[Git][java-team/jtreg7][master] 2 commits: Import Upstream version 7.3.1+1+ds1

Vladimir Petko (@vpa1977) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Wed May 8 21:22:03 BST 2024

Vladimir Petko pushed to branch master at Debian Java Maintainers / jtreg7

fdcbc709 by Vladimir Petko at 2024-05-09T08:19:45+12:00
Import Upstream version 7.3.1+1+ds1
- - - - -
e1e70ea9 by tony mancill at 2024-05-09T08:19:45+12:00
Import Debian changes 7.3.1+1+ds1-1

jtreg7 (7.3.1+1+ds1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
  * Team upload
  [ Vladimir Petko ]
  * Vendor jtreg7 dependencies: apiguardian, hawt-jni, jansi1, jline3,
    junit4, junit5, libhamcrest-java, opentest4j, opentest4j-reporting,
    picocli, testng7, univocity-parsers to allow backports
    (Closes: #1068629).
    - d/watch: build MUT original tarball.
    - d/component-scripts: add scripts to build the bundled components.
    - d/copyright: include bundled components copyrights.
  * d/control: downgrade debhelper compatibility level to 11 for
  * d/rules: fix man page generation by using the version option.
  * Repack original tarball to drop excluded files.

- - - - -

30 changed files:

- − .github/workflows/test.yml
- + apiguardian/.github/workflows/main.yml
- + apiguardian/.gitignore
- + apiguardian/LICENSE
- + apiguardian/README.md
- + apiguardian/build.gradle.kts
- + apiguardian/gradle.properties
- + apiguardian/gradlew
- plugins/idea/gradlew.bat → apiguardian/gradlew.bat
- + apiguardian/settings.gradle.kts
- + apiguardian/src/main/java/org/apiguardian/api/API.java
- + apiguardian/src/module/java/org.apiguardian.api/module-info.java
- + debian/apiguardian/poms
- + debian/apiguardian/rules
- debian/changelog
- + debian/compat
- + debian/component-scripts/build-components.sh
- + debian/component-scripts/clean-components.sh
- + debian/component-scripts/setup-component.sh
- debian/control
- debian/copyright
- + debian/gbp-export.sh
- + debian/gbp-import.sh
- + debian/hawt-jni/maven.ignoreRules
- + debian/hawt-jni/maven.properties
- + debian/hawt-jni/maven.rules
- + debian/hawt-jni/poms
- + debian/hawt-jni/rules
- + debian/jansi1/maven.ignoreRules
- + debian/jansi1/maven.rules

The diff was not included because it is too large.

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/java-team/jtreg7/-/compare/213ff58cd718c70d2787f383e732eaea8723a544...e1e70ea9c81c1c2317ca1583d61a4563d6e2caac

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/java-team/jtreg7/-/compare/213ff58cd718c70d2787f383e732eaea8723a544...e1e70ea9c81c1c2317ca1583d61a4563d6e2caac
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