[Git][java-team/jasmin-sable][upstream] New upstream version 3.0.1+dfsg

Andreas Tille (@tille) gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Wed Jan 29 21:18:11 GMT 2025

Andreas Tille pushed to branch upstream at Debian Java Maintainers / jasmin-sable

8b89371e by Andreas Tille at 2025-01-29T22:15:16+01:00
New upstream version 3.0.1+dfsg
- - - - -

28 changed files:

- .classpath
- + .gitignore
- .project
- ant.settings.template
- build.xml
- generated/scm/AutoProcs.java
- generated/scm/AutoTypes.java
- + ivy.xml
- + ivysettings.xml
- lib/jas/src/jas/ClassEnv.java
- lib/jas/src/jas/EnclMethAttr.java
- lib/jas/src/jas/InsnOperand.java
- lib/jas/src/jas/InvokeDynamicCP.java
- lib/jas/src/jas/MethodHandleCP.java
- lib/jas/src/jas/RuntimeConstants.java
- lib/jas/src/scm/autogen/autogen.java
- + pom.xml
- src/jasmin/ClassFile.java
- + src/jasmin/ReservedInstructions.java
- src/jasmin/ReservedWords.java
- src/jasmin/Scanner.java
- src/jasmin/parser.cup
- src/jasmin/parser.java
- src/jasmin/sym.java
- + src/tables.out/shortarray_0.obj
- + src/tables.out/shortarray_1.obj
- + src/tables.out/shortarray_2.obj


@@ -2,12 +2,8 @@
 	<classpathentry kind="src" path="src"/>
 	<classpathentry excluding="scm/autogen/|scm/autogen/" kind="src" path="lib/jas/src"/>
-	<classpathentry kind="src" path="lib/jas/src/scm/autogen"/>
+	<classpathentry kind="src" path="generated"/>
 	<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER"/>
-	<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" kind="src" path="/libs">
-		<accessrules>
-			<accessrule kind="nonaccessible" pattern="soot/**"/>
-		</accessrules>
-	</classpathentry>
-	<classpathentry kind="output" path="bin"/>
+	<classpathentry kind="lib" path="libs/java_cup.jar"/>
+	<classpathentry kind="output" path="classes"/>

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-	<name>Jasmin</name>
+	<name>jasmin</name>

@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
+[![Build Status](http://soot-build.cs.uni-paderborn.de/jenkins/buildStatus/icon?job=soot/jasmin-build)](http://soot-build.cs.uni-paderborn.de/jenkins/job/soot/job/jasmin-build/)
 Jasmin README file			   Jan 22nd, 2012, Eric Bodden
-Welcome to Jasmin version sable-2.5.0.
+Welcome to Jasmin version sable-3.0.1.
 This is a specialized version of jasmin which is used as a back end for the
 Soot framework.  

@@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
 ## Location of Java Cup classes jar file to link Jasmin against
 # either classes dir or jar - note polyglot comes with cup-classes
 # Location in which to generate Jasmin release tarballs
 # Version of Jasmin for tagging tarballs
+# ANT javac source / target / encoding configuration

@@ -1,123 +1,190 @@
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
+<project default="compile" name="jasmin" xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant">
+  <property file="ant.settings" />
+  <property name="tables.dir" value="tables.out" />
+  <property name="ivy.install.version" value="2.1.0-rc2" />
+  <condition property="ivy.home" value="${env.IVY_HOME}">
+    <isset property="env.IVY_HOME" />
+  </condition>
+  <property name="ivy.home" value="${user.home}/.ivy2" />
+  <property name="ivy.jar.dir" value="${ivy.home}/lib" />
+  <property name="ivy.jar.file" value="${ivy.jar.dir}/ivy.jar" />
+  <path id="jas.src">
+    <pathelement location="lib/jas/src/jas" />
+  </path>
+  <path id="autogen.src">
+    <pathelement location="lib/jas/src/scm" />
+    <pathelement location="generated" />
+  </path>
+  <path id="scm.src">
+    <pathelement location="lib/jas/src" />
+    <pathelement location="generated" />
+  </path>
+  <path id="compile.src">
+    <pathelement location="src" />
+    <pathelement location="generated" />
+  </path>
+  <macrodef name="java-compile">
+    <attribute name="classpath" default="classes" />
+    <attribute name="source" />
+    <sequential>
+      <javac destdir="classes"
+             classpath="@{classpath}"
+             encoding="${ant.build.javac.encoding}"
+             debug="true"
+             deprecation="true"
+             optimize="true"
+             source="${ant.build.javac.source}"
+             target="${ant.build.javac.target}"
+             includeantruntime="false">
+        <src refid="@{source}" />
+      </javac>
+    </sequential>
+  </macrodef>
+  <target name="settings">
+    <fail message="Please copy ant.settings.template to ant.settings, and set the variables in it." unless="java_cup.jar" />
+  </target>
+  <target name="compile" depends="settings, scm">
+    <java-compile source="compile.src" classpath="classes:${java_cup.jar}" />
+    <mkdir dir="classes/${tables.dir}/" />
+    <copy todir="classes/${tables.dir}/">  
+      <fileset dir="src/${tables.dir}/" includes="**"/>  
+    </copy>
+  </target>
+  <target name="build_parser">
+    <java classname="java_cup.Main" dir="src/jasmin" classpath="${java_cup.jar}">
+      <arg line="src/jasmin/parser.cup" />
+    </java>
+    <move file="parser.java" tofile="src/jasmin/parser.java" />
+    <move file="sym.java" tofile="src/jasmin/sym.java" />
+    <mkdir dir="src/${tables.dir}/" />
+    <move todir="src/${tables.dir}/">
+      <fileset dir="${tables.dir}/"/>
+    </move>
+  </target>
+  <target name="scm" depends="autogen_run">
+    <java-compile source="scm.src" />
+  </target>
+  <target name="autogen_compile" depends="jas">
+    <java-compile source="autogen.src" />
+  </target>
+  <target name="autogen_run" depends="autogen_compile, determine-autogen-uptodate" unless="autogen-uptodate">
+    <java classname="scm.autogen.autogen" dir="generated/scm" classpath="classes" fork="true" />
+  </target>
+  <target name="determine-autogen-uptodate">
+    <uptodate property="autogen-uptodate" srcfile="lib/jas/src/scm/autogen/autogen.java" targetfile="generated/scm/AutoInit.java" />
+  </target>
+  <target name="jas">
+    <mkdir dir="classes" />
+    <java-compile source="jas.src" />
+  </target>
+  <target name="clean">
+    <delete quiet="true">
+      <fileset dir="classes" includes="**/*.class" />
+    </delete>
+  </target>
+  <target name="veryclean" depends="clean">
+    <delete quiet="true">
+      <fileset dir="generated/scm" includes="**/*" />
+    </delete>
+  </target>
+  <target name="jasmin-jar" depends="compile">
+    <mkdir dir="META-INF" />
+    <manifest file="META-INF/MANIFEST.MF">
+      <attribute name="Main-Class" value="jasmin.Main" />
+      <attribute name="Implementation-Version" value="${jasmin.version}" />
+    </manifest>
+    <jar destfile="${release.loc}/jasminclasses-${jasmin.version}.jar" manifest="META-INF/MANIFEST.MF">
+      <fileset dir="classes" />
+    </jar>
+    <delete dir="META-INF" />
+  </target>
+  <target name="jasmin-fulljar" depends="jasmin-jar">
+    <mkdir dir="META-INF" />
+    <manifest file="META-INF/MANIFEST.MF">
+      <attribute name="Main-Class" value="jasmin.Main" />
+      <attribute name="Implementation-Version" value="${jasmin.version}" />
+    </manifest>
+    <jar destfile="${release.loc}/jasmin-${jasmin.version}.jar" manifest="META-INF/MANIFEST.MF">
+      <zipfileset src="${release.loc}/jasminclasses-${jasmin.version}.jar" />
+      <zipfileset src="${java_cup.jar}" />
+    </jar>
+    <delete dir="META-INF" />
+  </target>
+  <target name="barebones" depends="clean, settings">
+    <jar destfile="${release.loc}/jasminsrc-${jasmin.version}.jar">
+      <fileset dir="." excludes="${release.loc}/**" />
+    </jar>
+    <tar destfile="${release.loc}/jasminsrc-${jasmin.version}.tar.gz" compression="gzip" longfile="gnu">
+      <tarfileset dir="." excludes="${release.loc}/**" />
+    </tar>
+  </target>
+  <target name="download-ivy" unless="offline">
+    <mkdir dir="${ivy.jar.dir}"/>
+    <!-- download Ivy from web site so that it can be used even without any special installation -->
+    <get src="https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/ivy/ivy/${ivy.install.version}/ivy-${ivy.install.version}.jar"
+         dest="${ivy.jar.file}" usetimestamp="true"/>
+  </target>
+  <target name="init-ivy" depends="download-ivy">
+    <!-- try to load ivy here from ivy home, in case the user has not already dropped
+            it into ant's lib dir (note that the latter copy will always take precedence).
+            We will not fail as long as local lib dir exists (it may be empty) and
+            ivy is in at least one of ant's lib dir or the local lib dir. -->
+    <path id="ivy.lib.path">
+      <fileset dir="${ivy.jar.dir}" includes="*.jar"/>
+    </path>
+    <taskdef resource="org/apache/ivy/ant/antlib.xml"
+             uri="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant" classpathref="ivy.lib.path"/>
+  </target>
+  <target name="gen-pom" depends="init-ivy">
+	<ivy:makepom ivyfile="ivy.xml" pomfile="${release.loc}/${ant.project.name}-${jasmin.version}.pom">
+		<mapping conf="default" scope="compile" />
+	</ivy:makepom>
+  </target>
+  <target name="publish-local" depends="init-ivy, gen-pom, jasmin-fulljar, jasmin-jar, barebones">
+    <ivy:resolve/>
+    <ivy:publish pubrevision="${jasmin.version}" status="release" resolver="local" overwrite="true" >
+      <artifacts pattern="${release.loc}/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]"/>
+    </ivy:publish>
+  </target>
+  <target name="publish-local-maven" depends="init-ivy, gen-pom, jasmin-fulljar, jasmin-jar, barebones" description="publish jar/source to maven repo mounted at ~/.m2/repository">
+		<ivy:resolve/>
+		<ivy:publish pubrevision="${jasmin.version}" resolver="local-m2-publish" forcedeliver="true" overwrite="true" publishivy="false">
+			<artifacts pattern="${release.loc}/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]" />
+		</ivy:publish>
+  </target>
-<project default="compile">
-    <property file="ant.settings"/>
-    <target name="settings">
-        <fail
-            message="Please copy ant.settings.template to ant.settings, and set the variables in it."
-            unless="java_cup.jar"
-        />
-    </target>
-    <target name="compile" depends="settings,scm">
-        <javac
-            destdir="classes"
-            classpath="classes:${java_cup.jar}"
-	    source="1.5"
-            target="1.5"
-            debug="true"
-        >
-            <src path="src"/>
-            <src path="generated/"/>
-        </javac>
-    </target>
-    <target name="build_parser">
-        <java
-            classname="java_cup.Main"
-            dir="src/jasmin"
-            classpath="${java_cup.jar}"
-            >
-        <arg line="src/jasmin/parser.cup"/>
-        </java>
-        <move file="parser.java" tofile="src/jasmin/parser.java"/> 
-        <move file="sym.java" tofile="src/jasmin/sym.java"/> 
-    </target>
-    <target name="scm" depends="autogen_run">
-        <javac
-            destdir="classes"
-            classpath="classes"
-            debug="true"
-            deprecation="true"
-	    source="1.5"
-            target="1.5"
-        >
-            <src path="lib/jas/src/scm"/>
-            <src path="generated/scm"/>
-        </javac>
-    </target>
-    <target name="autogen_compile" depends="jas">
-        <javac
-            destdir="classes"
-            classpath="classes"
-            debug="true"
-	    source="1.5"
-            target="1.5"
-        >
-            <src path="lib/jas/src/scm/autogen/"/>
-        </javac>
-    </target>
-    <target name="autogen_run" depends="autogen_compile, determine-autogen-uptodate" unless="autogen-uptodate">
-        <java
-            classname="autogen"
-            dir="generated/scm"
-            classpath="classes"
-            fork="true"
-        >
-        </java>
-    </target>
-    <target name="determine-autogen-uptodate">
-        <uptodate property="autogen-uptodate" srcfile="lib/jas/src/scm/autogen/autogen.java" targetfile="generated/scm/AutoInit.java"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="jas">
-        <javac
-            destdir="classes"
-            optimize="true"
-            debug="true"
-	    source="1.5"
-            target="1.5"
-        >
-            <src path="lib/jas/src/jas"/>
-        </javac>
-    </target>
-    <target name="clean">
-        <delete quiet="true">
-            <fileset dir="classes" includes="**/*.class"/>
-        </delete>
-    </target>
-    <target name="veryclean" depends="clean">
-        <delete quiet="true">
-            <fileset dir="generated/scm" includes="**/*"/>
-        </delete>
-    </target>
-    <target name="jasmin-jar" depends="compile">
-    	<mkdir dir="META-INF"/>
-        <manifest file="META-INF/MANIFEST.MF">
-           <attribute name="Main-Class" value="jasmin.Main"/>
-           <attribute name="Implementation-Version" value="${jasmin.version}"/> 
-        </manifest>
-        <jar destfile="${release.loc}/jasminclasses-${jasmin.version}.jar" manifest="META-INF/MANIFEST.MF">
-            <fileset dir="classes"/>
-        </jar>
-		<delete dir="META-INF"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="barebones" depends="clean,settings">
-        <jar destfile="${release.loc}/jasminsrc-${jasmin.version}.jar">
-            <fileset dir="."/>
-        </jar>
-        <tar destfile="${release.loc}/jasminsrc-${jasmin.version}.tar.gz" compression="gzip" longfile="gnu">
-            <tarfileset dir="."/>
-        </tar>
-    </target>

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 package scm;
 import jas.*;
-//Autogenerated by procinfo on Thu May 19 14:07:20 EDT 2005
+//Autogenerated by procinfo on Tue Feb 02 13:50:39 CET 2016
 class scmaddCPItem extends Procedure implements Obj
   Obj apply(Cell args, Env f)
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class scmaddCPItem extends Procedure implements Obj
   public String toString()
   { return ("<#jas-class-addcpe#>"); }
-//Autogenerated by procinfo on Thu May 19 14:07:20 EDT 2005
+//Autogenerated by procinfo on Tue Feb 02 13:50:39 CET 2016
 class scmaddField extends Procedure implements Obj
   Obj apply(Cell args, Env f)
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class scmaddField extends Procedure implements Obj
   public String toString()
   { return ("<#jas-class-addfield#>"); }
-//Autogenerated by procinfo on Thu May 19 14:07:20 EDT 2005
+//Autogenerated by procinfo on Tue Feb 02 13:50:39 CET 2016
 class scmaddInterface extends Procedure implements Obj
   Obj apply(Cell args, Env f)
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ class scmaddInterface extends Procedure implements Obj
   public String toString()
   { return ("<#jas-class-addinterface#>"); }
-//Autogenerated by procinfo on Thu May 19 14:07:20 EDT 2005
+//Autogenerated by procinfo on Tue Feb 02 13:50:39 CET 2016
 class scmsetClass extends Procedure implements Obj
   Obj apply(Cell args, Env f)
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ class scmsetClass extends Procedure implements Obj
   public String toString()
   { return ("<#jas-class-setclass#>"); }
-//Autogenerated by procinfo on Thu May 19 14:07:20 EDT 2005
+//Autogenerated by procinfo on Tue Feb 02 13:50:39 CET 2016
 class scmsetSuperClass extends Procedure implements Obj
   Obj apply(Cell args, Env f)
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ class scmsetSuperClass extends Procedure implements Obj
   public String toString()
   { return ("<#jas-class-setsuperclass#>"); }
-//Autogenerated by procinfo on Thu May 19 14:07:20 EDT 2005
+//Autogenerated by procinfo on Tue Feb 02 13:50:39 CET 2016
 class scmaddMethod extends Procedure implements Obj
   Obj apply(Cell args, Env f)
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ class scmaddMethod extends Procedure implements Obj
   public String toString()
   { return ("<#jas-class-addmethod#>"); }
-//Autogenerated by procinfo on Thu May 19 14:07:20 EDT 2005
+//Autogenerated by procinfo on Tue Feb 02 13:50:39 CET 2016
 class scmsetClassAccess extends Procedure implements Obj
   Obj apply(Cell args, Env f)
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ class scmsetClassAccess extends Procedure implements Obj
   public String toString()
   { return ("<#jas-class-setaccess#>"); }
-//Autogenerated by procinfo on Thu May 19 14:07:20 EDT 2005
+//Autogenerated by procinfo on Tue Feb 02 13:50:39 CET 2016
 class scmsetSource extends Procedure implements Obj
   Obj apply(Cell args, Env f)
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ class scmsetSource extends Procedure implements Obj
   public String toString()
   { return ("<#jas-class-setsource#>"); }
-//Autogenerated by procinfo on Thu May 19 14:07:20 EDT 2005
+//Autogenerated by procinfo on Tue Feb 02 13:50:39 CET 2016
 class scmwrite extends Procedure implements Obj
   Obj apply(Cell args, Env f)
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ class scmwrite extends Procedure implements Obj
   public String toString()
   { return ("<#jas-class-write#>"); }
-//Autogenerated by procinfo on Thu May 19 14:07:20 EDT 2005
+//Autogenerated by procinfo on Tue Feb 02 13:50:39 CET 2016
 class scmaddException extends Procedure implements Obj
   Obj apply(Cell args, Env f)
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ class scmaddException extends Procedure implements Obj
   public String toString()
   { return ("<#jas-exception-add#>"); }
-//Autogenerated by procinfo on Thu May 19 14:07:20 EDT 2005
+//Autogenerated by procinfo on Tue Feb 02 13:50:39 CET 2016
 class scmaddInsn extends Procedure implements Obj
   Obj apply(Cell args, Env f)
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ class scmaddInsn extends Procedure implements Obj
   public String toString()
   { return ("<#jas-code-addinsn#>"); }
-//Autogenerated by procinfo on Thu May 19 14:07:20 EDT 2005
+//Autogenerated by procinfo on Tue Feb 02 13:50:39 CET 2016
 class scmsetStackSize extends Procedure implements Obj
   Obj apply(Cell args, Env f)
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ class scmsetStackSize extends Procedure implements Obj
   public String toString()
   { return ("<#jas-code-stack-size#>"); }
-//Autogenerated by procinfo on Thu May 19 14:07:20 EDT 2005
+//Autogenerated by procinfo on Tue Feb 02 13:50:39 CET 2016
 class scmsetVarSize extends Procedure implements Obj
   Obj apply(Cell args, Env f)
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ class scmsetVarSize extends Procedure implements Obj
   public String toString()
   { return ("<#jas-code-var-size#>"); }
-//Autogenerated by procinfo on Thu May 19 14:07:20 EDT 2005
+//Autogenerated by procinfo on Tue Feb 02 13:50:39 CET 2016
 class scmsetCatchtable extends Procedure implements Obj
   Obj apply(Cell args, Env f)
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ class scmsetCatchtable extends Procedure implements Obj
   public String toString()
   { return ("<#jas-set-catchtable#>"); }
-//Autogenerated by procinfo on Thu May 19 14:07:20 EDT 2005
+//Autogenerated by procinfo on Tue Feb 02 13:50:39 CET 2016
 class scmaddEntry extends Procedure implements Obj
   Obj apply(Cell args, Env f)

