- * @param session The Maven Session.
- * @param project The Maven Project.
- * @param config The MavenArchiveConfiguration
- * @return The {@link Manifest}
- * @throws ManifestException In case of a failure.
- * @throws DependencyResolutionRequiredException Resolution failure.
+ * <p>getManifest.</p>
+ *
+ * @param session the Maven Session
+ * @param project the Maven Project
+ * @param config the MavenArchiveConfiguration
+ * @return the {@link org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.jar.Manifest}
+ * @throws org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.jar.ManifestException in case of a failure
+ * @throws org.apache.maven.artifact.DependencyResolutionRequiredException resolution failure
public Manifest getManifest( MavenSession session, MavenProject project, MavenArchiveConfiguration config )
throws ManifestException, DependencyResolutionRequiredException
boolean hasManifestEntries = !config.isManifestEntriesEmpty();
Map<String, String> entries =
- hasManifestEntries ? config.getManifestEntries() : Collections.<String, String>emptyMap();
+ hasManifestEntries ? config.getManifestEntries() : Collections.emptyMap();
Manifest manifest = getManifest( session, project, config.getManifest(), entries );
@@ -121,7 +156,7 @@ public class MavenArchiver
String key = entry.getKey();
String value = entry.getValue();
Manifest.Attribute attr = manifest.getMainSection().getAttribute( key );
- if ( key.equals( "ClassPath" ) && attr != null )
+ if ( key.equals( Attributes.Name.CLASS_PATH.toString() ) && attr != null )
// Merge the user-supplied Class-Path value with the programmatically
// created Class-Path. Note that the user-supplied value goes first
@@ -164,33 +199,36 @@ public class MavenArchiver
- * Return a pre-configured manifest
+ * Return a pre-configured manifest.
- * @param project {@link MavenProject}
- * @param config {@link ManifestConfiguration}
- * @return {@link Manifest}
- * @throws ManifestException Manifest exception.
- * @throws DependencyResolutionRequiredException Dependency resolution exception.
+ * @param project {@link org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject}
+ * @param config {@link org.apache.maven.archiver.ManifestConfiguration}
+ * @return {@link org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.jar.Manifest}
+ * @throws org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.jar.ManifestException Manifest exception.
+ * @throws org.apache.maven.artifact.DependencyResolutionRequiredException Dependency resolution exception.
// TODO Add user attributes list and user groups list
public Manifest getManifest( MavenProject project, ManifestConfiguration config )
throws ManifestException, DependencyResolutionRequiredException
- return getManifest( null, project, config, Collections.<String, String>emptyMap() );
+ return getManifest( null, project, config, Collections.emptyMap() );
- * @param mavenSession {@link MavenSession}
- * @param project {@link MavenProject}
- * @param config {@link ManifestConfiguration}
- * @return {@link Manifest}
- * @throws ManifestException The manifest exception.
- * @throws DependencyResolutionRequiredException The dependency resolution required exception.
+ * <p>getManifest.</p>
+ *
+ * @param mavenSession {@link org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession}
+ * @param project {@link org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject}
+ * @param config {@link org.apache.maven.archiver.ManifestConfiguration}
+ * @return {@link org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.jar.Manifest}
+ * @throws org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.jar.ManifestException the manifest exception
+ * @throws org.apache.maven.artifact.DependencyResolutionRequiredException the dependency resolution required
+ * exception
public Manifest getManifest( MavenSession mavenSession, MavenProject project, ManifestConfiguration config )
throws ManifestException, DependencyResolutionRequiredException
- return getManifest( mavenSession, project, config, Collections.<String, String>emptyMap() );
+ return getManifest( mavenSession, project, config, Collections.emptyMap() );
private void addManifestAttribute( Manifest manifest, Map<String, String> map, String key, String value )
@@ -213,7 +251,7 @@ public class MavenArchiver
- // if the value is empty we have create an entry with an empty string
+ // if the value is empty, create an entry with an empty string
// to prevent null print in the manifest file
Manifest.Attribute attr = new Manifest.Attribute( key, "" );
manifest.addConfiguredAttribute( attr );
@@ -221,13 +259,16 @@ public class MavenArchiver
- * @param session {@link MavenSession}
- * @param project {@link MavenProject}
- * @param config {@link ManifestConfiguration}
+ * <p>getManifest.</p>
+ *
+ * @param session {@link org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession}
+ * @param project {@link org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject}
+ * @param config {@link org.apache.maven.archiver.ManifestConfiguration}
* @param entries The entries.
- * @return {@link Manifest}
- * @throws ManifestException The manifest exception.
- * @throws DependencyResolutionRequiredException The dependency resolution required exception.
+ * @return {@link org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.jar.Manifest}
+ * @throws org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.jar.ManifestException the manifest exception
+ * @throws org.apache.maven.artifact.DependencyResolutionRequiredException the dependency resolution required
+ * exception
protected Manifest getManifest( MavenSession session, MavenProject project, ManifestConfiguration config,
Map<String, String> entries )
@@ -235,11 +276,18 @@ public class MavenArchiver
// TODO: Should we replace "map" with a copy? Note, that we modify it!
- // Added basic entries
Manifest m = new Manifest();
- addCreatedByEntry( session, m, entries );
- addCustomEntries( m, entries, config );
+ if ( config.isAddDefaultEntries() )
+ {
+ handleDefaultEntries( m, entries );
+ }
+ if ( config.isAddBuildEnvironmentEntries() )
+ {
+ handleBuildEnvironmentEntries( session, m, entries );
+ }
if ( config.isAddClasspath() )
@@ -273,7 +321,7 @@ public class MavenArchiver
- List<ValueSource> valueSources = new ArrayList<ValueSource>();
+ List<ValueSource> valueSources = new ArrayList<>();
handleExtraExpression( artifact, valueSources );
@@ -287,48 +335,49 @@ public class MavenArchiver
- if ( ManifestConfiguration.CLASSPATH_LAYOUT_TYPE_SIMPLE.equals( layoutType ) )
- {
- if ( config.isUseUniqueVersions() )
- {
- classpath.append( interpolator.interpolate( SIMPLE_LAYOUT, recursionInterceptor ) );
- }
- else
- {
- classpath.append( interpolator.interpolate( SIMPLE_LAYOUT_NONUNIQUE,
- recursionInterceptor ) );
- }
- }
- else if ( ManifestConfiguration.CLASSPATH_LAYOUT_TYPE_REPOSITORY.equals( layoutType ) )
- {
- // we use layout /$groupId[0]/../${groupId[n]/$artifactId/$version/{fileName}
- // here we must find the Artifact in the project Artifacts to create the maven layout
- if ( config.isUseUniqueVersions() )
- {
- classpath.append( interpolator.interpolate( REPOSITORY_LAYOUT,
- recursionInterceptor ) );
- }
- else
- {
- classpath.append( interpolator.interpolate( REPOSITORY_LAYOUT_NONUNIQUE,
- recursionInterceptor ) );
- }
- }
- else if ( ManifestConfiguration.CLASSPATH_LAYOUT_TYPE_CUSTOM.equals( layoutType ) )
+ switch ( layoutType )
- if ( layout == null )
- {
- throw new ManifestException( ManifestConfiguration.CLASSPATH_LAYOUT_TYPE_CUSTOM
- + " layout type was declared, but custom layout expression was not"
- + " specified. Check your <archive><manifest><customLayout/> element." );
- }
- classpath.append( interpolator.interpolate( layout, recursionInterceptor ) );
- }
- else
- {
- throw new ManifestException( "Unknown classpath layout type: '" + layoutType
- + "'. Check your <archive><manifest><layoutType/> element." );
+ if ( config.isUseUniqueVersions() )
+ {
+ classpath.append( interpolator.interpolate( SIMPLE_LAYOUT,
+ recursionInterceptor ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ classpath.append( interpolator.interpolate( SIMPLE_LAYOUT_NONUNIQUE,
+ recursionInterceptor ) );
+ }
+ break;
+ // we use layout /$groupId[0]/../${groupId[n]/$artifactId/$version/{fileName}
+ // here we must find the Artifact in the project Artifacts
+ // to create the maven layout
+ if ( config.isUseUniqueVersions() )
+ {
+ classpath.append( interpolator.interpolate( REPOSITORY_LAYOUT,
+ recursionInterceptor ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ classpath.append( interpolator.interpolate( REPOSITORY_LAYOUT_NONUNIQUE,
+ recursionInterceptor ) );
+ }
+ break;
+ if ( layout == null )
+ {
+ throw new ManifestException( CLASSPATH_LAYOUT_TYPE_CUSTOM
+ + " layout type was declared, but custom layout expression was not"
+ + " specified. Check your <archive><manifest><customLayout/>"
+ + " element." );
+ }
+ classpath.append( interpolator.interpolate( layout, recursionInterceptor ) );
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new ManifestException( "Unknown classpath layout type: '" + layoutType
+ + "'. Check your <archive><manifest><layoutType/> element." );
catch ( InterpolationException e )
@@ -380,6 +429,8 @@ public class MavenArchiver
handleExtensions( project, entries, m );
+ addCustomEntries( m, entries, config );
return m;
@@ -418,7 +469,7 @@ public class MavenArchiver
// TODO: this is only for applets - should we distinguish them as a packaging?
StringBuilder extensionsList = new StringBuilder();
- Set<Artifact> artifacts = (Set<Artifact>) project.getArtifacts();
+ Set<Artifact> artifacts = project.getArtifacts();
for ( Artifact artifact : artifacts )
@@ -440,11 +491,10 @@ public class MavenArchiver
addManifestAttribute( m, entries, "Extension-List", extensionsList.toString() );
- for ( Object artifact1 : artifacts )
+ for ( Artifact artifact : artifacts )
// TODO: the correct solution here would be to have an extension type, and to read
// the real extension values either from the artifact's manifest or some part of the POM
- Artifact artifact = (Artifact) artifact1;
if ( "jar".equals( artifact.getType() ) )
String artifactId = artifact.getArtifactId().replace( '.', '_' );
@@ -456,7 +506,7 @@ public class MavenArchiver
if ( artifact.getRepository() != null )
iname = artifactId + "-Implementation-URL";
- String url = artifact.getRepository().getUrl() + "/" + artifact.toString();
+ String url = artifact.getRepository().getUrl() + "/" + artifact;
addManifestAttribute( m, entries, iname, url );
@@ -468,18 +518,11 @@ public class MavenArchiver
addManifestAttribute( m, entries, "Implementation-Title", project.getName() );
addManifestAttribute( m, entries, "Implementation-Version", project.getVersion() );
- // MJAR-5
- addManifestAttribute( m, entries, "Implementation-Vendor-Id", project.getGroupId() );
if ( project.getOrganization() != null )
addManifestAttribute( m, entries, "Implementation-Vendor", project.getOrganization().getName() );
- if ( project.getUrl() != null )
- {
- addManifestAttribute( m, entries, "Implementation-URL", project.getUrl() );
- }
private void handleSpecificationEntries( MavenProject project, Map<String, String> entries, Manifest m )
@@ -508,9 +551,6 @@ public class MavenArchiver
private void addCustomEntries( Manifest m, Map<String, String> entries, ManifestConfiguration config )
throws ManifestException
- addManifestAttribute( m, entries, "Built-By", System.getProperty( "user.name" ) );
- addManifestAttribute( m, entries, "Build-Jdk", System.getProperty( "java.version" ) );
* TODO: rethink this, it wasn't working Artifact projectArtifact = project.getArtifact(); if (
* projectArtifact.isSnapshot() ) { Manifest.Attribute buildNumberAttr = new Manifest.Attribute( "Build-Number",
@@ -523,7 +563,9 @@ public class MavenArchiver
- * @return {@link JarArchiver}
+ * <p>Getter for the field <code>archiver</code>.</p>
+ *
+ * @return {@link org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.jar.JarArchiver}
public JarArchiver getArchiver()
@@ -531,7 +573,9 @@ public class MavenArchiver
- * @param archiver {@link JarArchiver}
+ * <p>Setter for the field <code>archiver</code>.</p>
+ *
+ * @param archiver {@link org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.jar.JarArchiver}
public void setArchiver( JarArchiver archiver )
@@ -539,6 +583,8 @@ public class MavenArchiver
+ * <p>setOutputFile.</p>
+ *
* @param outputFile Set output file.
public void setOutputFile( File outputFile )
@@ -547,13 +593,15 @@ public class MavenArchiver
- * @param session {@link MavenSession}
- * @param project {@link MavenProject}
- * @param archiveConfiguration {@link MavenArchiveConfiguration}
+ * <p>createArchive.</p>
+ *
+ * @param session {@link org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession}
+ * @param project {@link org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject}
+ * @param archiveConfiguration {@link org.apache.maven.archiver.MavenArchiveConfiguration}
* @throws org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.ArchiverException Archiver Exception.
- * @throws ManifestException Manifest Exception.
- * @throws IOException IO Exception.
- * @throws DependencyResolutionRequiredException Dependency resolution exception.
+ * @throws org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.jar.ManifestException Manifest Exception.
+ * @throws java.io.IOException IO Exception.
+ * @throws org.apache.maven.artifact.DependencyResolutionRequiredException Dependency resolution exception.
public void createArchive( MavenSession session, MavenProject project,
MavenArchiveConfiguration archiveConfiguration )
@@ -562,8 +610,7 @@ public class MavenArchiver
// we have to clone the project instance so we can write out the pom with the deployment version,
// without impacting the main project instance...
