[Git][clojure-team/trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9-clojure][debian/main] 6 commits: New upstream version 4.5.2

Jérôme Charaoui (@lavamind) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Sun Feb 18 00:57:32 GMT 2024

Jérôme Charaoui pushed to branch debian/main at Debian Clojure Maintainers / trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9-clojure

433e198b by Jérôme Charaoui at 2024-02-16T23:48:47-05:00
New upstream version 4.5.2
- - - - -
56b1f067 by Jérôme Charaoui at 2024-02-16T23:48:51-05:00
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/4.5.2'

Update to upstream version '4.5.2'
with Debian dir 337f316f25d496d6b8500c613f5c6dd08d3d6bca
- - - - -
2b7bcfa6 by Jérôme Charaoui at 2024-02-17T08:32:40-05:00
d/patches: refresh patches for new upstream version

- - - - -
5aeebe4d by Jérôme Charaoui at 2024-02-17T08:32:42-05:00
d/patches: fix service test with upstream patch

- - - - -
543c824a by Jérôme Charaoui at 2024-02-17T08:32:42-05:00
d/rules: improve clean target

- - - - -
6e4ad9e5 by Jérôme Charaoui at 2024-02-17T08:32:56-05:00
Update changelog for 4.5.2-1 release

- - - - -

22 changed files:

- + .github/workflows/lein-test.yaml
- + .github/workflows/mend.yaml
- − .github/workflows/snyk_merge.yaml
- − .travis.yml
- debian/changelog
- debian/patches/0005-maint-Disable-EndpointIdentification.patch
- debian/patches/0006_Lein_Local.patch
- debian/patches/0007_No_Gniazdo.patch
- debian/patches/0009_Testsuite_Requires_Network.patch
- + debian/patches/make-service-test-less-sensitive.patch
- debian/patches/series
- debian/rules
- project.clj
- src/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webrouting/webrouting_service_core.clj
- + src/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webserver/jetty9.clj
- src/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webserver/jetty9_core.clj
- test/clj/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webrouting/webrouting_service_handlers_test.clj
- test/clj/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webserver/jetty9_core_test.clj
- test/clj/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webserver/jetty9_service_test.clj
- test/clj/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/testutils/webserver.clj


@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+name: lein_test
+  workflow_dispatch:
+  push:
+    branches:
+      - main
+    paths: ['src/**','test/**']
+  pull_request:
+    types: [opened, reopened, edited, synchronize]
+    paths: ['src/**','test/**']
+  run-lein-tests:
+    name: lein test - Java ${{ matrix.java }}
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    strategy:
+      matrix:
+        java: [ '8', '11', '17' ]
+    steps:
+      - name: Check out repository code
+        uses: actions/checkout at v3
+      - name: Setup java
+        uses: actions/setup-java at v3
+        with:
+          distribution: temurin
+          java-version: ${{ matrix.java }}
+      - name: Install Clojure tools
+        uses: DeLaGuardo/setup-clojure at 10.2
+        with:
+          cli: latest              # Clojure CLI based on tools.deps
+          lein: latest                  # Leiningen
+          boot: latest                  # Boot.clj
+          bb: latest                    # Babashka
+          clj-kondo: latest        # Clj-kondo
+          cljstyle: latest             # cljstyle
+          zprint: latest                # zprint
+      - name: Run lein tests with dev test profile
+        run: lein with-profile dev test
+      - name: Run lein tests with pseudo-dev, fips profiles
+        run: lein with-profile pseudo-dev,fips test

@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+name: mend_scan
+  workflow_dispatch:
+  push:
+    branches:
+      - main
+  build:
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    steps:
+    - name: connect_twingate
+      uses: twingate/github-action at v1
+      with:
+        service-key: ${{ secrets.TWINGATE_PUBLIC_REPO_KEY }}
+    - name: checkout repo content
+      uses: actions/checkout at v2 # checkout the repository content to github runner.
+      with:
+        fetch-depth: 1
+    # install java which is required for mend and clojure
+    - name: setup java
+      uses: actions/setup-java at v3
+      with:
+        distribution: temurin
+        java-version: 17
+    # install clojure tools
+    - name: Install Clojure tools
+      uses: DeLaGuardo/setup-clojure at 10.1
+      with:
+        # Install just one or all simultaneously
+        # The value must indicate a particular version of the tool, or use 'latest'
+        # to always provision the latest version
+        cli: latest              # Clojure CLI based on tools.deps
+        lein: latest                  # Leiningen
+        boot: latest                  # Boot.clj
+        bb: latest                    # Babashka
+        clj-kondo: latest        # Clj-kondo
+        cljstyle: latest             # cljstyle
+        zprint: latest                # zprint
+    # run lein gen
+    - name: create pom.xml
+      run: lein pom
+    # download mend
+    - name: download_mend
+      run: curl -o wss-unified-agent.jar https://unified-agent.s3.amazonaws.com/wss-unified-agent.jar
+    - name: run mend
+      run: env WS_INCLUDES=pom.xml java -jar wss-unified-agent.jar
+      env:
+        WS_APIKEY: ${{ secrets.MEND_API_KEY }}
+        WS_WSS_URL: https://saas-eu.whitesourcesoftware.com/agent
+        WS_USERKEY: ${{ secrets.MEND_TOKEN }}
+        WS_PRODUCTNAME: Puppet Enterprise
+        WS_PROJECTNAME: ${{ github.event.repository.name }}
+        WS_FILESYSTEMSCAN: true
+        WS_CHECKPOLICIES: true
+        WS_FORCEUPDATE: true