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 package scm;
 import jas.*;
-//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Thu May 19 14:07:20 EDT 2005
+//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Tue Feb 02 13:50:39 CET 2016
 class scmAsciiCP extends Procedure implements Obj
   Obj apply(Cell args, Env f)
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ class scmAsciiCP extends Procedure implements Obj
   public String toString()
   { return ("<#make-ascii-cpe#>"); }
-//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Thu May 19 14:07:20 EDT 2005
+//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Tue Feb 02 13:50:39 CET 2016
 class scmClassCP extends Procedure implements Obj
   Obj apply(Cell args, Env f)
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class scmClassCP extends Procedure implements Obj
   public String toString()
   { return ("<#make-class-cpe#>"); }
-//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Thu May 19 14:07:20 EDT 2005
+//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Tue Feb 02 13:50:39 CET 2016
 class scmNameTypeCP extends Procedure implements Obj
   Obj apply(Cell args, Env f)
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class scmNameTypeCP extends Procedure implements Obj
   public String toString()
   { return ("<#make-name-type-cpe#>"); }
-//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Thu May 19 14:07:20 EDT 2005
+//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Tue Feb 02 13:50:39 CET 2016
 class scmFieldCP extends Procedure implements Obj
   Obj apply(Cell args, Env f)
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ class scmFieldCP extends Procedure implements Obj
   public String toString()
   { return ("<#make-field-cpe#>"); }
-//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Thu May 19 14:07:20 EDT 2005
+//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Tue Feb 02 13:50:39 CET 2016
 class scmInterfaceCP extends Procedure implements Obj
   Obj apply(Cell args, Env f)
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ class scmInterfaceCP extends Procedure implements Obj
   public String toString()
   { return ("<#make-interface-cpe#>"); }
-//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Thu May 19 14:07:20 EDT 2005
+//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Tue Feb 02 13:50:39 CET 2016
 class scmMethodCP extends Procedure implements Obj
   Obj apply(Cell args, Env f)
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ class scmMethodCP extends Procedure implements Obj
   public String toString()
   { return ("<#make-method-cpe#>"); }
-//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Thu May 19 14:07:20 EDT 2005
+//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Tue Feb 02 13:50:39 CET 2016
 class scmIntegerCP extends Procedure implements Obj
   Obj apply(Cell args, Env f)
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ class scmIntegerCP extends Procedure implements Obj
   public String toString()
   { return ("<#make-integer-cpe#>"); }
-//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Thu May 19 14:07:20 EDT 2005
+//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Tue Feb 02 13:50:39 CET 2016
 class scmFloatCP extends Procedure implements Obj
   Obj apply(Cell args, Env f)
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ class scmFloatCP extends Procedure implements Obj
   public String toString()
   { return ("<#make-float-cpe#>"); }
-//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Thu May 19 14:07:20 EDT 2005
+//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Tue Feb 02 13:50:39 CET 2016
 class scmLongCP extends Procedure implements Obj
   Obj apply(Cell args, Env f)
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ class scmLongCP extends Procedure implements Obj
   public String toString()
   { return ("<#make-long-cpe#>"); }
-//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Thu May 19 14:07:20 EDT 2005
+//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Tue Feb 02 13:50:39 CET 2016
 class scmDoubleCP extends Procedure implements Obj
   Obj apply(Cell args, Env f)
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ class scmDoubleCP extends Procedure implements Obj
   public String toString()
   { return ("<#make-double-cpe#>"); }
-//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Thu May 19 14:07:20 EDT 2005
+//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Tue Feb 02 13:50:39 CET 2016
 class scmStringCP extends Procedure implements Obj
   Obj apply(Cell args, Env f)
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ class scmStringCP extends Procedure implements Obj
   public String toString()
   { return ("<#make-string-cpe#>"); }
-//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Thu May 19 14:07:20 EDT 2005
+//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Tue Feb 02 13:50:39 CET 2016
 class scmVar extends Procedure implements Obj
   Obj apply(Cell args, Env f)
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ class scmVar extends Procedure implements Obj
   public String toString()
   { return ("<#make-field#>"); }
-//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Thu May 19 14:07:20 EDT 2005
+//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Tue Feb 02 13:50:39 CET 2016
 class scmConstAttr extends Procedure implements Obj
   Obj apply(Cell args, Env f)
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ class scmConstAttr extends Procedure implements Obj
   public String toString()
   { return ("<#make-const#>"); }
-//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Thu May 19 14:07:20 EDT 2005
+//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Tue Feb 02 13:50:39 CET 2016
 class scmscmOutputStream extends Procedure implements Obj
   Obj apply(Cell args, Env f)
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ class scmscmOutputStream extends Procedure implements Obj
   public String toString()
   { return ("<#make-outputstream#>"); }
-//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Thu May 19 14:07:20 EDT 2005
+//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Tue Feb 02 13:50:39 CET 2016
 class scmLabel extends Procedure implements Obj
   Obj apply(Cell args, Env f)
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ class scmLabel extends Procedure implements Obj
   public String toString()
   { return ("<#make-label#>"); }
-//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Thu May 19 14:07:20 EDT 2005
+//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Tue Feb 02 13:50:39 CET 2016
 class scmClassEnv extends Procedure implements Obj
   Obj apply(Cell args, Env f)
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ class scmClassEnv extends Procedure implements Obj
   public String toString()
   { return ("<#make-class-env#>"); }
-//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Thu May 19 14:07:20 EDT 2005
+//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Tue Feb 02 13:50:39 CET 2016
 class scmCodeAttr extends Procedure implements Obj
   Obj apply(Cell args, Env f)
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ class scmCodeAttr extends Procedure implements Obj
   public String toString()
   { return ("<#make-code#>"); }
-//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Thu May 19 14:07:20 EDT 2005
+//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Tue Feb 02 13:50:39 CET 2016
 class scmExceptAttr extends Procedure implements Obj
   Obj apply(Cell args, Env f)
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ class scmExceptAttr extends Procedure implements Obj
   public String toString()
   { return ("<#make-exception#>"); }
-//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Thu May 19 14:07:20 EDT 2005
+//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Tue Feb 02 13:50:39 CET 2016
 class scmCatchtable extends Procedure implements Obj
   Obj apply(Cell args, Env f)
@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ class scmCatchtable extends Procedure implements Obj
   public String toString()
   { return ("<#make-catchtable#>"); }
-//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Thu May 19 14:07:20 EDT 2005
+//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Tue Feb 02 13:50:39 CET 2016
 class scmCatchEntry extends Procedure implements Obj
   Obj apply(Cell args, Env f)
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ class scmCatchEntry extends Procedure implements Obj
   public String toString()
   { return ("<#make-catch-entry#>"); }
-//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Thu May 19 14:07:20 EDT 2005
+//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Tue Feb 02 13:50:39 CET 2016
 class scmIincInsn extends Procedure implements Obj
   Obj apply(Cell args, Env f)
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ class scmIincInsn extends Procedure implements Obj
   public String toString()
   { return ("<#iinc#>"); }
-//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Thu May 19 14:07:20 EDT 2005
+//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Tue Feb 02 13:50:39 CET 2016
 class scmMultiarrayInsn extends Procedure implements Obj
   Obj apply(Cell args, Env f)
@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ class scmMultiarrayInsn extends Procedure implements Obj
   public String toString()
   { return ("<#multianewarray#>"); }
-//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Thu May 19 14:07:20 EDT 2005
+//Autogenerated by typeinfo on Tue Feb 02 13:50:39 CET 2016
 class scmInvokeinterfaceInsn extends Procedure implements Obj
   Obj apply(Cell args, Env f)

@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<ivy-module version="2.0">
+    <info organisation="ca.mcgill.sable" module="jasmin"/>
+    <configurations>
+		<conf name="default" />
+ 		<conf name="sources" />
+	</configurations>
+    <publications>
+        <artifact name="jasmin" type="jar" ext="jar" conf="default" />
+        <artifact name="jasmin" type="pom" ext="pom" conf="default" />
+        <artifact name="jasminsrc" type="source" ext="jar" conf="sources" />
+        <!--
+        <artifact name="jasmin" type="classes" ext="jar" />
+        -->
+    </publications>
\ No newline at end of file

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  <settings defaultResolver="local"/>
+  <include url="${ivy.default.settings.dir}/ivysettings-local.xml"/>
+  <resolvers>
+    <ibiblio name="local-m2" m2compatible="true" root="file://${user.home}/.m2/repository" changingPattern=".*SNAPSHOT" />
+    <filesystem name="local-m2-publish" m2compatible="true">
+      <artifact pattern="${user.home}/.m2/repository/[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/[artifact]-[revision](-[classifier]).[ext]"/>
+    </filesystem>
+  </resolvers>
\ No newline at end of file

@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ public class ClassEnv implements RuntimeConstants
   Vector interfaces;
   Vector vars;
   Vector methods;
-  SourceAttr source;
+  SourceAttr source = null;
   Vector generic;
   boolean hasSuperClass;
   InnerClassAttr inner_class_attr;
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ public class ClassEnv implements RuntimeConstants
                                 // Fill in reasonable defaults
     magic = JAVA_MAGIC;
-    version_lo = (short) JAVA_MINOR_VERSION;
-    version_hi = (short) JAVA_VERSION;
+    version_lo = (short) JAVA1_2_MINOR_VERSION;
+    version_hi = (short) JAVA1_2_VERSION;
                                 // Initialize bags
     cpe = new Hashtable();
     cpe_index = null;
@@ -54,14 +54,24 @@ public class ClassEnv implements RuntimeConstants
     bsm_attr = null;
-  public void requireJava1_4(){
-    version_lo = (short) Math.max(version_lo,(short) JAVA_MINOR_HIGH_VERSION);
-    version_hi = (short) Math.max(version_hi,(short) JAVA_HIGH_VERSION);
+  public void requireJava1_4() {
+    version_lo = (short) Math.max(version_lo,(short) JAVA1_4_MINOR_HIGH_VERSION);
+    version_hi = (short) Math.max(version_hi,(short) JAVA1_4_HIGH_VERSION);
-  public void requireJava7(){
-    version_lo = (short) JAVA7_MINOR_HIGH_VERSION;
-    version_hi = (short) JAVA7_HIGH_VERSION;
+  public void requireJava5() {
+    version_lo = (short) Math.max(version_lo,(short) JAVA5_MINOR_HIGH_VERSION);
+    version_hi = (short) Math.max(version_hi,(short) JAVA5_HIGH_VERSION);
+  }
+  public void requireJava6() {
+    version_lo = (short) Math.max(version_lo, (short) JAVA6_MINOR_HIGH_VERSION);
+    version_hi = (short) Math.max(version_hi, (short) JAVA6_HIGH_VERSION);
+  }
+  public void requireJava7() {
+    version_lo = (short) Math.max(version_lo, (short) JAVA7_MINOR_HIGH_VERSION);
+    version_hi = (short) Math.max(version_hi, (short) JAVA7_HIGH_VERSION);
@@ -394,8 +404,14 @@ public class ClassEnv implements RuntimeConstants
    * for the clas.
    * @param source String with the name of the class
-  public void setSource(String source)
-  { this.source = new SourceAttr(source); this.source.resolve(this); }
+  public void setSource(String source) {
+	  if (source == null)
+		  this.source = null;
+	  else {
+		  this.source = new SourceAttr(source);
+		  this.source.resolve(this);
+	  }
+  }
    * Add a generic attribute to the class file. A generic attribute

@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ public class EnclMethAttr {
     void resolve(ClassEnv e){
-        e.addCPItem(meth);
+        if (null != meth)
+        	e.addCPItem(meth);
@@ -29,7 +30,8 @@ public class EnclMethAttr {
     public EnclMethAttr(String a, String b, String c) { //
         cls = new ClassCP(a);
-        meth = new NameTypeCP(b, c);
+        if (!b.isEmpty() && !c.isEmpty())
+        	meth = new NameTypeCP(b, c);
     int size(){
@@ -44,6 +46,6 @@ public class EnclMethAttr {
         out.writeInt(4); // fixed length
-        out.writeShort(e.getCPIndex(meth));
+        out.writeShort(null == meth ? 0 : e.getCPIndex(meth));

@@ -198,7 +198,9 @@ class LdcOperand extends InsnOperand implements RuntimeConstants
   void resolve(ClassEnv e)
   { e.addCPItem(cpe);
       if (cpe instanceof ClassCP){
-        e.requireJava1_4();
+    	// If the constant is a Type (for .class constants), 
+    	// the class major version must be 49.0 (Java5) or more.
+        e.requireJava5();

@@ -5,8 +5,9 @@
 package jas;
-import java.io.*;
+import java.io.DataOutputStream;
+import java.io.IOException;
 public class InvokeDynamicCP extends CP implements RuntimeConstants
@@ -19,18 +20,18 @@ public class InvokeDynamicCP extends CP implements RuntimeConstants
    * @param bsmName name of bootstrap method
    * @param bsmSig Signature of bootstrap method
    * @param bsmName uninterpreted name of called method
-   * @param bsmSig Signature of calledmethod
+   * @param bsmSig Signature of called method
    * @param bsmTableIndex index to the entry for the related bootstrap method in the BootstrapMethods attribute table
   public InvokeDynamicCP(String bsmClassName, String bsmName, String bsmSig, String methodName, String methodSig, int bsmTableIndex)
     this.bsmTableIndex = bsmTableIndex;
-	uniq = (bsmClassName + "fv0" + bsmName + "&%$91&" + bsmSig+ "*(012$" + methodName + "dfg8932" + methodSig).intern();
+    uniq = (bsmClassName + "fv0\u00A4" + bsmName + "&%$91&" + bsmSig+ "*(012$" + methodName + "dfg8932" + methodSig).intern();
     bsm = new MethodHandleCP(
-    		MethodHandleCP.STATIC_METHOD_KIND, //bootstrap methods are always static methods 
-    		bsmClassName, 
-    		bsmName, 
-    		bsmSig);
+        MethodHandleCP.STATIC_METHOD_KIND, //bootstrap methods are always static methods 
+        bsmClassName, 
+        bsmName, 
+        bsmSig);
     method = new NameTypeCP(methodName, methodSig);