- MavenProject workingProject = null;
- workingProject = (MavenProject) project.clone();
+ MavenProject workingProject = project.clone();
boolean forced = archiveConfiguration.isForced();
if ( archiveConfiguration.isAddMavenDescriptor() )
@@ -606,6 +653,8 @@ public class MavenArchiver
// Create the manifest
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ archiver.setMinimalDefaultManifest( true );
File manifestFile = archiveConfiguration.getManifestFile();
if ( manifestFile != null )
@@ -645,23 +694,43 @@ public class MavenArchiver
// "Forced build is disabled, but disabling the forced mode isn't supported by the archiver." );
+ String automaticModuleName = manifest.getMainSection().getAttributeValue( "Automatic-Module-Name" );
+ if ( automaticModuleName != null )
+ {
+ if ( !isValidModuleName( automaticModuleName ) )
+ {
+ throw new ManifestException( "Invalid automatic module name: '" + automaticModuleName + "'" );
+ }
+ }
// create archive
- private void addCreatedByEntry( MavenSession session, Manifest m, Map<String, String> entries )
+ private void handleDefaultEntries( Manifest m, Map<String, String> entries )
throws ManifestException
- String createdBy = "Apache Maven";
- if ( session != null ) // can be null due to API backwards compatibility
- {
- String mavenVersion = session.getSystemProperties().getProperty( "maven.version" );
- if ( mavenVersion != null )
- {
- createdBy += " " + mavenVersion;
- }
- }
- addManifestAttribute( m, entries, "Created-By", createdBy );
+ String createdBy = this.createdBy;
+ if ( createdBy == null )
+ {
+ createdBy = createdBy( CREATED_BY, "org.apache.maven", "maven-archiver" );
+ }
+ addManifestAttribute( m, entries, "Created-By", createdBy );
+ if ( buildJdkSpecDefaultEntry )
+ {
+ addManifestAttribute( m, entries, "Build-Jdk-Spec", System.getProperty( "java.specification.version" ) );
+ }
+ }
+ private void handleBuildEnvironmentEntries( MavenSession session, Manifest m, Map<String, String> entries )
+ throws ManifestException
+ {
+ addManifestAttribute( m, entries, "Build-Tool",
+ session != null ? session.getSystemProperties().getProperty( "maven.build.version" ) : "Apache Maven" );
+ addManifestAttribute( m, entries, "Build-Jdk", String.format( "%s (%s)", System.getProperty( "java.version" ),
+ System.getProperty( "java.vendor" ) ) );
+ addManifestAttribute( m, entries, "Build-Os", String.format( "%s (%s; %s)", System.getProperty( "os.name" ),
+ System.getProperty( "os.version" ), System.getProperty( "os.arch" ) ) );
private Artifact findArtifactWithFile( Set<Artifact> artifacts, File file )
@@ -679,4 +748,169 @@ public class MavenArchiver
return null;
+ private static String getCreatedByVersion( String groupId, String artifactId )
+ {
+ final Properties properties = loadOptionalProperties( MavenArchiver.class.getResourceAsStream(
+ "/META-INF/maven/" + groupId + "/" + artifactId + "/pom.properties" ) );
+ return properties.getProperty( "version" );
+ }
+ private static Properties loadOptionalProperties( final InputStream inputStream )
+ {
+ Properties properties = new Properties();
+ if ( inputStream != null )
+ {
+ try ( InputStream in = inputStream )
+ {
+ properties.load( in );
+ }
+ catch ( IllegalArgumentException | IOException ex )
+ {
+ // ignore and return empty properties
+ }
+ }
+ return properties;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Define a value for "Created By" entry.
+ *
+ * @param description description of the plugin, like "Maven Source Plugin"
+ * @param groupId groupId where to get version in pom.properties
+ * @param artifactId artifactId where to get version in pom.properties
+ * @since 3.5.0
+ */
+ public void setCreatedBy( String description, String groupId, String artifactId )
+ {
+ createdBy = createdBy( description, groupId, artifactId );
+ }
+ private String createdBy( String description, String groupId, String artifactId )
+ {
+ String createdBy = description;
+ String version = getCreatedByVersion( groupId, artifactId );
+ if ( version != null )
+ {
+ createdBy += " " + version;
+ }
+ return createdBy;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add "Build-Jdk-Spec" entry as part of default manifest entries (true by default).
+ * For plugins whose output is not impacted by JDK release (like maven-source-plugin), adding
+ * Jdk spec adds unnecessary requirement on JDK version used at build to get reproducible result.
+ *
+ * @param buildJdkSpecDefaultEntry the value for "Build-Jdk-Spec" entry
+ * @since 3.5.0
+ */
+ public void setBuildJdkSpecDefaultEntry( boolean buildJdkSpecDefaultEntry )
+ {
+ this.buildJdkSpecDefaultEntry = buildJdkSpecDefaultEntry;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parse output timestamp configured for Reproducible Builds' archive entries, either formatted as ISO 8601
+ * <code>yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX</code> or as an int representing seconds since the epoch (like
+ * <a href="https://reproducible-builds.org/docs/source-date-epoch/">SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH</a>.
+ *
+ * @param outputTimestamp the value of <code>${project.build.outputTimestamp}</code> (may be <code>null</code>)
+ * @return the parsed timestamp, may be <code>null</code> if <code>null</code> input or input contains only 1
+ * character
+ * @since 3.5.0
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the outputTimestamp is neither ISO 8601 nor an integer, or it's not within
+ * the valid range 1980-01-01T00:00:02Z to 2099-12-31T23:59:59Z
+ * @deprecated Use {@link #parseBuildOutputTimestamp(String)} instead.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public Date parseOutputTimestamp( String outputTimestamp )
+ {
+ return parseBuildOutputTimestamp( outputTimestamp ).map( Date::from ).orElse( null );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Configure Reproducible Builds archive creation if a timestamp is provided.
+ *
+ * @param outputTimestamp the value of {@code ${project.build.outputTimestamp}} (may be {@code null})
+ * @return the parsed timestamp as {@link java.util.Date}
+ * @since 3.5.0
+ * @see #parseOutputTimestamp
+ * @deprecated Use {@link #configureReproducibleBuild(String)} instead.
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ public Date configureReproducible( String outputTimestamp )
+ {
+ configureReproducibleBuild( outputTimestamp );
+ return parseOutputTimestamp( outputTimestamp );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parse output timestamp configured for Reproducible Builds' archive entries.
+ *
+ * <p>Either as {@link java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter#ISO_OFFSET_DATE_TIME} or as a number representing seconds
+ * since the epoch (like <a href="https://reproducible-builds.org/docs/source-date-epoch/">SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH</a>).
+ *
+ * @param outputTimestamp the value of {@code ${project.build.outputTimestamp}} (may be {@code null})
+ * @return the parsed timestamp as an {@code Optional<Instant>}, {@code empty} if input is {@code null} or input
+ * contains only 1 character (not a number)
+ * @since 3.6.0
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the outputTimestamp is neither ISO 8601 nor an integer, or it's not within
+ * the valid range 1980-01-01T00:00:02Z to 2099-12-31T23:59:59Z
+ */
+ public static Optional<Instant> parseBuildOutputTimestamp( String outputTimestamp )
+ {
+ // Fail-fast on nulls
+ if ( outputTimestamp == null )
+ {
+ return Optional.empty();
+ }
+ // Number representing seconds since the epoch
+ if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( outputTimestamp ) && StringUtils.isNumeric( outputTimestamp ) )
+ {
+ return Optional.of( Instant.ofEpochSecond( Long.parseLong( outputTimestamp ) ) );
+ }
+ // no timestamp configured (1 character configuration is useful to override a full value during pom
+ // inheritance)
+ if ( outputTimestamp.length() < 2 )
+ {
+ return Optional.empty();
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ // Parse the date in UTC such as '2011-12-03T10:15:30Z' or with an offset '2019-10-05T20:37:42+06:00'.
+ final Instant date = OffsetDateTime.parse( outputTimestamp )
+ .withOffsetSameInstant( ZoneOffset.UTC ).truncatedTo( ChronoUnit.SECONDS ).toInstant();
+ if ( date.isBefore( DATE_MIN ) || date.isAfter( DATE_MAX ) )
+ {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException( "'" + date + "' is not within the valid range "
+ + DATE_MIN + " to " + DATE_MAX );
+ }
+ return Optional.of( date );
+ }
+ catch ( DateTimeParseException pe )
+ {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid project.build.outputTimestamp value '" + outputTimestamp + "'",
+ pe );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Configure Reproducible Builds archive creation if a timestamp is provided.
+ *
+ * @param outputTimestamp the value of {@code project.build.outputTimestamp} (may be {@code null})
+ * @since 3.6.0
+ * @see #parseBuildOutputTimestamp(String)
+ */
+ public void configureReproducibleBuild( String outputTimestamp )
+ {
+ parseBuildOutputTimestamp( outputTimestamp )
+ .map( FileTime::from )
+ .ifPresent( modifiedTime -> getArchiver().configureReproducibleBuild( modifiedTime ) );
+ }
@@ -21,45 +21,39 @@ package org.apache.maven.archiver;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.StringReader;
import java.io.StringWriter;
+import java.nio.file.Files;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
-import org.apache.maven.shared.utils.io.IOUtil;
import org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.Archiver;
- * This class is responsible for creating the pom.properties file.
+ * This class is responsible for creating the <code>pom.properties</code> file
+ * in <code>META-INF/maven/${groupId}/${artifactId}</code>.
- * @version $Id: PomPropertiesUtil.java 1745000 2016-05-21 23:00:43Z michaelo $
+ * @author slachiewicz
+ * @version $Id: $Id
public class PomPropertiesUtil
- private static final String CREATED_BY_MAVEN = "Created by Apache Maven";
private Properties loadPropertiesFile( File file )
throws IOException
Properties fileProps = new Properties();
- InputStream istream = null;
- try
+ try ( InputStream istream = Files.newInputStream( file.toPath() ) )
- istream = new FileInputStream( file );
fileProps.load( istream );
- istream.close();
- istream = null;
return fileProps;
- finally
- {
- IOUtil.close( istream );
- }
private boolean sameContents( Properties props, File file )
@@ -74,8 +68,7 @@ public class PomPropertiesUtil
return fileProps.equals( props );
- private void createPropertiesFile( MavenSession session, Properties properties, File outputFile,
- boolean forceCreation )
+ private void createPropertiesFile( Properties properties, File outputFile, boolean forceCreation )
throws IOException
File outputDir = outputFile.getParentFile();
@@ -87,57 +80,45 @@ public class PomPropertiesUtil
- PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter( outputFile, "ISO-8859-1" );
- try
+ try ( PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter( outputFile, "ISO-8859-1" );
+ StringWriter sw = new StringWriter() )
- String createdBy = CREATED_BY_MAVEN;
- if ( session != null ) // can be null due to API backwards compatibility
- {
- String mavenVersion = session.getSystemProperties().getProperty( "maven.version" );
- if ( mavenVersion != null )
- {
- createdBy += " " + mavenVersion;
- }
- }
- StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
properties.store( sw, null );
- BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader( new StringReader( sw.toString() ) );
- pw.println( "#" + createdBy );
- String line;
- while ( ( line = r.readLine() ) != null )
+ List<String> lines = new ArrayList<>();
+ try ( BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader( new StringReader( sw.toString() ) ) )
- if ( !line.startsWith( "#" ) )
+ String line;
+ while ( ( line = r.readLine() ) != null )
- pw.println( line );
+ if ( !line.startsWith( "#" ) )
+ {
+ lines.add( line );
+ }
- r.close();
- r = null;
- sw.close();
- sw = null;
- pw.close();
- pw = null;
- }
- finally
- {
- IOUtil.close( pw );
+ Collections.sort( lines );
+ for ( String l : lines )
+ {
+ pw.println( l );
+ }
* Creates the pom.properties file.
- * @param session {@link MavenSession}
- * @param project {@link MavenProject}
- * @param archiver {@link Archiver}
+ *
+ * @param session {@link org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession}
+ * @param project {@link org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject}
+ * @param archiver {@link org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.Archiver}
* @param customPomPropertiesFile optional custom pom properties file
* @param pomPropertiesFile The pom properties file.
* @param forceCreation force creation true/false
* @throws org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.ArchiverException archiver exception.
- * @throws IOException IO exception.
+ * @throws java.io.IOException IO exception.
public void createPomProperties( MavenSession session, MavenProject project, Archiver archiver,
File customPomPropertiesFile, File pomPropertiesFile, boolean forceCreation )
@@ -164,7 +145,7 @@ public class PomPropertiesUtil
p.setProperty( "version", version );
- createPropertiesFile( session, p, pomPropertiesFile, forceCreation );
+ createPropertiesFile( p, pomPropertiesFile, forceCreation );
archiver.addFile( pomPropertiesFile, "META-INF/maven/" + groupId + "/" + artifactId + "/pom.properties" );
@@ -28,17 +28,17 @@ Set Up The Classpath
* {Contents}
* {{{Add}Add A Class-Path Entry To The Manifest}}
* {{{Make}Make The Jar Executable}}
* {{{Prefix}Altering The Classpath: Defining a Classpath Directory Prefix}}
* {{{Repository}Altering The Classpath: Using a Maven Repository-Style Classpath}}
* {{{Custom}Altering The Classpath: Using a Custom Classpath Format}}
* {{{Snapshot}Handling Snapshot Versions}}
* {Add} A Class-Path Entry To The Manifest
@@ -90,7 +90,6 @@ Set Up The Classpath
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: Apache Maven ${maven.version}
-Built-By: ${user.name}
Build-Jdk: ${java.version}
Class-Path: plexus-utils-1.1.jar commons-lang-2.1.jar
@@ -149,7 +148,6 @@ Class-Path: plexus-utils-1.1.jar commons-lang-2.1.jar
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: Apache Maven ${maven.version}
-Built-By: ${user.name}
Build-Jdk: ${java.version}
Main-Class: fully.qualified.MainClass
Class-Path: plexus-utils-1.1.jar commons-lang-2.1.jar
@@ -213,7 +211,7 @@ Class-Path: lib/plexus-utils-1.1.jar lib/commons-lang-2.1.jar
Occasionally, you may want to include a Maven repository-style directory structure in your
archive. If you wish to reference the dependency archives within those directories in your
- manifest classpath, try using the <<<\<classpathLayoutType\>>>> element with a value of
+ manifest classpath, try using the <<<\<classpathLayoutType\>>>> element with a value of
<<<'repository'>>>, like this:
@@ -230,10 +228,6 @@ Class-Path: lib/plexus-utils-1.1.jar lib/commons-lang-2.1.jar
- <!-- NOTE: Deprecated in version 2.4. Use 'classpathLayoutType' instead.