.github/workflows/snyk_merge.yaml deleted
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-name: Snyk Clojure Merge
-on: push
- snyk_clojure:
-   runs-on: ubuntu-latest
-   steps:
-    - name: Connect to Twingate
-      uses: twingate/github-action at v1
-      with:
-        service-key: ${{ secrets.TWINGATE_PUBLIC_REPO_KEY }}
-    - name: checkout the current HEAD
-      uses: actions/checkout at v2
-      with:
-        fetch-depth: 1
-        persist-credentials: false
-    - name: Run Clojure Snyk Scan
-      id: scan
-      uses: puppetlabs/security-snyk-clojure-action at v2
-      with:
-        snykToken: ${{ secrets.SNYK_PE_TOKEN }}
-        snykOrg: 'puppet-enterprise'
-        snykProject: 'trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9'
-        snykPolicy: '.snyk'
-    - name: Check output
-      if: steps.scan.outputs.vulns != ''
-      run: echo "Vulnerabilities detected; ${{ steps.scan.outputs.vulns }}" && exit 1

.travis.yml deleted
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-language: clojure
-lein: 2.9.10
-  include:
-    - stage: jdk8
-      script: lein with-profile dev test
-      jdk: openjdk8
-      # this env var isn't actually used, but helps with readability
-      # in the Travis CI web page
-      env:
-        - FIPS=false
-    - # still jdk8
-      script: lein with-profile fips test
-      jdk: openjdk8
-      env:
-        - FIPS=true
-    - stage: jdk11
-      script: lein with-profile dev test
-      jdk: openjdk11
-      env:
-        - FIPS=false
-    - # still jdk11
-      script: lein with-profile fips test
-      jdk: openjdk11
-      env:
-        - FIPS=true
-  email: false

@@ -1,3 +1,30 @@
+## 4.5.2
+* update jetty9 to [9.4.53.v20231009](https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-9.4.53.v20231009) to address: 
+  * CVE-2023-44487
+  * CVE-2023-36478
+* update clj-parent to 5.6.3
+## 4.5.1
+* update jetty9 to [9.4.52.v20230823](https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/releases/tag/jetty-9.4.52.v20230823) to address
+  * https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-58qw-p7qm-5rvh
+  * https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-hmr7-m48g-48f6
+  * https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-3gh6-v5v9-6v9j
+  * https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-pwh8-58vv-vw48
+## 4.5.0
+* Add `:include-response` option to request that the pending response
+  instance be provided to
+  [`add-ring-handler`](./README.md#add-ring-handler) as a second
+  argument.
+  [(PDB-5645)](https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/browse/PDB-5645)
+## 4.4.3
+* restore jdk 8 compatiblity
+## 4.4.2
+* update jetty to 9.4.51.v20230217 to resolve CVE-2023-26048
 ## 4.4.1
 * update clj-parent to 5.2.9, which includes the stylefruits/gniazdo dependency.

@@ -87,27 +87,41 @@ You may specify `""` as the value for `path` if you are only registering a singl
 handler and do not need to prefix the URL.
 There is also a three argument version of this function which takes these arguments:
-`[handler path options]`. `options` is a map containing three optional keys.
-The first is
-`:server-id`, which specifies which server you want to add the ring-handler to. If
-`:server-id` is specified, the ring handler will be added to the server with id
-`:server-id`. If no `:server-id` is specified, or the two argument version is called,
-the ring handler will be added to the default server. Calling the two-argument version or
-leaving out `:server-id` will not work in a multiserver set-up if no default server is specified.
-The second optional argument is `:redirect-if-no-trailing-slash`. When set to `true`,
-all requests made to the endpoint at which the ring-handler was registered will, if
-no trailing slash is present, return a 302 redirect response to the same URL but with a trailing slash
-added. If the option is set to `false`, no redirect will occur, and the request will be
-routed through to the registered handler. This option defaults to `false`.
-The third optional argument is `:normalize-request-uri`. When set to `true`, the
-URI made available to the ring handler request map via the `:uri` key will have
-been "normalized".  See the [Request URI Normalization]
-(#request-uri-normalization) section for more information on the
-normalization process.  When set to `false` (the default value), the raw path
-component from the HTTP request URI will be the value for the `:uri` key.
+`[handler path options]`. `options` is a map containing optional keys.
+* `:server-id`
+  This option specifies which server you want to add the ring-handler
+  to. If `:server-id` is specified, the ring handler will be added to
+  the server with id `:server-id`. If no `:server-id` is specified, or
+  the two argument version is called, the ring handler will be added
+  to the default server. Calling the two-argument version or leaving
+  out `:server-id` will not work in a multiserver set-up if no default
+  server is specified.
+* `:redirect-if-no-trailing-slash`
+  When set to `true`, all requests made to the endpoint at which the
+  ring-handler was registered will, if no trailing slash is present,
+  return a 302 redirect response to the same URL but with a trailing
+  slash added. If the option is set to `false`, no redirect will
+  occur, and the request will be routed through to the registered
+  handler. This option defaults to `false`.
+* `:normalize-request-uri`
+  When set to `true`, the URI made available to the ring handler
+  request map via the `:uri` key will have been "normalized".  See the
+  [Request URI Normalization] (#request-uri-normalization) section for
+  more information on the normalization process.  When set to `false`
+  (the default value), the raw path component from the HTTP request
+  URI will be the value for the `:uri` key.
+* `:include-response`
+  When set to `true`, the request will include the pending jetty
+  [`Response`](https://www.eclipse.org/jetty/javadoc/jetty-9/org/eclipse/jetty/server/Response.html)
+  instance as `:puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.services.webserver.jetty9/response`.
 Here's an example of how to use the `:WebserverService`:

@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9-clojure (4.5.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * New upstream version 4.5.2
+  * d/patches: refresh patches for new upstream version
+  * d/patches: fix service test with upstream patch
+  * d/rules: improve clean target
+ -- Jérôme Charaoui <jerome at riseup.net>  Sat, 17 Feb 2024 08:32:49 -0500
 trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9-clojure (4.4.1-5) unstable; urgency=medium
   * d/control: bump Breaks: on puppetserver

@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/pull/3480/files#diff-58640db0f8f2cd84b7
  src/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webserver/jetty9_core.clj | 1 +
  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
-diff --git a/src/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webserver/jetty9_core.clj b/src/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webserver/jetty9_core.clj
-index c15f1e3..2c88b1e 100644
---- a/src/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webserver/jetty9_core.clj
-+++ b/src/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webserver/jetty9_core.clj
-@@ -207,6 +207,7 @@
+Index: trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9-clojure/src/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webserver/jetty9_core.clj
+--- trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9-clojure.orig/src/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webserver/jetty9_core.clj
++++ trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9-clojure/src/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webserver/jetty9_core.clj
+@@ -211,6 +211,7 @@
                    (.setKeyStore (:keystore keystore-config))
                    (.setKeyStorePassword (:key-password keystore-config))
                    (.setTrustStore (:truststore keystore-config))

