[Git][java-team/filius][master] 3 commits: Add upstream metadata to package.
Andreas B. Mundt (@andi)
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Thu Aug 24 11:42:24 BST 2023
Andreas B. Mundt pushed to branch master at Debian Java Maintainers / filius
9727af6b by Andreas B. Mundt at 2023-08-24T08:54:07+02:00
Add upstream metadata to package.
- - - - -
2fa339cf by Andreas B. Mundt at 2023-08-24T10:07:33+02:00
Include English introductory documentation.
- - - - -
dc0da745 by Andreas B. Mundt at 2023-08-24T10:17:35+02:00
Prepare release.
- - - - -
7 changed files:
- debian/changelog
- debian/copyright
- debian/filius.doc-base
- debian/filius.install
- + debian/patches/markdown-docu-en.patch
- debian/patches/series
- + debian/upstream/com.gitlab.filius1.filius.metadata.xml
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+filius (2.4.2~git20230806.eefa4ee3+ds-3) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Add upstream metadata to package.
+ * Include English introductory documentation.
+ -- Andreas B. Mundt <andi at debian.org> Thu, 24 Aug 2023 10:16:25 +0200
filius (2.4.2~git20230806.eefa4ee3+ds-2) unstable; urgency=medium
* Split source and general Debian information in separate READMEs.
@@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ Files: debian/*
Copyright: 2023, Andreas B. Mundt <andi at debian.org>
License: GPL-3
+Files: debian/upstream/*
+Copyright: 2023, Andreas B. Mundt <andi at debian.org>
+License: FSFAP
Files: src/info/*
2015-2023, Daniel Garmann <dgarmann at freenet.de>
@@ -43,6 +47,11 @@ Copyright:
License: GPL-3
+License: FSFAP
+ Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
+ are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
+ notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is,
+ without any warranty.
License: GPL-2
On Debian systems, the full text of the GPL-2 license
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-Document: filius-manual-de
-Title: Skriptum zur Unterrichtsreihe „Netzwerke mit FILIUS“
+Document: filius-manual
+Title: Introductory FILIUS Manual
Author: Daniel Garmann <dgarmann at freenet.de>
Abstract: The manual describes how to use FILIUS in class.
It provides many examples and exercises.
Section: Education
Format: HTML
-Index: /usr/share/doc/filius/Einfuehrung_Filius.html
-Files: /usr/share/doc/filius/Einfuehrung_Filius.html
+Index: /usr/share/doc/filius/Introduction_Filius.html
+Files: /usr/share/doc/filius/*.html
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-debian/bin/filius usr/bin/
+debian/bin/filius usr/bin/
+debian/upstream/com.gitlab.filius1.filius.metadata.xml usr/share/metainfo/
src/deb/application-filius-project.xml usr/share/mime/packages/
src/deb/filius.desktop usr/share/applications/
src/deb/filius32.png usr/share/pixmaps/
@@ -0,0 +1,1057 @@
+Description: Include English introductory documentation.
+Author: Andreas B. Mundt <andi at debian.org>
+Forwarded: https://gitlab.com/filius1/filius/-/merge_requests/23
+This patch header follows DEP-3: http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/
+--- a/pom.xml
++++ b/pom.xml
+@@ -419,21 +419,38 @@
+ <version>3.1.0</version>
+ <executions>
+ <execution>
++ <id>en</id>
+ <phase>prepare-package</phase>
+ <goals>
+ <goal>exec</goal>
+ </goals>
++ <configuration>
++ <executable>pandoc</executable>
++ <workingDirectory>src/info/</workingDirectory>
++ <arguments>
++ <argument>-o</argument>
++ <argument>Introduction_Filius.html</argument>
++ <argument>Introduction_Filius.md</argument>
++ </arguments>
++ </configuration>
++ </execution>
++ <execution>
++ <id>de</id>
++ <phase>prepare-package</phase>
++ <goals>
++ <goal>exec</goal>
++ </goals>
++ <configuration>
++ <executable>pandoc</executable>
++ <workingDirectory>src/info/</workingDirectory>
++ <arguments>
++ <argument>-o</argument>
++ <argument>Einfuehrung_Filius.html</argument>
++ <argument>Einfuehrung_Filius.md</argument>
++ </arguments>
++ </configuration>
+ </execution>
+ </executions>
+- <configuration>
+- <executable>pandoc</executable>
+- <workingDirectory>src/info/</workingDirectory>
+- <arguments>
+- <argument>-o</argument>
+- <argument>Einfuehrung_Filius.html</argument>
+- <argument>Einfuehrung_Filius.md</argument>
+- </arguments>
+- </configuration>
+ </plugin>
+ <!-- Create Debian Package (used for Ubuntu Platform) -->
+ <plugin>
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/info/Introduction_Filius.md
+@@ -0,0 +1,999 @@
++# Introduction to the world of FILIUS
++> * © 2015-2023, Daniel Garmann ```<dgarmann at freenet.de>```,
++> [Gymnasium Odenthal](http://www.gymnasium-odenthal.de),
++> Lizenz: [CC-BY-SA](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/)
++> * © 2015, Lukas Herbert ```<herbert.lukas at hotmail.de>```, translation to english
++> * © 2023, Andreas B. Mundt ```<andi at debian.org>```, markdown, proofreading
++> If you are a native English speaker: Help on improving the document is appreciated!