- <classpathMavenRepositoryLayout>true</classpathMavenRepositoryLayout>
- -->
@@ -257,11 +251,6 @@ Class-Path: lib/plexus-utils-1.1.jar lib/commons-lang-2.1.jar
- <<Note:>> In version 2.3, this feature was available by setting the <<<\<classpathMavenRepositoryLayout\>>>>
- element to the value <<<true>>>. This configuration option has been *deprecated* in version 2.4,
- in favor of the more general <<<\<classpathLayoutType\>>>> element, where a value of <<<'repository'>>>
- will render the same behavior.
The manifest classpath produced using the above configuration would look like this:
@@ -276,7 +265,7 @@ Class-Path: lib/org/codehaus/plexus/plexus-utils/1.1/plexus-utils-1.1.jar lib/co
At times, you may have dependency archives in a custom format within your own archive, one that doesn't
conform to any of the above classpath layouts. If you wish to define a custom layout for dependency archives
- within your archive's manifest classpath, try using the <<<\<classpathLayoutType\>>>> element with a value of
+ within your archive's manifest classpath, try using the <<<\<classpathLayoutType\>>>> element with a value of
<<<'custom'>>>, along with the <<<\<customClasspathLayout\>>>> element, like this:
@@ -315,35 +304,35 @@ Class-Path: lib/org/codehaus/plexus/plexus-utils/1.1/plexus-utils-1.1.jar lib/co
- This classpath layout is a little more involved than the previous examples.
+ This classpath layout is a little more involved than the previous examples.
To understand how the value of the <<<\<customClasspathLayout\>>>> configuration
- is interpreted, it's useful to understand the rules applied when resolving
+ is interpreted, it's useful to understand the rules applied when resolving
expressions within the value:
[[1]] If present, trim off the prefix 'artifact.' from the expression.
- [[2]] Attempt to resolve the expression as a reference to the Artifact using
- reflection (eg. <<<'artifactId'>>> becomes a reference to the method
+ [[2]] Attempt to resolve the expression as a reference to the Artifact using
+ reflection (eg. <<<'artifactId'>>> becomes a reference to the method
- [[3]] Attempt to resolve the expression as a reference to the ArtifactHandler of
+ [[3]] Attempt to resolve the expression as a reference to the ArtifactHandler of
the current Artifact, again using reflection (eg. <<<'extension'>>> becomes a reference
to the method <<<'getExtension()'>>>).
- [[4]] Attempt to resolve the expression as a key in the special-case Properties instance,
+ [[4]] Attempt to resolve the expression as a key in the special-case Properties instance,
which contains the following mappings:
- * <<<'dashClassifier'>>>: If the Artifact has a classifier, this will be
- <<<'-${artifact.classifier}'>>>, otherwise this
+ * <<<'dashClassifier'>>>: If the Artifact has a classifier, this will be
+ <<<'-${artifact.classifier}'>>>, otherwise this
is an empty string.
* <<<'dashClassifier?'>>>: This is a synonym of <<<'dashClassifier'>>>.
- * <<<'groupIdPath'>>>: This is the equivalent of <<<'${artifact.groupId}'>>>,
+ * <<<'groupIdPath'>>>: This is the equivalent of <<<'${artifact.groupId}'>>>,
with all <<<'.'>>> characters replaced by <<<'/'>>>.
The manifest classpath produced using the above configuration would look like this:
@@ -359,18 +348,18 @@ Class-Path: WEB-INF/lib/org/codehaus/plexus/plexus-utils-1.1.jar WEB-INF/lib/com
<(Since 2.4)>
- Depending on how you construct your archive, you may have the ability to specify whether
+ Depending on how you construct your archive, you may have the ability to specify whether
snapshot dependency archives are included with the version suffix <<<'-SNAPSHOT'>>>, or
whether the unique timestamp and build-number for that archive is used. For instance,
the {{{/plugins/maven-assembly-plugin}Assembly Plugin}} allows
- you to make this decision in the <<<\<outputFileNameMapping\>>>> element of its
+ you to make this decision in the <<<\<outputFileNameMapping\>>>> element of its
<<<\<dependencySet>>>> descriptor section.
** Forcing the use of -SNAPSHOT versions when using the simple (default) or repository classpath layout
To force the use of <<<'-SNAPSHOT'>>> version naming, simply disable the <<<\<useUniqueVersions\>>>>
configuration element, like this:
@@ -379,13 +368,13 @@ Class-Path: WEB-INF/lib/org/codehaus/plexus/plexus-utils-1.1.jar WEB-INF/lib/com
To force the use of <<<'-SNAPSHOT'>>> version naming, simply replace <<<'${artifact.version}'>>>
with <<<'${artifact.baseVersion}'>>> in the custom layout example above, so it looks like this:
The full example configuration would look like this:
@@ -33,10 +33,12 @@ Manifest
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: Apache Maven ${maven.version}
-Built-By: ${user.name}
Build-Jdk: ${java.version}
+ <<Note:>> The <<<Build-Jdk>>> does not take toolchains configuration into account. It is the same
+ JDK version as running the Maven instance.
* Adding Implementation And Specification Details
Starting with version 2.1, Maven Archiver no longer creates the
@@ -79,21 +81,15 @@ Build-Jdk: ${java.version}
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: Apache Maven ${maven.version}
-Built-By: ${user.name}
Build-Jdk: ${java.version}
Specification-Title: ${project.name}
Specification-Version: ${project.artifact.selectedVersion.majorVersion}.${project.artifact.selectedVersion.minorVersion}
Specification-Vendor: ${project.organization.name}
Implementation-Title: ${project.name}
Implementation-Version: ${project.version}
-Implementation-Vendor-Id: ${project.groupId}
Implementation-Vendor: ${project.organization.name}
-Implementation-URL: ${project.url}
<<Note:>> If your pom.xml does not have an <<<\<organization\>>>>/<<<\<name\>>>>
element, then the <<<Specification-Vendor>>> and <<<Implementation-Vendor>>>
entries will <<not>> be in the manifest.
- <<Note:>> If your pom.xml does not have a <<<\<url\>>>> element, referenced through interpolation,
- then the <<<Implementation-URL>>> entry will <<not>> be in the manifest..
@@ -69,7 +69,6 @@ Manifest Entries
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: Apache Maven ${maven.version}
-Built-By: ${user.name}
Build-Jdk: ${java.version}
mode: development
url: http://some.url.org/
@@ -75,7 +75,6 @@ Manifest Sections
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: Apache Maven ${maven.version}
-Built-By: ${user.name}
Build-Jdk: ${java.version}
Name: foo
@@ -19,7 +19,13 @@ specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
-<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/DECORATION/1.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/DECORATION/1.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/decoration-1.0.0.xsd">
+<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/DECORATION/1.8.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+ xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/DECORATION/1.8.0 https://maven.apache.org/xsd/decoration-1.8.0.xsd">
+ <skin>
+ <groupId>org.apache.maven.skins</groupId>
+ <artifactId>maven-fluido-skin</artifactId>
+ <version>1.9</version>
+ </skin>
<menu name="Overview">
<item name="Introduction" href="index.html"/>
@@ -27,7 +33,7 @@ under the License.
<item name="Source Xref" href="xref/index.html"/>
<!--item name="FAQ" href="faq.html"/-->
<!-- According to https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MNGSITE-152 -->
- <item name="License" href="http://www.apache.org/licenses/"/>
+ <item name="License" href="https://www.apache.org/licenses/"/>
<item name="Download" href="download.html"/>
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ under the License.
<p>In order to guard against corrupted downloads/installations, it is highly recommended to
<a href="http://www.apache.org/dev/release-signing#verifying-signature">verify the signature</a>
- of the release bundles against the public <a href="http://www.apache.org/dist/maven/KEYS">KEYS</a> used by the Apache Maven
+ of the release bundles against the public <a href="https://www.apache.org/dist/maven/KEYS">KEYS</a> used by the Apache Maven
<p>${project.name} is distributed under the <a href="http://www.apache.org/licenses/">Apache License, version 2.0</a>.</p>
@@ -108,8 +108,8 @@ under the License.
<td>${project.name} ${project.version} (Source zip)</td>
<td><a href="[preferred]maven/shared/${project.artifactId}-${project.version}-source-release.zip">maven/shared/${project.artifactId}-${project.version}-source-release.zip</a></td>
- <td><a href="http://www.apache.org/dist/maven/shared/${project.artifactId}-${project.version}-source-release.zip.md5">maven/shared/${project.artifactId}-${project.version}-source-release.zip.md5</a></td>
- <td><a href="http://www.apache.org/dist/maven/shared/${project.artifactId}-${project.version}-source-release.zip.asc">maven/shared/${project.artifactId}-${project.version}-source-release.zip.asc</a></td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.apache.org/dist/maven/shared/${project.artifactId}-${project.version}-source-release.zip.sha512">maven/shared/${project.artifactId}-${project.version}-source-release.zip.sha512</a></td>
+ <td><a href="https://www.apache.org/dist/maven/shared/${project.artifactId}-${project.version}-source-release.zip.asc">maven/shared/${project.artifactId}-${project.version}-source-release.zip.asc</a></td>
@@ -39,13 +39,17 @@
+ <pomPropertiesFile/>
+ <manifestFile/>
<<a href="#class_manifest">manifest</a>>
+ <addDefaultEntries/>
+ <addBuildEnvironmentEntries/>
- <classpathMavenRepositoryLayout/>
@@ -55,7 +59,6 @@
- <manifestFile/>
<<a href="#class_manifestSection">manifestSection</a>>
@@ -64,7 +67,6 @@
- <pomPropertiesFile/>
@@ -114,7 +116,7 @@
and rebuild the archive, only if the latter timestamp precedes the
former timestamps. Checking for timestamps will typically offer a
performance gain (in particular, if the following steps in a build
- can be suppressed, if an archive isn't recrated) on the cost that
+ can be suppressed, if an archive isn't recreated) on the cost that
you get inaccurate results from time to time. In particular, removal
of source files won't be detected.
@@ -136,6 +138,22 @@
+ <tr>
+ <td>pomPropertiesFile</td>
+ <td>
+ Use this to override the auto created
+ <a href="#pom-properties-content">pom.properties</a> file
+ (only if <code>addMavenDescriptor</code> is set to <code>true</code>)
+ </td>
+ <td>File</td>
+ <td>2.3</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>manifestFile</td>
+ <td>With this you can supply your own manifest file.</td>
+ <td>File</td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
<td><a href="#class_manifest">manifest</a></td>
@@ -148,31 +166,27 @@
- <tr>
- <td>manifestFile</td>
- <td>With this you can supply your own manifest file.</td>
- <td>File</td>
- <td></td>
- </tr>
<td><a href="#class_manifestSection">manifestSections</a></td>
- <tr>
- <td>pomPropertiesFile</td>
- <td>
- Use this to override the auto created
- <a href="#pom-properties-content">pom.properties</a> file
- (only if <code>addMavenDescriptor</code> is set to <code>true</code>)
- </td>
- <td>File</td>
- <td>2.3</td>
- </tr>
+ <a name="pom-properties-content"/>
+ <subsection name="pom.properties content">
+ <p>
+ The auto created <code>pom.properties</code> file will contain the
+ following content:
+ </p>
+ <source>
+ </subsection>
<a name="class_manifest"/>
<subsection name="manifest">
@@ -191,6 +205,20 @@
+ <tr>
+ <td>addDefaultEntries</td>
+ <td>
+ If the manifest will contain these entries:
+ <source>
+Created-By: Maven Archiver ${maven-archiver.version}
+Build-Jdk-Spec: ${java.specification.version}</source>
+ Since 3.5.0, the default value of <code>Created-By</code> entry can be overridden using
+ <a href="./apidocs/org/apache/maven/archiver/MavenArchiver.html">MavenArchiver.setCreatedBy(...)</a> API.<br />
+ The default value is <code>true</code>.
+ </td>
+ <td>boolean</td>
+ <td>3.4.0</td>
+ </tr>
@@ -198,10 +226,7 @@
Implementation-Title: \${project.name}
Implementation-Version: \${project.version}
-Implementation-Vendor-Id: \${project.groupId}
-Implementation-Vendor: \${project.organization.name}
-Implementation-URL: \${project.url}
- </source>
+Implementation-Vendor: \${project.organization.name}</source>
The default value is <code>false</code>.
@@ -214,13 +239,25 @@ Implementation-URL: \${project.url}
Specification-Title: \${project.name}
Specification-Version: \${project.artifact.selectedVersion.majorVersion}.\${project.artifact.selectedVersion.minorVersion}
-Specification-Vendor: \${project.organization.name}
- </source>
+Specification-Vendor: \${project.organization.name}</source>
The default value is <code>false</code>.
+ <tr>
+ <td>addBuildEnvironmentEntries</td>
+ <td>
+ If the manifest will contain these entries:
+ <source>
+Build-Tool: ${maven.build.version}
+Build-Jdk: ${java.version} (${java.vendor})
+Build-Os: ${os.name} (${os.version}; (${os.arch})</source>
+ The default value is <code>false</code>.