@@ -9,64 +9,64 @@ Forwarded: not-needed
  project.clj | 92 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------------------
  1 file changed, 34 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/project.clj b/project.clj
-index c9e5b7a..a02f11e 100644
---- a/project.clj
-+++ b/project.clj
-@@ -8,48 +8,40 @@
+Index: trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9-clojure/project.clj
+--- trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9-clojure.orig/project.clj
++++ trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9-clojure/project.clj
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-(def jetty-version "9.4.53.v20231009")
++(def jetty-version "9.x")
+ (defproject puppetlabs/trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9 "4.5.2"
+   :description "A jetty9-based webserver implementation for use with the puppetlabs/trapperkeeper service framework."
+@@ -8,21 +8,18 @@
    :min-lein-version "2.9.1"
--  :parent-project {:coords [puppetlabs/clj-parent "5.2.9"]
+-  :parent-project {:coords [puppetlabs/clj-parent "5.6.3"]
 -                   :inherit [:managed-dependencies]}
-+  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.x"]
-+                 [org.clojure/java.jmx "debian"]
-+                 [org.clojure/tools.logging "debian"]
--  ;; Abort when version ranges or version conflicts are detected in
--  ;; dependencies. Also supports :warn to simply emit warnings.
--  ;; requires lein 2.2.0+.
--  :pedantic? :abort
+   ;; Abort when version ranges or version conflicts are detected in
+   ;; dependencies. Also supports :warn to simply emit warnings.
+   ;; requires lein 2.2.0+.
+   :pedantic? :abort
 -  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure]
 -                 [org.clojure/java.jmx]
 -                 [org.clojure/tools.logging]
-+                 [org.codehaus.janino/janino "debian"]
-+                 [org.flatland/ordered "debian"]
++  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.x"]
++                 [org.clojure/java.jmx "debian"]
++                 [org.clojure/tools.logging "debian"]
 -                 [org.codehaus.janino/janino]
 -                 [org.flatland/ordered "1.5.9"]
++                 [org.codehaus.janino/janino "debian"]
++                 [org.flatland/ordered  "debian"]
 -                 [javax.servlet/javax.servlet-api "3.1.0"]
-+                 [javax.servlet/javax.servlet-api "debian"]
++                 [javax.servlet/javax.servlet-api  "debian"]
                   ;; Jetty Webserver
--                 [org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-server ~jetty-version
-+                 [org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-server "9.x"
+                  [org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-server ~jetty-version
                    :exclusions [org.eclipse.jetty.orbit/javax.servlet]]
--                 [org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-servlet ~jetty-version]
--                 [org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-servlets ~jetty-version]
--                 [org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-webapp ~jetty-version]
--                 [org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-proxy ~jetty-version]
--                 [org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-jmx ~jetty-version]
+@@ -31,25 +28,24 @@
+                  [org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-webapp ~jetty-version]
+                  [org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-proxy ~jetty-version]
+                  [org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-jmx ~jetty-version]
 -                 [org.eclipse.jetty.websocket/websocket-server ~jetty-version]
-+                 [org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-servlet "9.x"]
-+                 [org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-servlets "9.x"]
-+                 [org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-webapp "9.x"]
-+                 [org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-proxy "9.x"]
-+                 [org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-jmx "9.x"]
 +                 [org.eclipse.jetty.websocket/websocket-server "debian"]
 -                 [prismatic/schema]
 -                 [ring/ring-servlet]
 -                 [ring/ring-codec]
-+                 [prismatic/schema "debian"]
-+                 [ring/ring-servlet "debian"]
-+                 [ring/ring-codec "debian"]
 -                 [puppetlabs/ssl-utils]
 -                 [puppetlabs/kitchensink]
 -                 [puppetlabs/trapperkeeper]
 -                 [puppetlabs/i18n]
 -                 [puppetlabs/trapperkeeper-filesystem-watcher]
++                 [prismatic/schema "debian"]
++                 [ring/ring-servlet "debian"]
++                 [ring/ring-codec "debian"]
 +                 [puppetlabs/ssl-utils "debian"]
 +                 [puppetlabs/kitchensink "debian"]
 +                 [puppetlabs/trapperkeeper "debian"]
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ index c9e5b7a..a02f11e 100644
    :deploy-repositories [["releases" {:url "https://clojars.org/repo"
                                       :username :env/clojars_jenkins_username
-@@ -71,51 +63,35 @@
+@@ -71,24 +67,23 @@
                          :java-source-paths ["examples/servlet_app/src/java"
@@ -94,57 +94,34 @@ index c9e5b7a..a02f11e 100644
 -                                       [puppetlabs/trapperkeeper nil :classifier "test"]
 -                                       [org.clojure/tools.namespace]
 -                                       [compojure]
+-                                       [ring/ring-core]]
 +                        :dependencies [[puppetlabs/http-client "debian"]
 +                                       [puppetlabs/kitchensink "debian" :classifier "test"]
-+                                       [puppetlabs/trapperkeeper "debian" :classifier "test"]
++                                       [puppetlabs/trapperkeeper  "debian" :classifier "test"]
 +                                       [org.clojure/tools.namespace "debian"]
-+                                       [compojure "debian"]
-                                        [stylefruits/gniazdo nil :exclusions [org.eclipse.jetty.websocket/websocket-api
-                                                                              org.eclipse.jetty.websocket/websocket-client
-                                                                              org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-util]]
--                                       [ring/ring-core]]
-+                                       [ring/ring-core "debian"]]
++                                       [ring/ring-core  "debian"]]
                          :resource-paths ["dev-resources"]
                          :jvm-opts ["-Djava.util.logging.config.file=dev-resources/logging.properties"]}
               :dev [:defaults
--                   {:dependencies [[org.bouncycastle/bcpkix-jdk18on]]}]
-+                   {:dependencies [[org.bouncycastle/bcpkix "debian"]]}]
+-                   {:dependencies [[org.bouncycastle/bcpkix-jdk18on]
++                   {:dependencies [[org.bouncycastle/bcpkix "debian"]
+                                    [stylefruits/gniazdo nil :exclusions [org.eclipse.jetty.websocket/websocket-api
+                                                                          org.eclipse.jetty.websocket/websocket-client
+                                                                          org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-util]]]}]
               ;; per https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/issues/1907
               ;; the provided profile is necessary for lein jar / lein install
 -             :provided {:dependencies [[org.bouncycastle/bcpkix-jdk18on]]
 +             :provided {:dependencies [[org.bouncycastle/bcpkix "debian"]]
                          :resource-paths ["dev-resources"]}
-              :fips [:defaults ; merge in the dev profile
-                     {:dependencies [[org.bouncycastle/bcpkix-fips]
-                                     [org.bouncycastle/bc-fips]
-                                     [org.bouncycastle/bctls-fips]]
--                     :exclusions [[org.bouncycastle/bcpkix-jdk18on]]
--                     ;; this only ensures that we run with the proper profiles
--                     ;; during testing. This JVM opt will be set in the puppet module
--                     ;; that sets up the JVM classpaths during installation.
--                     :jvm-opts ~(let [version (System/getProperty "java.version")
--                                      [major minor _] (clojure.string/split version #"\.")
--                                      unsupported-ex (ex-info "Unsupported major Java version. Expects 8 or 11."
--                                                       {:major major
--                                                        :minor minor})]
--                                  (condp = (java.lang.Integer/parseInt major)
--                                    1 (if (= 8 (java.lang.Integer/parseInt minor))
--                                        ["-Djava.security.properties==dev-resources/jdk8-fips-security"]
--                                        (throw unsupported-ex))
--                                    11 ["-Djava.security.properties==dev-resources/jdk11-fips-security"]
--                                    (throw unsupported-ex)))}]
-+                     :exclusions [[org.bouncycastle/bcpkix-jdk18on]]}]
-              :testutils {:source-paths ^:replace ["test/clj"]
-                          :java-source-paths ^:replace ["test/java"]}}
+              ;; a pseudo dev profile that can be combined with the FIPS profiling for testing only
+              :pseudo-dev {:dependencies [
+@@ -122,5 +117,6 @@
    :main puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.main
--  :repositories [["puppet-releases" "https://artifactory.delivery.puppetlabs.net/artifactory/list/clojure-releases__local/"]
+   :repositories [["puppet-releases" "https://artifactory.delivery.puppetlabs.net/artifactory/list/clojure-releases__local/"]
 -                 ["puppet-snapshots" "https://artifactory.delivery.puppetlabs.net/artifactory/list/clojure-snapshots__local/"]])
-+  :local-repo "debian/maven-repo"
-+  )
++                 ["puppet-snapshots" "https://artifactory.delivery.puppetlabs.net/artifactory/list/clojure-snapshots__local/"]]
++  :local-repo "debian/maven-repo")