@@ -5,14 +5,14 @@
 package jas;
-import java.io.*;
+import java.io.DataOutputStream;
+import java.io.IOException;
 public class MethodHandleCP extends CP implements RuntimeConstants
-	public final static int STATIC_METHOD_KIND = 6;
+  public final static int STATIC_METHOD_KIND = 6;
   int kind;
   CP fieldOrMethod;
@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ public class MethodHandleCP extends CP implements RuntimeConstants
   public MethodHandleCP(int kind, String ownerName, String fieldOrMethodName, String sig)
-	uniq = kind + "$gfd" + ownerName + "&%$91&" + fieldOrMethodName + "*(012$" + sig;
+    uniq = kind + "$gfd\u00A4" + ownerName + "&%$91&" + fieldOrMethodName + "*(012$" + sig;
     if(kind<5) { //first for kinds refer to fields
-    	fieldOrMethod = new FieldCP(ownerName, fieldOrMethodName, sig);
+      fieldOrMethod = new FieldCP(ownerName, fieldOrMethodName, sig);
     } else {
-    	fieldOrMethod = new MethodCP(ownerName, fieldOrMethodName, sig);
+      fieldOrMethod = new MethodCP(ownerName, fieldOrMethodName, sig);
     this.kind = kind;

@@ -7,10 +7,22 @@ public interface RuntimeConstants {
     // top-level constants
     public static final int JAVA_MAGIC = -889275714;
-    public static final int JAVA_VERSION = 46;
-    public static final int JAVA_MINOR_VERSION = 0;
-    public static final int JAVA_HIGH_VERSION = 49;
-    public static final int JAVA_MINOR_HIGH_VERSION = 0;
+    //  J2SE 8   = 52 (0x34 hex),
+    //  J2SE 7   = 51 (0x33 hex),
+    //  J2SE 6.0 = 50 (0x32 hex),
+    //  J2SE 5.0 = 49 (0x31 hex),
+    //  JDK  1.4 = 48 (0x30 hex),
+    //  JDK  1.3 = 47 (0x2F hex),
+    //  JDK  1.2 = 46 (0x2E hex),
+    //  JDK  1.1 = 45 (0x2D hex).
+    public static final int JAVA1_2_VERSION = 46;
+    public static final int JAVA1_2_MINOR_VERSION = 0;
+    public static final int JAVA1_4_HIGH_VERSION = 48;
+    public static final int JAVA1_4_MINOR_HIGH_VERSION = 0;
+    public static final int JAVA5_HIGH_VERSION = 49;
+    public static final int JAVA5_MINOR_HIGH_VERSION = 0;
+    public static final int JAVA6_HIGH_VERSION = 50;
+    public static final int JAVA6_MINOR_HIGH_VERSION = 0;
     public static final int JAVA7_HIGH_VERSION = 51;
     public static final int JAVA7_MINOR_HIGH_VERSION = 0;

@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+package scm.autogen;
                                 // Generate glue code
 import java.io.*;
@@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ class typeinfo
                   ("    "+java_inp_type[i]+" arg" + i +
                    " = (" + java_inp_type[i] + ")(((Selfrep)tmp).num);");
           default:              // primnode
@@ -83,7 +84,7 @@ class typeinfo
                scm_name + " expects a " + java_inp_type[i] +
                " for arg #" + (i+1) + "\"); }");
-              ("    if ((tmp != null) && !((((primnode)tmp).val) instanceof " + 
+              ("    if ((tmp != null) && !((((primnode)tmp).val) instanceof " +
                java_inp_type[i] + ")) { throw new SchemeError(\"" +
                scm_name + " expects a " + java_inp_type[i] +
                " for arg #" + (i+1) + "\"); }");
@@ -183,7 +184,7 @@ class procinfo
                scm_name + " expects a " + java_inp_type[i] +
                " for arg #" + (i+1) + "\"); }");
-              ("    if ((tmp != null) && !((((primnode)tmp).val) instanceof " + 
+              ("    if ((tmp != null) && !((((primnode)tmp).val) instanceof " +
                java_inp_type[i] + ")) { throw new SchemeError(\"" +
                scm_name + " expects a " + java_inp_type[i] +
                " for arg #" + (i+1) + "\"); }");
@@ -206,7 +207,7 @@ class procinfo
 class autogen implements jas.RuntimeConstants
   static String procs[][] =
                                 // Manipulate class env

@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
+  <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
+  <groupId>ca.mcgill.sable</groupId>
+  <artifactId>jasmin</artifactId>
+  <name>Jasmin</name>
+  <version>3.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version>
+  <description>Java Assembler Interface for the Soot framework</description>
+  <properties>
+    <maven.compiler.source>1.7</maven.compiler.source>
+    <maven.compiler.target>1.7</maven.compiler.target>
+    <project.build.sourceEncoding>UTF-8</project.build.sourceEncoding>
+  </properties>
+  <build>
+    <finalName>jasminclasses-trunk</finalName>
+    <sourceDirectory>src</sourceDirectory>
+    <testSourceDirectory>tests</testSourceDirectory>
+    <resources>
+      <resource>
+        <directory>src</directory>
+        <includes>
+          <include>tables.out/*.obj</include>
+        </includes>
+      </resource>
+    </resources>
+    <plugins>
+      <plugin>
+        <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
+        <artifactId>build-helper-maven-plugin</artifactId>
+        <version>1.12</version>
+        <executions>
+          <execution>
+            <phase>generate-sources</phase>
+            <goals>
+              <goal>add-source</goal>
+            </goals>
+            <configuration>
+              <sources>
+                <source>${basedir}/generated/scm</source>
+                <source>${basedir}/lib/jas/src</source>
+              </sources>
+            </configuration>
+          </execution>
+        </executions>
+      </plugin>
+      <plugin>
+        <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
+        <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId>
+        <version>3.2</version>
+      </plugin>
+      <plugin>
+        <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
+        <artifactId>maven-jar-plugin</artifactId>
+        <version>3.0.2</version>
+        <configuration>
+          <archive>
+            <manifest>
+              <addDefaultImplementationEntries>true</addDefaultImplementationEntries>
+              <mainClass>jasmin.Main</mainClass>
+            </manifest>
+          </archive>
+        </configuration>
+      </plugin>
+      <plugin>
+        <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
+        <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId>
+        <version>2.17</version>
+      </plugin>
+      <plugin>
+        <artifactId>maven-assembly-plugin</artifactId>
+        <configuration>
+          <descriptorRefs>
+            <descriptorRef>jar-with-dependencies</descriptorRef>
+          </descriptorRefs>
+          <finalName>jamsin-trunk</finalName>
+          <appendAssemblyId>false</appendAssemblyId>
+          <archive>
+            <manifest>
+              <addClasspath>true</addClasspath>
+              <mainClass>jasmin.Main</mainClass>
+            </manifest>
+          </archive>
+        </configuration>
+      </plugin> 
+      <plugin>
+        <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
+        <artifactId>maven-source-plugin</artifactId>
+        <executions>
+          <execution>
+            <id>attach-sources</id>
+            <goals>
+              <goal>jar</goal>
+            </goals>
+          </execution>
+        </executions>
+      </plugin>
+    </plugins>
+  </build>
+  <!-- Testing dependencies -->
+  <dependencies>
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>junit</groupId>
+      <artifactId>junit</artifactId>
+      <version>4.11</version>
+      <scope>test</scope>
+    </dependency>
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>org.hamcrest</groupId>
+      <artifactId>hamcrest-all</artifactId>
+      <version>1.3</version>
+      <scope>test</scope>
+    </dependency>
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>ca.mcgill.sable</groupId>
+      <artifactId>java_cup</artifactId>
+      <version>0.9.2</version>
+      </dependency>
+  </dependencies>
+  <repositories>
+    <repository>
+      <id>soot-snapshot</id>
+      <name>soot snapshots</name>
+      <url>http://soot-build.cs.uni-paderborn.de/nexus/repository/soot-snapshot/</url>
+    </repository>	
+    <repository>
+      <id>soot-release</id>
+      <name>sot release</name>
+      <url>http://soot-build.cs.uni-paderborn.de/nexus/repository/soot-release/</url>
+    </repository>
+  </repositories>	

@@ -17,13 +17,67 @@ package jasmin;
 import static jas.MethodHandleCP.STATIC_METHOD_KIND;
-import jas.*;
+import jas.AnnotElemValPair;
+import jas.AnnotationAttr;
+import jas.AnnotationDefaultAttr;
+import jas.ArrayElemValPair;
+import jas.AsciiCP;
+import jas.CP;
+import jas.Catchtable;
+import jas.ClassCP;
+import jas.ClassElemValPair;
+import jas.ClassEnv;
+import jas.CodeAttr;
+import jas.ConstAttr;
+import jas.DeprecatedAttr;
+import jas.DoubleCP;
+import jas.DoubleElemValPair;
+import jas.ElemValPair;
+import jas.EnclMethAttr;
+import jas.EnumElemValPair;
+import jas.ExceptAttr;
+import jas.FieldCP;
+import jas.FloatCP;
+import jas.FloatElemValPair;
+import jas.GenericAttr;
+import jas.IincInsn;
+import jas.InnerClassAttr;
+import jas.InnerClassSpecAttr;
+import jas.Insn;
+import jas.IntElemValPair;
+import jas.IntegerCP;
+import jas.InterfaceCP;
+import jas.InvokeDynamicCP;
+import jas.InvokeinterfaceInsn;
+import jas.Label;
+import jas.LineTableAttr;
+import jas.LocalVarEntry;
+import jas.LocalVarTableAttr;
+import jas.LongCP;
+import jas.LongElemValPair;
+import jas.LookupswitchInsn;
+import jas.Method;
+import jas.MethodCP;
+import jas.MethodHandleCP;
+import jas.MultiarrayInsn;
+import jas.ParameterVisibilityAnnotationAttr;
+import jas.SignatureAttr;
+import jas.StringCP;
+import jas.StringElemValPair;
+import jas.SyntheticAttr;
+import jas.TableswitchInsn;
+import jas.Var;
+import jas.VisibilityAnnotationAttr;
+import jas.jasError;
-import java.io.InputStream;
-import java.io.OutputStream;
 import java.io.DataOutputStream;
 import java.io.IOException;
-import java.util.*;
+import java.io.InputStream;
+import java.io.OutputStream;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Enumeration;
+import java.util.Hashtable;
+import java.util.Vector;
  * A ClassFile object is used to represent the binary data that makes up a
@@ -96,6 +150,7 @@ public class ClassFile {
 	if(currentMethod == null) 
 	    System.err.println("Error: no field in scope to add attribute onto.");
 	else {
+        class_env.requireJava6();
 	    class_env.addCPItem(new AsciiCP(name));
 	    currentMethod.addGenericAttr(new GenericAttr(name, value));
@@ -106,6 +161,7 @@ public class ClassFile {
 	if(currentField == null) 
 	    System.err.println("Error: no field in scope to add attribute onto.");
 	else {
+        class_env.requireJava6();
 	    class_env.addCPItem(new AsciiCP(name));
 	    currentField.addGenericAttr(new GenericAttr(name, value));
@@ -117,13 +173,14 @@ public class ClassFile {
         else {
             //System.out.println("adding deprec to field" );
+            class_env.requireJava6();
             currentField.addDeprecatedAttr(new DeprecatedAttr());
-    public void addGenericAttrToClass(GenericAttr g)
-    {
-	class_env.addGenericAttr(g);
+    public void addGenericAttrToClass(GenericAttr g) {
+        class_env.requireJava6();
+        class_env.addGenericAttr(g);
     static final String BGN_METHOD = "bgnmethod:";
@@ -196,24 +253,37 @@ public class ClassFile {
     void addClassDeprAttr(Object res){
         if (res != null){
+            class_env.requireJava5();
             class_env.setClassDepr(new DeprecatedAttr());
     void addClassSigAttr(Object res){
         if (res != null){
-            class_env.setClassSigAttr(new SignatureAttr((String)res));
+            String sig = (String)res;
+            class_env.setClassSigAttr(new SignatureAttr(sig));
+            // Templates were introduced in Java 5.
+            // http://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jvms/se7/html/jvms-4.html#jvms-4.3.4
+            // tells that "Signatures are used to encode Java programming language type
+            // information that is not part of the Java Virtual Machine type system, such
+            // as generic type"
+            if (sig.contains("<")) {
+                class_env.requireJava5();
+            }
     void addClassAnnotAttrVisible(Object res){
         if (res != null){
+            class_env.requireJava5();
     void addClassAnnotAttrInvisible(Object res){
         if (res != null){
+            class_env.requireJava5();
@@ -228,6 +298,9 @@ public class ClassFile {
     void addField(short access, String name,
                                 String sig, Object value, String synth, Object dep_attr, Object sig_attr, Object vis_annot_attr, Object vis_annot_attr2) {
+        if (sig.contains("<") || (sig_attr != null && ((String)sig_attr).contains("<"))) {
+            class_env.requireJava5();
+        }
         if (value == null) {
             // defining a field which doesn't have an initial value
@@ -236,14 +309,17 @@ public class ClassFile {
             else {
                 currentField = new Var(access, new AsciiCP(name), new AsciiCP(sig), null, new SyntheticAttr());
+                class_env.requireJava6();
         if(dep_attr != null){
+            class_env.requireJava5();
             currentField.addDeprecatedAttr(new DeprecatedAttr());
         if(sig_attr != null){
             currentField.addSignatureAttr(new SignatureAttr((String)sig_attr));
         if (vis_annot_attr != null){
+            class_env.requireJava5();
             VisibilityAnnotationAttr attribute = (VisibilityAnnotationAttr)vis_annot_attr;
@@ -251,6 +327,7 @@ public class ClassFile {
         if (vis_annot_attr2 != null){
+            class_env.requireJava5();
             VisibilityAnnotationAttr attribute = (VisibilityAnnotationAttr)vis_annot_attr2;
@@ -282,19 +359,38 @@ public class ClassFile {
             } else if (sig.equals("Ljava/lang/String;")) {
                cp = new StringCP((String)value);
+            // ******************************************
+            // *** README: Do not add the following code:
+            // ******************************************
+            //
+            // else if ((sig.equals("Ljava/lang/Object;") && value instanceof String)) {
+            //   cp = new StringCP((String)value);
+            // }
+            //
+            // See commit 1def25a42bf162766f7fe2ff8824643f79e43289
+            // "No initial value for fields with type other than a primitive type or java.lang.String"
+            //
             // add the field
-            if (synth == null){
-	    currentField = 
-            new Var(access, new AsciiCP(name),
-                               new AsciiCP(sig), new ConstAttr(cp));
-	        }
+            if (synth == null) {
+              currentField = new Var(
+                        access,
+                        new AsciiCP(name),
+                        new AsciiCP(sig),
+                        cp == null ? null : new ConstAttr(cp));
+            }
             else {
-	    currentField = 
-            new Var(access, new AsciiCP(name),
-                               new AsciiCP(sig), new ConstAttr(cp), new SyntheticAttr());
+                currentField = new Var(
+                        access,
+                        new AsciiCP(name),
+                        new AsciiCP(sig),
+                        cp == null ? null : new ConstAttr(cp),
+                        new SyntheticAttr());
+                class_env.requireJava6();
         if(dep_attr != null){
+            class_env.requireJava5();
             currentField.addDeprecatedAttr(new DeprecatedAttr());
         if(sig_attr != null){
@@ -359,27 +455,34 @@ public class ClassFile {
         else {
 	currentMethod  =  new Method(method_access, new AsciiCP(method_name),
 					    new AsciiCP(method_signature), code, except_attr, new SyntheticAttr());
+	class_env.requireJava6();
         if (methDepr){
+            class_env.requireJava5();
             currentMethod.addDeprecatedAttr(new DeprecatedAttr());
         if (methSigAttr != null){ 
             currentMethod.addSignatureAttr(new SignatureAttr(methSigAttr));
         if (methAnnotAttrVis != null){ 
+            class_env.requireJava5();
         if (methAnnotAttrInvis != null){ 
+            class_env.requireJava5();
         if (methParamAnnotAttrVis != null){ 
+            class_env.requireJava5();
         if (methParamAnnotAttrInvis != null){ 
+            class_env.requireJava5();
         if (methAnnotDef != null){ 
+            class_env.requireJava5();
             currentMethod.addAnnotationDef(new AnnotationDefaultAttr(methAnnotDef));
@@ -653,6 +756,7 @@ public class ClassFile {
 			    	for (int i = 0; i < bsmArgsList.length; i++) {
 			    		String sig = bsmArgsList[i].substring(1,bsmArgsList[i].indexOf(")"));
 			    		String val = bsmArgsList[i].substring(bsmArgsList[i].indexOf(")")+1);
+			    		val = unescape(val);
 			    		CP cp = null;
 			            if (sig.equals("I")||sig.equals("Z")||sig.equals("C")||sig.equals("B")||sig.equals("S")) {
 			                cp = new IntegerCP(Integer.parseInt(val));
@@ -689,7 +793,12 @@ public class ClassFile {
-    //
+    //see soot.baf.JasminClass.emitInst(...).new InstSwitch() {...}.escape(String)
+    private String unescape(String val) {    	
+		return val.replace("\\comma",",").replace("\\blank"," ").replace("\\tab","\t").replace("\\newline","\n");
+	}
+	//
     // Lookupswitch instruction
     void newLookupswitch() throws jasError {
@@ -951,6 +1060,9 @@ public class ClassFile {
     void addMethSigAttr(String s){
         methSigAttr = s;
+        if (s.contains("<")) {
+            class_env.requireJava5();
+        }
     void addEnclMethAttr(String cls, String meth, String sig){
@@ -1138,8 +1250,7 @@ public class ClassFile {
         // initialize variables for error reporting
         errors = 0;
         filename = name;
-	source_name = name;
         // if numberLines is true, we output LineTableAttr's that indicate what line
         // numbers the Jasmin code falls on.
         auto_number = numberLines;