+ </td>
+ <td>boolean</td>
+ <td>3.4.0</td>
+ </tr>
@@ -246,17 +283,6 @@ Specification-Vendor: \${project.organization.name}
- <tr>
- <td>classpathMavenRepositoryLayout</td>
- <td>
- The created <code>Class-Path</code> entry will contain paths
- that follow the Maven 2 repository layout:
- <code>${groupId}/${artifactId}/${version}/${fileName}</code>.
- The default value is <code>false</code>.
- </td>
- <td>boolean</td>
- <td>2.3</td>
- </tr>
@@ -333,19 +359,6 @@ Specification-Vendor: \${project.organization.name}
- <a name="pom-properties-content"/>
- <subsection name="pom.properties content">
- <p>
- The auto created <code>pom.properties</code> file will contain the
- following content:
- </p>
- <source>
- </source>
- </subsection>
\ No newline at end of file
@@ -21,15 +21,15 @@ package org.apache.maven.archiver;
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
-public class ManifestConfigurationTest
+class ManifestConfigurationTest
private ManifestConfiguration manifestConfiguration;
- @Before
+ @BeforeEach
public void before()
this.manifestConfiguration = new ManifestConfiguration();
@@ -24,32 +24,29 @@ import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.entry;
import java.util.Map;
-import org.junit.Before;
-import org.junit.Test;
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
* @author Karl Heinz Marbaise <a href="mailto:khmarbaise at apache.org">khmarbaise at apache.org</a>.
-public class MavenArchiveConfigurationTest
+class MavenArchiveConfigurationTest
- private ManifestConfiguration manifestConfiguration;
private MavenArchiveConfiguration archive;
- @Before
+ @BeforeEach
public void before()
- this.manifestConfiguration = new ManifestConfiguration();
archive = new MavenArchiveConfiguration();
- archive.setManifest( manifestConfiguration );
+ archive.setManifest( new ManifestConfiguration() );
archive.setForced( false );
archive.setCompress( false );
archive.setIndex( false );
- public void addingSingleEntryShouldBeReturned()
+ void addingSingleEntryShouldBeReturned()
archive.addManifestEntry( "key1", "value1" );
Map<String, String> manifestEntries = archive.getManifestEntries();
@@ -57,7 +54,7 @@ public class MavenArchiveConfigurationTest
- public void addingTwoEntriesShouldBeReturnedInInsertOrder()
+ void addingTwoEntriesShouldBeReturnedInInsertOrder()
archive.addManifestEntry( "key1", "value1" );
archive.addManifestEntry( "key2", "value2" );
@@ -66,7 +63,7 @@ public class MavenArchiveConfigurationTest
- public void addingThreeEntriesShouldBeReturnedInInsertOrder()
+ void addingThreeEntriesShouldBeReturnedInInsertOrder()
archive.addManifestEntry( "key1", "value1" );
archive.addManifestEntry( "key2", "value2" );
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.DependencyResolutionRequiredException;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.handler.ArtifactHandler;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.handler.DefaultArtifactHandler;
-import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository;
import org.apache.maven.execution.DefaultMavenExecutionRequest;
import org.apache.maven.execution.DefaultMavenExecutionResult;
import org.apache.maven.execution.MavenExecutionRequest;
@@ -33,21 +32,28 @@ import org.apache.maven.model.Build;
import org.apache.maven.model.Model;
import org.apache.maven.model.Organization;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
-import org.apache.maven.shared.utils.StringUtils;
-import org.apache.maven.shared.utils.io.FileUtils;
-import org.apache.maven.shared.utils.io.IOUtil;
-import org.codehaus.plexus.PlexusContainer;
import org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.jar.JarArchiver;
import org.codehaus.plexus.archiver.jar.ManifestException;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.sonatype.aether.RepositorySystemSession;
-import org.sonatype.aether.util.DefaultRepositorySystemSession;
+import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils;
+import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
+import org.eclipse.aether.DefaultRepositorySystemSession;
+import org.eclipse.aether.RepositorySystemSession;
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.condition.EnabledForJreRange;
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.condition.JRE;
+import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest;
+import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.CsvSource;
+import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.EmptySource;
+import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.NullAndEmptySource;
+import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.ValueSource;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URL;
+import java.time.Instant;
+import java.time.format.DateTimeParseException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
@@ -63,9 +69,10 @@ import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;
import java.util.zip.ZipEntry;
-import static org.junit.Assert.*;
+import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
+import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThatExceptionOfType;
-public class MavenArchiverTest
+class MavenArchiverTest
static class ArtifactComparator
implements Comparator<Artifact>
@@ -81,8 +88,25 @@ public class MavenArchiverTest
+ @ParameterizedTest
+ @EmptySource
+ @ValueSource( strings = { ".", "dash-is-invalid", "plus+is+invalid", "colon:is:invalid", "new.class",
+ "123.at.start.is.invalid", "digit.at.123start.is.invalid" } )
+ void testInvalidModuleNames( String value )
+ {
+ assertThat( MavenArchiver.isValidModuleName( value ) ).isFalse();
+ }
+ @ParameterizedTest
+ @ValueSource( strings = { "a", "a.b", "a_b", "trailing0.digits123.are456.ok789", "UTF8.chars.are.okay.äëïöüẍ",
+ "ℤ€ℕ" } )
+ void testValidModuleNames( String value )
+ {
+ assertThat( MavenArchiver.isValidModuleName( value ) ).isTrue();
+ }
- public void testGetManifestExtensionList()
+ void testGetManifestExtensionList()
throws Exception
MavenArchiver archiver = new MavenArchiver();
@@ -94,7 +118,7 @@ public class MavenArchiverTest
MavenProject project = new MavenProject( model );
// we need to sort the artifacts for test purposes
- Set<Artifact> artifacts = new TreeSet<Artifact>( new ArtifactComparator() );
+ Set<Artifact> artifacts = new TreeSet<>( new ArtifactComparator() );
project.setArtifacts( artifacts );
// there should be a mock or a setter for this field.
@@ -106,13 +130,11 @@ public class MavenArchiverTest
- Manifest manifest;
- manifest = archiver.getManifest( session, project, config );
+ Manifest manifest = archiver.getManifest( session, project, config );
- assertNotNull( manifest.getMainAttributes() );
+ assertThat( manifest.getMainAttributes() ).isNotNull();
- assertEquals( null, manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue( "Extension-List" ) );
+ assertThat( manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue( "Extension-List" ) ).isNull();
MockArtifact artifact1 = new MockArtifact();
artifact1.setGroupId( "org.apache.dummy" );
@@ -125,7 +147,7 @@ public class MavenArchiverTest
manifest = archiver.getManifest( session, project, config );
- assertEquals( null, manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue( "Extension-List" ) );
+ assertThat( manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue( "Extension-List" ) ).isNull();
MockArtifact artifact2 = new MockArtifact();
artifact2.setGroupId( "org.apache.dummy" );
@@ -138,7 +160,7 @@ public class MavenArchiverTest
manifest = archiver.getManifest( session, project, config );
- assertEquals( "dummy2", manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue( "Extension-List" ) );
+ assertThat( manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue( "Extension-List" ) ).isEqualTo( "dummy2" );
MockArtifact artifact3 = new MockArtifact();
artifact3.setGroupId( "org.apache.dummy" );
@@ -151,7 +173,7 @@ public class MavenArchiverTest
manifest = archiver.getManifest( session, project, config );
- assertEquals( "dummy2", manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue( "Extension-List" ) );
+ assertThat( manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue( "Extension-List" ) ).isEqualTo( "dummy2" );
MockArtifact artifact4 = new MockArtifact();
artifact4.setGroupId( "org.apache.dummy" );
@@ -164,11 +186,11 @@ public class MavenArchiverTest
manifest = archiver.getManifest( session, project, config );
- assertEquals( "dummy2 dummy4", manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue( "Extension-List" ) );
+ assertThat( manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue( "Extension-List" ) ).isEqualTo( "dummy2 dummy4" );
- public void testMultiClassPath()
+ void testMultiClassPath()
throws Exception
final File tempFile = File.createTempFile( "maven-archiver-test-", ".jar" );
@@ -182,7 +204,7 @@ public class MavenArchiverTest
Model model = new Model();
model.setArtifactId( "dummy" );
- MavenProject project = new MavenProject( model)
+ MavenProject project = new MavenProject( model )
public List<String> getRuntimeClasspathElements()
@@ -205,9 +227,11 @@ public class MavenArchiverTest
Manifest manifest = archiver.getManifest( session, project, archiveConfiguration );
String classPath = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue( "Class-Path" );
- assertTrue( "User specified Class-Path entry was not added to manifest", classPath.contains( "help/" ) );
- assertTrue( "Class-Path generated by addClasspath was not added to manifest",
- classPath.contains( tempFile.getName() ) );
+ assertThat( classPath )
+ .as( "User specified Class-Path entry was not prepended to manifest" )
+ .startsWith( "help/" )
+ .as( "Class-Path generated by addClasspath was not appended to manifest" )
+ .endsWith( tempFile.getName() );
@@ -217,7 +241,7 @@ public class MavenArchiverTest
- public void testRecreation()
+ void testRecreation()
throws Exception
File jarFile = new File( "target/test/dummy.jar" );
@@ -231,100 +255,80 @@ public class MavenArchiverTest
MavenArchiveConfiguration config = new MavenArchiveConfiguration();
config.setForced( false );
- FileUtils.deleteDirectory( "target/maven-archiver" );
+ File directory = new File( "target/maven-archiver" );
+ org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils.deleteDirectory( directory );
archiver.createArchive( session, project, config );
- assertTrue( jarFile.exists() );
- jarFile.setLastModified( System.currentTimeMillis() - 60000L );
+ assertThat( jarFile ).exists();
+ long history = System.currentTimeMillis() - 60000L;
+ jarFile.setLastModified( history );
long time = jarFile.lastModified();
- List<File> files = FileUtils.getFiles( new File( "target/maven-archiver" ), "**/**", null, true );
- for ( Object file : files )
+ List<File> files = FileUtils.getFiles( directory, "**/**", null, true );
+ for ( File file : files )
- File f = (File) file;
- f.setLastModified( time );
+ assertThat( file.setLastModified( time ) ).isTrue();
archiver.createArchive( session, project, config );
- assertEquals( jarFile.lastModified(), time );
config.setForced( true );
archiver.createArchive( session, project, config );
- assertTrue( jarFile.lastModified() > time );
+ // I'm not sure if it could only be greater than time or if it is sufficient to be greater or equal..