@@ -11,24 +11,26 @@ WebSocket features of this library, we're patching it out.
  .../webserver/jetty9_service_handlers_test.clj     | 39 ++--------------------
  3 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/project.clj b/project.clj
-index a02f11e..a497bd5 100644
---- a/project.clj
-+++ b/project.clj
-@@ -68,9 +68,6 @@
-                                        [puppetlabs/trapperkeeper "debian" :classifier "test"]
-                                        [org.clojure/tools.namespace "debian"]
-                                        [compojure "debian"]
--                                       [stylefruits/gniazdo nil :exclusions [org.eclipse.jetty.websocket/websocket-api
--                                                                             org.eclipse.jetty.websocket/websocket-client
--                                                                             org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-util]]
-                                        [ring/ring-core "debian"]]
-                         :resource-paths ["dev-resources"]
+Index: trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9-clojure/project.clj
+--- trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9-clojure.orig/project.clj
++++ trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9-clojure/project.clj
+@@ -76,10 +76,7 @@
                          :jvm-opts ["-Djava.util.logging.config.file=dev-resources/logging.properties"]}
-diff --git a/test/clj/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webrouting/webrouting_service_test.clj b/test/clj/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webrouting/webrouting_service_test.clj
-index ab1173f..3d84f6a 100644
---- a/test/clj/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webrouting/webrouting_service_test.clj
-+++ b/test/clj/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webrouting/webrouting_service_test.clj
+              :dev [:defaults
+-                   {:dependencies [[org.bouncycastle/bcpkix "debian"]
+-                                   [stylefruits/gniazdo nil :exclusions [org.eclipse.jetty.websocket/websocket-api
+-                                                                         org.eclipse.jetty.websocket/websocket-client
+-                                                                         org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-util]]]}]
++                   {:dependencies [[org.bouncycastle/bcpkix "debian"]]}]
+              ;; per https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/issues/1907
+              ;; the provided profile is necessary for lein jar / lein install
+Index: trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9-clojure/test/clj/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webrouting/webrouting_service_test.clj
+--- trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9-clojure.orig/test/clj/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webrouting/webrouting_service_test.clj
++++ trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9-clojure/test/clj/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webrouting/webrouting_service_test.clj
 @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
  (ns puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.services.webrouting.webrouting-service-test
    (:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
@@ -51,10 +53,10 @@ index ab1173f..3d84f6a 100644
      (testing "Error occurs when specifying service that does not exist in config file"
-diff --git a/test/clj/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webserver/jetty9_service_handlers_test.clj b/test/clj/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webserver/jetty9_service_handlers_test.clj
-index 606eee2..7574f68 100644
---- a/test/clj/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webserver/jetty9_service_handlers_test.clj
-+++ b/test/clj/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webserver/jetty9_service_handlers_test.clj
+Index: trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9-clojure/test/clj/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webserver/jetty9_service_handlers_test.clj
+--- trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9-clojure.orig/test/clj/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webserver/jetty9_service_handlers_test.clj
++++ trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9-clojure/test/clj/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webserver/jetty9_service_handlers_test.clj
 @@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
             (java.nio.file.attribute FileAttribute)
             (javax.servlet.http HttpServlet HttpServletRequest HttpServletResponse))

@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ details.
  .../webserver/jetty9_service_handlers_test.clj     | 58 ++++++++---------
  2 files changed, 67 insertions(+), 67 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/test/clj/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webrouting/webrouting_service_handlers_test.clj b/test/clj/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webrouting/webrouting_service_handlers_test.clj
-index f998a56..cd1fae6 100644
---- a/test/clj/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webrouting/webrouting_service_handlers_test.clj
-+++ b/test/clj/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webrouting/webrouting_service_handlers_test.clj
-@@ -154,44 +154,44 @@
+Index: trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9-clojure/test/clj/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webrouting/webrouting_service_handlers_test.clj
+--- trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9-clojure.orig/test/clj/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webrouting/webrouting_service_handlers_test.clj
++++ trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9-clojure/test/clj/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webrouting/webrouting_service_handlers_test.clj
+@@ -159,44 +159,44 @@
              (is (= (:status response) 200))
              (is (= (:body response) body))))))))
@@ -97,10 +97,10 @@ index f998a56..cd1fae6 100644
  (deftest endpoints-test-web-routing
    (testing (str "get-registered-endpoints and log-registered-endpoints are "
-diff --git a/test/clj/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webserver/jetty9_service_handlers_test.clj b/test/clj/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webserver/jetty9_service_handlers_test.clj
-index 7574f68..b485e77 100644
---- a/test/clj/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webserver/jetty9_service_handlers_test.clj
-+++ b/test/clj/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webserver/jetty9_service_handlers_test.clj
+Index: trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9-clojure/test/clj/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webserver/jetty9_service_handlers_test.clj
+--- trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9-clojure.orig/test/clj/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webserver/jetty9_service_handlers_test.clj
++++ trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9-clojure/test/clj/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webserver/jetty9_service_handlers_test.clj
 @@ -239,35 +239,35 @@
                handlers               {:on-connect (fn [ws] (ws-session/close! ws 4000 "Bye"))}]
            (add-websocket-handler handlers path))))))