@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+/* --- Copyright Alexandre Bartel 2015. All rights reserved. -----------------
+ */
+package jasmin;
+import java.util.Hashtable;
+import java_cup.runtime.Symbol;
+abstract class ReservedInstructions {
+	static Hashtable reserved_instructions;
+	// we can't pull this hashtable trick anymore, no more recycling allowed!
+	public static Symbol get(String name) {
+		Symbol template = (Symbol) reserved_instructions.get(name);
+		if (template != null)
+			return new Symbol(template.sym);
+		else
+			return null;
+	}
+	public static boolean contains(String name) {
+		return reserved_instructions.get(name) != null;
+	}
+	//
+	// scanner initializer - sets up reserved_instructions table
+	//
+	static {
+		reserved_instructions = new Hashtable();
+		// Jasmin directives
+		reserved_instructions.put("aaload", new Symbol(sym.i_aaload));
+		reserved_instructions.put("aastore", new Symbol(sym.i_aastore));
+		reserved_instructions.put("aconst_null", new Symbol(sym.i_aconst_null));
+		reserved_instructions.put("aload", new Symbol(sym.i_aload));
+		reserved_instructions.put("aload_0", new Symbol(sym.i_aload_0));
+		reserved_instructions.put("aload_1", new Symbol(sym.i_aload_1));
+		reserved_instructions.put("aload_2", new Symbol(sym.i_aload_2));
+		reserved_instructions.put("aload_3", new Symbol(sym.i_aload_3));
+		reserved_instructions.put("anewarray", new Symbol(sym.i_anewarray));
+		reserved_instructions.put("areturn", new Symbol(sym.i_areturn));
+		reserved_instructions.put("arraylength", new Symbol(sym.i_arraylength));
+		reserved_instructions.put("astore", new Symbol(sym.i_astore));
+		reserved_instructions.put("astore_0", new Symbol(sym.i_astore_0));
+		reserved_instructions.put("astore_1", new Symbol(sym.i_astore_1));
+		reserved_instructions.put("astore_2", new Symbol(sym.i_astore_2));
+		reserved_instructions.put("astore_3", new Symbol(sym.i_astore_3));
+		reserved_instructions.put("athrow", new Symbol(sym.i_athrow));
+		reserved_instructions.put("baload", new Symbol(sym.i_baload));
+		reserved_instructions.put("bastore", new Symbol(sym.i_bastore));
+		reserved_instructions.put("bipush", new Symbol(sym.i_bipush));
+		reserved_instructions.put("breakpoint", new Symbol(sym.i_breakpoint));
+		reserved_instructions.put("caload", new Symbol(sym.i_caload));
+		reserved_instructions.put("castore", new Symbol(sym.i_castore));
+		reserved_instructions.put("checkcast", new Symbol(sym.i_checkcast));
+		reserved_instructions.put("d2f", new Symbol(sym.i_d2f));
+		reserved_instructions.put("d2i", new Symbol(sym.i_d2i));
+		reserved_instructions.put("d2l", new Symbol(sym.i_d2l));
+		reserved_instructions.put("dadd", new Symbol(sym.i_dadd));
+		reserved_instructions.put("daload", new Symbol(sym.i_daload));
+		reserved_instructions.put("dastore", new Symbol(sym.i_dastore));
+		reserved_instructions.put("dcmpg", new Symbol(sym.i_dcmpg));
+		reserved_instructions.put("dcmpl", new Symbol(sym.i_dcmpl));
+		reserved_instructions.put("dconst_0", new Symbol(sym.i_dconst_0));
+		reserved_instructions.put("dconst_1", new Symbol(sym.i_dconst_1));
+		reserved_instructions.put("ddiv", new Symbol(sym.i_ddiv));
+		reserved_instructions.put("dload", new Symbol(sym.i_dload));
+		reserved_instructions.put("dload_0", new Symbol(sym.i_dload_0));
+		reserved_instructions.put("dload_1", new Symbol(sym.i_dload_1));
+		reserved_instructions.put("dload_2", new Symbol(sym.i_dload_2));
+		reserved_instructions.put("dload_3", new Symbol(sym.i_dload_3));
+		reserved_instructions.put("dmul", new Symbol(sym.i_dmul));
+		reserved_instructions.put("dneg", new Symbol(sym.i_dneg));
+		reserved_instructions.put("drem", new Symbol(sym.i_drem));
+		reserved_instructions.put("dreturn", new Symbol(sym.i_dreturn));
+		reserved_instructions.put("dstore", new Symbol(sym.i_dstore));
+		reserved_instructions.put("dstore_0", new Symbol(sym.i_dstore_0));
+		reserved_instructions.put("dstore_1", new Symbol(sym.i_dstore_1));
+		reserved_instructions.put("dstore_2", new Symbol(sym.i_dstore_2));
+		reserved_instructions.put("dstore_3", new Symbol(sym.i_dstore_3));
+		reserved_instructions.put("dsub", new Symbol(sym.i_dsub));
+		reserved_instructions.put("dup", new Symbol(sym.i_dup));
+		reserved_instructions.put("dup2", new Symbol(sym.i_dup2));
+		reserved_instructions.put("dup2_x1", new Symbol(sym.i_dup2_x1));
+		reserved_instructions.put("dup2_x2", new Symbol(sym.i_dup2_x2));
+		reserved_instructions.put("dup_x1", new Symbol(sym.i_dup_x1));
+		reserved_instructions.put("dup_x2", new Symbol(sym.i_dup_x2));
+		reserved_instructions.put("f2d", new Symbol(sym.i_f2d));
+		reserved_instructions.put("f2i", new Symbol(sym.i_f2i));
+		reserved_instructions.put("f2l", new Symbol(sym.i_f2l));
+		reserved_instructions.put("fadd", new Symbol(sym.i_fadd));
+		reserved_instructions.put("faload", new Symbol(sym.i_faload));
+		reserved_instructions.put("fastore", new Symbol(sym.i_fastore));
+		reserved_instructions.put("fcmpg", new Symbol(sym.i_fcmpg));
+		reserved_instructions.put("fcmpl", new Symbol(sym.i_fcmpl));
+		reserved_instructions.put("fconst_0", new Symbol(sym.i_fconst_0));
+		reserved_instructions.put("fconst_1", new Symbol(sym.i_fconst_1));
+		reserved_instructions.put("fconst_2", new Symbol(sym.i_fconst_2));
+		reserved_instructions.put("fdiv", new Symbol(sym.i_fdiv));
+		reserved_instructions.put("fload", new Symbol(sym.i_fload));
+		reserved_instructions.put("fload_0", new Symbol(sym.i_fload_0));
+		reserved_instructions.put("fload_1", new Symbol(sym.i_fload_1));
+		reserved_instructions.put("fload_2", new Symbol(sym.i_fload_2));
+		reserved_instructions.put("fload_3", new Symbol(sym.i_fload_3));
+		reserved_instructions.put("fmul", new Symbol(sym.i_fmul));
+		reserved_instructions.put("fneg", new Symbol(sym.i_fneg));
+		reserved_instructions.put("frem", new Symbol(sym.i_frem));
+		reserved_instructions.put("freturn", new Symbol(sym.i_freturn));
+		reserved_instructions.put("fstore", new Symbol(sym.i_fstore));
+		reserved_instructions.put("fstore_0", new Symbol(sym.i_fstore_0));
+		reserved_instructions.put("fstore_1", new Symbol(sym.i_fstore_1));
+		reserved_instructions.put("fstore_2", new Symbol(sym.i_fstore_2));
+		reserved_instructions.put("fstore_3", new Symbol(sym.i_fstore_3));
+		reserved_instructions.put("fsub", new Symbol(sym.i_fsub));
+		reserved_instructions.put("getfield", new Symbol(sym.i_getfield));
+		reserved_instructions.put("getstatic", new Symbol(sym.i_getstatic));
+		reserved_instructions.put("goto", new Symbol(sym.i_goto));
+		reserved_instructions.put("goto_w", new Symbol(sym.i_goto_w));
+		reserved_instructions.put("i2d", new Symbol(sym.i_i2d));
+		reserved_instructions.put("i2f", new Symbol(sym.i_i2f));
+		reserved_instructions.put("i2l", new Symbol(sym.i_i2l));
+		reserved_instructions.put("iadd", new Symbol(sym.i_iadd));
+		reserved_instructions.put("iaload", new Symbol(sym.i_iaload));
+		reserved_instructions.put("iand", new Symbol(sym.i_iand));
+		reserved_instructions.put("iastore", new Symbol(sym.i_iastore));
+		reserved_instructions.put("iconst_0", new Symbol(sym.i_iconst_0));
+		reserved_instructions.put("iconst_1", new Symbol(sym.i_iconst_1));
+		reserved_instructions.put("iconst_2", new Symbol(sym.i_iconst_2));
+		reserved_instructions.put("iconst_3", new Symbol(sym.i_iconst_3));
+		reserved_instructions.put("iconst_4", new Symbol(sym.i_iconst_4));
+		reserved_instructions.put("iconst_5", new Symbol(sym.i_iconst_5));
+		reserved_instructions.put("iconst_m1", new Symbol(sym.i_iconst_m1));
+		reserved_instructions.put("idiv", new Symbol(sym.i_idiv));
+		reserved_instructions.put("if_acmpeq", new Symbol(sym.i_if_acmpeq));
+		reserved_instructions.put("if_acmpne", new Symbol(sym.i_if_acmpne));
+		reserved_instructions.put("if_icmpeq", new Symbol(sym.i_if_icmpeq));
+		reserved_instructions.put("if_icmpge", new Symbol(sym.i_if_icmpge));
+		reserved_instructions.put("if_icmpgt", new Symbol(sym.i_if_icmpgt));
+		reserved_instructions.put("if_icmple", new Symbol(sym.i_if_icmple));
+		reserved_instructions.put("if_icmplt", new Symbol(sym.i_if_icmplt));
+		reserved_instructions.put("if_icmpne", new Symbol(sym.i_if_icmpne));
+		reserved_instructions.put("ifeq", new Symbol(sym.i_ifeq));
+		reserved_instructions.put("ifge", new Symbol(sym.i_ifge));
+		reserved_instructions.put("ifgt", new Symbol(sym.i_ifgt));
+		reserved_instructions.put("ifle", new Symbol(sym.i_ifle));
+		reserved_instructions.put("iflt", new Symbol(sym.i_iflt));
+		reserved_instructions.put("ifne", new Symbol(sym.i_ifne));
+		reserved_instructions.put("ifnonnull", new Symbol(sym.i_ifnonnull));
+		reserved_instructions.put("ifnull", new Symbol(sym.i_ifnull));
+		reserved_instructions.put("iinc", new Symbol(sym.i_iinc));
+		reserved_instructions.put("iload", new Symbol(sym.i_iload));
+		reserved_instructions.put("iload_0", new Symbol(sym.i_iload_0));
+		reserved_instructions.put("iload_1", new Symbol(sym.i_iload_1));
+		reserved_instructions.put("iload_2", new Symbol(sym.i_iload_2));
+		reserved_instructions.put("iload_3", new Symbol(sym.i_iload_3));
+		reserved_instructions.put("imul", new Symbol(sym.i_imul));
+		reserved_instructions.put("ineg", new Symbol(sym.i_ineg));
+		reserved_instructions.put("instanceof", new Symbol(sym.i_instanceof));
+		reserved_instructions.put("int2byte", new Symbol(sym.i_int2byte));
+		reserved_instructions.put("int2char", new Symbol(sym.i_int2char));
+		reserved_instructions.put("int2short", new Symbol(sym.i_int2short));
+		reserved_instructions.put("i2b", new Symbol(sym.i_i2b));
+		reserved_instructions.put("i2c", new Symbol(sym.i_i2c));
+		reserved_instructions.put("i2s", new Symbol(sym.i_i2s));
+		reserved_instructions.put("invokeinterface", new Symbol(sym.i_invokeinterface));
+		reserved_instructions.put("invokenonvirtual", new Symbol(sym.i_invokenonvirtual));
+		reserved_instructions.put("invokespecial", new Symbol(sym.i_invokespecial));
+		reserved_instructions.put("invokestatic", new Symbol(sym.i_invokestatic));
+		reserved_instructions.put("invokevirtual", new Symbol(sym.i_invokevirtual));
+		reserved_instructions.put("invokedynamic", new Symbol(sym.i_invokedynamic));
+		reserved_instructions.put("ior", new Symbol(sym.i_ior));
+		reserved_instructions.put("irem", new Symbol(sym.i_irem));
+		reserved_instructions.put("ireturn", new Symbol(sym.i_ireturn));
+		reserved_instructions.put("ishl", new Symbol(sym.i_ishl));
+		reserved_instructions.put("ishr", new Symbol(sym.i_ishr));
+		reserved_instructions.put("istore", new Symbol(sym.i_istore));
+		reserved_instructions.put("istore_0", new Symbol(sym.i_istore_0));
+		reserved_instructions.put("istore_1", new Symbol(sym.i_istore_1));
+		reserved_instructions.put("istore_2", new Symbol(sym.i_istore_2));
+		reserved_instructions.put("istore_3", new Symbol(sym.i_istore_3));
+		reserved_instructions.put("isub", new Symbol(sym.i_isub));
+		reserved_instructions.put("iushr", new Symbol(sym.i_iushr));
+		reserved_instructions.put("ixor", new Symbol(sym.i_ixor));
+		reserved_instructions.put("jsr", new Symbol(sym.i_jsr));
+		reserved_instructions.put("jsr_w", new Symbol(sym.i_jsr_w));
+		reserved_instructions.put("l2d", new Symbol(sym.i_l2d));
+		reserved_instructions.put("l2f", new Symbol(sym.i_l2f));
+		reserved_instructions.put("l2i", new Symbol(sym.i_l2i));
+		reserved_instructions.put("ladd", new Symbol(sym.i_ladd));
+		reserved_instructions.put("laload", new Symbol(sym.i_laload));
+		reserved_instructions.put("land", new Symbol(sym.i_land));
+		reserved_instructions.put("lastore", new Symbol(sym.i_lastore));
+		reserved_instructions.put("lcmp", new Symbol(sym.i_lcmp));
+		reserved_instructions.put("lconst_0", new Symbol(sym.i_lconst_0));
+		reserved_instructions.put("lconst_1", new Symbol(sym.i_lconst_1));
+		reserved_instructions.put("ldc", new Symbol(sym.i_ldc));
+		reserved_instructions.put("ldc_w", new Symbol(sym.i_ldc_w));
+		reserved_instructions.put("ldc2_w", new Symbol(sym.i_ldc2_w));
+		reserved_instructions.put("ldiv", new Symbol(sym.i_ldiv));
+		reserved_instructions.put("lload", new Symbol(sym.i_lload));
+		reserved_instructions.put("lload_0", new Symbol(sym.i_lload_0));
+		reserved_instructions.put("lload_1", new Symbol(sym.i_lload_1));
+		reserved_instructions.put("lload_2", new Symbol(sym.i_lload_2));
+		reserved_instructions.put("lload_3", new Symbol(sym.i_lload_3));
+		reserved_instructions.put("lmul", new Symbol(sym.i_lmul));
+		reserved_instructions.put("lneg", new Symbol(sym.i_lneg));
+		reserved_instructions.put("lookupswitch", new Symbol(sym.i_lookupswitch));
+		reserved_instructions.put("lor", new Symbol(sym.i_lor));
+		reserved_instructions.put("lrem", new Symbol(sym.i_lrem));
+		reserved_instructions.put("lreturn", new Symbol(sym.i_lreturn));
+		reserved_instructions.put("lshl", new Symbol(sym.i_lshl));
+		reserved_instructions.put("lshr", new Symbol(sym.i_lshr));
+		reserved_instructions.put("lstore", new Symbol(sym.i_lstore));
+		reserved_instructions.put("lstore_0", new Symbol(sym.i_lstore_0));
+		reserved_instructions.put("lstore_1", new Symbol(sym.i_lstore_1));
+		reserved_instructions.put("lstore_2", new Symbol(sym.i_lstore_2));
+		reserved_instructions.put("lstore_3", new Symbol(sym.i_lstore_3));
+		reserved_instructions.put("lsub", new Symbol(sym.i_lsub));
+		reserved_instructions.put("lushr", new Symbol(sym.i_lushr));
+		reserved_instructions.put("lxor", new Symbol(sym.i_lxor));
+		reserved_instructions.put("monitorenter", new Symbol(sym.i_monitorenter));
+		reserved_instructions.put("monitorexit", new Symbol(sym.i_monitorexit));
+		reserved_instructions.put("multianewarray", new Symbol(sym.i_multianewarray));
+		reserved_instructions.put("new", new Symbol(sym.i_new));
+		reserved_instructions.put("newarray", new Symbol(sym.i_newarray));
+		reserved_instructions.put("nop", new Symbol(sym.i_nop));
+		reserved_instructions.put("pop", new Symbol(sym.i_pop));
+		reserved_instructions.put("pop2", new Symbol(sym.i_pop2));
+		reserved_instructions.put("putfield", new Symbol(sym.i_putfield));
+		reserved_instructions.put("putstatic", new Symbol(sym.i_putstatic));
+		reserved_instructions.put("ret", new Symbol(sym.i_ret));
+		reserved_instructions.put("ret_w", new Symbol(sym.i_ret_w));
+		reserved_instructions.put("return", new Symbol(sym.i_return));
+		reserved_instructions.put("saload", new Symbol(sym.i_saload));
+		reserved_instructions.put("sastore", new Symbol(sym.i_sastore));
+		reserved_instructions.put("sipush", new Symbol(sym.i_sipush));
+		reserved_instructions.put("swap", new Symbol(sym.i_swap));
+		reserved_instructions.put("tableswitch", new Symbol(sym.i_tableswitch));
+		reserved_instructions.put("wide", new Symbol(sym.i_wide));
+	}