+ assertThat( jarFile.lastModified() ).isGreaterThanOrEqualTo( time );
- public void testNotGenerateImplementationVersionForMANIFESTMF()
+ void testNotGenerateImplementationVersionForMANIFESTMF()
throws Exception
- JarFile jar = null;
- try
- {
- File jarFile = new File( "target/test/dummy.jar" );
- JarArchiver jarArchiver = getCleanJarArchiver( jarFile );
+ File jarFile = new File( "target/test/dummy.jar" );
+ JarArchiver jarArchiver = getCleanJarArchiver( jarFile );
- MavenArchiver archiver = getMavenArchiver( jarArchiver );
+ MavenArchiver archiver = getMavenArchiver( jarArchiver );
- MavenSession session = getDummySession();
- MavenProject project = getDummyProject();
+ MavenSession session = getDummySession();
+ MavenProject project = getDummyProject();
- MavenArchiveConfiguration config = new MavenArchiveConfiguration();
- config.setForced( true );
- config.getManifest().setAddDefaultImplementationEntries( false );
- archiver.createArchive( session, project, config );
- assertTrue( jarFile.exists() );
+ MavenArchiveConfiguration config = new MavenArchiveConfiguration();
+ config.setForced( true );
+ config.getManifest().setAddDefaultImplementationEntries( false );
+ archiver.createArchive( session, project, config );
+ assertThat( jarFile ).exists();
- jar = new JarFile( jarFile );
- Map<Object, Object> entries = jar.getManifest().getMainAttributes();
- assertFalse( entries.containsKey( Attributes.Name.IMPLEMENTATION_VERSION ) ); // "Implementation-Version"
- }
- finally
+ try ( JarFile jar = new JarFile( jarFile ) )
- // cleanup streams
- if ( jar != null )
- {
- jar.close();
- }
+ assertThat( jar.getManifest().getMainAttributes() )
+ .doesNotContainKey( Attributes.Name.IMPLEMENTATION_VERSION ); // "Implementation-Version"
- public void testGenerateImplementationVersionForMANIFESTMF()
+ void testGenerateImplementationVersionForMANIFESTMF()
throws Exception
- JarFile jar = null;
- try
- {
- File jarFile = new File( "target/test/dummy.jar" );
- JarArchiver jarArchiver = getCleanJarArchiver( jarFile );
- MavenArchiver archiver = getMavenArchiver( jarArchiver );
+ File jarFile = new File( "target/test/dummy.jar" );
+ JarArchiver jarArchiver = getCleanJarArchiver( jarFile );
- MavenSession session = getDummySession();
- MavenProject project = getDummyProject();
- String ls = System.getProperty( "line.separator" );
- project.setDescription( "foo " + ls + " bar " );
- MavenArchiveConfiguration config = new MavenArchiveConfiguration();
- config.setForced( true );
- config.getManifest().setAddDefaultImplementationEntries( true );
- config.addManifestEntry( "Description", project.getDescription() );
- archiver.createArchive( session, project, config );
- assertTrue( jarFile.exists() );
+ MavenArchiver archiver = getMavenArchiver( jarArchiver );
- jar = new JarFile( jarFile );
+ MavenSession session = getDummySession();
+ MavenProject project = getDummyProject();
- Map<Object, Object> entries = jar.getManifest().getMainAttributes();
+ String ls = System.getProperty( "line.separator" );
+ project.setDescription( "foo " + ls + " bar " );
+ MavenArchiveConfiguration config = new MavenArchiveConfiguration();
+ config.setForced( true );
+ config.getManifest().setAddDefaultImplementationEntries( true );
+ config.addManifestEntry( "Description", project.getDescription() );
+ archiver.createArchive( session, project, config );
+ assertThat( jarFile ).exists();
- assertTrue( entries.containsKey( Attributes.Name.IMPLEMENTATION_VERSION ) );
- assertEquals( "0.1.1", entries.get( Attributes.Name.IMPLEMENTATION_VERSION ) );
- }
- finally
+ try ( JarFile jar = new JarFile( jarFile ) )
- // cleanup streams
- if ( jar != null )
- {
- jar.close();
- }
+ assertThat( jar.getManifest().getMainAttributes() )
+ .containsKey( Attributes.Name.IMPLEMENTATION_VERSION )
+ .containsEntry( Attributes.Name.IMPLEMENTATION_VERSION, "0.1.1" );
@@ -363,7 +367,7 @@ public class MavenArchiverTest
mftConfig.setClasspathPrefix( "./lib/" );
archiver.createArchive( session, project, config );
- assertTrue( jarFile.exists() );
+ assertThat( jarFile ).exists();
@@ -394,10 +398,10 @@ public class MavenArchiverTest
config.addManifestEntry( "key2", "value2" );
archiver.createArchive( session, project, config );
- assertTrue( jarFile.exists() );
+ assertThat( jarFile ).exists();
final Attributes mainAttributes = getJarFileManifest( jarFile ).getMainAttributes();
- assertEquals( "value1", mainAttributes.getValue( "Key1" ) );
- assertEquals( "value2", mainAttributes.getValue( "Key2" ) );
+ assertThat( mainAttributes.getValue( "Key1" ) ).isEqualTo( "value1" );
+ assertThat( mainAttributes.getValue( "Key2" ) ).isEqualTo( "value2" );
@@ -419,17 +423,17 @@ public class MavenArchiverTest
config.getManifest().setAddDefaultImplementationEntries( true );
config.addManifestEntry( "Description", project.getDescription() );
// config.addManifestEntry( "EntryWithTab", " foo tab " + ( '\u0009' ) + ( '\u0009' ) // + " bar tab" + ( //
- // '\u0009' // ) );
+ // '\u0009' // ) );
archiver.createArchive( session, project, config );
- assertTrue( jarFile.exists() );
+ assertThat( jarFile ).exists();
final Manifest manifest = getJarFileManifest( jarFile );
Attributes attributes = manifest.getMainAttributes();
- assertTrue( project.getDescription().indexOf( ls ) > 0 );
+ assertThat( project.getDescription().indexOf( ls ) ).isGreaterThan( 0 );
Attributes.Name description = new Attributes.Name( "Description" );
String value = attributes.getValue( description );
- assertNotNull( value );
- assertFalse( value.indexOf( ls ) > 0 );
+ assertThat( value ).isNotNull();
+ assertThat( value.indexOf( ls ) ).isLessThanOrEqualTo( 0 );
@@ -447,28 +451,50 @@ public class MavenArchiverTest
config.getManifest().setAddDefaultImplementationEntries( true );
config.getManifest().setAddDefaultSpecificationEntries( true );
- // noinspection deprecation
MavenSession session = getDummySessionWithoutMavenVersion();
archiver.createArchive( session, project, config );
- assertTrue( jarFile.exists() );
+ assertThat( jarFile ).exists();
Attributes manifest = getJarFileManifest( jarFile ).getMainAttributes();
- assertEquals( "Apache Maven", manifest.get( new Attributes.Name( "Created-By" ) ) ); // no version number
+ // no version number
+ assertThat( manifest )
+ .containsEntry( new Attributes.Name( "Created-By" ), "Maven Archiver" )
+ .containsEntry( Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_TITLE, "archiver test" )
+ .containsEntry( Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_VERSION, "0.1" )
+ .containsEntry( Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_VENDOR, "Apache" )
+ .containsEntry( Attributes.Name.IMPLEMENTATION_TITLE, "archiver test" )
+ .containsEntry( Attributes.Name.IMPLEMENTATION_VERSION, "0.1.1" )
+ .containsEntry( Attributes.Name.IMPLEMENTATION_VENDOR, "Apache" )
+ .containsEntry( new Attributes.Name( "Build-Jdk-Spec" ),
+ System.getProperty( "java.specification.version" ) );
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testMinimalManifestEntries()
+ throws Exception
+ {
+ File jarFile = new File( "target/test/dummy.jar" );
+ JarArchiver jarArchiver = getCleanJarArchiver( jarFile );
+ MavenArchiver archiver = getMavenArchiver( jarArchiver );
- assertEquals( "archiver test", manifest.get( Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_TITLE ) );
- assertEquals( "0.1", manifest.get( Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_VERSION ) );
- assertEquals( "Apache", manifest.get( Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_VENDOR ) );
+ MavenSession session = getDummySession();
+ MavenProject project = getDummyProject();
+ MavenArchiveConfiguration config = new MavenArchiveConfiguration();
+ config.setForced( true );
+ config.getManifest().setAddDefaultEntries( false );
- assertEquals( "archiver test", manifest.get( Attributes.Name.IMPLEMENTATION_TITLE ) );
- assertEquals( "0.1.1", manifest.get( Attributes.Name.IMPLEMENTATION_VERSION ) );
- assertEquals( "org.apache.dummy", manifest.get( Attributes.Name.IMPLEMENTATION_VENDOR_ID ) );
- assertEquals( "Apache", manifest.get( Attributes.Name.IMPLEMENTATION_VENDOR ) );
- assertEquals( "http://maven.apache.org", manifest.get( Attributes.Name.IMPLEMENTATION_URL ) );
+ archiver.createArchive( session, project, config );
+ assertThat( jarFile ).exists();
+ final Manifest jarFileManifest = getJarFileManifest( jarFile );
+ Attributes manifest = jarFileManifest.getMainAttributes();
- assertEquals( System.getProperty( "java.version" ), manifest.get( new Attributes.Name( "Build-Jdk" ) ) );
- assertEquals( System.getProperty( "user.name" ), manifest.get( new Attributes.Name( "Built-By" ) ) );
+ assertThat( manifest ).hasSize( 1 ).containsOnlyKeys( new Attributes.Name( "Manifest-Version" ) );
+ assertThat( manifest.getValue( "Manifest-Version" ) ).isEqualTo( "1.0" );
public void testManifestEntries()
throws Exception
@@ -484,76 +510,86 @@ public class MavenArchiverTest
config.setForced( true );
config.getManifest().setAddDefaultImplementationEntries( true );
config.getManifest().setAddDefaultSpecificationEntries( true );
+ config.getManifest().setAddBuildEnvironmentEntries( true );
- Map<String, String> manifestEntries = new HashMap<String, String>();
+ Map<String, String> manifestEntries = new HashMap<>();
manifestEntries.put( "foo", "bar" );
manifestEntries.put( "first-name", "olivier" );
+ manifestEntries.put( "Automatic-Module-Name", "org.apache.maven.archiver" );
manifestEntries.put( "keyWithEmptyValue", null );
config.setManifestEntries( manifestEntries );
ManifestSection manifestSection = new ManifestSection();
manifestSection.setName( "UserSection" );
manifestSection.addManifestEntry( "key", "value" );
- List<ManifestSection> manifestSections = new ArrayList<ManifestSection>();
+ List<ManifestSection> manifestSections = new ArrayList<>();
manifestSections.add( manifestSection );
config.setManifestSections( manifestSections );
config.getManifest().setMainClass( "org.apache.maven.Foo" );
archiver.createArchive( session, project, config );
- assertTrue( jarFile.exists() );
+ assertThat( jarFile ).exists();
final Manifest jarFileManifest = getJarFileManifest( jarFile );
Attributes manifest = jarFileManifest.getMainAttributes();
- assertEquals( "Apache Maven 3.0.4", manifest.get( new Attributes.Name( "Created-By" ) ) );
- assertEquals( "archiver test", manifest.get( Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_TITLE ) );
- assertEquals( "0.1", manifest.get( Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_VERSION ) );
- assertEquals( "Apache", manifest.get( Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_VENDOR ) );
- assertEquals( "archiver test", manifest.get( Attributes.Name.IMPLEMENTATION_TITLE ) );
- assertEquals( "0.1.1", manifest.get( Attributes.Name.IMPLEMENTATION_VERSION ) );
- assertEquals( "org.apache.dummy", manifest.get( Attributes.Name.IMPLEMENTATION_VENDOR_ID ) );
- assertEquals( "Apache", manifest.get( Attributes.Name.IMPLEMENTATION_VENDOR ) );
- assertEquals( "http://maven.apache.org", manifest.get( Attributes.Name.IMPLEMENTATION_URL ) );
- assertEquals( "org.apache.maven.Foo", manifest.get( Attributes.Name.MAIN_CLASS ) );
- assertEquals( "bar", manifest.get( new Attributes.Name( "foo" ) ) );
- assertEquals( "olivier", manifest.get( new Attributes.Name( "first-name" ) ) );
- assertEquals( System.getProperty( "java.version" ), manifest.get( new Attributes.Name( "Build-Jdk" ) ) );
- assertEquals( System.getProperty( "user.name" ), manifest.get( new Attributes.Name( "Built-By" ) ) );
- assertTrue( StringUtils.isEmpty( manifest.getValue( new Attributes.Name( "keyWithEmptyValue" ) ) ) );
- assertTrue( manifest.containsKey( new Attributes.Name( "keyWithEmptyValue" ) ) );
+ // no version number
+ assertThat( manifest )
+ .containsEntry( new Attributes.Name( "Created-By" ), "Maven Archiver" )
+ .containsEntry( new Attributes.Name( "Build-Tool" ),
+ session.getSystemProperties().get( "maven.build.version" ) )
+ .containsEntry( new Attributes.Name( "Build-Jdk" ), String.format( "%s (%s)",
+ System.getProperty( "java.version" ), System.getProperty( "java.vendor" ) ) )
+ .containsEntry( new Attributes.Name( "Build-Os" ), String.format( "%s (%s; %s)",
+ System.getProperty( "os.name" ), System.getProperty( "os.version" ),