++[^1]: All pictures are taken from the FILIUS program.
++<!-- autogenerated table of contents, slightly modified -->
++<!-- markdown-toc start - Don't edit this section. Run M-x markdown-toc-refresh-toc -->
++**Table of Contents**
++- [Introduction to the world of FILIUS](#introduction-to-the-world-of-filius)
++ - [Preliminary Remark](#preliminary-remark)
++ - [GUI of FILIUS](#gui-of-filius)
++ - [The Design Mode](#the-design-mode)
++ - [Network Components](#network-components)
++ - [Server and Notebook](#server-and-notebook)
++ - [Cable](#cable)
++ - [Switch](#switch)
++ - [Router](#router)
++ - [Modem](#modem)
++ - [The Simulation Mode](#the-simulation-mode)
++ - [Network Applications in FILIUS](#network-applications-in-filius)
++ - [System Applications](#system-applications)
++ - [Client Applications](#client-applications)
++ - [Server Applications](#server-applications)
++ - [The Documentation Mode](#the-documentation-mode)
++ - [Ways of Documentation](#ways-of-documentation)
++ - [Exercises: Design and Simulate Networks](#exercises-design-and-simulate-networks)
++ - [Direct Link](#direct-link)
++ - [Connecting Computers Using a Switch](#connecting-computers-using-a-switch)
++ - [Connecting Networks Using a Router](#connecting-networks-using-a-router)
++ - [Simulation of the World Wide Web](#simulation-of-the-world-wide-web)
++ - [E-Mail Services in the Network](#e-mail-services-in-the-network)
++ - [Outlook](#outlook)
++ - [Virtual and Physical Networks](#virtual-and-physical-networks)
++ - [File Sharing in a _Peer-To-Peer_ Network](#file-sharing-in-a-peer-to-peer-network)
++ - [Running a DHCP-Server](#running-a-dhcp-server)
++ - [Creating and Implementing own Software](#creating-and-implementing-own-software)
++ - [Static Routing](#static-routing)
++- [Appendix A: IPv4-Addresses](#appendix-a-ipv4-addresses)
++<!-- markdown-toc end -->
++## Preliminary Remark
++FILIUS[^2] was initially developed by the University of Siegen in
++Germany, to provide a tool to enhance computer science lessons on
++networks. The main target group are students of secondary schools but
++with its wide range of applications it can be interesting for learners
++of any age. The software especially promotes explorative learning and
++is very helpful to teach students about the internet and its various
++This document is intended to show the possible ways of using FILIUS in
++the classroom. The different descriptions are always followed by
++example exercises with corresponding solutions available for download
++on the FILIUS website.
++[^2]: FILIUS stands for **F**ree **I**nteractive **L**earning
++Environment for **I**nternetworking of the **U**niversity of
++## GUI of FILIUS
++After the initial launch of the program you are prompted with the
++option to choose the program language, which will be permanently
++[^4]: This configuration preference can be found in the user directory
++in the folder ```.filius```, which can be deleted for a reset.
++From now on the program will appear in the following look:
++The program decides between three different modes of work, the design
++mode, the simulation mode and the documentation mode:
++To change to the design mode, simply click the hammer
++symbol in the toolbar on top. This mode is used to construct a network
++or apply changes to it. After the start of the program, FILIUS will
++always be in design mode.
++To start the simulation mode, click the green arrow
++in the toolbar. This mode is used for testing the network you built,
++installing different network applications on the computers and running these.
++To switch to the documentation mode, select the pencil
++in the toolbar on top. This mode provides the option to add your own
++annotations to the network and group certain parts of the network for
++better understanding. Before starting to build the first network, we
++want to explore these modi in more detail.
++## The Design Mode
++Before setting up your first network, this chapter will make you
++familiar with the way the different components work in FILIUS. After
++that, we will use the various components to build and test networks,
++starting with some easy examples and increasing the complexity step by
++### Network Components
++Filius provides a range of different components in the toolbar on the
++left hand side. These can be positioned, connected, modified and
++deleted in the workspace. To create a new component, use drag and drop
++to move the component anywhere in the white workspace. To connect two
++devices with a cable, select the cable in the toolbar and click on the
++components you want to link. Connections remain even when components
++are repositioned. Using a right click, you can delete any cable or
++component again. Now, we will learn about the basic functions of the
++different components and a deeper explanation will follow in the
++chapter on designing and testing networks in FILIUS.