@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+From: jonathannewman <jonathan.newman at puppetlabs.com>
+Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2023 11:51:21 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH] (maint) make service test less sensitive
+The service test contained a regular expression that matched on the
+size of the content. The headers that are included in the response
+depend on the platform and java version that are used to run the
+tests, so this removes the size part of the regular expression to
+make the tests less sensitive to environment. The underlying behavior
+in the test isn't impacted; it still validates that the logging occurred.
+Origin: upstream, https://github.com/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9/commit/ff7fb6686d4aeb7fbb3688c8e792df5e719f86d1
+Forwarded: not-needed
+ .../trapperkeeper/services/webserver/jetty9_service_test.clj    | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/test/clj/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webserver/jetty9_service_test.clj b/test/clj/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webserver/jetty9_service_test.clj
+index a6f0bb9..e39488b 100644
+--- a/test/clj/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webserver/jetty9_service_test.clj
++++ b/test/clj/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper/services/webserver/jetty9_service_test.clj
+@@ -737,7 +737,7 @@
+        ; we have to sleep the thread to avoid a race condition.
+        (Thread/sleep 10)
+        (let [list (TestListAppender/list)]
+-         (is (re-find #"\"GET /hi_world/ HTTP/1.1\" 200 28" (first list))))))
++         (is (re-find #"\"GET /hi_world/ HTTP/1.1\" 200 " (first list))))))
+     (testing "Mapped Diagnostic Context values are available to the access logger"
+       (with-test-access-logging

@@ -4,3 +4,4 @@

@@ -29,8 +29,6 @@ ifeq (,$(filter nocheck,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
 	lein test
-	rm -f debian/maven-repo
-	rm -f debian/pom.xml
-	rm -Rf target
-	dh_clean
+	rm -f .lein-failures debian/maven-repo debian/pom.xml resources/locales.clj
+	rm -rf .lein resources/puppetlabs target

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-(def jetty-version "9.4.48.v20220622")
+(def jetty-version "9.4.53.v20231009")
-(defproject puppetlabs/trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9 "4.4.1"
+(defproject puppetlabs/trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9 "4.5.2"
   :description "A jetty9-based webserver implementation for use with the puppetlabs/trapperkeeper service framework."
   :url "https://github.com/puppetlabs/trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9"
   :license {:name "Apache License, Version 2.0"
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
   :min-lein-version "2.9.1"
-  :parent-project {:coords [puppetlabs/clj-parent "5.2.9"]
+  :parent-project {:coords [puppetlabs/clj-parent "5.6.3"]
                    :inherit [:managed-dependencies]}
   ;; Abort when version ranges or version conflicts are detected in
@@ -76,22 +76,26 @@
                                        [puppetlabs/trapperkeeper nil :classifier "test"]
-                                       [stylefruits/gniazdo nil :exclusions [org.eclipse.jetty.websocket/websocket-api
-                                                                             org.eclipse.jetty.websocket/websocket-client
-                                                                             org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-util]]
                         :resource-paths ["dev-resources"]
                         :jvm-opts ["-Djava.util.logging.config.file=dev-resources/logging.properties"]}
              :dev [:defaults
-                   {:dependencies [[org.bouncycastle/bcpkix-jdk18on]]}]
+                   {:dependencies [[org.bouncycastle/bcpkix-jdk18on]
+                                   [stylefruits/gniazdo nil :exclusions [org.eclipse.jetty.websocket/websocket-api
+                                                                         org.eclipse.jetty.websocket/websocket-client
+                                                                         org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-util]]]}]
              ;; per https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/issues/1907
              ;; the provided profile is necessary for lein jar / lein install
              :provided {:dependencies [[org.bouncycastle/bcpkix-jdk18on]]
                         :resource-paths ["dev-resources"]}
-             :fips [:defaults ; merge in the dev profile
+             ;; a pseudo dev profile that can be combined with the FIPS profiling for testing only
+             :pseudo-dev {:dependencies [
+                                         [stylefruits/gniazdo nil :exclusions [org.eclipse.jetty.websocket/websocket-api
+                                                                               org.eclipse.jetty.websocket/websocket-client
+                                                                               org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-util]]]}
+             :fips [:defaults ; merge in the default profile
                     {:dependencies [[org.bouncycastle/bcpkix-fips]
@@ -101,7 +105,7 @@
                      ;; that sets up the JVM classpaths during installation.
                      :jvm-opts ~(let [version (System/getProperty "java.version")
                                       [major minor _] (clojure.string/split version #"\.")
-                                      unsupported-ex (ex-info "Unsupported major Java version. Expects 8 or 11."
+                                      unsupported-ex (ex-info "Unsupported major Java version. Expects 11 or 17."
                                                        {:major major
                                                         :minor minor})]
                                   (condp = (java.lang.Integer/parseInt major)
@@ -109,6 +113,7 @@
                                         (throw unsupported-ex))
                                     11 ["-Djava.security.properties==dev-resources/jdk11-fips-security"]
+                                    17 ["-Djava.security.properties==dev-resources/jdk11-fips-security"]
                                     (throw unsupported-ex)))}]
              :testutils {:source-paths ^:replace ["test/clj"]