+ System.getProperty( "os.arch" ) ) )
+ .containsEntry( Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_TITLE, "archiver test" )
+ .containsEntry( Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_VERSION, "0.1" )
+ .containsEntry( Attributes.Name.SPECIFICATION_VENDOR, "Apache" )
+ .containsEntry( Attributes.Name.IMPLEMENTATION_TITLE, "archiver test" )
+ .containsEntry( Attributes.Name.IMPLEMENTATION_VERSION, "0.1.1" )
+ .containsEntry( Attributes.Name.IMPLEMENTATION_VENDOR, "Apache" )
+ .containsEntry( Attributes.Name.MAIN_CLASS, "org.apache.maven.Foo" )
+ .containsEntry( new Attributes.Name( "foo" ), "bar" )
+ .containsEntry( new Attributes.Name( "first-name" ), "olivier" );
+ assertThat( manifest.getValue( "Automatic-Module-Name" ) ).isEqualTo( "org.apache.maven.archiver" );
+ assertThat( manifest ).containsEntry( new Attributes.Name( "Build-Jdk-Spec" ),
+ System.getProperty( "java.specification.version" ) );
+ assertThat( StringUtils.isEmpty( manifest.getValue( new Attributes.Name( "keyWithEmptyValue" ) ) ) ).isTrue();
+ assertThat( manifest ).containsKey( new Attributes.Name( "keyWithEmptyValue" ) );
manifest = jarFileManifest.getAttributes( "UserSection" );
- assertEquals( "value", manifest.get( new Attributes.Name( "key" ) ) );
+ assertThat( manifest ).containsEntry( new Attributes.Name( "key" ), "value" );
- public void testCreatedByManifestEntryWithoutMavenVersion()
- throws Exception
+ public void testManifestWithInvalidAutomaticModuleNameThrowsOnCreateArchive()
+ throws Exception
File jarFile = new File( "target/test/dummy.jar" );
JarArchiver jarArchiver = getCleanJarArchiver( jarFile );
MavenArchiver archiver = getMavenArchiver( jarArchiver );
- MavenSession session = getDummySessionWithoutMavenVersion();
+ MavenSession session = getDummySession();
MavenProject project = getDummyProject();
MavenArchiveConfiguration config = new MavenArchiveConfiguration();
- config.setForced( true );
- archiver.createArchive( session, project, config );
- assertTrue( jarFile.exists() );
- final Manifest manifest = getJarFileManifest( jarFile );
- Map<Object, Object> entries = manifest.getMainAttributes();
+ Map<String, String> manifestEntries = new HashMap<>();
+ manifestEntries.put( "Automatic-Module-Name", "123.in-valid.new.name" );
+ config.setManifestEntries( manifestEntries );
- assertEquals( "Apache Maven", entries.get( new Attributes.Name( "Created-By" ) ) );
+ try
+ {
+ archiver.createArchive( session, project, config );
+ }
+ catch ( ManifestException e )
+ {
+ assertThat( e.getMessage() ).isEqualTo( "Invalid automatic module name: '123.in-valid.new.name'" );
+ }
@@ -573,18 +609,19 @@ public class MavenArchiverTest
ManifestSection manifestSection = new ManifestSection();
manifestSection.setName( "SectionOne" );
manifestSection.addManifestEntry( "key", "value" );
- List<ManifestSection> manifestSections = new ArrayList<ManifestSection>();
+ List<ManifestSection> manifestSections = new ArrayList<>();
manifestSections.add( manifestSection );
config.setManifestSections( manifestSections );
Manifest manifest = archiver.getManifest( session, project, config );
Attributes section = manifest.getAttributes( "SectionOne" );
- assertNotNull( "The section is not present in the manifest as it should be.", section );
+ assertThat( section ).as( "The section is not present in the manifest as it should be." ).isNotNull();
String attribute = section.getValue( "key" );
- assertNotNull( "The attribute we are looking for is not present in the section.", attribute );
- assertEquals( "The value of the attribute is wrong.", "value", attribute );
+ assertThat( attribute )
+ .as( "The attribute we are looking for is not present in the section." ).isNotNull()
+ .as( "The value of the attribute is wrong." ).isEqualTo( "value" );
@@ -607,20 +644,18 @@ public class MavenArchiverTest
config.getManifest().setClasspathLayoutType( ManifestConfiguration.CLASSPATH_LAYOUT_TYPE_CUSTOM );
config.getManifest().setCustomClasspathLayout( "${artifact.artifactId}-${artifact.version}${dashClassifier?}.${artifact.extension}" );
archiver.createArchive( session, project, config );
- assertTrue( jarFile.exists() );
+ assertThat( jarFile ).exists();
final Manifest manifest = getJarFileManifest( jarFile );
String classPath = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue( Attributes.Name.CLASS_PATH );
- assertNotNull( classPath );
- String[] classPathEntries = StringUtils.split( classPath, " " );
- assertEquals( "dummy1-1.0.jar", classPathEntries[0] );
- assertEquals( "dummy2-1.5.jar", classPathEntries[1] );
- assertEquals( "dummy3-2.0.jar", classPathEntries[2] );
+ assertThat( classPath ).isNotNull();
+ assertThat( StringUtils.split( classPath, " " ) )
+ .containsExactly( "dummy1-1.0.jar", "dummy2-1.5.jar", "dummy3-2.0.jar" );
private void deleteAndAssertNotPresent( File jarFile )
- assertFalse( jarFile.exists() );
+ assertThat( jarFile ).doesNotExist();
@@ -643,15 +678,13 @@ public class MavenArchiverTest
config.getManifest().setClasspathLayoutType( ManifestConfiguration.CLASSPATH_LAYOUT_TYPE_CUSTOM );
config.getManifest().setCustomClasspathLayout( "${artifact.artifactId}-${artifact.version}${dashClassifier?}.${artifact.extension}" );
archiver.createArchive( session, project, config );
- assertTrue( jarFile.exists() );
+ assertThat( jarFile ).exists();
final Manifest manifest = getJarFileManifest( jarFile );
String classPath = manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue( Attributes.Name.CLASS_PATH );
- assertNotNull( classPath );
- String[] classPathEntries = StringUtils.split( classPath, " " );
- assertEquals( "dummy1-1.1-20081022.112233-1.jar", classPathEntries[0] );
- assertEquals( "dummy2-1.5.jar", classPathEntries[1] );
- assertEquals( "dummy3-2.0.jar", classPathEntries[2] );
+ assertThat( classPath ).isNotNull();
+ assertThat( StringUtils.split( classPath, " " ) )
+ .containsExactly( "dummy1-1.1-20081022.112233-1.jar", "dummy2-1.5.jar", "dummy3-2.0.jar" );
@@ -674,20 +707,21 @@ public class MavenArchiverTest
config.getManifest().setUseUniqueVersions( true );
config.getManifest().setClasspathLayoutType( ManifestConfiguration.CLASSPATH_LAYOUT_TYPE_REPOSITORY );
archiver.createArchive( session, project, config );
- assertTrue( jarFile.exists() );
+ assertThat( jarFile ).exists();
Manifest manifest = archiver.getManifest( session, project, config );
String[] classPathEntries =
StringUtils.split( new String( manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue( "Class-Path" ).getBytes() ), " " );
- assertEquals( "org/apache/dummy/dummy1/1.0.1/dummy1-1.0.jar", classPathEntries[0] );
- assertEquals( "org/apache/dummy/foo/dummy2/1.5/dummy2-1.5.jar", classPathEntries[1] );
- assertEquals( "org/apache/dummy/bar/dummy3/2.0/dummy3-2.0.jar", classPathEntries[2] );
+ assertThat( classPathEntries ).containsExactly(
+ "org/apache/dummy/dummy1/1.0.1/dummy1-1.0.jar",
+ "org/apache/dummy/foo/dummy2/1.5/dummy2-1.5.jar",
+ "org/apache/dummy/bar/dummy3/2.0/dummy3-2.0.jar" );
String classPath = getJarFileManifest( jarFile ).getMainAttributes().getValue( Attributes.Name.CLASS_PATH );
- assertNotNull( classPath );
- classPathEntries = StringUtils.split( classPath, " " );
- assertEquals( "org/apache/dummy/dummy1/1.0.1/dummy1-1.0.jar", classPathEntries[0] );
- assertEquals( "org/apache/dummy/foo/dummy2/1.5/dummy2-1.5.jar", classPathEntries[1] );
- assertEquals( "org/apache/dummy/bar/dummy3/2.0/dummy3-2.0.jar", classPathEntries[2] );
+ assertThat( classPath ).isNotNull();
+ assertThat( StringUtils.split( classPath, " " ) ).containsExactly(
+ "org/apache/dummy/dummy1/1.0.1/dummy1-1.0.jar",
+ "org/apache/dummy/foo/dummy2/1.5/dummy2-1.5.jar",
+ "org/apache/dummy/bar/dummy3/2.0/dummy3-2.0.jar" );
@@ -711,21 +745,18 @@ public class MavenArchiverTest
config.getManifest().setClasspathLayoutType( ManifestConfiguration.CLASSPATH_LAYOUT_TYPE_SIMPLE );
archiver.createArchive( session, project, config );
- assertTrue( jarFile.exists() );
+ assertThat( jarFile ).exists();
Manifest manifest = archiver.getManifest( session, project, config );
String[] classPathEntries =
StringUtils.split( new String( manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue( "Class-Path" ).getBytes() ), " " );
- assertEquals( "lib/dummy1-1.0.jar", classPathEntries[0] );
- assertEquals( "lib/dummy2-1.5.jar", classPathEntries[1] );
- assertEquals( "lib/dummy3-2.0.jar", classPathEntries[2] );
+ assertThat( classPathEntries )
+ .containsExactly( "lib/dummy1-1.0.jar", "lib/dummy2-1.5.jar", "lib/dummy3-2.0.jar" );
String classPath = getJarFileManifest( jarFile ).getMainAttributes().getValue( Attributes.Name.CLASS_PATH );
- assertNotNull( classPath );
- classPathEntries = StringUtils.split( classPath, " " );
- assertEquals( "lib/dummy1-1.0.jar", classPathEntries[0] );
- assertEquals( "lib/dummy2-1.5.jar", classPathEntries[1] );
- assertEquals( "lib/dummy3-2.0.jar", classPathEntries[2] );
+ assertThat( classPath ).isNotNull();
+ assertThat( StringUtils.split( classPath, " " ) )
+ .containsExactly( "lib/dummy1-1.0.jar", "lib/dummy2-1.5.jar", "lib/dummy3-2.0.jar" );
@@ -747,24 +778,21 @@ public class MavenArchiverTest
config.getManifest().setAddClasspath( true );
config.getManifest().setClasspathPrefix( "lib" );
config.getManifest().setClasspathLayoutType( ManifestConfiguration.CLASSPATH_LAYOUT_TYPE_CUSTOM );
- config.getManifest().setCustomClasspathLayout( MavenArchiver.SIMPLE_LAYOUT);
+ config.getManifest().setCustomClasspathLayout( MavenArchiver.SIMPLE_LAYOUT );
archiver.createArchive( session, project, config );
- assertTrue( jarFile.exists() );
+ assertThat( jarFile ).exists();
Manifest manifest = archiver.getManifest( session, project, config );
String[] classPathEntries =
StringUtils.split( new String( manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue( "Class-Path" ).getBytes() ), " " );
- assertEquals( "lib/dummy1-1.0.jar", classPathEntries[0] );
- assertEquals( "lib/dummy2-1.5.jar", classPathEntries[1] );
- assertEquals( "lib/dummy3-2.0.jar", classPathEntries[2] );
+ assertThat( classPathEntries )
+ .containsExactly( "lib/dummy1-1.0.jar", "lib/dummy2-1.5.jar", "lib/dummy3-2.0.jar" );
String classPath = getJarFileManifest( jarFile ).getMainAttributes().getValue( Attributes.Name.CLASS_PATH );
- assertNotNull( classPath );
- classPathEntries = StringUtils.split( classPath, " " );
- assertEquals( "lib/dummy1-1.0.jar", classPathEntries[0] );
- assertEquals( "lib/dummy2-1.5.jar", classPathEntries[1] );
- assertEquals( "lib/dummy3-2.0.jar", classPathEntries[2] );
+ assertThat( classPath ).isNotNull();
+ assertThat( StringUtils.split( classPath, " " ) )
+ .containsExactly( "lib/dummy1-1.0.jar", "lib/dummy2-1.5.jar", "lib/dummy3-2.0.jar" );
@@ -786,24 +814,21 @@ public class MavenArchiverTest
config.getManifest().setAddClasspath( true );
config.getManifest().setClasspathPrefix( "lib" );
config.getManifest().setClasspathLayoutType( ManifestConfiguration.CLASSPATH_LAYOUT_TYPE_CUSTOM );
- config.getManifest().setCustomClasspathLayout( MavenArchiver.SIMPLE_LAYOUT_NONUNIQUE);
+ config.getManifest().setCustomClasspathLayout( MavenArchiver.SIMPLE_LAYOUT_NONUNIQUE );
archiver.createArchive( session, project, config );
- assertTrue( jarFile.exists() );
+ assertThat( jarFile ).exists();
Manifest manifest = archiver.getManifest( session, project, config );
String[] classPathEntries =
StringUtils.split( new String( manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue( "Class-Path" ).getBytes() ), " " );
- assertEquals( "lib/dummy1-1.0.1.jar", classPathEntries[0] );
- assertEquals( "lib/dummy2-1.5.jar", classPathEntries[1] );
- assertEquals( "lib/dummy3-2.0.jar", classPathEntries[2] );
+ assertThat( classPathEntries )
+ .containsExactly( "lib/dummy1-1.0.1.jar", "lib/dummy2-1.5.jar", "lib/dummy3-2.0.jar" );
String classPath = getJarFileManifest( jarFile ).getMainAttributes().getValue( Attributes.Name.CLASS_PATH );
- assertNotNull( classPath );
- classPathEntries = StringUtils.split( classPath, " " );
- assertEquals( "lib/dummy1-1.0.1.jar", classPathEntries[0] );
- assertEquals( "lib/dummy2-1.5.jar", classPathEntries[1] );
- assertEquals( "lib/dummy3-2.0.jar", classPathEntries[2] );
+ assertThat( classPath ).isNotNull();
+ assertThat( StringUtils.split( classPath, " " ) )