@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@
 package jasmin;
 import java.util.Hashtable;
-import java_cup.runtime.*;
+import java_cup.runtime.Symbol;
 abstract class ReservedWords {
     static Hashtable reserved_words;
@@ -87,10 +88,10 @@ abstract class ReservedWords {
         // reserved_words used in Jasmin directives
+        reserved_words.put("is", new Symbol(sym.IS));
         reserved_words.put("from", new Symbol(sym.FROM));
         reserved_words.put("method", new Symbol(sym.METHOD));
         reserved_words.put("to", new Symbol(sym.TO));
-        reserved_words.put("is", new Symbol(sym.IS));
         reserved_words.put("using", new Symbol(sym.USING));
         // Special-case instructions

@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
         - Added \\ to the list of possible escape characters for Strings.
         - March 15, 1999: $ does no longer significant substitution
+ */
 /* --- Copyright Jonathan Meyer 1996. All rights reserved. -----------------
  > File:        jasmin/src/jasmin/Scanner.java
@@ -15,406 +15,421 @@
 /* Scanner.java - class for tokenizing Jasmin files. This is rather
  * cheap and cheerful.
+ */
 package jasmin;
-import jas.*;
-import java_cup.runtime.*;
-import java.util.*;
+import jas.jasError;
 import java.io.InputStream;
 import java.io.InputStreamReader;
+import java.util.Hashtable;
+import java_cup.runtime.Symbol;
 class Scanner implements java_cup.runtime.Scanner {
-    InputStreamReader inp;
-    // single lookahead character
-    int next_char;
-    // temporary buffer
-    char chars[];
-    char secondChars[];
-    char[] unicodeBuffer;
-    // true if we have not yet emitted a SEP ('\n') token. This is a bit
-    // of a hack so to strip out multiple newlines at the start of the file
-    // and replace them with a single SEP token. (for some reason I can't
-    // write the CUP grammar to accept multiple newlines at the start of the
-    // file)
-    boolean is_first_sep;
-    // Whitespace characters
-    static final String WHITESPACE = " \n\t\r";
-    // Separator characters
-    static final String SEPARATORS = WHITESPACE + ":=";
-    // used for error reporting to print out where an error is on the line
-    public int line_num, char_num, token_line_num;
-    public StringBuffer line;
-    // used by the .set directive to define new variables.
-    public Hashtable dict = new Hashtable();
-    //
-    // returns true if a character code is a whitespace character
-    //
-    protected static boolean whitespace(int c) {
-        return (WHITESPACE.indexOf(c) != -1);
-    }
-    //
-    // returns true if a character code is a separator character
-    //
-    protected static boolean separator(int c) {
-        return (SEPARATORS.indexOf(c) != -1);
-    }
-    //
-    // Advanced the input by one character
-    //
-    protected void advance() throws java.io.IOException
-    {
-        next_char = inp.read();
-        if (next_char == '\n') {
-            // a new line
-            line_num++;
-            char_num = 0;
-            line.setLength(0);
-        } else {
-            line.append((char)next_char);
-            char_num++;
-        }
-    }
-    //
-    // initialize the scanner
-    //
-    final static int BIGNUM=65000;
-    public Scanner(InputStream i) throws java.io.IOException
-    {
-	inp = new InputStreamReader(i);
-        line_num = 1;
-        char_num = 0;
-        line = new StringBuffer();
-        chars = new char[BIGNUM];
-        secondChars = new char[BIGNUM];
-        unicodeBuffer = new char[4];
-        is_first_sep = true;
-        advance();
-    }
-    int readOctal(int firstChar) throws java.io.IOException {
-        int d1, d2, d3;
-        d1 = firstChar;
-        advance();
-        d2 = next_char;
-        advance();
-        d3 = next_char;
-        return ((d1-'0')&7) * 64 + ((d2-'0')&7) * 8 + ((d3-'0')&7);
-    }
-    //
-    // recognize and return the next complete symbol
-    //
-    public Symbol next_token()
-                throws java.io.IOException, jasError
-    {
-        token_line_num = line_num;
-        for (;;) {
-            switch (next_char) {
-            case ';':
-                // a comment
-                do { advance(); } while (next_char != '\n');
-            case '\n':
-                // return single SEP token (skip multiple newlines
-                // interspersed with whitespace or comments)
-                for (;;) {
-                    do { advance(); } while (whitespace(next_char));
-                    if (next_char == ';') {
-                        do { advance(); } while (next_char != '\n');
-                    } else {
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-                if (is_first_sep) {
-                    return next_token();
-                }
-                token_line_num = line_num;
-                return new Symbol(sym.SEP);
-            case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
-            case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
-            case '-': case '+':
-            case '.':                       // a number
-                {
-                    int pos = 0;
-                    // record that we have found first item
-                    is_first_sep = false;
-                    chars[0] = (char)next_char;
-                    pos++;
-                    for (;;) {
-                        advance();
-                        if (separator(next_char)) {
-                            break;
-                        }
-			try {
-			  chars[pos] = (char)next_char;
-			} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException abe) {
-			  char[] tmparray = new char[chars.length*2];
-			  System.arraycopy(chars, 0,
-					   tmparray, 0,
-					   chars.length);
-			  chars = tmparray;
-			  chars[pos] = (char)next_char;			 
+	InputStreamReader inp;
+	// single lookahead character
+	int next_char;
+	// temporary buffer
+	char chars[];
+	char secondChars[];
+	char[] unicodeBuffer;
+	// true if we have not yet emitted a SEP ('\n') token. This is a bit
+	// of a hack so to strip out multiple newlines at the start of the file
+	// and replace them with a single SEP token. (for some reason I can't
+	// write the CUP grammar to accept multiple newlines at the start of the
+	// file)
+	boolean is_first_sep;
+	// Whitespace characters
+	static final String WHITESPACE = " \n\t\r";
+	// Separator characters
+	static final String SEPARATORS = WHITESPACE + ":=";
+	// used for error reporting to print out where an error is on the line
+	public int line_num, char_num, token_line_num;
+	public StringBuffer line;
+	// used by the .set directive to define new variables.
+	public Hashtable<String, Object> dict = new Hashtable<String, Object>();
+	//
+	// returns true if a character code is a whitespace character
+	//
+	protected static boolean whitespace(int c) {
+		return (WHITESPACE.indexOf(c) != -1);
+	}
+	//
+	// returns true if a character code is a separator character
+	//
+	protected static boolean separator(int c) {
+		return (SEPARATORS.indexOf(c) != -1);
+	}
+	//
+	// Advanced the input by one character
+	//
+	protected void advance() throws java.io.IOException {
+		next_char = inp.read();
+		if (next_char == '\n') {
+			// a new line
+			line_num++;
+			char_num = 0;
+			line.setLength(0);
+		} else {
+			line.append((char) next_char);
+			char_num++;
+		}
+	}
+	//
+	// initialize the scanner
+	//
+	final static int BIGNUM = 65000;
+	public Scanner(InputStream i) throws java.io.IOException {
+		inp = new InputStreamReader(i);
+		line_num = 1;
+		char_num = 0;
+		line = new StringBuffer();
+		chars = new char[BIGNUM];
+		secondChars = new char[BIGNUM];
+		unicodeBuffer = new char[4];
+		is_first_sep = true;
+		advance();
+	}
+	int readOctal(int firstChar) throws java.io.IOException {
+		int d1, d2, d3;
+		d1 = firstChar;
+		advance();
+		d2 = next_char;
+		advance();
+		d3 = next_char;
+		return ((d1 - '0') & 7) * 64 + ((d2 - '0') & 7) * 8 + ((d3 - '0') & 7);
+	}
+	//
+	// recognize and return the next complete symbol
+	//
+	public Symbol next_token() throws java.io.IOException, jasError {
+		token_line_num = line_num;
+		for (;;) {
+			switch (next_char) {
+			case ';':
+				// a comment
+				do {
+					advance();
+				} while (next_char != '\n');
+			case '\n':
+				// return single SEP token (skip multiple newlines
+				// interspersed with whitespace or comments)
+				for (;;) {
+					do {
+						advance();
+					} while (whitespace(next_char));
+					if (next_char == ';') {
+						do {
+							advance();
+						} while (next_char != '\n');
+					} else {
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+				if (is_first_sep) {
+					return next_token();
+				}
+				token_line_num = line_num;
+				return new Symbol(sym.SEP);
+			case '"': // quoted strings
+			{
+				int pos = 0;
+				is_first_sep = false;
+				for (;;) {
+					advance();
+					if (next_char == '\\') {
+						advance();
+						switch (next_char) {
+						case 'n':
+							next_char = '\n';
+							break;
+						case 'r':
+							next_char = '\r';
+							break;
+						case 't':
+							next_char = '\t';
+							break;
+						case 'f':
+							next_char = '\f';
+							break;
+						case 'b':
+							next_char = '\b';
+							break;
+						case 'u': {
+							advance();
+							unicodeBuffer[0] = (char) next_char;
+							advance();
+							unicodeBuffer[1] = (char) next_char;
+							advance();
+							unicodeBuffer[2] = (char) next_char;
+							advance();
+							unicodeBuffer[3] = (char) next_char;
+							// System.out.println(unicodeBuffer[0] + ":" +
+							// unicodeBuffer[1] + ":" + unicodeBuffer[2] + ":" +
+							// unicodeBuffer[3] + ":");
+							next_char = (char) Integer.parseInt(new String(unicodeBuffer, 0, 4), 16);
+							// System.out.println("value: " + next_char);
+							break;
+						}
+						case '"':
+							next_char = '"';
+							break;
+						case '\'':
+							next_char = '\'';
+							break;
+						case '\\':
+							next_char = '\\';
+							break;
+						case '0':
+						case '1':
+						case '2':
+						case '3':
+						case '4':
+						case '5':
+						case '6':
+						case '7':
+							next_char = readOctal(next_char);
+							break;
+						default:
+							throw new jasError("Bad backslash escape sequence");
+						}
+					} else if (next_char == '"' || next_char < 0) {
+						break;
+					}
+					try {
+						if (chars.length == pos) {
+							char[] newChars = new char[chars.length * 2];
+							System.arraycopy(chars, 0, newChars, 0, chars.length);
+							chars = newChars;
+						}
+						chars[pos] = (char) next_char;
+					} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException abe) {
+						char[] tmparray = new char[chars.length * 2];
+						System.arraycopy(chars, 0, tmparray, 0, chars.length);
+						chars = tmparray;
+						chars[pos] = (char) next_char;
+					}
+					pos++;
+				}
+				advance(); // skip close quote
+				return new Symbol(sym.Str, new String(chars, 0, pos));
-                        pos++;
-                    }
-                    String str = new String(chars, 0, pos);
-                    Symbol tok;
-                    if(str.equals("+DoubleInfinity"))
-                        return new Symbol(sym.Num, new Double(1.0/0.0));
-                    if(str.equals("+DoubleNaN"))
-                        return new Symbol(sym.Num, new Double(0.0d/0.0));
-                    if(str.equals("+FloatNaN"))
-                        return new Symbol(sym.Num, new Float(0.0f/0.0));
-                    if(str.equals("-DoubleInfinity"))
-                        return new Symbol(sym.Num, new Double(-1.0/0.0));
-                    if(str.equals("+FloatInfinity"))
-                        return new Symbol(sym.Num, new Float(1.0f/0.0f));
-                    if(str.equals("-FloatInfinity"))
-                        return new Symbol(sym.Num, new Float(-1.0f/0.0f));
-                    // This catches directives like ".method"
-                    if ((tok = ReservedWords.get(str)) != null) {
-                        return tok;
-                    }
-                    Number num;
-                    try {
-                        num = ScannerUtils.convertNumber(str);
-                    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
-                        if (chars[0] == '.') {
-                            throw new jasError("Unknown directive or badly formed number.");
-                        } else {
-                            throw new jasError("Badly formatted number");