++#### Server and Notebook
++In the toolbar on the left hand side, FILIUS provides two different
++types of computers to be used in our virtual networks. Both computers
++are identical in the way they work and provide the same function but
++it makes sense to keep a logical distinction between the two.
++For a computer serving the task of a client, it is advised to use a
++Notebook {width=20}, whereas for a
++computer serving the task of a server, we will use a regular computer
++The components can be added by dragging them to the workspace, using
++the left mouse button. The configuration of a computer can be seen by
++using a double-click on the image or right click and select
++configure. The picture displayed underneath will appear and provide
++you the option to modify the name of the computer, its IP address, its
++net mask and other settings. The standard configuration of a computer
++is displayed in the following picture.
++If you and your students are not familiar with the function of an IP
++address or subnet mask, please read the appendix A for a short
++description first.
++#### Cable
++Two computers can be connected using a cable
++{width=20}. After selecting the cable from the
++toolbar, you can first click on one and then the other component that
++you want to connect in your workspace, to establish a link between the
++#### Switch
++If you want to connect more than two computers with each other, you
++need a central hub. The easiest way of doing so is using a switch
++{width=20}. For a switch, the configuration
++can also be modified by double-clicking on the icon. A switch
++remembers all connected components after the first request is sent in
++the network and redirects signals to their recipients. However, a
++switch can only connect computers of a single network.
++#### Router
++To send a network signal from one network to another one we need a
++router {width=20} to connect the two. In
++order for the router to work properly, all connected components have
++to lie in different networks. This also applies to single computers
++that may be directly connected to it. After picking a router from the
++side bar, FILIUS asks how many NICs (Network Internet Cards) it should
++have, that means how many interfaces to networks it should
++provide. This configuration can later be changed in the configuration
++panel of the router, selecting the ```"Manage Connections"``` option.
++In the preferences panel you can also find a dedicated tab for each
++interface with the configuration of the NIC and its network. Modify
++the IP address according to the connected network, so that packages
++can be routed correctly (often the first or last usable IP address of
++the network). In addition, a gateway has to be added to every
++computer in the network. The exact preferences will be explained in
++detail in a later example.
++#### Modem
++FILIUS also provides the option to link several FILIUS-Programs
++running on different computers in a physically existing network, such
++as in a classroom. It is important to ensure that your firewall allows
++such connections. To use this features, all FLIIUS-Programs need to
++include a modem {width=20} in their virtual
++network. The modem in one of the virtual networks needs to be set as
++recipient, which can be done by ticking the box that says ```"Wait for
++incoming connection request"```, and then then clicking the button
++```"Activate"``` to start accepting incoming requests.
++All modems of the other virtual networks can now establish a
++physically existing network connection by using the real network IP of
++the receiving modem. All modems will indicate a successful connection
++with a small green dot.
++## The Simulation Mode
++Simulation mode is used to install software to the computers, remove
++it or start it. To change to simulation mode click the green arrow in
++the top hand toolbar {width=20}. FILIUS’ main
++goal is to display network activity on the different layers of the OSI
++model to the user and thereby enhance the understanding of the
++functionality of networks.
++To modify the speed in which the simulation will be displayed, use the
++control panel on top {width=80}. This will
++adjust the speed of the display of signals in cables as well as in the
++OSI layers model, which can be seen by right clicking on any
++But before you will be able to see any network activity, it is
++necessary to install software to the computers. Using a double click
++or right click on a computer will provide you with the desktop the
++selected device:
++By clicking on the symbol for software installation
++{width=20}, you can install
++{width=20} and uninstall
++{width=20} software on that computer. Following
++is a brief description of the functions of the different pieces of
++### Network Applications in FILIUS
++FILIUS has three different types of applications: client applications,
++server applications and system applications. These will be briefly
++explained according to their class.
++#### System Applications
++File Explorer: This applications enables you to copy actual existing
++files from your computer’s hard drive on to a virtual computer in
++The command line let’s you manage the computer by using certain
++commands that will be displayed on startup of the terminal.
++Using the text editor, you can create simple text files, for example
++HTML, and modify them. You can also modify files that you previously
++imported using the file explorer.
++The firewall can be used to open or close certain ports within the
++With this program you can open and view images.
++#### Client Applications
++This piece of software lets you virtually send and receive E-mails.
++The web browser enables you to view websites. It can handle all
++basic HTML.
++The (network) client is used to connect to a server. It can be used to
++test whether the network is properly connected.
++Gnutella is a ```peer-to-peer``` application which allows you to share
++files within a virtual network.
++#### Server Applications
++The DNS server is used to simulate the translation of symbolic host
++names into their according IP Addresses.
++Using an Email server, you can create different E-mail accounts
++which can then be used by the E-mail program on a client computer.
++This application transforms a computer into a web server, that enables
++clients to view a website stored on the server, using the web
++browser. The default website is defined by the file ```index.html```
++in the virtual directory ```root/webserver```.
++Once started, the echo server replies to all requests of clients by
++sending back the received message.