+ .containsExactly( "lib/dummy1-1.0.1.jar", "lib/dummy2-1.5.jar", "lib/dummy3-2.0.jar" );
@@ -828,21 +853,22 @@ public class MavenArchiverTest
config.getManifest().setCustomClasspathLayout( MavenArchiver.REPOSITORY_LAYOUT );
archiver.createArchive( session, project, config );
- assertTrue( jarFile.exists() );
+ assertThat( jarFile ).exists();
Manifest manifest = archiver.getManifest( session, project, config );
String[] classPathEntries =
StringUtils.split( new String( manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue( "Class-Path" ).getBytes() ), " " );
- assertEquals( "lib/org/apache/dummy/dummy1/1.0.1/dummy1-1.0.jar", classPathEntries[0] );
- assertEquals( "lib/org/apache/dummy/foo/dummy2/1.5/dummy2-1.5.jar", classPathEntries[1] );
- assertEquals( "lib/org/apache/dummy/bar/dummy3/2.0/dummy3-2.0.jar", classPathEntries[2] );
+ assertThat( classPathEntries ).containsExactly(
+ "lib/org/apache/dummy/dummy1/1.0.1/dummy1-1.0.jar",
+ "lib/org/apache/dummy/foo/dummy2/1.5/dummy2-1.5.jar",
+ "lib/org/apache/dummy/bar/dummy3/2.0/dummy3-2.0.jar" );
String classPath = getJarFileManifest( jarFile ).getMainAttributes().getValue( Attributes.Name.CLASS_PATH );
- assertNotNull( classPath );
- classPathEntries = StringUtils.split( classPath, " " );
- assertEquals( "lib/org/apache/dummy/dummy1/1.0.1/dummy1-1.0.jar", classPathEntries[0] );
- assertEquals( "lib/org/apache/dummy/foo/dummy2/1.5/dummy2-1.5.jar", classPathEntries[1] );
- assertEquals( "lib/org/apache/dummy/bar/dummy3/2.0/dummy3-2.0.jar", classPathEntries[2] );
+ assertThat( classPath ).isNotNull();
+ assertThat( StringUtils.split( classPath, " " ) ).containsExactly(
+ "lib/org/apache/dummy/dummy1/1.0.1/dummy1-1.0.jar",
+ "lib/org/apache/dummy/foo/dummy2/1.5/dummy2-1.5.jar",
+ "lib/org/apache/dummy/bar/dummy3/2.0/dummy3-2.0.jar" );
@@ -867,21 +893,22 @@ public class MavenArchiverTest
config.getManifest().setCustomClasspathLayout( MavenArchiver.REPOSITORY_LAYOUT_NONUNIQUE );
archiver.createArchive( session, project, config );
- assertTrue( jarFile.exists() );
+ assertThat( jarFile ).exists();
Manifest manifest = archiver.getManifest( session, project, config );
String[] classPathEntries =
StringUtils.split( new String( manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue( "Class-Path" ).getBytes() ), " " );
- assertEquals( "lib/org/apache/dummy/dummy1/1.0.1/dummy1-1.0.1.jar", classPathEntries[0] );
- assertEquals( "lib/org/apache/dummy/foo/dummy2/1.5/dummy2-1.5.jar", classPathEntries[1] );
- assertEquals( "lib/org/apache/dummy/bar/dummy3/2.0/dummy3-2.0.jar", classPathEntries[2] );
+ assertThat( classPathEntries ).containsExactly(
+ "lib/org/apache/dummy/dummy1/1.0.1/dummy1-1.0.1.jar",
+ "lib/org/apache/dummy/foo/dummy2/1.5/dummy2-1.5.jar",
+ "lib/org/apache/dummy/bar/dummy3/2.0/dummy3-2.0.jar" );
String classPath = getJarFileManifest( jarFile ).getMainAttributes().getValue( Attributes.Name.CLASS_PATH );
- assertNotNull( classPath );
- classPathEntries = StringUtils.split( classPath, " " );
- assertEquals( "lib/org/apache/dummy/dummy1/1.0.1/dummy1-1.0.1.jar", classPathEntries[0] );
- assertEquals( "lib/org/apache/dummy/foo/dummy2/1.5/dummy2-1.5.jar", classPathEntries[1] );
- assertEquals( "lib/org/apache/dummy/bar/dummy3/2.0/dummy3-2.0.jar", classPathEntries[2] );
+ assertThat( classPath ).isNotNull();
+ assertThat( StringUtils.split( classPath, " " ) ).containsExactly(
+ "lib/org/apache/dummy/dummy1/1.0.1/dummy1-1.0.1.jar",
+ "lib/org/apache/dummy/foo/dummy2/1.5/dummy2-1.5.jar",
+ "lib/org/apache/dummy/bar/dummy3/2.0/dummy3-2.0.jar" );
@@ -904,20 +931,17 @@ public class MavenArchiverTest
config.getManifest().setClasspathPrefix( "lib" );
archiver.createArchive( session, project, config );
- assertTrue( jarFile.exists() );
+ assertThat( jarFile ).exists();
Manifest manifest = archiver.getManifest( session, project, config );
String[] classPathEntries =
StringUtils.split( new String( manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue( "Class-Path" ).getBytes() ), " " );
- assertEquals( "lib/dummy1-1.0.jar", classPathEntries[0] );
- assertEquals( "lib/dummy2-1.5.jar", classPathEntries[1] );
- assertEquals( "lib/dummy3-2.0.jar", classPathEntries[2] );
+ assertThat( classPathEntries )
+ .containsExactly( "lib/dummy1-1.0.jar", "lib/dummy2-1.5.jar", "lib/dummy3-2.0.jar" );
String classPath = getJarFileManifest( jarFile ).getMainAttributes().getValue( Attributes.Name.CLASS_PATH );
- assertNotNull( classPath );
- classPathEntries = StringUtils.split( classPath, " " );
- assertEquals( "lib/dummy1-1.0.jar", classPathEntries[0] );
- assertEquals( "lib/dummy2-1.5.jar", classPathEntries[1] );
- assertEquals( "lib/dummy3-2.0.jar", classPathEntries[2] );
+ assertThat( classPath ).isNotNull();
+ assertThat( StringUtils.split( classPath, " " ) )
+ .containsExactly( "lib/dummy1-1.0.jar", "lib/dummy2-1.5.jar", "lib/dummy3-2.0.jar" );
@@ -939,21 +963,22 @@ public class MavenArchiverTest
config.getManifest().setAddClasspath( true );
config.getManifest().setClasspathLayoutType( ManifestConfiguration.CLASSPATH_LAYOUT_TYPE_REPOSITORY );
archiver.createArchive( session, project, config );
- assertTrue( jarFile.exists() );
+ assertThat( jarFile ).exists();
Manifest manifest = archiver.getManifest( session, project, config );
String[] classPathEntries =
StringUtils.split( new String( manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue( "Class-Path" ).getBytes() ), " " );
- assertEquals( "org/apache/dummy/dummy1/1.1-SNAPSHOT/dummy1-1.1-20081022.112233-1.jar", classPathEntries[0] );
- assertEquals( "org/apache/dummy/foo/dummy2/1.5/dummy2-1.5.jar", classPathEntries[1] );
- assertEquals( "org/apache/dummy/bar/dummy3/2.0/dummy3-2.0.jar", classPathEntries[2] );
+ assertThat( classPathEntries ).containsExactly(
+ "org/apache/dummy/dummy1/1.1-SNAPSHOT/dummy1-1.1-20081022.112233-1.jar",
+ "org/apache/dummy/foo/dummy2/1.5/dummy2-1.5.jar",
+ "org/apache/dummy/bar/dummy3/2.0/dummy3-2.0.jar" );
String classPath = getJarFileManifest( jarFile ).getMainAttributes().getValue( Attributes.Name.CLASS_PATH );
- assertNotNull( classPath );
- classPathEntries = StringUtils.split( classPath, " " );
- assertEquals( "org/apache/dummy/dummy1/1.1-SNAPSHOT/dummy1-1.1-20081022.112233-1.jar", classPathEntries[0] );
- assertEquals( "org/apache/dummy/foo/dummy2/1.5/dummy2-1.5.jar", classPathEntries[1] );
- assertEquals( "org/apache/dummy/bar/dummy3/2.0/dummy3-2.0.jar", classPathEntries[2] );
+ assertThat( classPath ).isNotNull();
+ assertThat( StringUtils.split( classPath, " " ) ).containsExactly(
+ "org/apache/dummy/dummy1/1.1-SNAPSHOT/dummy1-1.1-20081022.112233-1.jar",
+ "org/apache/dummy/foo/dummy2/1.5/dummy2-1.5.jar",
+ "org/apache/dummy/bar/dummy3/2.0/dummy3-2.0.jar" );
@@ -976,21 +1001,22 @@ public class MavenArchiverTest
config.getManifest().setClasspathLayoutType( ManifestConfiguration.CLASSPATH_LAYOUT_TYPE_CUSTOM );
config.getManifest().setCustomClasspathLayout( "${artifact.groupIdPath}/${artifact.artifactId}/${artifact.version}/TEST-${artifact.artifactId}-${artifact.version}${dashClassifier?}.${artifact.extension}" );
archiver.createArchive( session, project, config );
- assertTrue( jarFile.exists() );
+ assertThat( jarFile ).exists();
Manifest manifest = archiver.getManifest( session, project, config );
String[] classPathEntries =
StringUtils.split( new String( manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue( "Class-Path" ).getBytes() ), " " );
- assertEquals( "org/apache/dummy/dummy1/1.0/TEST-dummy1-1.0.jar", classPathEntries[0] );
- assertEquals( "org/apache/dummy/foo/dummy2/1.5/TEST-dummy2-1.5.jar", classPathEntries[1] );
- assertEquals( "org/apache/dummy/bar/dummy3/2.0/TEST-dummy3-2.0.jar", classPathEntries[2] );
+ assertThat( classPathEntries ).containsExactly(
+ "org/apache/dummy/dummy1/1.0/TEST-dummy1-1.0.jar",
+ "org/apache/dummy/foo/dummy2/1.5/TEST-dummy2-1.5.jar",
+ "org/apache/dummy/bar/dummy3/2.0/TEST-dummy3-2.0.jar" );
final Manifest manifest1 = getJarFileManifest( jarFile );
String classPath = manifest1.getMainAttributes().getValue( Attributes.Name.CLASS_PATH );
- assertNotNull( classPath );
- classPathEntries = StringUtils.split( classPath, " " );
- assertEquals( "org/apache/dummy/dummy1/1.0/TEST-dummy1-1.0.jar", classPathEntries[0] );
- assertEquals( "org/apache/dummy/foo/dummy2/1.5/TEST-dummy2-1.5.jar", classPathEntries[1] );
- assertEquals( "org/apache/dummy/bar/dummy3/2.0/TEST-dummy3-2.0.jar", classPathEntries[2] );
+ assertThat( classPath ).isNotNull();
+ assertThat( StringUtils.split( classPath, " " ) ).containsExactly(
+ "org/apache/dummy/dummy1/1.0/TEST-dummy1-1.0.jar",
+ "org/apache/dummy/foo/dummy2/1.5/TEST-dummy2-1.5.jar",
+ "org/apache/dummy/bar/dummy3/2.0/TEST-dummy3-2.0.jar" );
@@ -1012,23 +1038,22 @@ public class MavenArchiverTest
config.getManifest().setClasspathLayoutType( ManifestConfiguration.CLASSPATH_LAYOUT_TYPE_CUSTOM );
config.getManifest().setCustomClasspathLayout( "${artifact.groupIdPath}/${artifact.artifactId}/${artifact.baseVersion}/TEST-${artifact.artifactId}-${artifact.version}${dashClassifier?}.${artifact.extension}" );
archiver.createArchive( session, project, config );
- assertTrue( jarFile.exists() );
+ assertThat( jarFile ).exists();
Manifest manifest = archiver.getManifest( session, project, config );
String[] classPathEntries =
StringUtils.split( new String( manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue( "Class-Path" ).getBytes() ), " " );
- assertEquals( "org/apache/dummy/dummy1/1.1-SNAPSHOT/TEST-dummy1-1.1-20081022.112233-1.jar",
- classPathEntries[0] );
- assertEquals( "org/apache/dummy/foo/dummy2/1.5/TEST-dummy2-1.5.jar", classPathEntries[1] );
- assertEquals( "org/apache/dummy/bar/dummy3/2.0/TEST-dummy3-2.0.jar", classPathEntries[2] );
+ assertThat( classPathEntries ).containsExactly(
+ "org/apache/dummy/dummy1/1.1-SNAPSHOT/TEST-dummy1-1.1-20081022.112233-1.jar",
+ "org/apache/dummy/foo/dummy2/1.5/TEST-dummy2-1.5.jar",
+ "org/apache/dummy/bar/dummy3/2.0/TEST-dummy3-2.0.jar" );
String classPath = getJarFileManifest( jarFile ).getMainAttributes().getValue( Attributes.Name.CLASS_PATH );
- assertNotNull( classPath );
- classPathEntries = StringUtils.split( classPath, " " );
- assertEquals( "org/apache/dummy/dummy1/1.1-SNAPSHOT/TEST-dummy1-1.1-20081022.112233-1.jar",
- classPathEntries[0] );
- assertEquals( "org/apache/dummy/foo/dummy2/1.5/TEST-dummy2-1.5.jar", classPathEntries[1] );
- assertEquals( "org/apache/dummy/bar/dummy3/2.0/TEST-dummy3-2.0.jar", classPathEntries[2] );
+ assertThat( classPath ).isNotNull();
+ assertThat( StringUtils.split( classPath, " " ) ).containsExactly(
+ "org/apache/dummy/dummy1/1.1-SNAPSHOT/TEST-dummy1-1.1-20081022.112233-1.jar",
+ "org/apache/dummy/foo/dummy2/1.5/TEST-dummy2-1.5.jar",
+ "org/apache/dummy/bar/dummy3/2.0/TEST-dummy3-2.0.jar" );
@@ -1051,20 +1076,21 @@ public class MavenArchiverTest
config.getManifest().setClasspathLayoutType( ManifestConfiguration.CLASSPATH_LAYOUT_TYPE_CUSTOM );
config.getManifest().setCustomClasspathLayout( "${artifact.groupIdPath}/${artifact.artifactId}/${artifact.baseVersion}/TEST-${artifact.artifactId}-${artifact.baseVersion}${dashClassifier?}.${artifact.extension}" );
archiver.createArchive( session, project, config );
- assertTrue( jarFile.exists() );
+ assertThat( jarFile ).exists();
Manifest manifest = archiver.getManifest( session, project, config );
String[] classPathEntries =
StringUtils.split( new String( manifest.getMainAttributes().getValue( "Class-Path" ).getBytes() ), " " );
- assertEquals( "org/apache/dummy/dummy1/1.1-SNAPSHOT/TEST-dummy1-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar", classPathEntries[0] );
- assertEquals( "org/apache/dummy/foo/dummy2/1.5/TEST-dummy2-1.5.jar", classPathEntries[1] );
- assertEquals( "org/apache/dummy/bar/dummy3/2.0/TEST-dummy3-2.0.jar", classPathEntries[2] );
+ assertThat( classPathEntries[0] ).isEqualTo(
+ "org/apache/dummy/dummy1/1.1-SNAPSHOT/TEST-dummy1-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar" );
+ assertThat( classPathEntries[1] ).isEqualTo( "org/apache/dummy/foo/dummy2/1.5/TEST-dummy2-1.5.jar" );
+ assertThat( classPathEntries[2] ).isEqualTo( "org/apache/dummy/bar/dummy3/2.0/TEST-dummy3-2.0.jar" );
String classPath = getJarFileManifest( jarFile ).getMainAttributes().getValue( Attributes.Name.CLASS_PATH );