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if (num instanceof Integer) {
-                        return new Symbol(sym.Int, new Integer(num.intValue()));
-                    } else {
-                        return new Symbol(sym.Num, num);
-                    }
-                }
-            case '"':           // quoted strings
-                {
-                    int pos = 0;
-                    is_first_sep = false;
-                    for (;;) {
-                        advance();
-                        if (next_char == '\\') {
-                            advance();
-                            switch (next_char) {
-                            case 'n': next_char = '\n'; break;
-                            case 'r': next_char = '\r'; break;
-                            case 't': next_char = '\t'; break;
-                            case 'f': next_char = '\f'; break;
-                            case 'b': next_char = '\b'; break;
-                            case 'u': 
-                            {                          
-                                advance();
-                                unicodeBuffer[0] = (char) next_char;
-                                advance();
-                                unicodeBuffer[1] = (char) next_char;
-                                advance();
-                                unicodeBuffer[2] = (char) next_char;
-                                advance();
-                                unicodeBuffer[3] = (char) next_char;
-                                // System.out.println(unicodeBuffer[0] + ":" + unicodeBuffer[1] + ":" + unicodeBuffer[2] + ":" + unicodeBuffer[3] + ":");
-                                next_char = (char) Integer.parseInt(new String(unicodeBuffer, 0, 4), 16);
-                                // System.out.println("value: " + next_char);
-                                break;
-                            }
-                            case '"': next_char = '"'; break;
-                            case '\'': next_char = '\''; break;
-                            case '\\': next_char = '\\'; break;
-                            case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
-                            case '5': case '6': case '7':
-				next_char = readOctal(next_char);
+			case ' ':
+			case '\t':
+			case '\r': // whitespace
+				advance();
-                            default:
-				throw new jasError("Bad backslash escape sequence");
-                            }
-                        } else if (next_char == '"') {
-                            break;
-                        }
+			case '=': // EQUALS token
+				advance();
+				is_first_sep = false;
+				return new Symbol(sym.EQ);
+			case ':': // COLON token
+				advance();
+				is_first_sep = false;
+				return new Symbol(sym.COLON);
+			case -1: // EOF token
+				is_first_sep = false;
+				char_num = -1;
+				line.setLength(0);
+				return new Symbol(sym.EOF);
+			case '0':
+			case '1':
+			case '2':
+			case '3':
+			case '4':
+			case '5':
+			case '6':
+			case '7':
+			case '8':
+			case '9':
+			case '-':
+			case '+':
+			case '.': // a number
+			default: {
+				// read up until a separatorcharacter
+				int pos = 0;
+				chars[0] = (char) next_char;
+				is_first_sep = false;
+				pos++;
+				for (;;) {
+					advance();
+					if (separator(next_char)) {
+						break;
+					}
+					try {
+						chars[pos] = (char) next_char;
+					} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException abe) {
+						char[] tmparray = new char[chars.length * 2];
+						System.arraycopy(chars, 0, tmparray, 0, chars.length);
+						chars = tmparray;
+						chars[pos] = (char) next_char;
+					}
+					pos++;
+				}
+				// convert the byte array into a String
+				int secondPos = translateUnicodeCharacters(pos);
+				String str = new String(secondChars, 0, secondPos);
+				// Is this a number?
+				Symbol tok;
+				if ((tok = tryParseAsNumber(str)) != null) {
+					return tok;
+				}
+				if ((tok = ReservedWords.get(str)) != null || (tok = ReservedInstructions.get(str)) != null) {
+					// Jasmin keyword or directive 
+					// or Jasmin instruction
+					return tok;
+				} else {
+					// Unrecognized string token (e.g. a classname)
+					return new Symbol(sym.Word, str);
+				}
+			} /* default */
+			} /* switch */
+		} /* for */
+	}
+	private Symbol tryParseAsNumber(String str) throws jasError {
+		if (str.isEmpty())
+			return null;
+		// Check for special numbers
+		if (str.equals("+DoubleInfinity"))
+			return new Symbol(sym.Num, new Double(1.0 / 0.0));
+		if (str.equals("+DoubleNaN"))
+			return new Symbol(sym.Num, new Double(0.0d / 0.0));
+		if (str.equals("+FloatNaN"))
+			return new Symbol(sym.Num, new Float(0.0f / 0.0));
+		if (str.equals("-DoubleInfinity"))
+			return new Symbol(sym.Num, new Double(-1.0 / 0.0));
+		if (str.equals("+FloatInfinity"))
+			return new Symbol(sym.Num, new Float(1.0f / 0.0f));
+		if (str.equals("-FloatInfinity"))
+			return new Symbol(sym.Num, new Float(-1.0f / 0.0f));
+		// This catches directives like ".method"
+		Symbol tok;
+		if ((tok = ReservedWords.get(str)) != null) {
+			return tok;
+		}
+		// Is this a method signature?
+		int idxOpen = str.indexOf("(");
+		int idxClose = str.indexOf(")");
+		if (idxOpen > 0 && idxClose > idxOpen)
+			return null;
+		// Parse regular numbers
+		char c = str.charAt(0);
+		if (c == '0'
+				|| c == '1'
+				|| c == '2'
+				|| c == '3'
+				|| c == '4'
+				|| c == '5'
+				|| c == '6'
+				|| c == '7'
+				|| c == '8'
+				|| c == '9'
+				|| c == '-'
+				|| c == '+'
+				|| c == '.') {
+			Number num;
 			try {
-			  chars[pos] = (char)next_char;
-			} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException abe) {
-			  char[] tmparray = new char[chars.length*2];
-			  System.arraycopy(chars, 0,
-					   tmparray, 0,
-					   chars.length);
-			  chars = tmparray;
-			  chars[pos] = (char)next_char;
+				num = ScannerUtils.convertNumber(str);
+			} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
+				if (chars[0] == '.') {
+					throw new jasError("Unknown directive or badly formed number.");
+				} else {
+					throw new jasError("Badly formatted number: " + str);
+				}
-                        pos++;
-                    }
-                    advance(); // skip close quote
-                    return new Symbol(sym.Str, new String(chars, 0, pos));
-                }
-            case ' ':
-            case '\t':
-            case '\r':              // whitespace
-                advance();
-                break;
-            case '=':               // EQUALS token
-                advance();
-                is_first_sep = false;
-                return new Symbol(sym.EQ);
-            case ':':               // COLON token
-                advance();
-                is_first_sep = false;
-                return new Symbol(sym.COLON);
-            case -1:                // EOF token
-                is_first_sep = false;
-                char_num = -1;
-                line.setLength(0);
-                return new Symbol(sym.EOF);
-            default:
-                {
-                    // read up until a separatorcharacter
-                    int pos = 0;
-                    int secondPos = 0;
-                    chars[0] = (char)next_char;
-                    is_first_sep = false;
-                    pos++;
-                    for (;;) {
-                        advance();
-                        if (separator(next_char)) {
-                            break;
-                        }
-			try {
-			  chars[pos] = (char)next_char;
-			} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException abe) {
-			  char[] tmparray = new char[chars.length*2];
-			  System.arraycopy(chars, 0,
-					   tmparray, 0,
-					   chars.length);
-			  chars = tmparray;
-			  chars[pos] = (char)next_char;
+			if (num instanceof Integer) {
+				return new Symbol(sym.Int, new Integer(num.intValue()));
+			} else {
+				return new Symbol(sym.Num, num);
+			}
+		}
+		return null;
+	}
+	private int translateUnicodeCharacters(int pos) {
+		// Parse all the unicode escape sequences
+		int secondPos = 0;
+		for (int i = 0; i < pos; i++) {
+			if (chars[i] == '\\' && (i + 5) < pos && chars[i + 1] == 'u') {
+				int intValue = Integer.parseInt(new String(chars, i + 2, 4), 16);
+				try {
+					secondChars[secondPos] = (char) intValue;
+				} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException abe) {
+					char[] tmparray = new char[secondChars.length * 2];
+					System.arraycopy(secondChars, 0, tmparray, 0, secondChars.length);
+					secondChars = tmparray;
+					secondChars[secondPos] = (char) intValue;
+				}
+				secondPos++;
+				i += 5;
+			} else {
+				try {
+					secondChars[secondPos] = chars[i];
+				} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException abe) {
+					char[] tmparray = new char[secondChars.length * 2];
+					System.arraycopy(secondChars, 0, tmparray, 0, secondChars.length);
+					secondChars = tmparray;
+					secondChars[secondPos] = chars[i];
+				}
+				secondPos++;
-                        pos++;
-                    }
-                    secondPos = 0;
-                    // Parse all the unicode escape sequences
-                        for(int i = 0; i < pos; i++)
-                        {
-			  if(chars[i] == '\\' && (i + 5) < pos &&
-			     chars[i+1] == 'u') {
-			    int intValue = 
-			      Integer.parseInt(new String(chars, i+2, 4), 16);
-			    try {
-			      secondChars[secondPos] = (char) intValue;
-			    } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException abe) {
-			      char[] tmparray = 
-				new char[secondChars.length*2];
-			      System.arraycopy(secondChars, 0,
-					       tmparray, 0,
-					       secondChars.length);
-			      secondChars = tmparray;
-			      secondChars[secondPos] = (char)intValue;
-			    }
-			    secondPos++;
-			    i += 5;
-			  } else {
-			    try {
-			      secondChars[secondPos] = chars[i];
-			    } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException abe) {
-			      char[] tmparray = 
-				new char[secondChars.length*2];
-			      System.arraycopy(secondChars, 0,
-					       tmparray, 0,
-					       secondChars.length);
-			      secondChars = tmparray;
-			      secondChars[secondPos] = chars[i];
-			    }
-			    secondPos++;
-			  }
-                        }
-                    // convert the byte array into a String
-                    String str = new String(secondChars, 0, secondPos);
-                    Symbol tok;
-                    if ((tok = ReservedWords.get(str)) != null) {
-                        // Jasmin keyword or directive
-                        return tok;
-                    } else if (InsnInfo.contains(str)) {
-                        // its a JVM instruction
-                        return new Symbol(sym.Insn, str);
-                    } /*else if (str.charAt(0) == '$') {
-                        // Perform variable substitution
-                        Object v;
-                        if ((v = dict.get(str.substring(1))) != null) {
-                            return ((Symbol)v);
-                        }
-                    } */ else {
-                        // Unrecognized string token (e.g. a classname)
-                        return new Symbol(sym.Word, str);
-                    }
-                } /* default */
-            } /* switch */
-        } /* for */
-    }
+		}
+		return secondPos;
+	}
-/* --- Revision History ---------------------------------------------------
---- Jonathan Meyer, Feb 8 1997
-    Converted to be non-static
---- Jonathan Meyer, Oct 30 1996
-    Added support for more \ escapes in quoted strings (including octals).
---- Jonathan Meyer, Oct 1 1996
-    Added .interface and .implements
---- Jonathan Meyer, July 25 1996
-    changed IN to IS. Added token_line_num, which is the line number of the
-    last token returned by next_token().
---- Jonathan Meyer, July 24 1996 added mods to recognize '\r' as whitespace.
+ * --- Revision History --------------------------------------------------- ---
+ * Jonathan Meyer, Feb 8 1997 Converted to be non-static --- Jonathan Meyer, Oct
+ * 30 1996 Added support for more \ escapes in quoted strings (including
+ * octals). --- Jonathan Meyer, Oct 1 1996 Added .interface and .implements ---
+ * Jonathan Meyer, July 25 1996 changed IN to IS. Added token_line_num, which is
+ * the line number of the last token returned by next_token(). --- Jonathan
+ * Meyer, July 24 1996 added mods to recognize '\r' as whitespace.
+ */