++## The Documentation Mode
++FILIUS allows the user to document network structures and group them
++symbolically. To start documentation mode click on the icon displaying
++a pencil {width=20}.
++### Ways of Documentation
++FILIUS provides two different ways of documentation in this mode,
++which will be briefly explained. From here on, the script will not
++focus on using the documentation mode any more but it is up to the
++user to meaningfully label or group their virtual networks.
++Using text fields, the user can add information regarding the virtual
++network. Text fields have no influence on the behaviour of the network
++in design mode or on the network activity in simulation mode.
++The same is true for structure fields. They can be used to
++symbolically group single components of a network in a meaningful
++way. The field can be dragged to the right size and will appear in the
++background upon exiting the documentation mode.
++By using the export button, your virtual network can be saved as a
++portable network graphic (PNG file).
++## Exercises: Design and Simulate Networks
++In the following chapter, we will design and test different networks,
++starting with easy examples and rising in complexity. Therefore, a
++constant switching between design and simulation mode is
++necessary. The symbol on the left of each exercise indicates whether
++it is to be done in design {width=20} or simulation
++{width=20} mode.
++### Direct Link
++The simplest way of connecting to computers is through a direct link
++using only a network cable. This is called a ```peer-to-peer```
++connection. With this type of connection, computers can be connected
++using a crossover cable to enable the transfer of data between the
++> #### Exercise 1
++> {width=20} Create a simple network with two
++> linked computers, serving as clients.
++> Configure the computers with the names and the IP addresses
++> `````` and ``````.
++> > Note: If you don’t want to manually name each computers, use the
++> > option ```“Use IP address as Name”``` to let FILIUS automatically
++> > set the computer’s name as its IP address.
++> #### Exercise 2a
++> {width=20} Select the computer with IP
++> address ending with ```0.10``` and install the command line on
++> it. Start the command line and test the connection to computer
++> ```0.11``` using the command ```ping```. Inspect the
++> network activity by displaying the exchanged data of computer
++> ```0.10``` in the ISI/OSI model.
++> The command line shows that the computer sends four ICMP requests
++> (```ping```) to the other computer and each time, waits for a
++> response (```pong```). This data exchange can also be displayed in
++> the data exchange window. Here, the first two lines belong to the
++> address resolution protocol, which is used to find out the physical
++> address of the other computer. The following eight lines stand for
++> the exchange of the ```ping```-```pong``` packets, where always two
++> lines form a pair. They belong to the _Internet Control Message
++> Protocol (ICMPv4)_, which is part of the internet protocol IPv4.
++> We can also observe that the network activity reaches only to the
++> internet layer. The higher and more complex layers of the OSI model
++> are not yet needed. By selecting one of the lines in the data
++> exchange window, it is possible to view information on the lower
++> layers of the OSI model as well as more detailed information on the
++> layers in use.
++> #### Exercise 2b
++> {width=20} Also try out other commands using
++> the command line, such as ```ipconfig```, ```host localhost``` or
++> ```dir```. The use of the ```host``` command will become clear in a
++> later example including a DNS Server.
++### Connecting Computers Using a Switch
++If you want to connect more than two computers to a network in FILIUS,
++it is necessary to use a switch, to which any desired number of
++computers can be connected. After the first use in simulation mode, a
++switch remembers the MAC addresses according to the IP addresses of
++all computers so that it can forward data packages faster. We will now
++use this component to connect three computers with one another.
++> #### Exercise 3
++> {width=20} Now, expand your network with a third
++> computers, a server, with the name displayed below and the IP
++> address ``````. Remember to use the symbol
++> {width=20} for the purpose of a server. Then
++> connect all three computers using a switch as shown in the picture:
++> #### Exercise 4
++> {width=20} Next, open the desktop of server
++> ```0.12```, install an ```Echo Server``` to it and start it on the
++> preset port ```55555```. Use one of the notebooks to install a
++> ```Generic Client``` and connect it to the server. Try sending some
++> text messages from the client to the server and observe the
++> outcome. Also take a look at the network activity in the data
++> exchange window of the notebook.
++> {width=49%}
++> {width=49%}
++> {width=62%}
++> {width=37%}
++> The data exchange window shows that in this example, the transport
++> layer is needed for the first time. Establishing the connection
++> between client and server already uses three layers in the ISO/OSI
++> model. The first two lines are again used to connect the server's IP
++> address to the corresponding MAC address (_Address
++> Resolution Protocol, ARP_).
++> As soon as you send a message from client to server, the fourth
++> layer, called application layer, comes into play. The application,
++> which is the ```Generic Client```, first of all uses the application
++> layer, then the transport layer, the internet layer and finally the
++> network layer. All this information will be displayed upon clicking
++> on the first dark blue line in the data exchange model, which will
++> display the image on the right.
++In the following exercises, keep in mind to have a look at the data
++exchange window from time to time to get an idea what kind of
++information is being transmitted within the network. You will for
++example notice the huge amount of data that has to be transmitted
++while sending E-mails.