- assertNotNull( classPath );
- classPathEntries = StringUtils.split( classPath, " " );
- assertEquals( "org/apache/dummy/dummy1/1.1-SNAPSHOT/TEST-dummy1-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar", classPathEntries[0] );
- assertEquals( "org/apache/dummy/foo/dummy2/1.5/TEST-dummy2-1.5.jar", classPathEntries[1] );
- assertEquals( "org/apache/dummy/bar/dummy3/2.0/TEST-dummy3-2.0.jar", classPathEntries[2] );
+ assertThat( classPath ).isNotNull();
+ assertThat( StringUtils.split( classPath, " " ) ).containsExactly(
+ "org/apache/dummy/dummy1/1.1-SNAPSHOT/TEST-dummy1-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar",
+ "org/apache/dummy/foo/dummy2/1.5/TEST-dummy2-1.5.jar",
+ "org/apache/dummy/bar/dummy3/2.0/TEST-dummy3-2.0.jar" );
@@ -1081,7 +1107,7 @@ public class MavenArchiverTest
MavenArchiveConfiguration config = new MavenArchiveConfiguration();
config.setForced( true );
archiver.createArchive( session, project, config );
- assertTrue( jarFile.exists() );
+ assertThat( jarFile ).exists();
final String groupId = project.getGroupId();
final String artifactId = project.getArtifactId();
@@ -1090,15 +1116,17 @@ public class MavenArchiverTest
JarFile virtJarFile = new JarFile( jarFile );
ZipEntry pomPropertiesEntry =
virtJarFile.getEntry( "META-INF/maven/" + groupId + "/" + artifactId + "/pom.properties" );
- assertNotNull( pomPropertiesEntry );
- InputStream is = virtJarFile.getInputStream( pomPropertiesEntry );
- Properties p = loadProperties( is );
+ assertThat( pomPropertiesEntry ).isNotNull();
- assertEquals( groupId, p.getProperty( "groupId" ) );
- assertEquals( artifactId, p.getProperty( "artifactId" ) );
- assertEquals( version, p.getProperty( "version" ) );
+ try ( InputStream is = virtJarFile.getInputStream( pomPropertiesEntry ) )
+ {
+ Properties p = new Properties();
+ p.load( is );
+ assertThat( p.getProperty( "groupId" ) ).isEqualTo( groupId );
+ assertThat( p.getProperty( "artifactId" ) ).isEqualTo( artifactId );
+ assertThat( p.getProperty( "version" ) ).isEqualTo( version );
+ }
@@ -1118,27 +1146,30 @@ public class MavenArchiverTest
config.setForced( true );
config.setPomPropertiesFile( customPomPropertiesFile );
archiver.createArchive( session, project, config );
- assertTrue( jarFile.exists() );
+ assertThat( jarFile ).exists();
final String groupId = project.getGroupId();
final String artifactId = project.getArtifactId();
final String version = project.getVersion();
- JarFile virtJarFile = new JarFile( jarFile );
- ZipEntry pomPropertiesEntry =
- virtJarFile.getEntry( "META-INF/maven/" + groupId + "/" + artifactId + "/pom.properties" );
- assertNotNull( pomPropertiesEntry );
- InputStream is = virtJarFile.getInputStream( pomPropertiesEntry );
- Properties p = loadProperties( is );
- assertEquals( groupId, p.getProperty( "groupId" ) );
- assertEquals( artifactId, p.getProperty( "artifactId" ) );
- assertEquals( version, p.getProperty( "version" ) );
- assertEquals( "1337", p.getProperty( "build.revision" ) );
- assertEquals( "tags/0.1.1", p.getProperty( "build.branch" ) );
+ try ( JarFile virtJarFile = new JarFile( jarFile ) )
+ {
+ ZipEntry pomPropertiesEntry = virtJarFile
+ .getEntry( "META-INF/maven/" + groupId + "/" + artifactId + "/pom.properties" );
+ assertThat( pomPropertiesEntry ).isNotNull();
- virtJarFile.close();
+ try ( InputStream is = virtJarFile.getInputStream( pomPropertiesEntry ) )
+ {
+ Properties p = new Properties();
+ p.load( is );
+ assertThat( p.getProperty( "groupId" ) ).isEqualTo( groupId );
+ assertThat( p.getProperty( "artifactId" ) ).isEqualTo( artifactId );
+ assertThat( p.getProperty( "version" ) ).isEqualTo( version );
+ assertThat( p.getProperty( "build.revision" ) ).isEqualTo( "1337" );
+ assertThat( p.getProperty( "build.branch" ) ).isEqualTo( "tags/0.1.1" );
+ }
+ }
private JarArchiver getCleanJarArchiver( File jarFile )
@@ -1164,7 +1195,7 @@ public class MavenArchiverTest
build.setOutputDirectory( "target" );
project.setBuild( build );
project.setName( "archiver test" );
- project.setUrl( "http://maven.apache.org" );
+ project.setUrl( "https://maven.apache.org" );
Organization organization = new Organization();
organization.setName( "Apache" );
project.setOrganization( organization );
@@ -1191,9 +1222,9 @@ public class MavenArchiverTest
model.setVersion( "0.1.1" );
final MavenProject project = new MavenProject( model );
- project.setExtensionArtifacts( Collections.<Artifact>emptySet() );
- project.setRemoteArtifactRepositories( Collections.<ArtifactRepository>emptyList() );
- project.setPluginArtifactRepositories( Collections.<ArtifactRepository>emptyList() );
+ project.setExtensionArtifacts( Collections.emptySet() );
+ project.setRemoteArtifactRepositories( Collections.emptyList() );
+ project.setPluginArtifactRepositories( Collections.emptyList() );
return project;
@@ -1337,7 +1368,8 @@ public class MavenArchiverTest
URL resource = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource( file );
if ( resource == null )
- fail("Cannot retrieve java.net.URL for file: " + file + " on the current test classpath." );
+ throw new IllegalStateException( "Cannot retrieve java.net.URL for file: " + file
+ + " on the current test classpath." );
URI uri = new File( resource.getPath() ).toURI().normalize();
@@ -1348,7 +1380,9 @@ public class MavenArchiverTest
private MavenSession getDummySession()
Properties systemProperties = new Properties();
- systemProperties.put( "maven.version", "3.0.4" );
+ systemProperties.put( "maven.version", "3.1.1" );
+ systemProperties.put( "maven.build.version",
+ "Apache Maven 3.1.1 (0728685237757ffbf44136acec0402957f723d9a; 2013-09-17 17:22:22+0200)" );
return getDummySession( systemProperties );
@@ -1360,29 +1394,26 @@ public class MavenArchiverTest
private MavenSession getDummySession( Properties systemProperties )
- PlexusContainer container = null;
- File settings = null;
- List<String> goals = null;
Date startTime = new Date();
MavenExecutionRequest request = new DefaultMavenExecutionRequest();
request.setSystemProperties( systemProperties );
- request.setGoals( goals );
+ request.setGoals( null );
request.setStartTime( startTime );
- request.setUserSettingsFile( settings );
+ request.setUserSettingsFile( null );
MavenExecutionResult result = new DefaultMavenExecutionResult();
RepositorySystemSession rss = new DefaultRepositorySystemSession();
- return new MavenSession( container, rss, request, result );
+ return new MavenSession( null, rss, request, result );
private Set<Artifact> getArtifacts( Artifact... artifacts )
final ArtifactHandler mockArtifactHandler = getMockArtifactHandler();
- Set<Artifact> result = new TreeSet<Artifact>( new ArtifactComparator() );
+ Set<Artifact> result = new TreeSet<>( new ArtifactComparator() );
for ( Artifact artifact : artifacts )
artifact.setArtifactHandler( mockArtifactHandler );
@@ -1391,39 +1422,100 @@ public class MavenArchiverTest
return result;
- private Properties loadProperties( InputStream is )
+ public Manifest getJarFileManifest( File jarFile )
throws IOException
- Properties p = new Properties();
- try
+ try ( JarFile jar = new JarFile( jarFile ) )
- p.load( is );
- is.close();
- is = null;
- return p;
- }
- finally
- {
- IOUtil.close( is );
+ return jar.getManifest();
- public Manifest getJarFileManifest( File jarFile )
- throws IOException
+ @Test
+ public void testParseOutputTimestamp()
- JarFile jar = null;
- try
- {
- jar = new JarFile( jarFile );
- return jar.getManifest();
- }
- finally
- {
- if ( jar != null )
- {
- jar.close();
- }
- }
+ MavenArchiver archiver = new MavenArchiver();
+ assertThat( archiver.parseOutputTimestamp( null ) ).isNull();
+ assertThat( archiver.parseOutputTimestamp( "" ) ).isNull();
+ assertThat( archiver.parseOutputTimestamp( "." ) ).isNull();
+ assertThat( archiver.parseOutputTimestamp( " " ) ).isNull();
+ assertThat( archiver.parseOutputTimestamp( "_" ) ).isNull();
+ assertThat( archiver.parseOutputTimestamp( "-" ) ).isNull();
+ assertThat( archiver.parseOutputTimestamp( "/" ) ).isNull();
+ assertThat( archiver.parseOutputTimestamp( "!" ) ).isNull();
+ assertThat( archiver.parseOutputTimestamp( "*" ) ).isNull();
+ assertThat( archiver.parseOutputTimestamp( "1570300662" ).getTime() ).isEqualTo( 1570300662000L );
+ assertThat( archiver.parseOutputTimestamp( "0" ).getTime() ).isZero();
+ assertThat( archiver.parseOutputTimestamp( "1" ).getTime() ).isEqualTo( 1000L );
+ assertThat( archiver.parseOutputTimestamp( "2019-10-05T18:37:42Z" ).getTime() )
+ .isEqualTo( 1570300662000L );
+ assertThat( archiver.parseOutputTimestamp( "2019-10-05T20:37:42+02:00" ).getTime() )
+ .isEqualTo( 1570300662000L );
+ assertThat( archiver.parseOutputTimestamp( "2019-10-05T16:37:42-02:00" ).getTime() )
+ .isEqualTo( 1570300662000L );
+ // These must result in IAE because we expect extended ISO format only (ie with - separator for date and
+ // : separator for timezone), hence the XXX SimpleDateFormat for tz offset
+ // X SimpleDateFormat accepts timezone without separator while date has separator, which is a mix between
+ // basic (no separators, both for date and timezone) and extended (separator for both)
+ assertThatExceptionOfType( IllegalArgumentException.class )
+ .isThrownBy( () -> archiver.parseOutputTimestamp( "2019-10-05T20:37:42+0200" ) );
+ assertThatExceptionOfType( IllegalArgumentException.class )
+ .isThrownBy( () -> archiver.parseOutputTimestamp( "2019-10-05T20:37:42-0200" ) );
+ }
+ @ParameterizedTest
+ @NullAndEmptySource
+ @ValueSource( strings = { ".", " ", "_", "-", "T", "/", "!", "!", "*", "ñ" } )
+ public void testEmptyParseOutputTimestampInstant( String value )
+ {
+ // Empty optional if null or 1 char
+ assertThat( MavenArchiver.parseBuildOutputTimestamp( value ) ).isEmpty();
+ }
+ @ParameterizedTest
+ @CsvSource( { "0,0", "1,1", "9,9", "1570300662,1570300662", "2147483648,2147483648",
+ "2019-10-05T18:37:42Z,1570300662", "2019-10-05T20:37:42+02:00,1570300662",
+ "2019-10-05T16:37:42-02:00,1570300662", "1988-02-22T15:23:47.76598Z,572541827",
+ "2011-12-03T10:15:30+01:00,1322903730", "1980-01-01T00:00:02Z,315532802", "2099-12-31T23:59:59Z,4102444799" } )
+ public void testParseOutputTimestampInstant( String value, long expected )
+ {
+ assertThat( MavenArchiver.parseBuildOutputTimestamp( value ) )
+ .contains( Instant.ofEpochSecond( expected ) );
+ }
+ @ParameterizedTest
+ @ValueSource( strings = { "2019-10-05T20:37:42+0200", "2019-10-05T20:37:42-0200", "2019-10-05T25:00:00Z",
+ "2019-10-05", "XYZ", "Tue, 3 Jun 2008 11:05:30 GMT", "2011-12-03T10:15:30+01:00[Europe/Paris]" } )
+ public void testThrownParseOutputTimestampInstant( String outputTimestamp )
+ {
+ // Invalid parsing
+ assertThatExceptionOfType( IllegalArgumentException.class )
+ .isThrownBy( () -> MavenArchiver.parseBuildOutputTimestamp( outputTimestamp ) )
+ .withCauseInstanceOf( DateTimeParseException.class );
+ }
+ @ParameterizedTest
+ @ValueSource( strings = { "1980-01-01T00:00:01Z", "2100-01-01T00:00Z", "2100-02-28T23:59:59Z",
+ "2099-12-31T23:59:59-01:00", "1980-01-01T00:15:35+01:00", "1980-01-01T10:15:35+14:00" } )
+ public void testThrownParseOutputTimestampInvalidRange( String outputTimestamp )
+ {
+ // date is not within the valid range 1980-01-01T00:00:02Z to 2099-12-31T23:59:59Z
+ assertThatExceptionOfType( IllegalArgumentException.class )
+ .isThrownBy( () -> MavenArchiver.parseBuildOutputTimestamp( outputTimestamp ) )
+ .withMessageContaining("is not within the valid range 1980-01-01T00:00:02Z to 2099-12-31T23:59:59Z");
+ }
+ @ParameterizedTest
+ @CsvSource( { "2011-12-03T10:15:30+01,1322903730", "2019-10-05T20:37:42+02,1570300662",
+ "2011-12-03T10:15:30+06,1322885730", "1988-02-22T20:37:42+06,572539062" } )
+ @EnabledForJreRange( min = JRE.JAVA_9 )
+ public void testShortOffset( String value, long expected )
+ {
+ assertThat( MavenArchiver.parseBuildOutputTimestamp( value ) )
+ .contains( Instant.ofEpochSecond( expected ) );
@@ -32,10 +32,11 @@ import java.io.File;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
- * @todo move to maven-artifact-test
+ * TODO move to maven-artifact-test
-class MockArtifact
+ at SuppressWarnings( "deprecation" )
+public class MockArtifact
implements Artifact
private String groupId;
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