@@ -96,15 +96,38 @@ terminal token
     // special symbols
+    EQ, SEP, COLON,
+    // instructions
+    i_aaload, i_aastore, i_aconst_null, i_aload, i_aload_0, i_aload_1, i_aload_2, i_aload_3, i_anewarray, i_areturn, 
+    i_arraylength, i_astore, i_astore_0, i_astore_1, i_astore_2, i_astore_3, i_athrow, i_baload, i_bastore, i_bipush, 
+    i_breakpoint, i_caload, i_castore, i_checkcast, i_d2f, i_d2i, i_d2l, i_dadd, i_daload, i_dastore, i_dcmpg, i_dcmpl, 
+    i_dconst_0, i_dconst_1, i_ddiv, i_dload, i_dload_0, i_dload_1, i_dload_2, i_dload_3, i_dmul, i_dneg, i_drem, i_dreturn, 
+    i_dstore, i_dstore_0, i_dstore_1, i_dstore_2, i_dstore_3, i_dsub, i_dup, i_dup2, i_dup2_x1, i_dup2_x2, i_dup_x1, 
+    i_dup_x2, i_f2d, i_f2i, i_f2l, i_fadd, i_faload, i_fastore, i_fcmpg, i_fcmpl, i_fconst_0, i_fconst_1, i_fconst_2, 
+    i_fdiv, i_fload, i_fload_0, i_fload_1, i_fload_2, i_fload_3, i_fmul, i_fneg, i_frem, i_freturn, i_fstore, i_fstore_0, 
+    i_fstore_1, i_fstore_2, i_fstore_3, i_fsub, i_getfield, i_getstatic, i_goto, i_goto_w, i_i2d, i_i2f, i_i2l, i_iadd, 
+    i_iaload, i_iand, i_iastore, i_iconst_0, i_iconst_1, i_iconst_2, i_iconst_3, i_iconst_4, i_iconst_5, i_iconst_m1, 
+    i_idiv, i_if_acmpeq, i_if_acmpne, i_if_icmpeq, i_if_icmpge, i_if_icmpgt, i_if_icmple, i_if_icmplt, i_if_icmpne, 
+    i_ifeq, i_ifge, i_ifgt, i_ifle, i_iflt, i_ifne, i_ifnonnull, i_ifnull, i_iinc, i_iload, i_iload_0, i_iload_1, 
+    i_iload_2, i_iload_3, i_imul, i_ineg, i_instanceof, i_int2byte, i_int2char, i_int2short, i_i2b, i_i2c, i_i2s, 
+    i_invokeinterface, i_invokenonvirtual, i_invokespecial, i_invokestatic, i_invokevirtual, i_invokedynamic, i_ior, 
+    i_irem, i_ireturn, i_ishl, i_ishr, i_istore, i_istore_0, i_istore_1, i_istore_2, i_istore_3, i_isub, i_iushr, i_ixor, 
+    i_jsr, i_jsr_w, i_l2d, i_l2f, i_l2i, i_ladd, i_laload, i_land, i_lastore, i_lcmp, i_lconst_0, i_lconst_1, i_ldc, 
+    i_ldc_w, i_ldc2_w, i_ldiv, i_lload, i_lload_0, i_lload_1, i_lload_2, i_lload_3, i_lmul, i_lneg, i_lookupswitch, 
+    i_lor, i_lrem, i_lreturn, i_lshl, i_lshr, i_lstore, i_lstore_0, i_lstore_1, i_lstore_2, i_lstore_3, i_lsub, i_lushr, 
+    i_lxor, i_monitorenter, i_monitorexit, i_multianewarray, i_new, i_newarray, i_nop, i_pop, i_pop2, i_putfield, 
+    i_putstatic, i_ret, i_ret_w, i_return, i_saload, i_sastore, i_sipush, i_swap, i_tableswitch, i_wide
-terminal String Str, Word, Insn;
+terminal String Str, Word;
 terminal Integer Int;
 terminal Number Num;
-nonterminal String classname;
+nonterminal String Insn;
+nonterminal String Word_plus_keywords;
 nonterminal Object optional_default, item;
 nonterminal Object deprecated_attr, signature_attr;
@@ -168,13 +191,13 @@ source_spec ::=
 // ---- Class specification
 class_spec ::=
-    DCLASS access:a classname:name SEP
+    DCLASS access:a Word_plus_keywords:name SEP
                 (short)(a.intValue() | RuntimeConstants.ACC_SUPER));
-    DINTERFACE access:a classname:name SEP
+    DINTERFACE access:a Word_plus_keywords:name SEP
                 (short)(a.intValue() |
@@ -182,12 +205,231 @@ class_spec ::=
-classname ::=
-    Word:w
-        {: RESULT = ScannerUtils.convertDots(w); :}
+Word_plus_keywords ::=
+    Word:w       {: RESULT = ScannerUtils.convertDots(w); :}
+  | FROM         {: RESULT = "from"; :}
+  | TO           {: RESULT = "to"; :}
+  | USING        {: RESULT = "using"; :}
+  | IS           {: RESULT = "is"; :}
+  | METHOD       {: RESULT = "method"; :}
+  | LOOKUPSWITCH {: RESULT = "lookupswitch"; :}
+  | TABLESWITCH  {: RESULT = "tableswitch"; :}
+  | DEFAULT      {: RESULT = "default"; :}
+  | Insn:i       {: RESULT = i; :} 
+// Don't wanna live in another world. That's the way it was meant to be.
+Insn ::=
+  i_aaload {: RESULT = "aaload" :}
+| i_aastore {: RESULT = "aastore" :}
+| i_aconst_null {: RESULT = "aconst_null" :}
+| i_aload {: RESULT = "aload" :}
+| i_aload_0 {: RESULT = "aload_0" :}
+| i_aload_1 {: RESULT = "aload_1" :}
+| i_aload_2 {: RESULT = "aload_2" :}
+| i_aload_3 {: RESULT = "aload_3" :}
+| i_anewarray {: RESULT = "anewarray" :}
+| i_areturn {: RESULT = "areturn" :}
+| i_arraylength {: RESULT = "arraylength" :}
+| i_astore {: RESULT = "astore" :}
+| i_astore_0 {: RESULT = "astore_0" :}
+| i_astore_1 {: RESULT = "astore_1" :}
+| i_astore_2 {: RESULT = "astore_2" :}
+| i_astore_3 {: RESULT = "astore_3" :}
+| i_athrow {: RESULT = "athrow" :}
+| i_baload {: RESULT = "baload" :}
+| i_bastore {: RESULT = "bastore" :}
+| i_bipush {: RESULT = "bipush" :}
+| i_breakpoint {: RESULT = "breakpoint" :}
+| i_caload {: RESULT = "caload" :}
+| i_castore {: RESULT = "castore" :}
+| i_checkcast {: RESULT = "checkcast" :}
+| i_d2f {: RESULT = "d2f" :}
+| i_d2i {: RESULT = "d2i" :}
+| i_d2l {: RESULT = "d2l" :}
+| i_dadd {: RESULT = "dadd" :}
+| i_daload {: RESULT = "daload" :}
+| i_dastore {: RESULT = "dastore" :}
+| i_dcmpg {: RESULT = "dcmpg" :}
+| i_dcmpl {: RESULT = "dcmpl" :}
+| i_dconst_0 {: RESULT = "dconst_0" :}
+| i_dconst_1 {: RESULT = "dconst_1" :}
+| i_ddiv {: RESULT = "ddiv" :}
+| i_dload {: RESULT = "dload" :}
+| i_dload_0 {: RESULT = "dload_0" :}
+| i_dload_1 {: RESULT = "dload_1" :}
+| i_dload_2 {: RESULT = "dload_2" :}
+| i_dload_3 {: RESULT = "dload_3" :}
+| i_dmul {: RESULT = "dmul" :}
+| i_dneg {: RESULT = "dneg" :}
+| i_drem {: RESULT = "drem" :}
+| i_dreturn {: RESULT = "dreturn" :}
+| i_dstore {: RESULT = "dstore" :}
+| i_dstore_0 {: RESULT = "dstore_0" :}
+| i_dstore_1 {: RESULT = "dstore_1" :}
+| i_dstore_2 {: RESULT = "dstore_2" :}
+| i_dstore_3 {: RESULT = "dstore_3" :}
+| i_dsub {: RESULT = "dsub" :}
+| i_dup {: RESULT = "dup" :}
+| i_dup2 {: RESULT = "dup2" :}
+| i_dup2_x1 {: RESULT = "dup2_x1" :}
+| i_dup2_x2 {: RESULT = "dup2_x2" :}
+| i_dup_x1 {: RESULT = "dup_x1" :}
+| i_dup_x2 {: RESULT = "dup_x2" :}
+| i_f2d {: RESULT = "f2d" :}
+| i_f2i {: RESULT = "f2i" :}
+| i_f2l {: RESULT = "f2l" :}
+| i_fadd {: RESULT = "fadd" :}
+| i_faload {: RESULT = "faload" :}
+| i_fastore {: RESULT = "fastore" :}
+| i_fcmpg {: RESULT = "fcmpg" :}
+| i_fcmpl {: RESULT = "fcmpl" :}
+| i_fconst_0 {: RESULT = "fconst_0" :}
+| i_fconst_1 {: RESULT = "fconst_1" :}
+| i_fconst_2 {: RESULT = "fconst_2" :}
+| i_fdiv {: RESULT = "fdiv" :}
+| i_fload {: RESULT = "fload" :}
+| i_fload_0 {: RESULT = "fload_0" :}
+| i_fload_1 {: RESULT = "fload_1" :}
+| i_fload_2 {: RESULT = "fload_2" :}
+| i_fload_3 {: RESULT = "fload_3" :}
+| i_fmul {: RESULT = "fmul" :}
+| i_fneg {: RESULT = "fneg" :}
+| i_frem {: RESULT = "frem" :}
+| i_freturn {: RESULT = "freturn" :}
+| i_fstore {: RESULT = "fstore" :}
+| i_fstore_0 {: RESULT = "fstore_0" :}
+| i_fstore_1 {: RESULT = "fstore_1" :}
+| i_fstore_2 {: RESULT = "fstore_2" :}
+| i_fstore_3 {: RESULT = "fstore_3" :}
+| i_fsub {: RESULT = "fsub" :}
+| i_getfield {: RESULT = "getfield" :}
+| i_getstatic {: RESULT = "getstatic" :}
+| i_goto {: RESULT = "goto" :}
+| i_goto_w {: RESULT = "goto_w" :}
+| i_i2d {: RESULT = "i2d" :}
+| i_i2f {: RESULT = "i2f" :}
+| i_i2l {: RESULT = "i2l" :}
+| i_iadd {: RESULT = "iadd" :}
+| i_iaload {: RESULT = "iaload" :}
+| i_iand {: RESULT = "iand" :}
+| i_iastore {: RESULT = "iastore" :}
+| i_iconst_0 {: RESULT = "iconst_0" :}
+| i_iconst_1 {: RESULT = "iconst_1" :}
+| i_iconst_2 {: RESULT = "iconst_2" :}
+| i_iconst_3 {: RESULT = "iconst_3" :}
+| i_iconst_4 {: RESULT = "iconst_4" :}
+| i_iconst_5 {: RESULT = "iconst_5" :}
+| i_iconst_m1 {: RESULT = "iconst_m1" :}
+| i_idiv {: RESULT = "idiv" :}
+| i_if_acmpeq {: RESULT = "if_acmpeq" :}
+| i_if_acmpne {: RESULT = "if_acmpne" :}
+| i_if_icmpeq {: RESULT = "if_icmpeq" :}
+| i_if_icmpge {: RESULT = "if_icmpge" :}
+| i_if_icmpgt {: RESULT = "if_icmpgt" :}
+| i_if_icmple {: RESULT = "if_icmple" :}
+| i_if_icmplt {: RESULT = "if_icmplt" :}
+| i_if_icmpne {: RESULT = "if_icmpne" :}
+| i_ifeq {: RESULT = "ifeq" :}
+| i_ifge {: RESULT = "ifge" :}
+| i_ifgt {: RESULT = "ifgt" :}
+| i_ifle {: RESULT = "ifle" :}
+| i_iflt {: RESULT = "iflt" :}
+| i_ifne {: RESULT = "ifne" :}
+| i_ifnonnull {: RESULT = "ifnonnull" :}
+| i_ifnull {: RESULT = "ifnull" :}
+| i_iinc {: RESULT = "iinc" :}
+| i_iload {: RESULT = "iload" :}
+| i_iload_0 {: RESULT = "iload_0" :}
+| i_iload_1 {: RESULT = "iload_1" :}
+| i_iload_2 {: RESULT = "iload_2" :}
+| i_iload_3 {: RESULT = "iload_3" :}
+| i_imul {: RESULT = "imul" :}
+| i_ineg {: RESULT = "ineg" :}
+| i_instanceof {: RESULT = "instanceof" :}
+| i_int2byte {: RESULT = "int2byte" :}
+| i_int2char {: RESULT = "int2char" :}
+| i_int2short {: RESULT = "int2short" :}
+| i_i2b {: RESULT = "i2b" :}
+| i_i2c {: RESULT = "i2c" :}
+| i_i2s {: RESULT = "i2s" :}
+| i_invokeinterface {: RESULT = "invokeinterface" :}
+| i_invokenonvirtual {: RESULT = "invokenonvirtual" :}
+| i_invokespecial {: RESULT = "invokespecial" :}
+| i_invokestatic {: RESULT = "invokestatic" :}
+| i_invokevirtual {: RESULT = "invokevirtual" :}
+| i_invokedynamic {: RESULT = "invokedynamic" :}
+| i_ior {: RESULT = "ior" :}
+| i_irem {: RESULT = "irem" :}
+| i_ireturn {: RESULT = "ireturn" :}
+| i_ishl {: RESULT = "ishl" :}
+| i_ishr {: RESULT = "ishr" :}
+| i_istore {: RESULT = "istore" :}
+| i_istore_0 {: RESULT = "istore_0" :}
+| i_istore_1 {: RESULT = "istore_1" :}
+| i_istore_2 {: RESULT = "istore_2" :}
+| i_istore_3 {: RESULT = "istore_3" :}
+| i_isub {: RESULT = "isub" :}
+| i_iushr {: RESULT = "iushr" :}
+| i_ixor {: RESULT = "ixor" :}
+| i_jsr {: RESULT = "jsr" :}
+| i_jsr_w {: RESULT = "jsr_w" :}
+| i_l2d {: RESULT = "l2d" :}
+| i_l2f {: RESULT = "l2f" :}
+| i_l2i {: RESULT = "l2i" :}
+| i_ladd {: RESULT = "ladd" :}
+| i_laload {: RESULT = "laload" :}
+| i_land {: RESULT = "land" :}
+| i_lastore {: RESULT = "lastore" :}
+| i_lcmp {: RESULT = "lcmp" :}
+| i_lconst_0 {: RESULT = "lconst_0" :}
+| i_lconst_1 {: RESULT = "lconst_1" :}
+| i_ldc {: RESULT = "ldc" :}
+| i_ldc_w {: RESULT = "ldc_w" :}
+| i_ldc2_w {: RESULT = "ldc2_w" :}
+| i_ldiv {: RESULT = "ldiv" :}
+| i_lload {: RESULT = "lload" :}
+| i_lload_0 {: RESULT = "lload_0" :}
+| i_lload_1 {: RESULT = "lload_1" :}
+| i_lload_2 {: RESULT = "lload_2" :}
+| i_lload_3 {: RESULT = "lload_3" :}
+| i_lmul {: RESULT = "lmul" :}
+| i_lneg {: RESULT = "lneg" :}
+| i_lookupswitch {: RESULT = "lookupswitch" :}
+| i_lor {: RESULT = "lor" :}
+| i_lrem {: RESULT = "lrem" :}
+| i_lreturn {: RESULT = "lreturn" :}
+| i_lshl {: RESULT = "lshl" :}
+| i_lshr {: RESULT = "lshr" :}
+| i_lstore {: RESULT = "lstore" :}
+| i_lstore_0 {: RESULT = "lstore_0" :}
+| i_lstore_1 {: RESULT = "lstore_1" :}
+| i_lstore_2 {: RESULT = "lstore_2" :}
+| i_lstore_3 {: RESULT = "lstore_3" :}
+| i_lsub {: RESULT = "lsub" :}
+| i_lushr {: RESULT = "lushr" :}
+| i_lxor {: RESULT = "lxor" :}
+| i_monitorenter {: RESULT = "monitorenter" :}
+| i_monitorexit {: RESULT = "monitorexit" :}
+| i_multianewarray {: RESULT = "multianewarray" :}
+| i_new {: RESULT = "new" :}
+| i_newarray {: RESULT = "newarray" :}
+| i_nop {: RESULT = "nop" :}
+| i_pop {: RESULT = "pop" :}
+| i_pop2 {: RESULT = "pop2" :}
+| i_putfield {: RESULT = "putfield" :}
+| i_putstatic {: RESULT = "putstatic" :}
+| i_ret {: RESULT = "ret" :}
+| i_ret_w {: RESULT = "ret_w" :}
+| i_return {: RESULT = "return" :}
+| i_saload {: RESULT = "saload" :}
+| i_sastore {: RESULT = "sastore" :}
+| i_sipush {: RESULT = "sipush" :}
+| i_swap {: RESULT = "swap" :}
+| i_tableswitch {: RESULT = "tableswitch" :}
+| i_wide {: RESULT = "wide" :}
 access ::=
     {: access_val = 0; :}
@@ -231,7 +473,7 @@ access_item ::=
 // ---- Superclass specification
 super_spec ::=
-    DSUPER classname:name SEP
+    DSUPER Word_plus_keywords:name SEP
@@ -248,7 +490,7 @@ impls ::= implements_list | /* empty */ ;
 implements_list ::= implements_list implements_spec | implements_spec ;
-implements_spec ::= DIMPLEMENTS classname:name SEP
+implements_spec ::= DIMPLEMENTS Word_plus_keywords:name SEP
 	{: classFile.addInterface(name); :}
@@ -532,7 +774,7 @@ line_expr ::=
 // .throws <class>
 throws_expr ::=
-    classname:s
+    Word_plus_keywords:s
@@ -540,7 +782,7 @@ throws_expr ::=
 // .catch <class> from <label1> to <label2> using <branchlab>
 catch_expr ::=
-    classname:aclass FROM Word:fromlab TO Word:tolab USING Word:branchlab
+    Word_plus_keywords:aclass FROM Word:fromlab TO Word:tolab USING Word:branchlab
                             fromlab, tolab,
@@ -588,22 +830,22 @@ simple_instruction ::=
             classFile.plant(i, n);
-    Insn:i Word:n
+    Insn:i Word_plus_keywords:n
             classFile.plant(i, n);
-    Insn:i Word:n Int:n2
+    Insn:i Word_plus_keywords:n Int:n2
             classFile.plant(i, n, n2.intValue());
-    Insn:i Word:n1 Word:n2
+    Insn:i Word_plus_keywords:n1 Word_plus_keywords:n2
             classFile.plant(i, n1, n2);
-    Insn:i Str:n1 Word:n2 Word:n3
+    Insn:i Str:n1 Word_plus_keywords:n2 Word_plus_keywords:n3
             classFile.plant(i, n1, n2, n3);