++### Connecting Networks Using a Router
++Before installing and testing more software on the computers, we want
++to expand our existing network with three more computers.
++> #### Exercise 5
++> {width=20} Create a second network with three new
++> computers as displayed below. We want the three new computers to be
++> in a logically different network for which we will use the IP
++> addresses from `````` up to
++> ``````. Finally, connect the two networks using a
++> router and configure the two network interface cards with the IP
++> addresses `````` and ``````.
++> {width=20} Finally, test the connection
++> between computers ```0.10``` and ```1.10``` using the ```ping```
++> command.
++> If you did everything as described above, FILIUS will display the
++> following message in the command prompt:
++The reason for this response is, that the message would have to leave
++the local network. However, we haven’t yet configured a gateway for
++the different computers, which would determine where messages that
++have to leave the network are forwarded to.
++> #### Exercise 6
++> {width=20} The router has a network interface
++> card with the address `````` which you will configure as
++> a gateway for the three computers on the left hand side. Set the
++> gateway for the three notebooks on the right hand side to
++> `````` accordingly.
++> {width=20} Now try the same connection again
++> and it should work properly.
++When taking a look at the data exchange window, you can observe that
++the first request takes a lot longer then the following three. This is
++because the routing table of the two switches is empty at the
++beginning and is then created after the first request.
++> #### Exercise 7
++> {width=20} Now try and test your network with
++> a ```Generic Client``` and an ```Echo Server```. Use Notebook
++> ```1.10``` to install a ```Generic Client``` and connect it to
++> server ```0.12```.
++### Simulation of the World Wide Web
++The most important task of the internet today is surely the world wide
++web. Using FILIUS, you can simulate and analyze the basic processes
++involved in the communication between a web browser and a remote web
++server. The network we have created in exercise 6 is sufficient for
++this task. We will use server ```0.12``` as our web server and
++notebook ```1.10``` as our client and web browser. But let’s first set
++up the web server.
++> #### Exercise 8
++> {width=20} Use Server ```0.12``` to install a
++> web server and a text editor. Take the text editor to open the file
++> ```index.html``` which can be found in the virtual directory
++> ```root/webserver```. Now you can modify the ```html```-file in
++> order to show the information you like. Also create a new page with
++> the name ```contact.html``` which you will link to from the first
++> side.
++> #### Exercise 9
++> {width=20} On the desktop of your web server,
++> start the application "webserver" using a double click. Then start
++> the virtual web server clicking the button Start (left
++> picture). After that, switch to notebook ```1.10``` to install a web
++> browser. Start the browser and try to establish a connection to the
++> web server by typing the URL `````` into the
++> address field of your web browser (right picture).
++> {width=49%}
++> {width=49%}
++We established a connection but this is not the way we usually
++communicate with other web servers. Normally, we contact a website by
++typing the URL containing the hostname and not the IP address of the
++web server. The resolution of hostname and the corresponding IP
++address is done by a _domain name system_ server, also called DNS
++server, which we will now configure.
++> #### Exercise 10
++> {width=20} Create a new server with the IP
++> address `````` and the gateway set to
++> ``````. Change the number of interfaces of your router to
++> three by navigating to the ```"General"``` tab of its configuration
++> and select the button ```"Manage Connections"```. Now move to the
++> tab of the new network interface card and set the IP address to
++> `````` and the subnet mask to
++> ``````. Finally connect the new server to the router
++> with a cable.
++> To enable all computers to use the service of the DNS server, we
++> need to add the IP address of the DNS server to the configuration of
++> every Notebook.
++> #### Exercise 11
++> {width=20} Add the IP address of the DNS server
++> `````` to the configuration of every Notebook.
++> Lastly, we need to give our web server a suitable URL and add it to
++> the DNS server’s reference table so that we can reach it through its
++> name.
++> #### Exercise 12a
++> {width=20} Select server ```2.10```, install
++> the application ```DNS server``` and start it with a double
++> click. As domain name type in ```www.filius.com``` and below the IP
++> address ``````, belonging to our server. Then click the
++> Add button to add the entry to the DNS server’s reference
++> table. Finally start the DNS server by clicking the ```"Start"```
++> button (left picture) and test the connection by using your web
++> browser on a notebook and searching for the URL
++> ```http://www.filius.com``` (right picture).
++> {width=49%}
++> {width=49%}
++> If the web browser returns the message ```"Server does not
++> exist!"```, the reason is most likely that you haven’t yet started
++> the DNS server or you asked for a URL that you haven’t yet added to
++> the reference table of your DNS server.
++> #### Exercise 12b
++> {width=20} At the beginning of our tutorial,
++> we learned about the ```host``` command in the terminal. Now try
++> again to use the ```host``` command with the URL
++> ```www.filius.com```. Now you will see that the DNS server does its
++> job and returns the IP of the web server.