@@ -26,6 +26,9 @@
 (def ContextHandlerOptions
   (dissoc (merge jetty9-core/ContextHandlerOptions RouteOption) :server-id))
+(def RingHandlerOptions
+  (dissoc (merge jetty9-core/RingHandlerOptions RouteOption) :server-id))
 (def ServletHandlerOptions
   (dissoc (merge jetty9-core/ServletHandlerOptions RouteOption) :server-id))
@@ -123,7 +126,7 @@
 (schema/defn ^:always-validate add-ring-handler!
   [context webserver-service
    svc :- (schema/protocol tk-services/Service)
-   handler options :- CommonOptions]
+   handler options :- RingHandlerOptions]
   (let [{:keys [path opts]} (compute-common-elements context svc options)
         add-ring-handler    (:add-ring-handler webserver-service)]
     (add-ring-handler handler path opts)))

@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+(ns puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.services.webserver.jetty9
+  "Currently only provides support for aliased keyword access for
+  clojure versions without :as-alias (before 1.11)."
+  (:require
+   [clojure.spec.alpha :as s])
+  (:import
+   (org.eclipse.jetty.server Response)))
+;; Currently just informational, i.e. not committing to support the
+;; spec alpha declaration publicly for now.
+(defn- response? [x] (instance? Response x))
+(s/def ::response response?)

@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
             [ring.util.codec :as codec]
             [clojure.string :as str]
             [clojure.tools.logging :as log]
+            [puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.services.webserver.jetty9 :as jetty9]
             [puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.services.webserver.jetty9-config :as config]
             [puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.services.webserver.experimental.jetty9-websockets :as websockets]
@@ -86,6 +87,9 @@
   (assoc CommonOptions (schema/optional-key :context-listeners) [ServletContextListener]
                         (schema/optional-key :follow-links) schema/Bool))
+(def RingHandlerOptions
+  (assoc CommonOptions (schema/optional-key :include-response) schema/Bool))
 (def ServletHandlerOptions
   (assoc CommonOptions (schema/optional-key :servlet-init-params) {schema/Str schema/Str}))
@@ -448,10 +452,11 @@
 (defn- ring-handler
   "Returns an Jetty Handler implementation for the given Ring handler."
-  [handler]
+  [handler include-response]
   (proxy [AbstractHandler] []
     (handle [_ ^Request base-request request response]
-      (let [request-map  (servlet/build-request-map request)
+      (let [request-map  (cond-> (servlet/build-request-map request)
+                           include-response (assoc ::jetty9/response response))
             response-map (handler request-map)]
         (when response-map
           (servlet/update-servlet-response response response-map)
@@ -466,7 +471,7 @@
    options :- ProxyOptions]
   (let [custom-ssl-ctxt-factory (when (map? (:ssl-config options))
-                                    (:ssl-config options)))
+                                   (:ssl-config options)))
         {:keys [request-buffer-size idle-timeout]} options]
     (proxy [ProxyServlet] []
       (rewriteTarget [req]
@@ -497,7 +502,7 @@
         (let [client (if custom-ssl-ctxt-factory
                        (HttpClient. custom-ssl-ctxt-factory)
                        (if-let [ssl-ctxt-factory (:ssl-context-factory
-                                                   @(:state webserver-context))]
+                                                  @(:state webserver-context))]
                          (HttpClient. ssl-ctxt-factory)
           (when request-buffer-size
@@ -519,8 +524,8 @@
       (sendProxyRequest [req resp proxy-req]
         (if-let [callback-fn (:callback-fn options)]
-         (callback-fn proxy-req req))
-       (proxy-super sendProxyRequest req resp proxy-req))
+          (callback-fn proxy-req req))
+        (proxy-super sendProxyRequest req resp proxy-req))
       ;; The implementation of onResponseFailure is duplicated heavily from:
       ;; https://github.com/eclipse/jetty.project/blob/jetty-9.4.1.v20170120/jetty-proxy/src/main/java/org/eclipse/jetty/proxy/AbstractProxyServlet.java#L624-L658
@@ -755,11 +760,11 @@
    handler :- (schema/pred ifn? 'ifn?)
    path :- schema/Str
    enable-trailing-slash-redirect? :- schema/Bool
-   normalize-request-uri? :- schema/Bool]
-  (let [handler
-        (normalized-uri-helpers/handler-maybe-wrapped-with-normalized-uri
-         (ring-handler handler)
-         normalize-request-uri?)
+   normalize-request-uri? :- schema/Bool
+   include-response :- (schema/maybe schema/Bool)]
+  (let [handler (normalized-uri-helpers/handler-maybe-wrapped-with-normalized-uri
+                 (ring-handler handler include-response)
+                 normalize-request-uri?)
         path (if (= "" path) "/" path)
         ctxt-handler (doto (ContextHandler. path)
                        (.setHandler handler))]
@@ -1060,8 +1065,8 @@
       (nil? new-config) (start-server-multiple context config))))
 (schema/defn ^:always-validate add-ring-handler!
-  [context handler path options :- CommonOptions]
-  (let [server-id     (:server-id options)
+  [context handler path options :- RingHandlerOptions]
+  (let [{:keys [include-response server-id]} options
         s             (get-server-context context server-id)
         state         (:state s)
         endpoint-map  {:type     :ring}
@@ -1069,7 +1074,8 @@
         enable-redirect  (get options :redirect-if-no-trailing-slash false)
         normalize-request-uri (get options :normalize-request-uri false)]
     (register-endpoint! state endpoint-map path)
-    (add-ring-handler s handler path enable-redirect normalize-request-uri)))
+    (add-ring-handler s handler path enable-redirect normalize-request-uri
+                      include-response)))
 (schema/defn ^:always-validate add-websocket-handler!