The diff for this file was not included because it is too large.

@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
-// The following code was generated by CUP v0.10k
-// Thu Jan 05 19:36:41 CET 2012
+// The following code was generated by CUP v0.11b beta 20140226
 package jasmin;
@@ -9,86 +8,583 @@ package jasmin;
 /** CUP generated class containing symbol constants. */
 public class sym {
   /* terminals */
+  public static final int i_fneg = 150;
+  public static final int i_lxor = 264;
+  public static final int i_fstore_3 = 157;
+  public static final int i_ireturn = 217;
+  public static final int i_baload = 93;
+  public static final int i_fstore_2 = 156;
+  public static final int i_fstore_1 = 155;
+  public static final int i_fstore_0 = 154;
+  public static final int i_wide = 283;
+  public static final int i_iaload = 167;
+  public static final int i_ifnull = 193;
+  public static final int i_dadd = 103;
+  public static final int Word = 285;
+  public static final int BOOL_KIND = 37;
+  public static final int i_iload = 195;
+  public static final int i_ddiv = 110;
+  public static final int DANNOT_ELEM = 47;
+  public static final int i_if_acmpne = 179;
+  public static final int i_lsub = 262;
+  public static final int INTERFACE = 58;
+  public static final int NATIVE = 59;
+  public static final int i_dstore = 120;
+  public static final int i_lastore = 236;
+  public static final int DCLASS_ATTR = 18;
+  public static final int i_imul = 200;
+  public static final int i_ishr = 219;
+  public static final int STR_KIND = 45;
+  public static final int CLS_KIND = 44;
+  public static final int i_ret_w = 276;
+  public static final int i_ishl = 218;
+  public static final int i_invokespecial = 211;
+  public static final int i_lreturn = 254;
+  public static final int i_fsub = 158;
   public static final int FROM = 54;
-  public static final int INT_KIND = 33;
+  public static final int i_dconst_1 = 109;
+  public static final int i_dconst_0 = 108;
+  public static final int EQ = 73;
+  public static final int SEP = 74;
+  public static final int i_putfield = 273;
+  public static final int DEND = 4;
+  public static final int i_int2char = 204;
+  public static final int i_i2s = 208;
+  public static final int i_i2l = 165;
+  public static final int i_ifne = 191;
+  public static final int i_sastore = 279;
+  public static final int i_i2f = 164;
+  public static final int i_i2d = 163;
+  public static final int i_dup2_x2 = 129;
+  public static final int i_i2c = 207;
+  public static final int i_dup2_x1 = 128;
+  public static final int i_iushr = 226;
+  public static final int i_i2b = 206;
+  public static final int FLOAT_KIND = 40;
+  public static final int i_aaload = 76;
+  public static final int i_iconst_m1 = 176;
+  public static final int i_multianewarray = 267;
+  public static final int DLIMIT = 6;
+  public static final int i_dup_x2 = 131;
+  public static final int i_dup_x1 = 130;
+  public static final int DELEM = 48;
+  public static final int i_if_icmpgt = 182;
+  public static final int Str = 284;
+  public static final int i_if_icmpge = 181;
+  public static final int DANNOT_DEFAULT = 49;
+  public static final int i_iflt = 190;
+  public static final int i_fload_3 = 148;
+  public static final int i_fload_2 = 147;
+  public static final int i_fload_1 = 146;
+  public static final int i_fload_0 = 145;
+  public static final int DEFAULT = 72;
+  public static final int i_ifle = 189;
+  public static final int DRUNTIME_PARAM_VISIBLE = 29;
   public static final int DPARAM_ANNOT_ATTR = 50;
-  public static final int DCLASS = 3;
-  public static final int STRICTFP = 67;
+  public static final int i_fload = 144;
+  public static final int i_jsr = 228;
+  public static final int i_if_icmpeq = 180;
+  public static final int i_checkcast = 99;
+  public static final int ENUM_KIND = 43;
+  public static final int EOF = 0;
+  public static final int i_dmul = 116;
+  public static final int i_dstore_3 = 124;
+  public static final int i_dstore_2 = 123;
+  public static final int i_dstore_1 = 122;
+  public static final int i_dstore_0 = 121;
+  public static final int i_ladd = 233;
+  public static final int i_goto = 161;
+  public static final int i_iload_3 = 199;
+  public static final int i_iload_2 = 198;
+  public static final int i_iload_1 = 197;
+  public static final int i_iload_0 = 196;
+  public static final int PUBLIC = 62;
+  public static final int INT_KIND = 33;
+  public static final int i_ldiv = 243;
+  public static final int FINAL = 57;
+  public static final int i_aastore = 77;
+  public static final int i_lookupswitch = 251;
   public static final int DVAR = 14;
-  public static final int DSUPER = 10;
-  public static final int DANNOT_ELEM = 47;
-  public static final int ENUM = 69;
-  public static final int Insn = 78;
-  public static final int TABLESWITCH = 71;
-  public static final int Int = 79;
-  public static final int LOOKUPSWITCH = 70;
+  public static final int i_fadd = 135;
+  public static final int i_breakpoint = 96;
+  public static final int i_areturn = 85;
+  public static final int i_fdiv = 143;
+  public static final int i_istore = 220;
+  public static final int DMETHOD = 8;
+  public static final int i_ldc = 240;
+  public static final int i_jsr_w = 229;
+  public static final int i_dload = 111;
   public static final int TRANSIENT = 65;
-  public static final int STR_KIND = 45;
-  public static final int PROTECTED = 61;
-  public static final int ARR_KIND = 41;
-  public static final int DARR_ELEM = 46;
-  public static final int BOOL_KIND = 37;
-  public static final int ANN_KIND = 42;
-  public static final int FINAL = 57;
-  public static final int DSOURCE = 12;
-  public static final int ENUM_KIND = 43;
+  public static final int i_lload_3 = 248;
+  public static final int i_l2i = 232;
+  public static final int i_lload_2 = 247;
+  public static final int DINNER_CLASS_SPEC_ATTR = 22;
+  public static final int i_lload_1 = 246;
+  public static final int i_lload_0 = 245;
+  public static final int i_l2f = 231;
+  public static final int i_iinc = 194;
+  public static final int i_l2d = 230;
+  public static final int i_if_acmpeq = 178;
+  public static final int i_int2short = 205;
+  public static final int i_lconst_1 = 239;
+  public static final int Num = 287;
+  public static final int i_d2l = 102;
+  public static final int i_nop = 270;
+  public static final int i_lconst_0 = 238;
   public static final int DANNOTATION_ATTR = 31;
-  public static final int EQ = 73;
-  public static final int LONG_KIND = 38;
-  public static final int ABSTRACT = 56;
-  public static final int DCLASS_ATTR = 18;
-  public static final int DINTERFACE = 16;
+  public static final int i_lcmp = 237;
+  public static final int i_d2i = 101;
+  public static final int i_ifgt = 188;
+  public static final int i_iand = 168;
+  public static final int i_d2f = 100;
+  public static final int i_dastore = 105;
+  public static final int COLON = 75;
   public static final int DFIELD_ATTR = 19;
-  public static final int CLS_KIND = 44;
-  public static final int NATIVE = 59;
-  public static final int DINNER_CLASS_ATTR = 21;
-  public static final int DRUNTIME_PARAM_VISIBLE = 29;
-  public static final int DTHROWS = 13;
-  public static final int INTERFACE = 58;
-  public static final int DDEPRECATED = 25;
-  public static final int DANNOT_DEFAULT = 49;
-  public static final int DSET = 9;
-  public static final int DFIELD = 5;
-  public static final int DLIMIT = 6;
-  public static final int PUBLIC = 62;
-  public static final int DRUNTIME_PARAM_INVISIBLE = 30;
+  public static final int i_ifge = 187;
+  public static final int i_dreturn = 119;
+  public static final int i_ldc2_w = 242;
+  public static final int i_faload = 136;
+  public static final int DIMPLEMENTS = 15;
+  public static final int i_monitorenter = 265;
+  public static final int SHORT_KIND = 36;
+  public static final int i_irem = 216;
+  public static final int METHOD = 55;
+  public static final int DOUB_KIND = 39;
+  public static final int i_ineg = 201;
+  public static final int i_ifeq = 186;
+  public static final int i_astore = 87;
   public static final int DNOSUPER = 11;
-  public static final int DEND = 4;
-  public static final int DMETHOD = 8;
+  public static final int DFIELD = 5;
+  public static final int i_astore_3 = 91;
+  public static final int i_astore_2 = 90;
+  public static final int i_astore_1 = 89;
+  public static final int TO = 51;
+  public static final int i_astore_0 = 88;
+  public static final int DCODE_ATTR = 17;
+  public static final int i_castore = 98;
+  public static final int CHAR_KIND = 35;
+  public static final int i_fconst_2 = 142;
+  public static final int i_fconst_1 = 141;
+  public static final int i_fconst_0 = 140;
+  public static final int i_ixor = 227;
+  public static final int i_invokeinterface = 209;
+  public static final int i_dup2 = 127;
+  public static final int i_newarray = 269;
+  public static final int i_arraylength = 86;
+  public static final int i_lmul = 249;
+  public static final int i_lshr = 256;
+  public static final int i_lshl = 255;
   public static final int DRUNTIME_VISIBLE = 27;
-  public static final int DANNOTATION = 32;
-  public static final int EOF = 0;
-  public static final int DEFAULT = 72;
   public static final int DRUNTIME_INVISIBLE = 28;
-  public static final int DENCLOSING_METH = 24;
-  public static final int DOUB_KIND = 39;
-  public static final int IS = 53;
-  public static final int DINNER_CLASS_SPEC_ATTR = 22;
-  public static final int METHOD = 55;
-  public static final int DSIG_ATTR = 26;
-  public static final int error = 1;
-  public static final int Word = 77;
-  public static final int SYNCHRONIZED = 64;
+  public static final int DDEPRECATED = 25;
+  public static final int i_isub = 225;
+  public static final int DARR_ELEM = 46;
+  public static final int i_putstatic = 274;
+  public static final int i_aload = 79;
+  public static final int PROTECTED = 61;
+  public static final int TABLESWITCH = 71;
+  public static final int i_laload = 234;
   public static final int DMETHOD_ATTR = 20;
-  public static final int SEP = 74;
-  public static final int ANNOTATION = 68;
-  public static final int SHORT_KIND = 36;
-  public static final int FLOAT_KIND = 40;
-  public static final int COLON = 75;
+  public static final int i_getstatic = 160;
+  public static final int i_fmul = 149;
+  public static final int DRUNTIME_PARAM_INVISIBLE = 30;
+  public static final int i_iconst_5 = 175;
+  public static final int i_iconst_4 = 174;
+  public static final int i_iconst_3 = 173;
+  public static final int i_iconst_2 = 172;
+  public static final int i_iconst_1 = 171;
+  public static final int i_iconst_0 = 170;
+  public static final int BYTE_KIND = 34;
   public static final int USING = 52;
+  public static final int DINNER_CLASS_ATTR = 21;
+  public static final int i_aload_3 = 83;
+  public static final int i_aload_2 = 82;
+  public static final int i_aload_1 = 81;
+  public static final int i_aload_0 = 80;
+  public static final int i_ldc_w = 241;
+  public static final int LONG_KIND = 38;
+  public static final int i_goto_w = 162;
+  public static final int i_ior = 215;
+  public static final int i_drem = 118;
+  public static final int DENCLOSING_METH = 24;
   public static final int DLINE = 7;
-  public static final int DCATCH = 2;
+  public static final int i_dneg = 117;
+  public static final int error = 1;
+  public static final int ANNOTATION = 68;
+  public static final int i_dup = 126;
+  public static final int i_fcmpl = 139;
+  public static final int i_fcmpg = 138;
+  public static final int i_invokenonvirtual = 210;
+  public static final int i_invokestatic = 212;
+  public static final int ENUM = 69;
+  public static final int i_dload_3 = 115;
+  public static final int i_dload_2 = 114;
+  public static final int i_dload_1 = 113;
+  public static final int i_tableswitch = 282;
+  public static final int i_dload_0 = 112;
+  public static final int DTHROWS = 13;
   public static final int VOLATILE = 66;
-  public static final int CHAR_KIND = 35;
-  public static final int DIMPLEMENTS = 15;
-  public static final int PRIVATE = 60;
-  public static final int TO = 51;
+  public static final int i_daload = 104;
+  public static final int i_sipush = 280;
   public static final int STATIC = 63;
-  public static final int Str = 76;
-  public static final int DCODE_ATTR = 17;
-  public static final int Num = 80;
-  public static final int BYTE_KIND = 34;
-  public static final int DELEM = 48;
+  public static final int i_aconst_null = 78;
+  public static final int i_dsub = 125;
+  public static final int i_fstore = 153;
+  public static final int i_ret = 275;
+  public static final int i_istore_3 = 224;
+  public static final int i_new = 268;
+  public static final int i_istore_2 = 223;
+  public static final int i_istore_1 = 222;
+  public static final int i_istore_0 = 221;
+  public static final int DINTERFACE = 16;
+  public static final int i_iadd = 166;
+  public static final int i_return = 277;
+  public static final int i_invokedynamic = 214;
+  public static final int ABSTRACT = 56;
+  public static final int i_lload = 244;
+  public static final int SYNCHRONIZED = 64;
+  public static final int i_idiv = 177;
+  public static final int i_dcmpl = 107;
+  public static final int i_getfield = 159;
+  public static final int i_dcmpg = 106;
+  public static final int i_instanceof = 202;
+  public static final int i_bipush = 95;
+  public static final int DANNOTATION = 32;
+  public static final int i_athrow = 92;
+  public static final int STRICTFP = 67;
+  public static final int ANN_KIND = 42;
+  public static final int i_caload = 97;
+  public static final int LOOKUPSWITCH = 70;
+  public static final int i_lstore_3 = 261;
+  public static final int i_lstore_2 = 260;
+  public static final int i_lstore_1 = 259;
+  public static final int i_land = 235;
+  public static final int i_lstore_0 = 258;
   public static final int DSYNTHETIC = 23;
+  public static final int DCLASS = 3;
+  public static final int i_f2l = 134;
+  public static final int i_pop = 271;
+  public static final int i_saload = 278;
+  public static final int i_f2i = 133;
+  public static final int i_fastore = 137;
+  public static final int PRIVATE = 60;
+  public static final int i_lor = 252;
+  public static final int i_if_icmpne = 185;
+  public static final int i_f2d = 132;
+  public static final int i_int2byte = 203;
+  public static final int i_bastore = 94;
+  public static final int DSIG_ATTR = 26;
+  public static final int i_freturn = 152;
+  public static final int DSET = 9;
+  public static final int DSOURCE = 12;
+  public static final int i_lstore = 257;
+  public static final int i_lrem = 253;
+  public static final int Int = 286;
+  public static final int i_anewarray = 84;
+  public static final int IS = 53;
+  public static final int i_lushr = 263;
+  public static final int i_swap = 281;
+  public static final int i_invokevirtual = 213;
+  public static final int i_monitorexit = 266;
+  public static final int i_lneg = 250;
+  public static final int i_pop2 = 272;
+  public static final int i_if_icmplt = 184;
+  public static final int ARR_KIND = 41;
+  public static final int i_frem = 151;
+  public static final int i_if_icmple = 183;
+  public static final int i_iastore = 169;
+  public static final int i_ifnonnull = 192;
+  public static final int DSUPER = 10;
+  public static final int DCATCH = 2;
+  public static final String[] terminalNames = new String[] {
+  "EOF",
+  "error",
+  "DCATCH",
+  "DCLASS",
+  "DEND",
+  "DFIELD",
+  "DLIMIT",
+  "DLINE",
+  "DSET",
+  "DSUPER",
+  "DVAR",
+  "INT_KIND",
+  "ARR_KIND",
+  "ANN_KIND",
+  "CLS_KIND",
+  "STR_KIND",
+  "DELEM",
+  "TO",
+  "USING",
+  "IS",
+  "FROM",
+  "METHOD",
+  "FINAL",
+  "NATIVE",
+  "PUBLIC",
+  "STATIC",
+  "ENUM",
+  "EQ",
+  "SEP",
+  "COLON",
+  "i_aaload",
+  "i_aastore",
+  "i_aconst_null",
+  "i_aload",
+  "i_aload_0",
+  "i_aload_1",
+  "i_aload_2",
+  "i_aload_3",
+  "i_anewarray",
+  "i_areturn",
+  "i_arraylength",
+  "i_astore",
+  "i_astore_0",
+  "i_astore_1",
+  "i_astore_2",
+  "i_astore_3",
+  "i_athrow",
+  "i_baload",
+  "i_bastore",
+  "i_bipush",
+  "i_breakpoint",
+  "i_caload",
+  "i_castore",
+  "i_checkcast",
+  "i_d2f",
+  "i_d2i",
+  "i_d2l",
+  "i_dadd",
+  "i_daload",
+  "i_dastore",
+  "i_dcmpg",
+  "i_dcmpl",
+  "i_dconst_0",
+  "i_dconst_1",
+  "i_ddiv",
+  "i_dload",
+  "i_dload_0",
+  "i_dload_1",
+  "i_dload_2",
+  "i_dload_3",
+  "i_dmul",
+  "i_dneg",
+  "i_drem",
+  "i_dreturn",
+  "i_dstore",
+  "i_dstore_0",
+  "i_dstore_1",
+  "i_dstore_2",
+  "i_dstore_3",
+  "i_dsub",
+  "i_dup",
+  "i_dup2",
+  "i_dup2_x1",
+  "i_dup2_x2",
+  "i_dup_x1",
+  "i_dup_x2",
+  "i_f2d",
+  "i_f2i",
+  "i_f2l",
+  "i_fadd",
+  "i_faload",
+  "i_fastore",
+  "i_fcmpg",
+  "i_fcmpl",
+  "i_fconst_0",
+  "i_fconst_1",
+  "i_fconst_2",
+  "i_fdiv",
+  "i_fload",
+  "i_fload_0",
+  "i_fload_1",
+  "i_fload_2",
+  "i_fload_3",
+  "i_fmul",
+  "i_fneg",
+  "i_frem",
+  "i_freturn",
+  "i_fstore",
+  "i_fstore_0",
+  "i_fstore_1",
+  "i_fstore_2",
+  "i_fstore_3",
+  "i_fsub",
+  "i_getfield",
+  "i_getstatic",
+  "i_goto",
+  "i_goto_w",
+  "i_i2d",
+  "i_i2f",
+  "i_i2l",
+  "i_iadd",
+  "i_iaload",
+  "i_iand",
+  "i_iastore",
+  "i_iconst_0",
+  "i_iconst_1",
+  "i_iconst_2",
+  "i_iconst_3",
+  "i_iconst_4",
+  "i_iconst_5",
+  "i_iconst_m1",
+  "i_idiv",
+  "i_if_acmpeq",
+  "i_if_acmpne",
+  "i_if_icmpeq",
+  "i_if_icmpge",
+  "i_if_icmpgt",
+  "i_if_icmple",
+  "i_if_icmplt",
+  "i_if_icmpne",
+  "i_ifeq",
+  "i_ifge",
+  "i_ifgt",
+  "i_ifle",
+  "i_iflt",
+  "i_ifne",
+  "i_ifnonnull",
+  "i_ifnull",
+  "i_iinc",
+  "i_iload",
+  "i_iload_0",
+  "i_iload_1",
+  "i_iload_2",
+  "i_iload_3",
+  "i_imul",
+  "i_ineg",
+  "i_instanceof",
+  "i_int2byte",
+  "i_int2char",
+  "i_int2short",
+  "i_i2b",
+  "i_i2c",
+  "i_i2s",
+  "i_invokeinterface",
+  "i_invokenonvirtual",
+  "i_invokespecial",
+  "i_invokestatic",
+  "i_invokevirtual",
+  "i_invokedynamic",
+  "i_ior",
+  "i_irem",
+  "i_ireturn",
+  "i_ishl",
+  "i_ishr",
+  "i_istore",
+  "i_istore_0",
+  "i_istore_1",
+  "i_istore_2",
+  "i_istore_3",
+  "i_isub",
+  "i_iushr",
+  "i_ixor",
+  "i_jsr",
+  "i_jsr_w",
+  "i_l2d",
+  "i_l2f",
+  "i_l2i",
+  "i_ladd",
+  "i_laload",
+  "i_land",
+  "i_lastore",
+  "i_lcmp",
+  "i_lconst_0",
+  "i_lconst_1",
+  "i_ldc",
+  "i_ldc_w",
+  "i_ldc2_w",
+  "i_ldiv",
+  "i_lload",
+  "i_lload_0",
+  "i_lload_1",
+  "i_lload_2",
+  "i_lload_3",
+  "i_lmul",
+  "i_lneg",
+  "i_lookupswitch",
+  "i_lor",
+  "i_lrem",
+  "i_lreturn",
+  "i_lshl",
+  "i_lshr",
+  "i_lstore",
+  "i_lstore_0",
+  "i_lstore_1",
+  "i_lstore_2",
+  "i_lstore_3",
+  "i_lsub",
+  "i_lushr",
+  "i_lxor",
+  "i_monitorenter",
+  "i_monitorexit",
+  "i_multianewarray",
+  "i_new",
+  "i_newarray",
+  "i_nop",
+  "i_pop",
+  "i_pop2",
+  "i_putfield",
+  "i_putstatic",
+  "i_ret",
+  "i_ret_w",
+  "i_return",
+  "i_saload",
+  "i_sastore",
+  "i_sipush",
+  "i_swap",
+  "i_tableswitch",
+  "i_wide",
+  "Str",
+  "Word",
+  "Int",
+  "Num"
+  };

Binary files /dev/null and b/src/tables.out/shortarray_0.obj differ

Binary files /dev/null and b/src/tables.out/shortarray_1.obj differ

Binary files /dev/null and b/src/tables.out/shortarray_2.obj differ

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/java-team/jasmin-sable/-/commit/8b89371e04ede1b1e56ee8a881a3030a27af5d7d

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/java-team/jasmin-sable/-/commit/8b89371e04ede1b1e56ee8a881a3030a27af5d7d
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