++### E-Mail Services in the Network
++FILIUS provides the feature of simulating the work of different Email
++servers and the way they interact. At first, we will configure a
++single E-mail server and use a Notebook with an E-mail Program
++installed to use the Email service. Later we will install several
++E-mail servers that are linked to each other.
++> #### Exercise 13
++> {width=20} Select Server ```0.12``` to
++> install the application “Email server” and start it by using a
++> double click. Create a new account with username ```bob``` and
++> password ```bob``` (left image). See how your new account appears in
++> the account list. Then start the server using the start button.
++> {width=49%}
++> {width=49%}
++Next, we need to set up our DNS server to make it accept the new mail
++> #### Exercise 14
++> {width=20} Start the application "DNS server"
++> on server ```2.10```. Add a new mail exchange with the mail domain
++> ```filius.com``` and the mail server domain name
++> ```www.filius.com```. Then restart the server.
++Finally we need to install the Email program to one of our notebooks
++and configure it.
++> #### Exercise 15
++> {width=20} Select notebook ```0.10``` to
++> install the new application ```"E-mail program"``` and launch
++> it. Click on the button ```"Account"``` to create a new account and
++> configure it with the following information of your E-mail server
++> (left picture):
++> Name: ```bob```
++> E-Mail-Address: ```bob at filius.de```
++> POP3-Server: ```www.filius.de```
++> POP3-Port: ```110```
++> SMTP-Server: ```www.filius.de```
++> SMTP-Port: ```25```
++> Username: ```bob```
++> Password: ```bob```
++> After that, send an E-mail to ```bob at filius.com``` (that means to
++> yourself) and then retrieve your mails (right picture).
++> {width=49%}
++> {width=49%}
++> #### Exercise 16
++> {width=20} Next, add another E-mail address
++> to the E-mail server with the name ```bert at filius.com```. Also set
++> up an E-mail program on notebook ```0.11``` so that ```bob``` and
++> ```bert``` can send E-mails to each other.
++Lastly, we will set up a second E-mail server, which we want to add to
++the right side of our network (``````).
++> #### Exercise 17
++> {width=20} Add another server with the name
++> server ```1.13``` to the right side of your network and install a
++> mail server with the mail domain ```filia.com```. Finally add an
++> account with the name ```alice at filia.com``` to the server.
++> Also extend the mail exchange table of your DNS server, so that the
++> new mail domain will be excepted.
++> Take notebook ```1.10``` to install an E-mail program and configure
++> it for the account ```alice at filia.com```.
++> Lastly, try sending E-mail between the two
++> accounts ```bob at filius.com``` and ```alice at filia.com```.
++## Outlook
++If you followed the tutorial up to here, you have mastered all the
++basic functions of FILIUS. From here on, I will give a little prospect
++of further possibilities of FILIUS. In how far these can be integrated
++into your teaching plans depends on the strength of your students and
++the configuration of your classroom network.
++### Virtual and Physical Networks
++In the chapter on the components of FILIUS we already talked about the
++modem as providing the possibility to leave the virtual network and
++send signals over a physically existing network. A premise for this
++is, of course, a physically existing network of at least two computers
++running FILIUS, and a local firewall that is configured not to block
++FILIUS’ signals.
++You can get an impression of this setup through the following example,
++where only one notebook is able to communicate with the physically
++existing network via a modem.
++> #### Exercise 18
++> {width=20} Create the network structure displayed
++> below on two (physically) different computers (let’s call them
++> Computer A and Computer B) with different computer IPs that are part
++> of a physical network. On computer A, set the modem to accept
++> incoming requests, ticking the box ```"Wait for incoming connection
++> request"```, and click the button ```"Activate"```. On Computer B,
++> configure the modem so that it connects to Computer A. For this
++> purpose, insert the physical IP address of Computer A in the field
++> named IP address and press the button ```"Connect"```. (If you want
++> to try this on one computer, simply write ```localhost``` into the
++> IP address field and choose any port.) Both modems will show a green
++> light if connected successfully.
++If connecting the two modems worked, you can now set up the two
++virtual notebooks for network communication. You can for example
++install an ```Echo Server``` on the virtual notebook on Computer A and
++a ```Generic Client``` on the virtual notebook on Computer B. After
++starting the ```Echo Server```, the virtual notebook on Computer B
++should be able to communicate with it over the physical network.
++> #### Exercise 19
++> {width=20} Install an ```Echo Server``` and a
++> ```Generic Client``` to the virtual notebooks on Computers A and
++> B. Then start the ```Echo Server``` and connect and test the ```Generic
++> Client```. Now you can also test other applications on the virtual
++> computers. Also have a look at the data exchange between the both.
++### File Sharing in a _Peer-To-Peer_ Network
++FILIUS offers the option to connect several computers to a
++peer-to-peer network and share files throughout the network using the
++application Gnutella.
++ All computers in such kind of network serve the function of a client
++ and can connect to all other computers of the network, which is why
++ we use a notebook for this exercise.
