Bug#220237: libfop-java is a target of deborphan

Stefan Gybas sgybas@debian.org
Wed Nov 12 11:18:02 2003

reassign 220237 libfop-java

Ola Lundqvist wrote:

> This is a bug in deborphan not in fop.

No, deborphan is following Debian Policy here.

> I do not want to create a fop package just to contain the script that is
> just a couple of lines (less than 20).

I think you have to. From Policy 8.2:

8.2 Run-time support programs

If your package has some run-time support programs which use the shared 
library you must not put them in the shared library package. If you do 
that then you won't be able to install several versions of the shared 
library without getting filename clashes.

Putting the secript into the library package violates a "must" and is 
considered a serious bug.