@@ -1,15 +1,20 @@
 (ns puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.services.webrouting.webrouting-service-handlers-test
-  (:import (servlet SimpleServlet))
-  (:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
-            [schema.test :as schema-test]
-            [puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.services :as tk-services]
-            [puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.services.webrouting.webrouting-service :refer :all]
-            [puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.services.webserver.jetty9-service :refer [jetty9-service]]
-            [puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.app :refer [get-service]]
-            [puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.testutils.webrouting.common :refer :all]
-            [puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.testutils.bootstrap :refer [with-app-with-config]]
-            [puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.testutils.logging :refer [with-test-logging]]
-            [puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.testutils.webserver :as testutils]))
+  (:require
+   [clojure.test :refer :all]
+   [schema.test :as schema-test]
+   [puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.services :as tk-services]
+   [puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.services.webrouting.webrouting-service :refer :all]
+   [puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.services.webserver.jetty9 :as jetty9]
+   [puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.services.webserver.jetty9-service :refer [jetty9-service]]
+   [puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.app :refer [get-service]]
+   [puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.testutils.webrouting.common
+    :refer [default-options-for-https-client http-get webrouting-plaintext-config]]
+   [puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.testutils.bootstrap :refer [with-app-with-config]]
+   [puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.testutils.logging :refer [with-test-logging]]
+   [puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.testutils.webserver :as testutils])
+  (:import
+   (org.eclipse.jetty.server Response)
+   (servlet SimpleServlet)))
 (use-fixtures :once
@@ -215,4 +220,20 @@
           (is (logged? #"^\{\"\/foo\" \[\{:type :ring}\]\}$"))
           (is (logged? #"^\{\"\/foo\" \[\{:type :ring}\]\}$" :info)))))))
+(deftest ring-handler-include-response
+  (with-test-logging
+    (with-app-with-config app
+      [jetty9-service webrouting-service test-dummy]
+      webrouting-plaintext-config
+      (let [handler-args (atom nil)]
+        (add-ring-handler (get-service app :WebroutingService)
+                          (get-service app :TestDummy)
+                          (fn [& args]
+                            (reset! handler-args args)
+                            {:status 200 :body "yep"})
+                          {:include-response true})
+        (let [{:keys [status body]} (http-get "http://localhost:8080/foo")]
+          (is (= 200 status))
+          (is (= "yep" body))
+          (is (= 1 (count @handler-args)))
+          (is (instance? Response (-> @handler-args first ::jetty9/response))))))))

@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
                                          :body "I am a handler"})
+                              false
       (is (= (count (.getHandlers handlers)) 1)))))

@@ -737,7 +737,7 @@
        ; we have to sleep the thread to avoid a race condition.
        (Thread/sleep 10)
        (let [list (TestListAppender/list)]
-         (is (re-find #"\"GET /hi_world/ HTTP/1.1\" 200 8" (first list))))))
+         (is (re-find #"\"GET /hi_world/ HTTP/1.1\" 200 28" (first list))))))
     (testing "Mapped Diagnostic Context values are available to the access logger"

@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
   `(let [srv#      (jetty9/start-webserver!
                      (assoc ~config :port 0))
-         _#        (jetty9/add-ring-handler srv# ~app "/" true false)
+         _#        (jetty9/add-ring-handler srv# ~app "/" true false false)
          ~port-var (-> (:server srv#)

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/clojure-team/trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9-clojure/-/compare/00616b47b43c1c1e03912c8e95f464ae30ddddcd...6e4ad9e5e940f0a63d50e81a7036e85cc3b24309

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