++> #### Exercise 20
++> {width=20} Create the network as displayed above,
++> connecting three laptops using a switch to a peer-to-peer network.
++> {width=20} Then, install the application
++> "Gnutella" to all three computers and additionally a "File explorer"
++> to Notebook ```0.10```. Start the file explorer and copy the file
++> ```index.html``` from the directory ```webserver``` to the directory
++> ```peer2peer```, using a right click.
++> Next, launch the application “Gnutella” on Notebook ```0.12``` and
++> join the network of notebook ```0.10``` (IP address
++> ``````). The list of connected neighbours should
++> refresh automatically (left picture).
++> Now you can search the peer-to-peer network for files named
++> ```index.html``` and download them (right picture).
++> {width=49%}
++> {width=49%}
++### Running a DHCP-Server
++Especially in large networks it is practical to set up a DHCP server
++which takes over the function of assigning IP addresses to the
++computers automatically. FILIUS provides the possibility to simulate
++just that. In the following exercise we will implement a DHCP server
++to our network of the previous exercise.
++> #### Exercise 21a
++> {width=20} Implement a DHCP server into your
++> existing network and rename all notebooks in order to suggest that
++> the IP address assignment now works automatically. Configure the new
++> server with the IP address `````` and then set it up as
++> a DHCP server by clicking the button as shown in the picture below.
++> Now, a dialogue box will pop up that asks you to enter the DHCP
++> server settings. Select the IP address range from ``````
++> to `````` and activate DHCP by ticking the box ```"Active
++> DHCP"```.
++> #### Exercise 21b
++> {width=20} Next, for each computer, tick the box
++> ```"Use DHCP for configuration"``` to use the DHCP server for IP
++> address assignment. You will notice that you will not be able to
++> manually change the configurations anymore.
++> {width=20} As soon as you switch to
++> simulation mode, the clients will be assigned an IP address by the
++> DHCP server. All wires will blink for a short time to set up the new
++> configurations. (If this does not happen, FILIUS might still have
++> old settings stored to the switch and you will have to restart the
++> application.)
++> Now start each computer and install the teminal. Then test which IP
++> address the computers have been assigned by the DHCP server by using
++> the ```ipconfig``` command.
++### Creating and Implementing own Software
++FILIUS even provides the option to create your own software and
++install it to the virtual computers.
++With the magic wand symbol {width=20} you can
++reach a 3 step assistant which enables you to integrate your own
++software, for example a chat server and client application. FILIUS
++provides some code outlines in Java in the second step.
++### Static Routing
++In the chapter on connecting two networks using a router we restricted
++the traffic to flow through only one router. In reality, things look a
++little bit different, because the internet is a vast web of
++uncountable switches and numerous possible ways for a data package to
++go. It can never be determine which way it will take. Let’s have a
++look at the following, still simple, example:
++> #### Exercise 22a
++> {width=20} Create the network displayed
++> above. Configure router I so that it is connected to Router II in
++> network `````` and to Router III in network
++> ``````. Configure Router I with the first addresses of
++> each network.
++> Then, configure Router II to be connected to Route III in network
++> `````` and with the second IP address of each network.
++> Finally, configure Router III with the third IP address of each
++> network.
++All together the new network will look like this:
++Now we are still missing the settings for packet forwarding. First of
++all, configure the gateways for the computers of the different
++> #### Exercise 22b
++> {width=20} Set the gateway of Notebook ```0.10```
++> in Lan A to ``````, so that Router I will be used as its
++> gateway. Then, set the gateway of Notebook ```1.10``` from Lan B to
++> `````` and the gateway of notebook ```2.10``` from Lan C
++> to `````` accordingly.
++FILIUS routers are able to run routing automatically. For using this
++option simply tick the box ```"Automatic Routing"``` in the
++configuration of each router and the routing information protocol
++(RIP) will do the job of finding the shortest way within the network.
++For a better understanding of how routing actually works, it is still
++possible to manually configure the routing in FILIUS. Every router has
++its own forwarding table which describes how incoming data packets are
++to be forwarded. The following three tables are the result of the
++network shown above:
++##### Router I
++ Ziel Netzmaske Next Hop Interface
++-------------- ------------------- ------------------- -------------------
++-------------- ------------------- ------------------- -------------------
++##### Router II
++ Ziel Netzmaske Next Hop Interface
++-------------- ------------------- ------------------- -------------------
++-------------- ------------------- ------------------- -------------------
++##### Router III
++ Ziel Netzmaske Next Hop Interface
++-------------- ------------------- ------------------- -------------------
++-------------- ------------------- ------------------- -------------------
++> #### Exercise 22c
++> {width=20} Configure the forwarding tables of the
++> three routers according to the representations given above. Unselect
++> the box saying ```"Show all entries"``` for a clearer view.
++> {width=20} Install an ```Echo Server``` to
++> Server ```2.10``` and a ```Generic Client``` to laptop
++> ```0.10```. Connect server and client and see how the packages are
++> forwarded. It is easier to observe when you lower the speed down to
++> about 50%.
++> {width=20} Now modify the forwarding table so
++> that messages sent from LAN A to LAN B are rerouted to run through
++> LAN C as well. Observe the network activity.
++# Appendix A: IPv4-Addresses
++IPv4 addresses are comprised of 32 Bits, split into 4 blocks of 8 Bit
++each. This gives a total range of IP addresses from `````` to
++``````. For a better understanding of the process of
++routing it is helpful to translate the numbers from decimal system to
++binary system.
++> #### Exercise A1
++> Practice the translation between binary and decimal
++> system. Translate your result back to the other system to check
++> yourself.
++> a. ) ``` 1101 1110₂```
++> a. ) ``` 0011 1111₂```
++> a. ) ``` 1111 1101₂```
++> a. ) ``` 0101 1010₂```
++> a. ) ``` 96₁₀```
++> a. ) ``` 254₁₀```
++> a. ) ``` 17₁₀```
++> a. ) ``` 127₁₀```
++A subnet mask in IPv4 is another 32 bit number that splits the IP
++address into a network prefix and the host identifier. Through AND
++operations between IP address and subnet mask, the network prefix can
++be extracted. Through AND operations between IP address and the
++inverted subnet mask, the host identifier will show.
++The smallest address of the network is used to reference the network
++itself and the highest IP is reserved for broadcasting.
++> #### Example:
++> IP Address: ``` = 11000000.10010001.01100000.11001001```
++> Subnet Mask: ``` = 11111111.11111111.11111111.11110000```
++> _AND_-Operation reveals the network prefix: ``` = 11000000.10010001.01100000.11000000```
++> _AND_-Operation with the inverted subnet mask reveals the host identifier:
++> ``` = 00000000.00000000.00000000.00001001```
++> The highest IP address is reserved for broadcasting (all host bits ```= 1```).
++> Broadcast: ``` = 11000000.10010001.01100000.11001111```
++> Available range of addresses within the network:
++> ``` = 11000000.10010001.01100000.11000001```
++> up to ``` = 11000000.10010001.01100000.11001110```
++> Often, the first or the last usable IP address is used as the
++> default gateway, here: `````` or ``````.
++> The network prefix is also used as the network address (all host
++> bits ```= 0```).
++> #### Exercise A2
++> Complete the following table.
++> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++> IP Address Subnet Mask Net-ID Host First Broadcast Number
++> Identifier usable Address of usable
++> Address Addresses
++> --------------- ---------------- -------- ----------------- ----------- ------------ ------------
++> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
++> #### Exercise A3
++> A message is sent from a computer holding the IP address
++> `````` in the network with the subnet mask
++> ``````. The target is a computer with the IP address
++> ``````. Does the message remain within the network
++> segment or is routing necessary?
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<component type="desktop-application">
+ <id>com.gitlab.filius1.filius</id>
+ <metadata_license>FSFAP</metadata_license>
+ <project_license>GPL-3.0</project_license>
+ <name>Filius</name>
+ <summary>Educational Network Simulator</summary>
+ <description>
+ <p>
+ Filius is a tool to explore, study and teach networking
+ technologies. It allows to design, simulate and document
+ Networks.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ The software supports explorative learning and is very helpful
+ to teach students about networks, the internet, its protocols,
+ services and various applications.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Filius provides simulated desktops, servers, switches, routers and
+ quite some details on Ethernet, TCP/IP and some application
+ layer protocols.
+ </p>
+ </description>
+ <categories>
+ <category>Education</category>
+ <category>Network</category>
+ </categories>
+ <url type="homepage">https://www.lernsoftware-filius.de</url>
+ <url type="bugtracker">https://gitlab.com/filius1/filius/-/issues</url>
+ <launchable type="desktop-id">filius.desktop</launchable>
+ <screenshots>
+ <screenshot type="default">
+ <caption>The Filius Work Bench</caption>
+ <image>https://gitlab.com/filius1/filius/-/blob/master/src/info/img/workbench.png</image>
+ </screenshot>
+ <screenshot>
+ <caption>Simulating a Static Routing Network</caption>
+ <image>https://gitlab.com/filius1/filius/-/blob/master/src/info/img/staticrouting1.png</image>
+ </screenshot>
+ <screenshot>
+ <caption>Observing a Packet Capture</caption>
+ <image>https://gitlab.com/filius1/filius/-/blob/master/src/info/img/packettrace.png</image>
+ </screenshot>
+ <screenshot>
+ <caption>The CLI of a Simulated Desktop in Action</caption>
+ <image>https://gitlab.com/filius1/filius/-/raw/master/src/info/img/ping.png</image>
+ </screenshot>
+ </screenshots>
+ <update_contact>kontakt_AT_lernsoftware-filius.de</update_contact>
+ <content_rating type="oars-1.0"></content_rating>
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